'i -!' The business that adver tises persistentlf and consistently never triveli on crutches. U, ves-.e-d-y. r .. it n.-rt. 77 5S .:t Wednes- dou cTC as b o u n t y Consolidation of Th Evening News nd the Roseburg Review An Independent Newspaper, Published f' of the People . . . tV ol - 0. M4, OR ROSEBURG REVIEW. ROSEBURG OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1923. ov XI., NO. M8, OF THE EVENING NEWS. It-Y R M A EWS-KEV3EW RDING PAYS TRIBUTE TO in unui f rai mm UKLLii lifiLii mm vhuuiui vviiu 111 THE OREGON COUNTRY Lent and Party Are Guests of State at Meacham Today- City Is Dressed in Cioneer Uarb and Ways or Larly Life in West Are Recalled Executive Rides in Stage Coach KfJIPSEY HITS PRGiUBlTlDFJ-agent ; K E A R N S AGREES TO TAKE GAMBLING WE AND BIG FIGHT HILL BE STAGED extod qgcupjtiih;hard IN WORKOUT ,Fl. i.rint-d Pre." Isuranrcs In recalling the heroism, the li July :i. 1'iesulcnt and t resolution, the will to t'unqiuir of these .i.nt wiit hark '" ll ,ys of 1 pioneers. vr vim int' iinnt-.i, "I wish I might more effectively-vis-;. ;n liini; Mcachani at 9 j nalize them. Not verv Ions ago I t,h.v m" rin wuoic-n ' 'saw I lit covered wagon In the moving OKI Op "-'"ii Trull celebnitio I ,i,.,ure sat entranced. There was : i-mt-.l tiiousanus uvm -'norn than the picturesque, more than i k.' .lie neat'li. slates. Horst- sorrow nil ,Icsrniit-L'.iiiont nmro , ii.ni; cavalry uniforms it Mj ,lan the revelation of the irresolute k,; War da s. root the apoci.il wno fail,., jn fitness to survive, u.ore , ,,ii,. fr.'i i the station an 1 gil- than tragedy and comedv In their in-fc.,,i-si,l. until the train stopped, i separntable blend. There was more jr..-ir!s and cowboys presented tli:-.n the scouts who surpassed out It.. Meai-hiim was gaily d''f-''r--; fancies more than nature's relentless ihc- occasion, i ne ui mu in harriers revealed, hverywhere aftatue giMan iiiu." n.r- ... . was the soul ot unalterable purpose .....mi.. wa ..ms. such as weiei,..i v... ,.,....,. ii. ,,.,....1;...,.,., .o.. . .1.. mtu ill th. larlv ...... . ... ....... k i,.e lumiir-"""" - -- tiicniai urcaiuess. nun more, mere i was determination to do themselves, I Will Play Golf , I not lisking the government to do, but r-.i.iir. -in-tii was naife that fnr COvernemnt to function or per il, j, -,t would leave about mid- mjt (ir, in visit l'.-tdleton. He tr-v; .yur, Df the same spirit was reveal in f golf at l'endletoi -nid (d ln ,np making f the Central West. f.-A ft on ,e!,r of ,n'' ,rail1' where the determined pioneers build m M ( li. n.- i Wash , the pre::-, , the confidence which thev had f his first midmirht pee.-.i in themselves. They battled with port- r. nidressins the stud-nis c-r.ture an( eVPry obstacle which thev en- i.n-'.nn Si.il" Normal rnile-.e I countered, heroes perished -without ,jM -!:iil t.Mi much responsiui.liy I f , aPriaiin. an( thev conniiereil .-:5iii :!! honie is now hem-: .,,, wrote bic tnWr part in the m:lk. 4i m the Kl-ool teachers, .inJ ( in2 of nP greater Hepublic. Their lit if .tellers to meet the reipov victorv proclaimed the Hlrcnclh of the j :-il (.'( lop the moral e'tr hc-I rlsohle ,mrpoget anr the human TJU- 'n-' "''' ls nccsairy l , Koniu. contidence in itsell and eaRer r. ss to fin: ill its destiny. to.achieve on its own account. ere? Welcomes Harding , I "The lesson cannot fail to impress is-rmiert Hn-ss.i itself: In this test of self reliant ciii tCUM.July Taken back to , ,,,-nsliln there came the rucire,!. mill r:.ia it -v. as when little tant .i,o!eomc wt. Creater thinus I nu.ireciateil. i'resul-nt W(M.p ,vrouqht. lartter accomi.lish 9 -I',",r "f ,mr,v j ment was recorded greater victory I :-oa th-ir twentieth century ; . wo in ,,, wholesome. InsiNrin:- l:ts2!t h' ot ll",K H"; individualism than will ever lt. ;i,l v Tr.ou.mds of eastern ore-! ,v,T.Um or government assump- f c:,; '"l ?e '";. ion of the tasks which are the na .vh.rs. ureet.,1 the visitors. ;tu..i1 jnhri,ance , ,,, builders who I.. first appeared on the- for themselves, f.ov- r itA wavi'd 111 response to' ,.rl,,. II .Slit. lit 11.1111. Hi .... ., ...... 1,l.;,,. ment is the privilege and the duty of men." Reproduce Frontier Days. HAKKtl. Ore.. July 3.- Coinmcmnra- tiiklU'- m- """.main, of Oregon, where V Indian wow. horsesh,".1''')- ' '-' fl'st .wa-"n i train found Its way to the uregon country, a 'pioneer city with an ex nerted population of forty or fifty thousand persons will arise tomorrow I-AWKKM'K M KT1.N 'al "rn!' O Illue Mountains, re ar unn P 'ii N. ws S.-rvlie Staff I'onor l-resiueni iiaruun, ie.. , ... 1 ''rr.-;.o:n..nt. i frontier and Indian sports for a day. Hi IRKSIIiKNT IIAIlIINO.;iini1 disappear. the lare-e nanirai aii'iu t-.m.- n :!)... nf 'mtTie-in great-''11' summit of the mountains will be n 'I,- r. .,,!;.., tion of the lieio-i'lle scene of the celebration. In It the preside!'! will address the thousands of "frontiersmen" at 2 o'clock, after bving driven there in an old t'oniord roach under gi.ard of cavalrymen in the uniforms of lV.eifid. The presi dent li.-.s promised to remain on the scene from a. m. until H p. in. as i part of his Alaska tour. I Although tomorrow is to be the lik- of great men and dav of tile colouration, ii win uei.,,, en.- a.-... I with a dance tonight and will not i l..s Ho me the w-orl- of ' close, until after a full day's program lii.m. er. whose of. patriotic exercises. Indian c-re. "-ii to the i'nitid ni'inials. and frontier spoils on July ' " -!; are.l Creat l!nt-i4lh- ,, , , -, , t it ,. uM how1 The rovernors of Oregon. Idaho anil '-a'- i 'an i.'l Webster and po-sildy of Washington and Montana iii-n ef the time, support- will lie included in the rocept...n i o:n- " i.: n. h.-ld the Oregon mil""' whieh greets the p'. si. b ut and '.."i w,.n ht. s it.. introduces him to the day's ev-nt". i mad., a 'personal '"i's' nfter his address will he an at- I'lrK liv Indians on an t-iu.ti.iii. Til" frontier cavalry will rescue th" train and hostilities will end with the Slllokir.g Of the pipe of peace, togeth er with other Indian ceremonies. As the last of the more formal part ot tn. program. President ll.ir.'.it.g will d. ! .e. nl.' fir..c.,n 'I'rjiil at lni:ii- -....-I me tireon ". -"- 1' n ' d tSiit.-s j'tant Siinncs. P oncer Spirit. ! The president's hobhy nee jini iiing iia.-. ... - '. r'te I he will be cha (llv A!...etated Pre.i ll'KSSi:i.Iniii'. .(.! a.-Pr.nch troopi today oecutiled Wesihoia n. urn-Ming the r.urgomaster, station mas ter and postmaster as well as other city officials. Cash Confiscated. Oty Ammo, latrj pr.-mO r.Kni.lN. July 3 The French lodav occupied the Wi, -.-Lad.n branch of the Keicheshank and confiscated consider able cash, according to the Kossic Zoitung. Answer is Sent. riM'SSEi.S. July s.The relglan answer to the Urltish questionairie ! ,, i j i i J on the Franco Ilelglan policy, lias Challenger 13 Uood t tumorcd been sent to the ld-lgian ambassador at London. Explanation Given. tltv Associate.! Press ) I.ONHO.V, July 3.or:il explana tions of the French and Ilelglan atti tudes toward Germany on repara tions, was given Marquis Curzon, the Hritish foreign secretary today by auibassailors for the two countries in response to the recent Ilrilish qites liotialrre. o Champion Takes Deliht in Slamminj Blows it His Sparring Partners GIBBONS PULLS PUNCHES and "Kids" 1 hose Who Are in the Ring with 1 lint Gibbons Is Liked MliACHAM. July 3.- William M. ; I. el. St.. n, ptohil.it , on ollieer, was shot in the .-g ilMilng a dance hall low l.isl I uuht. I loll.-ti.il a-, sent here to e.-l'i' ii.ej. order il.lllllg I'leMilent lia.dltiif s ( yi-H and was ciui-ing a b:nf '.'.ue:' v.h-i lliid d:opie. Ins hotlle. lliietol ! k d it uti and cotitll.ued the pu--.nl j l'a. ;n Speci.l (leiuly xh. 1111' I'UI- , i. tt Koss. nss. seeing ii-.us;..n Champion t Manager Agrees to Tftke First $100,000 of Gate c.nrying tile ttottle, lnlt.too!i lllirl l..t the liquor owner ami tirnl, inllicli'i,.' ! the wound. 15! Receipts as Final Installment Due on Contract Other Expenses Are Guaranteed Hold Long Conferences T)y liKUT f.. T1ATF.S, (News-Review Correspondent.) SIIKI.I1V. Mont., Jute- ','. l.(Soe- 1 rORTI.ANH. July 3. Kranktr '(Irandetta. of .Spokane, northwest flv- w-eiL-ht clia:niion. won a hard ten I 'lie champion's manager, at round decision from Abie Cordon last !NEW SYSTEM OF nillfllin n n li it r n U 1 1 V I r.i 1 1 Mil R ' duihuu rnuiiLJj cial to News-lievlew - Tommy (lib- night. Kan horse Huberts of Oakland bons. whose wonderful p-M-sonalitv has made him the most popular contender for the heavyweight crown, went through his paces at the training ramp this afternoon in wondeifnl style. Special scats Welti reserved for the press this afternoon and I had a wonderful opportunity of seeing the hat tier at close range. flRI Hf5TI Fl 0 II I" P '''''''' "l"'r I have now watched both l.ni.soy IE M 1 L U L U L I probably aniounting and llihbotis at work itnln ir n'iai 1. 1 s. II li Kf I IE III T I I Kearus will control til A cnmpatlson of the two would favr U 13 Kdill L I! U II L. U until the Champion's Caiit'., heal iidilie Kichards of Portland in tlie semi w iudup. CITY MAY FILE i trtv A-o. lntit Pre I weight 1SS pounds, reach 73 Inches. C.rtKAT KAI.I.S. July 3 - l'lie Hemp-1 nill,k n tn-liM. chest (nor.) U Inches, f sey tlihbons fight, which was sudden-i ,..Hl (,,xp , 4, jmhes, waist 3:5 in ily ralltvl off last midnight, was bat k : ,.,. biceps IT. Inches, forearm 12.5 up. us feet again today, and will be do-, i, hes, wrist HVi Inches, thigh 22 in- cidetl in the big pine bowl tomorrow . ,.hll8 cal( 13 (IHht.s, ankle inches. at Shelby as prhe dulctl. Jack Kearns, : at;(. 2R years. 'lifer- j CihbonB. height feet 3 4 inch. ent e w hich broke up al 2:3 5 n. m.. weight 1M pountls. reach 71 Inches, agreed to semi ltempsey Into (lie ring neck 17 inches, chest (nor.) 41 Inches, ami gamble for Hie final $1011.000 In- ,. best (exp.) 44.5 inches, waist 3.1 In stallment due on the 3UO,000 guar-. biceps 14 Inches, forarm 12 5 lu-!inl''.- iches, wrist 9 Inches, thigh 22 5 in Cuarantee Expenses. dies, calf 14.5 Inches, ankle K.5 In- The promoters guaranteed the pre-1 ches, age 211 years. Iluiitiary expenses, itictudlng the pay ment tif boxers In the preliminary bouts, jr. .out) to Jimmy Hoiigherly, ref- nlal expenses, to SoO.OIIII. the gate recclils $100,000 has DEMPSEY'S RECORD Horn June 21. 1KH, Manassii, Colo. Nationality, lilsliSrotcli-Anietlcan. Knockouts. I'll 5.1916 KM Hancock, 1: Hilly Minphy.l: Chief tiortlon, fi: Johnny Person. 7: Ananias Campbell. 3; Joe .1... l n 11.,.., MO...' U . Straight Drop Buying Is Past, jt. be the greatest fighter of modern A V . d . times..' He is heavier than (III. bans. AccorJing to Kepresenta- ,., . 11,ithlv punch and is a fighting j machine from the moment lie hops In tl. the arena. There is no "kidding" land "joshing" with Jack, lie grinds I his teeth in a vicious fashion even I while shadow boxing anil when lie lams the hag he plows into his (:: tive cf Local House PREMIUM IS OFFERED! Prcpo.-.al to Reserve Water Rights on Cavilt Creek Is Before Council r- r fnni ii-.. car, bowing at k-: tf tu-nt.1 to the great tiva'.i ill i fcf -nil I'i.u. Oovernor Pierce' Packers Will Pay Grind Price for l.arge Sized Prunes and Will Make Strong Price for Prunes T hey Want ell' ' . i.. ; Com elfl- hurt ir.ss welcoming the '. i.ti'1 li is j arty into Oregon.' "(tin- Oregon Trail celehra- I i "I a leg pageant depicting "I "f ieiiiiition in the north- tf t'Mirnani. nt. w ith the presi- fc ti-g ii,.. workl's chamnion. 1 ilanc. JH'ty History is Recalled. 'i r.., n "f 'o t: July 3 (I". P.) I of Amt'iiran great-' ei;.'t tion tif the heto- n of the pionet rs . great NorthiM'st. ! i-' said today in a . the Oregon Trails' - in roinan'ic mootl., '"reus tlays of the. r "tie day put aside j - reat and trouble !' ' : ' Tyl.-t in Washine " ;i- 'i ip across the ! 'i Tyl.-r granted Irs ' '-"r. I... titk. n until n giv. n time to P-ad 1 ' i .:ii-'s int. Ore 1 ' ' f t i-,.Lon by th.-se the Oregon r n ' I M.-s. P'orcer Spirit. ! I"- .1 1 :!!. Julv 3.lr,. Tin thxyn of a sfrai;-.lit qn:trl (lnp on jinint s 'is i:iti fop-M't' (It U iiianjim r of tin II. S. p.u.y prtckiu:; Ikhisc s.iiil tiu!;i in cni;i ri'iiitinw' upon tin1 pnmc situation. "Til' prmit packers liavt 1. ann-d ihtir l-.on a:tT many years." Mr. I'Jih- said, "anil lMTaft r tliy will ui ,;i s. paralt prut' on v:rh size ul imint j instead of a top jtrico with i sji ''d straight drop as litTi'tofoiv. "Last year vc yav a s 1 1 a i u li t drop and found ourselves pay in;,' eUht rents for; prunes we would for lad to sell lor1 tour now. As a result we are nil' i storked up with FMiall prunes, for i ' h if h we havt no market and as a re Milt prune fouyers in the future will, buy the size they want at a fixed pvice." j This year prune buyers an payiir: a premium in the larger sizes. In tak- . in:. orders fmni Kastern brokers the , puckers usually contract to luinish a PTiti'd number of poumls of each size of tiniiK1. the broker aireeiny to ' pav h f.xed pt ic for each size. I.i-.s' : J .1 L-.., r..i.t,.l ih.-nwuitno I fomph tely unable In fill their order. The prun. s ran very small in size, al though the tonnage M-t n new record H.-cau-e of the f;iet that they were not abb' to fill contracts in the sies 'agreed upon, and foecaus" some of the 'brokers would not allow substitutions, tto packers lost cjuf heavily. This season they desire to buy only Hie l:i:L-e s'zed prunes. Thev ivt? pli-nty of small prunes, fin t'."s and ;. , T"s. n hand and do not care to pur eh -i any more, consequently ihey are b;d'i.nL' birh for the bin sire with a h'-iwdrep for the snialb r fruit. Th" .e so far have be'n v ry liL-hl. The heal iackin concerns liave fooutlit finly riiouih to mvi r con-trac-tx alreitdy taken, and only a lew ' hundr-d thousand pounds have i en ennrai-d for. It is eMimattd Mint b-js il.ari f i e carloads lia b'-en t.oiuhr to il:it". and at prer-ent litsle biivint; is toine on except for choice lot-. Fur the oZe. ?, 1' . A price of though !ie liad an ac'ive opponent. ''dbhons pulls Ida punch's and unlike ( Ivmpsev tries to avoid injuring Ids ! sparring pai tners. T(day bo had j numerous optor: tint! ies to lay his men I on their back hu' bn merely tapped ihetn on tin open point and vriniuil. pempxey seei-.is to take a delight I ti fiocrin;: his m n. even the ratdt n-, tees, as be did flu tiant Wray from1 nklahnnia. Wrav is still on the Iimp sey lot but st:is cl -ar tif the champ'. . arena. He is u n.U'bu- ma:; tln.t'L.b. .ver seven f - t hiu'b. but In: Ids Idit ,i rickety lunibt r wai'oii. The cl-.i'in'i will v i Utn the linir on July 4th with d. ti nuinatiim in his h-art ii hold b t onors. He is not j.-iiur t'j take a ehmu-e and il Ho-.- ible d'-bvi-r l e '.;;in in the l.:-t round. That i. 'h-, ;e:ieial opinion here. , I Cihbons. li"v,.r, is also a det. r top prwo i.nd j-iined individual ;;tid natutal'y co,et a result we ,p(, heaww eii-lit crown and the lor l 'ino w hich a com pan i s it. i I dl 'ii:bt Wedio-sday lor the Imr.i of 'ihiaijimi; it lor he will ivcehe i y little if ar.v financial ieiniitieratMn trom the bni'le. li -. oini' to foe the battle of the tL-e and il bv chance ;ibbons shou. I ontHCt Vllil niie that t- lis Ihe stnry, he trowd will to over the ropes jwo ' he arena ar.d c.irry otil th til;-r cliampM n of all t inn s. AGREEMENT POSSIBLE been secured. The gate receipts will l.vons, 9; Fred Woods, 4; (leorge Cope- ih. n revert to the promoters. I lln. 7; Andy Malloy, 3: Two Hound Tin. main 'event starts at 3 p. in. ' ililllan. 1; Jack liowney. 2; lloston mountain time. j ll. areal.l ; llattllng Johnson. 1; Cleorge Takes Gambler's Chance. ( hrlstinn, 1: Jack Koehn, 4; Joe (liv Tinted freMM lliimls, 10; Dan Ketchel, 5; Hob York, C.HKAT KAI.I.S, July 3 Taking a 4 1917 Al Norton, 1: Charlie Miller. Forc.- t Service and City Can Koat'li Ap;rccnint Wliercliy Specified Area Will He Set Aside f or City .V recommend; t ion that tho City ol 'i ''ii::- proet ( in th.i near future iiu a ' watershed ai-ret-iio m t h t!u- se- i .'lary ol at: rii ii It u re. i.. lli.ob- to t !o- c)t y runnel! last h: bv Kor si Supervisor Curl It The- e w atei sln d agreements i'U li1 thai a ceM in pnriiori of the 'tu!'il hire i lands 'drill he set to e,ro itjt' w ater for t he rii ies w hich t l.e a ereemen ts are The forest se v ice proven Itl opera I ions on t he re- en ed a ml a No pi ol ildi h y razln k. I h- t he lit v, o i am ps are ml v ry pi era ut Ion is ta It an v t m pun' o s I rom iainhler'8 chanc1, Jack Kenms, man- ai.er of ('biimpton Jack lcinpsty, in, the "wt'c sma' houra" this niornln:; Hi-renl to send his battler Into iht tinK at'ainst Tommy (Itbbons Rt Shel hy tomorrow. Kearns finally aireod to tako a "stud patne" chatico that ho will be able to obtain tho balance of tlu 1. Homer Knilth, 1; Jim Flynn, 1; Itill Hrennan.6; Hull SuuVp, 1; Tom Itib-y. 1; Han Ketchel, 2; Arthur I'alky, 1: Kid McCarthy, I; Hob Do ver, 1; Torky Klynn, 1; Km! Fulton, 1: Tt-rry Keller. 5; Jack Moran, 1; $:tOO.Ono purse Kuarantocd under luittUn(r l,Hvlnsky,3; l'orky Flynn, 1; 1U17 IMS (for heavy weight Knockout By Jim Flynn. No Decision Contests Itillv Miskc, lo; Hilly Misko, .-t J op i- id . i h mail i'. loi;i:ii-JT dl-'tflel. il' il.ir. Mow i 1 n to pr t ttMi" in i t h 'ii tie' conn Mm-' ..f North I -' , i )', i :t':.li withi'i a lo I Imp. coniruci. Aitr a vnoi niunT ; ,.,,. viii..(i "pent in conferences, during w hich ' . $... miniwhiii Kearns made overture after overture jjrjl - (Jmiwh Carpenl Icr, 4. mi foiiipromise ami neip ino promoier1 out of the difficulties in which Hie 'ii hi lias been engulfed. It was fin ally au'ieed iha Kearns wtuld gamble n the Kate receipts for the additional f l'Hi.ciui which is due (he champion. Fifteen Round Figh. ! ' F.y IIKNUY FAItltlT.T fCnited Fress Sprts Kdilor ) SMFI.HY, Monl., Julv 3. (Cnlted Ihtss) In a shiny new pine arena nestlim.' flown in a mm of rolliue hills, in thi little but liust'inK cow-oil city. Jack I teinpsev anil Tom m v ire s hedllled to meet undt eiimon sun tomorrow fur Ibo wotld's heavy v.-ehdit championship. Tin' bout Is scheduled for 1.1 rounds o a derision. James Dougherty of Ph ihifb lphta. w ho was favored by lii inpsev and Jack Kearns his man a:.r will foe the third man in the rmir. I he arena, widt h is about half the - of lhi llielciril Htiitliton In .Itosev will start on intv, Witf4 mm txt H ,.(wt r $7:,.oi)0 to ,II,,,,,' u" : Sr.it ItMi.H) Hlieetalots. Til Draw. FHa lf Jack Itowney, 4: Johnny Sud. nfoerk', Itl ; Andy Malloy, 20. Lost 1!t1"i lfi Jack howncy.4. 11HK- Willie Meebnn. 4. Won From Ml a-1fl-Johnny Sundi-nberK. 10; Cihbons , Terry Keller, ID; Amlro Anderson, iu; the aft ! Wild Hurt Kentiey, 10; John Lester Johnson, 10. Will j Allister, ! Morris, i:uk- Willic Metdian, 4; Hob Mr 4; Cunboat Smlllt, 4; Curl nplv. Mr N'eal t. Id I . I :l;d farm d and rv fi new Fiom wm . Illlllle Following there will I. of til- II e tomotrow. I given an opi the h,,i.!. i . noon, how . sufficient f lel.'ll tile r.-li tlie custom, edition It. . W S fli i.ttl. I.I cent IS ' for linr-e-r.-coL-n z. d to a eaiii" s d. t. -nil i n- .1 in roniests earlier in the day. A waron train of riot - '!..m tw.ntv I -av-il to the nn- ti'i.itie schooners, tlri'vn bv oo'h horses and ot-t i ti!;""'" 'l a t n--nl feature of a pageant program i J.e..(ed- the tla s f.eii's t Top O Utile M'.ent'.,ll,S The p-.f. ant is 'O I. pirt re-ran. t' from " e m." "! Wilfi n I'r!ee Hum ..xj...!i'i..n n l'l i:. Wagor have h- t.. tet.lt sp.eia'y for the -;.n... and. o-n a-' I" " - I r.nr 1. er. Alo'if ' 1 Indians in th.-.r r I-i n. 'i r covernment colorful ri.Mine. f .t- t wai- .1 . "lit. t.itek trains. encord ru'1" "'' "' I . ,,.v do more to t.i:t-V:tnird w ill romp'-'e the pi.'. ..r.t " r-joir-e jn t,,... mravr.n whith will mal'j' 'h- t'lp to- doTiam which r-'her from llaker to-...' l.fe thev ma.l.. amt'hitheai t". ,U'. a.-pirine nd The front i.-r citv w iM t." It. re today on by tha "world cl'.ami.ion" homage to the i ameers w ho. iv-,1 to the na- i-.s ron.nieniora-..in.-.ersarv of the i T-ail. the Kxe- A'll. e.t ail people a debt of tra'i- ;.riine a'e v t . ;r I true t f. w yoiine . le in. th.' I :s y . ar I.'l llie-e will I.. of this si.. I'or t1'- I'.t Si7e. the i. iinr t. n's. a drop tr.e i. i.inf-. and f'r ih h. -ng offered. 'I'll 'V scarce hut h'-catlse ot -e ate er-y desirable. A tehai js are t xp.-et.-d to number of lug prim's it is not ant it ip.ito.l 'ii.tt any le a', y run on prunes ent t' .. -oe ;;.,. 'd'lte purpose to t' lit:. a-km the tov- j.-trkers are f 1 c.-nt for l.eirt fie 4..',... a tlrtii of one half f. nt ,e,..i!e The ." e for C, n'-. f'.r ." ".".s i. i nts aiel ,"- the t.r.e- i ." 3 4ents :... -:;'.s the leiwis hae ample . n b ind io Ml one rs ;md are I to bm. M' titles l 'I' Chl.ol rlep I full detail. Ii-t n inad- i I'r-ss for a f.e-tll. retlti'l ! telee-rail'S a'. ringside, th. and l-ill -tin. N'.-WS It. VOW w ho d. er.. t. as rati'-Hi as from S'lo thy front of lb tomorrow, v. a. tion wall I the f:,-M ti. As the f'tl t . clo-k tii-i-li" te.ll" OVI.M k. I'', will I,... O'.'l' true. Mater., le...:.. usual no r-i'iili '..ng i " I- ernliloyis lieiii-.' ii taint to t el. l'tat I Miring t !e - aft . r tlo-r- wili l- a on ban ! to l.'i! Ii s of the II -iMl's. y and the t lilt in 'ii"ii .1 be i nt. re, I in i ' : a:ic. no i.t s ha v- 'li He' A iat-. .! er'i'l..n of Hi. . tonnd. and as th .-. d r. . t from th. will l.e r-.id nl.. ad I in front if th .fiee. All thos. elitain the r t'lTlis h. v tan l.e I re ItlVlted to . -ws I!. He . ii . very p taken to p I Wlthlllll lie i. seli-dnlcd f" ft", d p it . ii ' s lei" III abonl ii tiari s. In w i .r or to t ! ' .! al.ly at al i -Ii, d h. i'! a half el or. i.i nt on r..'. ' ino nr. 'am id.. ,1 . rd i :tn- . S m ratnl.l r. -ts of ' w uer-td i . i n to Cotnple arid 'J-, - 444V44 CALLS FOP SANK RCPORTS - .rr,. -.ti t.. 'I II" 1 1.1 till I . d Is I.-. Olll I IN 1- .'II . local il v.ill h. lO ,..ek r supp.y. he has t-ri'llor id w tiers of I 'a v i it. il lo the city th I'liip-ni.'t wal' placed unit it'll", will I lo 1'ie p-i e I. . too f .'. I mil- pi" ,d I" I.. 'Il' o it-.- at-r 'I l Is '.I Hi. r- Is II II 1 ,1 p. -'Ill'llli ! the mi of t n i i . r f-it'i 1 J I-IV. " r I., in II' lo t p., I d I. ... 11. 11 Fll'ill . a soiall co. In 'iltl.i of a cl'.lln h- "Ti'.d Mo s to ft "1- tale wit', tl , pi. onlv tha' I lie h In oid-r to . It Is ti. es ary r to ir. a W ,. a a- I prepari ,r-i.tii.s. 1 w a'er lo l... set i.-ld-I in I'.- to Id ... , ,,. f.. Il.'.le t1 ,-i'v letild i ' .. . m r . 's t on t a. t -:.'-t - in- . .I d'tri't A Mill I.. 1'iad". . t .(.-' ro. f i's to ,. r of r and :l nrd-r lv ad The f'O .- '; n' . -i v.,,n ; seat In. o. hi spectators. The seats are ,-ollini; al from IJn to l.'.n. The seats laie very narrow and it Is going to be i job sitting on them many hours, es i". oially If a hot Montana sun in on ;the sun does get hot out hot e make n. i mi Jt like ahollt that. 1 Gibbons is Gambling. Iieuipsey js guaranteed $:tnii.iii.-To his eltorts, and In addition $1"' for training expenses. And Keains, l I ii-tnpsev 's milliager. got t-IIII.OIMI of i ih" amount when June was half irone, even if he did tome close to wrecking :!'c Miiot to get it. (ilbbons Is gain- hlina Me has agieid to take So per cut of the receipts after 1 temps. a 's "iiarantee Ir. taken out. rethaps 'loinniv will owe himself money after the fu-ht Is over. Ii-tnp.sev savs he evpects to i-nler 'he rini; at ltin pounds and c.ibhotis iw.l! prohablv lie about lo io,inils lictit-"i- J;i, k Kearns and Jerry l.ani;ts, ! .. nipsey's ttatiiier. w ill bend the force 'it hcmpsey'.s corner. I'.ddle lialle. 'Iihhotis' inanai-er. will be in tlibbons" cuter, w ith a col j.s of assistants. It lias been aiiuou iced that the I 'ell'leo. y f ; htlOtl H fil'lll Wtltllll tC Stak ed at 3 p. iii, lloeky miniiitain tim-, wlilt h Is 4 p. m. central standard, T, t. m. eastern standard and ti p. in . I :i 1 1 L-tt I savings time on the Atlantic -oast. Ou the Pacific coast this will he 2 p. m. standard Care for Tourists. There ate only about three hotels tl Shelbv, but tents have been tint Mil all over the town and the t;reai North ern Itiilroi'd has put In force four miles tif tu rn- slde'ia, ks. w hen it has a, t ouiodal inns to paik thlltv special 'iiiiiis. v her- cu-tn::ie!s at- . led lo eat III"! Sle, p Of roots., r. rte-l.tl.. 'it ".anils of n!l i. itid -"ha e af..ar.. n 1 1 over town and Olll-I'le of tie I'llllllllin C'l-t, .oiets. met of the -a'inK- wi l he of Ihe hot I'll- VieielV. "l !'- i.i',tv has al-o t't-ov i.le.J f 1 1 1 'nil-'. . 1 1 I I tl It s 1 1 ' l e e s t.r a'llos tied id. - nl v ,.f . -1 i I,' Ion-- f..r parties wh I. "lie to t a 'II p and tle -e "-ji.ires i;iVr I.e. n fill.ng up tlie la-t few tlavs Carl Morris (foul), 0. Exhibition Clay Turner, 4. Tot ry Keller. 3. Recapitualation. Matches engaged III. fi7. knockouts, t'l: won, ID; knocked out, 1: no de cision, 2: draw, 4; lost, 3; exhibition, 1IHS 19311 i.f l.av f, "Dope" on Fighters Ietl,1. y, h hlliltj feet 1 GIBBON'S RECORD Horn, lsvi. St. I'atil, .Minn. Nation alily , Irish Amei ican. Knockouts I 1913 - Johnny Shaw, 3. lull Al Worgiii, 4; I luck Crouse, I: l.ert l ag.n, 2; Hilly (Hover, ti. 191H --Silent .Martin, lit. l!i:i 'I'oniiny Melt her. 1; Al Ueich. 1; I'atil Sampson, 2: Notcross, 1; I. any Williams, I: I'litVy l-'l.nn. 11: .lack Kennaii, 1; Sid. liny S.llitll, 2; t Jin Ii Cliffuid. 3; Willie Keelcr. 2; Willie Median. 1: Han OT'owd. 3; Hill lleed, 2; Joe Hill ke. 2; Kred Al ien. 1; II MiiIIiii. 1: H'l 'li Walker, lo; Clay Turner. 1: I'an o'liowd, ti. No Decision Contests 1913 Tommy llergell. In; Joe Ilor n ll. in. Vourig Mike I ion.. van. lo; Jack Iienning. lo; Knockout lliennan, lo 1'ilt tleoiite "Kn" Ilrown. 10; Hilly Mlske. k; C.orge KO" Ilrown. lo; Ynimir Mahoney, In. 191.-.- Hilly Murray. M: Hilly Viske. In. Harry tlrdi. 10. I91H Cos Chrlste, 12; Joe Ilerrirk, 12; Joe Derrick, 12. 1917 Hob Moha. Hi; Hurt Kenny. I"; Jiickv Clark. 10; Hauling Levin l y, lo; Hurt Kenny, lo; (ieorge ( hip lo. 191--Heorce Chip. 10; Clay Turner 1": 'Ieorge ( htti. lo, (Ills lirlslie. lo; C!nv Tinner. In. I'O'I l.en Uowlands, In; Larry Wil liams, In; ('apt. lie I. Itop.-r. M; Hilly Y 1 e. lo; i;,,i "Kn" Hrown. 12. 1920 "Kn" lliown. lo. I'.ob Holier, H'; llariv Cr.-b. lo; Clay Tinner. In; II .rrv Creb. lo; Until Walker. 12; i h". h Wiggins. 12 l,'2l Haiti, v Ma.ld.n. M. Won Fr.om 1' IO Vie I'ansen. in. 1' IT C. Christie, 1'.. 19v Silent Martin. 1',; (Ills Chlis " le. '' Cat t i-e I 'hip, 1 2. I'-I'i tootle ( Inii. Io; Mick King, I.'. J ntrny I i.u cv, 10. Draw I'ljo- Hoy Mel 'ornik. M. No Contest 1919 lliirtlev Madden. 4. (( olitmued on Patio S.) ' i ' I j lilt h, ' 1 ''id new as- rtali.-tic as Hit:s i'b ' l'")