PACE Tvn ROSE BURG NEWS-REVIEW " Btvei Caily Except Sunday J7"vTritXi-:s Prwaidect and Manager p. tT 1 lavilia btHT .-tary-Treasnrer SUthCHIPTION KATES i!v. I.v kit N by 111..1I is. I v n.all ::a. I.v u.a!l... bv II. nl. . -, p. r month . . vit w (.v nt-nl. .4.l0 . Z.UV . l.U . .60 . .60 l on 1 PRUNE i PIGKM5 BY BZRTG DATES BOSEBUBfi NEWS REVIEW, THl I SPAV. fPH. . ? S-. I tic AMiMir4 lrr. . v fUMti. .1 ! tl.tJ ti r w 1 n e for rei'Ul.ll'-atlnn r.'iitffi In tin p;.?r. fcnun.l ad bfixii! ciabH maiti r V.ny 17, Vji'v. at the pot office at Kocbur, ; Ort'tuii, um1t thn Act of March Z, lS.y. ThbRbDAV, AKPiL, 26, 1923. Tiit: iMrLovim:NT father GOOD EVENING FOLKS Didja ever notice That soe people Are always wtltin to Rare !: on f-eir Hmd lc? an;J yell 'Patronize home industry When it af'ecU their Own pusirerd b'.'t They jrem to fo'net When they're doing Some of their Own buying DUMBEI.L DORA THINKS ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN . by MRS. ELLS3URY (Address all coniinuniratlons to Mrs. Kllabury, ot N"-Iteview.) -I'lprrnrirnT riimiiKi ifii I IHllLiiLuI OHuM. li. i LIBRARY CAMFAIGPJi After Effect of Flu campaign ear future to Pear Mrs. Kllsluir : 1 am inarrii-d in June and am Plan a trousseau. Can lv I. llinc me what In buy. an to out side i lollies I moan. l.l'CY. Ans. It ia almost Impoiaible to tell you what you need in the way of clothes without knowing approxi mately how much money you can roend. what your activities are. what liana for the .library which Is to start in the n are now undVr way anil It U expect d ill .a thi teams will start a canvass of the ciiy within the next few days. (leoi-K'' Neuner, who 19 chairman of (the drive Is uow arranging to name ' the nicuihcrs of the teams and aa- be tn-ini' t n vou help me j '" "'em their territory. It is bop- eu lu raise iiy .ei .-uuni nuo- scrlptiuns and donations, the money to be used (or the building and equipment. Approximately $:t.(i()0 are now available, $l,4ti:! having been raised by the fair recently clvcn. $ 4 4 . 80 from dances, entertainments J11 Wa. -dinirttm ilu; nt-r day a man tliotl sudiienly who had . . . 1 a 1 ' i . - ! I . I .. . U.'fii 'a ll ;;n;ni:;; I. IS .'l it litis ;i, devoted 10 Ills laniny aim am- there to gossip, lv-i'iiis i-r tl.c-ir I'titii. .. It w as Mipi".' cd Uiat of c(iiii-sl' his all'airs i 3:. 35- . v., 10 i,. ..,! ,.r:i,-r an.l provision had Iwcn made for his wife, son1 The goiiuf hounds were ' , , , , , .. , ,. , the little pellet around the ; mi! d..!i;'l.;i r. I. t'lA. lf.pod that although the- lanuly lived i'u-iture in merrie fa,hion this IK- tin- C."t!u r had carried 10 iiisUfiUiee. established 110 system as the birds beg Kvxh'iice was found tke and where vou exoect to live. That the teller in the tank is just unes moae 01 mi minucs inc amount ana naiuio u. nd of a honeymoon you expect to ,au fam,.Si etc., and f 1.000 from dunatfoiiH and pledges from churches and organizations of various Bona. I A new line of Annetto summer tin 1 dcrwear. Hell Millinery. to twitter and we hope their twittering drowned out the language used by some of the follow- of .sa iiii',.. anil made no sound investments. anions his (.api's of "fiyeiv in stock and doulittul real estate. His: ers of the ancient came. v. ill was a liastv dot huh lit dictated on his death bed and witnessed i Those who are getting the real re- l.y a doctor aril a Ulli sc. 8u.t8 from tne early morning exercise, Since this man was a salaried man, his family is left prac-; however, are the birds, who hoe their licallv without means. His wile, 11 woman of -15, must go to ! aens. work. If the hoy and jjirl are to complete their educations, thej I The torM tosse.E ard skindiggcrs out the diamond is good trousseau. liinr Mrs. Ellsh-.irv: I am Koins swatting w,n a ,,iri aD(j 0ulil like to Kive cow paa-,her a birthday present. She has no J"" rincs, anil 1 would like to give ber one. What kind should I 1,'et ao that :ihe won't Ihitik it is tin uiiftaKU nient rinif. 1 had thoueht of a cameo. Thank you for your help. JIMMY. Ans. Cameos are not worn as much as they used to be. .1 would suggest, getting either a black little finger ring, with a small diamond if you can afford it, or one of the new gold otttin.3. A plain black rinj with- J rlu, ly o regular program At the nierliiiK of the local flofury I 1 a L 1 1 v I lllllll l.UI llie lll.-lllilllV-t., li. ,,,lo4ll mv juuii. t.dpy .ent on him to make provision for them in some other way. j th0 witn tk mIrust .arativeiy'; s urn of money put away every month from whje you Q th;. colyum, nu st;viral i!at;es. I liave (h'tridol, t owing to certain hmisoiih that I (to . not cart; to po with him any longer. I ilow can 1 hIiow li:m this without! ('linn h iu right out. I would not ! must Mljiport tllrinst'lvt .s ;tt least partially While doing it. 1 witi mix in the weekly wrestling , The hoy is 17. and t le Kirl 1.",. If there were health reasons why ?ntX?! Y their lather co ild not carry lile insurance, it was all me mote; CIjrv oioest. will be attempted by in- umhe A con.) the ol each (hn.l .s bll lll, invested ill enuowmeni insuiaine, i tnc feucr who wrote this is pounding like to do that. He calls mo bv telo taken cut in the children's mines, or put into sound government another one just as bad. phone every day. A. li. ,,.., . , , . . . , . i -ii- Js- Ans. Have some one else answer i-cctiriUcs would at least liave provided a fund to educate them. the fact that Jupe Pluvius tne telephone, and tell him each time 0 : i has laid his so'rinkling can asidc, ( "at you are out. If you see him, and Prophet Bell is again able to appear "'ri" ' " ZZAZ LX'. lw . "gaged. After i spoiogies. ! I WE'RE PROUO OF vas omitted in order to pive time to the election of a new board of dlrec- Uear Airs, llllslnnv: I have been miluK with a certain vouiik man for . tors for the enstiine year. Those the paxt two weeks, anil In- has taken j chosen to s rve the cluli v.ere: lr. A. C. Seely, Dr. K. It. Stewart, V. F. THK U -MHKIi l.NDUSTUVS MAGXI l ';i)H HER Little Dumbell Dora is just about the most popular damsel in this neck the woods and don t you forget ed. is mighty proud of his little The lumber industry is vitally interester'. in everything per tainii'g to a forestry policy because, as Wilson Compton, Secre tary and Manager of the National Association, told the Commit tee, the lumber industry and thy secondary wood-working in l utilries prolialih' represent Hot less than S.1O,OIm),iRH),0IK) ol capi-: child and we hope some day she tal and an annual product of ; value of over $:j,(Hh(UK),nOO ; and ! ?;ow up "?,be vice-president or some ' . . . thing equally as conspicuous. 'Mj ioy a minion pcmuu.s. wuuuing me liirm suuti mis me iiber and timber land owiicfs represent probably not less than per cent of the privately owmd forest land:-, ill the rimed .tie-;, comprising about L"J 1,000, (10(1 acres out of a total of 170, 0l'i),(I"0 acres of lore t iaiui. The National Lumber Manufac turers Association it -i " represents fourteen associations of lum ber manufacturers ana timber owners, more than 2,500 sawmill oitrrpnscs mamibu luring 18.00:,000,()(M) fwt of. lumber aanualiy, tiisi ihuled th.MUghoul thirty .slates, and the entire saw mill industry and commercial limber l.imjs other than those used for paper and pulp ami other miscellaneous foresl products, so far as its industrial activities, are organized in the Tinted States. o Chapman. 1J. W. Kales, and h. 1. Moore. The hoard will meet next Monday everihiK at 7:110 at tho office of the Ferret cry. A. T. Lawrence, at which time a new president will be e!c:-teil to head the club for the conilns year. Attorney Dexter Mice the retiring president has made a most efficient officer and has brought the association un to a verv a few davs of this he I "'Pn siannara, evioence ot tins iuci will see that you do not care to go is the interest shown by every mem out with(him. - i ber and the excellent attendance rv o j cord maintained l.y tho club tnrouifhout the past year. Sam J. Shoemaker was elected to 1 membership at the meeting today which now gives the club approsi ; mstelj- twenty-five members. A-rlslt-! itiK brother from McMlnnville. nc icompanicd by his wife and child, i war, present and enjoyed the noon I hour with local members. ! The report of Secretary A. T. Law- Ullreau Oilers Very Valuable 1 rf for .i.e vear lust ended was brought to the attention of the mem- tfSPuELnlUllu CONTEST TO START I-at in J'rf-eH to Itov ami (tirls of the County For the sl;":ihter- . iliir oi lliuuei-tt. S. mult I .Jones ran a sawmill out in Oregon. It took a lot of! money to maintain his industry which employed 500 loggers and, men in the mill. He had to make sonic improvements which would! employ lou more mm. It required ? 100,000 additional capital.' ;ie told a lew iv' ins friends that if they would loan him the eey or take stock in his organization he could pay them a good i Alter due consideration they said, 'We are sorry,! . but we can buy tavexempl Donds, .-scape sill forms of' ,i. nial.c ." per cent interest and run no risk of los.." Five Samuel was not running the sawmill, lie I, ad .sold perty ;.iu! I. is money was in la-oempt bonds. Is this e to escape f:'e.tieu a good thing-.' Does it encourage the rant of l..b... ir the investment of capital-.' Who will' d:y pay the taxe... remarks tiie Oregon Industrial News' T ' "i' The flower thieves of the will meet tonight af, the slaughter house to devise ways and means of meeting the onslaught of the wrathy florists who persist in hampering their activities by sprinkling red pep per in the fragrant blossoms. A friend of ours explained a little accident at his home recently; 'What are you doing in the kitch en, Thcmas?" inquired the inquisitive wife. "I'm opening a can of tomatoes if you particularly wish to know," he:e,- number of aiulrrels killed up lo impatiently rejoined. l-'uly 1st. l!:i. The bey or pirl who What are you openm.; it with.' j i pi, (,. )ari-st ntimb-r will receive ' Why. a can opener, uio you think iti priw ol J.H) from the Farm I was using my teeth?" he added savj tt1;rtflli I dupable pri'es anil premiums will Oh. no, dear, she sweetly replied,: ,, p(, ,. ..ivwl fl)r ,,,, fourth I "'low you cM c nui uiJCil.ny lb win. ( lly I). W. COOM-IY.) The I ion las County Farm riurenu in cno;.er::lion with the county court has arranged a co;iny-wide cain pi'i;:i afrainst (iray diu-Rers. The couniv court Is offerhiu anv bov or l-'irl in tli's county $." for the lanr-.fjj bers .and showed the r.ffairs of the club to be in a very satisfactory condition. Two horse corn planter with check rower at Wharton Tiros. o 01 : an Sunn taa!l j ears his p. looph' t mpl- iw et.tiia I'.area I cm. lo (I suspended al ter b '111 mone;, and aion hed a Mew ..; li.. I erv o Tin v daily careea rains -a good dc o-'l" "-w , am! i lie . '. m r loti.modilv. newspaper ;il Corvallis has of a few weeks. It rcipiiivs del' each lo successfully er.terpriM1 seems not to have L.C- M I .. rv -ar ( I v The ILttoESlIRiSaS: roi m w : u.iw n u er (iariv. the cu: slou l- st.l i t Miii cold am! clear. Ihlt bed lay I .in k v .1 mi. S ; of I ,m k had alw ams in -, u r to am in a room v. i.e.- i'hey called iom thai i; s beamed upon hi Wi; :i. t';.U the he planted Hill J'i'lil. but I'ow I v it!i no one near b a. i ! . r of p;.in and li- clescil his . o;..' e d w i.le for in I, i a !y se '.-, iiiey'il spi ... !'am!s w ie grow in ki'e him lomiort, hcl 'i.ia.e that sh n-k his a. a ia. ;,ia! soltlv sighed, room, ! dcen contei noiit, the signs air was .-lirrp, is dim, upoii a I'. saca. d tiie and his deeds, row and feed Alone and sick er iiiciv came nd i' f. i - tiny I s-..a', li'. I ,t .--HI the i'i htran -e mv l 'lire.-; I'riem I "c I. a, .rent ai ed and 1'ear w yo'i dm.ii thru a e us. w ti u y. Di ide." ah the li b . I, I'M l.ll. .1 i:m i I aed u for l.oe U v Jim en and one saio niolv YOl'. He i Id ess tiiid lanv. .is ;,::d no one e i it our side and Life? Tla Wc ) e an ;d 1 A e .1 f nut ..I..I c;r .he 1 a.n must eon less, I'd w i :i t .-ea, lies!. I .J-nke Vou 1 vou lea: mi t, ;,ro b the I uicr. "Viscry. "The things iai ia-' :.; out . lien they fippearid bo( . So 1-,'w wtili you they can t your side." . nil their pi.ayer." jt it Eat an-J the girls dine with you fast and you starve alone. 1. While we were munching our daily1 j doughnuts and in the restaurant this a. m. we noticed a lady place her I pix-tnch powder puff on the table and the man sitting next to her eating wheat ckes unconsciously poured maple syrup on it. j 1 It isn't what others think about you t that brings the worry wrtnMcs it's what you know of yourself. ' ! i The chamber of commerce starts their 4um lunchcons on May 1st and' : we hone the International Union of Affiliated Orators c .1 1 1 3 a nationwide walkout on that day. ; -i -t- i- 1 If that is Clara Phiihns clown in Honduras we'll furnish the authorities ' with a hammer to jutt her out of her 1 misery to save the traveling expenses j of bringing her back. 4' 3r I" 1 The I. w. wa ,-re waikinq o-it to day an tKe rea' walkout of the ' Wobblirs we wouH favor would be , their walk-out over a gang plank. j A Texan if marathoning on the dance floor tcrtny and has already passed the 110 hour mark. If the j.t rry dance man.-.gers had a few cust-. omen like thU they'd make some money. ( 1 r- 4 ' The h. s. patent-teachers are going to stat.e a vod vill tonirht. Those who can ,i.-r 'at.ri heavily shou'd obtain f.-r.t seats to a''o;d the actors encour agement. r V 1 Ike Kctrh in his new uniform t'a'led a suspect 1c- three blocks to diy w':o had a sutrn-tous bu.rje m h'S h 0 pocket a"d was d sgusted to fird th-t the inHividral wai paku-'j bott'e ot Bcswe'l i' "t- ir T!t Portland cii are alt riled over a fe v oodprcke'-s .ho are pi;rct.j- ng iJnm c r in te metron. f-r- te wco pecker? have tc uest of V'e tc-ao. I Know A feller ere in Pcicnurg took a t-t' of can-iy hone to h.s w-te the other mciht ?nd ai soon as he handed it to he- she asked him what nt had been doing." land fii'lh. Ti;is rontesi Is open to . any boy or idrl who resides in Fiona;- i lias rnuioy. Any method of killini; he dipueys I--. acceptable to the j I'anu lla.reau t'omtnitiee on Kodent t C'MHrol. I 1 The county a!;ent will furnish i.t -on-'il sriiln to those part n-ipr.t sue ;..t ail a' os: w'nich Is 15 cent.t per quiita. lan-li ipiart of poisoned I piaiu if carefully um.1 should kill an te t.!iu;rrels. Tiie monih of 1 1 aiy Is an l.e-at month for killinKj t 111 i reil- ait !.-t. I II ia a v.-asie tr time to slate how iaiib Ihia re.leid costs the farmers -i'i! on laoalC a each year: the thins ilatt ira.r, a-; everyone is how best ie n. 1 el 111. in. '! li.' F;irm latreatl Cenonitlee asks ih.-a erry laa.l owner cooperate "alii tie- beys and idrls in fnrnishiMu ila-iu .,.i.-niie.l ura In to kill the -".a!-;-, is on lii.-ir land. This com-niao.- I. li. v... ibut , v, iv land own . r il. -;i -s to -.-e the l:iw en'Oreed : iralr. -t this p. -t anil wi'l do every lhaa; m . ib'r (e ns.-ist oiirboysatld i-iils to do a valuable service, should i 'i. land owner rect ive a letter aa. a Soy er airl re.;lles! Inc pni "' .' ft 'i ' it is ho ed that this b- fnrrl'heil. oi' l Iii- Contest or Kirl eiulileen year.i - wl o now resitbs in 'y m iv come. ;e. pv-'Mil-a thai p li-ele .! 1 laced upr ! a:-y land tli o w ill rot he taken The rhevrolet-ft beloiiKltik' to A. J. noticock, local Wlllard battery rep resentative was stolen last ninht from Oak street where it was parked ir;-;cle the First Si;d" and friavinits Patik buildltiK. .Mr. Roucock left th car parked there for a short time l-'-tween S and S o'clock In the eve i.lni; and fnllov.-ini; his return found the car iniasiiii; and iuii-.i' diately re ported lo the officers. It Is believed ! that .the car was stolen by local par ties as a switch kev which he has always kept concealed in the car : was missltiK yesterday. From this fact it is thought that the car was taken by some one havluir know-b-dite of his habit of 1. avlnc the switch key in the car. No trace of Mile missiiiK machine has vol been found. Il was one of the very few s cylinder Chevrolet cars in the state ' and had a blue body. is Entirely oj Ilea at the SIX OF 'EM!" r the I'miKiua Five, "Six of Vni'1 hi'-di school, Aprilw 2Gih. lial v a Cllie- Any b... HOil 01 c arc He Gained 33 Pounds and tIl.l alU neaim ruuy Kestored by Tanlac, Declare Jorgensort 1" IT. l."ll.. We-jiT. ' 'T- ' i " -"'"i.ta. "I fver thounht it nos.-ih'e Bnythini? to Kive me Ktich quick -.i .-, to i luslitii? rewiiliu nu , .."uu tt Ml..... cent ly said John P. JuVpensLn"' fovT'ltlfc' '"'Vt' ' l K. 15h . N. Portland. Ore. . l-a. , ' "Several years aw an atia. lt of th .. . u,ii!! tt... 1..;' flu lett me all rundown and weak- . 'V atl . , a baby. Nolhini; lastnl iilI,. .. .. 1,1(1 f,i.j .." wr.s almost immissible for in.i 1,. . , 't a Cfr bit 1,. . anxhini;. For davs at n ii,.. . ,",t' BfeM w 4 milk and crackers was all 1 M , , ' 'ii-ra t stand, and even that bad to be forc-d T I"5' Ti " I had lost between thinv.r,. : .'WW' t . forty t.nitnds.-a,ld sfter I lehl I . ... T.e ;'- t'"-er. p,p 'rr' . stAitrv'5 : it. h. SETfTDOSHMifl me niarK or :p..r wm j l;; .s. is mi w.itp;:7,V world 3 m-n-; AnKlta; j. k r7" hi. "- P. fc, .l'i M. Fail, s.-n i-J. SAX ANTONIO, Texas, April 2il.-!v 'V'"'"1 "-4 A. V. Watson, rassinc the mark of VuwW I'1?- ---t: ion hours and 4a nilnut dancing. He claims thi rd op dance record. NOTED ARTIST WITH M'ELROY'SORCHESTRA J. Sylvester, premier aenrdian rolokt fit the Pacific coast, If not In the entire country, is the lender of Cole MclOlroy's Orrhoalra of Port land, and he will he one of the fe.itare attraclions at the Musical vntwlovllln nnrl rhn.-. lr..n l,i- ,1.1.. . R-am, ci j.. , )' r-aiifnaii. say,. , T Fn-nle I'arM. J,' i!"nli, CnXZ Mr. siid i coini: i v . , .... j-i:. Walton, uUf. i J i . .-. . .; - -v. - . - ... !('.,. . ' '- if X It ; , ' ' IfHi'. -"i . A sp-f ial on a , Hell Villi. " - mm i The B. H. t-aK--11:11- up for it, , i"RP;m ttii-sartc r Ilipll fc ilWi M (. at Laurrl.-2i; -t(t. t wen. tUirt XXTr t. i school wiii i i-j, ', line. A; c. -a ' ilii Grtr.frsrtiajn morrow, that :4eav wkist r r. pas.' iinrt'iuiniwL-A v- allctl. It'rc-fllr.T.l. to ly tot a i J. SVI.VKSTKR well known ori;nnl'zatlon in the Rosp hur Armory Kriday and Saturday evenings of this wetk. Within the last few months Mr. Sylvester has been requested severr.l times to join the Henry Santrey Or chestra, the largest and best known musical organization now playing the Kastern Ornheum Circuit, ami on the Hth of this month he reed nil a wire from Mr. Santrey at Chicago. rcniiestliiK him to come at once 10 make records for the ' r.runswi. k Phonograph Co. The lovers of i-al mu.-ic und those who delight to trip the licht fantastic will miss a great treat If they fail to aifend this r.t traction. The MeMlroy Orcli' sira lei just returned from a successful foe month tour of the Mit slates. a is' i. tier mn ut : m1 ai- c-p.-ripnfei y-iinrl ten in. and I: i i. .-!io(ii will :'iei; Mti-t. t'o.-e-h La:'- ivu.-1:-in cclk-T biJ-li. team is in t: .': ho ei"Tis (.-21 '"'d im niu wht-n Tatr;i. morrow. Mm F" been ct al : i school Is eis::'r o:' towiip-.?i-' ! J ; iraine oi IE 'At: jli.lli Hi ! i"' basi-hall Pimrt hats it ' ' r urday. Scfl Jl- -'" cessfui five rt nrifi! nrJ'IT .Mite' II freight Paaiiic to San I I" Tile a:i ' h. r . that tier shall f.-e to it digger seiiltte: is kil ler nr.-a-.tiiin. i ai: e er more t.ip--:e or r-etnit-r; n. - inr eniit w;ll b. ' the "lUitlel ,.:1 "Il the i; v i i b, . t tl--- " ' ".Iv. ' lee I ;1 -'tall be ".ore er -t riirtloie ! tal . I ai-'t:tr. .1 tnv i M f l:ie , ,l Civ ('nltcrf Pre... ) SKATTI.K. April 2.'..-The F'eamer Ilnish. owned hy the . .itiiMitp rotnpar.y. cm-nun iianri.-eo villi a general cargo of1 lumber, wirelessed the harbor radio j si. men l-.eio early today that the ship wa.-t hard fast aground on fane a,.. t a short d:,'itnce south, of Cons RoaJ"' the ho;:' e,jV.osled lo ;a;;, ,1,'p) crew r..T. Un- lin. r Admiral K,.--ke s-lanild r. neb th-Jirish about 9 oVI.ick The wreck was caused by ;t ib n-e fog. Relief fir Shin. April 2e-Thc steel The Forum luncheons of t Chnmh -r of -Coiiimen-e will be i sumed on .May 1st. al which tf:i;e Ittacheaii w 11! be served ::i the Pal i of Sweets. As l his is I lie (lav li the "wobblies" always il;i-e tie otitbreat-s, the Chamber of " i lerce has de.-idi ! to take up " iueri .ltii.a-iiion" topic on ' ! day and w ill h ive aa sp-a'o rs I a K. 1!. Stewarr, i" iniuiand. r ef I ia!' nua pest of the American Let M. S. Ilanim. city snai r'nn u si'b.eols. who Mid db-ats- m -' rtainitiK lo ib- cr. atmc i ' " cr fe. iing Tor the fan. hum n'.u tri.-.t-s of the America a S taa-onistir to lh-' r.tilical which may ir.ileavor al lh. make its pre: e.i. e l:iinn nation. tit: til tar" eat ( : eh at ir; n. h stria I l 1. -d In. ere r ! .r-t.-ht'-r l-ra-h. of the Xnws, o lip.. was s-aa-ale.l on -i ret f five nt lies' soiah of i he Coos itay v iier-. she (.fttek lest ni.:l,f. The vessel a on tl;e lintth sille of the reef i hall mile f-otn ihe r.a-in ami. It will b.. : "-'' at.a-idvi tit- x,., t,ut ""l co ::.'.,- in.u:,Ml:.-ielv Tie .t i-nard c. -,n,l the ,n- iiie gi n wen' trotn C,.4 i,v :ln,i ,!, .,, K!i';:.u w.-nt fttini Hand. in hi as:s;. Ha: -1 a. t a : . l-.l 1-i f ! the Maang t. .-Mi. cult; u Wlao'un P:e. II tail ! The a lr.vfn 1 1. 'i -.1 -an. in tle-s,. I an-:i nioiah is th - litii !!. H. S. vs. Cany n ilie. la;" weed tomorrow nt Rtn.stercd at th2 Douidas It. E. Veatah. II. C. Spraat a ... ' r..ler--. n. !'. W. Tvuan. ''"' ' II. itii1epide. Sab in: u ' Fn-.r I! Tweiia. Ca'l ; , l!-!id. Fred lleintr. -r '.f .. .lai-;. Ia onard. -. A- Ar r- "' .' '' :-i..: : h. .vi. ' -:, !":.' ' . ; W. Ii.ii'ey and i... . V l ;-v Pitirgarst! Seattle: I.ilaa" ( ' ' . raia is. n: Mrs. ta org " " '.. . L- . , I....1.- Tt one. ! 1 ' " I - ' Se-iile- Karl C.. 'k. I'll k" k: Hir'ldell. .'a- W.o.l. 'I -'i a i O. Mall". A I'ori a tiil. Un-.paua Hotel C P. A. Mulvani. - :i V. Cio-a h. K. ( . Vi '" : '' .Mr. an I Mrs. i.. F A " ton. I.. P. V is. v. (.eon tire. c. U -I Vcliowe'l. II. I'. V.iav 1'i.rl... lir M K.-ki-iO T'i (i r- , - taM- - A ' . J i 1 S. ' I ,. '. . r-"i- -,.'l: aa k. I' F C i y 4 1 - e t: k Ti t'-' i.tali Wells, Mr. aud Mr. c A. Ann-