Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 22, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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I --"'IL
iiluirut to
me ("',( r unil lowi r,
i Tin- ; n ' 1 1 ui! . it t"! t- tn-atl..
iiiiiMtvMl in ; .uiim c. wiih jiiiiu-
Cl l;i: :r.itlttl ntt H Mi' l JK.Il' l iil
j : h Ion :t Mrlitiiu: hwitch I-v-r,
i':h ihWt'.nj: willful ol lliu v.lult
H il Iuihim nr. spt-r iallv i
' Id J:.u itmir u I' h the ih w
uhiriiitiuii (
lit l.t'Ht ii lUDUlll
en plalc hr.n J;
h;. in:: It; hi ii
I i 'h.l p;tH Iii
i ;t hih' kh i v. 'J h
!-.. -r. J:U' (he :.:!ir:,M
i .1 fui v-.ti ii, . ;:v i?i'i
nk i-i h'h.
u : t Ml-' It
j- i it v Im
.vii'i i in-: i
" 1 in np;i
wHl as
Marki'd imirov'-mwl in iippaiuin c
and cumfort is npp.mnt. la tin m'
line of JfcMlfcn Ilrollii'i Molor Car,
in the production of which the iaiy
hm been pathrriiii m'mnMit uni nine
July 1. Hundreds of dilns arc ;mw
BUpplicd with display rats of tin- n w
type, and from vwiy M'nitcc Hi- far
lory 1h rewlvin pmis (,f 'ithu iarf
tlc Approval by the public.
Willie the basic ih:iiiietTiyiics or
tb familiar I1k- ItunheiH earn ot
recent daH ar Mtill present, tin i,
an air of diatlnctivi-neHrt Hint surpass-
es all prcviouH cMort.H of tni com '
to build a uifMlecaieiy pin en
f'ommciKlublc aipcarance as
Tho whcelbasc la a tiifle iotr;- r
the body in lower and Hie rear pi iiu
changed to wenii ellipti al tpc an
underKluiiK. and increased fiom 4'
to 5.', lnh n in JenKtl-
Alt the features ho popular with tlx
public today are embodied in ihe tie
hin of the complete line, which in-,
cludea a tntirine car, roadster, rotipe,
two types m acdaii, and acrei n nb'
and panel imle coiiiinctcial earn of 3-1 ,
ton capacity. All ateel bodiea-iiK-firt
fntroduced by I)ode UioiIicih;
aeveral y;urs ai;o are now ujumI forj
all typea. i
The effect of the longer and lower,
body and longer wbccltiasc, nimliiiK
with the new linen' and lower seat;- ii. '
very fine. According to dealer nd .
others who have driven the new cara. .
the Imprrfveiiient in rhKiiK qualilief .
Is no letet pronounced than the im-(
provement in general design. 'J he ;
reductton in body hefubt lowers the
center of gravity and thereby rediiot.
aideway, while If bound nhoclts are ef
fectively dissipated by the improuM .
front and rear Hprliiyn. The car holds
the road e:'ily nnd gracefully and af-!
fords reul riding comfort
Auoihcr distinct new feature is the
Jouvera or ventiiaior Hlits in Ihe sides
of thH hood panels. This chaiiHe lu-!
creases the flow of air through the r.t- , Vititing Home Folk
diator and reduces the flow or hot ail Thurn an llddy, b
to the floor boards, makinK aunimer i n,,. l!;et ilrshlp
driving niont conifoi table. i now i.t llrenmlon. 1
i on rear hhil huh hh upiinMiert "i ,,,(111 pi;i l
Lined i
ih w body j
ui i-m sijL'
I lit'.idly o-i j
ket and con-1
iiiitii ot at!
ei'.ulai ioiiy. !
id of
hand Ira! e
:!if:,l.i; h v V, i.- inov-ijjoi'i-
U k loojii and
t! ;:-! iii end out. A
inio the nan: ici.s-pi.-.
-ihle to doiihl -n
Iieri is inaterhilly
;ir;iiue ;md ail elec-
in-.ide th''
tt if nl ' oiint cluiii.-t
siecrjn:; cohnun.
'ihe from .- prints are increased in
b iu:!h and from 1 II 1 to ! inches in
wiilil. hiid buiii of nioie e:tc;i (f a
Ih.nner Mod;. The r-ar spritu. in j
f.ddn'on ut bdr.i? loru-er, me now i
yenit-eUiptic and flat.
'lie- irciit axle i.s of a d. m: im-
u.ii.tlly htron-'. TImj car;ihi r, or in-iiil
ot the front wlu el., is in re;iseil, in.ik- ;
iiij: .teerii, la-ih-r. A ir w K''ar ra-j
iio of the lej.r axle irivea increased
liexibiiity and adds to the ability of .
)kI:'c Urolheir. cars as hill climb, ra.
In tl:v T io A sedan, the tipholslti v
1:; the fine si j:rad; of mohair velvet,:
and all interior huidwnre is of dis-
tn.r-tlve I toil je lirothf rs resign. T!ie
hu:-incs oitipe and business t'dan are '
finished in attractive Spani.-h bine
leather. ;
'lb.' fiscal year i nding July 1 v as
the tiiosi mums. .fill in the histry ol
Iodt;e I'.rotlurs, their licalf-rs InnLii'.
maikeied nupioAimately o.u.mi ci,;-. ,
'nh the improvements i,ow put int
el'ftet, ohviout-lv making the car bet-,
ter and more ntt.rat live In every way!
llietiL'h stiil leiaining the essential!
nl tribute to which the car owes it- j
l.reat pr;;i( -jl V, it SCt tns (Jllil'f CVl- 1
dent tuat this ciunp uiy has not et
n ached t!ie ma:i;.nmi of its poteii-,
tiatiib. d spiti the tremendous
cord of ear jic.t closed.
the touring car are removable, avoid
ing a larse space fr loading luiMe
or other articles. Scats in all t p(
I'cliT on board
Tex. is, v. Iiieii' i:. Sound, is
II r. and .Mrs. Ii.
J. ir.Tisite.ti, of .Stitheilin. Tiie
yoiir ur ;;:ii!or in Koseburg tlii.i
iiO'initm v iih Mr. llamiltii.
0 M
ISLAM D r y ; i .
vVy t ? . '
1 . Mil
- Kr' Circuit '
t- " fr - i .'.nil
- y t. 1 .JU ' 'J.-f-
i i 1 5
car loiids of tires-
Auk. 22
of th
! anii'.i.... "u
loHils of (jood. Wtdia. .:'
"How fM. " ."" Z
7 T s-wwr?" - .
'--r-ty UPPER 06CK S f
- -4 I .ft I Room
' iriii affile m
"m,"! sito, ,:,:' :
al kiiu ...
toUillnh- K',0u can-
I inKH a diiiKlu day's slilnui nt from
ilhi' bit Los AnRelfs plant!
' On Thursday, August 9th a record
ay, mudo from the Goodyear Factor-
i i- s whi n aeven car
yi-ar tires 'jot Angeles .Made for
Western Trade" left the nlant for
' the (looilyenr branches, car inatiufao
luieis aim i.uuuyeur ucmers Here in , """" 01 rua,i, . " :
! the west. . , H'Kantrous lip. ' I
. . vase, tranic manager, in
I coiiiineiitinK on this record shipment
says, "This marks the. Inrnost ample
! day's shiinnent of (ioodyear tires this
I year from the local factories and is
JfiittiiR evidence of lUe popularity of
I lioodyears among western car owners,
j "OccuriiiR, as it did, at a time when
the greatly increased track facilities
.servini; the plant were Just coniplet-
cd, this shipment of 12,000 tires
stands as a record for any siiiRlu day's
I shipment this year.
'WW Batten
' B' T!w, Pr
Wh'n the "Motor Princess" pooa
t-uii::,: she carries 50 automobiles
-itn her, and her Lruad hiifhnay is
water, not land. The "Muter
FrirccnV just ?uilt by the Cans-
rcoia!lv constructed autcmohilc leater Vanrou
. . . , ;tion.f ahnut 2. (
jirryi'niu in xne worm, ami a i.ew
fl'iinin link in the chain of friend
hit, I'tudinu the United Status anil
luiiailii Uiirether. Mi,ton:;ts joard
br !m rars at a time, at lielhtiK
bim. U':iih.. cross the Gulf of
-e'ii:i;, to Sidney. Vancouver ls
lind. tour over wonderful roads hi
Victoria and Nanaimn. or farther
north on the 'Island of a Thoo-
and Miles of Wonderland, Ite-
rurmnK to ."tnnaimo, tney again
cross the liUH or Viitiria on me
"Charmer or "Fatniia, two fer
ryboats in rcRnli r service, to Van
couver, then sted back across tho
international boundary throtiKh
I'.laino's famous peace arch and
Blond the Farir.c llini way to Ueil
iiii:ham, hnvir.R co; :;lrtsd a lat.d
ami watrr circuit unsurpassed in b-nuty.
La:t year lf.00 a'lt.-rcbilis'.s
took tS "1'rincess" stiar-.er3 from
Seattle U Vicv ria ar.d Varco'-,ver.
and r. w that tt.e "Yi.'nr 1 rinre? s"
is at their tcrvice even r."re will
"sten rn the cas" t'.c.r.e the -Vala-hat
Drive and the 1-lu.d Highway
north of Victcrin, as well as the
Warir.e Drive and other
piendid rrads ai ancruver.
tins a poputa-
C.OO') iird has many
attractions, inchidiri; titanley Kirk,
coverinff l.twO acres and famed
for its hie tree, Ordnnc and Lynn
Canyons ami l'ni;hfh Hay bathing
beach, Hoth Victoria nnd Van
couver have excellent -ro:f murse;1
which welcome r.anv v. - v of
visitors, summer '
Victoria, capital ot '
-.vtoroa '
bia, are the rtately parliament
buildings but a stone s throw from
the ivy-covered Empress Hotel, tna
Astrophysicnl Observatory cor.tain
ire one of the world's largest tele
scopes, liutchart's wur.derful sunk
en gardens and beautiful Ueacoa
Hil! I'nrk.
Malahat Rrive, start ;nr at sea
level, ascends for feet aheva
the l:lne waters of iiaar.ich Arm,
joir.iiig the Island Highway,
opens way to and streams
full of fighting trc.ut and big sal
mon. The CtiMckc.Tiut Drive, near
Hellincham, is another picturesoua
mc.tor road. Forty miles (nm Bel
lingham is ML r'aker, its jnow
cappe cone rising 11.000 feet
aliove sea leveL This peak is plain
Iv visible trom Victoria, also, anrf
isinq his tour toe motorist sees
the Cascade and Olympic Moun
tains. The "Motor Prir.t j" is a
staunch craft 170 ft, long and 43
ft. wide, with decks 11 ft high.
She is driven 14 kr.cL" an hour by
two 00 h. p. Diesel engines and
there are ample observation and
smoking rooms, etc., for the com
fort of pnnsorgcrs during th
: h 'e- hour trip between the StateJ
re cleaning than open ve- NL.W , fl
cleaning process should K t. ries A n 01 Tj U
h a vacuum cleaner nnd g disiU(!' maipl"0,
Closed enrs need plenty of ventila
tion and more cleaning than open ve-
tncles. . Tho
! be done Kith
, not a whisk broom or duHter. Funii- 3 ( h,.u,, ),.
Kate the interior occasionally with a A than a man ort- k ""
! mild disenfecumt. Spraying with per- ia and Li f
; mine is a good germ killer and will
1 suppress the odor of tobacco smoke.
Kuini- m rh..::... "
C.r.'lV.ICK I
p.irliin; pr:'
in;: facililic
A;.-r the
nt ion hi
i i-.te
RsrfiOfl rrtn itrTP s,-, '"" ' "'" '": ami u;
':f'M ! M hUH lit- I V is iileri:tinmcnl on hand: wm ba
mibm i ui tLlu k-A;;.:;;rv;Blrt,r-, !r!;r,,r!
!. i.:.:i:m
ii' anil spU nd'il cami-,
i.wail 1!io motorist. !
s. no-is hide ol' iIk' con-
hei i taken care of tliei
I ;i!i- aiov. .
, ;ilrplar.
aililetic lac
uoti.s will I
'! O-
AiTicrltran Lcgica Convention
cf Oregon Dcpi. io Bo
I!e?J Scot G, 7, and 3
;iiroii ;hmi i;,
affording an approximate
A price reduction ranging to 13
Effective for a limited time only,
one Ton Tested Tube of cunv
ponding size,
Ii rcmilar A iu-mnit l!ti! Tin piir-
inti fiui'rain 1 Lis Bern
r;nu;c.I for Veterans L:trgt:
A'.lenu.iiKe Is i .xpectecl
i:.u!i Pos! H is i)e!ee;aU'3
All tii ion of iih
' ing o
ion lo
' fi-ida
and S.
! Km.
on on lln
loion of
h. Id hi
the Al.ii
i 't"''
0 lo
1 o.
i.ol Sal unlri , St !'t
I C.
of tllO 1, -Ol 1 oi
Oll , Ml
;ilnl :
It'llll, 'l l
S. .l, i:.!
- n: i. im
t i.ul is ,
-I o i ! 1 1
' i. -i Im
:;'iil ii.
Im; '
:o (he i
alieMxl b !i
ir tile
. tr,.;.
of h
oh I'.
1 . .
ll pioiuised loinnii:
I ' . , Oil I ll I O: nil I
IlOt !; ! '!i'!l i'
: ii I .' ep. I
nil I !n
Villi t'UCU
I'lic new low iTii'('s-;itnl lti; I i
iiKikt' il li-liiit'l!v vorilt s,il,
Miir n'tjuirt'iiiciils ISOA !
? ri
r t
:rc At Last
-.1 ;v
1 si
Magneto Oatfit
Attachment or Complett
X !'.ic!te,-r ay Vou
Wnr.t It
Aui,::t!o',!vr Electrical
S." ice
. o-vl-urg
is being taken in fhe IrtllhinR, in which entries have
icon made from numerous postr.. A
ilver loving cup is to be awarded the
v.uiner. wiih other prizi'S for second
third choice. The. competition
handled in a dignified manner
lections made by judges, head
1'i'oi. A-vid Fairbanks, sculptor
of !!".' Univeriiy of Oregon. .
lv t ry morning rifle compotilion is
i.' (iiih'd at I'ort Slovens, and a uo
pi y cup is being awarded the winner
of the three-day match, which will tov
or tiie regular army course.
The Seventh Intantry railed stales
Army will have a big place in the con
tcniion piocrani and the lei.ioa dele-
iios and visitors will step along to
:nappv tpnes. A number ot post drum
and loih! corps nnd "clown" bands
wiil bo present during the convention
.' '-sions.
Presto ! Chanaoand
Your Cars Repaired
THERE'S no magic
in the way wie re
pair your auto but
there's a trick in han
dling the faulty part
properly. Expert
knowledge ia required
to adjust such wonder
ful mechanism and the
men who work on your
car here are expert me
chanics. We fix your car right
or make it right. You
never pay for the same
trouble twice when we
c!o the work. It's guar
anteed, and with the
expenses of an auto to
day you'll certainly ap
preciate a saving on
your repair bill.
Cor. Main and Washington
l u Ik..
Ii:ill... ,.
uituium iia a,
cnninlrte lm r
Pmi.H. J at j
1 nl'-ta.
.I . mills CI aUTlfi. k
tones (or wcrf pua,f
a. world.
Buy Yourhi
row iaf
VV U C 11J '
115 i iavc juuk Km
1:115 Koailater
l'J16 Delivery
1916 TottriDj W,
Two 1P1S Tourinp,4l
If 19 Tourins M
1920 TourlDg, startrr B
1920 Touring, tirtn B
Kord Bur K
Johnnie Overland B
Ford Truck, rood snipe B
Font Coupe, good
Terms lo Suk
C. A. LockwooJ
Motor Co.
v I'iiIm- OlT. r
to at'.tii'ijuto
C. A. Lockwood iMcior Co.
Roseburg, Cro.
i S O
r5t; Kh
t'r.i! & Yc'tn" G"rTt;j
rT. '. '
Perfect Igniiion Smoothness
More Power
rii l mi i .
1 '.ill It H S'" '
d :.t tin
Iai:m to
i tt.l!
i i' icoilni
A.-k tor a
power, smoolhiiens and f!-
l-ou v. 'o n . -i (ipiip it wiih ihe Itnsch
r Attii, hincm.
.veil.!, no! imp. nvoniont iii the encine's ptTfonu-
'l of iill mnif iiiii ironli:, s. It saves pas. t-io.
.o.'t'n fo is a ii g. ru;:geil. self contain il t; nitio:i
"i anii ip.i .t nroi.i. Th. ro are no coi.s. tinier
at . d wiruiK to .mis,, trouble, delay and exp' ii
1 KI.1-: Ioi;:o:isiii,ti,m.
i i:
L. G. Devaney
Phone 8 1 Roseburg
High Tension Magne'.o
and Thrott'o Governor
v arc
tmt t'?;
v, v;:iii.
I In