Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 02, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    wosEBUHQ news Evtrw. wepnmpav. v
f Aee two
Issued Oslly Cxcept Sunday
L W. iiATta
.('resident and Mm
Bgcrelary Trwa-nrer
jui.y, j-f oar, uy wail
miy, nix mouths, by uiail
a::y, liirt mmtlis, ty wail . ..
felly, single. UiOLth, by mall
Miiy, by terrier, per mouth
Verb I y fv !(:. by mil. pr y r.
Th A.eorielKl ! i tluiiy nililrd . Ihe a for republlcatloo
rf all d..ui.h Ta..d lu il uf l.ol uinr-l erwlllMt In Hod nl-r.
ji.I ic. .. lo'-'i ' .ul...d hr Ala ruins I r.Hlll.. . it fc.
ilti.iU'.in hw.- u ale lo ft-rvd as antond clui uia.o r JHsy 17, lK2u, l the pout office ax itudoliorf,
Orison, u.der U At! of aiarch & 1S7S.
i in i i in ,0!jtBURQf oHtUOU. UNESDAY, MA V .4, 1W3.
The Oreuoii Electric Railway, ox'rutiiij between Portland
and Eugene, h unable, in pay the intercist on some two million
dollars of ouUtiinding bonds. The company says their inability
i meet the intortht on the liond is due, iiriiicijially, to automobile
i -J.iiiir. This latter mode of transjxirtation is raising the very
I with other roads, as well as the Oregon Electric, and we are
- iderinx what is jroins to b' the ultimate result, if present
i editions exist in regnd to passenger and freight traffic for a
f lew years longer. What . - going to be the outcome to our expensive
; highway system throughout the state, and what is going to be the
jeault if train sen-ice is crippled to that degree that the invest
ment to the stockholders will not justify operation of the railroads
that parallel the i'litilic highway ol tins ana oilier siaies: tan
the ttate nfford to keep up the highways under the present
licensing system, and, with constantly increasing traffic, will it
not be compiled to practically rebuild the highways in a few years
at great e.ense to the taxpayers, the latter already carrying a
burden of taxation that amounts almost to strangulation? This
i a a 1-ui.iiiiia ....t I n ml f.t.rt li I 1 llftft I .ft iVtlraA 1 1 111 III I iirll 1 1 V.
t ill n ICI J IHTI lilUII IIIUII.. uUU UIIV II I. V Vmi'fc lJ n-- Urv, ...i. v.,, .
It is a certainty that we cannot airord to dispense with rail trans
portation. Neither can we say that automobile transportation be
i c mulled. l!ut it is as certain as night follows day that under the
r 'sent pressure of highway transportation our roads will not
Uitet the demand now made for various kinds of traffic for ur.y
Considcrab!e period of time. This state is net settled by people to
; that degree that it can support duplicate transportation Hues with
. any success to the operators. ' It is a lonng game for the railroad:).
. tiiey cannot copo wiui weir tremendous overneaa expense against
that of automobile freight and passenger service, lherefore, the
matter seems to have reached that state of application to the
welfare of this great comtuouwjcalth that it is either a choice of I
future automobile transportation, incurring great additional ex
pense to the slate in the way of upkeep and new highways, wiping
imt all railroads that are directly affected by the new method of
Jtratric, or protecting the railroads to that degree that they can
Dm i id, maintain aiid operate their holdings at a fair profit.
I', , The public, as a rule, is too prone to give just consideration
$y large corporations, esiiecially to railroads, and adverse criti- has brought, them into disrepute, many people getting a false
irtrprc;r,ion ns to their real worth. ' This Is an entirely erroneous
and injurious way of building up large industries and adequate
: rail transportation. The railroads of the country are giving a
great service they employ millions of men and these men are
crippled as much as the stockholders when business is diverted
'Into other channels.
What if spring is slow to come in the North or other troubles
hi'.rass the South? The United States bureau of agricultural
i economics promises the nation the biggest strawberry shortcake
V ver! Estimates from the strawlx-rry producing regions indicate
that this year's crop will exceed last year's by no less than 18,7 10
carload;-, of this luscioui fruit. Florida, alone, is said to bo turning
' (till ftnmrt!iir.t' liL-n 1 1.1 lu.r ciml tiw.fn uii.. l...M;.. iu: ........ t.....
. f, ...... . . v. in iinnv "11 tin III I I IV a ill IB J Cfl 1 lllllll
;lnst. Although a few stales show a decrease, most of them have
greatly increased crops. Three rousing cheers for the strawberry
..1 I !! II . . ...
Miuiwime aim u me sugar specuiaiors permit three rousing
, cheers for next winters strawberry jam!
Every once and awhile a human vulture creeps into the lime
light by being taken into custody, though quite a number of these
' fellows are lurking around in almost every hamlet. Hut their
identity is always a mystery unt il their dastardly acts are revealed
' by an attempted at tack on some innocent child. This state has a
Merilization law for just such degeiiniles and we know of no
' N-Lter remedy to clear the atmosphere than the free use of the
eon's knife on any human who would lower himself to that
nv that innocent cliildhond should le subjected to such heinous
'posals as reported in this city yesterday.
When the pavonn n is slippery don't sced, don't apply your
brakes quickly or attempt any fancy capt rs. It can't be done
without serious results. Some of them pa by in h mangled way
tu toil the Mory. Put a litilc, sound common sense while at the
wheel of your machine, with a largo amount of caution, will
usually put you on the safety first list.
Hy Ihe iupresilon of Mlu J-b
JIa. Keniu. who ! t-pe jius lUe coin-
Ins uDrrnta. 4 la lb Uarilcii or lot
The villager
Arc juit beginin'
To worry
'Bout not
Vtar't te-
The frm B'oe It thd on u4 to
kill ts eficktB on for tr Sunday
Nobody love, r p..m.... "-p.. opt.r, ,tli, will a loan way j
lik. opt,m,.m in o.r.. "h , , Uquida.ln, Ihe upeov incurred I
th.y may b. ! .t. th.maolv. 8mall ,
T T r aii.oun! w!!! bo deducted trom tl)
T ! ma a r isr-1
Prie Paid Farmtra for Produea.
Butler 25 to SO ceil! a.
lluderfat, 30c
Kant. 18 centa per dozen.
H.-o. heavy, lHc lb: light He lb.
1921 Broilers, 30c lb.
Veal, dreaatd Se to 12c lb.
iloca. dr ed, lie. Lilt to 1(0 lb.
Cows, prima. 4H&
Bteera, pnma, be
Honey, local production, 20c lb.
Cacara bark, lizZ. !4c lb; c-Ksra
and with th unanlmoua vote , n. ll(Jil 7J.
l'roc-l of "In llie ;rdrn of the
Khali" Voted by fM to H
Into 1mm l-autitliailos
' ot the cuat for that production It wa i
I derided mat thu protevua of the playj'
sera to ko to th lawn fund.
This action adds one more source I
iof income to lln orssent fuod and!
considering te fac-t that a lonsld-j
1 ..... i,.. -.11... fr..m i
erame buu- IB unuaiiy ,.-antr
Her mouth was alwaya open.
Like a caan witho'it a bung;
Till at last her man went buggy
On nccount ot her waggm' tongue.
It mutt have been a delicioutly
happy ay for Eve when firet aha dis
covered that ah couid cry.
Some politicians kick up a dust, and
ithera throw mud.
' "
It it remarke-i th,-t the sun may be
net proceeds for the purple or com
pleting the flrl&' tennlH courts and
the rest of the n.cTiey will 1.3 handed
over to the lawn rmniiite.
Retail Prices on Mill Products. '
Kid mohair, per lb. 60 to 70
Mohair, per lb.. 52c.
Wool, fine, per lb. 0c.
Eastern oats. 12.10 per 100 lbs.
Mlllrun, 1.40 to (1.60 sack of 80
Cracked corn, 12.15 to 2.30 per 100.
Whole corn, (2.00 pur 100 lbs.
nulled barley. 11 CO snck of 70 lbs.
Flour, soft wheat, $1.75 sack.
Flour, hard wheat. 11.95 and 12.10
a sack.
Prepare to exclude these pests before they arrive, as
warm spring days will surely bring them.
Our big stock of
enables, us to fill your order at once. We want you to
see these goods, which we are displaying now .
Churchill Hardware - Co.
Thin nn..ri ft'.im hft nneretls
cart is considered real cooperation i of ,ha Helnllne
Declamation contest. Mrs. Helnllne I
Conner vatory has:
from the KU cluba and will un-: P'"'"-o '""'" "" '"" .
doubtedly Increase the crowd when erenlns. This is the last meet-1
.i. i. .. .h inii..r In? of the yet.- for the I'arent i
neit Wednesday, May 9
VI ork Is proareiklne rapidly and it
is intimated that only the finishing
touches art lacking now to matte the
operella one of the be.-t and most
' Teachers, association,
dially Invited.
Everyone cor-
We make Ladies' Suite
Men's Suite
Phone 149
We Do Alterations
Cleaning and Preaaing
KChlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpqua Hotel) on the Old Kentucky home, ; """I" ,..e
Lut the moonshine still B" the i r-bool. 1 he cant selected consists of
publicity. ',ne tu'n' ' h school in this
4; -A. Jlln and with the splendid piay with
XXI 'Iwhlih they are workii.e; they will
eE.ery n,H h'.es winter sports-if oy(.r a lml ,n ,ne ,ne
they're handsome. of drsraali.s and mu,lc.
I x i I Tickets are now on sale at Chap-
A method of removing the ederlan's Drug store and reserve seatB
from rarlic ha heen Hevieed. It workai Wn i nurchaauble at the AntlorB
perfectly, nut mere is noinmg icn.
A, I the bareback ridera are not in
the circus. A lot of them are riding
to the ooera in llmousinea.
I f X
In addition to being healthful exer
cise, walking makea it unnecessary to
waite time at filling atations.
A professor saya thia mad haste will
in time destroy our race. A Tew gen
erations from now thers won't be any
body left but plumbers.
Judging by Monday' paper, the
best safety zone on Sunday it the
Durlns April H94
loaned, adult 1343,
455. SO per cent of books circulated;?
were fiction. The average dally cir
culation was 68. Itooks borrowed
from tho Statn Library amounted to
29 volumes.
New books added, 55. Grove's
dictionary ot music and musicians in
6 volumes, a much needed set, was
box of fire from one o'clock Saturday added to tho reference collection, j &
until next Wednesday. jThls was donated hy the Music
o , Teachers association. "lJtiquelte"
. Post! and "The Conqupst of Fear"
KLMUULUiNCs CUUKI by Basil King, two of the ten most: 3
bonks were i
ana jmeuiie!i si
By Coast Auto Lines Stages between ROSEBURG,
Leaves Roaeburg West Bound 7:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M.
Leavea Myrtle Point " " 10:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M.
Leavea Coquille North Bound 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P.M.
Leavea Marshfield Eaat Bound 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Leaves Coquille " 8:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M.
Leaves Myrtle Point " " 9:15 A.M. 6:30 P.M.
Fare: Marshfield, 85.00; Coquille, 84.25; Myrtle Point, 83.75
HOUSF NOT FAVORFD Popular books of non-fiction In the
j.N. 8. at the present time. The 11-
Oaklund Tribune: The court house l'rf ha "!s received 117 books
question la likely to bob up axain. 'l"Spty. travel, science and
It Is reported that an attempt will f'""on for adults and Juniors from
bo made to reopen it for the purpose ,h" Bla,e br''y
of securing the immediate appro-! One penny a day fines on over
priatlon of the hulldini? fund of du' uooka amounted to :,. , 0.
I6U.0DU now on hand for remodeM f attendance was 2296,
ina the present court house and Thirty of tne leading marculnea
jail. This proposal was considered ar0 t0 bo fouR1 ln our reading room.
bv the committee of'ivera which I LIUKAR1AN
recently considered this subject hut c
j it was discarded In favor of the plan i wl.ll!-. M.WS
oi postponinK nuiiains: lor rive years.
Coquille, Ore. GEO. W. BRYANT, Mananer Phone 70
We honed that with the forn.u- "usl everyone is ousy wun spring
intlon of this report further aKi- Ef ';?,nK ,an sardening. ,
union of the matter miKht cease.l. yr- J- W ha3 moTc4 back I
this does not seen to he the .'. . . . . I
Ohjei tlons are now being rals- i . v'. V""' " to uujaua ,
Brighten the corner where you are
with optimism.
ifa -sb -i.
Of course It's entirely different prop- Hut
young lady who broke the long dis- ed on one ground and another to the , ,r. , " ......i .... ..-.
tance dancing record would walk the 'annual hnlf-mill tas which the re-!, GIMe ;nKe bad a very in-
floor carrying a colicky baby. ! port recommended should be levied u'rpstinK meeting lust Suturdoy eve-
(during the five year period. Thein,K- . , , , .
A farme- once called hie cow Zephyr,1 PrP"- ot the move is to get Ihe T' B,,ake'y .l"1' fa.,11y sf
Aiarme. once canea nia cow tepnyr, ,,, :faltirday in Oakland visit ng with
She seemed an amicable hephyr.i nlnn' anu spena it sooner. !M ... . . , ,... " .
When th. farmer drew near We beiieve that the committee', M "' "k,dly" J " " '.n v
She kicked off his ear, report ha, the approval of practical- pn .L , a
i.j ,h. i. . H.,fhr. Iv everv lasoaver of Vnrthem in. i end "ltlng at the home of Mr. and
sxi. v ... j " . ........ .. n iiicic i a uu
WAWTfri! 1 disposition to hold up the progress i
An editor who can read, write and
argue politics, and at the asms time
he religious, funny, scientific end
historical at will, write to please
Kred Assam.
n .i,inn , hi.i ,k . . r.una atone spent last week vislt-
Inf n rmimir h. ,u..n. , ln at the home of Ruth Hlnkely.
this secllon are not in f.vnr of ihe 1 . Vrs- Wallace Singleton of Medford
expenditure of the monev now on,1" fcP,'-d"K 4h k end with her
hand In an Immediate building pro- P""". -Mr and Mrs. Leslie Ully.
Dpun, ir tK.... j..i.. .1.1. i... Mr. and Mrs. Iee KnEles Dassed
everybody, know everything without!" ; put ,1,1. ''"' ll,n'UKn Glillft on0 da- eek on er being told, alwaya having J" '"" " J p" t this question to a vote . t,,.ir w Q Ro8elm'
something good to say of everybody, ' " .u88 j4ruce ot por,ind i. visltinr
h r parents at Glide for a short
There will be a dRnce at tho Glide
x mi iuuk
Is appreciated by anyone, and
we have a big assortment of
Your Favorite Chocolates and
Creams, in the finest grades.
Our Sodas and Ice Cream
Are Attractive Features
Lunches Served We Can Please You
The Palace of Sweets
olee, live on wind and make more
money than enemies. For such a man
a good opening will be made (in the
graveyard). He Is too good to live. '
Easy money is the kind usually that
gets out of your pockets not into
A wir'ow ' who h money to burn
toon find old flames to help burn It.
I According to our record., this makes
j t.M late springs so far in tnc Chris
tian era. .
Everyone Is
to he held May I ih at th
,.h,.l T... n....ll. I I
lady remarked a. she told her last. " h V" , .'."h . .V"
"All out; end of the line," the young
Kail. Saturday May
The Parenl-Teachers association
will meet Friday, May 4.
The People of elide gave a nr.
I prise birthday party in honor of Mrs.
f. S. Illakely. and Mr,. t i'.ii,n
I The local tryotit in the athletic;"11 Saturday. April 2s. at the home
contest for Ihe (ireea, school will be nf Mrs. Illakely. their birthdays be
held Kridny afternoon. .May fth. The;1" on the same day. The evening
purpose of this tryout la to select j was spent dancing and visiting and
reprejuniutHes from the school to,al nildnlsht a must bounteoia snp
tali,t p:irt In the sectional contest P' r was served. There Were ii) Pto-
lienson 11
We cannot grow fastor than the surrounding country; though we
have to keep ,far ln advance of our present needs. Thus maintaining
a larger Investment than ordinarily required.
Douglas County Light & Water Co
R. M. JENNINGS, Manager
I joke.
j A reformer is a person, who ex
IP'cts a girl in 5 stockings to ait
down without crossing her knees.
A theatrical producer friend of ours
phoned us yeeterday from tne metrop rose school will act as Judges oi
that he had Just ataged a big musical
, lii lns dillKwitly and some
coma will be made. The iieclama
;tlon contest will be held In the eve
1 r.lni! In conn.ciUm with the Parent'
. lea. ners meeting. Mr. (Justin, prln of Hie lleuson school, Mr. l)le
I mail, principal of the Hose school,
and Mr. Howard priucinal of th.
the !
! w
i r - ilia i.i .
I 1L1 f.
Tin mituiiil c;ii!ip:iiM a i i'w liml. r ;iy to rnisp f,,p
t'io Salvation Army. I h-xv thoii-inul il i!ln'n i-.iul.ln-t Lo i.l.i,,-,!
M tl'o t r.-dit of a Utl.-r imim-. )n,i.n i',mty ought to K1 (,ver
'.ho lot iinl ijuii-K, ul th;;!.
CioviTitur !'
ii rve has hUTutiM fii'ti-'i: i,ri,.r i. ... - .
t. .Norn, of tho l.tnit l. i.r.- cut tim.ts or murvU'if r. w hu h i,
Hilil'IT tO ll.p 14!iic.
1 he fo'hm- , tluiiiRl't !. W. V. st.uuls for "1 War.t W I
.Ken- ju-ttml.njf t. nvont tl,.,,....mfts in tho Umtu,.-
Vi'l.m ti.o .l.i-K-itut matiuic, nt't throne.!, m.-ikin or!d p,vrih
I; U. 1..' tliv.0 lor tho on he.-l.;, t,. ,,.,y -:u ry j;, s
You ran't ox,Mrt lo nmhilo in othor lVWs lxihmi Jtnd ,,,
haw tin in nutlillo in vours.
comedy in Seattle and that all the
i gags were gleaned trom this colyum
hut all we've got to aay la that the
. muiic mucta been rlern good to put
.the show oer une'er those circunv
uncca. I
Some fellers are purty attentive to
t'ie w mmen folks store marnaoe but
iccm to fiigct thit w.OK.n' on tne in-
ae conioiutes a hcach of etty kett
! afterwards.
! . I
Hi.nn,ng out of fiaioiiie and chj n'
irtoa ure tug he.wt breakin'
' sports.
The eVuek who a hf.el ten
vtjr old g.rt thoui.1 b (uatured
the rt of the role catt that is. if
the pole cats don't ohiect too at.eni-
Trie erportumoe. In DCUJ ool.nty
hia at a Pov r.couts amiet.te.
II m housewives of the nation start
i 3T3r
Ti... May tUy Hot to have imssod otT quictlv i-;(H,t
'' tii'iilay of firoworks.
"Hae ever hrerd et in, t,ouble
hem' cure-t t, s tl n' don sn wor-y,n'
shout it :
Hoar Folks:
Hie man vho drixe. a motor car must alwavs know and fool
!KJo...r ai.s that ofton CM, hi, way will ncvor c. ,
.ctiaoni unless ho thnm, away pr ioses what . . ; "
it ,h ,ife-its i nsi
CV.u'rol th,tinC!U,T,,rr 'V?r U'8 hot n,ld "-nnt will die.
oMr " in h H h fl tlli,ltCS U'S U'st Ju deny.
l.otrA n .ho ,llhi,.n impuL-e that l.rin you deep rvgreu hold
f.oun the lu,.v,nB mania that builds a pile of debt,
l , exvos., in evo.vth.njr, 1e Ilorm,u -f
' ;: cVf", ' ast ;vonh hiie to won" -cuiid J. ?
, r nMh" out ,0 ?naUh v toll, receives ro
rov-osrn.o., from MU w)o hj)ve cwtr - receives i.o
$m$sM ...
i s? S .
represents the latest achievement in type
writer construction gives the greatest
measure of satUfactorj- service and a quality
of work that is unsurpassed.
Woodstock Typewriter Co I
ueneral ales Office, 35 N. Dearborn St
Distributors '
Roseburg, Oregon