Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 20, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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....... ... . !
fny A-eo-fat-4 Pre.
ST. LMUIH. June 19. Thi pocs
slon of wealth no longer constitutes
life only -bammfttT of success; the
ervlro Is riniluailjr Mining
rround. 'fliia uu the keynote of a
menage to In convention tf Interna
tional Rotary here today from Paul P.
Ilarrl". founder of It'rtary and Presi
dent Emeritus of Rotary International.
"The time when rlrh rien art the
big men ia patning" said the mesaKe.
firealneas In future will diwnil not
the roalnr crews.
S'afcbtd By Mistake" la another
of the reSkin eelebrltlea elated to
twirl the la.-lit.
thief Many Tall Feathers, aald lo
he oer a uuiinred years old, will
be aue.-t of the promoters at the
1 reoaev-Gil bon battle.
t The old war hlef will be dreaxed
In full ir rcvalla. lie haa hia
rr;i.-,i,.!!ar rlnrlda firket and every-
thine- .
An fnilan hand from me
, ti ,.,llttt
rvf land stopped la Cottage Oroya for
vlait on their retorn to Roseburg..
Mra. Hcland Aaee ia visiting with
Mr. Ilrr Here t per iar
J. R. liar uf Dlxonvllle waa ', ' Bu.illM I
Roaeburg yeaterday vlailing and j "".. a. ,.,, Ca. waa!
' 'transacting buine. . toK. odll, tnm-ting buaineaa I
Because of the great number . . . j matters.
: . , , , n i . . , urro r nwa airiru t
voi peop.e amB , u--.., T uhewa and children
I'lOOU iu " 1 " ' " - " " -
DAVIS To Mr. and Mr J. B.
Davla, (jltde, a (irl, Wednesday,
June 20, 1923. . i
-- - V - ,i a , l 4. ui ie:ruati were iu
trllM niay eome 10 nnnny 10 rnuii ' . shopping aild visiting,
the wit. hi!.- aa Interpreted tw cal Chamber of Commerce haa "ping -0 t
l. tv... f..tL-. ihii Dlii4 America he- w aeriaea to ai.fiv "i
i i.'t,i,h..r rnlumbii naddled ! Roeet.urg caravan to advertire
Here On r.uxino
Attend ftmvenlii
Fred Jonea left thla afternoon for
The Da I lea where be will attend the
Elka Convention. '
Riding hnrkirs In Phell.y la a
daily attraction like baaehall u to
mit clth-a.
The old lltnera and the new tlmera
all take flip in the atlrrupa for
Hpoa what one haa Uen able ,0 ,-et. ! .. .
Z .III I i I ' - I I ' " " o -
off the foot hill" that the rldera
' pli k. Amiinu Ihera are the pleture-
iiH r pot ted ponlea that look like
j painted burking niacninery.
) the iW-lua Valley and return CJ" ,77,. 7 M-rrlmw IJnw-
hut rather on what one haa been able
to give.
"Opportunity to urge upon the bul
nesa world the imoortanre of adopt
ing aervlre aa the bnaia of all profea- Tn,r ptw th ,ir jhoy hop atlff
alona and tniriea. ia dlatlnrtly lloiary'a. j,.,.,,.,). They bawl. They Jack-knife.
Ilotary'a peculiar fonnatlon. one repre- Itide "em cowboy," yella th
a-ntatlve of eac h profession and each f rrnwd. Hut llk In any game eome
line of trade, mnkra Ita preeminently 1 ,j0( BOInft don't.
the heat organization wlih which lo I nklahnina Curler. Yakima Shorty.
efTect the purpose. It la a lart'e order.
" "The advent of Ilo'ary niarked an
em when the long auppreoed yeam
tntra of men for optortunity
to ahnre In apirittial leadernlilp bewin
to find reiillatlon. II haa been n per
iod of wonderful prosrefa because
buaineaa men have made Idealism
, r-o worthy object ran M gained
without effort end the more aerlounly
view cur undertaking. Iho nioro
eertaln our accomplishment."
and other noted rldera will lope fu
for the bucking fracaa.
Vou'ye heard ahout anllora being
born to the rea. Well they ure born
lo the aaddle in Shelby.
! the vllt of the 00a Kay dele-
gallon. Already a large number
of people have algned up for
the trip and the Chamber of
Commerce la anxloua to eecure
the namea of all who expect to
attend the celebration ao that
the Cooa Hay rommitteea may
lie notified and aultabie reaer-
'vallom made. All thoae who ex-
pert to go to Cooa Hay for the
celebration are requeated to
Immediately notify the aeere-
tary of the Chamber of Com-
merre ao that plana may be
formulated without delay.
yeaterday tranaacting buaineaa.
.Mr. Kbdior II
Karl Flaber of the State Tax
Cotnmlaaion waa in Rose burg yea
terday attending to buaineaa m al
tera. Mr. Flaber la from. Salem.
In From Winston
Lyman Skinner, who realdea In
Wlnaton waa in Roaeburg yeaterday
attending to buaineaa matter.
- o -
BESIDE FIGHT, Mont., June SO. The
,tilg wooden ahell In which Jock
liempaey defenda I1I3 title hnro July
SALEM, June 18 Governor Pierce
toduv In a letter to C. W, Kelly, city
n-enrder of Oregon City, expresses the
rnndlneaa of the executive department
to conic to the aid of county offlciala
at any time when called upon to aid
in the enforcement of the law but de
rlarea that It ia not the purpoee nor
the policy of lila office "to tamper
with local affairs unleaa comttlalnMii
made that local authorltlen have frill-
Fourth agalnet Tout (Jibliona lin't l In their duty or until they aak for
getting nil the play. laid from the Btate."
Two other lava-la ore being built! The governor'a letter la occasioned
tor the xlatnneric ind roundup nt-! by the receipt of a resolution pasaed
tnictlona whirl! will open a week by the city council of Oregon City
ahead of the big ahow. Baiting for Btate nld in running down
lletween four nnd five hundred nnd proaerttting the masked men who
Indiana from lite illackfoot trlhe ' recently entered George Ellla. negro,
will ramp here. 1 to leave that city, threatening him
Many of them nm crack rldera I with hanging unleaa the order waa
and rot'ora. Thcv will compete with obeved.
the white men lli an cftort to get "Thla office haa received no call for
their ahure of the prize money awag. 1 aid from county offlciala whoae duty
Indians lire always Interesting. ' It la to keep order In locnl comniunl
Sofne of the nentea of the chiefs 1 tie," reads the letter of the govei
and aqnnwa headed thl i way would ! nor In acknowledgment of the request
knock you for a row of syllables. I for state aid from the Orcpon City
' "Catch It For Nothing geahhy council. .'
Tiope" will he the qtieen squaw of I "While thla offce stands at all times
At the school election held at the
Smlck achool yesterday Rosa LoVe-
Ince waa elected director for a period
of one year, and A. A. Murphy for a
period of 3 yeara. Much interest waa
shown In the election and It waa de
termined at thla time to officially
name the achool the Smlck School
In honor of the Smlck family which
donated the grounds. The achool
budget waa also voted on, and Mrs.
Cnrl Roaelund was again elected
rchool clerk. ?
From Olal la
Fred Byron, a resident of Olalla
waa In town yesterday visiting and
transacting buaineaa.
In On IIuhIiimw
Lloyd Wise of Yoncalla spent the
morning here vhdtlue and tranaact
ing buaineaa.
Ladle Aid lotioneI ' -J
The repular meeting of the Pres
byterian Ladles Aid Society will Ix
held on Tliorsday. June 2S. at which
time the 60th anniversary will be
celebrated, and a ascial tlmo en-Joyed.
readv to aid In enforcement of all Ore
eon laws and to Insist on such en
forcement Its not our purpose nor
our policy to tamper with local affairs
unless complaint Is mnde that local
officers have failed In their duty or
until they ask for aid from the state.
"In accordance with that policy
please be advised that Btate special
agents in Clackamaa county have al
ready been directed to give every as
sistance to local officers when called
upon and that this office stands ready
to give further aid in enforcement of
hiws at any tlnio county officials of
f'lncknnias county request such aid."
Commencing Tomorrow, Also Matinees
Tlir MiruTV DLir-rr rD a a rx-
nr 1 1 itiivji 1 t 1 1 tivtu-Liiriiir VJr
ailroad Men of America
From fiarden Valley
Fred Parrott. who la a resident of
Garden Valley waa In Roaebung
yeaterday transacting buaineaa.
To Hound Prairie
Mrs. Herbert Brltt left yesterday
afternoon for Round Prairie to aee
her mother who ia ill.
A marriage license waa lssud to
day to Victor J. Dena end Pearl h.
Andrews, both of this city. ,
Ijravea For Coquillr !
E. P. Brown left yesterday for Co-
qullle to Tialt for a few days wua
In Town - ;
Mr. and Mm.- Ed. Jenninga .res
ident a of Olalla were in town today
attending to. business matters.
Home Fimn Kant
Dr. and Mra. L. A. Banka who have
been touring the east returned borne
this week.
In From Green
Mra. George Melr, a resident of
Green, waa In town today shopping
and visiting with friends. . .
Over From Oakland' '
Mrs. J. Bridges of Oakland waa In
Roaeburg today attending to business
matters and shopping.
Mrs. Ilnptiate Moves
Mrs. Frank llaptiate left Tuesday
afternoon for San Francisco where
she will make her home.
In From I-Ieiibower
Fred Fisher, who is a resident of
Edenbower was in Roaeburg yester
day on business.
Shopping Hei
Mra. L. A. Stewart of the Laurel-
crest ranch of Edenbower waa In thla
city yesterday shopping.
From Garden Valley
Mra. Margaret Hanan, a resident
of Garden Valley was In town today
transacting business matters.
From K1 en bower-
Mrs. S. A. Sanford. who is a res
ident of Edenbower waa In town
yeaterduy shopping and visiting.
Motored In
Douglas Chapman of Glide mo
tored to Roseburg yesterday and
spent the day attending to business.
On Vncnt ton-
Miss Katherlne Dearborn of the
Rice and Rice Heal Estate -U taking
her vacation. Her place Is being fill
ed by Miss Elvaoi Strader.
Hero Shopping
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatfield and
children of South Deer Creek were
here yesterday attending to business
Rewlgn Poaltlona
Miss C. A. Mayer and Mlsa Goldle
Kearna, who have been employed at
the Roseburg restaurant resigned
their positions yesterday.
From IU1I1II0 .,
Mrs. C. E. Henry and children
and Mrs. M. Mayborn, residents of
Riddle spent the . past two daya
here shopping. ...
To Visit In Ashland
Mra. Ralph Lane and two daugh
ters, Dorothy and Delia left yester
day afternoon for Ashland for a
vieit of a few days. , .
To Visit II
Miss Carry Hayden of Seattle
stopped here yesterday for a visit
with .Mrs, Perry Cook. Miss Hayda
is on her way to Los Angeles.
Mr and Mra. w. K. cuagcnpeei or
l.ooklng Giass spent ' th day In
Roseburg ahopping and visiting.
In From Country
' Mra. M. L. Dubell a resident of
Canyon vllle was in Roaeburg today
shopping and attending to other
flora to Marahfteld
Contractor L. W. MeUger left this
morning for Marshfield where be
will attend to business matters for a
few daya.
Returned Home
Mr. and Mra. Harry Herman, who
have been viBltlng - In Oakland,
California, for the past two weeks
returned to Roseburg yeaterday.
In From Riddle " - -
M. C. Weatherford and two child
ren of Riddle were in tov.n today
transacting business.
Former Ilealdent Here
. Ralph Buckingham of Portland is
here visiting his sister Mra. Cur
tis Calkins. Mr. Buckingham fprm
erly made Ms home in this city.
Leaves For 8t. Paul
A. J. McMillln of the Home restaur
ant, left this morning for St. Paul,
Minn., bis former home, where he will
visit for three weeks or a month.
Attend Convention
Dr. J. G. Dav left thla afternoon for
The bailee, where he will spend the
remainder of hte week attending the
Elka convention. .... ,
Motors Around Country
H. O. Harris spent the afternoon
motoring and showing hla brother
and niece, who are visiting here
from the east, the country.
Bark From . Convention
L. L. Crocker and A. C. Marsters.
who represented the Roseburg Rod
and Oun club at the state meeting
in Portland, have returned home. -
To San Francisco
George Tntmbo of Sutherlln wi'l
leave thla week for Pan Francisco,
where he will make hla home. Mr.
Tromho formerly made his home In
this city.
aTwsk-.--- ,
VEHALL8 and satins flivvers and Rolls
Roycss pat dogs and btbits pclae
f Qhts and aociety heps amilca and tears
hopea and fcara knocks and boosts love and
h" Bresd and chivalry all rolled onto the
screen In the speediest and most hilarious
blending of contrasts you ever saw. Yeah,
Bo! You'll say so you'll aay this Is the beat
entertainment you've ever had. You'll aay
that Aleiander Dumas waa a million yeara
beh.nd the times with "The Three Musketeers"
A Roaring
of a Knight
of Today
M a a. vsja - -m !) wu mm
J: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fowler mo
J torrd In from Riddle and spent yea
j'terduy tranaurtiug buaineaa.
K From Camaa Valley
Jake IVnn, a realdent. of Camas
Valley, was In town yesterday trans
A acting business matters.
Returned to Onkland
Mra. i:. Slevera, who baa been In '.
thla city for the past week, return
ed to Onkland. California, where she
makes her home, this afternoon.
Here for the Day
M. S. Ryan, who la a resident of
Riddle, waa In thla city yesterday
visiting with hla son. Ben Ryan, j
who recently underwent an opera-!
tlon at Mercy hospital. i
Will Heslile Here '
Mrs. D. V. Cox. who has been '
making her home In Baker, Oregon, I
arrived here yeaterday and will re
side in this city. Mrs. Cog ia thei
slater of Mra M. Colby. 1 j
Mr. Hull Here
Harley Hall, representative of the
Chanator Lyon Company, of Port
land was In Roseburg today on buaineaa.
Here- On ltttsln
P. V. Benson. renreantntfr nt
,the Thomas and Son Inc.. of loa Visiting Mrs,
jiAnaeiee waa nere today transacting
la At Preecott
Victor Boyd, a former resident of
thia city, who haa been residing at
Phoenix. Arizona, for some tiaie, baa
moved to Preacott. , according to
word received here today.
Funeral of Mrs. IVmnln
The funeral aervicea of Mra Luke
Ronnln. who' passed away Sunday
morning at her home In Happy Val
ley, were held thia morning at ten '
o clock at the Undertaking Chapel
-s.u,rin? !Pr..
thrill hf t rMv.
PniMN ihnt Ihuorlrt.
Arim t-it trrfi
HlHht 1 t rr
hrm tt'm ll fr
Miss. Iila Gllmore atonned tn
! Roaeburg for a visit with her aunt.
I Mra. L. D. Hughes on her war home
Halm Manairer More from Cottage Grove where ahe bad
L. 11. Ileunett. sah-a manager of i been visiting. Mlsa Gllmore Uvea
the Chanslor Lvon Comnany. of San at Ashland.
Francisco waa here today attending ; .
to buslnt-e and visiting. -SKippnl for Short Time
. C. Slmmona of the Simmons
inning nuppiirw Motor Company of Eugene passed
K. Cook merchant of Cook- through Uoseburg oa his way to
ar-vm yraterday and to-lay In California. Mr. St'imoot remained
"(l ehnrg buying a'tpplles
tenclng lo oiher busttiei
la Oulte III
Mra. V. A. Brand
and at- i here for at abort time attending la
Home From Portland
la aald to be Mra. H. M wheeler and danghter
Quite III at her home at Overland (Grace Brehaut. arrived home from
orchards. II will prohahlv tie sev- , Portland yeaterdav. Ther have
eral data heforo she will be able to been in that city attending the fcac
be cut again. 'cabee convenUoa and Rosa festival
The News - ReviewTob
printing department is
the best equipped in
trie southern part of Ore
gon. We print all kinds
of stationery, including
Letter Heada
Bill Heads
Buaineaa and Calling Cards
Wedding Announce ente
School Announcements
Invitations of all kinds
Folder .
Poster and
Everything known
In the way of
Good Printing
Place your orders with
us for Prompt and Effi
cient Service.
Exclusive Job Printing
v (International News Service.) I
VICTORIA. B. C. June 10. From :
out of the wilds of Central British-1
Columbia cornea word of one of the
longeat funeral marches in the history
of this country. Twenty Indiana car
ried the body of their dead chief,
Alexander Isaac, 187 mile in three
weeka that it might be properly In
terred In the reservation cemetery.
Chief Uaao and two other braves
set out from the reservation at Mo
ricetown on a scouting trip. On reach
ing the headwater of the Morice
River the chief became violently 111
and died.
Isaac' companions refused to bury
him so far from their reservation and
in their own way chose lots, one re
maining with the body, while the
other proceeded to Moricetown to tell
the populace of the death of the chief.
In order that the body would not de
compose it was packed In ice on the
bank of the river, which was still
froxen over.
When new of the chief death was
broadcaated in Moricetown volunteers
were called to bring the remains back
to the reservation for burial. Twenty
braves set forth on the mission, and
few difficulties were experienced in
reaching the headwaters.
A rough coffin was constructed from
flanks cut out of trees. Sufficient
room was allowed for the storing of
Ice around the body.
The funeral march waa a trying
ordeal, and the endurance of the na
tive waa severely tested. The party
was "divided into two sections, ten
men carrying the corpse at one time,
while the other devoted themselves
to camp labor and broke trail where
It waa necessary. At various stages
the sections switched their Jobs. It
was found impossible to carry the cof
fin over some of the higher hills, and
a circuitous Journey had to be made.
It was Impossible to make any of the
journey By water owing to the ice
jams in the rivers and lakes.
It took the Indiana exectly three
weeks to complete their funeral
march, and they were on the noint
of exhaustion when they reached
The chief, who was one of the most
popular native in that section of the
province, wa accorded a fittlne burial..
LOST Bunch of keys. Finder please
leave at News tteriew.
VACUETTE and Aladdin lamp;
new, cheap. Phone 436-L.
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping
f room, reasonable. Sll E. Oak St.
WANTED Modern furnished house.
Fireman, I. A. Snldor, Phone 182. ,
FOR RENT Office with reception
room. First State and Savings
BROCCOLI sample plants 10 cents;
$3.75 per M. Walter Ralee, Riddle,
A BARGAIN Four 82 x 4 "cord tires
bi sarirs Auto Wrecking House, 329
North Main street.
FOR n'ENT & room house. InquirTat
nerrica nouse, corner Lane and
"lored gla,,-.?.!",
narm to the .," a
eomforubl, '"'
- lens la m. "
excellent a
Vou may h j
your erK"V"'
Will b, -i .
Dr. Hei
preferred, ana ..' "
than yon ever lajw
fquip your carTift r '
YOUNG maa soioTJcilJ
hke to drive
passenger with WZnL
"ox 250 Sutherli. w
June 23. m
from Vancouver. WuTi
aider trade for mb!,,
burg. Call, or
FOR SALE-15-toJ-
by 60 Case steel
Be 1 separately. t
cated, at low prlces.ln.t
for house. Good hat-,
range. Cannnot ifotian
advs. Prices too In ti
B04MilI st
pneumatic tira. m
. Cadillac with trots!
Duryea with truck Wr fe
90 Overland rood max
' pass. Pperlesa rml tab
L. R. Chambers or itnat
burg Poultry Marts, i
Pine Bt.
FOR SALE At Bargain, 7 passenger
Studebaker six touring car. F. C.
Curnee. Phone33 F-23.
FOR SALE 21 JewelTljouth Belid",
gold watch. Passe all railroad in
spection. $40. 140 N. Parrott
FOR sale Vonno- Ko ;":.irr
broken to ride or drive, good work
! f Inquire at Peoples Supply Co.
FOR SALE Late Kissel cargo6d
tires, good mechanical condition. A
bargain. 312 N. Jackson st. Phone
FOR" SALEBIock oak "wo5d,$3.50
per tier. Body oak stove wood, 44.
Per tier. Address 1045 Military at.
0- W. Finlpy.
, 1 t-u Loganberry pickers. At
Salem. Transportation free, one
way Fine picking, good camping.
Inquire522 3. Pine sL
FOUND Bathing suit. Owner may
have same by deacrlblng and pav
ing for this advertisement 238 N.
Jackson st.
Pacific Highway. Just outside of
h Ibi ' tni'' 0T rent' G' U'
The World', Has'
in the
Comsdy Cjtka
worIE7ReJ"b,e for ranch
ferl5' SAnir p,"ce- Married pre
nl A- V' NeP0rt. Dixonville,
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house.
nnenVel"tnc'"' 622 Ea,t 1" Ave.
Jiable peopleneed applv
FOwIe.nLS,"ren ' rin7
p.?" "' $5. each. Also
fc. Brown. Wilbur, Ore.
jias Camilla Patterson on the Organ
A Universal Jewel
Oil up your rusty
Massage your i
t i
musctcsi , .
Loosen up Jt f
Here comes mc
-it t ,;rth!
sncn ui in"- ,
See the Prince ot
t i i:. latest !
lancers m u --v.
cane of humor, W
irilio, .
surprising en
Dee nirn iv'""
story buildW . ,
You'll get a f
and a biz boKl
of the way.
Lo-er Floor