I ) ROSEBURO N6W8BIVIBW. MONDAY. AUCUST t, 19?1 f AOt POUR - I - Nn. 1 Ansco H: kt, y ai " 2V x 3' Picture $1350 This Ansco makes good pictures easy to get NO matter how much of a hurry you may be in to get a picture, you can't forget to focus the No. 1 Ansco Junior. Just open the camera and snap the picture; an exclusive Ansco device, the automatic r;x.;d-focus lock, insures sharp results. And yet, if desired, the No. 1 Ansco Junior can be focused exactly. This popular little camera is strongly built and very handsomely finished. It is fitted with a high grade lens and has shutter speeds of 1-25, 1-50, and 1-100 second as well as Bulb snd Time. For a clear accurate record of your good times this summer we recommend it. Come in anj see it NATHAN FULLERTON The Rexall Store Perkins Building lioseburg; Oregon THE MISFIT By JANE PHELPS il,l (.ltV NOTKS Wr are onJiiyiiiK tin? niro cuiil. clouilv wcallii-t'. .Mr. anil Mm. 1). ('. .MiCli'hiy. Cllntcn. Archie anil N-lli"'. also a IsttT "f Mrs. MiClirh.-y from Tui snn. Arimna. nii.tiircil to Ow Cn-ek lust Kunilay lii attend tin; HuiMay nhool Kroup autlnrlna. Mr. anil Mrit. Jim Tliomtiir and daiiL-litrr. Marnan-i. of HakiTHfii Id, Calif. , and K. J'. ('.ri-vunuith of I'ort lanil. Ore., who Iihvp n visit ins at the home or C. i'. (iniver, li ft for points In California TliuiMlay morn- t'la'ide Weaver Ik having a well drilled on his farm. I''. I'. Helta Of IH'IT Creek llllS lu ell Hpeiulliu; a few. iluya at tlm home of PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. M. H. PLY UK Clilropratio Phy sician. 114 W. Lane 8L SPECIAL Luncheon 5cts 5 Plates 3 Napkins J Table Cover lCc 1,1s runs. 1'. I. and J. J. Helta. (Jnite' a niie time is reported hy tlmre who anemled the BWiinniiii liariv an., wi inie matt Kiven on I he river near Hie Mountain House la:it Tt;edav evi nine Tlie.se attending were Mr. and Mrj. . C M.CIe hey. Clinio'i. Arehie and Nellie Mci;h- ley. Mil. Cramer. Vr. and Mrs. V. I. Itett!.. Art Youir-;, Mrs. John ll.ltn and son, Trunk. ni.M n.,r.,il'v ins on anil ner roUHin. Miw .i:Nall. were hm si:; at the hum.- or Jilt, liarrni rrliUiv, Aiikhki ::rd. Mrn. I'ele Dnn h and family, spent l-"rlilav in ".' Ki'liurc i hoppillC. i'loyd t'.rims ie opetiilitiK a lew days visitliiK at the home of Hay I'liiutl of I leer Creek. Mr. and Sirs. .1. .1. Ii'-lln lm'loreil to SVim-li. sl.-r last Sunday anil ..pent ill" day. yiilli' a iiiimher have finished their IhrefhinK In .liils iiellihnr hood. Hay lialln;: Ih next nn the pri'cram. limit fon;et to nt'inil I IM'UOIU 11'. I nil l) ' i limy. 111. ir.-.urv . . t:. I. imii:it vi Onee again Mr.. Crandell asked Horace to brlix Natalie to tea. Tn. Klrl ha'l had a erfpe dr.-. made. and had bouitni a m- dreusy hat. Imlli to he a part of her aimple trossea.i. New kIuv-'. ' pumpa awl bilk Blot-ktiins ahe also wore. ! Natalie, in npite of her dread of anoili. r visit to llorane'B mother. !as far from stupid. a"t '' br I entered the room and Haw three or rr..r i ,... women, ahe lelt at once I hey had been asked ho that Hor ace might make i omlarl-on In her disadvantage. The tlioiigl.l roused her cplrit and she determined lo hide her fearH. to bo natural, as Horace asked her to. That the naturaliiesn of the board- ling house and Ihc office would i" !he unilerstood in Mrs. Crandell B I drawing room she had no way ot ! knowing. o when hhe was intro iduced to the young women and as many young men. she was frankly Icorillal. saying the Irile llow-do- you il i" to each one III turn. Mie 'was uncomfortable--very. Vet she ibad limed the admiring glances of ! ii. vmiiiL- nu n. tn more at'l'rnis- iing ones of the girls. To her d-i i light, one very attractive young man 'at mice took posse.-.sinii of her. tell ing h'T Horace was a lucky due. .Mieiibiliilng that he had put II over I he rest of them, and so on. As Natalie s swe. t laugh Ml '! ears, Horace nulled approvingly. Her low. musical voice bad been one of her at i ructions for him. This lime she mane no inii' in bundling her tea. for she had watched Mrs. Crandell on urn ior- nier occasion wiin Jelise n;, Tim yoiin:; laili-s were coolly polite, but she shrewdly su.pericd II inigbt be parity Jealousy. She, a rank out sider, carrying off the handsome, wealthy Horace! Mrs. Crandell said Utile to her, but Natalie was aware her eyes scarcely left her. She was being criticized, weighed, and doubtless r.,..n.. -f.ii, B- even though she had nniutitcd herself belter than be fore. Then, too. the feeling that she was appropriately dressed gave i. . ,;.l I!i.r:iee had told II er ni'ti ei' charming ami nan other youiiK women 'were all much more expensively gowneu. .., .i i,n 1 1 v as Natalie. as more tliati une uf the young nun told her. ,, , -l moss Til get a Ion all right. ,lie told Ktta. I tliil "! afti moon. and there were a ioi - there.'' Mr Cn.ni).. II had done all she ..mild to make Horace break his en 1... ,1 Ktlgemeii i, one .m. - - - . ,.m ,oi. i.h.i Hiat Ktta had with Natalie, incompatibility, dif ference in station, and tad cited many unhappy marriage In support of her argument. Hut Horace h'i'l been adamant, and at last had said. ' Mother, I shuil marry Natalie. K you don't wish us to live here W?he bad Interrupt'"" Id a little cry of pain: Promise me you'll never leavi me. Horace, piomisel" And be had given bis solemn propihe. Hut or this he sain noin..ih Natalie. Kinullv. yl.'liiinir to bis persua s.ons. Naialie had nromi"i t iar iv bho at the eM'iratioti of their three months' eiipf :-ment. She had ...... .... , -i,'.ii he. flatter ingly' disturbed at h'T loss, had wished her happiti'-ss. then adders I'. .member If at any time you ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN MRS. ELL8BURY (Address all communications to Mrs. Ellsbury, car of Now Uevluw.j Hear Mrs. Kllubury: 1 am a girl of 18 with broken heart. hat -hall I do? I have been deeply in ke Horace ureaa u.. r" I ov. for a year wun a u..j Khe had used the same , , ,lun , alll a,ld we have talked ... . :.. ).'.. l-'tiu had . ..... -i..,i n...ntlv he has or lieing iniiiiK'.. ' ! stopped going with me fr no rea son whatever, and has started go ling with another Rtrl. 1 shall never I want to go wll" anyone else, and I I know my heart is broken. What lean 1 do to forgot him? i FUANCr.a. ' Krances: You mum. rot y "'' i lo your best l forget him. It will bo a little hard for awliile, hut audi I things are u part r Hie. You lira I very yoiniK ami will (jet over it wu 'I aim sure. lo not make the nils itake of not goli'K 'lh anyone else, lio about with your frlemls ami have n kohI liuiv. Hear Mrs. Kllsbury: V h e n would'voii wear your winter coat, or fall su'il and hat? Ib the first of September loo early? I am much ..,.,i...i ,.v..r this maiter. Your col- wanTrrro u rz p ot Attention Fruit Grower LET US GIVE YOU PRICE ON Moviy YOUR CROP TO Market H. S. FRENCH TRANSFER m STORAGE CO. m Phone 220 BONDED CARRIER ... i ...... ll.. hud lallgneu hb he said It, bill some way Natalie knew meant it. A"d he gave her 100 as a wedding gift. "You won't need it after you are married, so I will gi' K to you now instead of wailing for the wed ding." bo bad told her, milling in bis kindly fashion. "You'll want to buv some fol-dc-rolls perhaps." "Wise old guy-" Ktta. said when Natalie told her. "He knowB you can have ever thine you want after vou marry Horace, and he knows, too, that you can't have many clot In s on your salary. 1 call it right nice of him." "So do 1!" Natalie answered with enthusiasm. "Clwh- congratulated me so nicely today. Kvoryone is kind." 'Civile Is a good sport," Ktta an swered, her face taking on a wist ..i i.,b i.s ii imariablv did when ..r she looU',1 c,,a, . n g . . , HIai.kwi.. A RKADKR. A ISeader: A Kreiit deal ieeiiiis on tho weather. it m-pienim-r ... crol anil loinly. more full clotluti 1....1 it .lie ueatlier is itni p-.-.i vaim. t'ut S-iteniber is not too soon to start Mealing inc.... Dear Mrs. Kllsbury: Could you please tell us just what a girl 17 and IS should wefgb to he normal. I'KGCY AND V1H. I'egtrv and Yte: Write again, restating; your questl anil RlvliiK your lielghtll. ' . 0 Auto washing. Your car washed and polished or Simonized by expert car washer. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lightning Iiattery Station and Garago, 3211 V. Lane St. Phone 054. it's;, vivid picturlzation of lifo at sea with the background of a heart stirring love drama Involving the four principal characters. It Is a picture of American youth and it is as fresh and wholesome as 1 a breath of the sea upon which the! action occurs. Dick Hnlpln, an or-j pban living in a small town, is' falsely accused of a theft commuted by the brother of the girl he loves. He accepts the blame in order to spare her humiliation, runs away and Joins the Cnlted Slates navy. While on shore leave Dick and Lieu tenant Hreen. his superior, are shanghaied and flung Into the fore castle of tho ''.Mary Karl" com manded by one of the most brutal of old time sea masters. The boys fight their wny out of their dlll'i- Ct'll(-n . . br of SuntUp.'M help ure the dir 1 A-s-FMnrisoa Are ready to lmi, J rough and dre,W bers. Price right. H SURVEM Licerued Eaiam 1 tJ'rblLlN & STETil at Norm Jirha Wll I. DKSHiV SIOTOIt f.MIS J( MI.I T i:iAI IXIMIII IOXS fnv Associated Press.) STOCKHOLM. Aug. . hweden. considering thn motorl.ing of its highway traffic, declares that the general establishment or regular automobile passenger and truck ser vice cannot wall for the conslruction .. ,.il Hi.. I.nildillg of old Ol i.e." I ""'" , ones, but that motor vehicles must .. hi'-.t t.. the road Si; mlay at ten Th" ral-ad ll'tiue land. la l ECONOMY GROCERY Phone 63 I", has 3-:cii.oii toward the farm fund, to pay for an acre of Their next meeting Is to be a me.lli.g and will he held at the home of ...rs. C. orgc Hurt . ed iieMlay afternoon, August Mh. Kv eivone in cordially Invited to attend. x: x. ' Tnvlor's lamoiis trwitui'n's for calanb kidney troubles and diseases ei",'!i;.r to women have no known eiinal or superior, llesulis miaranieeii. Call or address Taylor's Specific Co., lioscuurg, ure. The roads are to he uivuieu uu" four classes, according to the weights which they are able to sus tain. Trailers, rather than addi tional motor trucks, are to be used wherever the traffic is large. A curious tvpe of vehicle is recom mended for winter use in norine... . Sweden. This car Is to have ; sleigh runners instead of Trout w Is. and will b" equipped with ! special drive wheels I'.nd fc. ar. For the financing oi ... r. . KXYDItTAIXMI -X r PI ANXIID Amoeg Ihe eut. r'ainmeiit feitures planned for the thousands of citi zens and war veterans attending the I American Legion convention ai sea side September K-S inclusive will be: 1 I'.aibin.g girls' contest to select Ore gon's fairest bathing beauty: slate i rifle cliaiiiplofdiiii meet; log roll ing contests; aihletlc races; weinie i roasts on the bench; swimming; , n..i,i... nti'Miiiti.. irlns over the RELIABLE TAILOR We make Ladle' Suits Men's Suits Fhone 143 J. H. BERNIER WOo!t Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next 0wUmiiB( A pri:e piciu re. . . .... . i. c i i. ..... u i. t. .01. ..in ' ii itik: i 11., OIK nilliiai'V parade of the l-gion; water carnival: bamiuelu: dances; and vis its to historical spots, Seaside being ri h in history. LOCAL NEWS i This is a'Btudebakeryeaf. Arundel. Dlano tuner. Phone 1S9-L. vice vcarly subsidies have n pio-i poseii, as well as a government loan ; p.lini,.sa PXtractlon of teelh at room fund. 9, Masonic Temple. Dr. IserDas. I Si.ec-i.il meeting of the stockholders! The new Overland Hod Hlrd is here. df the Hrockway ami DiUard t armers see II ul mo .service uarase. I To cpnonc c o. I.ilHTly Theatre story has become a prize iin,i't -ri.rklncton's thor oughly ' buman account of small town Indiana life has found .its cel luloid counterpart in "Alice Ad ams." The photoplay is true to Tarkington and true to the highest film standards. Itowland Lee, in directing and adapting, lias not transplanted Virgil Adams and his whining wile and their two children to the screen; he has simply made portraits of them. They are excel lent likenesses; there W no re touching to remind you that you are not sitting id on the Adams fam ily councils and quarrels. Florence Viilor understands Alice, and re sists all temptations to make her a motion picture heroine. Miss Vldor has never done finer work. Claude (iilllngwaler plays her father, and what a performance! At Liberty Theatre, tomorrow and Wednesday. at Hrockway I,...,.,,. s:.t Am:. 11 nl 1 ::.u P- to stockholders reii"sted to atn nd. . T. III.MiY. l-resioeui I). M. UEDINC', Secretary school m. all I.WPQUA HOTEL "Rnscburg's Klnest" NEW AND MODERN The peoplo of Douglas County are Invited to make their head quarters here, V. J. WKAVER. Prop Notary Public Public Stenographer Kathrine E. Dearborn 20G Perkins Bldg. Rcssburg, Oregon 4 J I Stain LAWYERS TOP LIST AS SKYSCRAPER TENANTS (liv Associated Prev.l CIIICAdO. Aug. Ii. Twenty per cent of the tenants in American sky scraiiets are hr v.-rs. accoriling to a snivey in.nle ft., he National Associa tion of I'.aildil.g Owners and Man- 'auers In W. 1(. II. ill. ti. I ot ne. si, in, Mass. ' I ' Tin- survev covers tv.iral tenantry' ot s!iseiapels. and is said to be i the nrd one of its kind eer made.; ;i if the total of :l.7:"l ten. nits cnii-' ja:-..d. s'..'. were felllld to he lawyers. Al't-r ltwers come investment !i,.ie,-s with and rial eslaie is a ci-ise CitMl with tenants. The sur- v. will be us. d In aiding pr.ipect i e luiiiih ls to d. tenniiie tip- prop, r way to IMll floor space. ! Tin- ti n. nils iismi; the most space arc hanks and trust eoa'patiies. with osl cell, eras ii t and tli- ui.ime colil p. lines tliud. the n pe-l l',.wcil. 1 "tint -eight different !:,. of husl-j nesr.es w. Ie . i n.'. io 1 ll :l. d ill the at io'is s, i 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of in Hie (Nuiiity Court of the Stale Oregon for Douulas County. In the matter of the estate of Mat lie K. Heed. Deceased. Notice is hereby given,-that Ihe uu dersicned has been by an order of the County Court of Douglas County. Ore gon, dulv appointed administrator of the cslnlc of Mattie K. II 1. ih ceas ed and all i.ersons having claims against said estate are hereby untitl ed to present the smile properly veri fied witli vouchors annexed to the un dersigned at bis residence in Coti.ig" drove, Oregon, or to John T. Ling. Perkins ruiilding In Kosoburg, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the lii-st publ-eatien of this notu Why not ride In rnmrort. It cnsls nn more. We give special prices on long trips, clay or night. Lloyd Taxi. Phone 41; office 125 Sheridan. All kimla of batteries charged and repaired at reasonable rales. Also auto r,....io ini' Work nunrantoed. Lightning Hattery Station and Oarage, 3LI W. Lane SI. Plume U64. Roseburg-Scottsburg LEE C. GOODMAN, Prop. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY READ DOWN Fare S0.25 .30 .45 .50 1.05 1.25 2.60 4.25 Miles , 0 5 8 14 17 32 38 55 76 Time 7:30 7:40 7:55 8:10 8:20 8:60 9:00 10:00 11:00 ROSEBURG WINCHESTER WILBUR SUTHERLIN OAKLAND ' YONCALLA DRAIN Office at Fay's Drug Store ELKTON SCOTTSBURG Antlers Theatre A splendid cast has been afforded "Masters ef Men," the great si a storv bv .Morgan Koberlson. which the "Antlers Theatre will show to night, bended by Karle Williams. Alice Calhoun. Cullen l.andis and Wanda llawley. The story Is strik- 1 1 liiib d and f.isl published on the ilnv of July, 1:il':i. I llAY.NAHD ItKKD. .dmi'iistia',-r .of the Estate ef Mat lie K. lieed. Di-ceased. John T. Lous. Attorney for Ihe Ins tate. . I DAILY WEATHER REPORT 1'. s. Weather Iluroau, local office, lioseburg, Oregon, 21 hours ending 0 a. m. Precipitation in Ins. and Hundredths Highest temperature yesterday.... 7 lowest t. ,nieratnre last night 51 Pi. eipiiatiiitt. last CI hours 0 Total p-ici. since first of month.. 0 I Not m. il pr.cip. for Ibis month... 3o Tol.il pi ci ip. from Sept. 1, Vj2: to dale Avrrn-.e pic.'.', i"--' Sep.. 1. w Nen s l.'evlew et I cut ,1 1 !e n 4 I Tolal lleficieilev froill Sept. 1, I Average pivelpitnlinn for Hi wet Iseaseiis, (S-'igember In May, incite jslVe) 31. -W I Kair tonight and Tuesday, warmer I Tuesdav. WILLIAM I1K1.L. Observer. Have vour week's soiled linen splendidly cleansed without any bother or up scUini; of the home. I'su our UOL'tlll DHY SKUVICE Just call 70 Connects with boat at Scottsburg for Gar diner and Reedsport. Fare 76o lEUUr Tim Fn 4:90 ft U3 ):S0 I 71 01 1:41 Ifl U i a I u t-.s a tn v.u . ut i. u 1:30 I W J Connects with North C"? J, and South Bood,ti"J Stages at Roseourj. -- 3 nr-ni nop ;ttt?M VH1 1 TRAVfl. By Coast Auto Lines Stages betMn ftuxB MYRTLE POINT. COQU1LLE and MARHEJ Leave. Ro.ebura West Bouns -,g Leaves Myrtle Point " . A.M. I11 Leave. Coqulll 'i'." fc Leaves Marshfield East Bound J;wj"M ,. Leaves Cnquille H 9;t5A.M. I"" Leaves tvtynio r-omi uvrtli W'1' Fare: Marshfield, 5.00; Coqullle, 4.25, COAST AUTU LiiNw 8. . Co"...e, Ore. GEO W. B-lSEb tK'IJTflTiIltl'if1''""-f''1'' '" THE NEW GARDNER f Tk. fVnlu I lis w,,s Let us take you for convi BEARING CBUHK"""' Car with a One-Y.sr -" ' , for. ride lr ilh.' - convince you u 1185 Just call 70 -M Touring tvr i 2 Radio Special 1680 jjl l I Sedan CH--,JM iBSgSl C0UP CF GOODMAN . ViiJnai SaSE-.aai, I Dealer for Douglas 101 that home treatnicnt won't take put disappear with our clonniiiK. Let 119 X show you. ' TUBBY Tubbv Would Have Grandma Wearing Reducing Glasses . , . , win Jii.-rr-r 1 T"fWWHffl t . III ' 1 I By WINNER TRY OUR WAV i Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call ? 4 rRE those a ' Shon oi; ?on vL0 l11 ip6?1! 1 i:i ((mi-im ,ni.. x 1 1 nn rr t icvi vfi ix, 1 11 i. n ujl. j w w 11 ll ! cSTLR ANDULr5' UR NEW wiPviMfr H K1M0 AQl MAES THEM LARGER -J I -1 ! I souA ln MASSES 6RANM0 V HAIE MAGNIFYINGJ ? V V0U LooKUKEAGREKt t. ttl mU . 1: . . fla . - V- X.- y a! 1 rtX I V'rfi .7 xcvaca-r; 1 ma .wc-. J3 s5- MSI - yx WOULD VA DO nc K FAVOR AJ.S6, ortit cut m , piECfc fjui'v- . , 1 -CjLy,,