RADIO FAN MR. WILBUR JERMAN, STUBBS ELECTRIC CO. RADIO EXPERT WILL BE IN OUR STORE ALL DAY AND EVENING, SATUR DAY, APRIL 28TH, AND WILL BE GLAD TO HELP THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE RADIO SETS AND WILL GIVE THE COR RECT DATA TO THOSE VHO CONTEM PLATE INSTALLING RADIO EQUIPMENT. STOLEN STAMPS FOUND (liy I'nurd PreuO 4) SAN KKANt l.SiO. April Iv 4 The federal authorities .oiuy 4 4 held stamps valued at $-J..0oJ whK-h the pvt-tal insxvlii ay 4 are those d'Homiuauous minstii- alter the ompia poioonee rob- 4 bcry on MarUi 18. The Mump-- were r-coenht lioia trunks al- h .rd 10 hav been stored in a Ln-sl warehouse by K. J. Kile, juig I'onle) ami Mrs. Hcl. 11 4 MrNuliv, under lnitirtunnt :n rannrtlun with the OI uipia rou- bery. , : Hose Special for Friday and Saturday A Special in Silk Hose, Brown, Gray, Navy, at a Price $1.15 LuJiem Afjparrl 7 a a -1 April ( Itv lulled 1'rc ST. JOSKI'll. Mich., County Clerk Fruuk Hall lurntshod marriage, license affidavit blanks 10 the of David and .further "'group wcddliij,: " are expected among member of the cult. MR. JERMAN PERSONALLY HAS BUILT SEVEN BROADCASTING STATIONS IN THE NORTHWEST AND CANADA. WE ARE NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT E iMectrie store 3 1 I, d'nlled Press ) SI'OKANK. April 28. Dr. C. H. Stackhousr imported to the Spokane Medical society that an Instant cure of paralysis which wua caused by a woodilck bite when the tick was found Imbedded and removed from j the neck of a three year old child.' r mi.' 3L Jl f r- t IS uur itecora Cards Show that only a few of our Optical Customers consult us as often as once a year This is a mistake as we can give you advice and additional service helpful to your eyesight and free of cost to you. We're willing to give you real service if you will let Come in! Bubar Brothers Optical Dept. .M!cir.uti .'uin;mi. j lurfce ones, sometimes Just a few I girls to make candy. 1 encourage ber I to brinic girls home and take them f l her room which is the prettiest in ' I house, and usually take them sono , tli Inac to eat. As "Kathle's mothei.' 1 think all har friends lore me Uu. And it has been a wonderful ouecss. 1 w ith every mother would try It. lJo j not think it was expensive to fix up her room. The curtains are gingham, the counterpane and pillow slips are edged with gingham, the little book case Is homemade, the rocker Is an old one of my mothers, transformed with a coat of white enamel that aha applied herself. This Is a Studebaker year. E E " - L- " -r 1 T ir-T 'i- lSfSMIii iiVni t fl'!lWP I l'.v '"nlted Pre is. I -IXIiIANAPOLlS. April 28. Bos well JoliiiHon mayor ot liary, Indiana was today sentenced to one year and :ix nionihs iuiprlsonment and 0(10 fine for violation ot the Hnuor laws. ( lly 1'nlted Press.) W ASIIINUTON. April :i,V A MkIi ofl"clal of the department of Jus tice slated today that tint use of the Untied Stales navy to seize rum runners will be held lemil. Such n possible, and got out. Wj neve:- could have our friends there, our room, iny sisters and mine, was the poores; in the house because we were children, and as such were not Imnrrtent. My ih ,h.i'. ,n . . . i n I f rheumatism. with us. Father rarely kpoi;o to us, ! and mother didn't auv inifn except to see that we were clean, fed, and be having ourselves. Wo weren't allow ed to go to dunces, so we ran nway nnd went anyway, and were sp:nked afterwurd. Our home was typical of many of that time, and that I have seen since. 1 married nnd t now have a daugh ter of 13. When she was born 1 re solved to giva her everything I missed everything 1 longed for us a girl, and longed for more when 1 grew up, and knew what I had missed. Although my dnughter 1b young she Is my pal. 1 tell her everything, nnd she tells me everything. I never lecture her. or tell her what good little girls do, but indirectly, by stories, nnd other ONTAItlO, Oregon. April 17 Idaho rattlesnakes are being shipped to Hol land where they will encage in the mrnufacture of a serum for the bene fit of the human race, the enemy of all snakedom. Kobcrt l.imbert, of noise, has shipped 47 rattlers to Amsterdam, Hol land, where they will be used by the Dutch government fn experimental work, chiefly in the development of a serum calculated to provide a cure for rheumatism. The snakes were captured in an hour and a quarter at 1 Pluck's creek, 12 miles frem liolse, on ; the Mountain Home highway. They ' rr.nge from 10 to 30 Inches In length. The fangs of the snakes, removed before shipping, will oe back In again 1 In three weeks, and ' the Hollanders 1 will havo to move warily In unpack ing the load, which will be ready for striking and causing a different kind decision would release the naval ves-1 .,., tm(W her "the right things to seln for a Mulsh campaign nKulnst liquor smugglers. TYPE A-R-I-0 t V r i THE SET THAT SET THE PACE AT ThE SAN FRANCISCO RADIO SHOW o:n. r I;. .. m ra:ie liecelvcr, Detector and 2-Slagc Amplifier. l.K i r-. d Under Armstrong Pan nt. A Beaut ful Set. now on display,. ONLY S75 00 STANDARD PARTS FOR ALL HOOK-UPS riM, ( utli r -Uaniim r, Federel. Fleiscluuan, Northwestern Keml.r, fjilfiliian Dion. Tubes, Patteries, Loud Speakers BELLOWS' RADIO DEPARTMENT BELLOWS STORE ' all nr Write Yi Wants ill nl!II ITEXT8Q0K FDR THE MUST GOME DDI: MASSES IS PMED -How to l i cuh1oiiit nt tlif : In other wonis a i r ?'T li fe Carry the Eclipse Range l C ' i bt icve it's tfc h.t manLitarti-r. ... ' - . (, p .. yunFHcci IK jur live jrciri. - "-c the mc,t economical and has the ventilated &el lt ana Tiruet iyour cooking ' te doee t0 perfect. on. No , 'J'""'-! to burn out and to be replaced to V5 a yea. . tsn "n-oare w th the Eclipse for economy i ci -v c- -1 'y v,e 'low a discount of 10 per cent ' ' 9" 'a fcy us- "d v., It ove terms within I reason to su.t purchaier pthern Oregon Gas Company ('1II(A(.0, April (:( ctoiliinu to lowest price, or lft son In the rtluc;!on of overload fxpt;nse nimilr.r in character to aa ah'trc viated university course, will J--offered in everyone who attends thv tenth anniversary convention and op position of the National Asportation of KetiiH Clothiers which will le held here during the last week of Septeinher. Aftcordini; to the arraiiKei.ion: by Charles K. Wry. iNeotive director f the ncociaUoii, every one who addresses the convention will place particular emphasis upon thi:: important pubjeet. "Th ! retail clot hi iu: dealer who fnvorH ht:h nrlcen if there ptill c:wnn such u merchant," said Mr. Wry while difcusBiiiK the preparatory work of the convention and exposi tion "in fliandini; in hi? own liht. We had one sad ezperiMire with hich prices not bo very Ions arro, and it ta'trht u.', a lesson, ilih prteefl don't mean hip profits to the dealer by any rifans. In f n t they iie:in Uit the opposite. What we arf end' avorlnc to do all tlv ti:i:e, ami whiit we are iloiiiK to emphaMr ally ii 1 1 ve home to eve r one who viGit.i nir con nf ion and e?: pt-i-tiori. ih that reasonable prj. - bnii'.tiif about hr e onomy In r hed epnf:.. niirh ;! n-ntt. wiirji-ri-rv n h;..tdltniT rr; 1 ar.d o:h r in cidenliils to 'h liani' iiit; of r'rt'r.'r.r mean r'f -maMe profsta and :ati.--tU-ii ru '.. c.Hr'f it Mirvev of t!ie rlo hit.c infin-try by f :;'!;'i"fi i - p. r.; i--?'!' d in this nnr-l?!jnn. and thi.j lecwn (j pr;:n to be t ri : p-h t I.' our r on w ii t ton t nri e;K:t ion mot K in. noon t u 1 v.. REPAIR TELEPHONE LINE C. A. Alh n forest nervice tele-' phone engineer, Ih to Hpend several daya in th vicinity of Tiller direct-1 ini; changes in the government teiu-! hom line there. The power line of the California Oregon company is in terfering seriously with the telephone lino there and the power company )h. it muiieratiuM the iorent tt rvice for the change in the telephone sy-.tem occasioned by It h hih voltage lino. do. When I do noinethin 1 don't want to hut 1 know 1 should do It, I tell ehr about ll., and ah in fast learning the name lesHon, that we muni do things we don't want to. I give her a party about once a month, Bometimea rOIlTLANI). Ore., April 27. The 'gathering together of material for a jltxlbook on religion wliit h will meet , the approval of l'mteiants, 'ahojs, , Jtws and all other faiths whieh hae 'the fonndc.tinn rf tlieir belief in the 'existence vf a iod, has Jxen favored (by the Presbyterian ministry of J'ort ! land. Kveu atheists might be called ' 0 help. I j At a -recent rre.sbytetian meeting! j this subject, was brought up lor dia-! cushion and fouiul ready approval m , the utterances of the cleiumen pres ent. It was ptiinted out that the pei d for religious education is appaient. I but that no piovision had been inaite for this need of children because of the prejudice involved. The funda mental beliefs c.f all creeds would t'ind a place in the book and so h uni onized that the mat -rial could be ti-1 (1 in publie schools, as a pait .l ihe cuirieuium. The feeling of ihe 'llinlvleis that it Is impossible to htiihl up a proper cit i.-n-bip witiirmt j relmious bhsw. A e(f;nni!' te, Tii' rn'iei s of whieh would 1" drawn from d:-eiph of all creeds, would woj k in colhibm--ution at. the eM nse of th vi-iou i hurch ot ran i,it inns in the pre t ion of tY.i work, and a niitiible pub-iiMi-f tln r I 'Ui'd. Tliere are !.o"tp, o'hi s(h"'l fl ildien in ib 1 ) ''a it w i"int' I i,u', who vdij! ! In from Myrtle Creek Claud Kncllck and Unlo Marst."K fif M rtle Creek were in Itosebur to day. Here from Looking Glass Mrs. I. H. Howard of hooking ;i;ths spent the day In IlosHmrg attending to business matters. Coming to ROSEBURG DR. MELLENTH1N 8PECIALI6T In Internal Medicine for the past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE In City Today W. H. Hochester and wife of 1 .01 th ing (iia.HS spent the day in (tie ily looking after business affairs. Over from Wilbur Itev. ami Mrs. Utown were among t the visitors (n Itost burg from that ! place today. Will be at Umpqua Hotel Tuesday. May 1st .Office Hours 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. j Foot Injurfd j Jack M ill Kip, a local teamster, re ceived a badly cut and mashed foot i yesterday afternoon when it was ; eatudit in the wauon. He was tak'-n I to the offie" of lir. lioowr when- the I injury was deeded. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation I hu.-. P th- ir ' low aid .rn v - ijtiat ili.-ir i i' h o' h' r Vnov i dt d'lti'ti and obiiat .'in.-il-jwmeii. ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN ,y MRS. ELLSBURY f Ail'Tri- nil f;'llilililll!t iitionil Mtm. Kll.-bur, tar cif Newn- A. b. FREY & EONS Ar-" ri'h tn fnrni.-h a!l Vinf! of ro: -h nfl (I" ;fl lin.h:r ft".d tliu-l-'-r- P.-!"e r-.vht. 50 KEVRO OFFCn0 P'-nr Mi. Kil-l-ui: I t;iv ht--ri a ;!;ti,'r nt ;.r,ur i rilutiill fnl KMIH- tlli'-, Jf inl .;,v, .T.i-i .l.ltl'. It-M' (.IJ rMli-l li-riKlfi uf tin lir. Mfll-nthin Ih a ri-Kulnr Krwluato I In nii'dli iiu nnd Hiirgi-ry and In jlicfimi'tl by tli nt;itii of Oiukdii. viHitu iirofi'HHionnlly ttm mnr' linpiirliiiit tiiwim ami i'itt'-K ami offi-r to i.ll who rail rn IliiH trip frf run ll It :. Hull . .xrr,t III'- IXpiUHl! Ill tri-utnifiit wh'-n ('lrttl. Atror.lilm to Ills lut-t h :t l)f trral iin t t h- tloi n not rpi r iti' for t hroiilr appi IllllritlH. l-all utotii-H. nlcrrn of Htomarli, tonil.4 or aili iioiilM. Hh htm to IiIk rmlit womlcrfnl n--Mlf 111 tH"-!i- nf h" momnrli, livir. Iiowil-. l.iiM-il. xkin. m-rvc-M. In-art. kliln. v. r. Im .I wntlnx, catarrh, .ak liiiii". rln-iiinatimii. ni iatli a, It-c air-rn aul rt-ttaal ail llO'IltK. I,. LOAM SANS GRAVEL For rivor loam for lawna anil bur run or wahhrrl nanj anl ciavrl. j.i(,ne t;i!.ii 1. 7 I(. A. S. V.'.illart' Hand and Clavel ri;v A p ".at ! itj ''! Illii ' of li- of f: vill 1,' . ..lit. i.- to Ho i- -i ii; o.r f i ftolii h:t-' v M :i ir. r i' liooi t'ouiiunjr. from thi' rv rt i . N'. I.K'i:, p:.i.l lor alp' of t I....- or i.l In Ihr fr i'-r 1 . ;r.t;i. rti jl i- lo . , 1 1 j i pt, , ;,n- olil of'.-- loo '.n I:lm-... I 1; r p, . iiulv in-li"-l'i III tin- ltlt r .o' wto'r o t' r Hi,'. io a : noi ht r v ho oomj'N int- l il. I' h r Maiuli-'r iiini;ti,'u hi" (iri-l woiil'.ii'i cla- liono-.. I onlv f ' i:'-- I- i n M of nuntt -ill ht-lp llirt won. .m ai:i. I' will at li -i-o i ar . t w hiit ' ,i! I.H'I to l . M ;. own ho'ii.' a u'i -iro', hut :n jiairnis ri'-w-r Ti , -1 !o hur 'uii"o l.- It. I. p -O'd in nil' linti" i- .li-l. v . ju t ati't tl -1 ai h'tli- ol th - woi ;,:) mil ailing In not for any R.t any ln'ttiT. il l l-.ot 1,11 to rail. J ImpropiT Itn iiHiips ruth' r than ill.-o am- an viry of'.-n llo' ih'i-i' of your Ioiik .'lanitliiK lionhl'-. Ill 111' nil i r aho- il:i'--. Ihat rou- viltati' ti mi tii,. tiii will ho fn-u and Ihat hit tt iitiiiint is (Iiff'Tiiit. Marii"'l woiioii titn-'t In- arrotn luinii'l lo llo-ir lnii--liiiniN. Ail'ln-f- "."I I'-ototi IJIotk, Minnr-apolii-, .Minn. SALKM, April 27. Cundldntri for honor Kilt'itts at the Champorn lunch eon of the chamlivr of commrrce nrxl Monday are betne Unrd up and ttui'slB will he pri'Ki'iit who huvo, aeon SnlBin develop from a tiny frontier trading post, with trulls ns streets and a few small wooden structures for business houses. Into itu present thilvliiK status. Mrs. Kate PuKh who camo hero In lit 5:1 and lived as a t:irl at Cot fane and I'nlon streets until she was married and then moved a blnrk to Winter and I'nlon streets nnd slnro resided there, will be among thoso at the luncheon. J. A. Maker Is run ning a Blrnnn race for the longest residence on the male side. He came to Kalem in 1849, havtnu- come to Oregon In 1847. Mrs. Rlloy Small came to Salem In 1853 and .Mrs. Mallnda Wade in 1850. Mrs. Wade was born in West Stayton In 1S4H. All of these pioneers have found Su-li-ni a splendid place to live during Ihe long years of their ronldence here und with no desire to mov away. John Wright Steward at ' asylum, would be strongly In i.i running as one of the oldest rr ' dents. If not the oldest In point 01 time here, but he Is ill and would lio unable to attend the luncheon. Others are looking up definite data aa to individual candidates that they would like to see at the liinrheon and it Is likely there will he a most Interesting race for the places before the lists are closed. KA.Vs.tNS KMJOY OKIt.ATKS ON I ilr.WK l.rXilSI-ATION TOPKKA. Kansas. April 28. (A. I Kreak did not play as prominent a role In the KanHas leg islative session, just ended, as has been the custom heretofore, party leaders assert, feverui ineasurea of ill's nature, however, furnished the legislators with occasional diversion. One In particular, calling for auto mobile tags on front, rear and slde.t of cars, reached a stage where It was amended to include also tags on the top and bnitoni, before the enacting clause was striken out. Some of tho staievmeii argued Ihat "The tag on top would aid air polite Iti hundlt chases, nml i-vt-ry car should carry a tai: on the under side so that a vic tim, when run down, may read the number of the limine as the car panned over him." 'A hill calling for a pension for farmer 111 n eliciltd jocund treat in. -nt. The original hill. Introduced by a farmer, providi d for pt nslons up lo '' a month for both n-en and woiiii 11. the minimum re-lug flo u month (rr those residing on farm- ten yearn: M for twenty years anil $.".0 for thirty years or more. One "t-tiator. aNo a farmer, amended1 thla' to make the pension payable only to tarmt-pi "with coins on both hands and htwiotn on both fe-t." The miaMiie m killed In the stnato agneiili oral roiiiml'tee. A (teiiioi i.ttlr ri'irefiitai!Ve pre sent, d u resolution eiiilorsini! Henry Fold for ppflib nt. hut ihe lit publi can majority of the stale afla'M l onituliiee remit,. -h d It to p-ad 'Warren (. Hai diliK." Inslead of Poid. and rrcom mended it for passage.