BOSEBURO NgWSHEVIEW. SATURDAY, MV 10 19?3. PAGE FIVE 'uality and Price 1 "A PURITAN WIFE" By Jane Phelps i't fall for (he ancient bunk that our goods are cheap stuff ause our prices are low. Molinc, Kilrbanks-Mofe, Certain rown, Springfield. All guaranteed stuff. Crown or Uoldeurod k- feeds are as good as the best, and bi tter than nost. If you Lay trouble with your flock, don't Jump to the conclusion that . d Is responsible. Write to Poultry Feed Department, Crown Portland, Oregon, for expert advice. bur and Cereals for Less Money j SEE US FIRST; WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY m Bureau Cooperative. Exchange Roseburg and Oakland t A CCMPLLMENT It Is a compliment to bo considered cconoiulcul and prudeut economy pays big dividends. Start an account now with the Roseburg Nationul Dunk. K','o Interest Paid on Savings Accounts neRoSeburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. 1H LASSIFIED COLUMN Lew classified advertisements will be found on LAST PAGE, UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY" FOR RENT Two room bouse. II. C. I Dawson, Thorte 492-L. . WANTED ".UNO. F.28 S. Main.. h Employment on farm by FOR RENT 2 furnished housekcep- Lie people for a boy 16 . Write M. -M. l oss, Drain, -Lady under 40 to keep lid rare for Invalid lady; lues wanted. Box 101, Elk- rooms. 720 Winchester St. i'Olt RENT Furnished apartment, adults only. Inquire 3-9 E. Douglas St. Phone 140-L. f'HAITKU 30 Ann knew, even at she said It, that she had a struggle In-fore her. '.hat (irace was tenacious of an idea. and that after saying she would eat with Dick, would resent Ann s Plan, r So to avoid discussion In his room the said: "Grace, I have promised Dirk we would have our meals together. It will give us a good chance to talk over our businvss affairs. I will give you yours here at the same time." "Why. Ann! You heard biin any It would be jolly to have me, and the doctor said he must be kept cheerful. You can talk business In the morn In i,, have breakfast with him, and I'll entertain him at lunch and dinner." Ann opened her lips, then closed them tit nil v. Some wiy she would' have her way In this. But later In the day Dick said: "Grace has planned everything ; nicely. Ann. You aud I will have j breakfast together while my nurse j sleeps, and then she will have her: luncheon with me. He said some-1 thine about dinner. Try ing not to ( hurt me, Ann thought. I A satisfied expression on Grace's I face was unbearable, and Ann left the room without replying. Why bad she been foolish enough to al- low Grace to Install herself in the house? Why had the- not Insisted j that Ned take her away, llessie had not been well, or she would have i urged her to Interfere, but Ann was singularly unselfish. She knew I Resale's dislike of Grace and hesi tated to say anything. "I can't bear her! I won't have her!' she said to herself as she cleared away the remnants of C race's lunch. That she had not cleared the table aggravated Ann. as little Inconsequential things will when one Is upset. "She's laxy. thoughtless. Why Bhould I be made miserable by having her here?" The baby asleep, her work finish ed, Ann went In to sit with Dick. Grace was reading aloud, and he held up a protesting finger as she spoke. "I'll read to Dick now," sho said, holding out her hand for the book, "that is unless you'd rather talk, dear." Reluctantly Grace relinquished the book after a quick glance at Ann's face. "Nurses always have an hour or ! two off In the afternoon, don't ! they?" Dick asked. "Go take a walk ! Grace. You'll tire yourself out if you slay in so close, as well as get ;sick of your patient." "Take good care of my Viking, Ann!" Grace said, as after patting his pillows she slowly,-and with per fectly patent reluctance, left them alone together. FOR SALE FOR SALE Used player piano rolls, 6Uc each. Phone 70. l.NTLD At West Fork hotel, I pno sale Rood 3 burner oil stove. kfes, steady position. Apply j,one 45 F.3 to Sirs. T. D. Barry, , Ore. itFOR SALE Barber chair. Beauty Studio, Mrs. C. W. Clark. r.ibbery. Cash weekly. E. A. -Nursery Company Salem, run aud Ornamental Trees 1 .. ,, t merries, ov 3. .11111. i uuiio n--iv. FOR SALE Two year old buck from heavy milch strain. 7.50 takes him. 240 East North First Ave. FOR SALEoTd growth lir block, alder, maple and ash stove wood. J3.D0 per tier: Phone 33 F-25. FOR SALE Folding babycart with wicker sides. Good condition. In quire French Transfer office. -2 active men to work on e specialty line3 in Rose- t tons F.outn. Good pay. at 313 W. Lane st. evenings. ?ir. Lively. Km. No. 7. '100 straw-berry Dickers at ! I'oint, Oregon. Wood, water. Frounu free. Loganberry and iy picking' alter straw- Coquille Valley Berry Asso It. Gray. Secv. NTL'L togging help of all penally rigging men. Good sanitary caums. Beds furn- Accoiumodalions for families. r apply to Silver Falls Tim- i ipany, Silverton, Oregon. AT ONCE Woman who FOR SALE-ne 11119 Ford roadster. Just overhauled. A good buy. E. A. Hubbard, 1'illard, Ore. FOR SALE 2 bay mares, 2 bay geld ings. All true workers. Weight 1250 to 1400. Will trade for cows, ages 8 to 12. Kd Noah. r OR SALE OR TRADE for smaller town property. 7 room house, one acre ground. Inquire of owner, 027 N. Jackson st. Roseburg, Ore. I experience with children ! FOR SALE A pair of paneled Garage doors, wllh 6 lignts in eacn aoor. Hinges, latch, ready to hang. 4 by 8 ft. Good as new. For price, phone 28 F-2. "A wife usually takes as good care of her husband ai a stranger does," Ann replied coldly. She read until Diek declared he wanted to talk, to plan about the work. "It's awful to be lying here know ing all there Is to do." he grumbled. 1 feel as if I must gel up, leg or no leg." "You mustn't feel that way, Dlek dear. I'll et along." "You're a wonder. Ann. I told Grace we'd have a rpill If she wasn't careful but she wouldn't listen to me." "Does she ever listen to anyone?" Ann asked quietly. "She's so full'of life and good spirits, she never thinks of trouble," Dick at once made apology for her. "It's awful good of her to stay cooped up here with me when she hates to bo tied aown in any way. I feel very grateful on your account, Ann. You had all you ought to-do with the baby and house without this." "I can easily care for you, too, Dick. It Isn't as If you had to be constantly watched, have medicine regularly." "I know iut I should get wild lying hern alone. It's jolly of her. Ann said no more regarding Grace. She well knew that with hl nctlve habits, hi out-door life, the confinement was Irksome to Dick. Hut she also knew she couldn't en dure having Grace here much long er that she would not. If only she could think of some way to make her leave of her own volition. Dick would resent It terribly if she offen ded her. Hut while sweet, tact ful In many ways, Ann was no schemer. She cou'd think of no way to get rid of Grace save by plainly telling her to go that she hesitated to do, fearing to anger Dick. That night she did as she had threatened, set up a small table In Dick's room afer putting Grace's dinner on the dining room table. Then she quietly took In the dinner, and after arranging H took her soat close to the bed, where sho could wait upon Dick, replenish his tray. Then said: "Your dinner will get cold, Grace. It Is on the tabic." Ann's tone was very quiet. Put she at once com menced to eat. Hut I thought Graco com menced, frowning. "You .thought you were to eat with Dick, but I prefer to do so my self. Better hurry if you don't want a cold dinner," Ann added, as Grace glanced at Dick, showing plainly she wished him to Inter fere, then went from the room, an angry look on her face. (To He Continued.) KEEP YOUR GARDENS OR LAWNS GROWING lcal Dealers Meet at llaiiquct Willi herrrlarjr of Stale anil Of ficials of Auto Trade Anaoria tlon legislation (iuitrdexl. 8 a Hose for Irrigating, best red rubber we can buy, Va and , inch, 5 Next to the largest business til Oregon, the automobile business needs organization said N. P. Caly, president of the Oregon Automotive trade association, at meeting of the local dealers yesterday. He was followed in his speech by It. J. Staebll, secretary of the association. who pointed out what had been done by the automobile organizations in other states. Sam A. Koier, secre tary of tho stute. and T. A. Raffety, state traffic offlr-r, visited the meeting. Cady urged that the local dealer join the state association of dealer outside of Portland as over 3,000,- 000 cars will be manufactured 'Mi year. Such a large number of new cars Is going to need the united ef fort of the dealers to keep the mar ket In condition 'or used machines steady. He pointed out that through the cooperation of the dealers this second largest Industry of the atat may be protected from destructive legislation. .More than 100 proposed laws against the automobile owner were Introduced to the last session of the state legislature. Staehll told what had been done by the association to protect the automobile-owners from obnoxious laws. He cited lnatances where auto drivers were forced to prove themselves Innocent of breaking fie law Instead of being considered In nocent until being proved guilty. The coming year Is going to lie o trial to most dealers as they will be forced to carry a larger number of cars through the winter In order to keep the factories running. Local dealers represented at the meeting were Lorkwood Motor company. Ford and Fordson, Rapp Brothers, dealers in Star cars, I. J. Broadway dealer In Garner and Jor dan machines', Patzlaf and Baker, Buick dealers, George Burnett, Max well dealer, and J. O. Nowland A Son, Dodge Brothers dealers, and A. C. Steep of the Portland dealers in Overland and Wlllys-Knlght cars. Each local business gave the feo to become members of the state association. i coupi-a and ready for use, per foot 15c to 7e d K Cotton Hose, li and H-Iuch, coupled and ready for use, per S i 8 foot 11c to 13e f S Our red rubber hose Is fully guaranteed aud will give satisfaction. Q B Also a variety of band sprinklers and lawn sprinklers. A "Try a Rain King" i i " t I Churchill Hardware Co. THE WINCHESTER STORE J LOCAL NEWS X WW w ww.www w w WWW Arundel, phno tuner, l'hone 1S9 L. Watkln's Products 120 W. Lane Phone 177. E. R. ROISK, TEACHER of violin. Call Moore Music Studio. BroccoH plants for sale. From the finest of domestic seed. Walter Leake. Dlxonville, Ore. Phone 19 F 23. BASEBALL! Sunday games solicited with county teams. W. Castor, Oakland, Oreg. MOORE MUSIC STUDIO, 824 N. Jackson SL Phone 602. We serve the best at Doer Park Inn. Mrs. M. I. Winn. This Is a studebaker year. r luscwork; thirty dollars per ""am and room. Only one lamily; permanent emnloy- r riLlit party. Write Mis. J. ''!. Hugo, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS "ing and ironing done at ' 17 Hamilton st. l'hone 210-R. M-ll Don t toreet m call n in need of auto nuriH. Auto Wrecking House. day for tennis and men on ''Velt highway at Riverton shelter furnished for horses. p nm r, contractor. RANGE History World's volumes fully illustrated, red bindings, for pigs or poultry. ntVn. Roeburg, Rl 1. Box LOST AND FOUND Woman's ring. Owner call '"It-view, describe property lor B!iv. '"b ' red "nk'irig chair. ' noiify Thomas Parkinson, "re. chain, between Oak'Vt. FOR SALE 10 acres, mile from Rose burg, Oregon, on the river, creek, fenced, and 3 room house, $3,000. Alex Bronk, 3920 11th Ave. W. Se attle, Washington. DODGE CAR FOR SALE 1922 model, front and rear bumper, extra tire, fully equipped with lots of extras, can be had at a bargain. In extra good condition. Inquire at the Motor Shop Garage. BEAUTIFUL PIANO FOR SALE We munt sell fine piano at Roseburg at larre saving In price and terms as little as ten dollars monthly to good people. Write at once to Cline Music Co. 701 Washington sL Port land, Ore. FOK SALE 7 room plastered house, full basement, fireplace and furnace. Built in features. Lot 50 by 100 ft. Garage. A mod-i n home on paved stre-t. Cood location. 15000. I-'OOO down. Bal. 6',. G. W. Young & Son. ...u .-vew nam Slaughter: pjjr. SALl; XTSUtlIERLiN-10 ' inoer leave at this zrrn ln fruit ,re 12 years old. 110 ward. f"OR RENT ! p-isnire for six horses. L. G.I ilbiir. Or'-. i N i Guil ty aepusu boxes, "t N" ukmal Bank. KENT-Sec LTTTt'hanT ice plant. T- Small 3 rxm hor", "J'i . ,V!"r' ,12 Vr month. H Mill st. or Phone 112 Y. NT fur r-nt: Furnished. Ji'xir. All conveniences. Place for children. ''! i.:: 1st Ave. N. prar trees, remair.rtT in nppi-s. Five minutes walk from town. Hons", barn, wood-hid and never failing well of good clear water. Will s-ll for 't. Property of Capt. A. G. Jiorr's. Apply Hx 318 Suth- eilin. or Mrs. ( raihoine. FOKTSALK ANIi TRADE 40 acres, if mil-s out of Portland on Pacific. HlKhwav. Improved, fair buildings, 23 cow., 1 bull. heifers, all stock, fowis, tools, dairy eqoipm-nt. retail milk route paving J4.'.o month, net. Will take Rwburg property as part pam. nt. t all at 540 S. Jackson st. Roseburg Ore. OFFICIAL FILINGS I (Compiled toy Uouglas Abstract Co.) 53393. Ml. 39 M 417. Charles, Xorman to W. Frank. 1250.00. 63394. Q. C. Deed. Frank E. Alley to J. F. Woodard, 84 D 566. $10.00. 53395. W. D. E. R. Dalley to Tra verse City State Bank. $1.00. 5339D. Deed. 84 D 55. Tra-1 verse City State Bank to Marcella Dalley. 63397. Sat. Mtg. WHIIo Ann Churchill to W. A. Keppcr, 39 M 418. 5.1,198. ' Sheriffs Deed. S. W. Slarnier, to Fred Assenhelmer, 83 D 557. 63399. W. D. J. Hoidenrlch to H. J. Kllnger. 84 D 557. $10.00. 53400. Chattle Mtg. W. M. Hlney. to E. C. Weber, $273.00. Furniture. 53401. Sat. Mtg. M. F. Rice to Fred Wambach. 39 M 418. $150. 6.1402. Sat. Mtg. E. Jane Walker to M-lvina Fauman. 3.1 M 4 26. 53403. 54 D 657. Fay Branson to David E. Lutz. $1250.00. 53404. 84 D 658. Patent, to Clarence Ferris. Circuit Court W. E. Dull vs Bertie Dull, dl- CHICHESTER S FILLS -4l7K, Ins-Ural Ak Tor IrmeM for A 1 Mf 71 lm, J with ICiie Kit-boa. CU3 sngi,.num, neiiauiej EOID BV L'GGIST? -WtRYVVKERE vorce. Probate Court Est. Christien Rasmussen, deed. o CALL FOR BIDS The undersigned will receive bids up to 6 o'clock Monday May 28th, 1923, covering the transportation of pupils from the Riverside section to tho Benson school for the ensuing school year. Successful bidder must be willing to lease conveyance to the School District. The Board of Direc tors reserves the right to reject any and alL bids. V. J. MICELLI. Clerk School Dist. No. 4. Roseburg Oregon. DANCE AT WINCHESTER Saturday night, Muy 19, 1923. A good time for everybody. Emery wants your wool. See mo at Harry Pearoe'a or phone 4. Painless extraction of teeth at room 9, Masonlo Temple. Dr. Nerbas. s Emery wants your wool. See me at Harry Pearce's or phone i. 8PIRELLA CORSETS, Made to Measure. Bell Case, Phone 391 L. Mrs. Chas. Q. Stanton, teacher of Piano. Res. Phone 7o J. 702 3. Pine. A liberal discount la given on all pattorn hats at King's Millinery, lo cated ln Bellows Store. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. M. H. PLYER Chlroprutlc Phy siclan. 114 W. Lane SL Drive out to row Creek station on Sunday for chicken dinner. Ionics coming please notify J. B. Hart, Glen dale, Ore. F Better mileage, greater economy, more power and speed! What bet ter companions could you take on your summer tour? SHELL COMPANY of caldosm B. R. Ricliter, of the general mer chandise firm of Rlchter & Co., lo cated at, Camas Valley, was in the city yesterday looking after business matters in connection with the erec tion of a new store building at that place. Lumber Is now on the ground for the building and work will be started at once. The change In the I route of the highway at that place , having left the present store building a considerable distance from the main i roadway it is now the Intention of the owners of the store to erect their new structure on the highway proper ' so they will be In a better position i to serve the public. The building will cover a ground space of 42x74 feet and will be modern ln every par ticular. Seven acres of ground lias been purchased and this will be used as a camp ground for the accommo dation of tourists ana others. A num ber of cottagrs will be erected for the convenience of persons who wish to spend their summer vacations in the valley where hunting and fishing can be enjoyed, this section having long been popular with the simrtsmen. Mr. Richter has been located at Camas Valley for the past two years and is very enthusiastic over the fu ture prospects of that sect Ion, and wllh the opening of the new highway the resldciys of the valley will find a ready market for much of I heir pro duce. This will be a strong incentive for the agricultural interests of that section to improve their holdings and engage more extensively In the culti vation of their land. In their new quarters Richter & Co. will carry a much larger and more complete stock, giving the very best of service to their constantly growing list of customers. NURSERY STOCK Wo carry a full lino of trees, small fruits, roses, otc, for full delivery. R. II. KLLIf P. O. Vox 1074 l'hone 446-11 Roseburg, Oregon. If you want a broccoli planler get it now at Wharton Bros. NOTICE OF BIOS FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals will be received by Ihe und-rsign-d at his office in the City Hall in the City of Roseburg, Oregon, up to Monday May 21, at 5 o'clock P. M. for the construction of a sewer In Block "E," Flint's Addition to tho City of Roseburg, Oregon, la the manner provided by Ordinance No. 775 of said City. All bids must bo submitted on blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and must be accompanied by a certi fied ch-ck payable to the City Treas urer for five p-r cent of the amount bid, to be forfelt-d to the City of Roo-burg In case su-h bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail or refuse to enter Into a contract and bond with the City. The contract and bond wllh quired to furnish a surety bond for the amount of the contract to Insure the faithful performance of Ihe work. The Council hrrcby reserves tho right to rcj-ct any and all bids. By ordr of the Common Council, Dated May loth. 1923. R. U WHIPPLE. City Recorder of the City of Rose burg, Oregon. EAT YOUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER Topped Off With Home-Made Ice Cream at DEER PARK INN Mrs. M. I. Winn Proprietor The Gulbransen Educates, In spires, Entertains VOUR SON YOUR DAUGH TER will tak the Gulbransen right into their hearts and lives. First playing for ths pure lovt of fun, they will unconsciously progress to an understanding and appreciation of the vary best in music. YOUR WIFE and YOU, YOUR SELF after the day's cares, need mental and moral stimula tion. Surely the Gulbransen, playing delightfully any piece of musie you wish to hear, pro vides that The fiulbranten entertains and educates and inspires as it en tertains. White House Model 1700 Country Seat Model b00 Suburban Model SI95 Community Model $120 Olfs Music Store Roseburg, Oregon GULBRANSEN The Player-Piano mm 'N:'fV11 Our laundry stops the drudgery ot home-washing. Call us for your work this wock. l:l-HH l"lilW We have a full line of nice Fresh Vegetables Phone us your orders Economy Grocery Phone 63 WE CLEAN RUGS Have you had your rugs i cleaned this year Let us clean them with our newly installed machine PHONE 277 AUCTION SALE at 2:30 o'clock every Saturday, 32S N. Jackson. Also farm tale handled. Sales made dally. Radabaugh & Patterson UMPQUA HOTEL "Rosehurg's Finest" NEW AND MODERN Tho people of Douglas County arn Invited to make their head quarters here. W. J. WEAVER. Prop. ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING Itrllabla Work omplrta Hrrd COLE AND SPRINGER futility tMttvrjrtir Ie. o. Surveyor LICENSED ENGINEERS Cmirf I :nnrltnhnrr-l'lnn !rl SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTEIN & STEWART 24S North Jackson Phone 7 J