ROSEBURC NrvSPSVICW. TlSOAV. UIL ?- PGE TWO gg::s pickihs i II Iff juih. ne.n.h... I mail w Zjj Jll 1 Ir. . 4' ft W ' V ' c. 7w, 'J ft g bertgbatcs , iP i 'w55sk j-H-M !, Ly earn, r. Per 1.10-th -W , 4 y?Vy 3 XitYS W" 5 N eNe K-ii-w. by ti i'r y-ar "" cnno EVENING FOLKS j 'i'jgwyei V'.?' t -v: M.u.irr ..I ma WuM I'iru i 'Sfunny what funny i 3 r it C.'' t -I f '' ; j rf Cm f-4 "V 1 i t J -V . ,t :: ..... . ! " '..I 1.. .1 "r r.rl. c,.-nt .1 In tm. ll". Things .- e le. Ites 1 J UjM rWS r iCfllf Al VI i Mi'HvfcS' Vi RGittfURG. UCu!,, TUfcbDAV. AL fill. 24, 1923. I A tot Of hiusew.VC. fj h J f K'Al Aiili J'v'.,- ?A " ' V'M' C . "'! I , . . Out in their apron. H . t 'T j 1 1JI1-: VALt'K 'F Oril FOHESTS And they d.dn.1 took PfTOlrac4?vUi! V JiTfctfi- P:gSLfcKJ4 A Tin1 ol'.M-r.aiiCC of f.ri-,t fire protection vvk and a study j i,f the 'ii-t.s brought out ly tlio.c interested in tin.' development of tnc t:;.iiir iiitluhtry, .-dow iiiitny jnii:t.s of interest, particularly; t.) tiie pu.;.io -f Oityon win-rt; one of the grei'.tesi resources is. tin' i:i.ili-uviK il tiii.lx r wealth. In Douglas Comity alone there' ; re KI.'.M -',-") 1 l.oou fi tt of pmaltly owned timber. This great i : i.,:id of fnrot covering 721, lu a-res is only a part of the great! Cnno EVENING FOLKS 'Sfurny what fi;nny Thingj .- 'e'le- ices When he foes to An earl morning fire 'Cause we ent to one Thit a. n. and noticed A lot of housewives Out in their aprons And they didn't look Half to dolled up As they would if The fire had been i In the p. m. it DUMEJELL DORA THINKS William Tell conducted a shooting gallery. TUT! -UT! Lives of Phroans all rem.nd ut 1 . I We can make our lives sublime : tAnd departing leave behind us ' (Fashions on the sar.ds of time. Boston Advertiser. I - ' : . I w r m. r.n 4a dak ltlllrl f A fir tree forty inches ; elrve wnen you're dmina ol? or.e not 'icy of timber within the county for there are also railroad lands, ana national lorest reserves in ue laKen lino con iuration. T.iken in the bn'k this looks t i.orinoiis and, in fact, is enormous, but other .'uuesting information can be obtained by a more careful ;'au!y f the .situation in diameter, is worth about .)', if cut up into marketable lumber. I always knows tnat the s"vy is , ,, . , i i ,1 i i goirg to mater, tee -.van paper. A pir.e tree is worth approximately i - No one would think i " " i of Koii'g into a man's pasture and distributing poison or care-j Jack and Lottie' Pickford must go lesslv (IhlUK S'.iliu Ih.l - tl'.at would destrov a man's Stock worth I before the grand jury and tell where ', , 11,1 ii ii they get their liquor. Moving picture i.'..) tu $t per head, yet how many people each year, carelessly j Ktl vtouMn,t)lv. anv troubles and in'i;!iaiiitlv, "o into tlie forests and allow fire, which thev I the courts if i' wasn't for the mi,i,t have prevented, to destroy trees which in actual value are ; fi r' n (l t!i as imieh as stiK-k. ; This is a ("inditinii which exists only because of the lack of r-'.iry ha-j two little dogs; a full realization of the great value of the forests from a monetary T.k.'"d.,0Jn':f:'e!?' ""j.. TUT WHO WWUT'J lUUn .1 mm; a uuy.i rtandjjoiat. When the people of this nation are to realize; when one coui-.l oee her knees: Un- great taxable wealth stored up within the privately owned . 1' it oivsts, then there will be a demand for protection and the forests1 Complaint is pencral that nearly, . ' .everything nowadpys is against thel ill Ijc given the same care, attention and protection that is, given ; law, but noho-ey knew what a bunch the livestock of the land. of crimma's there a'.e in Roseburg. until a phytic. an isued a statement , a few flays aco that it is a crime to : have : cold. We can't he'p but notice how un- ' common commo.i s;nae really is. j Another trouble with falling in love 1",' ( oivalns business men and others when he was encouraged , facturer is that wheri :ou sue him for to launch into the publication of a uailv, but after the deed was ; SM.OOO he may want to pay for it in ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN by MRS. ELLSBURY (Adilrcsn all communications to .Mrs. Kllsbury, car of News-Kuvli'W.) O The Morning Courier at Corvalli.s which merged from a .semi-weekly to a daily eal'ly last February has publication anil reverted back to a weekly, the owners deleiinining that the cost of i.-..-,uing a daily was entirely too heavy to justify its con tinuance. Croat promises we're made to the editor of the Couri chewing gum. ititit You can readily tell the approach iiccaniplished and a large sum of money wasted in an atlcmpt t ) establish a daily paper in opposition to the Gazette-Times, tht.e glnwing promises failed to materialize, new subscribers audita Ey street by the little piles of advertisers refused to n,ake good with the result that, as usual, diacarded ,r erd.s "lona thc route' tiK. eeiitor was left "holding the sack." Ku.mimr a daily rews- An who ehar3e, I'lipcr has ceasul to lie a pl.'.ytiiing and the fellow who think? people with being as mean as thty l!i' toniiarv has onlv lo i.i-. Hi,. i.ii(,.i-nriv.. vchii-1 1. Cnllv i feel -,Jst "cr taking an afternoon convinced that he has been misinformed. o Some persons are mighty small some arc smaller than others, and al)out,lhe smallest thing on the face of this old glo'.jc is the individual thai eh'liherately goes about the city and robs flower beds, destroying the beauties of a home that the owner has spent much time and money to cultivate. And there are people who do this very tiling right in Uoscburg. A Portland woman ha.-; aked $:'.;i,Oin as balm for "injured i'l'liiis" from a jewoler eif that eily. Tlie pureyor of jewels nue.t have consideralre wealth, or the woman an awful nerve. 'I he . Tea', est charai'li r-s of hi.-tory always have been who w, re mor,''joi ioe., in dei at tl'.au ihe-y were in victory but .'list ' cause you've 1 .;: In ate:i is im .sijiu you are glorious. It i. Meico. n't i'e markal'ii l' I'. la ! baseball is replacing bullfighting . ( ball is mostly bull. in If e'.i have prosp, poeketl ook. 'lily in tin- head il will eil'len spivaii to TI: I n-lia u't burn it cii'ns is im.i who has moi.i v to bur; ,d tlien Dear I'oli, 'I hey l;a e w rii ' D...I. .-.l,d the w i : I. id. Tin ' l:., e w n i 11. ane: l:a v e v i ; 1 '. i i v r: i m . i a . i i'V e v ritte '. y e wn'tfii I li',-y' e v, r;i !ee t.a .!' In : i , K e'l ' si.b.iei i you , an tl t ! civ's o ., ',,.(! i 1, ib.:ee! Dial .-!a,u!,l h ", .: v o i i'i i.'i -.r i, ; i : ! a l.;,".;,:ig : . l , : , i Mali iu , i'u y have written ''II ' on t'lat none hcivr c, f if' :irt. atul f '! obie, !, I'ke the bud. ' ' 'r. i ti.-:V l:;-t: w a . - : ' ' ' wrr..,. in i.. ''i, , 1: ,: .... , I,,;,! 1l,n. -, I- .,' eohien ha.i: ili d !! make a r w at i w roiitf. i -.:i.- :''!-;m'. 'n ' 1 It v "aid s-,.; '. I".' "tv ,;M t, I nap. I i- I Some girls pre not so fresh as they are painted, and some are more so. j I j A liU'e linior t little gun A tittle prison j Somebody's ton. 1 1 :3r j Summer will !-e-e if the: city council doesn't psts an ordinance i against it. ! it We suppose the kirls of the village j witl he out wiih ho--s and arrcvs th.s week shooting up tlie windows as a! result of seeing Robin Hood in the 1 movies. I ir f- 1- I I If today's wenther continues much longer we're rjoing to t.tKe the batliin' j suit ojt of thc moth tails and take a plunge in the tepid Uir.pqua. i i -f - -4- ! 1 A young Indy knocked the gee I wiiilikuns 0'it of ,1 injranba at tne theater last eve. i h Those shatic trots the cty planted along Stephens sttect haven't taV.en root yet. t i "In te Cr.'cn of c:a" is tnc nanir of the h. s". o ,rr; tv to h pre sr .led next month nnH ve presume it means in Cav.c KohifT.g -n's jr den. i- 4 i - Sjme people walk around with .i chip on their shou'dor a-d a Q'Outh on the-r mug. Thry are unable to see oood in anvthinrj but rather are jump ing at the chance to neck the flaw. It must be .? cheerful life they spend in this old spuece with a disposition rj.-.h as that. A3 long as peop.e pertut i-. jumping out of tne wrong side of bcJ ev?y v, e can't e-crt t3 f.nrt muiH c'se hrs.Hrs pico,n emblaio-.d cn t! eir wt irMcd traps. I 1 1 Of c:uri-. yen 10l e.,).-'--.1.. rl. v I'bin pr--j ca iH ur .Mrs. Kllsbu: : I have a Juu;h tr thai is s.xtt'iii y.aii old, und ha.- bicoiii" t(.riip!'Ui: iiiiniamtKWiblo. Slie riai.i tin .stiritb ait the ti;ii. Lueaii't luziif li.i;t until iii 1 1 r ix nK-aJ of cuinini; liuuif wlitii ;ii Iuhh is out, ;i:id l oci btu-K down town ov ry nijht to chn:sr itrijiind, mnl fo 10 t allow vitn othiT Kiris. If 1 kf'p lH'i ai home she cries ;tml sulks and we jiave u acoiit? thai lasts lor das. t?w lioes oot hi'U ni' do h thmu', although she is ihr only child in t ho house, i luund out that she also aiftnuh-d a weekly I'tiblic dance which I had exproslv forbidil. n hiT to do. 1 am coiupl'-'tcly (lis; ou;-apc:l, and it st ems as if she v. I'i'c char beyond my control. Ii there anything that 1 can do, or are ail irls that wav nowaday? MOTIJKU. Ans. I often wonder what a home is like when the mother, with one sixteen year old daughter, complains that she is unmanageable. I will be frank and tell you, just what I think, that you, net the daughter, are to blame. Are you a real friend with your own daughter? Does she come home and talk over, as one friend or a pal to another, everything that happened during the day? Is she proud of you, and anxious to bring her friends home to see you because she knows they will like you too? Docs she have an attractive room of her own that she can be proud of, and bring her girl friends to? I think you mothers vuh unmanageable daugh ters arc blind to your own opportuni ties. You do nothing to make a grow ing, difficult girl's home life attrac tive, you do not chum your daughter, but you expect her to stay home, and be a model young gitl. If you don't want your daughter to sneak away and go to public dances, do you take her, as a compensation, to the otner kind of dances or see that she goes to school affairs properly esccr:ed? If you expect your daughter to siay hon.s you will have to make yourself and your home attractive to her. Just wW I like to start the day" Here is a sensible and satisfying; brk-fast-a generous helping of Olympic Wheat Hearts with good top cream! It's sensible-bccause the stom ach demands a light, warm, wholesome, easily digested food after its 1 3 hours of fasting. It's satisfying because the ap petite naturally takes to the rich, nutty flavor of Olympic Wheat Hearts-a flavor that is always present if you cook Olympic Wheat Hearts according to directions on the carton. PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO., Portland, Oregon Mills at Portland, Orrgan and Tacoma, Waihington Manufacturer! of Olympic Pancake Flour and Olympic Flout -o- Mi'lmly. 111. IikIv and more melody for tin- at I lie iinnmy, April 21, Tui'su.'iy. The Seven Seremulers from O. A. C. NOTICE TO MUSCOVITES! I I'i ,-ul;:i- niei'iini; of the Hear Meat Club i'ii.- this mouth will be hehl V.-il-; lies-lay A;inl .'li. All .M nsc-nvil es are tirui;l to b - in-o.sonr. Matters of it..po!-i;:!iee lo ou will be brought be-1 lule ll;e rieitiny. liy o: J. r of the IH'KK. ! o V-v Mtiiiaie r hats arnvint; daily at Kind's iii,lliu. :, lutatetl in lleilows Sll-li-. -o- V I k n;;ht m:i: ici;s 7'h-- Wi-:,.) .et,i!ii: :;.f. fro a' liie I'j ...ii catir?li n ill he .li oii-1 I' 1 -1 -"i ill-' I--. s--rt. a"tl the y.tndyi of He Holy .-i.irll 11! the O'tl Te:Ua- ..: ai !.,. !;r.i,-n opat the r.-cular V: . ' y i .---rvtee. It i.-, Imp ,1 ' 'Im1 tl i ; ii,;ii.j;e in tile i I y pro-i I - Ml U III. I prove ( . Mill. Ill;il to lie- -lib noi.l .liiemlam r of ihe.Je 1V' ' nlKhl ' rviees. AI! the other i-1 - .Il - 'litillile a li:-iia!. COMMENTS t t STATE PRESS I I Tlio Itciil Oovtrriior Robert K. Smith's picture, laln-'.i (1 "Walter K. Pierce," appears In Review- of Reviews amonir pictures of new governors. This lnterestlne cl Is 'Ove:y was ma'l" by Kditor llruce Denhis one of the MirvlviiiR flrnna r;ad-rs of what was once ;i weli known raauazine. .; some who do no: know Walter it lniht be said that -Review of Reviews inadvertent ly had printed the picture of the real jroveinio-. Walter listens with closest attentii.:i to Robert, and oc casionally follows his advice, but Waller is the real (.-ovevnor. Robert would r.ot have iindr- ;;oi-io of the serious nis'.tal'.es Walter has made. It miht he wise for Walter to yield a bit often r to Robin's ; uk . -.;tions. lor Robert Is fi r s.- in." and shi-civd. Hut Walter ir, and will continue to lie tlie real mivernor. lie mal-es up his own mind. II. vii w of Reviews will make no mistake in publishing ait-TS pn-ture as lhat o. the rea! S-overiior. Or. pon Vol or. ho reaches that conclusion is not ap parent. However, the point made, raises the surest ion that a bis lea frne trade might be worked up be tween the two parties to the satisfac tion of both. Democrats miiht not object to parting with Senators Jiui Reed, Rill llryan atul Charlie Mur phy. J'ortlBtid Telegram . any j:oi- c ir. ; Uio emea: .e-.-.-rii. icati fiaj. i-m F.trm Ei!wi?rai TliriXtliiiK Stinr (.amblers Ii'-- l ll. .11. n:. I tr.u-lo;- mat hii'.-Ty wdl !.i:. w.-k soiii Ly Win. Hon t!,e., : I'll !II M ,1! 'i.ei I! ..'lit..! .; V !;h Ii -":.:1 .- ! 'Si - ( licit I'l.'l V I'll ,'ee; .1 tl-1 - ii ;ti ii u i'i r in t: k .'I I..,-, i" , : itvil I v.. 'f In v i'i-.! ., ,; i .-.ft it i'ji ii' i : , i i l;;ie oi '.. . - ':i.-iijr ill'" ' !' w.rltl ,.: 1 i Km t 'i t ill 111' ', - I I ' l'i V. Viil ; n ' i'i ini ' i i'i'1.! ivako Ii. i : "!'.: Hit :t Kn hi-.-ii r.'i- rr" M'e v i i P.t'--,. e.i '-"..fiTCnt P.v.. r-une. c icri : 1 C.o ' i i t r.-c.. I i ',1 r c n. I'. It .' -.11 . - -Is a : heme. ".'ai i--fi' b I s I nc r'.;i," growled V ,it! i! in t:u' rv r y tn, v .. it i ." :' l:e' r cm." eoNSTiPATiori Cct Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets That U thf j i-yful cry of thousands s-ije Dr. Kd :rdj produced Olive l.i i -ts. thc subililute tor calomel. l)r hct.v.ird-. a practicmc phvsicun tv 17 vers .nrl calomels nld-time ;'T y' ,VcrJ tho formula forUlive li .tt-i v;i:'..- trcatinj? patients lor chrii:.:c rer.s'.ination and torpid liver Ur. toward-,' CMive T.ibl. ts do not c .ntxncal irr.el. but a healing, southing v. t i'ii i i-uiive. N -ip.r. is the "keynote" of these h'.tii- -.:sJ,--c oiive-coloretl tah- h-ti. 1 ,i, y uu. the bowels and liver to t r. ::r.j'.: 1 hey never forte them I j!: .il a, -i m. l! v n. I:av.. a ' dark brrwn mouth" h:n o.-ca:.: a i! ill. tired lcelia-Mck r.'.-.i.i i. :u t r-:J liva coiisliiia:, m, V i'j II t.r-.rl guuk. sure and ple.wir-.t re lm o .e or !, m Ur. td v.ird- '!:ve l.i'), ;4 ,,t hcrltirne. 1 ii - is i. a:--1.... ifcein evcrv r.;ht tok;.;):.....: l;y thAi lis : :rul JvK.-.' The .M.itti-ess Ijnv It liv)ks o-; though the p.ia'lreisse?; fn Orecen ini::bt soon become only p pleasant memory. The late lament ed 1,'pMatuie. in lis anxiety to be helpful to the people, passed 'n law reirula-in-; n:fit:r,sses. probably be cause H was the only thine left that wasn't air, ro!;- ! iim regulated. The niatt'-ess eld n Oregon hereafter li: :o comply with tl,,. poor food :t..1 dri::r :: ;. Ii shall bear a label staiin;.' the ror.tcuts of th-- thini; i-i w, iiriit ;,iil consulnp'ien. It toes lii' thai: the poor food and i:ui; ,' ' has her. t,,i-:-e gone in ihat hitii , i'o ... have i., ;i com, -n: to -;a'c 'ie ll lt'li-e o! 11,- il'l-r.-iij. lii's. Tin- Ore cn i:..i:ir. , i:,-v r;nr": that not e:i!y sh-ttl tl - lugr. din-ts be s-at. d. b:,t th- liti.l till where they we-e ra's. .! ar,, t:,,.- j,y hite j.-lli.w, Caihoiie. ri'ol.'.iaiK or 1- w and ;i-,- a -e and if any. A !" t r s'atii.g tl:,- lrtaiiinuiity and n o-;,:i'P- o." the grow, r, his !ai::ilv nv, ai isi be . :v ,-i i.p.i w., ;h, r or not ti.- i i ii . oi's i;- . , In th msiiufa, - '-i:,l ill?!';'"!, are fi,,m .. w!::!e i-nr-! and if .i..i.,n., i , ,1 ' . r.-.t e,ei.. v .. liMid ef f..-;(. r :... u.-. .1 o-i th tji wh, '""-h ! i i i:. I.... ,i I:. 'I'-'s ::: i -i v-as i horei: i, I;. : !':;:. -. ,i a.'.d ly w,:., a.,,i wi,. 11.' T.n. .j. It is a source of gratification to every honest man and wotiwn in the I'nited Slates to barn that the gov ernment is going; to Interpose i's power to proven! a group of sugar :-p-dilators in New York from prey ing upon tiie people by oiitraireously advancing the price of one of lii'e's necessi'U s. Whether such power resi.Ii s with the Federal government remains to ie reen. Tlie courts will decide. 1-".' obviously l'resident Harding and hi. eabin.'t advisors are convinced the big i-anililers can be reached by law. It appears that the n rent de cision of the supreme court wiih re spec! to future translations on grain exchaniTes can he appiii d to gani 1 lii.p In ftrures on the Xeiv ork .--ngar exchange. One of the investigators of tin- il -partnient of justice made tl;e p:i" i, statement yesterdav that the sm:'!1 of siiLrar nnd the demand for it at'' normal for this season of the year. Only the mice Is abnormal, it is en tirely too hiuh Jiecause of manipula tion on "paper" enr.tra'is f r siuar which did not exiot. The kobruary record ef tie c chani:" discloses the fact I.eeiiM1' 'imp of sugar were boutrht .vol on "paper" eon'ra'-ts. ai-d ilei' '-:' .' i very small fr.-.'.'ti.m of 1 p, r i-i" was delivered during ibe men:':; Portland Telegram. Henry E. Dri-n-m.'.ti j y. ar lias la r.:n :ci:" ' puri'har.'d t'r.. r..r'-"; Coc- j i.T in Conaliii s' 2 ; t-ck cliirtf far at :na I'ruwne in fc? '::- s!.-ll.- that tr n-WJt! Vlllli:-, t-I- id il W I two (i;n;i'. bL- '-- Ice life:, ui U'-iaii-dian-.-e Ink to i ' I w.-i'kh- i-iiior.. K ' I . nx.crat Ur. iron" irl. mis la Ur W ,.-ith hi-n the r-i rc-l - of ti:i. rj-wrftr" new Ii' M H' til"' paper nr.ii '.in ,!J -en fir rorf it" :' ,,:i,!,'i..(i y HP-"'; Ins w.irk in ! t-rre--1 nr Albany f.w A 1' !' ! The ".'W W"J't i n. -T,..r- r at t ' :t ii.ii'i; io j,.,,. ,..... it ti'-'"-- ,,. r ta fed an tl-e--'i) ,ifi dar.c that ma'Kf ycu UP he s.,rt lh- ?'"' :, .h-pense A?:J :h,-rc Hie Illlinan Cancer A cancer is anyi':ii'C th.-" ' eorrt-pts or di stro s. T'.e r of the boi-i ;-- is js'in, w!io. althouch ii1' ni--rie.-i. d--rid-s his gov, in:: Mhis or thai, makes siari:-- about l;t ; ins'l'i.'i -n . a,i il- low l-i i - r His lia 11" publican ( lub ..)v j, ,. "I" I :'" i-!- nt of i . ', "" u-e::-:- r ; .' S- l,.'l-, -s ' lb. i n!; :.: I.:! r,.. .... '"'Hid join th, d- :v..c:a-s. I .,, .. hi roundabout way s, '' il:i,l"l'l:llne Hi' !i:. lie or .-In i wei ... than the oih. r kstu I v ho. born on f.-r. Un se:!. t coin, try and or eel:, trim s r-f ha'e and b':e,"i.-,-ai-ii -, out his or lo r di-'' ' Ii' :s in acts of vi,,l- tic ' roi ni in .lefier-otl for tie l ": tl titan or v. o:r; n '- ' " live Venes'ly ;,!!,! bal'T' ' : , I'll''!'! vp til" co- llii'llit:'. i eei,i ;,ir th-. A"i- t ic ' " v ' pt d" In h!s ( .or r.'. ai.-l i: and clnir. ii s a" 1 e: :: r i -Rv? t'i. r I. -i t r -"i, ! ! o;-. I,, fer.' ':i-ll !."J' 'I- ;i v.i'l be. for 1!.- r:.:: 5-1 !: ; lo hold ! r. k. d.-te: t ..: ,IKC US-1 PPPORT- Pr.i'l ram - V.:n-r -' - Si..r, pr-io-'...i lien-y. I'1'1' ;"( -rnra l" i:'-L W t;.i'l- r" - c I II --t'rjik- -. n- v . T - - : e cr rn ': ' 11 - e 9- Fle-jr. t- P O