ROSEBURO NgWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, MAV J. 19?1 PACE SevEN was vest Jot J:or Oils ZEROLENE, made from (elected Western Naphthcnlc Base Crude, vacuum -distilled by our exclusive process, will incremtt your car's power and gasoline mileage by about 5 more than you can get when you use the average higher-priced il . In addition, your car will run from 2S to 50 farther before carbon-removing- operations become necessary. Both these facts have been proved by re peated demonstrations in the laboratories of this -Com-pany and on the road. Insist on Zerolcne even if it does cost half as much, Consult our Correct Lubrication Chart to determine the right body of Zerolcne for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (California) ; MCOSE FftCULTY . BY CHESTER B. BAHN. international Newa Service Stall -.respondent.) YRACUSB, N. Y. May 3. Twlnn legs and dimpled knees of Syra e University's co-eds may bo ioctly permissible iu class room 1 gym, and on the campus, but ver, neveT, can they be subjected the opera glasses of "bald head ' row. uch is the formal decree of the erslty authorities. And as a re there will be no musical comedy ductlon by the varsity society, nbourine and Bones, this SprliiK. otl8 cannot appear in T. and 11. rules the faculty, and, as a ilt, the university's oldest dra- ic society may give up the ghoBt, s said. lve separate petitions made by most influential students oh the pus, including Charles Aufdehar, ddent ol the Tambourine and ins and of the interfratcrnity ference, failed to soften the de- e, "Co-eds shall not take part in burlesque shows." During the the co-eds toiik part In three CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL .BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE, UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY" WANTED pESSMAKINo. 528 8. Main. !J1L wants housework. Phone 351-L. ' a.m ti hniall modern house un shed, with garage. No children. !' O. Box 148. AXTEi) Buff Ornintlnn A few chicks for sale this eve. Phone 6 F-2. Fred A. Goff, Iioseburg. -AMS WANTED Twnn ihu. four ups for road grading on the loos Bay Highway nineteen miles Southwest of Hoseburc, Hay nnd Mum lurnisueu at camp. For fu--ther particulars write F. P. Obe, hox 1046, Koseburg, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS LL FOR SE!iYfrTr"' Tin nT" Kinillay, Edenbower. Oregon. fhance for real estate. P. O. box.i , Jiusenurir. , i haul 120 acres in Idaho for ! , nPar Ros,'br8- Seo owner. iine si. i VI! UpKR-ta-t forget to call ',J hen in need of auto parts. MriT ,0 v-r(,(.kin House. w.. - "Aifc I urt-bred Shorthorn n,.Tit "piTn ''t0d aniD1Bl of equal 1 house 2 lots, fruit, berries and gar "'nt. mono noon or even nsr 15i.i.,i, . .,. pw., eln.v ST-iTurrcSTTOK orxi)M,-, ,i" .Mans rinK. Owner enll at Uis office anri ,ik- l. STniwv; c- s ...... ,..,n., , "x choker. Finder please leave at sfv;L-n. : rsirrt lri-.r- ki " j' ... , ..... w.. u,ut w-ica-Kniiiiiu. ' "r please leave at News-Review 'ice. T'-"TiiSii2v'-"Tr: ; r 1 mile nnrthu-ar hr M.,i l .. JI. uiner-i i. vaiunhl nnll Anrr mnrh old. KeK-mhi ""t 'd- Notlfv E- &. Paxton, i'h' riin. re. mo reward. rno d ti R TiKST Ijtrt,,, .,, l:i:NT-2 room I' si. apartment. 615 UR Safety deposit 'hurg Nations! Ttnnk luxes. I!o. ' 'I IIPV j I mi .', ILr0m hoUt at 411 r..,. !:-Nr K'ectrlc carpet cleaners".' iilUhe I1? m:,n "t McKeanl productions which proved to be most successful. Members of the faculty, shocked at what they term "a Vulgar exhibi tion,"' put on the lid. Then the members of the society voted "No co-eds, no Bhow," end all been cancelled. The girls themselves are just as anxious to take part as the men are to have them. "An outrage, they term it, but the powers that be have no Intention of changing the ruling, according to Vice-chancellor Wil liam P. Graham. . o- Dance at Glide Saturday night, May 5. Everybody welcome. o Gas on Stomach Won't Let You Sleep Gas often presses on heart and other organs, causing a restless, nervous feeling which prevents sleep. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. mixed In Adlerika, expels gas and re lieves pressure almost INSTANTLY, Inducing restful sleep. Adlerika often removes surprising old hiatter from BOTH upper and lower bowel which poisoned stomach and caused gas. bX( ELLENT to guard against appen dicitiH. Nathan Fullerton, The Rcxall Store. Place your flower orders early for Mother's Day. The Fern. FOR 8 ALE I FOR SALE Owart. Innuit-A at J3l So. Main St. Phone 128. FOR SALE Used player piano rolls, EOc each. Pbone 870. . FOR SALE Team and harness all for $100. N. P. Jensen, Roseburg. FOR SALE 1919 Harley Davidson Motorcycle. Inquire 427 E. Douglas. FOR SALE Tomato plants, trans planted. P. W. Kay, Box 46, Roseburg. 1011 SALE Two new 32x4 V5 cord ( canceiiation of dozens of throush ex oorr,y , bargaln- Apily press trains which used to brinn tour 3.9 Vest Lane st. lgtg , Switzerland from Denmark, FOR SALE: Timber lands, pine and Norway, Sweden and Holland. On ac- fir located in Oregon and California. II. G. Wilson, Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE Five young sows i -five pies each. 122.50 each. C. Shepnard, Divonville. Fh FOR SALE Complete line of house hold goods. Also some canned fruits rfnd Jellies, call 303 W. Oak St. FOIt SALE 20 R. I. Red chickens. Also 25 chix, some are eleven weeks old. L. Oamna, Looking Glass, Ore. .vo'u aii.K rnmlaVicH nriinriimiaheil FOR SALE Old growth fir block. alder, maple and ash stove wooa. t eece; pvr ""-J. """" iUK oALri Juat a real pooa roru, cheap, or what have you to trade? rhone 554 or 331-J. 329 West Lane Street. .-IFOR TRAPE OR SALE Purebred ! Jiereiora Dull, live yfarn uiu, r Ject to resist er. R. M. Knight, Can- yonville. Ore. Foil SALE Span woik horses, 12j0 bs. each; harness and waon. Phone 328-J. Horace Hagan, Rose burg. Or call at Auction House FOR SALE Lot S0xl02 on Stephens street, across from Post Office good site for apartment house or earaee. H. O. Wilson. Phone 70J. FOR SALE 17 ton 19 Inch aage lo comotives with 60 cars same sage of 8 tons carrying capacity. .9od for mining or logging outfit. : 1 1 ,i HIIWII. iMrnT-fj- FORSA"LE"fIt for sheen. Also I Wilson. Phone 70-J. tie mare, weight cows, or will trade' for sheep. Also I halmers car cheap , for cash. Phone r -.J, or auureas i I "A PURITAN WIFE" By Jane Phelps 1 " " CHAPTKK XVI , . Ann often thought of the day Dick had gone to San Bernardino with Grace, of his forgotten promise, ene never had referred to it after that night, but there had been a question In her mind. Had be slipped away from Grace after the shopping had been done, and taken a drink? Or was Grace herself the cause of his forgetfuiness? Had he been so en Raged with ber that his lame wife had slipped hia mind entirely? They now had a telephone and Ann felt nearer people, to Bessie particularly. They often chatted for awhile but it was Grace who used the phone most often, talking a moment to Ann It she answered the call, but invariably asking ber to put Dick on the wire. Dick seemed In a contradictory sort of a mood. At times he would talk and spar for bait an hour with Grace, then again he would .grumble that she called htm: "I've a notion to take the thing out!" he said one evening. "I'm get ting tired of never being able to read without being called to the tele phone. I wish she'd atop it!". "Why don't you tell her to? Ann quietly asked, yet glowing with pleasure. Grace was beginning to annoy him.. He resented her appro priating bim, hir. time. It was little things like this, and occasionally evidences of real af-' fection. that kept Ann from doubting Dick. He was quick to become angry, but Ann was tactful, and as he was Just as quickly over his tem pers they seldom bad any trouble. Things were going well on the ranch. They- had ceased talking of the Injury the frost bad done and were planning for the next crop. This time Ann would see that they had everything needful should an other cold spell come along. She had known absolutely nothing of the needs of a ranch, the vital need of being prepared against cold weather. But she was very quick and the accounts, her talks with Ned, had taught her much that women who bad lived even longer in the valley had not learned. Dick was an Indefatigable worker, but work alone was not enough. They must be prepared for every emergency. "You'll be the bOBS rancher In the valley if you keep on," Disk said to Ann, as she told of her plans. "Even if we have, only a two by four ranch." "It won't always bo a two by four," she told him. "And It is better to have a small ranch whose yield we can. take care, ofthan a bigger one until we loo grow blcner. You Tl B- HARRY R. FLORY, (InternJtlonal News 8ervlce Staff Correspondent.) BASEL, Switzerland, May 3. Occu pation of the Ruhr by the French has ruined Switzerland's tourist traffic. That's the plaint of the poor Swiss hotel managers who stand in the de serted lobbies of their establishments and relate their tales of woe to any- one and everyone who Is willing to I listen Next to officering a detachment of Switzerland's superb universal ariny riunaginK a hotel full of tourists is the profession dearest to the heart of every native of this mountainous country. And when that business goes "on the bum" the whole country suffers. Many Trains Cancelled. count of this disruption of traffic these beeple now either stay at home or leave Switzerland out of their itin erary. Basel has always been known as the northern Kateway of Switzerland. Be fore tbe Ruhr occupation it was one of the biggest railroad centers in Europe. Cancellation of through trains from Brussels, Ostend, Berlin and Frankfort has taken away much of its prestitre. Service Is still being maintained to these points, but it Is very uncertain, slow and Irregular. A train leaving Basel at 10 o'clock In the morning formerly arrived in Frankfort, (fer many, at 5:30 in the evening. The same train, rerouted by tbe Germans, T. nu- aHva. I Vrnnlil,,., mt 11 n' in tne evenjn(f Stop-over Point. Tinsel la not nn nf RwltvorlanH'A favorite resorts, but the city s few firsl-cUiss hot! used to do a thriv ing business with tourists who stopped oyer al least one nleht on their way in or out of the country. Tbe Scandinavians and tbe Holland ers formed a laree part of this class, the Americans and English running on throuxh on half hour train connec tions. Now, with ihe Scandinavians and the Hollanders missing, hotel managers have to be satisfied If they fill thirty or forty of their 3o0 to 400 rooms nightly. . , HUMAN - - - - SAVE THEM FROM FIRE I jfritd l'r-s Ptait Corresnonnrnt) PHILADELPHIA. Way 3. "Help! Heip: mamma-on. Minima! fa pa: ..u.e- have a lot of land, if we raa keep It. But to do that we must have good crops from the land under cultiva tion. Kvery year that we do we can cultivate a little mora." "Hlght yon are, boss." Dick an swered pulling he bright forelock that fell into hia eyes. "You see, Dick, we'll soon be three Instead of two." "I know old girl!" He sobered, "and sometimes It almost scares me." "Why, dear," she lauched happily. "Just because I'm a stupid man I gueas I am afraid for you so far from your folks." "I'm not afraid. Dick. We will be very happy, dear." Ann never let Dick know how des perately sho wanted her mother. Hid It not been for fhir loss through bia carelessness she might have sont for her. Hut It was out of the ques tion. Mrs. Pea body could not afford the fare and now they couldn't send it to her. So Ann made ready for motherhood, happy in her thought that with the coming or a child, Dick would give up his habit of drinking, would feel his new respon sibility. Then, too Grace's parents were soon to return. When she heard It, Ann could scarcely conceal her de light. More and more she learned to dislike the girl, although she had fought against It. Her bold ways, her appropriation of Dick had grown almost unbearable. But as yet Ann had so controlled herself there had been no open rupture. "How can you stand It, Ann?" Bessie asked. "I'm glad I can't help It that sho has transferred her affections from Ned. But you are eo patient! I was Id jealous, so awfully unhappy." "She doesn't mean anything, Bes sie. She's well Just that kind. If she was with any other man It would be the same." "I don't agree with you, else why hasn't she acted the same with Hugh Norton. He's single and she would hurt no one. Hut she acts to me as if she were trying to throw him in with you to make Dick think you cared." Ann was horrified! She care for anyone but Dick! It wan ridiculous. but after this she noted that Grace did seem to throw Hugh with her, that she hinted' they were pleased to have it so. It made Ann self conscious when with Hugh, mado her flush and act uncomfortable, so giving point to what Bessie had said, Grace noticed and laughingly said to Dick "Ann and Hugh are failing in love isn't It a scream?" (To Bo Continued.) from a smoke-flllod room In the burn ing house of Samuel Golder here, fought their way through the blaze to find two green parrots gyrating about In their cages filling the air with shrieks. They were rescued. DANCE! ' At Winchester Hall, Sat. nlte May 5. Munic by Roseburir orcheHtra under new management. Everybody Invited. COU'MDUS, Ohio, May 3. "Can we rationally expect our students, tuned lo tno swift pace ot me auto, ine air plane, radio and the movie, to read with enthusiasm the slow-moving novels of Sir Walter Scott and Will lam Makepeace Thackeray?" asked Miss Edna Paschall, instructor in the Sprinsficld (Ohio) high school, ad dressing an audience here on "Re forms In College Entrance Require ments." Recommendation that most of the classics be dropped, that the legends, folk tales and Kin? Athur stories be restored In the grades, that a reserve list be maintained for extremely ma ture pupils and that some be studied historically in '.he collenes and univer sities was made by Mines Paschall. She urRed "fewt-r classics and a larger number of modem writers! less emphasis upon literary form, more up on thought content and greater indi vidual freedom In the selection of reading." Miss Paschall declared that "It takes a determinedly literary mind to see any difference between Rosalind's tool lc h escapade in the woods (in Shakespeare's 'As You Like It ) and Ihe flapper's Joy-ride to l.'rbana." She found no pjncli la novels of Scott, Thackeray and others. BASEBALL! SundhT games solicited with county teams. W. Castor, Oakland, Oreg. o ; CRC.ENS, SALAD. DAIRY PRODUCTS, HEALTH DIET, SAYS NUTRITION EXPERT rTntornnf tonal Nw. rvtc.) COLT'MItCS. Ohio., May 3. "We tried something new when we de veloped the ability for Inventions, and we have been esting wronaY' declared Dr. E. V. McCollum. nutrition expert, Johns Hopkins rnlversily, address ing a !ornl audience. . "Eat a liberal amount of (treens nBre a day and a plentiful helping nf V- ..Vel Increase our saiatl twice a iiny. consumption of dairy products. After that, go as far as you like and ou WOD ' n ,ar rong," continued Or. Mct'ollum. "Hour milk, meat and small vee- ! tables the diet of inhabitants of Tur- Key, Arabia. Abyssinia anil oilier ..u.n. m ii-rr ii .... ,,. TEACHER OPPOSES READING CLASSICS MILLER RUBBER GOODS Prices wtU advance about 15 per . cent on all naaF orders. Our present storks at old prices. Buy today. Carr e here you save. o This la a 8tudebaker year, DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. 8. Weather Bureau, local office. Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending Highest temperature yesterday.. .64 Lowest temperature last night.. Jo Precipitation.' last 24 hours .0 Total precip since first of month JO 1 Total psecip. from Sept. 1, 1S2S. to date 24.21 Aver, precip. from Sept.l. 1877.. 30.90 Total deficiency from Kept 1, 1S22 169 Aver, precip. for 44 wet seasons Sept. to May inclusive31.S9 Fair tonieht and Friday. WILLIAM BELL, Observer. KUTICst uf lAt.K OP UOVKRSMaiNT TIXHKH General Land oau-e. Waahlnton. D. C. atarcb lu. I3i3. Not let ! hereby Klvett tltnt aiihtect to tha eonditlona and limitations of the acts ef June 9. lilt (3 Sla.. il.l February It. 11 (40 Slat.. IKS.) and June 4. J-'0 (41 Mat.. ,&.) and Departmental reaula tiona of Soptember 15. 117 44 U. D.. 44T.1 and Juue 12. 1:0 (47 L. U.. 411.) tbe timber on the following lands will be sold May 11. 19:3. at 10 o'clock a. ni. at public auction at' the I'nlled btatea land office at KoacburK. Orelfoa. lo the blKhesl bidder at not leaa than the appralaed value aa shoa-n by tbla notice, aala to b subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of tbo Interior. Tbe purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent, there of, being comtniaalons allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If ami la not approved, otherwise patent will last for the t'm ber which must be removed within ten yeara. lilda will be received from clll xei.a of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations or ganized under the lawa ot tha United titatea or any State, Territory or Dla trlct thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any lesal aubdlvislon will be offered separately before being Included In any oner ot a larifer unit. i. 15 S.. K. 1 YV Nee 35: Nvv NKW. yellow nr. oo at.. Ted fir. sun as., ceuar, iou liennoc K. bo at., none of the timber nn thia tract to be aold for less than 11.76 per M.. tor the yellow and red rtr and si. go per M., lor the cedar and Hemlock. T. lu a. Ft. 1 W.. Sec. 33: SEtt SW14. fir 1070 M: KYVU BWti. fir 1000 M.. not to be sold for leaa than 11.76 per Ju.. T. It S.. ft. i YV.. Sec. 27: Lot . (Ir 700 M . red cedar. 250 M . hemlock. li.0 M none of the timber on thla tract to be sold tor lens than 91. 6 per al.. tor the ilr and ll.zft per M., xor the cedar and nemiocK. 'f. si it. w.. see. NK14 SWI1. fir 7 M., NKVi SUtt. fir 350 M., KWtt SGU. fir 650 St.. none of the ttr on these tracta to be aold for less than 12.00 per M. T. 27 8.. H. 12 W. Sec. 17: NK'i NKi. yellow fir. S00 M., red fir, I2S M: NWU NKtt. yellow nr. iuu Ai., nenuocK ana wntte nr. 125 M: HK'i MS'., yellow fir 1100 M.. red fir, 300 M., white fir, 100 M. hem lock, 60 il: SVVU Sii. yellow fir. 1000 M , white fir and hemlock: 260 Ml NKi4 HW yellow fir, 1700 M., white nr ana nemiocK. iuu at: nwu w yellow fir. 2700 M; SUtt NW'C yellow fir, 8200 M white fir, 60 M: 8YV NW . yellow fir, 2600 M: NK"4 SKtt. yel low fir. 2076 M., red fir, 300 M.. white fir. 26 M; NWU 8K. yellow fir. l'Jf.0 M. white fir and hemlock. 160 M: UK 54 SEU. yellow nr. I860 It: SWH aa d. yellow fir 2300 M.. white fin '6 M: NK4 XVi. yellow fir. 3000 M; NYV- C yellow fir, 1D60 M.. white fir, 100 M; ffW'A KYVU. yellow fir. 2300 M., white fir and hemlock, 100 M; nono of tha tlrnb these tructa to be sold fur less than $2.60 per M., for tbe yellow and red fir und $.&0 per M.. fur. the wuite iir ana nemiocK. t. 2 .. it. iu W.. Sec. 85: Lot 4. red fir. 430 M.. white codur. 700 M.. white fir. 40 M.. none of the timber uu this tract to be Bold for less than fl.bO uer at., and for the red fir, 15.00 per M.. for the white cedar and 1.60 per M for the white fir. T. 32 8.. K. & W.. Sec. 31: Lot 1. red fir, 400 M.. Lot 3. red fir. 00 M: BiCM NW hk red fir, 336 M., none of the timber on these tracta to be aold for less th,n 11.21 per iL T. 211 &. 11. 11 W.. Sec. 1: Lot S, yellow and red fir, 1180 M, cedar. 180 M., SKhi NKM. yellow and red fir, 280 M., cedar 130 M: SWi VK k. yellow and red lir. 400 M, cedar 160 M; Lot 3, yellow and red llr, 180 M. cedar 150 M; NWVi BE. yellow and red fir, 810 M., cednr, 40 Ml BliW KliV.. yel low and red fir, 340 M.. cedar, 30 M: SWU Ki:, yellow and red fir. 800 M; Nl-:4 SWU, yellow fir, 800 M.. cedar, 300 M; NWhi SWU. yellow and red fir. 320 M. cedar, 380 Mi h'li4 SW. yel low and red fir. 360 M . cedar. 6U0 M., hemlock, 40 M ; SW'tC SWA. yellow fir. 400 M., cedar. 6U0 M . Sec. 11, Lot 1. red fir. 2300 U., cedar, 300 M: SV4 M.'i. red fir, 1650 M.. cedar, 500 M., white fir. 60 M.. Lot 3. red fir, 1200 11., cedar. 320 M.. white fir. 40 IS.. Lot 4, red fir, 2O00 M cedar, 400 M; BU'.i NWU, red fir, 1250 M., cedar, 160 M: HWVt NWU, red fir, 1700 M.. codar. 600 m wnils nr. 40 at; n, bvv. reu nr, 1550 at., cedar. 180 M., white fir. 60 M; NWU SWU. red fir. 1700 M., cedar. 360 M., white fir, 20 M , SEU SWU. red fir. 1100 M.. cedar, 160 M, SWU SWU. red fir. 1700 Al.. cedar. 20 M.. none of the timber on theae tracta to be sold for lesa than 11.50 per M.. for '.be red and yellow fir $5.00 per M.. for the cedar and 11.00 per al., for the white fir and hemlock. T. 40 R. 11. 4 V... Sec t: NB U SWU, yellow pine, 500 M.. red fir. 65 M: NWU SWU. vellow nine. 48i M . red fir. 45 M; 8KU SWU. yellow pine, 610 M., red fir, 65 M; Nli'4 KKU. I yellow pine. 405 M., red fir, 20 M; NW' HKU. vellow pine, 260 l . red fir, 75 1; ! SWU SKU. yellow pine, 426 M.. red fir, 125 M . sugar pine, 20 M., white fir, 16 M; SKU SKU yellow pine, 440 M.. red fir, 45 M . sugar pine. 10 M.. Sec. 7: NU i'-'i. yellow pine, 370 M.. red fir, 25 M., sugar pine, 10 if: NWU NK- , U yellow pine, 300 M.. red fir, 60 M.. ; sTigar Pine, 30 M; SWU NKU. yellow Ine Zt,: 11; SKU NK'A. yellow pine, 636 .l NKU NWU, yelluw pine. 2o M.. r.d fir 55 M. sugar pine, 25 Mi NKU HK'i, yellow pine, 326 M: SWU SKU.. yellow pine. 336 M.. red fir. 0 M.. aukar plnr, 16 M; SKU SKU. yellow ' pine. 2f0 M red fir. 30 M.. augar pine, lo M: none of tiie timber on these aec- . lions to be aold for lesa than 33.00 per M., for tbe yellow pine and aufcur pine. II. GO per M.. for the red fir and l.5o per M . for the white fir. T. 2D S.. It. 10 W.. Sec. .15: Iol 1. yellow fir. 1000 M.. red (ir. 2M0 M., ce.lar J. 4.15. 750 ft., hemlock. l M . white fir. 30 M; Lot 2. yellow fir, 910 M.. red fir. 200 id . cedar. 4.17 II. white fir. 80 M; Lot 5. yellow fir. jot, JI.. red fir. 240 cedar. 1M M: nor.e of the timber on these Iota to be sold for lesa than SI 50 per M.. for the vllnw fir. per M . for the red fir. $r.ii per M, for tbe ce.lar, 8 50 per M.. for tl.e hemlock and white fir. T. 30 . 11. 10 W.. Se. 3: Lot 1. red fir, 3:0 M ,lar. 110 M : Lot 2. red fir, 2 Si M.. cedar, 1H6 M: SKU SWU. red fir. .V.O M.. .odar 580 M: NKU SKU red fir. :ar. ,t., cedar. Io J4: SWU SKU. red f'r. 2 VI M. cedar 784 M.. white fir, 20 M; HKU HKU. red fir, 630 M.. cedar. 6:i6 : M.. white fir. 70 M: none of the timber on there tracts to he sold for less than 11.5" per M.. for the red fir, $5 00 per M for the ccuar and $.50 per M for the white fir. T. 30 R. II. II W.. Sec. 11. SWU SKU, fir. 144 M. white cedar. :lt. m. HK'i SKU. fir. 174 it . white ce.lar, 240 M., none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for lesa than tl.6o per M., for the fir and $.",.00 per I., for lbs white ce.lar. T. 28 S.. It. lo W.. Sec. 28. SW'. NWU. red fir. I5S M., cedar HO M., white fir. 80 M: NW- U HWU, red fir 215 M. cedar. 210 M. fir 40 M: SWU STU. red fir. 410 ' redar o M . SWU 8WU. rrd fir. tl5 M ,.,i,r, 4o H; sK", SWU. red fir. 8o M . ce.lar. 220 M., white nr. 60 at., none of he timber on these tracta to be Bold for less than 11.60 per it., for tbe red fir. t'.oO per M., for the cednr end $50 per at . lor tbe white fir, T. 88 a.. R. ' W.. Sec. 15, NWU SKU. yellow plna. 0 M, suaar pine. 30 M. fir 240 H. none rf the timber on tbla tract to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. for the pine unit II. IT, per M . lor tne nr. WII )litm curabil.siuoer. C.n.ral Lend MORE LIVES The idea that because Molina machinery la sold cheaper than other lines there must be something wrong with IC To (ell tha honest truth, there IS something wrong from one viewpoint. It does not compel the farmer to support a lot of sales men, credit men, collectors, and so forth. It is sold en an up-to-date, direct, clean-cut, cash basis, and the farmer geta tha benefit. Price? "You know me, Al!" Performance? If they fail to satisfy YOU, bring 'em back and get your money. Durabilityt Ask the users of Moline machinery for the last fifty-odd years. , WHY BUY ANY OTHER KIND? SPECIAL (At Roseburg warehouse) Burbank 8eed Potatoes, 11-50 100 lbs. Used Pipe, 1-inch, 10c ft.; e-.nch. Irrigation Pipe, 25e ft. See Ue First; We Can Save You Money- Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg and Oakland LOCAL NEWS ArundeL piano tuner. Pbone 1S9-L. I Fuller Brusnes, 3. B. Crary, 30:-R. Watkln's Pbone 177. Products 120 W. Lane E. R. KOI SB, TEACHER of violin. Call Moore Music Studio. MOORE MUSIC STUDIO, 24 N. Jackson St. Phone 602. . We setve the beat al Deer Park Inn. Mrs. M. I. Winn. Painless extraction ot teeth at room 9, Masonio Temple. Dr. Nertas. Mrs. Chaa. O. Stanton, teacher of Piano. Res. Phone 75-J. 702 S. Pin. LOAM SAND Q RAVEL For river loam for lawns and bar run or washed sand and giavel, phone 167-K. A. S. Wallace Sand and Oravel Company. yiOTItfe OV SAl.t. OP govicunmicxt TIMUKH General ltind uittct. iraslilnKton D. C, Marin 31, 19.3. Nolle U ht-reby given that aubjuct to tli comliiiunH and llmltatlona the Act of Jun It, m 135 8tat, 218). and the fnatruc tlune of tha Secretary of thi litluriur of Heplember 1ft, ivif (4? 1 U, 4.7.) the timber on the following lunde will ba sold May It!, ItiiJ, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States and o IT ire at KoneburK, Orenon, to the hlKuetjt bidder, at not lese than the appraUed value as shown by thla notice, sale to ba subject to the ap proval ot me Becrtjiary or. me interior, ina puTcnase price, wii he purchase price, h an additional Bum of one-fifth of one nar cent, thure- of, beliiK cominlssiona allowed, must be depualtad at tho time of aule, nionoy to be returned If aala la not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed within ten yeara, lilda will be received from Citizens of the United Suites, associa tions of euch citisens and curporutlona organised undur the laws ot the Uni ted atatea or any Stulu, Territory or lilatrlct thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim ber on any leva! subdivision will be offered acpnrately before belna Included In any offor of a larger unit. T. 17 S.. It., 7 W Sec. 33, SKU SWU. fir 1800 M cedar 60 M. none of the timber on this tract to be aold for leaa than $2.50 per M for the fir and 11.50 per M for the cedar. T. IS S., R. 7 W., Seo. 8... SKU SKU. fir. 3386 M not to bo aold at lesa than $2.60 per M. T. 30 S., It. 8 W., Sec. 31. NKU SWU, pine 260 M. fir 60 M cedar 20 M; OKU SWU. pine 280 M fir 40 M cedar 20 M; NKU SKU. Pine 380 M and tire 30 m. eedar 20 M; NWU SKU. plna 300 M fir to M: SWU SKU, Pine 280 M fir 30 M cedar 6 M: HK'i SKU. nine 270 M fir 40 M cedar 10 M SKU 38 S., It 8 W., Sea. 23, NWU SKU, pine 100 M fir 450 M, none of the timber on these Bectlnna to be sold for less than $1.00 per M for the pino nnd $1.00 per M for the fir and cedar, William Spry, .'.oiiimlaalonar. Uenarai Land Office. A Pledge Ranking first by a wide mar gin In the production of player pianos, It la fitting that Gul bransen give a pledge to our public A PLEDGE to continue branding the price of eachGul bransen in the back, at the factory, for the protection of our customers. A PLEDGE never to make a Gulbransen and send It out un der any other name, thus pre serving Gulbransen quality for Gulbransen buyers. A PLEDGE always to keep bright our Ideal of providing exceptional music for all classes of homes, at modest'prlees. A PLEDGE that the ease of playing and Instant control you enjoy In the Gulbransen will ever be the standard of excel lence among all player-pianos. OtVs Music Store Roseburg, Oregon Nationally Priced, -rtrarulccl In '.he I'tjl r -V' '.V wmm GMKry'. fc..b'irtn &rm-ei, coo 'OOO 495 $420 THAN A CAT! I 'PROFESSIONAL OAROS DR. M. H. PLYKR t'hiropratic Phy sician. 114 W. Lane St, i - DR. EDITH WITZEi, OsteoyaUdo physician. 302 Perkins Bldg. Tel. 291 MATERNITY HOME Best of care. Mrs. C. P. Williams, 814 MU1 street. Phone 142-Y. Monday EVERY week will be rosy and happy It you'll let us handle the WASH. IJetter work too. Moderate cost. . . . , Call No. 79. ; i ' ' ' ' ; ' i . 444444444 LET US HELP YOU bO YOUR SPRING CLEANING WE CLEAN , ANYTHING OUR AUTO WILL CALL PHONE 277 I 4ve-44V44444 High Grade Coffees The beat coffoo for the money you can Ret nny place. Try It and you will tiso no other. 35c and 45c per lb. in bulk Why buy a can and throw It awayf Economy Grocery Phone 63 , AUCTION SALE at 2:30 o'clock every Saturday, 328 N. Jackson. Also farm sales handled. Balea made daily. Radabaugh & Patterson UMPQUA HOTEL MHosebura;'B Finest" NEW AND MODERN Th4 people of Douglas County aro Invited to make their head quarters horo. W. J. WE-WER. Prop. ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING ltrllakle Work Complete Iteearda COLE AND SPRINGER ( (juiity Mure)r(it I'ep.Co. Hurruytir LICENSED ENGINEERS ftrf llotiir-loaifhiir-f,hftif SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTEIN & STEWART 243 North Jackson Phone M pBjBjgj - ana uaidwlns. i G. M. can- News-Review. 1 Office.