ROSfBUBa NEWS REVIEW. WEDNgSOAV. JUNE 20. 19?- pice ix fjolcprcsyf fjasienj ''I ; (5 I. ABRAHAM The Silk Store Roseburg, Ore. r . "A PURITAN WIFE" il'y Jane Phelps POPULAR . LUNCHES At noon time and evenings the J'nliice of Sweets' lunch rooni are fillcil with your friends Meet this jovial crowd hero. The Drat Candles in Town The Soda served at our palatial fountain have no rivals la the city Oi AITKIt H1I Grare and ll k were sitting on fie gallery of the hotel when the Cher airlvul. Crane looked annoy- 1, Dick a lll sullen. "She's tried tu make him do "fnieiiilcc and he has refined." Ann jiM (o hern If as she and l'.emio J'jjntd them. "I see )uu got hero safely," eh mid. of course we did!" Crace want,- el to no oa, blay a Joke on you by i "Hetter ro slow en that stuff! I didn't like the taste of It." "Who gave It to you. Ned?" Bes sie asked. While Ann rlem hed her I hand under the tahle. "Itrooka. a friend of Mek's. It may 1 all rirht, but I'm afraid of the stuff nowadays. I'm not ready to pass In my cheeks iiulie yet." "If it tu unsafe they mustn't drink It." Ann half rose. Hut just then Dick and Grace relumed, and she quietly resumed her rest, tbank- rick mlBht neea T t The Palace of Sweets ilrlnir vnu the liu '' Dick (aid a i lul sne was alon Ned appeared, "but I told her wed I her before the day was over, wait and see what the reel of youi Hut neither seemed the worse for wanted to do." I their drink, perhaps a little more trace's look of annoyance. Dick's talkative than usuhI. and they rullenness because she urged Mm, j laughed a till louder than was quite v.-ere explained. 'genteel In a public dining room, Ann "That's right, Rick!" Bessie thought, broke In. "A party's a party, not a ' There was a good movie In town two-some. And this Is a party to-, and after luncheon they hurried to day. Come on, Grace, let Dick ud ; the theatre so that they might se Ned cool their heels here while e-eiire good seats. Hut it was Impos eo shopping. Ann and I want to gct'sihle for all te find s. ats together, a few things." jand Grace quickly pushed I'iek lie- Grace started to reply, then j fore her Into a row where only two slowly Joined Ann and Mesiie with- seats were vacant, out speaking. To have refused would "Seo yon In the lobby after the have been too putently because of : show." she said to Ned. as he pas I iek, and she was trying to be tuc-,sed her, moving down the aisle to fill. At least as much so as It was find three seats for himself and the her nature to be. Hut her unwll!-1 girls. Irgness to go with them was obvious' Again she had circumvented Ann. pnd she hurried them In the rhop-j The picture, an Interesting one, ning. saving she hadn't won a bet toehold oven Ann's attention, nlthoucl riii:siin:.T si.w ivsi'LtT ii.i:i:t FHATTf.K, Wnph., June 20. Twelve battleships with destroyers mil other auxiliary craft of the Inlted States Haltle Kloet will as semble In KIHott Bav here July 14 fiienibers of the committee arrang ing for the entertainment of officers have been advised. The commit lee bus also been assured that on July Si or 2', i reslcbnt Harding will re- MATERNITY HOME 902 N. Jackson 8t Phons 0 Mrs. D. Cornwell Patients privileged to have thalr , own doctor . NURSERY STOCK We carry a full tins of trees, mall frutts, roses, etc., for fnll delivery. it. n. i:i, P. O. Uox 1U74 IMione iti-K Itoseburc. Oregon. view the fleet In Seattle Harbor. Entertainment plans lnelude the owning of a number of "hospitality headquarters" whero the men will be mnde welcome while ashore, fire works displays at nicht and the holding of the annual ships' cutter races for the Times cup, to be rowed on Lake Washington. I LETTERS FROM THE : t PEOPLE : J IiKCTTItlj 1H OITOSKI Kdltor News-Review: A fow words about Chniitaiiqua, which was founded and developed , by Christian people, believers of the lllhle and In Jesus Christ as the dl I vine Son of God. At tlie Hoseburg Chautauqua this week, a woman lec turer urged people to read the writ ings or the socialist I!. G. Wells. W ells boldly talks about man mak- rlve them a chance to i-hop. They had luncheon at the hotel, 'Crace Insisted upon ordering Ife e.iuse of her wager. She really was I adept at choosing a well-balanced : meal, far more so, owing to her city t -alnlng, than either of the ranoh- i len or their wives. She recovered I I er good nature when Dbk compll jr.ented. her and he laughed heartily N hen Ned told him to wait until lie law the check. "Spend all you want to, Grace." te told her. "We don't spree It t.'ten." Ann winced, but made no remark. i ll hough her economical soul had WELL bRILLING Sre or write V. F.'Kcrnin, Sutlierlin, Oregon Have Kidneys Examined By Your Doctor Tike Salts to Wash Kidneys If G :rrk Pi:ri.V cr Plaildcf r mddered as she followed the order. j peel to him." - she found herself trying to find Grace and Dlclt in the crowded house. When it was over they hurried to the lobby. Grace was there, but JJlck wasn't to be seen. "Where's Dick?" Ned asked. "Ask me something easier." Grace returned, scowling.- "He ex cused himself when the picture was about half over, and didn't come back, although he said he wouldn't be gone Mui a minute." "He's drinking." Ann said to her self, but to Ned : "He's probably waiting at the ho tel.. Perhaps tuctplcluic didn t ap- Such a luncheon for five peopb it would be niore than her house hold expenses were for a week. I.'lck and Ned had disappeared for a few moments while waiting for the luncheon to be served, and v hen they returned Ann saw Dick had had a drink. Grace, too, noticed und said: "8'lngv! I thought this was my party! Why didn't you ask me to have one too?" "Want one?" pick asked. "You bet I do! I like an appetizer ns well as you do." She rose and fol lowed Dick from the room. Ann had opened her mouth to ob ject, then closed It tightly. Ned culled offer them: and Hut he wasn't at the hotel, the flivver was also' gone. "Yrs. he was here.. I rrw him about 3 o'clock. He was with Drooks and now that I think of It. they went off together In a flivver." The pro prietor told them when Ned ques tioned him. "What a joke!" Grace said angri ly. "He's forgotten we are with him ard gone home. V:ilt until I see him. won't I Just give It to liim for spoil ing my party!' Ned looked a bit dhturhed, and told her: "If you hadn't taken that drink wllh him ha wouldn't have wanted more. He can stand one, but It's all of? when he'geta a1, second one." Tomorrow rco liiclm. ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING Itrllakir vrk loialte Heearda COLE AND SPRINGER louiiiy Surveyor mi.t'o. unr)ttr LICENSED ENGINEERS feurt l,nee-llfiaehitrK-lhnne 11 l iiivli your kidneys by drinking a qiurt of w.-ucr each day, aio take salts tict'asi.mai;y, says a noKd authoritv, who ! tc'ls us that loo muth nth faod" forms acids uliiih almost paralyze the kidnrys in tlmr riiotts to cxacl it from the I Hood. Huy Ivrunie sluggish anJ I wr.ikrn; tluu un m.vr sntK r with 7 r hc.i' SURVEYORS Licensed Enginceti EPPSTFJN & STEWART U North Jackson 7 Phone K7 i i-.m-h in u.h k ()r ick, jimu our mi mai.-h sours, t,m,.c Ijciinl. and will., ,1k. weather is bad 1 1 vou 1. t tiirii'Miur twinges. The urine V : UMPQUA HOTEL "rtosehurg's Finest NEW AND MODERN The people of Douglas County are Invited to make their head quarters here. V. J W'FAVKn. Pron : SEE HERE We are pleasing others why cant wt please you. When In need of j milk try us. We deliver nights 1 while It is eoel. I Rexroad Dairy PHONE 3F21 i: 1). f, :l of sriliiiicnt, the chin- ti e't n i -t m'ii' ami irruated, iililieio 'ii M .ik r.liii twu or tunes I 'liv li c l i'ii. lo le !; oiiiiralic these irritating i'., In Iti'p i-!i;iiic the kiilncys atlil li el: lite l-.(!v's urinous watc, ct "ir r''m.'. ,.f Jul Salt from anv phar i:rv l..-i: t -kc a t.iM pivuittil in a I - i ' v .'. r 1.. ..rc bre.ikt.nt for a '.v i' - .! 1 t kidurvs may then '' ; ' " I i- i.enoin salu i, niai!c in; t'ie . I i f viatft an I Union inice,' 'i ' in J null lnlii.i. and has lieen used r . vi b..;l ilvih and vtinmUie i itiH i v; al o to neultalire the II ii - -Ui'i fyt tliev no loin-tr if. 'r. t! v'.U'ii rt'inieg Ha.liltr .la 1 j ir ' reel I line n- i ven'i p; enn not in a il'-liv'httitl ellervrs. ihinii. liv all ineans i in examine our kid- 'i cr. Ing his own God, and advocates re vritlng tho Ulblo. In the evening of the same tljty a globe-trotting young Ilrltlsher went entirely out of his way to defend the Russian Fovlet and dispute some statements recently made at Wilbur by Con gressman llawley. He served ua what he himself called a very "strik ing'' lecture, but the only striking thing about It was the assurance with which a very young man, with limited powers of reasoning, under took to settle the great problems of philosophy, government and religion. Pretending to acocpt the lllhle, he sild that man wandered for a mll- 'bm years lis a savage but. tho lllhle s. ys he win created In the image of God. The lecture was niade up of some historical facts, a lot of vanity, nnd a miscellaneous lot of scraps of history as written by H. 0. Wells, and a few chips from the evolutionary workshop, with noth ing new whatever. Those who wish to refresh their minds as to the teachings of certain- evolutionists! should read Mr. Bryan's hook "In j Ills linnre'' which can be found In i our public library. I Tho speaker said Christianity should be put hack into the church es, but his Idea of Christianity is shown by his statement that Christ was "the product of a Hebrew renaissance." The lllhle snys lle came miraculously Into the world as God manifest In the flesh. Those who idgn guarantees for ; Chautauqua- programs are usually not evolutionists or socialists. Thev hould look well to the character of those programs. I.OV1K UP OLD CH.U'TAfQUA. 3AI.EM, June 20. If the Ku Kl'ix Klnn carries out Its alleged ph n to Invoke the recall against Gcvernor Pierce It will have to look elsewhere than to George M. P.rown ns oclale Justice of the Oregon su prune court, fur Its recall candidate. "I bavo absolutely no informa tion on the subject other than what I 1 ave seen In the press, but I positively am not a candidato for f: Regular Dry Cleaning more thnn pays for Itself by keeping clothes free from In i jurious moths, gives longer life and keeps you better dressed. Let tisrprove It A. 8. FREY A SONS ready to rumuh all kinds of Are aiugb and dressed luiubei bers. Trice ruhL ud llin St. Valentine broccoli plants, from reliable Oregon grown seed, also late cabbage and kale plants. Mrs. A. C.I Kldd Son. West Roseburg, Tuonel IS Kit. TRY OUR WAY I Phons 277 Our Auto Will Call DodbeIErothers TOURINS CAR Ii there is one word which will ium up the average owner's impression of Dodge Brothers Touring Car, that word it dependable. If there is a word to express the quality which Dodge Brothers have striven, above -all else, to build into the Touring Car, it is again dependable. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the . word dependable has come to be definitely associated", the nation over, with Dodge Brothers Touring Car and the other vehicles bearing their name. Nor have Dodge Brothers built this enviable reputation through advertising. They have built motor cars, so dependable in fact that the word has presented itself auto matically to the public mind. The price ii $880 f.o.b. Detroit $1065 delivered J. O. NEWLAND & SON DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS ROSEBURG, ORE. gubernatorial ho n o r s," Justice llrown declared this morning when approached for an expression of his attitude toward the reported move to run him as a candidate for gov ernor against Tierce In a recall elec tion. "I have reached the pinnacle of my political ambitions in my posi tion as a member of the supreme court. I would rather be a supreme justice than governor. "Kurthermore the oath of office to which a member of this court subscribes when taking office pro vides thnt he shall not be a candi date except for a Judicial office dur ing hi9 term as a member of the .court. I "I have not been approached by lany one relative to becoming a candidate for governor but If 1 I should be F should be compelled to decline the honor." captured and returned to the prison. In addition three men have been re turned to the prison who escaped dur ing former administrations. These are Leo Werter, D. Truax and Jasper Griffith. The 12 men who have been recap, tured who escaped under the present administration are George Kemp, Wiliam Drinkley. '"Kid" Williams, : ) John Pike, Elvin Ne!s ft Brownlee, Ed. Jones, J. W.CwrK mouth Storms, George Joe n Andrew Carpentler and Hutate Miss Mary M. MacKartfBat wyi arrive In this city T1bJ a visit for the remainder ill summer with her parents, Ir a Mrs. R. K. MacKav and fnJ Order your winter's COAL now. can save ou money. J. A. Denn. o -E We make Ladles' Suits Men's Suits Phone 149 RELIABLE TAILOR J. H. BERNIER We f)a AttlftM Cleaning sad Prnssj Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Untpqui M SALEM, June 20. Twenty-eight men have escaped firm the state peni tentiary since the present administra tion took over the reins of office i there, not Including the effort at es cape made by Ellsworth Kelly, Georie i Holtsclaw and George Jackson when i they sawed their way from their cells I early In March, but were Intercepted j before making good their break. Twelve of the men who have .escr.peq during this time have been Cutting Down the Cost of Living Is a Problem that Is largely solved whes F our plainly marked pxtM Every Day Bargain Prices. fin ligation will convince yoo- Everythlng Needed for Tour Table EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE t Jackson and Washington Sts. Handy for the Tourists TUBBY There Is No String Attached to Our Guarantee Everything we sell has been IikIihI bi forii they were admitted In this store. You run buy hero safely whether you are a Judge or Dot. Economically, too. Tubby Can Be So Careless At Times GEE vmilZCRS! WHERtVtiO St-EN ALLTtllS TIME? I BEEN WAITIN' DOWN BY TH Bill BOARDS For hours vc vou. I HaDCA 00 HOMET an CHANGE CLOWES V 7? -&el ty xu WHADDIWA HAFTA DO THAT FOC? VOUR OTHER SUIT WAS ALRIGHT WHAD0A VA WANT A GO AN DKF.SS UP LIKE A SISSY FOR? WEIL BE LATE TO 7H PARTVAWMtSSE THEY W0MT BE tWY ICEtM ICC0LWT E I . ... .ml Ytnt- 1 ' KjO IN rvr VHV COULDN'T VA?A IF V)E OONtOET tNNV ICECREAM AM CAKE ITS YOUR FA0LT r I ICKE MY FNIS IN FOUR I er tlrr v.'e J I I I i lHir. I nft j I I By WINNER FORTH LUVVA NIKEl why Didn t ya stay AWAY FROM THEM PLACES WHEUEVA TORE THEM, MUP M via 1 al r- . i t.iC JAS 60IM' TO Ttf PACTY-Vy &3 (ft. . Economy Grocery Phone )