WFBNESOAV. AUC.IJST 23, HJ3. PACE TWO R0SE9L'T(J NEWS-REVIEW, To know ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Encept Sunday 1 l.;.. .. 1IFHT !. Il.iTK ...Pn kkIviii and llJUfl Kui rlarv-Tr-ur-r SUBSCRIPTION PATES j I'uiiy, j" r yr. by mail .. Daily, MX moinliH, by mail liait.v, three motelis, by mail ' l);uly, h nil' moral). ly m:: il .... I Luiiy, by carrier, p-r month .... a V v'My News l;eii-w, by mail, .. .. .4U0 X tvD z" '..z. r zz"'-. j u " M ..!.."!.!"!. L.""L"!ZZ1..." - -sk per tear 2.00 i PtCfCi'S ! ! BY BERT G BATES j CTATC . PDFQS . ' COMMENT ; i Tra AaB'KtMM Of nil l.rwn ill.-; I l,d 1., hi: :.l I..-.I tuund us second llei'ilMir of 'I'll ABMlald I'm,. ir. , fc 'lii-avely In tin, Ufe for reruhltrstlori iellti'1 to II ur net t lerwb,,, cleillte'l In lb paper. iMi-i.frJ torein. All rlMlua of reiutna utiun of spi-cUl imu.hh nmii'T May 17, ul Ibo post oUloo at iiuii'bui'fc-. On ;:, under tho Art of March 2, 1X7!. riOiEOUKO, OflELON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923. HOW LVEUYr.ODY CAN HKl.P. GOOD EVENING FOLK . . The Looking Class folks' I Ware pelted with hailstones . Last eve and ' Its lucky t didn't Break their, lookinj (Has , ( ; ' Or they'd be faclnf Seven years bad luck.- . t ' , . ; DUMBELL DORA THINKS ; ; ' Nathaniel Hawthorns Is the name a sT'jij. ' ..,' . : I '. ' OUR DAILY MAIL. Dear Ed. Read this, and weep:-- I read your Prunes, Peruce your puns; Enjoy your sculbs 4 The funny ones. I mernorir Each little pome; And pull your gags . Around my home. ' I I IrVe your stuff Admire your style But whinell don t you lay off our handsome little mayor once in a while. , ( With the possibility of postponing school the offsprings of te mem bars of the city school board are doing some mighty strong campaigning. i ' ' X" X 'It We see that the x-cf own iprince is . iuinn in rnain rue atAn. M.ivht he ..rival burdens created by the, war, it plans dividing it up among the' char' ann in- will Tin re j:; a jjcnoiv.I lendcm-y in aln:of.t any country, for tiic ),cuiili' to lonk to il.t- ho:u! i.utiiority for tho.;o liicJi.sure.s imd lu'.v.s Mid t-ffoi't.5 tli:.t sii:i!l id:tvt the people from tlicir tii fi'icu ItU-s, and !icj) tli'.'!ii l i'-i t their own pcrsonnl and family problems. So at the pir-M-nt time, tlie country is full of clamor for this or that to lie done to help the people Lear Ihe burdens created by the war. Yet tho.-c !vMc:r.s are not to be solved by one man alone or any croup of men. Our country c reated its tremendous results during tin- war, a.; the :v.'dt of a stupendous effort on the part of neariy all tin; people, l'eople a.ked how they could help, and they work ed ciuhii.siaiticnlly en any line of effort .sujrcslcd to them. Then tiie war closed, there was a certain slackening up of effort. Peo ple became tir.d of sacrifices. They demanded that they should pet back the same old conditions they had before the ar. .Many of them r.i'cnu'd unwilling to do as much work as they did bejoro the war, and a spirit of slackening and indolence .seemed to settle o cr l.irj'a ciemenus. an less willingness to worn, mm more work to be. to bear tb was natural that many conditions should so wrong, and that it ''f. intit-ition's for hospit is taking a long time to recover from war conditions. There can, . . ' "3 "fc- '' not be a quick return to pre-war conditions if the )Ooj)le just The t'oug. co. concert band look to President CoolidgO and his advisers to lift them out of a'3 tomorry eve and Drum Major, , . , i . Bert Lawrence will run chances of their (hi licuil'es by some miracle o! statesmanship. A new his hairy derby soaked. spirit of co-operaiion, like that prevailing during war times, built j ' f $ prevail. People must he willing to work hard, to donv themselves! A totitr b.-oi in a bunch of corn to , . ni .ii ,- ..; the sanctum tHis a. m. and we hope luxuries, to exercise tnrilt. ,lhcy must avou' class, war! are, ana'h9 ,i0en t cm in after it when we try to settle industrial quarrels in a spirit of reason and justice, i finish displaying it in tlie 'window. . 0 1 ' T- ' . I As yet no venison, dried or other- Ihe law il sii))ly ano demand works, ,but It worns-wise; has aroeared on this desk. Hunt with irresi jlible force. A few -moiitlu ago we were told bv poli-'er8 rl",n f,ront p"Be.kBOtie witt , .i , , , i ii ii i i I Promise to silence on the number of Ileal prophets that fa:iolli;e would be a. doll;')- a gallon unlcs thejdoes killed will kindly see that ye ed. oil .industry wis p!av.d under .political control. Put high prices ,not overlooked when it comes ' tc i, i i i - i , ii i r ..i doling oct the meat. resulted in inulreamcd ot rruda oil output and sirred su)lies ol ! tg jietroleum pividucts. Old man Supply and Dcmard must sit back; absolutely. i 'aiuUlaugh. lie knows that' present . low pricei will discourage I " a fnow trios to kiss a girl and , . i lists away with it. he is a man. If output of crude oil and wh'.T. our n-sorve supply is low the price h0 trie, and get away wlth it will begin to climb in order to encourage production. The poli-. he is a brute, if he doesn't try but tic inn v.Ul ery out that the oil combine is robbing the consumer , ou1'.d ?,'t. Ty 1 and thai go crnnrent control is necessary to stop the outrage. And' wouldn't qet away with it if he did tneu how Old Aian Supjily and liemand will laugh. It's a great i try j -1 'rl""L life for lho,,e who have sens enough to learn the lessons" Una ' Everv once. :a h,(,: ,Ueraiy nature tea.clie?. but its eilSV to fool those who pass tilC lessons b, critic makea a mistake and recom reniarks the .Manufacturer. ,To"d reading hin3 makM darned Seattle man claims his wife bit him, but he may have been treating her like a dog. In the old (isys a fellow used to -O'.rl his sweetheart in a hbjh silk In other words It was his 6park plug. $ $ $ Many a fit qirl has a beautiful fiGure ft the bank, j ' . Two thinns that ai'f in living a vir I toons life are a pure heart and a bald head. The judge spoke very impressively 1 and the prisoner hunrj on his words. i t j Drcjs doesn't necessarily make a I woman. FrinsUnce, you can't tell a typewriter by its ribbons. 1- I The doctor cries 1 'Dont exercise, When heart is soft and leaky." .Another thing. Don't try to sinn. When voice is harsh and soueaky. ! 1- 1 The besi thing about l.fe is that we ire kept in the dark concerning the next number on the program. i1 1 ( POLLYANNA proverbs A man's irraqin.ition is like India rubber warranted to stretch ?3 long is fe fun Lists. To keen out of Jail, don't take tbi"SJ scnously. The man v-o s.iid that two can live a cheaply as one forgot to mention the ,,UI the meals would come only Tliti "lUit Km-nii-r" Sik ,Ts, CJiiciKO .Dully News rU to remark that whin luc muih-dis-iud "Urt Xanini" really sin-aks for faiiash-ir, he i."upt to P'jmdiait! Iii.t vulublf pulllliHl chainpl'ii a'11' tlii-Ir (uaclc r'medles lor various ill." . i I i . - . . In lIUiiiils, at any raj, the afore hsiil dirt farinpr: HiK-skini; roljec tivi ly through the klaW asricultural acteciallon, has rejwtwl srvi-fal pan kcoiw pnipoHi'd by .polltiiul radicals in his bi'half.. iiulilillag iivernnu'iit price-fi-Nlio.'. Kovunmunt purcbaf of wbeut. orniinUcd lililmldinK of wheat froiii the and noring wheat mi farms and 1'lnsulng war tiou" r'TPit au-aliisi , ii. . Such mi'.'isuri s.' t ha , Illinois fnrniera In lst,' would only jUiUce.Ue lr iroubh s wcrsw. . Innfad of artificial n-nicdU'S, thay no on rtcord as favorinu nat ural, I'volullonary procenaes like co ojniiiv .marketing, crop illverslfl, riMluctlon of win at acrrace whcrt- thut Is necosKiiry. Rreaier I'ccnoiny in production and better urn of presifiit credit fucilitiea. Al bany Democrat. . Tho Man on . Hor-back Vri'sldi nt Coolidne has pli kcl his nailclle horse a "chestnul bay." Ihe dispatches tny. if anybody knows what color I hat may he. ; The horw is named "General." i' bin' of the While House Btufile, acl i douhlleB,--. an animal that roos out for tho ride on liploe, and cone s in fl.qht- ,ini; the hit.. We h,ope no. lt any Press reports state President Coolidge is going to invoke a program of strict economy. J lore's hoping he will chop off the heads ol a doen or more publicity bureaus that have been estab lished and operating ai the capital city for the past half century. It would be a hie. .smg to tlie newspaper men of the country. If the crops are good this summer, both political parties wii! claim credit, mid if they are bad, neither one was ri'sponsibie in any way. o The lower the price on the wife's summer hat the more its artistic quality is praised by the husband. o A eaiille rain 'n August is rot to he despised on the con trary, very much appreciated. o , The df'or hunting season being in full ;,wing anticipates a busy session for the undertaker. -o- This is the day off st retJio: month teat the fellow wiio can a.l'Iord to taki his vacation to sev.-ral weeks'. r u z nf Iear Polks : The ladies, bio; pear as black, of ma m . s i.iln !i;il.t. U ; i'vi s v. ho'll nii.-s a I '!'" loves, tho hope be !c.;.i ii'at he whose rco up from his bed of thorns. The :!a;re is m !. A ' .'tvivg b. o appears i , action, i group of buddies, yes they're girls, pav close a!'. Wi them, have ihe keack of making w ,iiig black appear is white, of turning 1 depends on eircuni:. lance. Not one ..nee t' place a halo '."our.d Ihe head i ul she thus a pi how good cigarette really can you must try a It LUCI STRIKE, S.CIGARETTE Its tasted as tho uxt t'nlied States henuie, but the odds will be in favor of a settlement, for everybody wants to bring relations with Mexico back, to normalcy. Qregonlan. ; . Count let AKiiiiiMt (iumlilera Linn county Is Joiulni; I.anb In the move to liar undesirable concessions from the annual county fairs accord ing to word received by V. A. Ayres, secretary of the Lane' fair board, this morning. Albany people, and their neighbors, feel as does Lane: that such concessions are not worth what they cost the mineral lHiblic. The lair boards make Komi revenue off of them, hut fair attendants and vi: itora are ?osers. according to Ayres. . Jt is fel( that, it is for the best, to : bar them. "Consequently, there will be lew "border-line" amusements at , tin Lane . fair thin outHl.n of a man fan put pep roumIa thla VBUr; September 18 to i..,. I. i,n It la ,i nwti'i-il saddle 1 .. .. 1 ml It ioi :r ( oris, le.'iimou of the i lass of OS, is v hat is marked upon li., !'. I hat's draped ab.iut with cloth of g i- t'li, to make you under mi lie scene. The tiui- ie stops and tlien o:i hear a lull - ma'J in accents ,r annou' co tho fact h r Iri'-by's !o e is l,ke a gift lromup a. "Tlvi'V fin :-:iv.-; one. "Pat C.i-.di.e-.s me. 1 know vou "a'f 15 otcn. Ni.irried people are like the Irish e.ich be' eves in home n.u h,. ,k (.ii'iiU.: who s'all be the home. The Ic iijcr you ;o with 'em the ' rettcr v c .1 like 'em. which unites the ! ' i 'O'v increasing returns with the j vt t' you can learn to love any.' 'a rn. 't 15 ret w;e to tell evervthinq you "o hi.t some people can't hel-i it. ' t-cv 1 nt'c. ' 1 1: fe "'ijrvivcn of Mho- rsntin- ! " t'-e t me may n?t he f.i- distant "r ;t""r. fe.irinn a verdict of !' a . i.: orHir jw, jury out on a into him. It is a mctih-U saddlt hori-ei . . I Roosevelt knew -the value of a s.'icldle horse as a. recreational itn,- Ultutlon. Thomas Jefferson rode a horse by chn)oe. , Washington, horse iitick. was the most magnificent hu man demonstration..- pf bin U'. KO the historians say.' "A magnificent horse c-hii add much to tlie majesty of a man. I'oolidce is a small man, aud niniU tuen nhpJleai! need fine mounts. ' .N'apoleou nri)ol could never have, overrun the world. Saddle horses are not alone; for prmidints and generals. They arc for men who sit at office desks any where. They are not only sure cunesfor dyspepsia, . they are pre leritiivs of all sorta of physical and mental disorders. " They are also playmates, workmates .and compan ions at both work and play. ildinn a plug is not much more exhilarating than siuinR on a rait twice. Itut a horse with a keen i st for the game, jiitli style, with l'fd, with endurance-and 'darlni,, can Make, a better man and a presi dent a better president. A safe and nuiet animal is a desirable vehicle. Hut as for us. f Icq us the beast .with 11 Jittle dash of danter In his dlsiio sition. J '. V I Here's hoping Coolidge is pleased to pick that type of .niount. Port land TeUkiaiu. ' - -M rit!;fnilV S.tO(MI(IO Vortland has raised the sum 'of SI'OI'.IIOO for "state development." There doesn't seem to" be rny acreed upon or well defined plan for spend ing the money, hut we haven't nnY doubt but that It will . be spent. Those in charge of the fund will see to that. . 1 We trust the hlph. vague hopes of Ihe Portland boosters will be realized, though we feel quite sure thi'.t they will not. When the $:',00.r O(ii) is spent, Oregon will be no bet ter off than before the money was ruined. This .enormous sum should result In hritigin-i an apnlney from the up ;ri'te papers that have been ham mering Portland so unjustly for fo many yeat'3, but it will not even do that. They can he relied upon to find some sinister motive In Port hind's seneroi-lty. That's what they thrive on. l.ane county has one for lu'.tauco. The Portland sum ip al most as much as Ine county's share of the stale tax. It Is nearly three times as mini) state tax as 1 entcn county pays. And. like the nolo license tax for road building, Pcrtland Isn't to Ket iiny of it. We hate tothrow euld water on the Portland en terjirise. but we predict that when its money is spent it will he like the fellow who bought the oil stock it will h:ve nothing to shmv for it. The forces of organized dWi'outent, in the u;dan,ce of the slate will nc.nrrel oVur how" the money should be spent with all the coed taste of heli-s Inwlni; over de cedent's estate. Corvallis (lazctte Times. Mcviro in Line tit lait Agreement by the joint commis si. n on disputed itii'-stions between I'uio (I Sta'en and Mexico briiiKr- re newal of diplomatic relations with in the near future The settlement remains m be put in form by the !v-i stale d.'pultm'!'M and to be rat ified v the Hi' senates, and It weuhl be rash te toric.tft the- ac- of so volatile a body as a M. -hati legislature ur so divided a body lit. Eugene- liuard. TOPE OK. Th 7r Drs at Our . Soda Fountain! busine.. deal on here?,wM . Refreshes and Gives Zest to Tired N Luncheons Served 1 Merchants Lunch kJwS '"W4 rvei The Palace of Sweets J Will BE ENFORCED I'relj;llt Offsets Tili-lff A favorable trade balance of $2tt,-' 000.000 is shown by the official fig ures of the country's exports and imports for July just Issued by the department of commerce. It was the first mouth In which exports had exceeded imports since last Febru ary. The Fordnoy-McCumber tariff was designed to shut ort Imports and so protect American industries -from foreign competition. It Is the high-; est tariff ever enacted in any coun- ! try. 1 Yet while imports have de-! cretued, they ctill remain, surprising ly lare. . , The reason Is not hard to find- It liei in the increased railroad freight rates and the low water rates which!s it possible to land foreign 1 naule goods In American ports at as' low or lower price than the'Amerlri can goods can lie shipped front inter- N0T,Cr r T?HW Al nieetuij 0f ,k. prune grower. .. f5'. in Hoseburi or u Slu "W i '''e present, it wu The city ordinance providing that I p."unl "f their selling n-i "I1"'1 pernilis must be secured before hon-.pu'u ' lires are llght.-d. will be strictly en-; will UB n! ihoS, f.V-ced in the future, acconlini; to Bt'owers to s!gn . r?f Wti' i Hie Chief James Fletcher. This u . vilttal psx-ker tTrkT,,1,iS one of the most comniouly violated E,:""d amount fn, w- ordlnancec, lie states, and these vio- ;1,ml turn the same 0, """tfc, lations cost the city a great deal of "pins cotumitt.. money. Last night the reflection or I A ""etinR of the ind v. bonfire caused some pet-son to 'N' hi therefor 'ff n turn in a fire alarm. ' The cost to the o'clock on Saturday city was between $15 and 20. Vol- office of the county 1 unteer firemen are paid $1 for ouch:1'1 building at Rostw.Z , ?3 if they are required to ! "I iguuig smj When they are called out i Any 6ro tr not ti,i,,M uii meeting tai i..;, henefits of the ,d" ' ' will Imd a copy Z TJ county Kent herh , 5 same. "tmm, Chairman of the iterls We do all tu. . ... . and electric repa LllCtllC Slnro call and lay hose for such fires it is a useless expense to the city, and an efforti will be made to slop vioutiona whi, are often responsible for ulnrtps. Here after all persons burning rubbish, will be required to obtain a permit before the fire is lighted. This will give (he department the location of the fire in the, event It gets beyond control and will otherwise aid the firemen In their work. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUMin LAST PAGE, UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY WANTED icr points- of manuiae-ture , to me j VjfED-Tu'FkCTsT'iaTm co 1st., . u naL me tariii auus 10 cusi , i,,. t- .. . ta.- t or imported goods Is offset by what ......---. '- . ' - , the extortionate freight rates adU to ! ANTED 6 pigs from ! to SO lbs. American made goods. "' ' Aiso 6 small pigs. Joe Heidennch, The same congress which' enacted I ' Kosehitrg ; , the tariff lilw to bar foreign goods i WAXTEI) Apple iiickeis. Good fruit, also enacted the railroad hiw which 1 long job. Auuly W. 13. Iless, It. S. for Indtutiti03, ulthougl) both Uie taiirf, and the railroad law citich the consumer, who has to pay the rreight as well as the tariff. But the' high freight rate hits the pro ducer of farm produce hardest, for he has to ship or let his crops rot. Oregon Journal. ;PCR SALE-Vetrh uj i c i or small.; 'Iroves. Phone 5 F a 'in; sALE-i troiTj7n5 ' 'c ap. Phnne jfjjt liutton. CHICHESTER S PILLS m1lt'1 Auk ynNr I'ruitfUt fnr AlV lil-rlHMi-tcr a IHntnoBd ttru jW illmii lied an.l i!..ld m-tlliAV rt. (ralcl wrtls HIm Rii '.um. V ThLo no othrr. Ittir of mar V llrticirlt A-i fort 'II 1-4 l Fs-TKR" lI.VM IIKAM l-il,L-i. i,r Mi 5reirknonvBca,S3fi3t,Alarj Reliable SOLD BY W?LQQlTS EVERVWKK J ;fr ffMil WANTED Pear pickers at Overland orchards. t ! WANTED Prune pickers at the Hank Weaver ranch, 2 miles south 1 Also laborers for , POlt SALE ofitsW5S5si Address II. J. a tnrm. FOK SALL tlood jwn otT;j5 ?.il'.-T. ti. lnn Kijh (haj. FOll SALE Own inrsVfar--shire rsm.! FtinctjpWf. Tei $15.' Fred HatfrHUD VUf burg. FOlt SALE 7 roomtojsi, is land, 3 blockn lux ram 1 1 n bargain. Inquire of ou;ZI. Jacs-on st of Myrtle Creek. drier work. vv."Ti:iA77ariyto pick 10 acres, nf nr:ines. nml mnn In UL-nrlr in drier and orchard AdlrK IiavelFOR SALE 1 rft Stsij: Ink Good. Cleveland. ' "' ' -: ' Hlirop. M. T. Cininon, G!:fe WANTED Feeder lambs and stock ' FOB 8 ALB Used HIM M cattle, for fattening purposes. Will' 50c each. hosslN. takeJambs,of any ace, size, or con-' for ; SALE lf20 CiwK dition up to 5U0. Would also buy; cedar fence posts . E P Ttoi. I a Duncn 01 mixed sneep. Also want1 raai Oreson. Box 13i 2 carloads of feeder stock, either ; jrniTfi at pPlv"lnSel bris. cok or steers. Bex CS8. noseburg. ; Tom; ei!.n,w Urf voat v ANTED to rent five room house' forty five dollars. J. ff te'fM! witn garage. Party with .110 child-1 pays Creek, Ote. ren. inquire t. v . Jones, JJarnes ro-jX"sALE-SadtIle taei ia l """' - horses, i'lione II F ! v ; A TODAY'S MARKET J ' REPORT 1 S id .-'I h. ,1... '!' '. I've a man i,:a' nana laid. It's mm her I ! r . d our I'lai. e v ho's ;a 'Me, t .1 "I s lo .siea! ai d o'oi.-ai't jr.' I l"it I n .'-larls to ids and che.-r-i but 1 1 .-'e n so an1 ul stos. falls. s M'ii'oin fioifil." .n() lieu th'-ee who : "Mv Wwv.;, Ifr..-- There's a 'lie ;."d eood aanl I me "Diclit Ik r ; '".; a tii he'd ta' a week. 0' "'. she's only on her motor car v. hen I lb ires are bo ..ted to the sk:c; 1 e er sci 1 . I'.i m:u,c (la in no I I ii g 1'r.ini liie .vtalls. the c'.i.iru nev ccl char i-11 1- (,ont tit.v-n is one Mho c."n -' iJ-jhi vii'out a sneerh cn s t'oiom. ready to be ds- t- Ir y 1 1 ; 1 ' : - T -"-V-J - --l-m.. U- cx ; if th' ram leeps cn drippin' down I'll hafta pu t ve.KuC n'.r Sears n' Roebuck suit ." Prices Paid Farmers lor Produce. nutter to SO .eats. j iaiiti rfii.', 4:ic. ' V l egs. ''". ceni p, r rTvjca. A liens, h '.ivy. lf,c: li.qht, 10c lb. liroilers 1 te to '2 "i c. Vial, drevt-id Jc to 12c lb Hoga. dressed, lie. I2i to 160 lbs weight. Honey, local productlo:, 20c lb. Caseara b.ak. l;i:.'. J'-c lb. Retail Prices on Mill Products. M.llrun. $1.40 10 l..",o u of SO lbs. Cracked corn, $:.;to pel 100. Flour, ett kut. $1.70 fm k. Flour, hard wheat, $1.5 nd $.'.l.',, sai-k. Kollid b.ui 'v. $ 1. 1 1) a fack rf 70 lbs. Whe'.e n-ra. .'.;0 rcr li ib. 1 A Singing is Hah the Joy of Owning a Culbranson The songs you like best to hear, sung by some loved voice, to your own softly accented, pcrfectly-Jimed accompaniment on a C11I bransen. There's genuine enjoyment tor you! SeJoot your song rolls . from the hundreds upon hundreds available, with the words already printed on them. The key they are pitched In doesn't matter. Too high? Too low? Just turn a knob. The Ciilbransen instantly transposes. An ordinary song roll may be played as a splendid and correct accompany ing number, on the iliil hransen. The difficult fingering Is tiiKen cure of by the roll. Through the. pedals you register yuur l.iuih. vottr lime, ymir u preesion, following cx.nt Iv the interpretation given the song by the voialisi. White House Model $700 Country Seat Model S60O Suburban Model . . $495 Community Model . $4C0 Ott's Music Store Koselmrg CULBRANSEN The Kogistering l'iano vvA.sii'.u o prune pickers, tiW. K,n-sALE-Team. sum una day dryer man. About Sept. 5. ; (,on inn,ire 741 Hinii:s '- v-ongenpeei, i.ooKing uiass. :,-.,-, 1, ,, u- niaTtrav rbece 1 Tel. 2lt V :ii , rt'n f.-ii. "Jt'w"; ,cno! bo, - v?nl Ft)Rl!ArE-ttWwSii "tiiuui, aim im c'i.i .. .. j,. l earn ouiim ;uiu room ior me com-i r-,i ing school year. Address "Harry"; FOlt SALE-Rink bf riwff. $!.: est" iir .M-iv s-neview . r"" ..-.-.i 1 xr a n.i Or.'tion. men; man in dryer: also 6 or 8 pick-'FOR SALE-Houff, .IW '";,; ers; begin about Sept 5. Address or Call P. J. P.allf. v MISCELLANEOUS J NOW is the time io order your canning Evergreen sweet corn. D. C. Mc- I i''iu'!!' ''horiejj F 13. ' CAH OWNER Lon't forget to call I 553 when ip need of auto parts. I Sarff's Auto Wrecking Ilousa. I UK SVItE AND 8KB the pianos and: ..,,. 'k;on 1 j t nina hume w WOUIU niiiiir in" .4 for apartment boo. Jt ,-itho lis. FOlt SALE On flu-n-e- nd laurel wwd. i- Canilm. Looking Ola-. - , . . v.. manful :i-, on very easy "! Miller at J-"'" . Mr. phonographs on sale at J. M. Judd's --' hTvMSniKi-Wtk 12 .Xo. Jackson. - ' ! f'om b. stock Chapman, niifor. UKCVSWICK rnoXOfiKAPHS and all the latest reqords for sale at J- M. Judd's. 122 No. Jackson Y()l'"7'AN lit'V "'6neoP"tTi latest style $17S.00 ' phonographs for S137.50 with 10 records on easy pa v nietits dui Ing our sale. J. M .Itiild. 1H2 No. Jackson st. ( NOTICE is hereby given that on the ' second Monday of September. IH-'l'. I the Doard of Equalization will nt I tend, tit the court house, in the A? i sossor's office, and publicly examine the a-ssessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, description of qualities of lands, lots, or other j property assessed bv the assessor: 1 and il shall be the duty or pcr'n intoresteii In nnnenr nt Ihe time and place appointment. Signed, Frank r 1 L. Calkins, Assessor. FOR RENT . nmrf. te lir. P Jaeger concretl I . nr Write r' jars inie,, K'wliurs1 ; jjjj i'ol! s vi-r-"- r , ,i, .( oieis at null. 'in f' . 1.1 ff d-ni. that Ukr; V il iv. Allisin " t )-, ;. ,--;" 1 e.-oa ? ' twelve yer.reOl'l, '' I'-rtl - lu.K . ... ..-i.n i hmnlivd Vmf r.(l tf' vnient: SVvear vea.- :ne tr . M , vt ilh'ir. . ( lurr.i-d U - anl. I-""..-:,,i I. 1'! FOR RlfXT n.omi'Sf3 So. St.-pheiis. 'OK KENT Safety " deposit boies. I Rosebmg National Rank. 1 i'l ni KENT-Wyiivvei- flour? 5 rooms furnished. Laundry and hath, lima .Mart-ps. 132 N. Jackson . ; - FOR" KENT "Four-fnrhi.-heil hou. 0- ; keei'lpg rooms. H6 X. R". 1 F()ir'EN;T-T.a"rir-"be(!ro(iiii furni-h ed. iwn block" from depot. Cool f''1 ; , sinaiucr. 203 W. Lane st. : f0B SALE I'ol! SALE PKACHKS for CAN MM! Pig liiMtouti ones. Phone; : o7 F 12. "."Ins pi; FUR , t-;i fi price ""' a' moa'h. i r;r ' ,T- some buy. cm t. v .. I I .I ' '- u - IV- :J n.ii- ''; l. 11 ar . V r ihn'Ui" ... wit , j - 1 s : of v '! ' a 4 01 .v :;;-T.' 1 rnl ' rur VSirlll ' ..1 t, Mtnfv ,v.-l re.fl ."' ' ,". '. .. . ..,rir re- k S I ' "' a ., .in. rivitl' 1 vii".