LEATHER If your business 1 slug gish, give your attention to advertising. It's a won derful tonic works whils you sleep and delivers the goods. test yesterday tact nmrit .70 .40 B1?ht and W.dnes "gnt to heavy it DOUGLAS COUNTY )h Pcr.Ev.n, -" Rev- An Independent Newspaper, Published lor the Best Interests ol the People OSEBURC REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, AURIL 24, 1923. VOL. XI., NO. 150, OF THE EVENING NEWS. XXV..N0. t , K S-KEVIEW null HER mi lES ESCAPE nt y l W W SStNGER BDY in Cell Were Sawed as a Blind Man Met Escaping Woman and Aided Her in Flight to Hon duras Investigation Is Being Conducted (By United Press.) E ARE FREED TODAY INCREASE FILED 4 (llv Associated Prcit I Clllt At.O. April .4. A request fur a pay Increase, the first of many such requests expected s . within the next few mouths. PRESIDENT HARDING OPENS RIS CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICAN ADHESION TO WORLD COURT ATLANTA, Ga.. April H. The PORTLAND, April 24. Fred controversy betweeu Emperor A. Clifford, 1. I. 'owe!l. Ku Klux Simmons and ltuiieriul Wizard Klan officers, were fifed from w Kvans for the cunirol of the Ku the Garland jd a ui a a e suit Klux Klan ended today by a IhroiiKh non-siits granted today romproiiilse and on the motion by Circuit Juste Kossman who ' ''led today with the I tilled of the attorneys Mr both parties ' also granted non-suit on two of State railroud labor board by the court dissolved the injunc- the three libel charges iiL-ainst the order of lailruad expressmen, ! tion under which the Klan af- Hall and Comer, co-defendants. kinu ten cents an hour boost 4l fairs were put In charge of a A single count was retained, on "r each 70.0i expressmen, muk- Chief Executive Serves Notice on Members of His PartV commission of three. I'nder the which the Judge held the jury '"K a total annua, increase of . . agreement Kvans retains his Dost ' must pass, and it affected Hall ''er lT.ooiiiiuu. L as Imperial Wizard and Sim- and Coster only. It was whether mons as Emperor of the Klau. Harland had been damaged j through the publication In a 4444444444i444 1'ortland newspaper of a list of the voters filed as irregular in the Hall Olcolt recount suit. now imdor ; . .j .... n Ynocspno-pr bov. fftaw in her cell window were afterwards sawed as a !t the iail door she was taken in tow by Jess Carsen, now ir in Honduras, who had been paid $2000 to chaperon her 'district attorneys office were investigating the above Sons today in connection with the inquiry of the getaway stonage murderess. Sure of Identity. FOREST SERVICE - LARGE INCREAS U iWFLES April 21. Clara Thillips, hammer mur- " , . ;., ifmirhirns. in ner sensational escape i n n i-iani riipa )&&52-"nTti Dim n nimn tUtMHU TtS I U UUILU IIUHU .,.,,. MINGTON, April 24. (U. P. : e completed by tomorrow night. Ite department was onicuiiy I today that the woman sup te be Clara Phillips has been i in Honduras. The Hondurin Seven Miles to Be Constructed Northward From Diamond Lake SACRAVENTO, Cal.. April 23. Following up his action of last week l n.l.nD Onrularv tt StntA IfltirheA sent will hold her pending the; requegt t,e Honduran authorities mM .nu r,nuHt from the Amer- . .. ... . , A , w ' . . I to arrest, piuvisionao nuu uviom wernment for her extradition.: . believed to be Mrs. 23-IOTHER PLANS MADE " . -u u-K-f a WOIIiail ill fits urucru iu wc ..im. ,ry Hughe. Pre5'd he,e'''; clara Phillips, escaped hammer mur re wai no doubt ; as to ner, d Governor Kichardson today He hat wirea me nu..u... . .,, .,, j.,, ,1.. , hold her until the .ri-Meienrapui . i .e a noia " ,! h.t Iho UnnrlnMn nnlh i k reauest for extraamon , M"a..,.s , ta now being forwarded. Sh orities be aEked to take the same ac . JL i n i,n,i to erve a Hon In the case of Jesse Carson, i tar murdering Alberta Meadows said to be a companion of the wo g hammer. Gives Full Description. ANGELES, April 24. The po- e forwarded a full description 1 Phillips to Honduras today. Account of lOscti;. Ni;K!.i:S. April 2". While man believed to be Airs, rninips Carson, the governor's telonram paid, had been charged with arson and with "aiding murderess Clura Phillips to escape." The California authorities are confident thnt the couple In Te- Jes w. r.1 working to perfect , EttciL-alpa of whom word was re- w thi. sneeily extradition of ceived from the federal govern ira Philips, vsrap. il murder-: nient last week, are the Phillips wo I i believed to lie in Tegu-1 man and Carson, said to be a distant .Honduras tinibr the name 1 relative. Rol.ert Youni:. her wander ; Central America were re lere toilay In a letter read by f Police Louis I. Oaks from sTlauh of Guatemala City, lla. Fla ell's letter give descriptions of a man and lien, the man nnd one of the 1vitiir the names of Mr. and rum The uV.-irrlption of the Irespnnils with that of Jesse n. want.-il here on a charge I ami who I? believed to be is. Philip at Tetucialpa. tlptlon Pit. Mrs. Phillips. Right-of-Way Between Big Camas and Skyline Road Will Be Cleared with Money Allotted El E IN FRUIT CROP H. A. Hinshaw, Espee Off i- cial, Predicts a Bumper Production (ttv Associated Press.) CHICAGO, April 24. The united Brotherhood of Maintenance of Wav j "..lerSiTO BE RECORD BREAKER road labor board for a return to thet wages In effect prior to July 1st, 1921. i One hundred and seventy five thou sand workers are affected. PAINTERS TAKE i Prune and Pear Crops Will Be I Much Heavier This Season Car Shortage Is Feared by Railroads Now Who Are Opposed to Plan That He Is Irrevocably Committed to Such a Program Purpose Is Three Fold (By United Press.) NEW YORK, April 24. President Warren Harding opened his campaign for American adhesion to the world court o' the League of Nations today by serving notice on the members of his own party who have so vigorously opposed this plan that he is irrevocably committed to it. llardiug's purpose for joining the international court was three fold he declared in his statement to those affiliated with the republican party and who have made informal statements t'Pposing the entrance of the United States inlo the court. (By Associated Press.) "NEW YORK, April 24. Participle tion by the United States in the world court. President Harding, declared to day at the annual luncheon of mem bers 'of the Associated Press would be in harmony with the pledges of the republican party, candidatorial promises and American aspirations, and would not be an entry Into the league of nations 'by the side door, back door or cellar door." Excessive friends of the league have beclouded the situation by the FEW, SAYS REPORT lesniptjon cf one of the wo Herding 10 Finch In-law " (its Mrs. Ion.! woman Is unknown to op''s h. re. Phillip's extradition will lie two charijes. according to l'tirict Attorney W. M. bo Is pr-paring the papers. rc- iil be that she is a v ireni iii-tii (Bv United Press.) PORTLAND. April 24. The num ber of women arrested in Portland forms but a small percentage of the law-breaking total hailed before the as the, bar of justice each month, according Phillips. : to police records. During March the police arrested 2122 prraonB, 115 of whom were of the gentler, but some say fiercer, sex of lawbreakers. Arrests for drunkenness totalled 2S2, most of them 'moon beams." 23 got disorderly as well as drunk, and 131 were pinch ed for the more elite breach known as a result of i ..... . .. . ITte'i.m a.t r. .. , violation oi ine pronioition mw Approximately 1100.000 will be spent by the forest service In Improvements, extensions, etc.. this season, accord ing to ForeRt Supervisor Carl H. Neal who has completed the plans for the summer's work. The larger part of the funds will go for the construction of roads, trails, telephone lines and other permanent Improvement and a small amount for maint comparatively small sum voted to protection purpose visor Neal. however, has this year linked up the improvement work with . the protection plans so that there will be a closer relationship than ever before. j The Improvement men will go Into 1 the field the first of May and addi- tlonal men will be added until July 1 when the entire force will he in the forest. There will be 115 Improve- , nient men and 45 protection men on the rnllB. They will be under the -direction of five district rangers. A. S. Holerman of Httjuda. Fred Assam 1 of Glide; H. A. Hitter. Little River i and W. J. Jones of Tiller. The Dia mond Lake district ranger has not yet been appointed. The administra- 1 tive force will be in charge of Super- 1 viosr Neal. Assistant Supervisor , George Bonebrake will he in charge of improvements and equipment. ; Ranger O. C. Ilouser, will lie adminis trative assistant and will he in charge ' of grazing. During the fire season these men will be In the field and the local office will be in charge of ! Mrs. Kan Smith, recently of Seattle. ; who came here to take the place of i W. C. Keyes. transferred to Alaska. J PORTLAND, April 24. Prospects i of bumper cropn In Oregon and along the rest of the Pacific coast I us well are bright and there Is every indication that the western rall- rouds w ill be called upun to handle a (Bv United Press) PORTLAND, April 24. Painters here have decided ti accept the ein- ..... . ln !.,..,., r.,,. t .o . won - ,i, ,i ' record breaking amount of traffic time nnd a half for overtime, waiving ;thl summer and fall according to their demand for double t1mo over time. FOREST PLANES , SALEM. April 24 Sinn(nr McXary wirtMl Jritat ForeHter Kllfott this morning that the urmy will have airplanes available this yritr to pa trol the Ort'Kon forests fr fire on tho Hiime basis as last year, with head quarters in KuKeno. BOY SUICIDE WROTE OF FATALISTIC CONVICTION (Tnternntinnnl NVwr Rtrvlre.) I LEICKSTKK. Ennlaml, April 21. ' rVnjannn Bourne, 14, drunk poison here after elaborate preparations and after wrttinK letters lo all his friends, 1 the undertaker and the coroner. The boy's letters showed his complete be lief in fatalism, his unfitness to live and his unwelcomeness in ihe world.! ... - i i liilliU aim UIIUMI11M1IIW BCl'ltiriliri , ..iimi nreacnes oi ine iranic coin. r- 1 ii;iri:' win te tirtak Kifllitare th "rn.j prpi-ty Mstfict At- arrcHt. Foreign born ..... ,x.i.m, anrmiinv, today i rested totalled 46 and minors, ootn l J'oheniia district and - ''Mn priru jury would nomestic ana imported, numbered - i'i in return an ln It airainst him rhargin' ar :i'.nt cluircire arson wan pni C.tr.n s-veral months1 Vv, Thn first nf thf lm nrovomeril vnrlc of them of a very minor character, ,uLn nn u-iii u ii ran,tm... extradition contributed to the bulk of causes for(1,,n r,., n,ii. ti..i,ono n.... persons r- THHiny miles will be built in the . of whom nine were elrls. I FEW Phillim On..vil I 1 " I' l".;i:.p, lei MEALS NOW SERVED AT COUNTRY CLUB he strapped to Individual pack sacks or pack boards and the entire outfits will he assembled prior to th depart ure of the crews Into the forest. In the event of a fire the men shoulder their packs and strike off by tlx most miles In tho -direct route fur the scene of the fire. Diamond Iake region. Five mile This will save a sreat deal of time will be composed of short stretches it is believed anl will result In Rreat linking tip lookouts. Important posts, er efficiency. Kach camp Is to be etc. connected bv telephone to the central for th Seven miles of new road will be dispatcher, who will direct the move- r.; iMp. huViand of tllt?iii. hamnior i tt j . .v.- n f.", M I,.rr''S',Ml Fri!av ! PowbiirK Country club was in tho n 'l.-.V h Z oh"in,M i cit las oyeniDR for a few hours . - i ' . W:;s ,n ' 1'wkimt after business matters In ' Trnm cup I built at a cost of 7.ruu. I hls road j leads north from Diamond I,ake to ward Crescent Lake. It is a part of j the Skyline road and will pass through WindiRo gap. J Another important project, for i which the sum of $7,12" has been allowed, is the clearing of the rinht Ml. A. Hinshaw, assistant freight traffic manager of the Suihern l(a- j cilic company, who is in Portland to j day from Saa Francisco. Hinshaw i was formerly general freight agent j for the company with offices al j Portland. ' The pear shipments from the ! Kottiie, Cmpqua and Willamette val leys phould be 15 per font heavier i this year and there should be a 25 i per cent Increase in' the apple ship- ments," said Hinshaw. "The prune I crop also should be much heavier : than last year. The buds have set 'well and the prune districts are al ' most out of danger of frost. The re cent rains, besides doing much gen eral good in Southern Oregon, have , been beneficial in holding off the frosts. Trarflr Holds tp. j "I expect to see at least 1500 cars of pears nnd about H"u cars of ap ples move from the Hon ue Hlver dis trict alone. The broccoli shipments fromItoheburg have been heavy this year, 244 cars being; the total for t lie season, over double the ship ments of last year. "Lumber shipments in Oregon huv been heavier than ever before. In faet total freight traffic in Ore gon. w hich was very h avy last fall. has kept up into the first three months of $2' exceeding that of corresponding mont hs of previous ) ears. "The recent rains over the Pacific coast, good crops and unusually heavy crop movement Is anticipated country as a whole. Car Sliortauo teitrH unwarranted assumption that the pro posal la a mov toward league mem bershtp, while the Irreconciliable op ponents of the league have also be clouded the question with the assump tion that entanglements with Europe would unavoidably follow. Explain to Country. NEW YORK. April 24. (U. P. First, to explain to the country, dissi pating suspicion and douhf nnt to fn list the whole people behind thn plan which he considers steps towards the prevention of war; to answer and silence men hih in tho republican party who have been stirring up pop ular mistrust against the plan and to enlist the groat agencies of publicity in Ihe country as dally advocates of tho court plan Is tho program outlined hero today by Harding fur his cam paign towards the entrance of the I'nited States into tho world court. Harding declared that the world court participation would bo In har 1 mony with the republican pledges and would not be a move toward entering the leaKue of nations. Harding de clared the leaRue worked for the old wor.u fine but it is not for us. He severely rebuked his republican col- leagues ho mistrusted his policy ot i entering tho world court, lie depre- ! cated the mystery and hubbub attend ing his proposal to enter the world court. Ho believed the plan free from danger. After discussing the court entry. Harding said domestic issues are of tho chief concern. He reiter nted his determination to have an adequate merchant marine, and de plored tho tendency of the day to wards mob rule. Ho told tho A m erlcn n prras lhat -thn president cannot do as demanded and force congress to do things be cause of the trend towards "pure de mocracy" making political parties Impotent and destroying party loyalty. He said tho administration was very anxious- to solve tho Mexican situation. DESERTER FROM THE NAVY ADMITS KILLING JEWISH RABBI IN SAN FRANCISCO G. G. Richardson Arrested in Phoenix, Arizona Kept a Diary Which Connects Him Directly With the Crime Says Self Defense fltv Pniteii Press.) sc iied and went lo Modesto. SAN FRANCISCO, April 24. A Kichardson, acrordlnK to the po diary, purporting to describe the cir- lice, was first picked up for lnvesti cumstances surrounding the death of, nation as a "drifter" and was not Rabbi Lafee, who was fatally beaten1 suspected of beiiiK connected with any In a San Francisco hotel three weeks; serious charge until the diary was r-., 1.1 r h J . fc , 'I'. v - 'hilltf 't'h hail re- h;-- !.., held ! announced 'oKtorrow would '' Tsn charts i- r. porred to be n Homl'ira connection with the culinary depart- nf way for the proposed road between ment of the club house. He st.it9 the Skyline road and Hig Camas, This that meals and light lunches are now 'Is a very Important matter to Ixmglas being served and that members can ! county people, for it ts the upper end be accomodated on short notice of the proposed Tmpqua highway and Special dinners and other meals will he served bv appointment by tele phone, the club house having just iu- tinn.-d to-, received installed telephone con- 'rnv b offlre : nt.Kilnt.. i.k .1.1 1... the men. hers have alresdv from the! her of ment of the fire fighters to the diff ent localities. Fifty miles of emer- 1 gency telephone line has been ob tained for this purpose. In addition to all this, a Farbanks Morse force pump and 5mm feet of 1 inch hose has been received and will be used In bad fires. The pump Is built so that it may he packed by horses und will be kept In a central location where It may be quickly transferred to any locality. As there is nearly always water availahle within a few feet of the fires this pump is expected to be of great assist ance in handling the bad fires, espe- sao, was given out by the police to day. It was sent here by the Phoenix Ariiona police who are holding G. G. Richardson, aged 19 years, identified by the naval authorities here as a deserter from the navy, who is alleged to have written it. San Francisco de tectives are being sent to question. him. Richardson is alleged to h.ive. discovered Newspaper clippings telling of the slaying of Kahhi Laree were found folded in the diary. The following are passages from the diary ; "Wednesday, April A, 1923, aboard 1. S. S. Vigilante. "Went Hsliore yesterday. Went out will eventually be a part of that great road. Work Is being done on the lower end by the Dureau of Pub lic Roads and it ts only a matter of ctally when lh-y are spreading aloug time until the intervening strip Is tho ground. connected up. The money allotted The government this year will own fe thn elnsriniF txt fIii f rr V f nf vau ( m unit ..-... s ,,.t. 4 I taken advantage of the dining room jpxpectei) to be ample for this purjMso number of mules and pack outfits Service which will nrnvp nnnular -m i. n i i .m ....(. , . -- i 11 11 win "'i inn fcinniiiu ;i nit iri ii" ii itiii iim."!! hum iii dv Mr, and Mrs. Kvans ar both ox- run. ih arson e cnr,'. V IT. V. mil1 stretch at once. ush1 In getting supplies into the va den- ' fellunt fst.i.nr. A -.111 .,A ' i.i -... . 1. ...-... ...... j n . ... 1 1- -in 1 , 1. .. v... 1. ......... . il h the popularity of the clubs had-iand with this money it Is planned district, four at Diamond Lake three ir iT MW npa,lluartors. A confectionary stand ito build aproximatHy 13.5 miles of on the Little River district and three ' he Phillips will soon bo opened bv Mr. Evans .new trail. on the South Cmpqua. '"t 4 IdO unC : where all kinds of soft drinks, ice These trails will be constructed by. Altogether the forest service will i 'he HuhM erenm and other delicacies will be rail crews located in various spend for protection $ '.m.ihmj. trails r l'h Jesa at tfip dispofal of the members (parts of the forest. Each crew wl!l Koads IH.filTi, Maintenance, v lat Januarv i j , . ' be availahle for fire fighting and the 4Ki,o. bridge 1200. road mainten romnii h . i, w tmen will be employe.! with the ox- anc :'Mt. t.-l phone construction, LI w woik .he, understand.ng that thev are to M5. lookout houses fl.,, improve. pst few wpeks. Th greons have . . . ,..v,.., ....... r... "a and other matters tak ' of rs "inns phi'. K'"aTors to know Car n 3ar.d that 'rv 'n like th ''I "'ii r"!iiiH0n ''.TtlMen of S7r, ;r o iid probbalv of anvfire in the r vicinitv thev are Dues, and Incidental expense are ex en up to 40 hft rMiy to go day or night to Pvtd to bring th r etire amount M!t the club's holdinca in good ti.-y.t n, hi7a ?han. Th new roadway to tho , No Um0t in to nnt n getting sup fluh house Is now complete and plies and equipment to them. Kai n ork Is procrosing in many ways to camp will hav one tent set aside for make the resort complete in every the housing of equipment, and emer- detail. gen y rations. The equipment will bo spent to we.il over iJiMin i.j. From the grazing standpoint the for st will graze 2.iloo head of cattle ! l.-i.ooo slieep. The rountv will receive twenty five percent of the grazing fees. O "The So"thern Pacific has spent 'iiMllnni itf dt'Ilats since last season for new freight ars. pjr'feiilarly le fti ;erator, and for modern lo-omo-ti'es of the most powerful tvpe Hut with unprecedented traffic ereducts that run sharply Into peak hlnments In prospect, it Is evident that only the close! cooperation of shippers with the rnilro.-.ds can avert a ca r shortage, md t hat of course would mean a loss to both. Th com pany, therefore, n urgint western -dippers to load freight cars prompt 'y anl to cfracliv. The company Is working suci-psf n'lv move more miles p motives in need of repair lo a mini-i serti r from the (Joal inland naval Ma m mi. In addt'ion to the cntupanv's I tion. effort tit' shipiMTs can luaterfall v benefit t lieme! ve In obtaining nn ' created car si pnly bv loading und unloading can without de!ay and by licrivy lnadinr.'' o 26 BANDITS SUMMARILY SHOT fftV AftHOf tfttcil fVAHS.t 1 II'iKRI. China, April 24--After one of tlm swift and Informal hearings liarv.cieris'ic of t'hinese legal proced ure in the leter centers of tho In- rior. 21 o' prisoners hold to bo "i admitted committing the fatal a.i.iult tll (;,i(,.n date pail;. A man offered and writing tne diary aooui n. ,,, (.,,.Br. id, sei-ou d kinil or ner vous from unknown cause. We w-alked around for awhile. He asked ine lo meet him at Fllmore and (leary at 9 o'clock and we would ro to a show. "Went down to ;eori:e'a and went lo show. At 9 o'clock went nu; to Filmoie and deary. Met the Jew and PIIOKNIX. Ariz., April 23-A 19-year-old youth, kIvIiik his name as tl. !. Ku hanlson, arrested here early this mornltiK for Investigation, lias confessed Ihe killing of liabhl Alfred! ".. l-afce. at San l'ranclsco. al I I hlefly In 1 three weeks aco, police said lale lhis wo W1,nt , ,. nrw Klllnore. As we Riicmoon. j iimi i in " i walked llirolllfn tne loony a menu oi session, police said, deflnllely con ! B,ke lo him. Didn't h"nr nerted him with the crime. I wlllt ,).,. Blt, Notations In the diary found on Went to Hotel with Jew. Richardson's person led oftiiers to "After the show we went to th.i question liiin reirardine the attack on . (;(,. hotel. I wanted to aet nearer the Sun Fnilirisco lirnlil. Al first Iliej Mn h,n he objected. I went lo thn youth denied any knowledge of ' 1 hot.-l lo find out Just what Ihls .lev crime but Imer admitted that he dealt; tlad up his sleeve, lie puid for Ihe Ihe death blow. J .1 rtfi 'irath, chl' f of , r,. Hn,i roulstered under the na.n to iniike ears detectives said lllibardson told lhe.f .ne. I wrote on the rexister dny and loco- nolle-, ihey said. 1 hat he was a !-: n. II. Ilirl.insn. Al !U o'clock or 11 o'clock the Jew called the clerk nn 1 a-ked for a call at six o'clock. In the diarv taken from ltichard ; "Alsuii 3 4o I was suddenly awak son's person and Inter made public , cnod bv the Jew - my band fell off lio k.. ....ii. D a i,,n. .nov unH.T th..' bed. cotiiina inio contact with a cus- dale of April 4, l!iC:i. Ii-de.l "AImihi.I I'. S. H. Vlk-illUlte." tells of the Ineet in the ;uvious dny with a strain;. referred to as "the Jew" the subse quent finhi In a room Hie (l.i'ei hotel. In which the writer : s lie struck "the Jew'' with a cuspidor in defendinK himself from ai-sauli nil then wsrlied the blood from his ti.vuK w.nt out .hrouch the hotel lobby, aikinx th" c. ik "Mimethinu ah .ut the westh'T" K.n.1,1., h. ih ntv magistrate weie. Hears of Hanoi s ueain. summarllv shot here recently. i In entries April and 7 'he fi.A .-..lo ..r nr.A.lnii. in Healitisl wrii..r tilu how he read of the fiullt with the bandit menace Is that the! In the paper and for the first time I put on my clothes, opened the door "Villinn one puts fear inlo the heatisl l-atned ihe conect name nf the i.ilil.i and walked out. The clerk was in of a bundled." '"id uts de.il'i and how lie la'er de-j (Continued on Tuna 3.) . pidor. I lurned nn the side antl nie 'lied it. I swunK the rupldor it. I ' strui k the Jew on the head. I lu J. w swiinu with his fist and hit mu 1 on the Jaw. I then swutiK the cm ! pidnr twice in rapid succession. Tim bi d and mv hands were all bloody. I .;ot up and tinned the llthts on. As I d;d so mv left hand left a print on i Ihe wall The Jew was unconscious ' and at first I thouvht he was dead, lie was breath Inn heavih and his head was between Ihe bars of the bedstead. Washed Up and Departed. "Washed Ihe blood from mv hands. i