Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 26, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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    Leather IQJTN fSJ
,r to-night Frid Jj t
I Shower-
If your business Is slug
gish, givs your attention
to advertising. It's a won
derful tonic works while
you alsep and delivera the
douglS 'county )i
Evening N.w. and th. RcieburB R.vlev.
13 An Independent Newspaper, Published for the Best Interests of th People
r JZ'l''h' f. Th
fisticjwcounter guy ON A STfllKE
Lwes-Lyon Becomes Bride of Duke of York in London
? . 7 . " Crowd Gather, to Witness
3 Ceremony, Although Skies Are
(By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND. April 6. Attorney
J. II. Carter of San Francisco, rep- i
resenting oup of the respondents in 3000 Lumber iacki Walk Out
'"c uuuiiiiiB r ir r.Ap.ui.u. iuu ituu r..- I
port company, today struck Henry I
W. Heer. government counsel and '
Beer landed buck at him while the I
hearing was 111 progress. After a !
lively fight the bystanders separated !
me uuiugoitista. warier oojectea to
the remarks made by Heer and the
in Mills of Washington
and Oregon Today
clash came as the climax of 111 feel
ing displayed during the hearing
here. The hearing is to resume In
San Francisco on May 8th.
' rtv a or, Albert Duke "of York and Lady Eliza
lyS&rf Westminster Abbey today with
"232 by the throngs who
SSdS'thlSS S to witness the wedding pageant, j
)XP0N', April 2G. -The Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth nnjverjary of j. a a F
tvon were married 1 at w"J- f sWprs and cioud3 Lod OhPrvl in T.r J.
lent Programs
Washington Affected Most by
Nation-Wide Strike Wob
blies Demand Improved
Working Conditions
Mrs. Kate Herklcy of Oakland! was
very seriously Injured yesterday af
ternoon when she fell 6 teet from
the barn loft and broke the lefi hip
bone, llecause of her ate. 72 years,
the injury is apt to prove much more
serious than would lie the case with
a younger person. Mrs. lleekley was
coming down front the lort when she
lipped from under the luilder and
fell to the floor of the barn. As
soon as her accident was discovered
she was rushed to the office of lr.
Walnscotl where treatment was
given for her relief and she was then
rushed to Ross nirK and placed In
Mercy hospital and Dr. Sot her called.
lined with cheering millions while the bells
-ii- .i ..,.. una f I CTiMl It-!! 1 lie ICtCIIL situnvo
ffi left Waster Abbey and dro through the
i which were
over the city.
.allnnil Nw Service Plait
OX. April L'li. London prov
l toci:iv the truth of the an-
vfe that "all 'he world loves
Students to Take Place
at Wilbur Soon
tutors. Lady Elizabeth. jilso, was be
ing conveyed to the" Abbey. Putting
forth from the. town home of her
f.n,a- in rtrntnn street, the fiance
of the Duke, accompanied by mem- j AH Lodges of County Repre-
bers or ner inmiiy anu pbiui mi jm
nke of York, second son of
j anil Queen of Kngland,
if Klir.alieth Howes-Lynn.
' of th Karl and Countess
more and Kinetiourne. lin-
detachments of Imperial soldiery,
passed through lanes of tumultuous
ly Joyful humanity.
The Duke of York first reached
the Abbey arriving; at about 11:15
dant of one of the oldest 0Yock. Ten minutes later the car-
jest families of Scotland. rjage bearing J.ady ElUaheth and
rrled In Westminister Ab- her father drew up. Before this the
members of the royal family had ar
rived, and all were In their places
before the altar.
Within the Abbey were assembled
all the estates of the realm. The
wedding guests might be said to rep
resent a microcosm of tho Kmplre.
All ranks and classes were represent-
t wedding provided the oc
I a iovous outpouring of the
of King George and for a
f splendid peasantry such
tel. Tit capital of the British
ids not seen since, a little
a year ago. Princess Mary
It from riickintrlinm Palace
Ismrir Abbey for her mar
; Viscount I.ascelles.
ynoto of the celebration w-as
ian'ly the note of vouth. It
eotrhf.:! romance.
xrarged after the aee
i man with a maid. For the
I of the youthful Duke and
It from the Scottish high
I touched a responsive chord
lean of the Hriiish nation,
btedlv there lurked in inanv
sented at Festivities Held at
Riddle Today Many to
Go to Evening Meeting
SALEM, April 26. (IT. P).
Adjutant General George A.
White of the Oregon National '
Guard, returned today after a , . t ,
"sleuthing" expedition in Lincoln Annual Gathering of Pioneer
v ana iinumooK county logging
camps. White snys while the
"Heda" are numerous In the
camps, the situation can be han-
died by the peace officers. 1
PORTLAXI). April 26. (As-
sociated Press. I Meagre re-
ports from the Oregon timber
centers today indicated that the
mills and camps were opera-
ting as usual. The waterfront
here showed no effect of the
strike. The Loyal legion of
Loggers and Lumbermen redelv-
ed reports Indicating that he-
C10RRST 10
Terrifying Plans of Italian Black Hand Organization in West
Virginia Arc Revealed in Second Story of
Series Diabolical Stfeemes Are
Thwarted by Quick Justice
Hon. W. C. Hawley,. Repre
sentative, to Make Annual
Address J. I I. Booth
to Conduct Camp Fire
Southbound automobiles, stages
and trains today curried several
score of local Odd Fellows to Riddle
where the 104th annlversury of the tween :i0 and 40 per cent of the
I order was celebrated. A fine pro- men quit the camps In Washing
gram was arranged by a committee ton between Centralla and the
appointed by the I. O. O. F. Associa-; Canadian line. The mills may
I tlon of Douglas county, the associa- have to curtail production.
tion Includes all of the lodges of the I Strike U Spreading;
county and the celebration is ar-1 SKATTLK. April 2il. The
i ranged under the dirnetion if the rm- strike Ciilleil hi- tho I l A
Invites l!oy Friends soclation. the details being handled j in behalf of the prisoners con-
A touch of pure democracy was by committees appointed by it. i" victed of offenses against war ,,
a love ' R ' iiu-BHtr in n oi"-via. , rtiieuuHiice at me miiuie meetingi in, Kiauti.iuv t-i'ienu w
section ot iweuy uujb, i epi t- a-m-i iouay was reponeu to oe very goou. t "'s ii upnui hsiiiokio:i hi v
Ing the mam lnauairtes oi lireai tjvery lodge or the county was rep- j w oay. neiween hhio and tii.iiuu
Krltain. The Duke of York has i resented by active delegations and esiltnated out. There
tnken a keen Interest In Industrial everyone entered Into the festivities I" general Influx hire of strlk-
affairs and for several summers has i of the day for the purpose of having j ''r- from the logging ramps.
Invited Rome 200 hoys to be his 1 a good time. ,w 1 "e snuauou is quiet. r,o He-
trnerts at n holiday camp In Kent. I The program started early this I
) attle th;,)s
re delayed by the
I. fi.n,,..i.i .i.-. . : The young rrmce arrangeo tnat tne i morn hi with musical and 1 terarv '
ig 'he union of a " couple I boys representing each of the lead- ; numbers and an Inspiring addresi j
lilt untie day be their King I"1 might elect represent-j by Judge K. E. Dlanihard, ex-rep-
n. The bride Is not 0lative9 who attended the wedding to-1 resentative of Jackson county. Mr.
rtti. but she comes Into the!"1'- Rlanchard Is a good speaker and hia
sjilv wi-h a heritage of an-1 Tne austere beauty of the Abbey I address was very pleasing.
sn it rriile of lineage. And.'was unspoiled. In compliance with j A basket dinner was served at
f.iiznDetn, ny os- noon In the grove. All of the vis
itors brought basket lunches and
Mh pect. d tan not Impos
mstances. she one day may
ith" throne of Kngland.
ni"ny at 1 1 ::to a. m.
W'l'ng cer. Timr.y took place
I ov.ort. Lons before that
I stri-etj along which the
iTOCegion Was to Were
"Usanils who had no hone
the wish of Iady
tcntatious decoration
Throughout the period of wait
ing gracious music filtered through
nave and transept from the great
Atmost Immediately upon his ar
rival at the Abhev the Duke of
fh 'Usanils wlici had no hone York took his place In the sanctu-
f the briiic or groom stood !ar'- Heslde him and behind him
f" maliaMe points of van-j were n,s 'hr,e brothers, acting to
i day as his supnorters the Prince
I the crlm rates of Puck
ba'. the crowd that had
;rs was rewarded first
f WH! swung open pnd
f " 'ii" liearitig the Duke
.n tile liinA ,.f l-l.
The roir of we!e,.n,o , i, , along the south side were seated the
- two popular sons of th" i '"embers of the royal family. In the
spontaneous .. i ! center of this groun were three gol-
irtually dupll-i"Pn ,nrnnet. w-here sat King t.eorge
wieen .xary ana iiowsger -jueen
Alexandra. Directlv opposite the
Prince u. t.rv and Prince . thrones were the chairs placed there
Smnc r 1 roth.-r r .v,.. ' for the Farl und Countess of Strath-
j more and Klngbourne. the parents of
11 n'f'nrli the gates I the bride.
and a de-1
coffee was furnished by the Riddle ; si;htlv uffectetl
ll'nlled Press )
PORTLAXI). April 2. Reports
today from logg'ng centers of Ore
gon and Wasblngion Indicate that
approximately n.uf'U I. v. W. lum
berjacks are out In Washington but
the camps through Oregon are only
In the afternoon
the association
The Kquana lumber camp In the
closed. The
W. workers
rhllrwiiiln ,litriet lu ft,,,
uu" "",-,, ., , , au piani B(1 ,)UIf reported
for next year's meeting were taken strike of the I V
up ..... uis.-seu. in., .oni.iiueo ,liro,1(, ,h(. nnMo!1 ls fr ,,, r.
until late In the afternoon and was ,,.am. of ,h(. f ri ,., ,)rltl.
followed by a social time and pro-1 nI1Hntf , ,,, U)tK,.n r milkK
Kra,m deinanils for improved worhing .-m-
. lie ...tii.-n ui ui.ii.iH win serve u;r.llnn4
The Seventh annunl reunion of the
rmpiiua Academy association, will
be held this year on Saturday June
2. and from all Indications will be
one of the best ever held. These re
unions include all of the students of
the old Wilbur Academy, founded by
Father Wilbur In Die early days of
the county, and the first institution
of Academic grade In Southern Ore-
At this school a great many of
the state's best known men and wo
men received their education nnd
they take great enjoyment In the
annual get-to gether meetings. The
graduates of Wilbur high school
which grew out of the old academy,
are also included in the association.
The Academy was founded In isr..1
as a McKinillHt Institution. It flour
ished for ninny years and there the
men and women who have taken
a part In active affairs in the pas
years received their education. Out
of the school came many of the
state's leaders and even some of Its
higher re preset) i a 1 1 ves.
The morning of thd day of tho re
union will be given over to a pro
gram, the princpal feeture of which
will be aii address of lion. Willis
C llawlev. representatives from Ore
gon to t (ingress. Air. Hawley was
Editor's Note The Hlack Hand organization, which ruled 6j
blood and terror in Went Virginia, was brought to the bar of
justice, by one of its own number, who turned State's evidwee.
In a second article on this band's law-breaking career Inter
national S'ews Service today reveals the. nature of evidence
obtained against the Canutrrists by Federal, Stale and local
officials. I f ffO
(Dy International News Service.)
CLARKSBURG, V. Va., April 26. An infamous trail of
violence and murder was sprayed across three States by the ter
rorist forces of the Rlack Hand Organization, formed in West
Virginia but w'th national ramifications, according to the "inside .
rtory" which International News Service can reveal today.
Sensational evidence of the band's depredations, which ranired
from blackmail to daylight murder, was sriven authorities here
by Rocco Fiorello, former secretary of the organization, who
turned State's evidence. It was on Fiorelo's testimony that the
State chiefly depended in ohfeiining first degree murder con
victions against three members of the band, and he will be ued
in bringing seven other alleged members to justice.
Confession Fully Verified.
The remarkable confession of Flor-JIcved a sudden downpour of rain had
ello. however, was checked up by nn extinguished the sputtering fuse,
army of State and Federal agents be-j Ijiler. however, one of the two men
fore the murder trials were started. 1 who carried the bomb was slain by
In every respect the State was ablejhtn companions and the motive was
to corroborate the testimony of Its! advanced that he was being punished
star witnss. I for bis "tenderness to Kelseto'a chll-
Florello not onlv linked the ninnler! drcn."
oand to seven killing in this county,:' Page after page of testimony re
but gave authorities evidence which ; lated to bomb plots. A half doien
showed the Black Handers were In-1 were carried out with the destruction
volved In the slaying of a dozen other ! of much property. Lives were on-,
persons in Pennsylvania and Mary- j dnngered with an utter contempt for
land. He also revealed a death list of law.
eight prominent citizens of this rami-1 The reign of terror has now ended,
ty. including a minister of the gospel, I The Illnrk Hand organization has
w ho were marked for slaughter by the been disrupted. Ten of lis members
band. The men "nnmed for death" are in tall with three under sentence
of Wales, Prince Henry and Prince ' cafeteria supper in the evening nnd!
George. tills will be followed by a delightful
Hoynlty Kntliroucl program. Many local people who
On cither side of the sacrnrlnm ! could not get away for the morning :
relatives and more intimate friends j and afternoon sessions will leave in '
of the bride and groom. In the chairs their cars early this evening to at-'
were Rev. T. K. Gainer, I'nlted Ilreth
ren pastor: Frank Cavalle. merchant;
Antonio Audia, merchant; John Follp.
store clerk; Joe Costa, merchant;
.Tames lltirgess, former constable;
Rocco Xunnlno. merchant; Ancglo
ttriinlano, merchant, nnd L. D. Snider,
chief of police of Fairmont.
Kvidence of revolting murders was
also given by Fiorello. He told in
particular of a man murdered for 13.1
in rash. His statement said in purl:
"One day they (ell me they kill a man
near Grafton. They took me past a
coal mine nnd they told me: 'Here Is
where that fellow was killed. We took
from him nnd his watch nnd then
we buried him In the coal mine, but
flrHt we put carbide and water on the
body and lit and burned it Inside the
mine.' First they ssld they shot him
and then they burned htm."
Threatens Clip Child's Ears.
On another occasion the band
one of the Instructors In the school j threatened to knilnap a mild and cm
and his presence will lend a great "n " ra 111 m,U r obtain black
'merest to the reunion this year. I If f from the falher. This plot was
u.,,.,..,.,.-,..i ,,, ,ir,,a m.n ii.ui !,! leveled at Ang.'lo Grantaiio, one of the
n.,.i.i u,.ni ,iw ,w.rtnitv f i....nien named for dewlh. Tin1
Ing prccnt this year, and agreed to
I of death. When the, trap Is sprung
I next June at the State prison and the
I bodies of thiit.o murderer go piling
i Ing down lo oblvlon, the last act
I that of the Judgment of the law will
i write "finale'' a.Toss the bloody rec
lord of the Illark Hand in West Vlr
I glnia.
tend the festivities tonight.
i I-
"cnii, ,r wnpn ,
Tirhi fji-ht r .... .
"f 1 (..
t"np. in
p 'o f,.
ards rl ittere.I
r "s gi. ine a
'latlve of the
A d rant band
avh-m. nnd
wi'h a I'i'ghtv
' " th
The somewhat sombre aspect of j
th Abbey was given a radiant touch
PORTLAXII, April 2. Only
i about ITi per cent of tho total nutn
; her of workers lu the logging ramps
' of Oregon and Washington struck to
. day in answer to the call of the In
1 dustrlal Workers of the World, ac
, cording to reports received by lum
bermen here. That the strike will
have no serious effect upon the luin
' her Industry In this state was the
onlnion ixnn-ssed tonlifht bv w (V
i'lipni'1. executive secretary of the
our L here. Shutdowns are expec
ted In Isolated cases, he said, but In
dications are that they will be hut
tem notary.
make the annual address
The memorial eulogy will be de
llvered this year by Hon. J. W. Ham
llton nnd tjoorge Slearns,
n in a state
r Quei n erac
" r"1 'h tribute
,'""c'i o.,r.u,,h
. rod..
I", A,
by the Gentlemen-nt arms who lined I T A I ' n Krea'ost ne,erMon or work-
the cholr-loft. Picked men. everv one i I'')ON' A,''n ?."'- j "P" Tow" r"m ,h" In "ny r'
the m,i . ,., i 'Hspatch savs that the Portugese mail district reported today was around
niMon, ., . j steamer Mossamedes. which was Klamath Falls, where ji.'.o ,ai!
' , ' , grounded several days ago
.inir (1 1 r ,T, irrillj Ills - ,llf-
former ' cessions w' th Abbey. The
of King'rir"' w ,ht of the roval family.
of the ! headed by the Kl" and Queen, and
Ino, In southwest Africa, has been
: abandoned with no trace of the 237
: passengers.
at Cape ( gone out.
j followed by Oowarer Queen Alexan
dra, escorted by the Iiul-e of Con-,
I raiicht. Closely following them
! came the iirtnressive array of prln-
,No considerable walkouts Were re
ported from Tillamook, Lincoln or
Coos counties. Several districts in
Southwest Washington had reported
partial walkouts, but none was re
garded as serious !o date.
At noon there will be a basket
luncheon to which all people of the
county are Invited
I The afternoon will be given over
to the biit-iness session of the Wilbur
! Ac-'demv essoelatloii. Including the
I reports of tile committees nnd a dis
Icucslon of various bu.-lness nui1tes
i which are expected to arise,
i The camp fire sevslon. the most
; interesting of the entire reunion, will
t be held In the evening in charge of
i Hon. llenrv llo'h of this city. At
this time the old time students gath
,cr around the blazing logs and allow
their minds to revert to the scenes
ami occasions or me pasi wnen inoiri
school life gave them such happy
; association. The plcssnut
1 limes of ihose days will be recalled
State's confessed under oath that
the hand had derided to go to Gran
tano's store and "shoot him down, but
fiisl to take one of his children."
"Then we will tell Grantali that if
he don't send a certain amount of
money ($.",.11110) we are going to kill
his child, but first we are going to
send him his child's ears and then we
are going to kill him If li" don't send
the inonej," were the instructions
given the ( aitioirlsls by their Illark
Hand leader, the Informant staled.
The lllaok llan.lers subsequently
dynamited Graniano's store,
ly wrecking the structure nnd endan
gering the lives of his wife and chil
dren, who were sleeping on the -second
floor of the building. They prob
ably will never be brought to trial on
this charge, as most of tliem lace run
back to be lived agi.ili.
I '-- :,e r f r.nv,,s, : cinal clerev who assisted In the cere-
" '' ' r inse. Th.-n i mnny.
"Wared.! The Ilrbb.l PrtK-eo-lon.
i. ..'," '!'""": ca""t rinally there came rhe bridal pro
' c ' ,.-,'.' " r'ar'h' ces.-ion. The choir and the minor
. K r - nor!"" clergy headed this processional. Ile
,. f)'i"n hind it ram the demure I 'Ide. walk-
ii- .( r I'i"i""'1 Ing firmly through the nave on the
" cr"' t J arm of her noble father. Two of her
' a -ami . , ,; lr'm "'" brid"s-maids bore
- .a..-smiie ,Th others walked in
. Ihe-
fUr Associated Press
W'ASHIXGTOX. April 2. The
president decided to.lay to p'rmlt the
transtKirtation to the Vnltr-d States of
her train. 1 .he 3n0 Russian refugees recenllv
palrs behind j ande In the Phllllplnes after a
rnitai Tk. . i., - , ... .... .
th rov.i ,, I oriuesmaios toritim a lovely from Vladivosick.
' Wl j. " i. rro"n nf fairest daughters of o
' r irivan i . Fnt,!""l t oldest families. Three! Mr Dsvls. proprietor of the North
or royal-, of them hsd served in similar fa-: Side Paibcr shop near the snto camp
5 'f. r. n t ;"'"' st the wedding of Princess has been obliged to put in another
h ad-nirlr I Varv- ' w hich Idy Kllratwth also. ; chair to keep np with constantly In-
c.j, spec-1 (Continued on Pa 1.) creasing business.
1 PORTIAXD. April 2:,.- The Col
! t'tnbla rlv.-r district had 1101 been
j affe -ted bv a strike of I. W. '.V.
, loggers. todav. according 10 reports
received by John Dougall of the Col
1 umbia river loggers' inforuiailon
; bureau. Sev. pteen of 1 4 II then left
the Silver Lake Railroad and Tim
ber company's camp nenr Castle
Hock this morning. Iougalt said.
J Four nw-n walked out of the Ostran
dT Railroad and Titnli.r company'i
camp at Ostrander.
Mrs. 1). H. Morgan. Mr!
'Jtranr Mm Russell I.lnto't. and 'fleeted an escape during the night.
Mr. W'.. W. Ashriaft, motored lo i
Kiddle this morning In the former's I Miss Opal Lewis, of Hutlierlin Ac
car to attend the I. O. I). F. eelebra- ademy. was In town for a lew hours
i tlon held there today. today enjoying a shopping tour.
vlrllon on mtii.ler charges with the
their death penalty as punishment.
The aulli.illiies also loarneu oe.ans
happvi"f '"e dcatll plot ngains. e . .....
...... j I Snider, of Fairmont. A gallon of
' .' . ......... I... .h 111,, I,
and events r.f the past days brought nnrogicei ine s s..... .. ... '" '.'
i rianoers in.... n mi.,,- ... -
making a bomb which It was planned
to be thrown at tne ponce -
borne. Il.rore the bomb was made,
however, the police net gathered up
most of the pioiters.
Tenderness Thwarts Ugly Plot.
Another plot to slay children was
also revealed to authorities, but In
Ihis Instance one of the band showed
a spark of tenderness and the plot
failed. It was dir-rted against Frank
llelseto, a w.altliv Italian merchant,
who was directed fl. pay 1h band
r,.ooo on penally nf death. Halseto
refused and bit his home on a vaca
tion. In Ins absence the band sought
to kill his children In vengeance.
Two men were given a bomb to
nlant Under llelseto house. 1 ney
fPr Cnlted Press)
ST. JOSKPII, Mull. April 20 - Hon-
' lamin Hill, leader of the House f
I David Cull and a woman member were
.srrested todav while pieparing to
frcd -pe Three other high officials
Western shippers are urged by the
Southern Pacific Comiany lo load
freight cars promptly and to capa
city nnd so avoid the destructive
effects of a car i-hortage.
ti. W. Luce, frelglit IrafHc mana
ger for the company, said today that
as a result of the recent rains there
Is every Indication of bumper crops
this summer and fall, and that the
railroad facilities of the country will
he taxed to handle the extraordinary
heavy traffic that Is expected.
"lu the last nine months I lie. rail
roads have handled th" greatest vol
ume of truffle ever transported in
the history of the country during
nny corresponding period." said
I nee. TrafMc over the country con
tinues to Increase as It has. I' can be
Itand'ed only bv I ho moil rigid eenn
omv in the use of cii-. The west,
with Its heavy tonnage to move
aero.-s the continent to eastern mar
kets, has no transportation to waste.
"Southern Pacific Company has
speni many millions of dollars since
last season for new freight cars, par
ticularly refrigerator, and for mod
ern locomotives of the most powerful
type. Hut with unprecedented traf
fic, chiefly In products that run
sharplv Into peak shipment, In pros
peel, It Is evident that only the clos
est cooperation of shippers with the
railroads can avert a car shortage
with cons.-. nieiii loss lo both."
A coinmuiilty program will be held
at Cstionvllle on May 5. at which
time the .en.- meeting for the school
districts of that vicinity will be held.
Arrangements have I n made for
an exceptionally good time and a
picnic and festival will be in addition
lo the Institute. Teachers, parents
and pupils from all of the nearby
schools are being invl'ed to attend
and It is expected to be a big day.
Mr. O. C. llrow'ti, county school su-
pervlsor met with the faculty the
first or th- week to aid la making
tlu plans.
Much I teller
Miss Ruth Miller, daughter of Mr.
carried the bomb there, hut dampened and Mrs S. C. Miller, who has been
the fuse so that when it was Ignited quite III at Mercy hospital, follow
it did not explode. When the band ; Ing an attack of flu pneumonia, Is
leader Investigated later they be-j reported to be Improving.
I '