Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 03, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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PACK rtvc
You Can Save
If you netet have, you can not
Send for your Government's New
Free Book which shows you how to
accumulate money safely through
Treasury Saving Certificates. Send
for your copy today and take the
first step towards independence and
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Tfo Umiltd States Gtrrerrumtnt I Aiina-
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Treuurr DeptDaeii Oct
Hiuusma, u. v
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: 1
i,ti.o 'l Hewn - Hervic aiaa
correspondents . ,
RIH, May 1. The few lonely
alt that ure left In the Tarlg Zoo
soon have to find new home
Ihe municipality is -willing to
ite a few hundred thousand franca
pU-nieh the castes and put tninKS
,,od order that have been uncared
jinr-A 1U14. .
FernanU Laurent', Curator of the
in d'Accliniatatlon, reports to the
en v council that bis zoo la a
in name only. He has but a few
nlB and those are of ordinary
ies found in any city of.lniport-
rhe Winter Onrden," Bays Mi Laur
ent, "which was built to b warm In
'Winter and cool in Summer, U neith
er one nor the other, it will take at
least one hundred thousand francs to
nut this famous resort into shape. The
Palm Court is now only a court. The
glnsB roof is minus. It rains inside as
well as out. The palms and ferns
have Ioiir a fro died or froxen. The
Bird Gallery Is almost non-existent,
wilh only two birds of paradise, which
I had hoped would breed only to find
that they are both males.
"The Aquarium has become the
Bear Cave. I have three . bears in
stalled there, but they are old and
toothless. We are at present finish
In a pool for a hippopotamus, but I
haven't the least idea when we'll got
the hippopotamus. If, before the war
a Bwan couiu be purchased for one
hundred and fifty franca and today
cost three thousand five hundred
francs, what will a hippopotamus
In M. Laurent's report to the City
Council be Btates that it would be
better to turn the entire Zoo into a
park, tear down the building and
make walks and flower beds and
benches, leaving one of the buildings
standing, and convert It into
theatre, making It free to the public.
(International Bervlc, Stall
LONDON. Way 1. London women
want It distinctly understood that
they are heartless butterflies of fash
ion who flit from shoD to shop spend
ing more money than their husbands
earn for a bewildering array of rai
The recent suit of Callott Soeurs,
famous modiste of Paris and London,
to force Captain J. V. Nash to pay for
clothes supplied to his wife has fo
cused the attention of half tbe world
upon the question of women's clothes.
Mrs. Nash's ambition to be the "bet
dressed woman in London" earned
ber fame and
women hastily and vehemently repud
iated the implication that Mrs. Nash
la. typical of the modern women of
fashion there is another viewpoint, ex
pressed by a slightly more militant
type that a woman should not be
bound by bard and fast rules in the
matter of ber personal expenditure..
Say Mr. Jam H. Allsn of Rochester.
It does not matter to me whether
you are disabled with cursed rheuma
tism or have only occasional twinnes,
I know that Allenrhu, my own discov
ery, will stop ine agony, do away with
the gnawing pains and reduce the
swollen Joints.
I know it will dissolve the uric arid
deposits that have become deeulv im-
bouquet of piquant bedded in joints and muscles - and
phrases from the lips of - the Judge! quickly drive every trace of rheums
who decided the suit. It likewise i tism from your body. I know this be-
rali'ed the daughters of Eve to their I cause I was crippled for years and
Better Style
and Quality
Give You
Better Value
W 1
Duds For Men, Inc.
April 5 th was the Lucky Day in April
own defense and unloosed a torrent
of protest against ' tbe impression
they feared would prevail that all
fashionable women cared not if their
husbands were drives to ruin so long
an they were able to confound the
world with the gorgeousness of their
Not "In" Society.
-. The ease of the Protestants is epi
tomized in the defense set forth on
behalf of her sex by Lady Bathurst,
who la herself a leader in fashionable
London society.
"Her ambition;' said Lady Bathurst,
referring to Mrs. Nash, "was to be the
best-dres;ed woman in London, and
tho folly and pity of it is that London
bad never heard of her the London
that matters was quite unaware of
her strenuous efforts to attract Its
notice. My object in mentioning the
matter at all is to assurelhe public
that the majority of women, young
and old, In the great world, do not
spend fabulous sums on their clothes,
and if iney did they would only earn
contempt Instead of admiration. Un
fortunately to many Mrs. Nash will
appear to be one of the beau monde
and typical of what women of the
world do and what they spend on
yk clothes; whereas. In fact, all this ex
E travagance was futile, for the beau
E ; monde had never heard of ber and
B1 would not have been at all Impressed
by the magnificence of her wardrobe
4 j if they had."
ft Spent Large Sums.
R Mrs. Nush, it was revealed at the
g suit, had spend between $12,000 and
m, $15,000 per year upon clothes, while
A Captain Nash's Income amounted to
A j about $6,000 per year. Lady Bathurst
y expressed the opinion that no woman
8 should spend more than $3,000 'per
1 year upon clothes and said that she
K I had "known many extremely well
F I dressed "women who did not spend
W $500 per year upon their dress."
ine lust ror spending which brought
the troubles of Mrs. Nash before the
bar of the court drew from Justice
McCardie, who is a bachelor, a judg
ment in favor of Captain Nash that
scintillated with literary quotations
and aphorisms. Among his observa
tions, the bachelor judge declared
"Ostentation is the worst form of
"Ureas, and dress alone, seems to
nave Deen her end In life.
Self decoration was her vision, her
aim and her creed.
"She threw the nobility of feminine
lire into the dust of perpetual amuse
ment." Mrs. Nash's wardrobe, the ault re
vealed, contained fifty or sixty even
ing gowns and that even the most ex
pensive ones she never wore more
than three times. She bought hoes,
not by the pair, but by the dozen:
wore silk stockings that cost StO per
pair ana was not content unless she
possessed a score of pairs and bought
ninny times was unable to work, and
Allenrhu made a well, robust, healthy
man of me.
1 know because since I cured myself
hundreds have taken Allenrbu and
speedily rid themselves of this agoniz
ing disease.
No matter how severe your case, I
urge you to put your faith in the pro
scription that It took me'years to per
fect a prescription that made a new
man of me after doctors tried and
Allenrhu is no laggard; it starts
right In at once; it gets into the blood,
searches out the poisonous uric acid
deposit and in two days starts to drive
the concentrated impurities that cause
rheumatism out of the body through
the natural channels.
' Through the columns of this news
Taper. I authorize Nathan Fullerton,
The Renal! Store, Roseburg, Ore. to
guarantee one full pint bottle In every
Instance. . - ' ,
FOR HIRE, big easy touring car.
Bonded carrier. Phone 21. B. A. Laur
inson, Prop.
We make Ladies Suits
Men's Suits
Phone 149
We Do Alterations
Cleaning and Pressing
Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpqua Hotel)
By Coast
eaves Myrtle Point !
Leaves Coauiiu
Leaves Marshfield
-eaves Coquille
Leaves Myrtle Point .
Fare: Marshfield, $5.00; Coquille 84.25; Myrtle Point, $3.75
cn Acrr aitto iimfq
Coquille, Ore. r.po w ddvamt Dh-.-,. rn &
West Bound 7:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M.
" 10:30 A. M. 7:30 P. M.
North Bound11 :C0 A.M. 8:00 P.M.
East Bound 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P. M.
" 8:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M.
9:15 A. M. 6:30 P. M.
hats, gloves and lingerie on a com
mensurate scale.
Judge Is Severe.
, "Her catholicity for profusion was
remarkable," Justice McCardie re
marked, "and'.she threw herself be
neath the fatal curse of luxury."
Althougn a large number of London
Wat Benefited bj tbe Good Her
Mother Got from Lydia L Pink
ham's Vegetable CompoanJ
cannot grow faster than the surrounding country; though we
are to keep far la advance ot our present needs. Thus maintalnlne
larger investment than ordinarily required.
Douglas County Light & Water Co
ft M. JENNINGS, Manager
! liiiiMi:iiiitiiaii:s;i:
j 3Fi3
PORTLAND. Mftv 1. (United
Prees.)--The cAegon eagle Is being
fed on selected bird seed and raw
meat, so he'll be In fine fettle for
screaming a welcome to President
Harding, should Harding come to
Cregon for a visit early this coining
July. The state seal Is being given
a high polish and the entire state
is fattening -its anticipation dally on
delightful rumors which flit about
telling of the president's proposed
According to tentative plans bruit
ed about the president should be In
Oregon on or about July 4, and a big
celebration is planned for him atop
the crest of the lilue mountains
Eastern Oregon, should he care
clamber up and be ' among tlicst
The occasion will be the dedioali'.n
of the Old Oregon Trail, 0;pgon
northernmost highway, connecting
Ontario on the east with Searlde-on
the-sea on the west, nearly 600
miles In length, half of It paved and
the other half hard-surfaced with
gravel and macadam. The road fol
lows substantially the route taken
by Oregon's pioneers. A big portion
of this road has been named In
"Columbia: lllve.r Highway," wlillr
the rest was known as tho Old Ore
gon Trail.
Tho recent session of the Oregon
legislature approved naming the en
tire fiOO miles of the road, from On
tario to the sen, "Tho Old Oregon
Trail." Completion of many Improve
ments Is to be feted.
W. E. Veachnm, president of the
Oregon Trail association, has luvit
ed the president to be present at the
dedication. The Invitation was ex
tended to the president throtiKh Sen
alor McNary, and Mearham has been
advised thut tho president is "highly
interested In the ceremony and
would like very much to attend.'
While tho ceremony has been sche
duled for July :i at the summit of
I'luo Mounlain Pass, the president
has been assured that the Old Ore
gon Trail ussoeiatinn will change the
d;'.to to suit hl.4 convenience. Even
I ho place of tlie ceitnmony may be
changed If tho president can bo
cured as the principal speaker.
A wealth ot musical and entertain
ment f'jatjire, and a lecture list tbat
will open up many new lines of
thourhl and observation. Is Indicated
from the advance information Just
received from Elllson-Whtie concern
ing the coming Chautauqua pro
gram. The dates for tbe Roseburg
Chautauqua bave been definitely
set for Juno 1 j to 21.
"Turn to the Right," tho greatest
of all American plays, swoet, clean,
wholesome and Inspiring, will prob
ably draw oue of the bigge-sl crowds
of the week. It Is to be produced
by professional players from the
studios of Ellas Day, famous Chicago
Two educational - entertainment
features of more than ordinary
worth will he the niiisic-lecture-cou-cert
by Evelyn McFarlane llc
Clusky, which will give us all a
d neper and fuller appreciation of
this greatest of all arts music,
and the programs of Princess TeAta
and company, whose interpretations
of Indian legends, songs, and dunces
tring to their audiences a truer con
ception of the characteristic beauty!
of Indian arts.
Then there Is Heat rice Wcller,
lover chalk-talk artiBf . Alice
Louise Shrode, child artist, who
sings and whistles her wny Into the
hearts of her audience of all ages;
and Winnifrcd Windus, beautiful
and gifted reader, who presents "Six
Cylinder Lovo."
Heading the lecture list Is "Jamie"
Heron, Scotch humorist, who Is said
to be a composite of Harry Lauder,
and "Bobbie" Hums. Ho give much
of his own verso In tho inimitable
Scotch dialect, which helps to em
phasize many points In his brilliant
lecture, "Building Bettor Business
By Building Better Mon." Other
prominent names found In the list
of lecturers are: Nr; Poort Chew,
Chinese editor, slntesman and ora
lor; Tom Rkeyhlll, Australian sol
dler-poet, who has Just . returned
from Europe with the greatest lec
ture of bis career.
That the musical end of the pro
gram has not been slighted Is evi
dent with such organizations and in
dividual artists as the following on
the list: James Hamilton, Lyric
Tenor; Charles Mitchell Mixer's Or
chestral Quartette; luy Mnrrlner,
New Zealand Pianist; Leslie Taylor,
Scotsh Violinist; aud Thavlu's Ex
position Band, headed by the great
Thaviu himself.
A special event of Importmce has
been planned for tho children this
year the Magic Lunar Circus, a
real ..circus In which every Junior
Chautauqnan will have a pnrt: More
detailed Information will be given
out later. Oat. ready for Vho Circus,
children: ,
Concentration of Energies 1
In advancing tbe commercial and fin
ancial interests of its customers, the
itoseburg National Bunk concentrates
its energies, lta ability and availa
bility are two Important factors.
The Rosebuig National Dank
Roseburg, Ore.
The Ladles of St. Joseph's church
will hold a cooked food sale at the
Chamber of Commerce rooms, Satur
day, May 6th.
Pittsburgh, Pa. "I took I.vnia E.
Pinkham's VefteUble Compound before
irny little pirl was
tborn, and tho effect
it had WR1 wonder-
fnl. Thte will ho thn
first child I have ELECTRIC POWER RUNS
nrsod, as I had to I TRACTORS IN' SWEDEN
hriney mw fnn lv.,a filv Ajuvl.Ted Pre".)
upon thobotUe 1 1 STOCKHOLM, May 3. Plowing by
was ve.rv nnmn use of gasoline or electric motors,
nnd worried-tired -ill Instead of horses, was tho main cub
the time, and after J1"1 of discussion at the recent an
I read about the "ual meeting of the Swedish Agrieul
Vet;otabl Com-:"lral society. It was announced Hint
i - 'i"juiiu u rcu it ana 1 "w " ' mmi
kept on wltn it. 1 tluj continue its use ; re)ireenting
1 01 .il
motor tractori
value of 11,000.-
to be
Portland U. S. National bank to
have 350 ft. tower. ' 1
Hood Hlver 40- bungalows
built at Columbia Oorge.
Marshfield $23,000 spent on
phone system.
Astoria Contracts let for J13C.000
on Nabalem highway.
Oregon has 10,988 registered motor
vehicles. ....
Oak Grovo power plant to" have
52,000 additional cxpendiiure.
Homestead Asurito mine turning
out silver, zinc, and copper ore.
Corvallls Mountain Stales Co.,
erecting $30,000 brick office.
Asahel Bush and Fred Drager ac
quire string of fruit packing plants.
Medford S. P. Co. to make $45,000
in tracks.
State normal school to hold 6-weeks
summer sessions ut Ashland and
Warrenton gelling fish oil and fish
meal factory.
Hood liiver Pac. Power & Light
Co.'s 250,000 hydro-electric plant
about completed.
Fltht on state Income tax spread
ing. Three times number of signa
tures required have been secured.
Klamath Falls llailroad construc
tion to Spraguo river to be finished
July 1.
Corvallls 400 O. A. C. students
from California charter boat to return
Medford t -10,000 to bo spent on
Crater Lake road.
llallroail cunxtruclinn from Crane
to Burns to start noon.
Bills for free text books and to re
move property qualifications at school
board elections to be initiated.
Albany Linn county berry growers
have prospoctH for bumper crops.
Portland, ranking 25th In U. H. In
population, was 2uth in
aciivity in March
If J
f.a. wHiimH ,itcMiniii TjP
Our Record
Cards Show
that only a few of our
Optical Customers consult
us as often as once a year
This is a mistake as we
can give you advice and
additional service helpful
to your eyesight and free
of cost to you.
We're willing to give you
real service if you will let
Come in!
Bubar Brothers
Optical Dept.
ens. They also gave
him fund to
will receive $153,000 this year. Hllls-
boro cannery gets annex. '
Oregon City Yoder school district
votes for 2 room building.
Ileedsport $250,000 sawmill pro-
ponect i
Astoria Pythians announco new
$20,000 structure.
Tillamook $125,000 plant ot Coast
Pqwer Co., nears completion.
Hlllsboio North Coast Power Co.,
(pending $25,000 in betterment of sys
tem In adjacent district.
Asloria$170,886 contract awarded
forn ew Lewis and Clark bridge.
Itoseburg Southern Pacific to lm
provo local yards.
Work started on road from Niagara
to Detroit.
Oregon City New $25,000 Presby
terian church completed. 1
Brownsville woolen mill now. has 9
looms running making blankets.
Lane county fruit growers sent out
60,000 walnut and 65,000 cherry trees
this spring.
New Oearhart hotel to be completed
by July 1.
S. P. & S. Ry. to put on fast freight
between Portland and Astoria.
Baker Eastern Oregon Lt. & Pr.
Co. to build $100,000 power plant.
Heppner New $2,000 church com
pleted. Harrisburg cheese factory starts
, I operations.
,BI I- T I 4.. J-..!..... In
CUSTOM nuw nmu m uuuia w
cost $26,048.
Ch'-mawa Indian school getting
new boys' dormitory.
BELFAST. May 3. Ulster Irishmen
are emigrating to the United Stales
In large number.
For the first three months In the
present year there were 1,612 Ameri
can pass ports Issued In Belfast,
compared with 552 in the correspond
ing months In 1922.
Tbe American Consulate statoa that
the. emigrants are of a better type
this year than ever before and include
many skilled workmen.
0 : . -
Notice is hereby vven that the un
dVrniKiied, City Marshal of tha City of
ltusuburv, Oregon, .purauant to a war
rant to nlm directed and delivered, by
order of the Common Council of the
City of Iloaeburg dated April 10. 19.'3,
will offer for sale and sell at puullo
auction to the hlKheat -bidder for caah
In hand, at the hour of ten o'clock a.
111., on Haturday, the 12th Uay of May,
liiS, at thu Council chamber door ut
the City Hall In the City of rtoauburg
Douglas County, Orefton, for the pur-
r-oao of atlafylnic ttie aaaeaamenta and
lena for the Improvementa hereinafter
set forth, aneaed by the Ordinances
and Kfnoluttona, hereinafter specified,
the fullowliis deacrlhed real property
in the city of KnRcbura, Douglas
County. Oregon, to wit:
Fowler street mprMMariti
(Asflensment Ordinance Number lit) '
Ivey AHhbey, Lot S, Block 7. Lon
don & Wheelers Add $163.13
Mary Conrad, Lot 10. Block t,
Chadwlrk Ad 113. 3J
With interest on the above at
the rate of alx per cent per la.-
num from March 21. 1922. I '
II lock "A" setter.
(Asflpftsment Ordinance No. 974)
J. W. Hecklcy. Lota It!, Block
3, Terrace Park Add IM
J. F. Murker at V. S. Hamilton,
Lota 4, 6. . 7, 8. , 10. Block 4;
Lota 6, , 7, . 11, 12, Block R:
Lota 4. 6, 4. 7, 8. 9, 10. 11, Block
S; Lots 2, I. 4, 6. (, 7, 8. , 10.
11. Block 10; W 1, I. S. 4. 6
Block 1 1 and Lota 3. 4, 6. Block
12, Terrace Park Add El. 60
DoiikIus National Bank, Ida
Ullea, and lareal Ketch, Lote ,
. 4. 6, S, 7. S. , 10, 11. 12, 13, 14,
lb,' lli, 17, 18, . 20, 21, 22, 23, :
24, Block I. and Lots 1. 2, I 4,
. 0, 7, 8, . 10, 11, Block 3.
Weat View add MS.JS-
Flora imhlberg, Lot 1, Block 4,
Terrace Park Add 1.29
A. J. Oeddra. Lot 1. Block 12,
Terrnce Park Add 1.2
W. H. Hamilton. Commencing at
a point 3T.1 feet N. of the H. W.
corner of U. L. C. No. 40. In
Two 27 8. U. S W. W. M: thence
W., 2H.S0 rhalna, thence , south
38 degrees t0 minutes Kaat
0.70 chnins thence East -
16.70 chain to t ie West lino
of claim No. 40; thence K. S.D7
cnuina to the place 01 opgin
nlriff, containing 81.75 acres,
more or leva, save and except
therefrom a tract of land de
scribed as followa: 6eK!nnlnR
at a point 2.50 chains 8. and
60 links R'Of the 8. E. corner
of I). L C- No. : thence K.
4.(0 clmlne: tlienoe South 6.47 . .
chulnaj thenco N. w. I.t
chttlna; thence N. 9S links
Cascade I-ooks Wind Illvcr Lum
ber Co., resume, operations.
Uoaeburg Additional siory to be
added to tirand lloiei. t
Portland 2 story warehouse on
East side 10 cos'. $35,0011.
Toledo to get 8 new modern homes.
(International News Service.)
KOMK, On., May 3. Bill Martin,
70. who has served twenty of the
last twetity-fivo years in Jail or on
the chain gang and Is at present on
parole, Jias gono Into the chicken
building j nUsing business, nnd other chicken
raisers or tins section, iar irom view
ing Bill' venture with the glassy eye
that a new competitor might expect
to receive, are velconilng him to
their ranks.
Also, they are sighing with relief.
Most of his arrests have been for
chicken stealing. His first sentence,
to the Salvation Army, and
.officers of that organisation per
Hiiaded Bill to raise his own chick-
and recommend it to my friends. 'Yon ' 0". are at present used by Swedixh
' may rubl;sh these facts as a testimonial fanness.
forvourmedicino." Mr?. WM.KltjQE, j An interesting innovation in Kwe
16tf Plyinouta k3u, Pituburgh, Pa. , di?h farming, also discussed at this
1 ltisrernar'Kali!ehowmany'caseshavei""',infr' ia I'1"' 'factor wlih an
i been reported similar to this on Many flrc'rlc mo,or """ed by a power
mothers are left in a weakened and,r",l,- This new machine carries a
; rur.-down condition after the birth of '12-foot man and has a rotating drum,
l the child, and for such mothers trie care j ,rom which the ruble, connected at
of the baby is well-nigh impossible. Not ,n "liT end to a power main, is tin
only is it hard for the mother, but the 'wound as the plow noveji away across
i child itself will indirectly sutTer. I the field. On the return trip ibis
I Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Com- 'ruble is araln wound tip on the drum
1 pound is an exceltent tonic for the 'Tests have been completed in Swedish
I mother at thi time. It is prepared fields which determine the economy
from medicinal roots and herbs, and doe , of the new type of plow. In ease
j not contain any hnrmfuMruppi. ltcsn be i where ihe existence of fe, d line along
I taken in safety by the musing mother. ' the fields makes lis use possible.
Hilverton Plans made for now'" quarter or a century ago. ns n.r
I n 1 1 1 . 1 i r v hiiililiiiu I that offense, and his most recent one
si i'i,.ii.n n,ni sinriM ,inid. -Lin was if identical nature. Ho
Mill City to erect 4-rooin high : paroled
school. 1
Forest Grove Construction newt
men's dorniliory at Pacific University j
starts May 1.
Eugene to lay new sidewalks, sew-1
ers. and pave streets. j
llond Hiver Work to br niched on
Ml. Hood loop blKnway from this city 1
to Odcll. I
Forest service will spend $100,000;
Inr improvements i:i t'mnqua forest
tills K'T.son.
Aurora-$75,000 contract let for
Pudilintr Itiver bridge.
Vr-nionia g-ls another big mill.
fond in s new wat'-r system to be
completed by May 15.
F.uiirne -- Construction starts on
concrete business building.
IKitilas county bioccoll growers
Coughs; Colds. Croup
place of beginning, containing
1.46 KcroH 3.58
K. II. I,ntx. Jotfi S 10. HlocK
12. Trrare I 'ark 3.58
V. Mnnhcr. Itn 2 ft 3, Block 3,
Nor tl Park Add 2.58
a J. Poo. tilork "D," Jxiti 10 A
11. VUnVu Add 3.59
T. .1. lUnur, Lota 6, 7. 8, Block
12, Terrace I'ark
II. A. ItuKor. 1U 6. 7. 8. 0, 10.
Block 12. Terrace Park 6.4$
Jaa. 1 m pi In, 1ot 8 10, Block
f, Turrace Park S.58
With Intermt on the above at
the rule of nix pr cent pur an
num from April 3. 1917.
I'MiirHwmrti Hwr.
(Anf nmtnt Orilinanco No. 753)
W I). Jtcll, 1MHS 13 Ot 18, UIOCK
"IV 1-aurnlwond Add
J. K. Flurry, Lot 1, Block 'B,"
IHUrelwood Aua
U A. WHIn. Lot 10, Block "C
IRiirlw4md Add
W. K. Wright, I-ot 11. Block "C."
I-'iiirpl wm. Aud
With IntcreKt n the above at
thn niton of mix per cent per an
num (mm Mnn-h -1. 2'l.
North I'urk Improvement,
(City t'outirll Hoc. I'ukh Sua. Vol. 4.)
V. S. Krenc-h, lt 7, Block 1,
N.. rid Park Add 23.04
With Intercut on th abovo at
tho ruto of rIx per cent per an
VMtn from April 8. l!H9.
I.llhnrn fiireet ImprovfMrnt,
( AtiHt'NKtiiHnt Ordinance No. 751.)
J. K. Tlurrv. Ixt 1 Block "B,"
I.Hiirclwtxxl Add 368.1--
With lntirfBt on the above at
tlx rntn of nix per cent per an
num from Marrh 21. 1922.
KiMfiry'r Improved Plat.
(Council Iter. May 7. Ifll7.)
Wm. Knopp. Ite 1. 2, 3, 4, Block
KlmifV'R Improved Plat. .. .126.42
With Intercut on the above at
the rate of mix per cent per an
num from May th, PJ17.
Kinney's Improved Pint Imp,
(Council Kef ord April 7. l'.H.)
Wm. Knopp. loti !. 2. 3. 4. Block
2't. Kliinev'a Improved pint... 7.8
F. W. Wiirnci' Kut.. 1-ola 1. II. 12.
Blo-'k 21, K Inner' Improv-cl
Plat 58.13
Frank 1. Webb, Tota 3. 4. 8. 9.
Block 77, Kinntty'a Improved
Pitt 114.64
With Interc.m on the above at
ihe rae of ix pr cent per an
num from April xni. iwi.
tldenalk Paving.
(Council He-. October 2. 1922.)
3. K. Svkci, I.'.t 1. Block 20.
Ln-ircl W4iod Ad1 102.60
With Irneret on tlie above at
the rate of nx per cent per an
num from tvtoher 3. 1922.
Hfld nB!ttnmeiita have been entered
In the fttii ket ff Cltv l.lene of the Citv
. f Kimrhuru. each f .i1d ita will bl
cffereil for fale and eold In aepurate
pnrela to (ottlufy th respective lietiP
tbermn tnireilier with lnterestta end
cotts rf executing Mid warrant. Hntd
nnle will be mihject ti redemption.
nrovldcd by the charier M the City of
Itopobiitg. m that the CltV f Koee
tttirir revveii the right to bid upon
sntil reul propctv with accrued) Inter
eM and the fvpenee of anle.
Inivd tliia If'th day of Anril. 1:3.
city fnrhaj of the City of 1 tote
burg; Oregon.