Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 06, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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PACI flVf.
i I i in " - IR II
HTn..:w;r Is Like Clothes
Paint to
To A Man
.cur building.? At. they all dr..Md up .nd proud of
Mo- ir. "" " J, , ,h. bruh hoplnfl no one will com. by
' 0r VhIv. . h..n. Get '.m .t le..t . of ov.r
,d .e. ' You M fe, better .nd .o.wlll they.
,M, .nd i ' . you will be .urpri.ed how much
- """'o'rth will m.k. in th. look, of your farm.
. - S1 10 bu.hel for whe.t or .17 ton for good
w, Wiil g.v. yo r.gulr prices Your farm ha.
w in "MBB,.. Srit . flood elrth.
,i,en you a good crop. houM pi,nt ihnge rtalB
hi(,;:a,;.bl;r;.,:::L .'y . hp
rou't' Se. u firtt, we c.n av. you money.
Farm Bureau Co-operative Exchange
Roseburg and Oakland
The Willys-Overland Pacific Company
of Portland, Oregon -;
announces that
Glenn H. Taylor of the Service Garage
has been appointed Douglas County Distributor for
Overland and Wiliys-Knight Motor
SC2 N. St l.on. 490
Mrs. D. Cornwell
Patient, privileged to hav. their
. own doctor
Hon. O. P. Coshow has born ap
pointed by the American liar Assocla-1
tlun lo take charge of that organisa- j
tiuu'a effort. In this locality iu muk-j
log Constitution Week, September
10 to 21. a success. Thura I. at the
present time bo much lawlessness I
and disrespect for law throughout I
the niitiou, that the Ameriean liar
Association iH endeavoring to out-1
lino a plait which will in some mea-!
sure c-ull attention back to the funda
mental principles upon which the
government in founded und endeavor
to restore respect for the constitution
und create a hither feeling and re
curd fur the lawn of the country. It
ria stated that there are over a million
and a half radicals of varying de
crees of communism in this country,
all seeking to overthrow the existing
government and put in Its place some
"red" form of government control.
Over $3,000,000 was spent In the
United States during tho past year
for the circulation of lied propa
ganda. Attorney Coshow, who is a member
of the citizenship committee of the
phy. fur the winner of tho world',
championship in the buckitiK contest,
and In addition a prlne saddle, pre
sented by the I'nlnu Pacific. The
Hoosevelt trophy, presented by the
ltoosevtlt hotel in New York, is com
peted for by contestants at both
Cheyenne and 1'eudlclon.
There will be a prize saddle for the
northwest bucking chumplunship and
another for the steer roping. To the
all round cowboy chuinpiou goes the
Police tiatette belt with Its silver en
graved buckle..
The Hound-Up Is distinctly a com
munity show ami Pendleton people
are occupied with plans for the 11123
presentation. Homes will bo thrown
open to accommodate the visitors.
Reasonable rates for rooms and meals
are assured, as the Hound-Up associa
tion rules against all profiteering.
Masonic Temple. I'pstairs. Books.
Fiction Library.
American liar Association will en
deavor to bring about a general on
; aervanco of the week here and has
written letters to all of the minister,
i of the clly asking them to preach
I special sermons on the subject, and
I has also requested tho cooperation
of the Chamber of Commerce, ti. A.
I It., American Legion and other or
ganizations of a fraternal and pa-
, triotlc nature.
New Buildings Greatly Increasing
Present Capacity Almost
Fresh at the
Roadside Stand!
Delicious Home-Made Pies and Other Pastry
Special Bakings on Order
- A Lot of Winter Cabbage Plant, for Sale
uHor sgn-j VANS, Dillard, Ore.
Expansion Program Will Coat $5,000,.
000; New Closed Car Building
Erected in Record Time.
We are starting a night shift beginning
August 13th
and will nerd the following men. Write, wiro or phono Cut (ago
Groro, No. 50, during day, or 115-J during evening for information:
1 Head Marker
1 Srom. Marker
t Chainmen
J Track Rustlers
2 Tractor Drivers
1 Rip Sawyer
1 Rip Sawyer Offbcarcr
1 Trimsaw Men
2 Krn to sort in yard
1 Planer Loaders
2 Tar Loaders
1 Tallyman
Day Shift
1 Car Loaders
2 Tallymen
2 Pond Men
2 Posters
1 Offlicnror for Head Ilig ,
1 Edgcrmun
1 Sluhman
1 Cutoff Man
1 Trimmer Spotter
1 Kcsawyer
1 Kesaw Helper
1 Cleanup Man
2 Lath Stock Pickers
1 I.ath Puller
1 lioltermnn
3 Men for Wood
1 Operating Millwright
1 Oiler.
If Information Is desired by phone, call for Arthur. ,
Western Lumber and Export Co.
l" leaps n.q and still growln".
7." N, w'-!'v1cw is re:
k Z , Pt ,he llv,'sl raper.
hi I f'e,Thc ,ars" "'"illation
Fw it to the most skeptical.
I gegant
M of . ,iM
ti " "V,T- dressing
Karess anr Fiancec
ElizaScth Ardcn
Variou. o,i , Creams
Lloyd Crocker
-u N Jackson
It Is understood that efforts are be
ing made In the county by some of
the larger commission pouxes to put
the broccoli industry in this county
back upon tho old consignment sell
ing basis, instead of on tho cash plan
33 has been in use here during the
past two years. A number of grow
er have been solicited, It is aimed,
and a few are reported to have agreed
to sell on consignment next season,
ami it is expected that there will be
utto a fight between the houses buy
ing in this manner and the local ex
changes which will demand cash.
I nder the cash basis the grower is
paid for his crops without loss of
time and the crop Is accepted on the
tracks at Roseburg and uuv shipping
loss must bo sustained by the purch
aser. On the other hand tho consign
ment plan holds up the grower's
money i,ntn the eTp , b,.,.n fnhi
on tho market, and In the event of
loss in transit the grower is the
one who loses.
Considerable work has been done
to establish a cash market which,
however. Is not approved bv some of
tne buyers, who. naturallv, would
i runer buy on the consignment plan.
An immense new assembly building,
duplicating the present structure iu
size, is announced by Dodge Brothers
as the principal unit of the l'J23 ex
pansion program.
The building is six stories high,
1,000 feet long and 75 feet wide, with
more than one-half million square feet
of floor space. Construction work
which started some mouths ago is
now nearly completed. The new
assembly building, paralleling the old
structure, is- just across the street
which formerly marked the boundary
line of the great Dodge Brothers fac
tories. Factory executives would not com
ment on tho number of additional
cars contemplated in this extensive
addition, but It is believed that the
immediate aim is a capacity of l.OoO
cars a day. In the face of the greatly
oversold condition which prevailed
throughout the entire year Just past,
it i not unreasonable to assume that
this number mentioned could he ab
sorbed easily by Dodge Brothers
Other units of the expansion pro
gram are the new cyanide building, a
million dollar addition to the power
house, and a mammoth new closed
body building. The latter Is completed
several floors having been ' occupied
for some time, it is estimated that
the total investment represented by
these additions, in buildings alone,
will reach t"i,000,000.
The erection of the body building
In the short space of four mouths es
tablished a record. Considering tho
fact that it Is nn eight story build
ing 400 x 200 feet in dimension, with
a total floor npace of fti;0,0O'i square
feet, the time Is e'xeepli'innlly short.
It is a striking tribute to the effici
ency and financial independence of
Dodge lirothers, as all the woik was
done under the supervision of the
factory's own construction depart
ment. Some idea of the magnitude of tho
undertaking may be gleaned from the
fact that :!0.0(f0 barrels of cement and
lii.oOo cubic yards of concrete were
used in the building, ns well as 4,
0"0 tons of construction steel; 1,464
tons of reinforcing steel: SS.ooO win
dow lights; 500.0CI0 fe-t of maple
flooring, and 6011.000 bricks. There
are seven traveling cranes ranging
from five tons to twenty Ions in capa
city, and. four 10-ton high speed ele
vators, capable of traveling 400 feet
a minute- loaded.. The building i;i
heated by the indirect system fans
forcing the washed sir dovn various
ducts after it is heated by steam pipes
on the roof. Pire protection is In
sured hy 10,000 sprinkler heads. .All
stairways are safety treaded.
While tills unit is n l cnormo:;s
building in itself, it. i in reality only
half a building, 'the other half was
competed two years ago. Taken as
a whole, the building is one of the
largest single faciovy units in the
world, with a floor area of a million
square feet. It w ill be devoted entire
ly to the production 'f nil steel bodies
a typ- of con.itniciion oiigiDittod
by and for Dodi ilrothtis.
(Hy Associated Prons.)
VAVCOl'VKlt. 11. C, Aug. 6.
Itritish Columhias salmon pack to
taled 1,2!0,!I60 rases in 19-'2 val
ued at $ 10, H'li. !t27. This was an
Increase of 6X7,'JO;i cases over the
1921 output ami a gain iu value of
$4,17ri.SS:i. according to a report
compiled by the provincial depart
ment or mines and fisheries.
The total value of the output of
P.rilish Columbia fisheries during
the year. Including fresh, canned.
cured or otherwise prepared, tht re
port snows, was j i x.tsT-'.isau. This
was an increase over the previous
year of S4,!1H,1I.:, or 3ti per cent
An Interesting feature of the re
port was the fact that whaling op
erations which were suspended in
1921 Were resumed in 1922 and pro
duced an output valued at $158,814.
Total capital Invested In tho fish
industry of llrltish Columbia, the
report shows, was $19,951,571. Of
this $G,75ti,S27 represented vessels,
nits, traps, piers and wharves and
$1.'!.1S5,744 represented money In
vested in canning and curing estab
lishments.. The numben of persons
engaged in fishing operations and In
canning und curlm; establishments,
it is shown, was 14,9:10.
Kiglity-five cents will liny a Rood
lawn sprinkler at Wharton llros.
Portland Unitarian church to coat
1125,000 to be built.
Amorla New llaptlst church to be
finished soon.
Albany $18,820 contract awarded
for graveling work on Albany-Corvallis
highway In Denton county. I
$60,000 estimated construction cost
of Uresham school.
St. Helens Portland Railway, Light
& Power company makes application1
to Columbia county court for franchise
to extend power line along highway :
from ltocky Point, through Scappoose I
to w arren. i
Astoria New apartment and hotel
building announced, to cost $65,000
and $75,000 respectively.
Koseburg Corporation to drill for
oil in UmiMiua valley being orgunjr.ed.
Crane New gold find reported In
Malheur county.
Astoria to receive aid In recon&truc-:
Hon through remission of state tuxes 1
for seven years. !
Crane oil discovered in Grant
Marshfleld 60 men employed In '
preliminary work on Jetties at en
trance of Coos Bay, to be built with
government appropriation of $3,391,-1
Ilend Plans being completed for
erection of $20,000 hotel.
ltuker Sumpter Valley railroad re
duces tariff on ore shipments between
Ilaker and Sumpter.
Haker Oregon Irrigation congress,
whilo working for development of Irri
gation in Oregon, also promoting bet
terment of farming conditions.
Jordan Valley New telephone lino
to be built.
Iletterment work on road extending
from Paulina to Crook-Harney county
line on Duck mountain under way.
Wallowa Bowman-Hicks Lumber
company starts construction of 40
houses at new camp.
Corvallls Dig hay crop I. In pros
pect for Henton county.
Repairing of Springfield pavement
Save Time-Time is Money
Save Fuel Fuel Is Money
Save Labor Labor Is Money
Obtain' better quality and better color by cooking your
canned fruits in a
Or by cooking an entire meal over one flame
Call and investigate this money and labor saver
Churchill Hardware Co.
Auto Tents
Shelter Tents
Wall Tents
Gold Medal Cots
Slnglo and Double
Furniture Co.
321 N. Jackson St
Phone 26
now under way.
viegou ny iiawicy company
awards $300,000 contract lo enlarge
nlanl '
llarrlsbure 5.294 cars cross ferrv In
Albany batiks to consolidate; re
sources will be $3,000,000.
Corvallis Added phone lines to give
city Improved servico; company spend
ing $75,000.
Hood River Association to build
$20,000 distribution station.
Riddle Work on electrical distribu
tion system progressing.
Prairie City Mining In this district
progressing and considerable develop
ment work being done.
Hood River Total amount cherries
handled at Llbby, McNeil & Libby
cannery for season will reach 800 tons.
Forest Grove Work on $80,000 Ma
sonic home progressing.
Increase In yield of more than 48,000
bushels wheat without extra labor was
reward of farmers in Union county,
following advice of county extension
agent in selecting variety of winter
wheat to bo planted.
Salem Loganberry Juico sold In
large Quantities to Portland foreign
The radio telephone employed
aboard the Leviathan Is the only ono
of its kind In use. In design it differs
I only slightly from the nverage broad
casting transmitting station. But in
practical operation and in combination
with associated receiving outfit, it per
forms in a manner identiral with that
of tho conventional land wire tele
phone. The person operating the set
can listen to the voice of his co
operator on shore and Immediately
break Into tho conversation without
the manipulation of a single control.
You won't pull your tractor plow to.
pieces 11 you buy an International.
They are built for hard usage. Sold by
Whnrton llros.
Oh, Those Cold
Drinks at Our
Soda Fountain!
Here I. where friend, meet for a chat
or business deal on the.e hot day., and
our Ice-cold aoda. or Ic. cream
Refreshes and Gives Zest to Tired Nerves
Luncheons Served Incomparable Candies
Merchants Lunch from II : 30 to 2
The Palace of Sweets
Italine wire at Wharton J'ms.
PKX HI .KT . Or. . Ant,-. 6. d n
array nf tithnt which will nti rpa all
fornx r c-arn hits hern Hccun-fl fnr
fthe f(i:rtiit!i animal UiKiti'M'p, lo
j he held at lVnili' ton Ki phmiHT 20,
. 21 nml 2-.
. ('nvtbrr.K ari'I C)v;r:r who h:.vo
won hiuvt Is all ov r f li I " n i t I Sta'r
! will cmiiM'tr in track and an na. For
lull events th"r: ar; ca-ii ami mer
chandise prizcM, hut far Kin world
' chitnipinnship rvr ntM are r,s,rv?tj tin
i ir.oHt co . t d tropin h. This -ar
' th re will I)'1 given the Kooscvrlt tro-
As a r-sti!t it N vxwt'v that th'T-
I next mai ket.
his ship
came in
his Oregon
Life poLtcy
has just I
matured !
he kept it going, full .
steam up, all through '
the voyage. There aro
good, rich ships coming
in all the time for men 1
who have taken out
Oregon Life endow
ment policies the kind
that's saving and insur
ance both.
Speaking of ships com
ing in
Will yours?
A It ffyr CMMt Jft w h if vv
"KlicaWiattf Comes."
.t MILiJt. r-rn m V l-Tm-TI. I -IsTiiMiir
CH.iutl.a.T,'rt Mrr II K tH-JH r. y l 1
More Heat, Lea. Care, Work.
Faster, Save. Time, Burn. Cheap
est Fuel (Kerosene). Flame Eas
ily Controlled. Will Boil, Bake pr
Grill. Lighting Rings Easily Re
moved. Easy to Clean Burners.
No Wick, to Stick.
Parslow Furniture
111 N. Jackson Street
lloscburg Oregon
WANTED Cleun cotton rags, at the
News-lievlew office.
WANTKI) Turkeys, largo or amall.
I'hono 14 K 14. Hover llros.
WANTED Man or woman foF"si iub-
blng and clennlng. Home llcst-
WANTED .Man on ranch, at once.
Good wages, l.'mpqua Jersey Dairy.
l'hone 33 F 11.
WANTED A truck drivers-middle
nued man or married man. Call 81G
Winchester st.
Edit SALE Saddle horses and pack
horses, l'hone 14 F 14 Buyer Uroa.
KOIl SALE Motorcycle In good con
dition, $75. Can bo seen at 603
short st.
FOK SAl.K-tlood second hand wick
er baby buggy. Cull 476-J, or 839
W. 1st. St.
1 lluHC 'Uil t
l'i-lrit t aianaii.-r
The Home That
25c Built
Largest and Coolest Dining
Room in the City
Cleanliness and Service
Our Motto
Regular Meals - - 25c
Special Sunday Dinner 50c
WANTED A genllu riding pony not
over eight years old. Apply 1. A.
Comstoek, Sutherlin, fire.
W ANTED" brarfHrur.".noo wTl f buy in
Itouglns co. Ilobt. ThoTuas, il'ii N.
Harding Ave., Chieacn, 111.
WANTEliSecond haiul piaTfoi m
scales, 500 lbs. or up to louu eaia-
city. J. F. Van Allen, Days Creek,
Oregon. '
sTl7ESMWANTErfo sell-a
completo line of nurserv stock. Cash
weekly, E. A. 11ENNET NUHSEKY
COMPANY. Salem, Orc
WANTED Housekeeper. 'radical
nurse preferred, for elderly gentle
man, parllully paraly.ed. Small
modem home, tlive experience, age,
references. Address and telephone
number. Write or phone immediate
ly, H. Thompson, Sutherlin. Oregon.
FOl'ND- Man's pocketbook contain
ing army discharge. Owner c:ill at
his office, identify and pay for adv.
HOMI-f LAI NDKYr Washing, Ironing
and mending, l'hone f:',7. I
IJEItDEN NAI.O. Ariyonn knowing
tliat tiarty or his address,
jdione L. E. Sims, l'hone 61-L.
CAIl OWNKIt I'ou't forget lo 'call
Gi3 whin In need of auto parts.
Sarff's Auto Wrecking House.
t'Olt liEN'T safely" d posit boxes.
Ilooeburg National Hank.
Foil IIENT Two li' in I u I tl t.- i i - il
hiitis -keeping iiMUiis with baih. M-'l
WI.ane .
Foil liENT-2 nice liiini i iiw.
3.r,0 per wei k, cieh. Ere" baUis.
tientli'nien only. 1(7 Sheridan :-t-
1'alace Itooins.
... p0R-SALE-
FOR SALE t'sul piaver piano rolls,
60c each. Phone 7fl.
Flllt SALE- l.'.O tier old growlli fir.
10 iu. No kuols. E. Bradford, Dillanl,
FOK SALE Apricots, $1.75 per lug
box. Oregon Growers Tacking
FOIl SALE Angora bucks, high bred
from best slock obtainable. J. I.
Chapman, Wilbur, Ore.
Foil SALE Cow, roan Durham, 7
years old. good milker, gentle. H. C.
Dawson. 62,r, 2nd. Ave. So.
Cleveland tractor, l'hone 1 F 23, or
address John Atterbury.
FOIl SALE Oak woodld 1n. Some
good furnace wood. l'hone 19F15 or
write Jon Itrumhnrh, Dlxonvilln.
Foil SALE 7 room house, one aero
ground. 3 Mocks from court house.
Inquire of owner. 527 N. Jackson sL
FOK SALE-Durham cow, 4 years
old. Fii-st class milker. 3 miles west
of lloseliurg. Waller Lcleher, S'.ar
Large Foster peaches after August
lith. Near Winston bridge. C. D.
FOIl SALE or exchange tor sheep or
goats. My herd bull, a fine one, reg.
Holsleln. Also a yearling. Willard
Smith, (Hide, Ore.
FOlt SALE Ilowo" "platform scale,' 8
by 23, capacity 10 ton brnnd new,
never set up. inquire tl. V. Wlmbcr
ly at First Stale anil Savings Hank.
FOK SALE A complete" lino of "grid"
ing equipment, ono quarter yard
Jaeger concrete mixer. For particu
lars phono or write F. P. Obee,
FOIl SALE-Have you si.-nu'tlie l!)2l
llarley. The 22 h. p. motor? Harley.
Davidson Sales Agency, 204 W.
Douglas st.
Ft lit SALE--"-"
1!C2 Ford ton truck.
I'i22 Ford sedan.
LOI Chev. touring.
131 liiK-e ft.
FtJll SALE--One bav mare about
twelve years old, weight m-ar twelvo
hundred pound for cash or part
payment: good young milch cow of
yearling or two year old heifers. J.
I. Clutpnir.u, Wilbur, Ore.
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