A -$2 PENDLETON THE LAST WORD IN QUALITY AND DESIGN FOR BLANKETS, INDIAN ROBES, SHAWLS AND AUTO ROBES OTHER MANUFACTURERS SAY "JUST AS GOOD AS A PENDLETON." A TRIBUTE OF A COMPETITOR TO THIS BLANKET. They are a product of Oregon Oregon Wool, Oregon Labor, Oregon Quality. Best (or Oregonians. Why not a Pendleton? We have these in a number of choice designs and the popular colors. They are better and cost no more than other makes. We are the i , j.i . agents for them. McKean, Darby & Baldwin Complete House Furnishers Roteburg, Oregon EDITORS l!ILL!SI GUI NT. MflMfel NewsDarer Men Will Hood River Legion Post in Record Climb EVENT HAS A PURPOSE Ex-Serviee Men at Hood River Endeavoring to Acquaint Oregon People With Re creational Advantages Would Shoot Cows Giving Alcoholic Buttermilk and Search Milk Wagons J17 W. R. Douglas . (International News Rervlca Stan Correspondent.) HARRIHMURU. May SI Because bultitrmllk hat an alcoholic content the committee on Agriculture of the Pennsylvania legislature haa before It a resolution whlcb directs n hoot In of com which produce. If Indl reclly, I he rtrlnk, anil authorises tha superintendent of state pollre to . aearrh waKona for the "death deal ing fluid." Introduction of the resolution was the vault of dehnte on a hill of Rep resentative Woner, who drew up the first atatn enforcement act, to elim inate screens from pool rooms and roft drink placea. On that occasion woner, who la known as the "driest of the dry" admitted that formerly he had at times yielded to butter milk, hut not elnce the nassace of the rinrhot-bat-ked prohibition bill, which wiped out the licensed aaloon. Ordinarily members of the legis lature pay little attention to the In itial reading of a resolution. When Representative Htufflet offered hia resolution to prohll.lt buttermilk, however, and the reading clerk hur ried through the provisions of the measure members at first became at tentive and then laughed until tears rnn down their cheeks. The resolution read: Whereas. It has lieen testified on the floor of the House that alcohol la often present In quantity In that harmless product known aa butter milk: and Whereas, This evidence comes at a surprise to the portion of the House which believes lu temper ance- and sobriety; and Whereas, It is Important that temptation he removed aa far as possible frcm the youth of thla aov erelgn Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania those amlllng-faced youths who year by year are approaching nearer the goal of manhood; and Whereaa, No restrlctlona can lis deemed harsh which will safeguard the paths of our cltUenry; there fore, lie It Hesolved, That It la the sense of the House of Repreaentatlvea of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that the public aula of buttermllx be pro hibited; that the Superintendent of state police be directed to search all milk waaona for the nefarious. death-dealing fluid; that the cowa which give buttermilk be shot; that the dairy business be declared a menace to the well-being of Pennsyl vania! that all acta or parte of acta In conflict be and are hereby re pealed. Hpeaker fioodnnught promptly re ferred the resolution to the commit tee on agriculture. r LOCAL NEWS X ?$ Fuller Brushes. J.'d. Crary. 302-11. Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L. Watkln'a Phone 177. Products 120 W. Lane We serve the boat at Deer Park Inn lira. 11. I. Winn. Mrs. Chaa. O. Stanton, teacber of Piano. Rea. Phone 7o-J. 702 S. Pine. Palnlesa extraction of teeth at room t, Maaonle Temple. Dr. Nerbaa. The Oregon Editorial Association will participate llijs year In one of the moat uniuue conventions in the history of the Bute's organisation of newspaper men. Plans are com plete for participation of the edltora In the third annual Mount Hood Climb of the Hood Hlver Post, Am erican Legion, which, according; to Interest shown In various Northwest ern communities, will attract an es timated 75U visitors. The combined editorial and Legion party U ex pected to Bet a record In North wes tern mountain climbing. The number gathered at the highland forest camp, on the banks of the spark ling: Tilly Jane creek and at the very edge of Mount Hood's perpet ual snow, will far exceed that of any former recreational party ever held In the state, and the leglon alrea, whose guid last year es corted 111 to the summit of the peak, expect the "Over the Top" party thla year to be doubled. Delegates to the editorial conven tion will assemble in Hood Kivcr Friday morning, July 1.1. Th day's activltiea will Include tours of in spection through the refrigerated cold storage plants of the Apple Growera Association and quarters of canning:, vinegar and cider com panies, registration and a business session. ! On the evening of the first day of the convention the Hood Hlver Chamber of Commerce -will enter tain the visiting newspaper folk with a banquet at the Columbia Gorge Hotel, noted as- the Northwest's most fully equipped tourist hostelry Among the speakers at the banquet will be: Hon. J. Ailam Ilede, former ly representative In Congress from Minnesota, who Is known nation wide for his wit; Hon. N. J. Blnnott representative In congress from the Kastern Oregon district; Judge Fred W. Wilson, president of the Oregon liar Association, and Capt. Geo. It. Wilbur, commander of the Depart ment of Oregon, American Legion. On Saturday morning the edltorlnl j party will leave Hood River enrly enough to reach the mlle-hlgh Le gion camp for n early lunch. The Journey, by automobile, will carry 1 the vlsltora over the Hood River I Valley trunk of the famed Mount (until It gains national note. Already I through the rhaunels of the national ' LegJon organliatioa and tha medium Join of various Legion publications, the ; climb haa gained an impetus mai would have been impossible for any loiganliatlon of strictly local iharc I ter to accomplish. Hood River le j gionnalres, contemplating their un dertaking, see In the not distant fu iture a permanent kdge on the side iof Mount Hood, where annually dur ing the mid-summer season tney will stage sporta or snow fields dur ing the heated aeason. Affording, thla opportunity of unique recreation, typical of the Northwest, the Legion Post la con fident of the day when the annual Mount Hood Climb will draw par ticipants from the entire nation. No member of a former Legion Climb has ever failed to grasp the full significance of the aspiration of the Hood River Legion Post, and the ex-service men, who really Inspired the Hood River editorial convention this year, are jubilant over their op- j portunlty to carry the newspaper folk into the. region of inspiring charm. Oregon's mountain wonder land, where the impress of a day's outing will last for a lifetime. o A. 8. FREY A SONS Are ready to rumtsn all Vugb and dressed lumber bers. Price right. kinds ot Mid tlm- F Do You Know? WE GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK ON ALL CAsi.'PURCHASES MADE HERE ONE. DAY EACH MONTH. If you buy on the right day you get yon, money back SAVE YOUR SLIP MiaBiaaaia(BBBBBBBBBBaiasBWsaaiBBaBBBj All cash slips bearing date of MAY 22, 1923 will be redeemed for cash,' if presented on or before June I Oth at . DUDS FOR MEN, Inc. The Home of Hart Schaf fner & Mux NEW YORK. June 1. . (A. P.) Kugene Criqul. of France, feather weight boxing champion of Europe, who meets Johnny Kilhane, world champion. In a 15-round title con test tomorrow, has had his greatest pugilistic success since the war, al tbougn handicapped by a reconstruc ted Jaw. The llttlo- Frenchman, now 30 years old, has been flhghtlng since he was 15. Before the war he en gaged In more than 100 contests In which lie had varied success. He was a clever boxer, having been trained In the English mould, but failed to rise higher than the near hcampions because of lack of punch ing power. The the war broke out and Cri qul went to the front. At Verdun the left sld eof bis Jaw was shot I away. Many months he lay lnhos i pltala, during which time the rib Iof a sheep was grafted In his face. He was discharged frem the hos pital as unfit for military . duty. After the close of hospllitles he went back to pugilism. He turned from boxing to fighting and had marked success. , While he never actually has been knocked out, Criqul has failed to go the route on three occasions. In For yearts tbe name, "Batei the Printer." has been synonymous orltb food printing. Job-work of the hlnidt J the News-Re' :;w eiclmuZ Ing establishment. We make Ladles' Suits Men's Suits Phone 149 RELIABLE TAILOR Vernier j. H. We Do AKmJ Cleaning Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpeaat 1914 he retired In the twelte round Hood Loop highway, through the of a bout with Charley Ledoux, orchards, fruit of which Is known I French bantam, but last year even In the markets of all the world andied the score by knocking out his on Into the Oregon National Forest. countryman In one round Ju 1919, The editors for the afternoon will against Tommy Noble, Kngllsh be provided with a natural amphi- featherweight champion. Criuul Jhe Most Beautifully Designed and Efficient Operating Radio . on tne MarKet Tor tne price 3 "REGENATONE" MODEL A $75.00 Hear It at Our Store Every Saturday Night BELLOWS' TADIO DElT. MOORK MUSIC 8T1TDIO, Open all summer. Phone 602. 324 N. Jackson. New Columbia Records (noiseless). Moore Music Store, 324 N. Jackson at. ; theatre In a mountain ravine, can-; 'opied with white fira and hemlocks.! , Here they will he permitted to with-! draw and conclude the format bus iness of their session. j ! Saturady night will be devoted to ! a campflre program, where meaibers to of the Legion party and editors will 1 vie in song and story. went nineteen rounds, refusing to go on for the twentieth after claim ing that a low blow had dislocated a leg tendon. Later the aame year Noble held Criqul to a draw, while at London the Frenchman refused to continue in a fight with Pal Moore, the American, when his claim 01 ioui was nisauowen in ine four- rouijd ot a tweny- round INVESTIGATE IT Guaranteed 100.000 miles Showing at 312 N. Jackson St. BPIRKLLA CORSETS. Made M ira Hell fmie Phone 391-L. j Partiea will leave the base campjteenth Lloyd's Taxi for country trips day 1 fr an ascent of the mouiuin at day- match. or night. I'hone 44, office Is 125 Slier- break, on Sunday and Monday morn- Ijist year Criqul won the Etiro lilun Street. :lnK- Those who prefer less stren-lpean feather title knocking out Ar- . juous sightseeing excursions will be;thur Wyns. of Belgium, and Hilly Fresh strawberries bv the crate at conducted on trips to the Ice cas-1 Matthews of Kngland, both claim the Public Mnrket on Winchester st'ca,-s ot 'be glaciers and over the 1 ants of the championship. Wyns took Tuesdays and Saturdays. expanses of blossoming meadows In , the count In Mie twelfth and Matth- 'the vicinity of the camp. ews in the seventeenth round. MONEY TO LOAN on first class I The members of the editorial as- Criqul, a clever boxer and fairly farm mortgages. L A W It E N C t soclation will be honor guests of hard hitter, also holds the French AGENCY, 125 Case St. I'hone 219. I the Legion this year. Through court- I featherweight crown. He' was born St. Valentine broccoli plants, from reliable Oregon grown seed, also late cabbage and kale plants. Mrs. A. C. Kldd Son, West Hoseburg, I'hone 1R F-ll. lAugust 15, 1893 in Paris. AUTO AND MOTORCYCLI ; RACES ON JUNE 15 AND 16 MEOFORD On Fastest Speedway in Northwest Under Auspices of (TpAAA Tl 11 tsEs. $5000 in Purses THOUGHT BACK WOULD BREAK esy ot the Legion Post and the citi zens of Hood River, the excursion Into the scenic mountain region will be afforded the newspaper folk with out a cent of expense on their part. Through the cooperation of Adju tant General (leorge A. White, blankets of the Hood River Nation al Guard company will be made available for the editorial party, thus relieving them of the bother of transporting such equipment. sj . u 1 1 . . M The Homi Huer i.egion Post initi- Nothing Helped until She sted the Mount Hood Climb In 1K21. BetfanTakintr Lvrlin F Plrilr The plan m.iterinlixed when a nv "CB" taxing lydia E rink- of ex-service n.en was considering a summer vitanon reunion of mem bers of old iVmpany 12. Oregon Coast An ill. ry. mobilized from Hood Hlver In 1917 for C.reat War service. The mountain party, open to puoltc .irii. ipation, was sugges ted. Vision ,f Legion members saw how the actlM'i.-a of the Post could be turned tow; rd bringing about a popularization ,,f Mount Hood by af fording an anrtial outing at a min imum of cr. r.',. through J.eglon or- - ordinary excursion .'.iln region, with Its :ind KUlde service. -T.atlon beyond the nlst. The annual however, make It po- to visit the moon CHANGE IN SCHEDULE OF STAGES Effective April 15, 1923 ' NORTH BOUND Leave Roseburg 7:20 a. m. and 1.15 p. m. for&r and Portland; also 5:00 p. m. for Eugene on? SOUTH BOUND . Leave Roseburg 8:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. mforG Pass, Medford and Ashland. I THE WOODSTOC conization 1 tnto the mv eontly packi-, plac' tin aTrnc t .v I. Elon p:ir : ibW fur mi lain nut, nia'..- an asr.'tit to th top ham's Vegetable Compound ""When my baby was bom, "says Mrs. Posluszny. loti Hiph Street, Bay City. .mccigan, "i got up too soon. It made me so sick that I was tired of living and cne weaRness run me ( down something aw- fuL 1 could not (ret up out of bed morn ings on account of I m back ;1 thought it 1 would break in two, I and if I started to do any work I would have to li t j not believe that any woman ever suffered worse than I did. I spent lots of money , ior oniv a n.:n nal charge. The l.e- "V'P m' umu 1 began to ., e,un t i uiKnam a vegetable lompound. I felt a whole lot better d.- KIOIl 1 making Hi of profit. The two River Lea ion 1 !"e.. inward ni tually arlittii than any in s t state. ith -V lamas. apl !,. of this Yc.r 11 the exploit.VM, It l the lesion tvi scope of th s not aspire toward eatlonal venture one i after the first bottle, and I am still tak- 1 ... ,w u 1 Bn van 11 is what baa rjut me on my feet" If you are suffering; from a displace- ment.irreirularities. backache, nervous- ' ness. sideache or any other form of fe- ' ?,oIT!.J'ou rmM "" to The Lydia R Pnikham Medicine Co., Lynn. 1 Text Book upon "Ailroenta . H will be sent von work of the Hood 1st haa already done king Oresonlans ac d with Mount Hood r erganlrailoa of the eaceptlon of the M- well attended party is expected to douhle i'i of any past year. in of the Hood River cuiiar to Women alnally to enlarge th- free upon request Thu book coo tins annual summer party aJuabl nifurmalioo. . " Represents the latest achievement -in $F writer construction gives the g' measure of satisfactory service and a of work that is unsurpassed. f Woodstock TypewritcrO General Sales Office, 35 N. Dearborn CHICAGO, ILL. ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Distributors Roaaliirf. OreBOn