R08EBUBQ HEWS REVIEW. MONDAY, AUSUST 6, PTE TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Except Sunday ITTV. ll.VTKS JlKItT (i. PATIOS IWiilwi ul Muuaietr Secplarv I reaHiirer SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pally, per ur. by mad . Jiaily, six iminttii, by mail ........ .. iKttly, three mntiUis, hy mail. . ... ltaily, silicic lnonih, hy niall.... , 1'i.ily. by c urniT, per mouth Wet lily Newu-ltcvl. w, by mall, per year fi.uC 2.M0 . 1.00 .50 .) 2.00 pmMB 1 PICKM5 Br BERT 6- BATES I Mrmbrr Ik Au"'lalr4 I'rrM, ..,. The AKio'-lalrd P'e is orluaively rr,lllli-i I) the ,0.r .".: !'. of nil nw i:, m lui.. rc(Iil.il to ll ur ml ,-rwtpn r.-llli-d In tiiis PIr. nd I., ah local i,.-v a iiuluil,et1 hrin. An riUl of republl. ntlun el iimkiiu dii"il he ti,r'l'i are rI..i r,':rved. . l'litci. d u.vs. cumf rla. s matter .May 17. lt,i. ul tb pout o.lice at HosM-burg, Oregon, under lb Art (if .March 2. l'oH- "TToVtbt h"0r"R'ECQNTnKl7TNPA V. AUGUST 6, 1923. Sl'KAKING OF LOCAL I.NTt-I.lT.II'S. GOOD EVENING, FOLKS The barber of the village Are now called Sheik Shearers Because they hafta Bob the locks of The boy and it Takes some skill To do that and make The back part of The head balance With the Adams apple. DUMBELL DORA THINKS Silicate is a foolish girl. The townsfolk are back on. the job .Speakiiur of local enterprises, about tl.e biggest tiling now confron.inj,' tho '.u.-iness men of I.osebiirjr is tin- .successful opera tion .if the loci! car iter. plant. This is an institution that torn- .nands the attention of ail who have the well are ol me cuy aim today after enjoying me.r , i . - , i j ,,,.,1,, (do ill-mi vacations with the mosquitoes. umn.y uppcrmo.-a m thur niimls. In order to make the j)iani , 1'iiual to the demand of ihe fruit growers of tiiis county it musti The floMuf.rs were 8haking a mean Im- properl.' finai.ml, and there is no use "bcatiiiK about the . mashie on the links yestiddy and the I.U.-I." to ay rtf.t here that it i.s t. the ,..!e of this eon.- " '' the'r niiinity to .subscribe for sufficient slock in the enterprise to make -if. thus season's operation a complete, success. The plant cannot get! Now they're talking about putting in .. .i .: i. ..i .... : i;..... .I ..tmw.-. nnrl this1 town clock and we hope they keep c..uiui!.,ucu v,i.i.e.i .sunn.- """".'ii.in.- i, ., ... .w.,.., --, jt wound up f ,hfy d0i Miutild he Jortiicon.niir at once. We own mi.s lo me iruii itueie.s.s DAILY NEWS LETTER Gossip of Staff Corre spondents at World Centers of Population. FROM TOE FACTORY 5 .Stuff TODAY: Derelict Row in Los Angeles. Homeless "Salts" Must "Drift." Hy WILLIAM C. I'AKl, (InU-i-iiulioiitil New Service t'orrcMpouui'iit.) I.OS ANiKH. AUK. 6. "Dore- I Met How" that nurcr and quaint haven of human "hulks" nml failure Irum all parlH of the world, a famous (landmark In San l'edrn, is to ko. I ( oimuerce, which know. no Bentl I im ill or nynipatliy. has K.iiwht It out. 'The channel of Uw AnK.'lei. Harbor lis In be widened and "Derelict How" i lies in the path of the new improve Imenl, ami soon ships from every port I will be weavinu real r.imance where I before shabby denizens of Ihe wharveB linerey spun yarns. ROLL YOUR own wrra HULA CROIX STATE PRESS t I COMMENT J xt Senators Seeing Europe F.viarvrinrlv Irnnuia n. . w i t j .v.,, ul en viaDie rem.i.:-, dress goods, including in summer all tU" 7on weave. i c;tCr;, -Complete line of Cloves Hn.; A ar v A . il . ABRAHAM, sriS:ot . if the couaty. We cannot exK'ct to take toll from this important The feller with the rattley flivver industry without giving in return some financial assistance, and" ILTo'tTl the time has arrived to put the local cannery on a sound operating hinh priced chariot and is four months 1 behind in his payments. basis. j "V t. Korlyne thousand dollars was distributed in this city last. 0urg haven,t re. season amolijr ihe people of Ko.-eburjf. This i.s no small, lUSijriiin-, sor-ted so much to the red hosiery and cant sum, and as the plant increases its output a still larger pay - j 9 -"gameX roll will be in evidence. It i.s these institutions that make a:ca.j,e n would be dangerous for the jtrcati r Itosebtia' and Doujjlus county aiid they can only be made ' pd kr hi on worth while by giving financial aid until thoroughly entrencli'.'d.i 10 ' After tiiis has been accomplished the returns on the investment j nobody knows Will be far above all expectations. i Nobody knows the work it takes ... . ... , , ., ... I To keop the home together; .Salem is linancing eint canneries, while the city ol hut'cne; N000dy knows of the steps it takes, has a million dollar institution, with other cmmiiiiitics through-j Nobody knows but mother, out the state encouraging industries of various kinds to grow and Nobody i;stens to childish woes, prosper. There is no good reason whv iioscburg should not be which kisses only smother; . , . , ... , iiii o- . Nobody'3 pained by naughty blows, an industrial center if our people would only show a willingness Nobody only mother. to support these enterprises in a financial way. ' . -i , i i i - ..I ..,. . i Nobody knows of the sleepless care It is understood the local cannery is going to place among the ; B(.stoWCd on baby brother; people here the opportunity to share in the sale of several thous-1 Nobody knows of the tender prayer, and dollars' worth of .stock. The financial cohciition of 'the con-; Nobri'-or"y mo,ner cern i.s in splendid shape, but it cannot operate and take care of Nobody knows of the lessons taught this seasons output of fruit and market the product successfully j Noow," ofheiience sought, without financial aid. It can, and w ill, however, insure u good! Nobody only mother. return on the investment and the people of this community should j Nobo(Jy know of fhe anxiouJ fears b.i.'v. a iii.,;o..ni'n to snare noeraiiy in tne conduct oi me can-. Lest darlings may not weather ping pi. Hit. Tl and now is tin: time to act. q j Nobody kneels at the throne above j To thank the Heavenly Father The stores of mam- cities and towns are holding special sales , Fo' eetest gift-mother's love; ,i Nobody cn rut mother, and occasions when they offer unusual inducements to people; to come in and trade. "Dollar lay" sales have become tpiite com-! a bird with a high sombrero and "Derelict Row" Is on Terminal Is land. It is a pleasini! mid fine place i to watch life idle !, if you are no ' lotiKcr essential to II. That Is what I these poor unfortunates Iouk have j be. n (loiio:. Every port city has lis "In relict How." The local "Derelict How" stalled nr. years auo, when a sea cajitain I lost bis papers because of too much I -'iok, or perhaps something more ser ious, and H.'ttleu tbeie. been achieved the modern Utopia of which they hud, rend and dreamed. There they would find the Indus-i tt-l.ll f,......l..,1, l,l,.l, u.aa , , w I tli..t nmcd Ihon fimt.fmirlll t " - lu illiaei- ii m ruin mm i. i pil(. wurKiiiKinun rroiii the Blav- of the I'nited States senators have (.ry of prlvato ownership aud capital-i Kone abroad HiIb summer. This ts a lBm Tn,,ru thuv woulJ bKi.ma cheerful thoiiKht. 1 ners iu their own business and every , Tins country In Ih splendid (bo- i ,., wou,(, ,)e h,s own bou8 p,,,,, union nau aiiuweu i.svu ... would ba equally shared amonn the almost entirely detached from r.u- i pro(ut.(,ril r wealth, the dream of biir p.an affairs before tho war. (.oods p.ly all(, uulo wor woul1 b(J Tmlit. IllESGK fruil growers of the mnty need your assistance; ' " Vwllh,,, mXr' There Is an old sayins that "suc cess attracts the successful. so does failure attract failures, and soon others who had been trodden on by defeat were pouriim in from every where. There were .men whom youth had deserted; fishermen who had been unsuccessful in their catches, or per haps they were iinsi ekins; ablebodied seamen, who at one time sang a mean chanty and swarmed alons the docks with the best of 'em: dock workers "1'hout jobs or hopes of Retting any; adventurers who had failed. They had come from everywhere, and their one ambit ion was to hibernate where those who had been successful would not stumble on th. in. They found that haven in "Derelict How." were hoiiKht and sold, countries vis ited, but as to the social und political situations, in the rpst of the world, Americans as a whole were as dense ly ignorant as of the conditions in Kpypt In the days of Kins Tut. The war threw us into a strange element. We splashed and fussed and choked and finally got bo we could keep going, but as to the gen eral nrinclnles of how to couduet , Pro, pay unit mtie work would be realiz-1 P.i:ri.v j rni tl Anil lift, would hi'rnnw nnu Inim a.. ' ' . ' All?, g ln ,. ..... ,u,. ma fk R it. n . it tryst with ease and comfort. As-, cumiiionplaoi. '""10 ,sii,s. Mmblln, ha, iT ""H dragged through the courts for five jJ1'1' "n!lrt ytarn. v jusuce oi me peace uneil hrttlnr m. I "'"Hi -i r.. i .! . i outing machlnei ivi., i .....i.i.. i i..ti..n tn i ""' v- w. ..., LU,L,,luh , ar . , . : .. . i a, ciucKeu which nu seisceu wuen ii n,,i,m , ' ,,lr unoai,.! it. we are still far from well-inform- Wandereil onto his domain, and tossed Li, l, kmak('r8 ,lofH, uiH iwi i . , 'mi, mac in tine An t -'I li .L. !'' iiul IlinPtt (In. -vv. - .... .. : The in,-! Lr.L y 4 me ueieuse usseneu inai tne'.nIll.b . pi1 p : chicken fell and broke ita neck and I ,, . "j , , ' a"d, ,,h- 'rb ii u , when thu state admitted Its inabil- "l ,n urwKiij J .... ... .. , . tile other ii.iv . . ny w prove, me corpus uencill Jllilgeii. . f r ' " David of the superior court dismissed i , . n'1U61I1S 1 bet of iMM tho case. m'f' Having so largo a number of mem bers of the senate to go and for themselves the state of European countries at the present time will help to a great extent to clear up the general confusion. Kach one will boo with the eyes and mind ho takes with him, and not with those of the people he visits. Nevertheless, if each one has something to contribute. tne toiui experience acmnreii iiiusi c leKuilv killed. Portland Journal, valuable Adding to this knowledge of facts and consciousness of atnios-1 phero acquired hy the many ordinary j citizens who have spent some time in Kurope during the present year, j Aiii.-rira's public ooiiiion in regard to ! European matters cannot but take a I IfITU! ft turn towards greater intelligence. Albany Democrat. it in n onvoro Imlirtmmit mnln.l .'"luj OI me lorrlnn l Uie Americun judicial eystem when ! mi,n' "aironlif thr Oria it takes learned courts rive vears to;, "no rtiuu decide whether or not a chicken wuai "osely toe rreitk m inhinil PpIIb . . Tl agency leaflet, it OILRIG ES DUE Hi ru.i 5 iiiiin with sjiecial discount.s. Some croups of merchants offer to cowboy boots was seen on the main pay train and trolley f tires to shoppers from outside, etc. borne spicuous as a team of horses. conservative merchants may say that such reductions in prices; Jf have to be made up bv higher figures at other times, so that the damming . m , On day as I chanced to pass, stores making such oilers do not average to sell any cheaper A beaver was damming a river, th.roii . the year. Yet they overlook the fact that to build up a i And mn who hiH run out of flas. i i -ii ii i i , i , , Was doing the &ame to his flivver. Imsinesv good will a merchant can at lord to make some sales on1 if a cost basis. If he can get new f ustoiiiers coming to his store, Looking at the gas gauge with he cai afford to l"t them have souk- special advantages as com- lighted match is what brings the pei. '.alio.i for the interest they show i im estimating his place of nyce8m,'e t0 the undertake,' coun business. If a business succeeds in adding to its trade in such ir "it way:;, tl..' greater volume gained should enable it to reduce its Patricia Salmon, who knocked the ner-haetiiMug expense, and thus pay for the special inducements Z oJfeJed oi ! el'ed. a iob in the Zciqleld Follies, and Patsy will probably find the lights on Broad- V way much brighter than they were on .pi 1 1 , , , - i . ,i ,. , . , . ., the kerosene circuit. But somehow Ihe deaih ol 1'ivsulent Harding has not only upset the entire. or other we'll bet Patsy win wiTh l.al ion but has turned Ihe political pot upside down and smeared was bick in the or leaky tent when a lot of setr-praio on a bunch of fellows who are presidentially orois" publicity Z llicllli-.'d and aiil to get into the l'.VJI miming. s,-'rt you on the road to fame, but to arrive at the top rung you halta hit ,i (hc ba jn the ,po ca5S Thi.t i.s buyers week at Portland and m.inv a shout w uiii t T A radical is a person who uces his brains as a parking place for ouecr A better location, considering the purpose, could not have been chosen far "Derelict Itow." Here those who: Halting the Tourist are unable, to se. K out a nan i io-. S(l,,m ( herrians have rerurned The Pacific Petroleiiiii ronipany, a mouth existence get enough fishing f.om thffr ..R(t acqll.,jn(..,r triI, to . Silh-.li,hn:-en c.mc. in. will Mart oil for a meal from tins man. Mipp.ics , Poll(1(lrn Oregon much impressed hy i drilling nperations in the Cemetery riom another and make extra money he v.llt. , Ulo a, UmrM irariie HUlu - .iisirlei mar Sutherlin within occasionally by selling fish to out-1,,, ,,.. ,.it u a traffic from which I the iievt .".II ihiva. nccnrdinir to At- slilrrs. . . i Sal' lll xecclveB little benefit Medford I tornev Klli. rl Hermann of Portland, which they k.re ttvi iirJ lhough it is (ft tl? very neaitoi ;an(, Aih,an, profit . most, because ! wlm "is attending to Hie legal af- ''.'' o'1'. lo.H J ine naroor uiso ici, in'ienci ivuw ,hey are gateways to Crater Lake, the ! fairs in rmncction with the opera- t' V lpe vw 'i isolated It lies across a ; nuartiT ' date's greatest scenic attraction, i ,.,, ot ,, company within thia ! higher. t unit ui n.niM uiiut n, miu u,in"" if.r:ntii I'mum tirpuinti nn iitfrai'twin nf t. ft. -....i .. n.., .,11 1 1 hey are bard to traverse nicy a:e , . . ,,..,,, ....... i,)Se- ,... k.... ' ,i rt Ituliher Mt'M H ii:nsi sine mom pryms eje.s. i neir noiiirs , anl Kugene profit because of; a,f,i ti,,,t ,, ri- u-ill be on the round Inilus at WhartooBrai. such as tney are. are usually siu.ni single-cony nricoi. Vet much "lowf" to he about for oilwriii ulation. LottiTi, oxikni aim on- siocit ir,srw ! uj cuiismeraDie fo!loti;t OnirJ moiling a wiai of !).; .i.H marss is proninniir tinrid 1!. rlin. The pnhV nm fen i most every riiat a or ciu'is whir ovj ei r nance art nvr j. Kb p. ople not on tti ta means of afiiiiirijt not! ilrJ burg and Kugene profit because of ; and that Oi. f w. niip:ni i ,.! , n mn nn tei I. I .. 1 K 1 .1 1,- ..1,1. .... l.,n,l. ".' " W'lllHIl II iiii.-.i uiiiiin iiiim nun.!..-., i, i ai)ie mif-wav places to break the lerds or traffic cops to mar their liv-1 jm,rney. lin, Kugene. in the M. Keii lnR zie river road has an nUraelion wonh while that will increase in value with the years. Capital Journal. The row is closo to the channel, and the inhabitants can not only see the ships pass but. can command a bird's eye view of the entire San Pedro district. 'Ihe residents do not get lonesome. They are loo closo to Oregon Farmers Oregon fanners have already bor rowed over 320.iioo.otio from the I hanks of the federal fi'riii Miai sys-l !g will be on the ground j next ::0 days. W. V. Sills and V. Johnson are two of (he ! Helunis Hi w.u.- i bent known oil operators on the, Herman Stenliens. raW( : coast at'd are planning on bringing Central Orrztm tv.nV l is. j in u standard rirc and making a lias li-r-n visitir.s; hi st thorough prospect for oil in the and Mrs. R. L fcipKi-" I sStnlii-rlin district. p.is wwlt. bf trvtnH line water, and to nearly an m ineiii ,,., AR(1 ,t mv ,,,, i llvIv m1li ,ha, i , ihe water is their home element. a B0i mnIlv ()f tl,m ar1 n:i., i( j Hy day they listen to the hum of ,i,an lhv W(,ro 1)(,for. siiU. :lu.y . , coinmerre. und at night they path, r ; t!:..t 1, imrrowed on Inn; time at a; I around a fire and tell vivid stories of ; ll)w Ia.0 of nt,,rc.st c , s , easv J jn-h. n they were in their prime. They ; s -.1,.kiv K1,, T, borrow-i admit they are at least satisfied. ,.r too I ' juentiy forc ts that In- ' ! " I must soi.i" time pay. rr.gcne Guard. 1 i "Whv did we name it 'Derelict ; ; , liiiw One of the failures repealed The Effective Cure Ihe question, "a derelict is a wreck piled on the beach, or a vessel that is no longer useful, drilling this way and that. "Well,-Hint's us. Hut now we w ill liue to drift along somewhere else. Our only hope is that we can find some place where they don't charee rent and where we can end our das, in peace." go to M't want n ;ttni ;.i.ur dollars loose. ucck at t on lanit and manv a .shopper wil to buy. There.-; no place like heme when veil mm UVtSEjMESIlR Hear Folks: In looking back thru the i'a s since I w.i that :-oiiie one lent a hand m i i r 1 1 in,.- 1 Pal was alwavs I here to hel,, ' ...li ,n. ' ' .,'.,.i t ':.'.., 'iks h'y. "ld hve a clamp u - - i , ' i i i. 1 1 , m i .i i ' r. I si i i 1 1 1 1 eti t en ineir 11.1 n ... hr n .iust a kid. 1 I. At ideas. If more women had a sense of humor more of them would be laughing at their funny-looking husbands. Dear EH : How cm I keep my foun tain nen from leaking tn my vest pocket? DISTRACTED. Ana. Le.ive it on your desk. t-1- We saw Bernie Hylanct washing windows yesterday and his golluf training sure cime in h.indy. The sheiks are oiling down their ! Tile decision to drive the dere- Pels from iheir haven on Terminal . l.-lan.l was rearln d when Ihe business 'of the harbor had expanded to such an exit 'in that added facilities were necessary. It has been di finitely decided upon I to widen the channel, and "Derelict Kt.w" pes in ti.e path of ihe inuM-ove-; ment. Pon Warden Terry has alte.nly se'-vi d nnlire to the "re.-id. nts'' of jTiTiiiiual island that they lmtU "move on." I Where will tiny go? That is what ,lliey are a.-kinu themselves. Kxperienco is the wisest of nil teachers and It is the only teacher , from which some will learn. Anions1 other things It teaches the aiisoltip; i tolly of chasing the rainbow' end for t!i ' proverbial pot of gold and its i. s-i J . III,,. -. I ni l LI,,; m t-ll,ltm Ihe doctrines and philosophii :i efi false prophets, idle dreamers and iin-1 practical visionaries. t There left Asloria about a year agoj a group of foreign-born p ople who had so fed themselves upon the the- ories of radical socialism that they fancied that in soviet liussia ha.!1 At the Armory Thursday, August 1 Music by nnP C. STKOLLtw O. A. i'!i t lut o'ir online rlmhcs awiiy ynili'ii. riiniit 47-. tho Ilti.st hin (! i 'f't'c !rt - - V f ' i jv. h:M- Mwm i ';! foi- mr th At trip. Suil.s cltMiu'd .til l juts. ..(,, Jl.;,it, - I A Few. New Ones! have dune at home is ever near v I'.en takes th,. tune ll'.d V. ''U a to In i; pi" v v bit I'll i :!i Icll. d. ul.'. It .Hit. w nii'n, . v ho k le d M "W - lie a'.il liner.- nil u ,! '.ho told tne ti'ininr 'roi'jid o h.'tt i do is not ail 1. It'.- ho t..;i;,l t ire h.ow to s.ie my doll I should write and I to make me fclad . !: i (Ins v. ho jvvo lue confidi'nce when (corr.e wiio saw my crying need mid ."lay who made me lake a step llta1 co who (aip'hl me how to .smile it. So w'irt I am. my friends have n:,n i.i'l. I'm l'ia.k:'t:l I hae not been i I must ! in a bar ni who help. 1 was 1 '! had y hank, k. T'i .1 lie htn.' blue, re i smn le ' , e n,e brought pite of va f iiM.le. Cod I it .,nd t "IV MS .1-, i'.ill 1 1 " i by "' A as h, And cash. "1 v as of j:ain. ;ii;d ind p.'.!n. ss thei at l'e i rctinnu at riee.,1 n'a'u' .... "r X- S-hool d,in will soon be here and its !-r..ir,.,n0 to chow on Ihe faces of the younij. ,tcrs. i Kleir.i.f Staimcr'naiihri fnx ril'.s cf iii.-fns:i,nr frc-e .1 S.Vrm "nirrcl: ant" Saturday. ;r,i it will be empt td in the sever this we-k. A swinwii ei-ty is i,eeig planned for below Cas -i cci urinj.. W9 TODAY'S MARXET REPORT Ihe call of ( tin r friend ; w ho looked to im tor help ;d"tijr the Tor who am I that I should hear and turn my fare away'.' And wh.'.t .".oplies to ipe, my friends, applies to o'.her l o.i'il find that someone's helpinjr hand was al;.s iv Id yo;1. : one .1 .ml , ,iv. : 'A.-a .. bx. t.heil ionic girls ,-,-e n.ve -o attractive as when risirg from the piano." n ... 'ar i.;' A.! AX s-iiith'i.i; r.s.l lie' a, 'Oil. ni:,il:; the bent. Chul'.lii.l i Prices Paid Farmers for P.-octico. ttut; r D.'i to ;ni r-ios. I. :.,:. .,.t. )..,.. Kegs. r w. per de'.e;.. II. . h avy. Hie: light, luc lb. I'-ri i! :s 1 vc to 27, c. Veal, dre s. il lie to 1 2c lh tloga, dressed, 12c, 120 to 160 lbs W-rk'lt. Ilrii.ei. local irodiirtloi. : lb. 'a-:. . ir.i l,,il.. ; ive U,. Het.nl Prices on Mill Products. M'lktni. $i.p. n, ii ;..i K (ll V) lbs. t'racV.id I'.tr" per l.'n. 1 linn , mi t v, 1;. :,t. 1.70 iai-k. 1'leiir. h.rd wheat, J1.S5 and ''ii s.n k. tin II. .1 ! ;ir!i v. Jl.lil a S.'U k of 70 lbs One Organ, Full of Dirt, Cheap Golden Oak Buffet, a nice one A Used Monarch Range A Misused Standard Range A fewgoodandonenogood Cook Stoves One Water Motor Wash Machine $10 guaranteed; $3 without guarantee Linoleum six and nine feet wide owe Furniture Corner Oak and Rose ; I t'l I V. ;i( !.. ,or.i. J.M'O per l"i lbs. WBiMiuaa