VEATHER The business that adver tises persistently and consistently never travels on crutches. - - v - - Lrt ve.rd.y L,rt ! nint ;irt0,8Mrd Friday. TO DOUGLAS COUNTY )a Consolidation ol Th Evening Newt and th Roteburg Review An Independent Newepaper, Publls' K0SIIB V 1 v . Best Interest of the People NO. ZOO. OF ROSEBURO REVIEW, T ..inn n I" I ftniirnim iriiriiiin . . . " i " OUSAHUS wmm ml SHELBY BOUT ISi! Lrnn nnrrT ViW CCD PC i.r.n. Ana lilt 1 1 "!0UHI.UN5 ROSEBURO OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1023. rm 1 inetanif-ttrC L AH Part f World ' . X 1 1 1 Gather at uaKianu X TEACH PEACE ferenceWill Be Held in ort to Determine Method Which Education May Prevent Warfare i; FTtANTIsrO. Calif., June 2S. ntv thousand cnucaiom t nlri,s of the world and every ' the union are here and In . i ralif todav, to attend the t';j of the world conference on n n v . . I . i? nnit iflA ni on June .-vjutj . rinr.itipn association conven- Ij'ilv 1-6. according to estimates I ' iiian. business iuanaser of world conference of education ,n called for the purpose or i together representative eo.ii frmii varlou-. iiarts of the clvll- orld in order that thv may In a constructive way in pan wsicti mav have In esablishing officials of the W. C. E. said .day. Oreat iiritatn. routn jviri- ui China nd the Hainan coun ts amone Ihe nations represent- TRY FOR FLIGHT RECORD -r the period the N. E. A. krtion is ti'ing !ieen m kranizaii'1' will hold tneir con- the luv ci'ies. ten heme in hi. and six in San Francisco. obc held in OaK'ani are: lin Horn" Economies Assocn- :nr.a Council oi leaeners oi i. Sip'onnl Conference on Edu- .1 MVinotl. Visual rjuueauon V-m. National Council of Ad- iWf Women in Kdiieatlon, Cutcil of Primary Kduoa !irail Association of Teach- ' Svwb, National Organization nnn of State Education As- . National Council for Social s, nd ihe National Council of ffiv Associated Pre.) WASHINGTON. June 28. Agricul tural producers, traders and consuni-l ers in tne Kooky Mountain reaion and , P-nmrlen M-iw Act- P Pacific Coast and in the southe,., r,0mCter Ask ' Fost- slates, will be defined by the exten sion on July 1 of the market news ser vice of tne department of agriculture. 4V RAN' MKGO. June 2? -Cap- e ! tain Lowell Smith and I.irutin- e) ant John Klrhtcr. hopped off til 4:4S a. m. on second uttempt to e break nil air endurance records. MBLIES SITING TROUBLE i CHICAGO (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, June 28. Several Im portant construction Jobs. Including the great park stadium. Wrfgley "twin" building and furniture mart. are virtually tied up as a result of yesterday's walkouts of laborers, In cited by what contractors termed rad ical agitators, headed bv Martin Kgan. Seattle I. W. W. leader, who they state. Is endeavoring to start a city-wide strike of building laborers. poncment of Bout Until July 14th I ESPEE EMPLDYESSGic ZE ( I. W. V. PLA1S NEW STRIKE ' . (Associated Press.) PORTLAND. June 2S Plans e are being perfected by imluttrial e i (Oy Vnlted )re ) CANTANIA, June SS. A groiii)- of j distinguished ltuliun seientisid were Portland Division cf Southern 1"l"iallv '"'"''d in R'u ""' u,w m ,of Mount Eina, folloMinc a violent Pacific li Winner 111 eruViion of the volcano today. Tliey rentlt-r'-! uneonsridus by gaMies iV-"1 VOL. XU NO. 205, OF THE EVENING NEWS. ' : ICARAVAN PLANS 'iE DISCUSSED I Two Contests , and (alt lut cindriA. had a nurrtjw esrit. DAN TRACY QUITS JOB i northwest for another strike LOCAL WORKERS HELP Mill me nei. ie nwhs, espe- wi ciiil attention being paid to the harvest fields. It as slated here e todav by 8. Hoaly, hical siiokes- e el 1 in man for the timber workers ) silver Loving Lup and Hronze Funds Not in Sight toj'ay Dempsey and Take Care of Loans Made by Great Falls Business Men HlliI IKES PLEA FOR WORLD COURT Declares American People Ought to Use Influence to Bring About Condition Where There Will Be Less War. frtv Assorlsted Press.) POCATELLO, June 28. Declaring that American people "ought to give of their influence to direct the, world to a plane where there will be less or war" President Harding carried In to Idaho, the home of Senator Borah, an appeal for American membership in a permanent court of International Justice. Making the first of his two Idaho speeches, the president declared he would " a thousand times rattier entrust the adjustment of a dispute, in which America Is interested, to a permanent court of international Jus tice with , American representation theron, than to any arbitration body set up in the history of the world. Senator Borah, who has criticit-'ed $50,000 RAISED (Itv AssiM'lated lrep.) GREAT KALLS, June 28. Fifty thousnnd dollars of Demp- e) sey's final SlOU.OOu installment for the fight with Ulbbons has been assured from one individual at e) 2 o'clock this afternoon. Stati Senator Speer, the fight pro- moter's attorney satd. The re- mainder is expected to be raised before night. I 'OloislS tion of the 1. V. v. He slated that the date has not yet been set. Plate Presented Workers for Their Interest in Aiding Company ALBANY BAPTISTS AGAINST STRIKE (ny Associated Pre.) WASHINGTON. June 28. Public sentiment "will tolerate no suspension of the anthracite coal supply this year" the Federal Coal Commission to day Informed the convention of union In session at Scranton, Committee Holds Meetings to Mcke Further Arrangements for Trip to Coos Bay- CO-OPE RATION ASKED REPUDIATE PRICE Teachings of Evangelist Con flict With Bible, Deacons Maintain LETTER IS MADE PUBLIC (By Pnited Press.) SHELBY, June 28. Promoters of the Denipsey-Ciibbons fight, will ask the boxers and their managers to con sent to a postponement of the cham pionship bout until Jitly 14 It was learned today from a reliable Bource. The promoters, who are confronted with the problem of raising $273,01)0 to meet the final payment to Dempsey and to meet other Indebtedness, are seeking more time to dig up the money. threat -o them Out (By United Press.) ST. PAIL. Jul-! 2. Tho Great -Nortnern raurcao win nw come to AI.,,AvY, jna 2S. I.oenl religions the finnncial reseat of the li'Miip-1 i,.!,,. ,..., ,,i.;.,, , u,(,i sey-Cibbons fight, according to I tfiseusMon Stindn.-,.tnornlng when an statement made by President Ralph , ,,,.,.., W1 m;1,i(. hv ,,r. . y. rtttild today 'This railroad has no: ,,., from , ; ( , pf. thought of doing anythln,' outside I f(.,.t hat ,h rnc,,rg f t1(, Flm the province ot railroad operation, j ,!(1I(sl ..iiurcli are no longer in ac I resident Iludd said. i roril wiln BUl n interpretations of the racy uuin mm n.str i'rr nlure as were nronounded bv lir. Charles 1'iice. evangelisi, in Ailiany That the Portland division of the Southern Pacific company Is ranking t miners now up to and above other divisions of the considering new wage demands. : system is proved by the fart that in two contests conducted by the com pany this division has won trophies for their work. I I The first trophy to be presented the 'division is a huge silver loving cup forj work none by the employes of the railroad. The cup Is a very beautiful affair and stands some eighteen inch ts In height and has on it a raised gold figure of a locomotive. A letter from E. L. King, superin tendent of the Portland division, sd dressed to tho employes, rends as follows: All Members Who Are in Sympathy With Price and His Ideas Asked to Seek Affiliation Elsewhere "It affords me much pride and satis- PILLAGE CITY (Fly Associated Press.) SHANCIIAI, June 28. Troops tn the Hiihrn province have united and pillaged the city of Mlernyiuig. ac cording to advices from Hankow. The dispatches Hdd that the mutineers i i. i.m to announce mat tne i-oriiam! i have rarrled off a number of captives n,if-.,Jti una U.-.-II iinuiiifii int. r uei Trophy for the fii-st quarter ending said he felt the president's position, as set forth In his St. Louis speech, was generally agreeable to the people of the country as well as to the Re publican party. E Dfpanmen of Education, the administration's world court plan i f to be held in San Francisco are ' as presented to the senate, met the in Junior Red Cross, Illiteracy , president at Cache Junction, Ltah. i. National Federation of I and in a statement to newspapermen i Lanaaage Teachers, National of Teachers Associations, ' Garden Association of Amcr- I'd the Illiteracy Conference. representative assembly of the . A. will be held In Oakland, f the reneral evening sessions hid in Sun Francisco. Ses- f the World Conference on Ed- and tho National Council of 'tion will be held in San Fran- i"f will be twenty departmental "aa of the N. E. A. being held of wliirh eleven will be held i',rraneisoo and nine in unit T'ose 1n San Fran isco are : ' -ss education, Child hygiene, ad- ai publications, higher educa- imraigrant education, normal physical elucatlon. school 'sfr:ition. secondary education. education and (Hv wsoelatcS !:eso t , SHELBY. .Mont.. June 27. Dan Tracy, pioneer Great Falls mining ! man "and hotel owner, suddenly j last Novem her. Also yesterday members of the church received printed aniiotinee- iinil. authorised and tor and deacons ol tile church, eniaii!iu the stand laken by the Baptist church leade rs .te.,imtelv nroteet the,,M rti"uny hc.ii swe-nng mat 'rom the position of ex-1 ' ... charge of the business n"'1"8 f V,'1 t of the Uempsey-Olb.;1?8"''-- h P withdrew from the position of ecillve in management bos fight earlv tonight. 'Tracy said his withdrawal was due to his in ability tn new capital put into the promotion at the time the second $100,000 In stallment was paid Demps"y June 15. Mayor Jim Johnson, treasurer of Ihe fight, said Tracy's withdrawal would not prevent the holding of the bout. Tracy was placed In charge of the business nanngemnt of the fight ten days ago at the request or Great Falls bmiiics men who con tributed to the $100,000 Installment due Dempsey at a tune when it bp- fPv T'ntted Press.) WASHINGTON. June 28. Foreign pPxr(. that the money would not he and wider use of school houses. "t Oakland are: Classroom f. deans of women, elementary ee-mentarv sphnnl ni inrl- kirderearten education lihrarv education, rural education, and instruction. National Council nt ITdiif-al Ion k''ld foUr S.wmna In Cn Vun. Julv 2. 3. H nn.l ft Th. " will be opened with an address I- fiWVnn Drlffilia tirnal. f 'he council. and newlv a'nnolnt- friotend.-nt ot schools of San ships bringing liquor Inside the three mile limit of the United States In vio lation of the Volstead act, will not be seized. Acting Secretary Gilbert ol the treasury department declared in practical ! an official statement today. raised Washes Hands of Game "I came here to see tlint the Great Falls men who have $17,000 tied tin In this fieht, got their money back." Tracy said. "It's not in sight now and I'm going back to report to them. I am through with anv fur ther connection with the fight. I cannot snv whether the Great halls people to represent them Tracy left for Great Falls tonight. Whether Traev's withdrawal leaves the business affairs of the light en tirely In tho hands of the original nrnnihtem was uncertain tonight, nl- (By T'ntted Press.) u ,, BJt,. ,i imn..iuio LAI-REL. Wash.. June 28. Dam- "... -." ''a h,a r. age amounting to $7 '5.000 resulted , Fred Searles. a former at the Laurel Box and Lumber com- " " .... . . .,,, wh ... pany, when two million feet of lum- r.l(.y , assl, , 11(!lt,nl. able may willwlraw from the lbiptU't church iiere and affiliate wi'li oilier denominations more adaptable to their beliefs. . Kcllivm tilves Views Accompanying liie printed letter was n Iran written by Rev, Fell in an and Issued under the n.-iticthm of Dr. W. II. Ili'ison. of Portland, nod the slate Baptist orcaniaiion. Th" tract explains more fully tiie Baptist ,. I view of tile di.'elrtnes that were ex pound! d by Dr. I'rice in Albany, anil of similar doctrines, coven d gener ally by the term: "l'eutncoi:tal movement." The full tevl or the printed letter, dated June 2:! and addressed to the members of the First Baptist church at Mbany, is as fallows: "The Deacons of the church after i prayerful consideration and with the 'oncurrenc" of the pnsior iinl'e in i and r.'com- Mareh 1!I23. I assure you that your ffoits are must gratifying to me and jtho result has further Justified my 1i confidence in your ability to bring honor and glory to the Portland divis ion. 1 wish to extend to all of you mv most sincere thanks for the splendid spirit of co-operallon which has been manifested." Among the individual and firemen of the Portland division l.n are given honornhlo mention In Ihe Southern Pacific bulletin for their I work in fuel conservation are: J. W. ! M Faditen. C. V. I'taff. (). (. Jennings, H. It. Brower. S. N. Miller, and C. N Mcehen, all of Iiosebuig. I To retain the c-tip it will he neces jsary fur the division to win tho award I for three consecutive times when the 'emblem will bo nwarded permnnentlv I to this division. Employes of the j I'oiibmd division nre determined in I the effort to retain the trophy and i have started a real campaign to over- i..... . li'- in'- .-in. ii, uiiii-i Mltl.tltlim III 111 ' I .1 The second award won by the Port bind division was a largo bronze j plate, which was the tropby nwarded j by the company for a contest In which j 'he different divisions competed in I the matter of "tips" from the employ es to tho company regarding prospoc jtive business. In tills contest ihe : Portland division has won the trophy i ei:ce and has Its name engraved on Ihe plate. The same eleven divisions Iniprn innriinr nnn MEN -DISMISSED Roseburg People Urged to Re main in Line During Trip From Coquille to Marsh field and During Stunts (ny United Pren.) INDIANAPOLIS, June 28.Crlmlnal conspiracy cases against 127 coal operators, union officials, miners and tts corporations, growing out or tin 1H21 nationwide strike, were dls missed today by the federal court on ihe personal petition of Aitornej General Daiigherty. who appeared before the court. The action nulled the charges that the accused had In stitnied a gigantic conspiracy be tween the defendants to restrain trade In violation of ihe Kliermnn act. The belief thnl a conviction win not obtainable, rormed Ihe basis foi the moilmi of dismissal, Attorne) Daughcrty raid. win, n are compellng In the fuel com- The Roseburg Country clul petition contest are also lined up grounds will be open next Sunday to .i.aiiisi eacn Diner in tne manor oi all friends und members of tho club increasing thn business of Ihe com i Ihn officers of the club announced puny and the employes seem to he I today. The board of directors bat taking the same intense Interest in lll;s coillest. The race tor this last mentioned authorized the msmbers to Invito a? many of their friends as they wish to spend the day at the club ground! ill send somebody else lierej" toiowlng Katemenl lii. 'iiia' inn . "Ill view E, ... . u iny, lieu iwu uimiuu i.-i-fc w iiiu-i .i.u . A. Will kn , nimin. T . ry I h OTO Wit h w.i.... . oer mirnea auring tne mgni. ine. . . .. financial V, "ins from Julv 1 to R in- h tlte excention nf Jnlv 4 conibin.,1 patriotic meet will hi me i,reel; iheaire. Enlver 1 "ifornia. Iierkelev. Speakers f'o'ra-n for the Julv 4 meet 'ne.a, jt,n , Pershinir. Owb-v, Itatinr.Til rnnimnnH. ncrtn I.ei-ion: w. W. Camp n "n "!' , nlversity of Califor- t Worn! c...A i oi p,,v,. """i- nui.ennienii- 1 C :t? ItlstniCttOn Co...,n. '' A ininl i,,.,.;' . .. Ju,v -), with the followinir tho prntrram: I.'rbrt f nt, Ilorthese. Home: Dr. Aug r, Taenia . st.n A.aine; n,i d ""tn. South flames were controlled this morning pnd were prevented from reaching the mill. LADY LUCK WITH . DARIMG AVIATORS I of certain strange doc. trine and iraeiio.-s we believe to be contrary to t'te faith and customs of Baptist church s and contrary to iVl leaching of tile Word of God. and perilous alike to tiie welldoing of the Individual Christian and to the unity of the i lunch as well, ami "In view of the solemn dillv Im posed upon us as deaons of the church tO erercl-e fai'hful over l.ebt rf the sT'irllual In'ere-ts of the eh'irch, we remfnd aiy who have forgo'ten and inform ail who ilo not know I - t'onlr.-irv to Word of God "It Is co'trarv to our bell.-f at Biptists anil conlrary to the Vor't of Ood to hol'l or teach Dial '.iieak Inc In torgu.'s or hod'lv sensat iins of anv kind nre t'te Hit, In te.t rf the Spirlt-flllcd lit". Stl'-h teaching. In ing cnntinm- to the Word of God. D harmful to the chnrel: contest seems to have seliled down and take advantage of Ihe oonortiin to a neck and neck batlle between itv to enloy the recreation al lorded Ihe Portland and Ixs Angeles divls AII members who wish to arrani inns l'i to Ihe present the former ! for special meals should notify l In division leads by a matter of an easy , "toward by Satnrdcy morning. Light Ihou.-ant! points but ns the contest t litncbi s vill be served as usual does not close until the end of the Tiie rroenil '. have been greall) present month thn outcome is indefl Improved mid Ihe fairways and nite. (greens are In fine shape. Later the I he bronze trophy plate, which was fclnti Is going to hold a hoiisewarm placed on display at lltibar Brothers i lilt; which will include a good pro lewi lev stoi' today, is also a very 1 iMam with an evening eiilertainmenl Another meeting of tho committee In charge of the caravan tn Marsh field on July 4. was held last night and further arrangements made. Tho committee asks the cooperation of all Uoscburg people In making this cara van a success and Is depending upon those who make the trip to follow the plan which has been prepared. Cars leaving ltoseburg should allow from four to four and one-half hours to make Coquille. This will give plenty of time and there will be no need for hurrying or crowding upon the highway. Persons getting Into Coquille earlier than 4 p. m. on the af ternoon of the 3rd, are requested to wait there until the caravan Is form ed. From Coquille to Marshfleld It is 'ill paved road, a distnnce of 21 miles, ind sitrriclcnt time Is being allowed so that there will be no hurrying on this part of the trip. All drivers are re quested to keep up with the proces sions so that there will be no gaps, mil It Is also requested that cars iiaintaln their places In line and not ry to pass or lag behind other ma- bines unless something goes wrong. yhen the driver should pull his car out o the side of the road where it will ot interfere with the cars coming torn behind. Between Coquille and Marshfield he caravan will be led by State Traf- lc Offlrer Williams, and Ihe IJoukIiw "ounty Concert Band.. Drivers are requested not to fall out if line until afler the parade and Hints nre completed at Marshfield. The caravan will enter the city wilh he bund In the lead and will parade hinugh the central business district. rhls will be followed lV a short dem- instnttlon in which a number of fea- iii p stunts will be put on by the Inachurg delegation. George Smith, l mi W. II. Day will go to Murahrield in Sunday to make all arrangements 'or this program. While these stunts nre In progress he drivers are requested to keep heir ears in line. This Is necessary jnd very Important to tho members of he delegation and will Insure their icing taken care of by tho Marshfield committee. It Is urged that ltoseburg pinplo cave ltoseburg In plenty of time on he 3rd In order lo Insure Iheir arrival I Coquille on lime. Most of the travel vlll be toward Marshfield on that day o that the danger of meeting cars vill he lessenid. Members of the ominlttee will be stationed at Co lonic to give further Information here concerning the minor details of he run Into Marshfield, and all Rose nirg pi-ople Bre requested to wait nd make the trip Into the Coos Bay Hy wilh the caravan so that there 'ill be a good showing. . fBr fnlt.-d Pmil SAN DIEGO. June IS. "Lady Luck" who deserted Captain Smith and Lieutenant Rlchter, non-stop fliers, yesterday when the were . , .'forced to de-rend, rode with them and Central t todav. Luck alone, airmen sa. saved their lives when the first fuel from another plane was laken aboard . A' the fueling plane got 'tit ,n'o position, the nasoline hose was Aldropped. I.letl'enani Itirntrr rem ii MARKET REPORT ; for It and accidentally turned on th ,, - Irslve and a-olln doused him as n-"'ei-tati-id n. ..i.i .t,- k .hito! .... - i-.-n.' V Sat C OSe IH' HI- ill-" i"" June 2S. Cattle 'nloes Then the line became kinked. "Land hor. real. .,.,.. ' i i .u. trnvelitE unetil...i . ' -"S unilli, lruiiii mi- - - . an, .VII "d. f thn rain nf 10 miles BU nour, rlo'e together. Only 2"i gallons of ra.ndine were transferred, ncres-itat- . - raNiline were irans-.-i i i. u.-'- Ins another attempt about noon here for a few davs st least, he mid Proiuotem Sell Picture Kighls, Disposition of motion Picture richls for' the Demp icv Gibbons heawweighi rhamnionshin July 4 Is In the hands of Sh'iby fight promo ters. After rilcke'lrg all dnv ith local officials. Jick K'srns. Dempsev's manager, turned his Interest in the filn announced nt 3T, nor cent of . ..Kit. Into ihe hands of Mav- divisive srd or Jim Johnson, treasurer of the I and has p.-v. r he. n an artl ie of fich I ov .1 Molnnibr. American l apnsi oen. :. 'Tecion cotnm-ind.T. Eddie Kane, i "It Is eontrsry to our belief a 'Gibbons' mans-er snd MiVe Collins. I I'.tptlsts and rmtrarv to the leaih .matchmaker for disposal ns they taw Ing of the Word of Goi in h Id ir f.( i.nch that physietii or ln.dtl pi. nil The conriet for tsling the '(ght festatlons il ''1 he nie-H or 'pi tors w?s sold for lnon tn a I,os "oor't In n'i tg I'd-ies fro-n God , Ancles com pan w ton'gM. It was an-! for the b. M-m r walks by '.'H. and 'no'tneed iiospit.. d' finite a"urancn j not by sir!:.. ,v local fteh' o'Mclal- that they will "It there s.eeld he nnv rn-ii.liir Vave the fttml t""l ni roarant.-ed or our eher'b ho silll prefer., to the chsmnlon he Julv 2. when It il',.!eV. snd practice tl.lti-'s 'd"" K'-arn- 'id h tielieved "It was i ; talnst h!"li v e hsv re "rip 1 tel 'l en" na!"" f' tbl' tinm whether i wnrnln-r. we 'f.-l!onaet it'lu-" ',l,e rnopev would be available. Fn-I'liein In the nmtie of sir Mrel.r. to til there Is a br'-"h of tb contract. I .k church nlfli-n'otv els., iter.', w-hl'h do." not provide for payment j - In re then doctrines nil prneii-es nf tbe thitd f1O0,nen nnttl July 2. ire eci ti.l ' o one oi.c'it to n hn will go ahead with plans for the 'main In a liur- h h t his ieii.ii i'ight be declared. I Ii g Is contrary to Us standard! .nd handsome affair and Is wonh working i for. Tiie plate is some twenty inches j in lo IlIiI by eighteen Inches wide and i Is made of solid bronze with engraving j on the face. Ill tins contel, like the first. It will I he neces-iiry for'ouo division to r.- t :i tn the awaid for three eonsei utive I jlni'oils before It is permanent ly j i a. at li'-d. The Portbind division is ' cnltd-f't of winning for this term ! rrd with only fine more term to go. Mho employs epect lo be able to! ' ' tabu lip. lioplty for good. 1 Tbe Portlaiid ilivi'-ion lias merited ;nal distinction In tbe showing It has, i mini" in the t v. o onlesti; and the ei.i-' j ii!oycs are reciivint: much praise' ; from all over lb" Southern Pacific' s-. -totii for tluir Int.-resl in the wei-1 ft ie of their .oiiipi.ny in supporting , ties.' two lines of lite wol k. and dancing. COPCO MEN Ifil RQSEBURG TODAY CLAIM II H IS US WAR " ron,!'!'-' f 1 jr'i"''"i ' ' In this In - tiilx r "f n 'ii r lit i I frt.'r," li tli" )?, r f. ir vi" fi'iM'ii'in i-i r i n1 iti" ; i v. i l.flVv p. a " v( rv Ft Till Iiful H'lp- ! iftriiH". 'i I'fifi' h Ivucir lo t r ! ri"! i rwl- i" hv ih II I,. l!-it- r I; t T. J I'lunif, N"! nl-n. It II. ii v. h. r. r iiiiian, rn- Si vcriil offlrljiln nf thn Ciillfonila- On'in INiwi-r com puny arrlvt-ii tu K.tM'htir iiiIh a'tM noon to urraimp ! lh ftcfflllH of th' t runnier -f the , rroprrf vn of tho IoiikI:ih County - " I'-clit nnn iitt-r rotnpany to th , '.' .-nm-frn whhh hnx rvrtnly pur ''hafifl th h'11PiH Amonie thoM li -n to'lny with IV II. MrK-, vlcn 1 pri'rstrtnt anil Ri-n'THl innai;'r; J Thorn pRon. aivtaiit Kf'Tat !T."-nt; M. I. Kl'l(lf. trnvt-Ilnv "'ititor: V. (. Crfiwfunl, vtrr pr.n ,'i! nt und rns?tnHr: T. If. S--, ni Mirurtton PiipTint.'n.Ii-nt, ami J. I ' PfirirMpf. In t-knrv of nnrvi y mork. T )ff ttftU- iiiit l Mk af iprnonr lih John Kl'rnin. on' of th own r. r,f (ho )oiii:lan Tonrity I.lifht nn Writer rorntinn v, wfio nrrlvt-d from in rt In n d on th afti-i -noon t rntn Th detaitfi of the turnover of pron rtv r-n J m 1 v 1 nre itr ranged i ml t h f'llfornl:i Or fnn rompriny In nrran rlnir to fnniiri'ra t In y 'em for handling th" utllill' s h re. fnv nn.tBt(l Ir . WASIIINtiTUN. June ChnrReii hat Ihe Tnited Mine Worker" nf Am riea .Ih monopolistic and warlike and hat to aid ttn fiids In unionized t r rltory It carries war Into nonunion enitory, were nuoie today by the. ipeoial rotiiiiiittee tf hlliiuiinotia oimt Horn In a brief submitted to th IX i-d Slate coat rotuniiKiiiiin In behi t f the operatom of nonunion uiinea hi I'tah. To Santa Itiwn MIm I.elah Vlnter, who formerly iHidid In thin city, ! it thl after noun for Hnn'u llnw. rnllfortiln. Kor oine lime M Mtnter ha been vls tliikt In Oakhind and atopped In lo. ehtirt; on b r way to California. SUGAR MARKET DROPS (AKKOciated l'reas.) '(illTI.ANP. June ??.T1' sui;:ir niaiket nere nroppea xonsiv w but the rt'ductlon failed to equal t tint rranted bv the San Krnncia- co refinerie Ince 2T, ntn The reduction a 20 cnt.t. makinic the price 9 !.". whlih reduced the per 1"0 pounds.