wosEBune news r.Evigw. THijiPv. m AV S 1921 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Except Sunday U W. BA'I K.S KKI!T !. HATKS. . ..preaalent and alanaxof Secratary-Trtjaeiirer ii.. ix c ir. Mr loil .niiy, kiX njufltha, by mall ..,...... t ji.y. UirtMf moutiia, Uy Biati. . , . X !y, eii,fcie luuLih. by mall 1 1, by carrier, per mouth a I It NVwa-HwIfW. by mall per year loo , LI , Mi M tot ! P!?UM& piaciffl? BT BERTS DATES . . - ew I eeeeggi ) iORHSIISIIUl! Ialv4 l'rM. I ntitltd l- ll. umf lor rpu'l'auoo ,.,t i,tn-rwU rr-fltfj In till Plr. I ... nabta of rHut.littiu uf ap.uu . The Avv lafrd in eivLily af all iirw ,1. .iJ''d t.. II ..r a.id l'j au loni j p ill i ..-1 ! ! Je-rvu. 4 .j.jI' lit m hi i mi , ! i-cvi l. iatortxi u aocund cIum mailer J.y -7. 1 at lb- poal office at lioaeburg. in on, uudi r :!m ct of jlar;ta 2, 1-7. i HIJbEBU.iu.Tht.uO, IHUfbOAY, MAV 3, TilC INDIAN'S IIKSI KCT FOP. LAW GOOD EVENING, FOLKS We don't a'pou , It'll bt vary long . Now till the Stink bugs Are with us. DUWBELL DORA THINKS - ( That Paul Revere had a night . mare. - ic t "Vou may slick your hair . j With a lotion io rare I That cooties backslide on their, spine; Vou may shake a hoof j That a clumsier goof . Would give hie right eye to define; Perhaps you get by With the come hither eye That flappers absorb with their tea: sheik to somebody BY 0. A-. C. CLASS ' Indian Burial Ground Visited by Group of Agricultural College Students TODAY'S MARKET 1 REPORT X FAMOUS CHURCH SEEN Method of Burying Bodies in Charcoal Explained by Pro fessor Horner, Who Con ducted Research Work COnVAI.MS. Muy 3. Looking on tin; mounds of Indians who were burled limner aso than the human niilul ran recollect, nits the exneli- Gut you're only a simp to me." Ex, ' W1,.e f 150 members ol the Oregon -f 'if 1 Matury class hurt Saturday. Tho class The other day a feller asked us how ' under the guldrnce of J. It. Horner, wt made our living and we sa d. "I professor of Oregon history, also live by my wits"; and he said. "Now rlxltid the lliil and Crawford 111 u I know what makes you look so hun- R, urns In Albany. All Alaskan Indian was arrested for trunk-i'.' His captor Jtartid Willi liim upo;. .. vi'i.ri.Mjine journey o.er snow, wliich fUttched M'veral huudrcj mi'ts (if waMu U.twifn l,i:n and jail. : 'UwrinK the journey Uio captor fell ill; so ill th.tt he was helpless. Vi'iitn'Upoii Hjo lutliuii dr.itrifcd him the rfinaininp; hundred miles 3o liis sflfi'ty ami Lis own iir.pri.iim'iit, or perhaps, death. A !!.yrt tune ao an Aim.ritaii Jndiai), under sentence of death, jfotl You may be M . l-.'y 01 txetiiuon mat nc nnvni arrange j 1 1 nair aim muicsi 3iis crops for his family. At the end of the reprieve he voluntarily "fchowtd up for execution. Xor arc tl.L'se instances unique; there Urv many such. Apparently the untutored savage has u great Irebpect lor law. To hin inlnd, the ukit.se of real authority is made 3o be respitted and obeyed. If broken, the law enacts a punish 3nent. 'lhc Indian mind does not "see" any point to evading that uni.shment. Kven the fact that the 'punishment may mean death, tit' not deter him. . There have li 11 instances of white men who left jail on parole ni'd returned; yet one would hesitate to trust Ziny man with fn-edom, who was under sentence of death! With 2 uch examples jrivon by savages, men with little or no education, C ivilization, or traininir, it is the more reprehensible when we, the citizens of a Nation which prides itself upon being self-governed, tielibcRttely vinlsln laws Jmh-huso wo don't like them. Jnstanees ara cvtrywhero.; the bootlegger and his customer, are but sample 'of many. I!ig business violates the law; see any Federal Trade ommission report. , auiodhxjiiisis violate tne law ; : ee any ponce ...ur "- , " - - . of lrlny,.ta Co; rrA wiih ace. At the gry." Dear Ed. I am an 8th grade student and the teacher wants us to find out what animal approachee nearest to man. Can you tell me? CRAMMARITE. Ans. The flea. I have a chance to go on ths screen. Hi'ar.ons frr the ditf.r'nt fhapes o' Indian sluills on nl-ulny at the Prices Paii Farmers for Produce. . Duller 25 to 30 cents. Hutterfat, 3 60 Kkks. 1 cents pr dozen. Ili ns. heavy. I8c lb: light lie lb. 19J3 Broilers, SOc lb. Veal, dress. a Se to lie lb. Hoks. dressed, lie, 120 to 160,Ua. . WelKbt. Cowa, prime, 4H& Steers, pnuie, c Honey, loaJ production, 10c lb. Caeara bark, lizi, CVsC lb; castars bar, 1K1. Tc Retail Prices on Mill Products. Kid mohair, per lb. SO to 70 cents. llohair. per lb.. Lie. Wool, fine, per lb. 40c. Millrun, $1.40 to fl.CO sack of 80 lbs. Cracked corn. $2.25 per 100. Whole corn, $2.00 per 100 lbs. Rolled liarley, $1.2.) a sack of 70 lbs. Flour, soft wheat, $1.73 sack. Flour, hard wheut, $1.5 and $2.20 a sack. . -T 1 1 . T'iT Soulful community work In this 4 . I Church SCREEN OUT THE HOUSEFLY THEY ARE A MENACE TO THEv FAMILY HEALTH Prepare to exclude these pests before they arrive, as warm spring diys will surely bring them. . Our"big stock of , DOOR AND WLNDOW SCREENS enables us to fill your order at once. We want you to see these goocjs, which we are displaying now , Churchill Hardware Go. THE WINCHESTER STORE - OFFICIAL FILINGS 53213. Conditional lllll of Sale. LoKnera and Contrartors Mach. Co and J. II. Hildcburn. DS2H. Sat. Mts. t'mp. Valley showed no nlcn of brain develop ment, but that the proirudlnK' Jaw bone elKiiirii'd Kreat tenacity. In other Ivi)c3 of skull the bruin had Fly or,f'Cture7 1 been developed equal to the white Pi-.ture, of course. Mary Pickford j m,,n of today. Va L. -a- SL. I. 11.Ua ' iroks T L historical material ly hlinwlf. Th? ... ... XX X I display room wag filled wirh clothes. lllll Illimi-UJlI t.-I5 l'Aildlllt 11 a 1 1 1 r.,,,r Horner. On. hnil a v. rv Ir- 5:i21a. H4 I) 51a. Patent, to Ed- reptilar surface nnd was alniot slralKht on tho bark. . lie said It Doualas 1 np mispu.m as tounnea ny r- , .mi l .i , n IT. J. J rilll Tr iiu KUiIieit-ii an hit court docket, ('.ranted that niisparkiug and i.iislaiH'ling are not crimes to be mentioned with' murder; granted that buying or rolling a drink is not to bp, classed w ith robbery. Nevertheless, la violation of the law is a Wrong; it is un-American, unpatriotic, icowurdly. Indians are said to be men with children's minds. With Jibe above instances in mind, "A little child shall lead them," takes on h now meaning. . The delegation of Yeomen visiting this vicinity today for the pore of selecting a site for a children's home had the privilege inspecting one of the choicest property holdings in the county. !n f.-ict, wo doubt very much if anything in the state cxcells this Jj'.crcnge." The focatiou Jt lmist if lent for the purpose 'intended. -Nothing could be added to tho tract to make it more suitable for n children's homo. All requirements are embodied in this fine Tiece of pmiwrty. Tho Curry estate has long been known for its VprtKluotiveneiej, its scenic beauty and ideal location and surround ings. The state has nothing better to offer, all things considered, Jand should this county !x unfortunate in not favorably competing J ith other sites ottered to the delegation, we will have the satis faction of knowing that we have not been outdistanced neither Hn tpiality, (piantity or climate, llosoburg has its best. We have wit) apolcigins to make. Nothing to cover up. And above all, not a iint'le virtue of this great I'mpqun Valley has been misrepre sented in any way. The truth is gtod enough and upon this ZJVu'idaliiiii we rest, ptomaine In your home?1 Did you know thai Bill Whipple It running for mayor? What? You mean he's after the election? Nop. I mean he'e runnln' errands for Mayor Rice. Pardon ut just a moment while we move our flivver our half hour is up. ! 1 ' ; i- Chickens that run around too much get tough. Crawford museum there was a sim ilar collection of pkullK, relies, and mounted animals. The Crawford mu seuin was founded by I jr. J. T. Craw ford, tii first man to open mounds In the Northwest, II. T. Crawford, his son, instituted the commerce department at O. 1. C. The Vnlted rresbyterUu. cliorih at Albany, the mother of the I'nited VreabytBrlan church of the world. w;ih visited. Thin church whs formed from the Cumberland Presbyterian Associnled Presbyterian, Associate Reformed Presbyterians and Tres lyterian churches in Oregon In xCi'2, It ecu use the country waf it was decided - WET WOE Sing a long of sixpence, a tonneau thinly pniiulmed full of rye, i to unite for a trial period of Four-and-twenty bike cops passed the j fi year. It war Called the United tonneau by. Presbvterbin rburrh nf flretnn. In When the stuff was opened they found J8r,9 aM OIhf.r Presbyterian churches w .. I if j, . , . 1L 'of the Cnlted States united at Pitts- .an iitai unijr iricn upon ing i k.iu- B...i ,1... i, .i ; ,,iiift, nin in.- iiuiiiit nil. iiiiip.ru i . i nueo eresi-yienan cntircn oi aibt I lr. Today's weather Is nothing unusual in this neck of'the woods -iind we don't want those Yeoman visitors to think that observer "' r Prdon for disturbing . Hell is handing out anything out of the ordinary in the wa of j you wished to s'eit your automobile consignee7 DELIVER BY RADIO, TOO? 1923 bride telephoning to butcher: "Please send me a nice juicy ateak and aome gravy." - There are some people who hate had bun a member of the Oregon profanity of every kind unless they , legislature. The siudenls Kathered are using it themselves. nliout ihe front pnrrh and he wa3 re- 'I'ieJted to say a d'r words. A liiard Is a frog with "fallen "These thlnits illd not Interest dip arches.' ' i then, and I did nor know they were mund Schnc-lde 5opl6. V. It rras onr prlvjlere to exrhanire KrerUBgs with Hon. O. P. L'othow during his' brief stay in this city, and we"elt a thrill of appreciation for the successful business man who is always ready tQ sive time and talent as he serves In the fcanctuuiw. o'r the pulpit. MOLLIS The homn of Abe nievln : who as I slated Dr. Crawford In opening the I irst Indian mouniU, was visited. He iranie from Ml-snurl ln lS."iil. served I In the Ubisue Klver Indian War. and D. Melrose Orchard I.mihI Co. to C. A. Johnson, 84 D 515. i:,oo.uo. 53217. Patent, to Lorrls L. Singleton, 84 I) 515. 63218. Agreement. Blanche Jj. Krohn, to Carl 1). Palm, 84 D 51 . $200.00. 53219. W. D. 84 D 516. $1400.00. J. R. Halley to Mrs. .Mary Parker. 53220. .Mtp. F. L. Slancliff to fiuy Cordon. 39 M 3S3. $282.00. 3221. Mtg. v. M. Allen to E. Hunt, 39 M 3S6. $1009.00. Inv. and App. Est. Sadie M. Smith Deed. 53202. Sat. Mtg. J. Shackles to Wilda Abbott, 39 M .185. 53203. V. I). Wilda . Abbott to Vra. Mlnnlo Pyritz, 84 D 512. $10. 00. , 53204. W. D. J. A. Yokura Sr. to A. Selert, 84 D 612. $10.00. - St nil VI 'iffn . tnv tn Ellen C. Denny, 84 D 512. I 6::200. n. Herno E.'Schnman to R. W. J. Reed. 84 D 513. $10.00. 53207. I). Uemo Schumnn to R. W. .1. Heed, 84 D 513. $10.00. 53208. w. D. C. S. Frank to E. P. Ulment 8 4 II 513. $10.00. 63209. W. 1). II. W. Jones 'to N. G. Huell, 84 I 514. $10.00. 63210. Mtg. Henry J. Kllnger to II. Andrie 39 l 385. $1500.00. 5211. W. D. W. E. Smith td G. E. Woodruff, 84 D 511. $10.00. 63212. 84 D 614. W. D. J. Lander to W. S. Ilrosl. $10.00 Est. Mary A. Kath, Deed, for Probate, Will. Inv. & App. Est. Hannah Dnnlels. ttrctllt Court Cert, of Attachment. Riddle State Dank vs. D. C. Ilollenbauch. Cert of attachment. Riddle Stato Dank vs. I). C. Hollenbaugh. o T.y C. H. HADDOX, (Internattnnal News Hervlce Stall .t'urreMiiunilent.) COI'MIU'S, Ohio, May 3. Assert- BLUE 4 WHITE FRENCH CLOTHS Assorted Japanese designs, 48 bylliiK that the Ullile is a "great and 18 at 8c and 60 by 60 at $1.13. Nap-! beautiful poem." Dr. Charles Re kins. 40c set of 6. New goods just inlnolds Brown of Yale l iiiveraltyJu ai I at Carr'8. I8ANEZ SEES 1V10RE ! (Tntcrnntional News Service.) MEXTONK. Muy ,'i. The Four Horsemen will ride afcain. scattering war, destruction and ruin In their wake, according to Vicente Dlasco Ibanez, famous Spanish novelist, in an Interview here. Senor Ibanez forsees an almost cbntlnuona state of conflict for Tlurope and envisages a mighty Struggle within a decade unless the people's hearts change. I am not pessimistic." he as rerted. "I do not believe there Is any olutlon of the European prob- ..wtalner conditions for their particular benefit. We are mighty Zl'iad, however, that these distinguished visitors had nil oppor tunity to get a sample of the real ".stull" carried in stock from ;a climatic standpoint. The Southern I'arifio is niinjr to sihmhI ?."0,000 in the way of improving their yards in this city. This is good news to the optimist, but nn awful joke to the pessimist. . ii m I resioViit Iliiiilmg is scheduled to slot) at l.Hhiiwl .Ink- .Xiontler if there will be any "fireworks" ' point. -from a political stand- and I wish to warn you not to count on me to buy it. because I have no need of one at all." He Is indeed a wiae man who is citir-fied to appear great in the eyes of hts family alone, . There were no domestic science courses In the old d.tys, but the wash inoaru aervefl as a board of education. The man with an onion breath Idorsn't a ways raise them) In his own cartten. Maybe he s been eatin' hash house dressing. , M'lng to be so valuable or I could have Kn'heri'il a eret many." salii lllevlns in referring to trinkets tak en from the mounds. "Dr. Hill and I were the first ones to dig Into the mounds, lut I luive not engaged rlnce. Perhaps I am a little super Ftliinus. hut d.m t like to disturb Ihnse people." he continued. The t'oehran t;ioitnds on the Wev la. ranch were ihen visited. They ; vere Kill feet In diameter, round. ;.ml 1.1 feel high. Charcoal and ar- 'itwh ail were s raiclied from the i top of the niiMiuiU with sticks, hut j no cxcnailiu: took place. Professor ! Horner :t:itc.I thin the mounds were 1 twice as larre ticn first built as ! Tin y are nt preseni. ! ' We have not enough active brain !!-. to coiiipr. Ii. :id the I. nth of address here, declared that ,'TiOL'tie license must be permitted to make the book luminous.' "We have passod that stage where our faith deprnd3 upon tho literal truth of nil the Bible.'.' Bald . Lr. Drown. "If It affords us a clear con-1 ficptfun jof fled, provides "a guide to lead men to greater work and Is lamp to. guide men's feet an1 light their pr.th, the 1'lhle Is true." Stating that the spiritual trulh of the Hlble Is apparent and that I to Interpret many of the passage; literally "T.ould kill our faith in tho trulh of the Illble,' Dr. Brown continued: "The truth of tho r.lble does not depend on whether the book of Jonr.h is literally true, whether Sol omon wrote all the proverbs or Da vid wrote all the psalms. The Bible In elf telln tie to study It and rate that which la local, temporal and un essential from that which Is univer sal, hiHthig and essential and accept Its te;.t parts. Let the Ullile stand lem. Tho evil Is too deep. It Is In i he hearts of thq people. Thoy nrejor fallt not; ny4 the tout of ecceslas-l full of hatreds and bitterness. Poll', Ileal rinfcmn, hot by the test of. use I ticians are tmni-ing in terms or and experience." fronlers. territory ' prestlgo and) o SATIN QUILTED SLIPPERS, S8e PR. Finest grade slippers, soft lenijier soles, special buy. Wo save you about half. .Carr's where you save trade. Wa shall never have peace as long as that state of mind exists. The great war only heightened the feeling and made it more bitter. "I think we shall have other wars many of them. There are-all the possibilities. Look at Russia. Look at Germany. Look at France. Look at England. "The present situation is only a phase of the whole question. Re- Try tha Goltien Itule Baruer shop. Lie shave, 33c bair cut. Excellent I worki 618 Winchester St.- PIG BURIED THREE MONTHS ' UNOER HAY STILL ALIVE I ;i.i:mai.i: news Mrs. It' 11 t,. Lit , it. . l, . I ,1 . e i- -r -.. r , " tcw oi me emaii-towners are still II S ..II lM'llt to bit.- the hand that S feeding you if It S feeding 'wondering what is going to become of I I iiln Tim. l.-.d -I-.... ,k " " ima.i-towners are Still i i:i-inU were foimeH you poison. .1 .irroll.s: ; 1 d like to be the Ha.l.i of a Hule Imv 1 know. I'd 1 t :ill him Soni'V, for 1 love l.-m nuu h tilth. I in v.r , t - I iitii and lie s never Ik-;, .! oT it i , , vl ;.k. to h.ive him silt . iiu- now, uhii my Ktiic. I'd a--k hitn hts of tuieslions ..nil I'd hao a l -t .!' f.in 1 ii:! to t! e stories ef the things that he has ,l,.re. I'd hi I i'' it to W a I'.'.tnotts little In -v. tn k". tl.t,t t-xerv ii .. - v, i bound to britiR some joy to grown-ups ai.il J., ,,. I'd ;i- him if In- kt.ew bis piidires were .. tome t - . ; mi -iijrl'Kie. j e si ea nun ore v. fi in t.itters, ard 1 ve mvi I. i l'e situ hit-i Wkmn I ..T-;.y and I've seen l.i-.i 1 ... . ? i.t .-'.u.tvs I couhl loe him i r hi winninir kiddie v I. ii ,r an jtil.t'.iof. i.i bis f .' . r, t!..-il stays. : Ills tyt-j sre l.:if and lii'Ti. t, l-.is smile is R.nd t. .-. I t.f-.o". r "'!'! Ii-'"' er" i'Vo id his !o'k PtUM always be to i .-.e a lutu- ;ie v ho alresily is star, .h.. name and fame have ti.i. led i p'ac.-s i t.ir ai d fsr. S. I d lx more than hnppv nntt mv i. it wiini.i sure e k'.i.I i. . w,-r,. niinc and 1 rould In? J.'t kio 0rftn's l.ul. met i)t W illl ..111 ;t:.d !! -. h!v when we get the ctuster lamo posts. ! 1- Yes. Ans nthr, Manhattan cocktaih) are ciciiiy connectrd with Broad way's birds of parad.se. t- fen-tor Bor.ih warns his party leaded that "The American voter Is .i-.n-mingly inilrorndfnt at this time." In.lred hj's ihowmj more indepen-rl-iu-e now than he w.it a year ago v.iirn a cfr.am wa d lieutenant ran into heil(;u,rters with the announce tti ment that ' theie fellows down in the 1r vot.n juat aa they damn plr.ise." Tl-nr are two th.njt. anywav. tht dn't ,-o'ry. Th-y are pug do8S i-d '.tn pg rod agrnts. I" 'Tvs-i rl.Tn in Lri- jh j'fy I-- trie h.ilrrv S.'r-rth cf May T- it the bill C rcters Cj 9 arouhd ard said Porfes- f r Ili.rii.-r. "F.ir.-sla have come i-.tiil sen.' .nnl mi. nms have .'Ikiiiki-iI t!'.. ir eoiirs-'S :e, r.il tlnies since the nieuml Dull, lets Kurkeil here." The niiMinds . re built fur the nr. ei l iiia in ih tti-ail. ami were . place ol r ,u, iniiiau. f earth hlg'Jv Buy uiiw while our tnrk is complete. I THE d;stock Th.-y were built i'MCril Wll h .1, IT : f'-'-t In il'.ir,' .'!l.il- I'liii'Viiil p '. in .IT ll I In "-r ';i r on tuti . .1 III a e I.- l;.ir i.l.li lii. ef'im e i i.ii.i in- 1 1. ., . r ll.- s ii!. Tv f'..ir ll.ir-.ier i line-!!.!!-. ' Tl.e tn.l iar. V r : .- it-'-i. -. br oil p., i" .1 ' It . .i ,, orsl.lti In :. ,, I:. v. I a t- In ..ii -r !' Ml v., ,. It St .! -I I. -ir . "Voj .jn't hatta pa." 1- t S.m-ic o-.9fy doetn t flow. oal, esuilly ir. to r. and roiilial In -as pin.-, rl waist -oitle? with a slnv h)- lioiiv w as pi ic !enid l,.y ra.k.-t It tui the aniafl.i find him. Tluii. Is mad.- by I' -o-1 des.-rlblng the 1 "t the fire loirn to t-la-iuf.ieture TVe lhe (lend." 1U-I ii d v. ith ther ' e -.alio- w;-.y as It ?inl Virgins In " pp'a!n..l Ilia .Iw.iya built n.-,ir l-.HT Rlr.a-.; h.ive !!! until ooi i by this fact In It Just TLOWtR 6wi S ASH VASCS cur !t' i.'0-e fun wcrkie' t).an Icafin'. f on K-.i. II iy til bi .1 i-.,e- b : . r . r.-,l I- ,'.l.. Ju-" in a " . A'-,. 1 IV. ;.. : . i'tl t :.' t-v- an.l T. iff Ir. nine. , be !ei-r i , am! .oe (International News Bervlre.l WAVESr.DKO. Pa., May 3. Buried for more than three months Under -a straw stack on the farm of Max member, literature is now Interna- rpscuod aUve h'f;rm lonal science I is international, hf aid the grunts of the animal. The trade Is International, many things ptK as re(iuced to skin and bones are iiuernauouai. v. nue poiuics. nna iInable to walk. Fed on milk. which Is the most Important of all the animal recovered rapidly and now I in me liven Ul (lie lieunies OI tni- IS Salrt In he in ffnnrt ennil it nn I nations, Is still narrow and nation-: While imprisoned under the stack I I alistic. , the animal gave birth to a litter ofl ! "I see no hope of peace until that pis, all of which wore dead. It is I l.h.ni.... -...I I . n lt.1 Knl I..1-...I II... n,n U ...I , - vimiij,.-.--, niiu iu.-i .a a inn., lllll wiv.,u uir ik .r eu.iunll Bilrtw w L.u .i-t-r,,, v. I.IU'IIV. l..r fri i.rn lv In fhn Knn rt a k'eell tier Ive il.lrllttr I ia 'mnro.n. '' MT- nnn "" he added, "but I bi lieve that peace,"'"'1 an lhat iiiellins.tfnow water I .... .. oweu in tnts cny. will eventuallv come." furnished drink. Mr. and Mrs. William Splk.-r ofl The pig disappeared lalo In I)eera Klamath Kalis, who for many years ,, " ber. At the time it waa believed sbt w-re hlchly esteennd residents of j ""ocduhi. u i u, en t ts j-jc fri. hau been stolen, this city, are here, negotiating fori I 4 ihe sale of their line residence on I A,""her s.upment at Carrr. Every , MeCiinuU-k and Ueering hay rakes. I willow street, and we are in formed ' ',,,"u.," " a P'i"e. mowers raid blnd)-rs at 'Wharton llros. that Arthur Hagen has boutlit " ' " '""r al Jac 1 .ace. .r. and Mrs. HaB.-n will oc ! cupy It at once. . K. X. Camp of Riddle, Is greeting his many friends In this city. Mrs. Parks, the venerable mother of W. S. Parks, is visiting her son and his family in this city. The Lutherati Ladies Aid was de lightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. .1. LMmer Nelson last week. A ery larj-e crowd was In attend ance and genial hospitality marked the meeting, liell.lous refreshments were served and much business was transacted. Mrs.. 0. N. hel Is at her home In this city, ami is improved In health we are plcmed to note. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. lias, el and sun -'ammK- spent one day In Kosebttrg looking tfter business mailer... This is a typical spring dav anil nil the new colors of the latest raniy nr.- very becomingly being worn b'v tour pr.fy sirls. Mr. and ):r. Meriil P n:.n i, nioverlout to the Panth. r Itinie i Lumber car.ip wh- re Mr. Hart tins a fine posliion. im.l where Mrs I'-r-will have rVarse of the ol 1 1 e 'w.Vrk. .vr. n,i vr. Jam.-s Tiller ar at home ., t. snv.l.-r coita South V. l'lis Av -ntio i. i.. i e,-.iu.- and Mn. l:'i, a Han-; . ' snui ii-s now by the .l!li,:, no . el the road w r;.. r.. r.d the l,ve to come out lr b.ok all. vs. put we "re sure n-.ial r.jult, m clear th. t:-.ip-s if .v. ii Miv r..ans rt our j.u'.lic .,'u.il fa.-u'tj , r n;ovii g the n c. rt par.-br.se ..' a fin lerle roup.- fur pul.lir sch-ols are n-aring tto r''"'n t a v-ry auc-essfnl v ar i-i -.- h..r-iiony has pru'.omlnated and a lrr.- graduating cla; will i,e a t.-aturt. of our Comment -m. nt rx- Il'.w - on 1. -v-e . r . . i - fe.?e '.w ir -yv . 3..-rjpt Ul Ii Represents the latest achievement writer construction gives the measure of satisfactory service and of work that is unsurpassed. in' type greatest a quality -,,!,,-,. itie work en olivet cherch l V-' 2 Th.-e are In. prorr-s and verv (in. v X '- J.-o .-.or. Uev. and Mrs. McVelch .r h.,i'J . Woodstock Typewriter Co t General Sales Office, 35 N. Desrhnm Si J CHICAGO, ILL ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Distributors Roseburg, Oregon IT'