Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 04, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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PACt rivt
Advantages of
Will not card in mayonnaise.
Poes not imoke at cooking tenv
Doe not get rancid.
Does not discolor.
Economical can be used over and
Doea not carry the flavor of one
- food to another.
Wholly vegetable. Increases the.
nutritive value of food?.
Foods cooked vHth AMAIZO retain
their natural Savor.
Ask your grocer to give you
a copy of the
Cook Book
All of it TtdpM are tested and
pMcticaL Thsy u-ll you of the bvst
way of cooking simply ,easily and
with delicious, appetizing results.
If your grocar has no books left,
write ua to snail you one direct.
American Maize. Products Co.
41 Eatt 42nd St.. New York. N. Y.
Best for salads
AMAIZO is a most economical and
XJL delicious oil for salad dressings of
all kinds. It makes mayonnaise very
rapidly, never gets rancid, even in warm
weather; never curds.
With the yolk of one egg as a base for
mayonnaise AMAIZO OIL can be added
to make an almost unlimited quantity.
AMAIZO OIL is made from the hearts of
golden corn. Economical, rich and pure.
It has been used for years by chefs and
manufacturers of salad dressings.
AMAIZO OIL doesn't smoke at cooking
temperature. It doesn't discolor. You
can use the same AMAIZO for cooking
different foods, doughnuts, fish, cro
quettes oranythingyou wish. It does not
carry the flavor of one food to another.1
It is ideal for shortening. Easy to mea
sure, quick to mix.
In the Can With Hygienic Top .
Collects No Dust No Rust
American Maize-Products Co.
New York Chicago
? I irr
tt ZS K- A
left. For Home
t'fcs Vernice Paul, 'who has been
vl 4ing here at the home of her
brther, Walter G. Paul, and wife,
' fortmvpgsftwo monHieJ'loft fnrur
ay. for her home In Hollywood.
, Mr. Jtavi H
t,; Til B. Dsvis, who Is a resident of
j Glide, Is spending several days in
this city attending to business mat
ters. v.
" Red bird, Wild Fire. Bonny Illue,.
Blarney Stone. Kentucky Belle, Jeni
CO. They're off!
. n the band goes, we all go.
I Per Set
(32 pieces)
Large shipment dishes just
lain White. Gold Band,
V Decorated and Hand
f Painted
At lowest possible prices
Parslow Furniture
I Company
111 N.
Jackson Street
City Superintendent Gives In
fcrmaikn on Registration
and Kequirernents
School Officials Desire to Get
in Touch with Persons Who
Can Furnish Accommo
dations for Teachers
la order to aid students who
planning to attend theloral
Will soon be here. The young
folks like to have llioir clothing
In first class shape, and fof
sanitary reasons it should be
cleaned and pressed. We can
handle this work best, for you.
Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call
school and grade schools and also lor
! the advisement of the parents. City
! Superintendent M. S. Hamm has pre
I pared a large amount of data eoncern
i lng the opening of schools which If
carefully read and followed will ellm
! inate all confusion and make the open
I Ing of school orderly and effective.
! Particular attention Is called to the
i fact that the city superintendent de
! sires to Ret In touch with persons who
! have accomodations for teachers who
' will be employed here this year. He
I will also bo glad to hear from anyone
who can furnish work after school
hours and on holidays for students
who are endeavoring to earn their
way through schools.
The information given by Mr. Hamm
Is as follows:
'. High School Registration.
To enable both old and new stu
dents in plannimr their first semester's
work, the following dat will bo of
The subjects to bo taught In each
year are as follows:
English Ml: Algebra Ml; Creek
Roman History; Sewing I. Occupa
tions; nnd for those who plan to take
the complete Commercial course,
There is a big prlro
Myrtle Point Sept. 6th.
shoot on at
Until Further Notice We
Will Pay as Follows .
for Grain
No. 1 Cleaned Wheat, $1.00 Per Un.
Sacks and Scree nings Returned
No. 1 Grey Oats. Sacked, 45 Cents
Per hu.
No. 1 Barley, Sacked, $30.00 Per
The Douglas County Flour
Roscburg, Oregon
Penmanship and Spelling.
English 111-1V; Plane Geometry
MI; Cnesar: Physiology: Mediaval &
Modern History! .Commercial Geo
gruphy ; Bookkeeping I; Cooking I.
English V-Vl; Solid Geometry;
American History; Spanish I; Virgil:
Biology; Bookkeeping III: Shorthand
I; Typewriting I; and Cooking 1 or
Sewing III.
- Senior.
English Vn-VHI: 'Civics: Spanish
ill; wrgu: Physics; Shorthand 111
Typewriting III; and Sewing II.
Note: Sujects starred are required
or an students for graduation.
As usual the high school students
will choose their studies before
school opens. Seniors will register
on Monday, September 10th; Juniors,
Tuesday. September 11th: Sopho
mores, Wednesday, September 12lh;
and the Freshmen on Thursday or
rriuay. septemoer y.i-u. The hours
are from 8:30 to 12:00 a. m. md from
1:00 to 5:00 p. tn. In some classes the
number of students la limited. These
classes will be filled In order of regis
Entrance Requirement.
A graduate from the eighth grade of
any city scnool or one who holds an
Oregon eighth grade certificate or an
equivalent diploma from any other
state, may enter Roseburg High
ci.itoi.1. numenta naving taken high
scnool work elsewhere will be given
un crenn ror same If the school at
tended is standardized: othet-wiaa ..
animations mnst be taken in all sub-
jecis wnere credit In desired. Stu-
uems coming from districts where
nign scnoois are maintained shall
pay eacn semester In advance a tui
tion fee equal to the per capita cost
ui uie preceding scnool year.
Grade Schools.
section 4(iB of tho Oregon State
.-iciiooi toan, provides that, every
pnn ni or guardian having colli nil of
any child or children between and In
coming me agrs or nine and fifteen
years, shall ho required to send njich
child or children to nrhrw.l b.. ..
time it Is In session and for the failure
of complying with this act on the part
of any parent or guardian he shall be
liable to a fine of not lltl tliun IP Art
I nor more than ?2".(i0 or by imprison
Intent In Jail not less than Ivn tiir
iimu ifn oayn.
All persons of school age whose
parents or guardians are reglxtcrcd
voters in school distr.ct No. 4. Dnnirtns
county. Oregon "are entitled to Httond
the public school free of charge
who live outside of District No. 4 mav
be admitted lo the Koseburg glade
schools upon the payment m advance
or each senientor's tuition. prnr to
September 17. 1928 and January 2,
...- " K'""i flT, at the rale I
ui j. .i'i per semester. .
Pupil permanently " withdrawing
rrom school for unavoidable ramos
i-hall have refnnd-d to them Hie lul
Hon which wou'd have been ner-eK!trv
for the remainder of the semester or
New r!axsc in the lowest grade of
Ihe primury department shall be form
ed at the Iloe and Bcnnon school a
the beginning or each semester'No pu
pll commencing the work of the firM
year shall enier school during' any
semester later Ihsn the second Krlday
Any piipil becoming six years of ate'
prior to November 1, may enter the!
Fall class, while any pupil becoming
six years of age prior to March 1st
may enter the second semesie.- be
ginning class, providing there 1 room
for the Utter pupils.
B class pupils living west 'of the
railroad tracks shall attend school at
the Kullerton building. A clasa pu
pils shall attend the Rose school.
Pupils in all grudes who live on the
south sld of Washington St and
south or this street and east of the
railroad tracks shall attend school at
the Rose building. Pupils living on the
north side of Washington at. and north
from this street and.eaat of the rail
road tracks shall attend school at the
Benson building. Pupils on or near
these boundary limits may be trans
ferred from one school to another If
any grude becomes congested.
Each pupil shall be famished by his
patent with books and other mater-
. . . I nulul In tho. ... ..Ll..k V.'
belongs. A pupil should consult his
teacher before purchasing supplies. I
The list of the proper text books to
be obtained is on file at the Roseburg
uooK btore or in is information mayi
be obtained at the nearest school or
tho superintendent office.
M pupils as well as the TB pupils'
will purchase the American History ;
text by Mace. Those students elec-
ting high school physics will use the1
revised text. '
A check up of the enrollment of
last year and the school census point
to a record number of pupils to be ac-
comodated the coming term. Iucom-
Inir tenehera nillut he nrnviiloft tv-ith1
living accomodations. Anyone desir
ing to room or board a teacher should
write or phone Superintendent M. S.
Hamm. He will be glad also to receive
the name of any persons wanting the
services of high school boys or girls.
School Calendar. 1923-24.
First Semester.
September 10-14 Registration of
high school students.
September 17 Recitations begin.
October 26 First term ends.
November 29-30 Thanksgiving holi
December 7 Second term ends.
December 14 Visitation day.
December 22 Jan. 1 Christmas
January 22-25 Examinations.
January 25 Third term and first
semester end.
Second Semester.
Feb. 2 Washington's birthday.
March 7 Fourth term ends.
April 18 Fifth term ends.
-April 25 Visitation day.
May 23-28 Examinations.
May 80 Sixth term and second se
mester end.
May 29 Commencement
Talk about excitement. Say, boy, go
to Myrtle Point Sept. 6th.
i. ;
1-iorotneo, Abraham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abraham of this
cily. was on a Canadian liner due to
arrive in Yokahama. Japan. last Sun
day, and it Is very proboble that she
waB a witness to tho terrlhlo earth
quake and fire in Japan. The boat
wntcn she was. on arrived shortly
aner tne quaite and was probably
used as a relief ship. Mlsa Abraham
was enroute to China where she will
establish the homo economics de
partment of the True Light school, a
Pretbyterian Institution. 1
At a meeting of the Douglas county
prnne growers held at the cily hall at
Rosoburg, Saturday, Sept. first, a com
mittee was appointed to draft a set or
by-laws for the purpose of perfecting
a prune growers organization. A call
is therefore now issued to all Inde
pendent prune growers of Douglas
county to meet at the city hall of
Roseburg again on Saturday, Sept. 8,
at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of
completing this organization by elec
tion of officers, and ' adoption of by
laws, and other business that may
come before the meeting. Now, Mr.
Pruno Grower, if you are not present,
will beheld in
Medford, September 12-15
Some of the Attractions:
Auto and Motorcycle Races, Running and Harness
Races, Daring Aerial Stunts (day and night), Horse
Show, Splendid Exhibits of Stock and Products of Farm.
Orchard, Garden, Schools and Home.
On Saturday, September 15, all children in this county
under the ages of 16 years, when accompanied by guar
dian or parent, will be admitted free to the grounds and
to see the beautiful pictures, "The Man of Galilee" and
"The Village Blacksmith ,
Tickets must be secured by the children before the fair at
this office. Call for them now.
and something ia done that doea not
meet with your approval it is your
fault so you are urgently invited, for
we want the benefit of your presence,
and your minds.
R. A. HEUCHER, Chairman protein.
A very pretty home wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mr.
Carl Branlnger, near Wilbur, Ore
gon. Sunday evening, at ( p. m.,
when their daughter, Jessie Alice,
was Joined tn wedlock to Lenoir
Pearson Gruhbe, In the presence of
the Immediute relatives.
The maid of honor was Miss Lois
Grubbe, sister of the groom, and the
best man was C. G. Gruhhe, brother
of the groom. The wedding was on
the date of the groom's birthday.
The table was spread for wedding
lunch, there being seventeen seated.
Tho popular young couple were
the recipients of many useful pres
ent and tho hearty congratulations
of their many friends fur a happy
voyage on the sea of wedded- life.
After a short wedding trip they will
be at home to their many friends
with Ihe parents of the bride, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Kranlnger. Oiit-of-town
guests were Mr. and Mr. C. G.
Grubbe of Myrtle Creek. Rev. F.
Audley Drown officiated. X. X.
You are invited to inspect the new
Tall models at The Hat Shop.
The band goes. Go with the band.
A Superbo
Automatic Storage
Water Heater
and a full size
Both for $147.50
Tho Superlio give you 22 gallons of scalding hot water snv time,
day or niKht. Tank and healer are compleio in one unit, finished in
white enamel no range holler needed.
When hot water la exhausted, you bnvo hut 6 minutes to wait
to get more Instead of from 3 to S hours and 20 minutes will give
you all yon want for a bath.
A Special Water Neater Rate goes into effect Sept. 13,
as follows:
First 2000 cu. ft $2.50
All over 2000 cu. ft., per M 1.00
Minimum charge per month 2.50
Itemen.ber, tln-rc Is no upkeep of 1 12. ml or more pur year
nothing tn burn ojt
It Will Pay You to Investigate
Cas Is, Efficient and Economical Let Us Prove It
Southern Oregon Gas Company
To Portland
Mr. and Mrs. V,'. W. McDonald left
last night for Portland whero they
will attend to business and visit for
several day.
Home Krom I'orHaiul
Mr. L. lllaylock, who has been
vlBlting in Portland tor the past few
days, returned home this morning.
Speaking of races, some horse,
some drivers you will see at Slate
Just like in old Kontucky. They're
of breath
1 A r
V. 8. Weather Bureau, local office.
Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending S
a. m.
Precipitation In In, and Hundredth
Highest temperature yesterday.. 85
Lowest temperature last night... 52
Preclpllation last 24 hours ,
Total preclp. since first of month .30
Normal preclp. for this mouth... 1.04
Total preclp. from Bert 1. 1922,
to date 27 88
Aver, preclp. since Sept. 1, 1877.. 34.43
Total deficiency from Sent 1.
122 .........6.53
(Slept, to May, Inclusive) 31.39
Fair tonight and Wednesday.
They're off! Join the Iloseburg Day
caravan to Myrtle Point.
. Beginning Wed., Sept. 6. The newest
designs In pattern hats and novelties
at The Hat Shop.
Refuse Substitutes
Mrs. Evans Freed from Female
Weakness by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Detroit, Michigan. "I had femalo
Weaknesa with pains in my back, and
1 coEl.l not stand
in my feet for any
icnirtnoi tn
.in mi
time. 1 waa
working in a factory
Slit had to quit as
1 was too much on
my feet. A friend
recommended Lydia
V.. I'mkham's Vege
table Compound to
me, and 1 can hardly
believe it mvseff
that I am well. Oh,
it is a grand thinr to
have your health ! I feel well all the
time and can go out like other women
nd not feel that awful torture. When
I took your medicine first I thought it
should cure after the first bottle, but I
am glad my husband kept mo at It. I
have had nine buttles and now I nm
well." Mrs. Jknny Evans, lti4 La
fayette Blvd., IVtroit, Michigan.
If you are suffering from displace
ments, irrefnilariiiea, backache, ner
vousness or other formsof female weak
ness, you should take Lydia E. Pink
ham' Vegetable Compound.
The reason is given in letter Tike
these, and we have published thousands
of them. You may expect that a mcd-
i irine that has helped other wuuien will
If you
Paid cash
At this store
AUGUST 8, 1923
Bring in
Your slip ,
Before Sept. 10
And we will
Give back
The full amount
Of your purchase
In cash.
The Home of Hart Schaffnor
& Marx Clothes
Deipyou. iryiu