ROSEBURG NEWS PEVHW. THURSDAY. MAY 10, Wi. aA0 THUII Nero-Review ''Store News" is Profitable for the Bnyer1j R LALjUii LUi.UlllUicD GOOD BREAD IS THE BASIS OF LIVING WELL The Model Bakery Bread Meets Your Every Require ment. Wt bake PERFECTION LIFE O'WHEAT GRAHAM Insist cn your dealer supplying you with these products, all electrically baked, or phone 35 AH Sorts of Pastry on Hand or Baked to Order MODEL BAKERY Roseburg :unw, mm PACIFIC COAST IEAGUC HARDING CHANGES TRIP'S ITINERARY j Portland : San Francisco Ivernoa v. I.; . . 21 15 .. :i h . . 1 14 . . LM M .. IS 17 . . 13 2l .. 12 23 .. 11 21 Pet. .bis .t'MI ,:.s :.;:n .SIS LONDON, i.'ay l. Tne unem-; Sa, JiJlke . plovmeiu -iniailon throughout the . .Sacramento world in favorable roinparul with j seaitle . tliat of a year sao. fay a ihe current j (Bijiaivil issue of tu InternatLiBul I.abor Rf-jLus Ancyn ..... vltw, the mn.itlily publication of the! , ' '. I.abor office of the I.OS ANCTUKS, Leactie of Nations at Geneva. The celes opened th periodical haa Just flnls'ied a world- here today by d t.uiini: the Ucavem. wide survey on unemployment. I four to thtec. Tin- Ancela scored 1 wo In France and l!eb:ium unemnloy. I runs In the lhird liiunmn. Portland tllv Ap. Minted Prewn WASillMi ION. May UV A conference Ly President Ilardiux with some of his advisors within the past 24 hour resulted in a 4 learralll-'emcnt of the txecutive's t. mauve : pcakin cncaiicincuts n l,is western t.ip. Tfce rear- ranged list provides addresses in St. l.ouis, Karusa City Mo . Hutch- May 9. I-o An lies with Portland LOOKING AFTER YOUR NEEDS Anticipating that" housewlve and other buyers will appreciate our' best efforts, the new management of this store Is working tirelessly to maintain a Superior Service and supply only first-class food products at lowest cost to consumers. We cordially invite Roseburg and Douglas County people to drop In on us and get acquainted. nient is almost non-exi-tent. In Nor'h America employment w-as ex ceedingly good toward the close of 1 1' 2 2 as compared with 1921. thou'th In Can;da fi mires for October and November rhow a contraction as ecmrar'd with prcvloc3 years. In the I'liHed States emploi-int has been steadily Increasing during the pa"-t year and business condi tion", continue to tmnro.-e. Produe- tieinir the tally In ihe sixth. In Uie : ninth ftanie the wsiiors took Ihe lead when Cinninlnr scored, but McCabe's double for the Angela in Ilie name in-j nins drove In two i-jna and cinched tiie panie for Is Alleles. ! The wove: i .R. II. E. 11.0a Ancelo 1" 1 ; Portland S 11 l I llaiterles: Clumpier, r.ckerl ami IMer; I'onor and Italy. inson Kansas. Denver. Salt Lake t'Hy, Poise, Helena. Seattle and three or four addresses in Cali fornia, probably one each at San Francisco. l.os Angeles and San Diego. He expect to "all for Alaska from Seattle. He w ill land at Portland en his return trip und proceed from there by train to San KieKO. RUG CLEANING BY SPECIAL MACHINE Better work, less wear on the fabrics, and you avoid all the drudgery. We let Cb Jio Tour clean any sort of jloif cleaning I louse Furnishings, Men's and Women's Clothing by Dry, Steam and Chemical Processes Ask our auto to call V. ." w . try ro?. uu":,f- JauurM ; C..1, win Scconi Straight. aim nrar.Mu:y. no one a year, pKAN ISCO. Mav 9.-Tlir nKo cxnec-cd such a rr.old recovery., - , mrai , froIn S..M. I;, the H inisdoni the K--n- in ,m ,.,,., err.l ttnempltiymeni ind-x nuinberal ti,.. i.,...i ........ ... k hits o:T Williams and Tesar. Alten won his first same cf th The Roseburg Grocery Company TAYLOR & SHERRILL, Props. R a YOU'LL NEVER YOU BUY AT GO BROKE ( IF RIGHT PRICES WHY PAY MORE? Ice Chest. $12. A Good Baby HuRKy. 112. A Nearly New Drop Head Sewing Machine, cost JbO, now only $20. Wo have several Stoves, good ones. Trunks, Porch Chair, Cultivator, Klectrlc Washing Mai nines, and a lot or other goods that are"pnced ridiculously low. See em. AUCTION SALE NEXT SATURDAY. AFTERNOON AT THE STORE 2:30 O'CLOCK RADABAUGH & PATTERSON AUCTION HOUSE 328 N. Jackson St. biow UltW rhangt' nt thf i-nd of Jan inry 19".1:! p comiirod with Pccfm' her 19-2. Tho artfvity In coal min-. Ir.f. In stool-sheet maimfarturt, and in the woMtod Industry wna sallafnc cry. but most of th othor principal -ls?r!M are still under the spt ll of lores ion. In the Scnndfnnvhui rotintrien and in the Netherlands the situation shows Improvement. In Italy the pre"t increase of the mimbpr of vnrnpoyrd recorded at he end of tho year was due to un "niplovTrent in the mlulne and out OtMr industries, as well as In nrrt cull HIT. Polish induKtri'Mi were roinnnra tivelv ne:ivt dnririR the ht three n'onths of 1922. and a comparison with tho month of Inst year shows the unemployment h"R preitly dinifnlahel. I fiv.ftzer land unemployment is still declin ing Austria and Germany are the only two countries for which unemoloy ntent fieures show a substantial In crease nt the end of 192 2 as com pared with 1921. It has been esti mated that Austrian industries were workintr at per cent of their np- rw.l.f nt IV.n .1 1A.IO A ! ZV i i r," ninth batter out. manv snionnble tincmiiloyninnt In 8core. i ..,e u.,,,. ,er i.uur..' 1.1 expecia. iy. Oakland ui:iue i.iih .enr. r.nilMnynienr m I lie 'metal, clestrlcal 4nd chemical In dtistrica i.Ktill good, the decline b Ine chiefly In tho printim;, food and bulUlini: trades. Reason and starred at bat wl:h four hits out of five lime The score: It. H. K. Seattle 2 11 (i San Kranelsco 14 18 1 iiatteiies: Willii.niK, Tesar and llltchle; Allen and Aitnew. D8 Ro::t Vemon Timers. SALT I.AKK CITY. May . The Pees drove Jakie May out in the nixlh InninR today und won their second came from Vernon. 10 to five. A triple play engineered by Sheehan and 1'S !ie made a spectacular finish for the contest. The score: R. H. K. Vernon 5 11 3 Salt Lake . . w 1 lti llaiterles: May. Cilder. Jolly and Hannah; Kallio, SinKlcion and Petera. Sacramento Wins In Rally. SACRAMENTO, May 9. Kinging a ninth inning rally when the same I looked to be lost, six to four, the Sac ' lamentos knocked Waller Matin out of jthe box nnd won, seven to nix. Old j Uoddy Hyan really broke up the Bamo I with a lofts HtiiKlc which scored Ale j Neeley with the Ut ins run. The Sen- aioin Bcoieu lll u iiim o luua iiii imp t LOCAL NEWS t llernita Oatman of Myrtle Creek: .ipent the day visiting with fi lends i In this city. RADIO CLEANERS PHONE 233 ROSEHURG, ORE. 114 W. CASS ST. Miss ISess Cloush of Canyonvllle spent the day 111 UoReburK attending lo business matters. HiiKh Ritchie and wife of Garden Valley were visitor in ltoseburg for a few hours yesterday. Thomas Acusta of Tiller who has been spending; the past few daya in l!o;elnlrK attcndiHK to liusluess mai lers, returned to Ma home today. Ralph Weaver and wife of Myrtle Creek were In HoceburK today shop ping and looking after business mat te r-. i IMC' Yv Jr, FLOIH MILL You Welcome rl ULLlCiH 1 r UL I .... When I T" . Order a sack today. It' made at hams. Your Guests BREAD! DELI CIOUS PASTRIES ! They go a lonK way towards making the meal a suc cess. Don't worry. Use "FLAVO" Flojr and be sure your baking will delight them. "FLAVO" IS AN INDIVIDUAL FLOUR. Every woman likes some thing "different." You'd scarcely expect to find it in flour, but you will in ' FLAVO." There's a sweet nut like flavor and delicious aroma of newly crushed wheat. These advan tages are peculiar to "FLAVO" Flour. N. fl. Willlnms today secured a cermlt to build a !H0 residence in West Kosebtiru. The building will re place the one recently destroyed by fire. MilcheM wide track ; Wharton Pros. waRons nt Paints, Varnishes, Kalsomines, Etc. i jASK. Sun-Brfim ' "A Fool there wns." Ho over stated facta In his advertise ment Makers of Sun-Proof Paint have not made this mistake. Perfecto Plaster Board, Roofing, Deadening Felt, Insulating Paper, Rosin Building Paper, Big Line Any Color Paint Mixed tO Cf to order, per gallon 00.)J CORDON & BISHOP 314 W. Cass St. Phone 543 S VSR OP VACANT SCHOOLS TO PltOMOTK SI MMKIt AltT SILK LISLK Ladies' Hose AtlScUp NrcV YOHK, May 10. (A. V.) Community nrt centers ' In country school-houses dTted during the rummer vacation period, are ndvo cuted hy Pavid Manne., n musician of this city, who urpos the orRani zation of art clubs with headouar- I tors In the empty school-houses for I ! . . . . . I more v.-(nospread itnowieuge anu en ! joyment of art. Such centers, ho I savs. would provide not only for tho j 3tudy of music, sculpture, paintinjr. t etc., but also pive opportunities for ' wider companionship, j "Ptudrnts nnd teachers In ' tho i cities wouli be clad to direct such ! rlebs for a nominal sum during va cation time, Mr. Mnnnn declares. ('"Benefit would result to the child- ! n n of farmers and country folk, 'and to tho parents themselves, 'CVKV4AULJR!UiAr(IJk 1 whose Mincer for art goes unsatis fied. The development of the nrtls- tlc Impulse latent In everyone and stHU'd. too often, in those who are far away from the cities, in of great imponanco to America's intellectual advanceijent and spiritual growth." !T2W FINE COTTON Siicraiuento 1). II. E. . 6 1 .ill 1 Good ftarden hose nt Wharton Tiros. W1U. IIIJ KISTKMUI) TILLAMOOK, Ore.,' May 10. Frank A. Howe, former president of Ihe Xehalem Valley pink of Wheel er will be sentenced Friday or Sat urday on chartres of larceny by em bezzlement to which he pleaded guljty to three Brand Jury Indict ments. The bank was closed IS mouths nxo by the state superintend ent of banks. W.I Graves, tif Portland spent to day here attending lo business mat ters. Mr. Craves Is a mail clerk with the Southern Pacific company. C. V. Poyle la planning to alter hlr. home In Kenney'a Addition and will tpend 11,000 ori the Improve ment according to the building per mit secured today. A fine of $10 was paid by llownrd Kincald today following his arrest In the city court on a charge of driving a motorcycle without a license. , . ,- Ttlndrr. mower nnd rake extras Wharton Pros. Order now. nt JEWELERS DISCUSS TAX PORTLAND, Ore., May .Problems of the retail Jewelry trade, including distribution of war tax. were discussed bv members ef tho organized Retail Jewelers' association, attending the first session of Ihe sixth nnnual con vention here Imiav. Jewelers from every section cf the state were pres ent. Tomorrow's session, which will con chide the ropvi ntion. will begin with undresses hy E. J. jaccer, of Port land, und T. .lames Tenley, of Phila delphia, secretary of the National Wholesale Jewelers" association. Ed. Thornton and wife, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. I nne Thornton, who hnve been spending the winter nt Long Peach, returned yesterday afternoon and will remain hero during the summer, , n We sell pumps and steam packing. Wharton Pros. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET i. Comfort means more to your feet ' than style. Stick to your old shoes. They are shaped to your feet. Let ' us half sole and heel your old shoes, and they will be better than new ones your feet will tell you so. W. S. HOWARD GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING 238 N. Jackson Street Vyers pumps Wharton Bros. for all purposes at A big lino of Hosiery for Men. Women and Children at Most Attractive Prices ' We can save you money on any purchases of Tinware, Granite Ware, Crockery, Dinner Sets. etc. Candy Specials Every Day Ion't forget the place, and remember you are welcome at any and all times to look these goods over HfllST IMI'ItOVI.V'i GOETTEL'S VARIETY STORE Jackson and Washington Streets SPRING PAINTING PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS We take your old house, both Inside and outside no matter what ha.e it is In and make of It a palace "fit for a kinK." What's tho i:-m of claiminj? economy by neglecting it, or any article of the horn". len a coat of paint Increases Its value from I'm) to .'00 per cent? We ran fix you out with paint for even-thin on the farm or In tho city. C. C T' tirst who was rerlonsly in jured in an automobile wnck Mon dny mornlnir, H reported to he slichtly Improved. He Is somewhat stronger, lr. Pether reports and as yet no irJcctlrn has shown up. lv will be several d:ys before It will be definitely known whether or not It will be possible ti escape ampu tation of the Injure d foot. "OA YI.K.'IIT SAV!J j Ml'xrtE, May lrt.Muncl fac tory workers declare an hour's slet p in the morn'nBr is worth more 'hen an hour's re-reatinn in the ernlne. At sevi-rM 'ats d.v MeM Kavinij was voted down almost unanimously. -o- . D0N T FORGET TO INSPECT OUR FINE WALL PAPERS Ph"3 D. P. FISHER: 403 Wet Csss Street DAILY WEATHER REPORT 1". 3. Weather r.nreau. local office, prisi burs. Ore , 24 h"-urs cndinK 5 a. m Precipitation in In. and Hundreotht Mirh "st temperature y..terd.iy . . .74 Lowest te:iiv,'istilr last!... .47 Prer ipiniiion, l-t 24 li'iurs 01 Totpl prerip. since fir' t of month .? NnrT.ial prerip. for th:.i mon'h... 2.05 Total predp. from Sept. 1, ia;j. to d:ite 213") ;iriip. 'mm S-pt. 1. 1K77..21.43 'fuiency from hept. l. l'.;j 7.0! Aver, prerip for 44 wet seasons Sept. to Msy Inclusive 31 23 fthoneis tonii.ii' rmd i'ridav; cooler tinnlit. , WILLIAM PELL, Obsener. Sto tl:ite Avi r. pre T'".i' 1" The High Ideal of The Grand Grill is to serve you with the BEST nt a LOWER COST, and thus to make sure your patronage and good will. We Buv the BEST at all tims; we prepare it for your gratification in the mosf Arjntizing Way Otir Cliffs, Cooks and Bakers are masters of their art. We Are Particular Every plate, dish, cup, knife, fork, spoon is washed aiid sterilized, so that rftch comes to you in Absolute Purity The Grand Grill X HOTEL ARRIVALS X U Hotel Umpqua Guests. W. V. Clbher, San Francisco: J. Palrd, St. Joe; J. A. Orniundy. C!i-o. 11. ilouchton. It. II. :,erlan. A. A. Het- li.liala, K. W. IMnKtnufl, J. A. Ilowley, L. W. Klumk. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. H. Cross. Mia. J. M. Ovman, K. A. Mc- Danicls. L. 1). Curtis. C. K. Carlisle, Mr. anil Mrs. M. I). Hruekninn, Mr. and Mrs. K. Stone; W. M. Allen, II. V. Hunt, Portland; J. K. Cute, lloston; Mr. nnd .Mrs. Walt Perry, Mrs. II. II. Cntlv. (iuy W. Connor. Hay K. Wrliiit. Medford; Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hall, t'linias Vutlev; Chet Henienway, Jt. U. Drain. Ira Kit hatdsnn, Mr. and Mrs. II. 1.'. Martin, C. II. Hill, Kugene; Mrs. L. Mishler, W. V. iJracer, A. P. Mc Leod, A. A. McCraeken, M. J. New house. Salem; Alia M. Smith. Iiixon- vllle; J. c. M'tClelli'.nd. San Francisco; Mrs. I'. II. Harder, Jr., Tracey; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ilanl., Coos liny; Mr. nnd Mis. S. L. May, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Asliton, Mrs. K, A. Scott, J. J. Ward, C. II. Dement, Seattle; Mr. nnd Mrs. P. P. Weber, Kellor x, Idaho: II. T. Morse nnd family, Mis. C. Howls, llan-don. I'eKlsteretl nt the (ininfl .1. C. Frasher. D. W. Allen. It. French, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Ilurnes, S. C. Prown, A. J. Mnurlon, ("has. WeMy. It. W. S'tnffer, .1. M. Klllliin. Portland: W. C. Slianon, Tiller: A. V. Moore; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Mine. Lake Chelan: .las. India, Medrord; P. .1. Wilson, Pasadena: Fred Alklre, Salem; W. Ilarrett, Ross Krazler, Seattle; Pen Smnlley. L. Larson, '"rants Pass; A. N. Townsend, L. Inntel. I.'iirene; J. W. Wilson, Jr., Tillamook; A. W. Ifeaius. j Hotel DnllulilN (iliestn Charles I). Wise. M. C. (Iieirory. If. II. D.rr:ih. Chile N. Hiiiler. portlaml; II. Allison. Vernon, II. C; Kd. Ilal(;ht, Ale .1. KlehnrdHon. .1. M. Small. A. K. Kverton. Portland: It. W. Adams. C. V. Pahlwln, San Kraneiseo; Nell Hres !n. Tai'itna; W. i Kurniil. Porlland; K. A. I'etn-e. Dallas; It. I. Sadler. Vnrshfleld: II. It. Harnes. Amity; James K. Sears, .McCoy; T. H. Mnr James K. Sears, McCoy; T. H. War Hi. n. M ( I, Mid. Cal; (. C. Warthen, Vciioiiil, Cnl: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. '. V.iis.n, Keliop.;, Id.dio: Wm. Peck. Kir;, ne: li ailin, c;i!ile; Hillsrd Hide. WaHa Walls: Cecil C. Skner, Spokane; N. O. Ni'holsen, Portland. o- Hprav iir cows with Kly Kkool. Sold by Wharton Pros. Choosing Here Means Real ' Economy in Boys' Summer Oxfords Light yet strong, these cool Oxfords for boys. Economy that quality alone can secure. Economy proved again and again through long service. Materials selected for their en durance as well as appearance. As to style, they're the sort that every boy likes, and adap tations of the best styles for his father or older brothers. S. L. Kidder 2 1 3 Jackson St. Roseburg, Oregon JERSEY BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER Should Be Used in Roseburg Homes Brings Top Pr'ce in Northwest Markets Commended by State Food Inspectors MADE RIGI IT IS RIGHT Jersey Brand Products have no superior, and are made in vour home town, in a modern plant. ASK I OR JERSEY ICE CREAM AND BUTTER Douglas County Creamery 340