ROSEBURO NEWS REVIZW. THURSDAY, Jun. 14, 1i2. PAGE EIGHT FOR THE BUSY DAYS WITH SUMMER DRESSMAKING, YOU LL ENJOY MAKING LP I I IE SILKS, RATINES, VOILES SUCH AS VI E CAN SHOW YOU NOW . IdiiriiX & gfesft - - - - .. rr,miMi . ... n w, -rfc 3-1 You'll want a lull wardrobe for summer, and if you make your own you'll have so many more things to wear. AH temptingly priced Decidedly New Printed Voiles, AH Colors, the yard, 40c, 45c, SOMc Ratines, Most Colors, the yard - 60c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 McCALL PRINTED PATTERNS FOR YOUR STYLES For Friday and Saturday Big Muslin Underwear Special One counter full of selected stock of high-grade Embroidered and I .ace Trimmed Underwear, finest of material. This lot includes. Chemise, Combinations, Nightgowns, Pettiskirts, etc., and lj off for Friday and Saturday special This lot does not include Silk Garments on sale previously Fancy Sweaters and Sport Sweaters I lighly desirable arc all our newest Sweaters in fancy wool weaves, so adaptable to sports wear as a light and seryiceable outer garment while traveling, motoring, vacationing $2.50 to $6.50 priced low. Each t LOCAL NEWS : ..... On Businesa "Xlin McKean. who 1 a resident of South I-er t rerk a in town UUJ' attending to business Dialler. Over From Wilbur Mr. T. E. Grae, of Wilbur, pent I he liny In Roseburg veiling aud shopping. I Ionia KrrHii Kugeiie Mra. L. Koenlg. who has been Tla ItliiK for a short time in Eugene ar rived home last evening. From Camas Valley n. R. Hlrhter, who i a resident i of Cainaa Valley, wai In town today transacting business matter. In Kmm Roberta Cwk Nonh Hatfield w:? la a resident of Hubert's Crwk was In town yea- erday attending to business matter. 1: Frwh Beef. right off tha rang. Saturday at tha Farmer. Public . ..... ii U'inehester St. w I On Business Joe Harvey, who Is a resident of Kdenbower, was in Koseburg yes terday attending to business matters. (ieralrI (hi - r lorencf, Llchenburger, a resident i of Cole Vulley was operated on wetinetday morning by Doctor deely. For Rummer Shoes Sea Vacation Styles in Gho Dept. jr"" "The Store That Doea tha Buslnesa" For Other Needs Gossard Corsets Munaingwear I LOCAL NEWS J ' To Hold Service An lllMKirtllllt Ti'Htry service will he held at Kt. (ienrgc-'a church tomorrow evening. COMPANY D NOTICE! All men lining to ramp are or- ! dered to report ,nt the Armory at 8 a. m. Friday, Juno 15. lly order of Commanding Office. Goes to Grants Pass i flute rfty for several weeks visiting ; . vymaeu i, ii mis murium; mr , relatives und looking over the rouu rnnt 1'uns to ntiend to business mat. tr,. t"rs fur several ilnya. j I LOCAL NEWS This Is a Studebaker year. To Cottage Grove Mrs. It. K. Allison and mother, Mra. II. H. Flcster, left this afternoon for Cottage Orove, where Mra. Floater Uvea. From Ijxikliiir iljs Mrs. Hlohle. who l.i a resilient of Looking (Mass was In town today shopping and uttondlng to other bllHillPitM. Hera On Business K. II. Jlule. formerly employed in this city'. Is spending a short lime In Koselmrg hoMing a slum ileum mira tion at I'crrm s Shoe Store. H U now council, ! with Vallum's .Shoo Company at Salem. To Vnnrnlla on I'liilue I). II. tirove left this afturrtonn for Vnnrnlla for the purpose of attend ing to buHineya matters. Sheep bells at Wharlon Ilros. Good straps for 20 rents each. ...... Til Attend It Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Catihlng- and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth (julno will leave In the morning for Meilford tu attend Ihu auto rares. Will la-nvp For Medfnnl Mrs. Henry Harlli ami sen. I'hll. will leave fur Medford. by motor. l"lllng ItelmlteH Here In the morning to attend the auto .Mr., and .Mrs. Klvln j rares. nnd daughter, of Spokane, arrived In i lown yesterday, eiiroute to Calirorn. I VMtlnir r.nher Left for Horn : Crlss I'etemon, who has been visit ing here for two months with hlf Blsier, Mra. F. M. Orsnt, and family. returned to his home In l'ortland lb morning. Maehlne oil and Wharton llros. separator oil at la, anil stopped here to visit rela tives In Kosehtirg. 1af This Afternoon Judge snil Mrs. ileori e Q.ilne and diunrhler. Kvelyn. left this aflernonll for (iratits I'ass where tin v will visit with relatives tonlKht ami have In the morning fr Medford to atMi.l the rares. !o-n I'rein Spoknni' Mr. nnd Mrs. Dudley T. drow. nnd Sons. Joe end Willie, .if Spokane. Ipen! the itav In tili,.,,irr vl.liin.. Kdwnrd l.lby Is here, from Fu aene, vlHltlng with his father. II. W. I.lhy, who Is un engineer of the s'stn highway. He will visit for a Week or ten days. Itetiirn lliini, Honor Charles H. Wade, mother, 'and Miss Vlnrel Payne, returned from Portland ynnterday afternoon. Thee have been vlsltlna Mlns Hazel Iteturns From Portland Carl Herger spent a rouple of days nt Portland in attendance at the Kaglea conventjon. nnd Incidentally visiting the Rose Show. Iio return ed home yesterday. If you need a binder get the best for It will pay you In the. long run. Hi lays In the field cost money. I leer ing and Mct'ormlek at Wharton llros. IIKAI.TIIY Al ACTIVF. AT lil Miss ells t;reen and olli They ate enroute tu s-in nnn ep.-t to rem sin In ih Wade, who is taking n ir 'K nt llooil Sitnarltnn Ho Hr Wale has Ken ntiiniirhv; a lleilli'al meeting. LOXriOX. Juno 14. (A. P.) The I itest entrant for international ,tl.l .,.. R....n I. ..n 1 i' train-' ,,""'B nmiMnmii it ii n I m"n ,,5r ""' ni""e of Antonla l.lppal. In On IIiinIii Charles Matthews from Looking Glasa wan In Roaehurg yesterday aft ternoou visiting and attending to buslnesa matters. Krotn Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hasting, who are resident of Wilbur were in town Wednesday, shopping and transacting bublnesa matters. Hero From Oanyonvlllo .Mrs. E. W. . J-Jlllott. who Is a resident of Canyonville, waa In town today shopping and attending to other business. Here Shopping Mrs. Davenport and daughter, who are residents of Happy Valley were In Roseburg yesterday visiting and shopping. On Business Fred C. Huell and family, resi dents of Canyonville. were In Rose burg yesterday (hopping and trans acting business. Here On liuslnewa Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore, resi dent of Edenbower, spent the day In Roseburg visiting and attending to business matters. To Take Kvaiiiliiatlnns Miss Kthel Courier arrived here this rooming and will take the State Teachers Examinations, Miss Courier is a resident of Smherlln. Into the race, which .take place that city the end of this week. To Portland Mrs. Lawrence Matheny afternoon for Portlana will make her home. to! left this where. sh From Gliie Mr and Mrs. Will Beckley who ar resident of Glide were in town shopping and visiting with friends. . On Business . J W. McCollum, who I a resident of Sutherlin. waa In ihla city today transacting buslnesa matter. : ; i ; To 8hoo - Mrs. Dick Chapman was in thi citv tody shopping and vialting. Mrs. Chapman la a resident of Glid Goe to Medford-j George Bonebrule and Eston Lough will leave tomorrow morning for Med ford. where Mr. Lough will be em ployed on the' construction work for the JHainond Lake road. Former Resident Married A message wa received here today to the effect that Mr. Rotla Wells, a former resident of tbl city, wa mar ried on Juno 12th at Vancouver to Mlssl Iris Brobst of Portland. The couple will taake their home in Port land where Mr. Wells Is employed as brakeman with the Southern Pacific company. i . " Will Sponsor Dnnce ' Umpqua Post of the American Le gion will sponsor a dance for ex service men at the Canyon Camp Pavilion near Canyonville on next Tuesday night. An admission of 50 cent will be charged the gentlemen to defray the expenses. The veteran their wive and families are Invited to attend. The Umpqua Five orches tra of thi city will provide the mu sic for the occasion. , Shirley Goodman Here Mr. and Mra. Shirley Goodman and son arrived here last evening by car from their home In Portland to visit with Mr. Goodman's parents, Mr. and Mr. Ben Goodman., Mr. Goodman is a Roseburg boy and is well known here. He la at present traveling rep resentative for the Pacific States Electric company, s subsidiary com pany of the General Electric com pany. While in this city, Mr. Good man will attend to business matters concerning the firm which he repre sents. Ieft for Grants Pass Mrs. Martha Christessen left this morning for Grants Pass to attend the Pythian Sisters convention which take plare In that city triday. From Suthprlln Mr. Frank Norton returned" to Roseburg this morning from Suth erlin. where he has been visiting with his fnmlly, who reside in that city. .. relative? ! rriMH'Isco. I llav carriers. Ide-i Whnrton llros. tniek and forks at LIBERTY THEATRE LAST TIME TONIGl IT A M E It I.CJA S SW E ETHEART faptn-almg '2&t ! Enlhrallinz Mji whose ate Is authenticated nt 123 years. She Is reported to be In ex cellent health and Tory active. In answer to Inquiries j to her health. Antonla says she wore glass es until she was 95, but since then she has been aide to see clearly without artificial aid. She has been a widow for fifty years, and rndentoes 0ierat Ion Oscar Fisher underwent a nose and throat operation, yesterday morning at Mercy hospital. The operation was performed by Doctor. Seely. To Miirshflohl-I- Jack Ponsler and Fred I.orkwood left by Btage for Marshfield Tues day afternoon to attend to business matters. They returned Wednesday evening. To Visit In California Mrs. J. T. ('Oliver, who I a resi dent of Yoncalla. left yesterday afternoon for Santa Rosa, Californ ia, where she will visit for three or four months. Home From Knst Miss Anabell penn, who has been visiting for the past six months In Minnesota and other eastern points returned to Roseburg Tuesday and will spend the summer in this city. DR. H. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT j j j j SPECIALIST; jf 5 222 Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. Telephone 86 VUllnff with HauKliler Mrs. Sophie Sehnasle, who has been living In Portland, arrived kur. earns I ii .i.i. ... . - llh. hV .lvl B,,llnl .l..l I.. . "IUUUU Mil Will V1S11 - n ........... iii npr rt:i,ihli.v YIh for several month. her community. U1PPING VAT IS GREAT HELP liruce Bridges, Will Return Sunday Stanley Hocan, who Is going to 1 ...I r,,..i .. . , ... ... Community Arrangement in South Da- return",;" Ros'ebuV Sund'7 Mr Kou mecKM wnat promised Hotan will nl .v i.h . va,"a THREE DAY8 MON.-TUES.-WED. - JUNE 18-19-20 The World's Happy Lad in the Thrill-a-Minute Laugh-a-Second Comedy Cyclone to Be Serious Epidemic orchestra during the auto race. WawPicki-ord in Jess of llic Stcnti Counltvj A ciuiiniuiilly dipping vnt, built In Hume From ( nllege Jerauld county, S. I., In September! Mildred starretl. thnamti the effort of agricultural ex- i " attending school at tension wtirLem tn lh rsintitv j ollege, fully checked In Its brglnnlnt what luvmisej to I.e a serious outbreak of iK-sllin. amirdlng to rriiorta to the I nlted Stat IVpartmeut of Agrlnil- I Prcbytrrlan Service ture. over .-attle were dipped , The Friday evening aervlce. at during the two month following the ; the Presbyterian church will beeln completion of tha community dipping , "romptlv at 7 is end cloo at 7:45. var. i nis win alto-it tlioi-e present oi'ponunny of attending the who has I. lad field arrived home vesterdav afternoon and will spend the sum mer -'th her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. V. Starrett. an open- AVOID DANGER OF FREEZING !"' numlH'r 0,Hh'uUu,,u- I Former Resident Here- Tomato Basket Placed Over Young' Mr. and Mrs. s. A. Zarhsrv. who Plant With Handful of Soil on ! nl,r, ''' residing In Ponoka. Top I Favored. i Canada, for the past eleven years arrived In Ro'eburg vesterdav , Putting tomnto baskets over the 1 ?s"!rnTn wl" Tl"" brT w,th, Plants when fro,, threaten, I. ; fr 'nv T k'"" ,T- A' ,Tr""" n..t in ,e . .w form nf pr,Mn: ; ZtX iJCr many snrdrnrr. however, do n,u know j ' thn, If a hsndfnl of soil is pi are. 1 on does to Medfnrdj t-p of rseh bnkel there I Irs danger I James O'Connor of the C. A. Lork of frwing the young plant. The I wnr Motor Cnnipanv. krt yesterday I'nltrd State rvpnrtmcn, of Acrtcul. i corning for Medford. where he will , Ur rvuimendi that this be done. I"1'1 "rrT MeGlbheo with the , 1 1-ockwood Spe, ial, which U going Lfit Us Establish Happy p.. Between YOUR sho; and Your Feet ; PRICED TO PLEASE YOUR MEN"S SCOUT SHOES $245 CHILDREN'S rLAT OXFORDS SIZES IDS V T0 , LADIES' LOW SHOES SreaAT"! SPORT OXTORDS ur- patentsi SATIN SLIPPERS. JkS , KID S LIpE GOLF OXFORDS WHITE0& ' NEW COLORS AND COMBINATIONS ROSEBURG BO0TEF PERKINS BUILDINO IRV1N BRDNN Shoe That Satisfy and Fit Tonr ru lint mvn " cstn. Vim;1 . IKKLAM TO CKXSOB IOVIKS DUELIN. Jun 14. (A. P.) The IrlBh government is establishing a national censorship of . cinema pic ture. Hitherto manager have been carrying on such censorship as waa provided in England, and many films were uncensored, but there wa no uniformity and some public complaint of the exhibition of ob jectlonal films. The new censorship will supersede all other. Every film must be cen sored by the national censor, and the exhibition of any uncensored film will be punished by heavy penaltiea. $5 places a Royal Cleaner In your home. Hudson Electric Store. Attend Monmouth Normal Miss Reta Lane, who has been teaching school at Coqullle, left this afternoon for Monmouth, where jhe will attend tte summer session of normal. o Hay If hary this year. You will need a good mower. Deering and McCormlck at Wharton Bros. 1 NEW TODAY ' " "f t FOR SALE S hogs. Mr. Ed. Noah, Edenbower. and Mrs. Oil up your rusty laugh glands I Massage your smile muscles I Loosen up your clothes! Here comes the Bomb shell of mirth I Watch this Fuse of Joy I You're going to explode wnh safety laughs, when you see "SAFETY LAST FtR SALE Broccoli plants. R. M. . Cooly. Edenbower. , Rt 2. , . . FOR SALETriplex Auto knitter ".Nearly new: , Call , afternoons or evenings. 1145 Harvard. Ave. RIDE IN COMFOhTGabriel-sinTf bers will help. Think it over then call Umpqua Battery Station. FOR SALE Three 32 by 4 used"cord tire and tubes. First class. Cheap. Umpqua Battery Station. FOR SALE 8 . room dwelling with barn, and 4 lota. In Riverside ad dition. Block 15. Call at dwelling within a few days, or write V. M. Moore. Drain: FOR SALE-BrowoU ' strain u.i.1 " pro, ft. FOR SALE-AsteTtoT, whii .i ,7 r?i .. u..v uiL n w uiiiioM. k , FOR RENT NlcelyhjJ uiicuL viose is. ir i street -,, TENT HOUSE for ttiTk lumber. Must ku l 929 Winchester . i FOR SALE-Oood tTJ wt, 800 lbs. etch. Ira J or ride. Price IM. r I ' ' Phone 42 Mj. 1 FOR SALE Plv. kni with oven S2500. HTtk inquire at 1135 Coma WANTED Cascan suti per lb. in lots under w in lots over ioo lis. gain Store. Rosebct i YOUR LAST rHANCS-4 does at (25. each; 4h old at 17. each. fin. Walker. Winchester, MAN WITH FAMIlT; lease ranch on shuai aider good proponittot j at once. V. R Chd 112 Brockway I FOR SALE 1 work milch cows, S good k er, 1 rake, 1 riding I cream separator. li " Noah, Edeflbower. 1 FOR SALE Late Bala Head cabbage plautl plants. Call or pfc Phone 46 F-42. J. Eh Oregon. LOOKS LIKE A JOt and twenty-five cealia an extra good iheri acres five miles Irak fenced, . watered bf a ten thousand tier place, only takes fin at no more to pay hr Move quickly for Hall it reads. LAWREX3 1 125 Cnss Street, P a lis Camilla Patterson on the Organ j WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY RETURN ENGAGEMEKT "THE MAN FROM HOME" with JAMES KIRKWO00D TRI-IM nftATu Tisviui-Tnuie cAMnllS NOVEL Sunny Italy and summer akiesl Titled live and livinj IW cent castle and creeping. ruinl And Into thi turmoil ea"1) young American girl on tha old, old quest of a "title-" wl aave her and haw? a nA in H,h,i minn,, did the siantf' figure? See this picture, actually filmed in unny io inese startling question and the crashing cnmai cipitatea. KiiNSkiiiutr r.riMFDV FRIDAY WALLAf.F BPir iM-nnN'T TELL EVlW? idt BALCONY Stelflll 25c La&f "SSrS I 1 "V" atari anna THURSDAY-FRIDAY LOUIS B. MAYER PRESENT8 i g Li jimni ii iiiri" " The Fred Niblo Production The Famous MrsJf By JAMES FORBES A great American play screened by a great '"e2i In th. ... uu.' - ..rirnuAN HUHTLtJ, It cast mrm MVBTI Br fiTmMAN. rlU'- .me CULLEN LANDIS. MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE.",, CARMEL MEYERS and HELEN FERGUSON I piayer. COMEDY "IN AND OUT" SPECIAL MATINEE, 2:1' Saturday PTr' saturaay .,. W( DUSTIN FARNUM IN W H I LEJU9Jji-- LUE F. VERNON M TOr WHO -PLAYS THE PICTURE" ON THE PMOTV--ttl IIMIIMIII f