Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 21, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Daily
E. w. irrti.s
l;:ily, per y.-ar, b mail
l):iiJv, six u.oiiih. by muil
Daiiy, three months, liy mail
Daily, single month, by n-.ail ..
Dully, liy currier, per month..
A fi-k ly Nevvs-l(,-vii'W, by iiih'I. per year.
JHi-uiber f 'I h
The Aiu"li"l T"e l eKolunlvely
of nil uwi .Usui hi credit, 1 I.. 11 i.r
ml ir, n i J jural .. cmUiiluid r.-r'n."lit.i hrr.-in ' i.!o rin'-rved.
Entered dm a.;cuud elms inuilrr .J;iy
Ori goti. under tin1
An exiD tsi ivo slang oxjui'ssiim is that of '.sheik" as applied
. to a coi'taiii type of young num. Also girls of a .somewhat similar
t mperiiincnl are referral to ns ":-!ieljas." Dr. Laforge, speaking
before the American institute of homeopathy in Chicago, suggest
ed that a sheik was a handsome young man of the matinee idol
type, who has a violent aversion to work and who wears quite pro
nounced styles of clothing. Girls of the similar type can also be
recognized by extreme styles of clothing and b autii'ication.
Names and phrases by which such people are known vary from
year to year, but the type always exists. Men of much the same
kind were formerly called "dudes." The world appreciates neat
ness and attention to dress, but when men begin to wear clothes
to fascinate the other sex, common sense recoils. Idleness and
lack of ln'i'h aims are the conditions that produce people of this
t) pe. The insurgent impulses of -youth demand some form of ex
pression, if they are directed into wholesome athletics and useful
lines of work, the desire for achievement finds expression in a
rational way. lint there are many fellows of an idb type, who in
their lazy hours of leisure turn to conquest of the female sex as
the form of achievement that appeals to them. A superfluity of
extravagantly fin? clothes is one favorite method for dazzling the
women folks. The fellows of this type revel in the game of follow
ing young womanhood, and they take as much satisfaction in this
form of sport as a healthful minded boy will get out of athletic
or business success. The girls of a similar type show the s;:mo
charai lerisfics. Parents of children who display these tendencies
should watch out that they do not get much time for idleness.
The O. K. of a new commission is necessary before any
county, district or city tax levy can be valid for I'.'Zl taxes, says
the Oregon Voter. Officers of the various ta-!e ying bodies are
just awakening to that fact. When they are fully awake there
. t will be some scrambling very much in contrast with the attitude
of sL'epy indifference or sneering defiance row manifested by
some of the lax-levying bodies. The body whose O. K. must be
attached to the tax levy is the Tux Supervising and Conservation
Commission of each county. Governor Pierce only recently com
pleted tiie appointments of thoe commissions. The published re
niarks of members appointed indicates that some of then have
not the faintest idea of what they promised to do when they took
their oath of office. A mess of work is to be performed by each
of these commissions and by each tax-levying body between now
and Oct. 1. The law clearly specifies just what each commission
must demand of each tax-levying body in the way of information.
To compile this information will be a chore that will' wrinkle many
a brow. After Oct. 1 come the hearings on the various budgets'
Xo tax for l!il!l will be valid unless it is levied according to the
procedure clearly specified in this new law. "No tax levy shall
be extended upon any assessment and tax roll except as herein
provided, and any tax levy extended' contrary to the provisions of
, this ad shall lie null and void." So the new law provides. Taxing
bodies which wish to have income throuii will do well to
peruse the new law and start in educating the new arbiters of
their fate.
', ; A good .start has been made by the city council toward con
st I'd- t in;; a bri'h o to l'inpiua Park. It is now hoped that the
project can be succe--.-.fully carried out without further inltr
foience from all (oncinvd. The mailer rests with the city
council and a great majority of the people have the fullest
confidence in the members to that extent that their judgment will
receive approval in furthering and carrying to a successful con
clusion the ery important enterprise now under consideration by
thai beuv.
Dear l-'ol:,:-:
My I). i,l was mighty proud of in.', this fact was plain for me
to sec. And when I stood and turned around he made a fimay
little like holding back a laugh or two. Put Motht r's
!'- e looked kind of blue and in her eyes I s iw a tear trickied
down to disappear. Tin n Sis began to me o'er and bade me
v ,ilw : e'-o.-.-i iiic floor and br'.ek again to where she stood and then
idio gave In r verdict, "Good." '
How proud 1 w as. m If const ious too, for life v .is -i; ; ,.d
anew. My day ol day.s at l.;.-t had come, at l ir.-i my lc. v,i:"d
kind of iii'mb. II. ,m, Ka;!;,'tvd stmiglh so oft ! vcnl v.:,h heart
thai sang, with mind coiveut.
Tic :..( ks 1 wore were red and green. 1 look ;;.id ..,!, inal
they were seen. I felt my gaiters pinch and lm d. It:'. : ; ike
'ir.'' I didn't 1 !..": I I'er ll.o 1 couldn't see thtir lue. I kl u v ,.!
I hey v "i" I : : ! ! and ii 'u. 'IT. n I hi! and Peg and !'i 1 i ,. N il
and others tmi U."pi to t M and ; hoi.t and talk and ;.' : .. ul
i e. r, ; nd pr.-.i. e and s off and sn ile and jeer. lku- ..." i Jm-v
1 ci! i,-v to ii e to lirg.-r iv i.iy m-'irory. Put :.. d . ,
' U-.' !.. d .-. r. i e a",d show cd i;,v o. I,., of led and green .,m! ..,t
:" jo i in,: of tiie crow .1 who knew .- v. ell why I was pivr.l.
Ti;e night 1 didn't kiss my Pad, i:o more viius 1 his lit: V
!'. juv'! be! ore 1 went to 1 up and shook hi.s hand ir-si-ad.
J-.e-l in . "We'll bear no niore cants from one who's worn his :;' .'l
h '
Except Sunday
Prouil. nl unif" Maua.'ur
Si-r-tary-1 reusurer
AMUfUlrd l'r-a.
enllllMl to Urn ui for re pulillrtlon
not uiitI crt.llt.-tl In tliU plr.
Ali rltiu o reiiubllilln of special
17. 1II20, at the ihi utllce at ItiMOliurg,
Act if .March 2, JS7D.
.6u I ; I
Methuselah ate no apple
Never bruahed hit teeth
Had no Iror every day
Did not read the
Saturday Evening Post
Ate and slept
When he pleased
Chewed no Wrigley
After every meal
Refrained from
Lydia Pick ham's remedy
For the home and
He lived to the
Rip old age
Of 900 years.
Adam discovered the talking ma
chine. We know a woman who calls he
husband 'Maple Syrup" because he is
such a big tap.
, .
And he calls her "Radio" because
she is eternally broadcasting.
Ye ed's sanctum is located three
doors south from a place where a
phonograph needle has been scratch
ing all day long and if this eclyum
it not up to standard you'll hafta
blame it on "Yeah, wehave no
France has proposed a tax on pub
lic kissing. Why can't the city coun
cil eo the same thing and raise
enouqh jack to build the Umpqua
Park bridge?
What the world needs most
At tf-e moment
la less people
Talking about
What it needs.
The city council condemned the
Van Houten house last night for the
steenth time.
The feller who wrote 'Kitten on the
Keys" hat nuthin' on the bird who
plays tomcat on the caxaohone.
$ $
In Alaska they are getting oil from
shark's livers but never from a
shark's oil well.
Be good sweet maid
And you will be clever
For nowadays
It takes a dern
Clever mai
JXo be good.
There is no sap like an old sap,
says a well known proverb and we
think there's a lotta truth In it judg
ing from the way some' of the old
slickers are attempting to rejuvenate
"Say Bill, yu gotta match? I think
we're outa gas."
i A fashion note says that damsels
iv.ill roll their sox lower this winter.
Hot stuff for the cold days, say we.
I "t"
I Some people are so kind hearted
! that they refuse to swat the flv.
i t- it
I If your neighbor's chickens molest
i your (iat den, and you yearn to lick
'him for it. that is patriotism on a
small scale.
A sucker is a man who believes
t everything. A grouch is a man who
doesn't anymore.
I Ifyou can't travel, you can get
Pi'llman luxury at home. Just crawl
1 up on a c!o3et shelf and stick a cinder
' in your eye.
i .
We have never heard of worry ac
complishing anything Svorth while.
Blggor places have tneel all sorts of
rain-making devices, from electrically
ch.irged sand to blasting powder, but
so far as ye ed. knows, there hasn't
been any improvements over the old
true and trred method of letting the
tree toad call a deluge.
Lois of folks in this village have a
rense of rumor instead of a sence of
The horn makes a lot of noise but
it doesn't help make the car go.
It is funny, but the average man
will not hesitate to lie about how j
truthful he is.
1- i- I
No wise man rrnkes a honehead I
pljy 'ust because some other nut;
i1 !
How sHdom Ho we have anything i
to ;jv is worth saying. 1
I1 I
A h.vpy la-v 13 0n where ever,
bctiv is poor that nobody can envy
anybody. j
' - '. - . 'SVj-
"M-tny a girl v.ho Is as pretty ai a
f-Ui.c is h3nd:capped by an ugly
,1-ne cf mind."
Vj not iiU' In romTiVt. it costs'
' !;:'!', V. i L.iw i-prii'i"1! on i
"' i::iv or irtl t. l.!ot. T;vi. (
I'f i ; o:!u'f J., MirriitiiU.
Gossip of Staff Corre
spondents at World
Centers of Population.
Imh Aiik-Ii- "IViith Triiis"
'Hie (iruile ('roliii( rril
(International News Rervlee Staff
'urr..niioni1i'l ,
LOS AXKLKS, A11X. 21. The
deadly nillroiirl Kradi- rrossing in
southern California must no.
This Is the rry of individual and
xcviral civic organizations afler a
imiiibiT of crasliRn of (r.iliiB and au-tomoMlt-B
at rail anil highway in
trrmctinnH have taken their toll in
druth ilurinR the last f w weeks.
At present there are said to be
everal thousand grade crossUiKs 1"
Los Aiik'eles county nlonc, and 750
of these are extremely daiiKerous to
pi'dixtrians and aulo:nollln Iraffie.
according to a statement isHU.d by
enKlneers luvostlgatinf vrado cro-iii-s
in ail effort to eltVct their ulti
niale elimination.
Of the additional thounanils of
dntiKerourt cropsinna ill southern Cal
ilornla n'ne of them are known to
the traveling public an veritable
"d.ath traps."
Kveryone of these "traps" could
be made safe, according to K. K.
K.isl, highway engineer of the Au
tomobile club of southern California,
who has made au exhaustive study
of the situation. Changing them
into safe crosBlngs would not cost
much, either, East says.
"Oil the crossing north of Ocean
side,'' Kast points out, "the paltry
expenditure of $5.0H0 would reme
dy the. menace and save I'O lives in
10 years.- Twenty persons have
been killed on that spot since the
highway was built in 1913."
The dangerous cro.-sing at Pomo
na was taken by East as another il
lustration. There the county high
way crosses the railroad tracks four
times in two miles. This danger
could be relieved by merely .chang
ing the highway, which would be
comparatively cheap, Kast said. The
I'omona crossing is used continually
by lartre busses carrying from 20 to
;0 children. Several bad accidents
are said to have happened on some
of these crossings.
Kniiineers are unanimous in con
sidering dangerous nearly every
i-ros::lng on the roads leading to the
beach, where traffic, is heavier than
elsewhere. On the beach lines more
trains operate than over the inland
routes anil they run fast. This, plus
the number of automobiles driven
on the beach roads, makes a dan
gerous combination, the engineers
Itelocation of the railroad tracks
at Cardiff on the San IMcgo road
would eliminate two dangerous
crossings there, the engineers claim.
Several years ago when the cross
ings were built It was taken for
granted that because the trains car
ried the greater part of t lie traffic
they would be given the right of
way. Times have changed since
then and it is a debuted question
whether the opposite is true.
An official check was made on one
cio;sii;g recently and showed the fol
lowing result:
During a period starting at X a.
m. and ending at p. m. 11.74:1 ve
hicles used the highway, while 411
trains used the r.iils. The trains
were made up of one, two anil threo capacity.
The eiht mouth old daughter,
Irene, of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. .lor
ilim. who reside several miles north
of Koseburg, was seriously burned
on bold arms yesterday morning
when a pot of tea overturned on
her arms, scalding them. She was
brought to this city and received
treatment from Hr. Melvin.
In Interest of School
Superintendent Castle, of Suthi - r -
lln academy, was in town for a few
hours today looking after matters
in connection with the academy.
Pumps, pipe and fittings at Wharton
J Needless to Suffer
"WHY suffer the incon-
venience and pain
from Piles when you will
be guaranteed a positive
ana permanent cure by
my non-surgical, pain-
less treatment?
Treatments may be taken weekly
if it is inconvenient to be here for
daily attention. '
Writ todar for or FE
hook on th prorcf treaUneat
dr: chas. j. dean
SALT LAKE CITY. I'tah. Aug. 21
There is a plague of grasshoppers
in tlm vicinity of Kalispell, Klut-
head county. Molilalia, and author
ities of that town have written to
ollcials here asking If It is possible
to procure a lot of young seagulls
from Great Salt Lake to do away
with the pesls. Flathead county is
said to nossess Ideal feeding and
nesting grounds for the birds.
Seagulls are Bacred to I'tah. They
come in numbers annually from the
Pacific ocean to nest on the six is
lands in the lake.
In pioneer days, when the settlers
were about to harvest their first
crops in the Great Salt Lake valley
there came a scourge or grassnop
pers which the seagulls devoured.
Hence the birds are under stato pro
tection. On the Mormon eTempl
block there is a large monument
erected to them.
Whether Kalispell will get sea
gulls from I'tah or not Is a ques
tion for the state fish uuil game de
partment to decide.
HONOLULl'. T. H.. Aug. 21.-
Tiie tumors that the Canadian-Australasian
liners, plying between Can
ada and Australia, might eliminate
Hennluhl as a port of call because
of the rigid enforcement of the pro
hibition law which permits vessels
to enter an American port with only
"medicinal Honor." hsve been denied
here by Captain Holls, commander'
of the liner Niagra, and by T. H. I
Davies & Co.. the line's agents.
I'nder the law, the Canadian-Australasian
liners, may lie "wet" only
vntll they reach Honolulu, "dry"
between Honolulu and Suva, where
liquor supplies may be obtained, and
'wet" between Suva and Australia, i
On an outbound trip form Australia
tho vessel is "wet" until she reaches
Honolulu and "dry" from this port
to the maiulaud.
Rubber belting at Wharton Bios.
singing is nan
the Joy of Owning
a Gulbranson
The songs you like best to
hear, sung by some loved
voice, to your own softly
accented, perfectly-timed
accompaniment on a Gul
bransen. There's genuine
enjoyment for you!
Select your song rolls
from the hundreds upon
hundreds available, with
the words already printed
on them. The key they
are pitched In doesn't
matter. Too high? Too
low? Just turn a knob.
The Gulbranson instantly
An ordinary song roll niav
he played as n splendid
and correct accompany
ing n imber. on the Gul Th" difficult
fiiigerl'is is taken cere of
by the roll. Through the
pedals you register your
leiii h. your time, your ex
pressien. fnllmving e-caet-lv
the interpretation glvn
the song by the vocalist.
White House Model S700
Country Seat Model S600
Suburban Model . . $455
Community Model .
i J(
j j
' M
Ott's Music Store
Th- I 'egi-iering Picrso
1 V
I 4
ana fire suddenly breaks out-, u
t always best to be . ht, Baf "
to Jiav3 your valuables nrotecM i ;
day and night. M boU'
For aa little as 2.0U aud up per
you t-an rent a lrlvatu . Ur
Safe Deposit Vault. . 0uf
;i i l il
The pistol team w hich represented
Company 1) at the recent state shoot
at Clackamas, returned last night
bringing the cup offered for the best
piBiol team in the state.
The local guardsmen are quite
elated over the victory of the team
which made a score of 643. The
Portland team which took second
place scored 6D5. The Roseburg
boys mude a fine showir, in hand
liiii? the pistols and were highly
commended for their excellent
niarksmenshlp. Each of the con
icstants was presented with a bronr.e
medal. l'rivate Hash, took fifth
place in the individual shoot and
won a medal for this record. The lo
cal boys were somewhat handicapped
In the lndir. IdiliU match, a they
had never before shot on a 60-yard
range, but on the following day In
the team shoot, each man made a
better score than the winner of the
individual match.
The cud and medals won by the
team are on display at Hryan's : all sufferers to kKnftaikaia
(lift shop. Tho cup if won three
times in succession is retained by
the team. The members of the
Iioseburg tani were Lieutenant
Harley J. Watson. First Sergeant
Gene Frey, Sergeant Howard Helm
bolt, and Private Albert Hash.
Universai electric lighting systems I Hot plates and rfrctrir fli til
at a big reduction at wnarton urus. ana up. Hudson ot&iii
WANTED Turkeys, large or small.
Phone 14 F 14. Boyer Bros.
WANTED 6 pigs from 25 to 50 ib?.F()it SALE or rrtt-Pn""
Also 6 small pigs. Joe Heidenrich
WANTED Apple pickers. Good fruit,
long job. Auuly W. 13. Hess, It. a.
Hut ton.
WANTED A family to pick 10 acres
of prunes, and man to work in
drier and orchard. Address Dave
Good. Cleveland.
WANTED Feeder lambs and stock ' l"ol SALE One to tM'd'
cattle, for fattening purposes. Will; shire- rain, sublet toi' i
lake lambs of any age, size, or con
dition np to f.00. Would also buy
a bunch of mixed sheep. Also want .., mm tousf, '
2 carloads of feeder stock, either j blocks from " k
WANTED to rent five room house
with garage. Party with no child
ren. Inquire F. F. Jones, Barnes
Barber Shop.
A T: : : 1 . prune pickers, tray
and day dryer man. About Sept. 5.
W. E. Clincenpeel, Looking Glass,
Tel. 23 F 31.
WANTED High school boy wants
limit lifter hi lien, nnil week ends to
earn board and room for the ' co");ip)'fj saiTE 1 ref- 1
nig sciiooi year. iuuiea xi-.n.- i nip M. T. ti"!l!j -
care N'ews-Itevlew. I y,-g jsT.T'cors i
WANTED Slsn and wife for prune j 'F' M' jjali,. phone .
harvest. Woman to cook for 8 or l'l . " ' ' ' -r fT7Tet (W a
men; man in dryer
Blsn fi or 8 nick- w
5. Address 50c escb.
ers; begin about Sept.
or call I. J. Bnllf.
WANTED -Elderly lady" to" do 'lWK
iiouseKeeping ana care km . v.. -r Aft te
child. Good home but small wager. roll SAi-E-r it e . iV.
Penuanent. Phone 19 F 3. i 'loin; e;M- - :
NOW isTlieMime to-order your ca.iniii;;
Evergreen sweet corn. V. t M-
ltrv. Phone FJ3.
WE TAN hides, do all kinds of fnj
work, mount bends, fish, birds, and
animals. On highway Just north of
Iioseburg. Bruton's . Taxiderno .
Tanning and Fur company.
ISAVE timo and money by usins Ford
Gas Gauee mado fop the rounii
i snitare and oval tanks, only ?1
i Seeing Is bclievinc. Ask your d.'
j for it. Authors and Wilkes, fat-disL-ibutoi-s,
S60 First St.. rortland.
! Oreg.
CAROWxT:RHin'fforget to call
653 when in need of auto pari.
ISsrff's Auto Wrecking House.
' FoR KENT-Room. 323 So. Si-ph' ;
rtlt KENT Safety deposit boies.
' Rosebiirg National Bnn'.
Fofi R KX f I Jwerf lor. S ro-"--1
furnished. Laundry and bath. Irinn i
' Martens. 1PJ2 N. JnckFCns:
(: FOR- RF.Vf "Kour""furni;-ned bou.-e-,
keeping roouis. 216 N. Ro': 1
, rii JiUX t-2" fin ni.-hed Iiouseke. p-:
j ing rooms. "20 Wiiuhester st.
ton mm.
Deep-Seated UriTHld -Dissolved
nrf ,C7 l K"t
son Start, to Lu
Within Twntu.f... .
Everv rim?..,, i- ..
thnri,..H . UW'I,
- L u"-"""".1. loe sure I
rheumatism, doe, M 4o7 ? I
stop the asooy. MMeV.Jr'
and do mr "?- I
twinge of rheumatic pfcllS
men " "r "!
.. .... , rgj,
results hnva ha . ' .
ing and agony wu im.,.
, . "i
N. Y., the discorerw it tusxji
who for many yean tM k
-am a t--ui oi iiunisan-
worst oi an Gi8eu.a!..
strutted dmggiiu M rain Is
alove in every iasuaot 5tx?y
lerton. The E.uli xa
Oregon, can sfippir ja.
F0R Mli
'OP. SALE-lrootn bow. mU
( heap. Phone JOJ.
Address B. J. cant XfW-i"
KOIt SALE Vetch Ki WJ. C '
(ii-oves. rhone 5 F 31
MM!. Big lusciou M B
37 F 12.
FOll SALE tiooii ronit m.
iiM. T. H. Pawfon. WilburWfJ
SIIIH I1IU, -""1 - . j
JU. Fred HaUieliUl lH-M
barcaia. Inquire ot M-l St.
fou sale-.::; H:t.
electric ranse itb
Al condition. Also nA
n k-,w in connect nt -
JiJo complete. See KMl
at Abraiianiji More.
FOivSALE-anVjM flW .
a pound. J. "", l"
lev Oregon.
PboM Ji.
... . O.TK I?..' . ,
f,-nrc DOSt.. t f
call. Oreron.D.aJL'.'-
:teeB -;. ,,
fertr five dollars, j.
,....." Ore. -r-
1'hone 111 JLr-r,
.-r- hiicws.
FOR SALE-A . corap
en-iicment. une . .
"s ,a n-.ll(r. -
Jaeger (- F, P.
lars rl"e or w"
.1 V.
'". ..V.J
nf i..Ml f..."--;
.., null. WlH f'T
ii. .1 that ran t'' ,-. it-
1 1 " .14
t f
1. har
aT;. .;.''t FtBii
j.i p. r i
Tins i
plin n-
.in - - -1 "