ROSBBURd NEWS-REVIEW, WFDNESDAV. APRIL 19, 1933. Af-E EIGHT T - .. i f IIWIIIIIIII irillll ITfJfffl'ff . Your Appearance Depends Larcelv on Your Feet If you arc particular about fitting or style, or comfort., you will find something unusual in our Shoes. JOHN KELLY'S PEACOCK BOYD-WELCH DUSTER DROWN SALLY LUNN All Styles Now In ,lt-ndule Pn.j.le Here .Mr. and .Mr.;. I. IL Smith i-f Gbn d :i i i- Were business vi.itor., ili Kose tmi g may. fund li'f ; a 'i ,-i urnur w-nt to As'li iLU morning lo i-wid a shurl a'H'iutim to oilicuil Uutits. Will YM Mnfhrr Mr, n y A. WY-.b h ft this jrirn Portland winie mm- will l a I w days wita Jr f r . v. Lit i-i lit health. 1 5 J Sit"! Suit i ilt j ; K. ii. K'-nnt y today bioiji'M suit j in i lie ju.i:it:i- roil it auin-i A. J. AH'-, Kitnek fur $ 1m l.Hi, aliK'd tJ j I ndruiKH )M'ialioii i iiarry Ul i- of Myrtle Crvek yes J twday uinl i v. nt a fr-r:uus npt-i a j i ion ut M icy hospital. In: A. K. . S'-Ui-r war in at n-ndane.-. Over From Wilbur Mr.s. T. K. (ir;tK and laiifht U'illmr, wi-n- iu the city for , 'hours yesterday i:hoii't4 and int; at'ur hiincsH inattws. r. of i'.w look- that ! ftdl off from on. hundred nnd G. W. Lewis Declare Famous finhiy to onr hundn-U and inty nine j r J 1 i wound bwr 1 km w it. I bt-an to Medicine Ended Long- av(. rh ,.UMia,ism , ,v h.KS BO tad Standing Stomach Trouble, that il was an effort lor me to make R..I 14,,, lib, C,or,t,tK i my rounds, and aftiT bt-in k on the Job ettoring Health, trengtn ,iM lik.hl , ciimix h(,me HO wl)rnoul C.ZX1 Vi JJOr. ' look Lalf the day tor mo to set to sleep, i ! "I wasn't at):r to rft nny n tirt until I finally Ml upiin Tanlac, but this trrutrni'iil put me m fine ytiapo. und 1 have bii n taV.inj It off and on for the past two years nfl to k'p in pi-rtVct tiini. I riT;aii'ly rto full jusiicn to my. ninals now. and niv weight hart cone up to one himurrt and ciihty pounds. I hli-Tp like a Ion when I pet In from woik. and althouth I'm roundins out my Bixty-ninth year. I don't feel a day over thirty five. Other people, of course, can hnvp the medicine they want, but I'll take Tanlac for miue every time." ! Tanlac Is for Bale by (ill Rood drm; Ki.Hls. Take no substitute. Over 3j milli'in botiles sold. j i When a medicine prodws results, I itrt praise in mire to be heald. That ; is why ti. W. Lewis, w.-ll-ktiown nii-ut watchman for tlie Willamt-ite Iron A: Steel V.'oiks, liviiiK at ST v- -'-ml st. I'ortland, as well as huinlreds of oilier Oregon jK-opIe, no readily speak up for Tanlac. "Tanlac did such fine work In my case," said Mr. Lewis, "that I can recommend it In the highest terms. For several years, 1 had been sufferiiiK from stomach trouble and a rundown condition. .My appetite called for very little, and alter !i I would bloat up with pas and bo in terrible pain anil misery. I lost weight so fast There is character in each of these high-grade makes of sho?s. I-or anv numosc. for children, for women show you the season's latest. Mr. Illishiicll in I lly ; Mrs. M. 1,. Ilushnell of Ten Mile 'spent the day in Uosoburtf shopping and vl.siriiifr frieiiilr,. Mr. lUiHhncll has been In poor health but is rrpid ; ly improving. , after helm; given i,e!r to rli-'ht th ( machine .Mr. Jones proceeded on to; hi;: destination. i PAR to trade for property, street. I 2U Wash for meiri let Better Service Cotter Merchandise mm. I'liilei-Roes Operation Mrs. Kred Schwartz was taken to M rcy hospital "yesterday ut'ternoon : where she underwent an operation this morning for nppendicitis, l)r. ! A. K. Ketber belni; the attending sur geon. The patient was reported Ket tim,' alou; nicely lalo this afternoon. 1'ie.lneK.s In Oakland 1'. It. Kenny, inamu'er b the f'oeglas Credilers nsso 'iallon sp.'i.t to day In Oakland a.tuKtins to bus iness matters. ! HOTEL ARRIVALS t "The Store That Does the Business" : Entertain Missionary Society , Mrs. Louis Kuhlb'iL'en and Mrs. W. C. Pickens will entertain the baptist Missionary Society on Thursday after noon at the homo of Mrs. Kohlhaeen. The subject for the nfternoon will beiA. Urown Itejrlsterwl nt the lniHuii C. It. Kinccld, v. KniKht, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. ,'illiams. Mr. and Mrs. H. Andi'rson. II. V. .lledlck, 1). M. Anderson, I). S. Ford, KiiKene; W L. Jordan, 10. ('. Itrownson, H. Iteel'e. II. I. Ijirsen. Mrs. I. Lar- sen. Seattle; 1(. S. .VcfVllechcr, f'.eo. John H. Morse, Pan ! ran I'OIt SALE Milch Boat 3 F-12. fresh, l'hone :3 fttv Ar.s(i'.nt(.(l rrcNf, I RANTOl'L, III., April lS.-.Vot a falaiity has liei-n cheeked .ij:.iinst the air service during Ihe, three months' that have elapsed since Major (ieneral Mason M. l'atrlck, chief of the United States Air Service Issued orders to the rommnnilliiK officeis of Clmnule, Ilollllic, I.ailKley, Mitchell, McCook mid Selfrldae Fi 1.1. lo inaiiKur.ile lei ular S '! edtlled fllL'lllS over II model airvv.iv over the eastern mid middle vvesioin slates, uccm-ding i. colds here. The iiiodel air course takes In New York, 1 1 :i 1 1. lit .n . Va., Cleveland, To ledo, Iieiroit. KoV.omio. Intl., ami Kan toul. Fach field dispatches it plane bi-weekly. The records sdiow that Ihe first flights were not all completed on schedule time, but each dip has shown an Improvement. A trip recently com pleted was from Chanule Field to Iviy teli, ., to I 'ill on i ttns. o . back to !av ti ii. to Moimd-ville, V. Va., to Wash iei'ton to ('iKpheilillHl. Md.. to New York, back to Ya'-.hilii.'tii:i. to Mimcds ville, to t'level inil. to I'etroil, to To l.'do. back to Ivirolt. I.i K.ikuino. 1ml., rrnl return to Ch.mute I'ieid. The dis- Inn MM-red was nunc than lui) 1'iiles and the 1 1 it ;il actual fl ing time EFFICIENCY BmPMwmi'.pii Does Not F.xist Without Perfect Vision Seven Out of Ten People I lav'e Defective Vision HAVE YOU? Consult Dr. H. C. Church OPTOMETRIST 424 Peikins Hiiihliup; Roseluirr;, Ore. was 22 hours and ten minutes. While no aviator was killed, yet Ihe flights were far from devoid of ex citement and hairbreadth escapes. I Major F. L. Martin in a recent trip1 h it ( hanute on a route which covered lsiiu miles, lie was furnished v.ilh strip maps covering the entire route,; but only for territory a few miles on! each side of the route. The only lanil-l inn place between Zanesville, Ohio and' Washington Is Moundsvlile, ihe re-1 maining landscape being almost con tinuously mountainous. Heine hehind schedule, Major Martin tried a more; direct route than that outlined and al-j most immediately ran Into a strong headwind and dense clouds. lie was! blown off his course while flying over! Ihe mountains. After some time of: aimless flying, trying to obtain his bearings he suddenly realized his gasj wi.s getting low, his oil was almost I cone, and that he had no place loj land. He was. rather high at the lime and (It-imped down to try for a landing, j Just before his gas gave out he saw' a town and recognied It as Mimnds-I ville, his original objective. On land- liu- safelv he found lie had only three i gallons of gasoline left, and no oil. Lieutenant Floyd A. I.uiub II started the only flight in the three months lliat was not carried to a successful; conclusion, but fellow aviators look' upon him as having a charmed life. I His first mishap on his route from' chanule -to New York was when a spark plug went wrong nnd be was forced down near Wheeling. W. Va., ' ile repaired the (l.imave aril teok off again onlv to find dense clouils ion-' fronting him. Whin he had climbed al nve th"tn be learned he was out of oil. He a-raln landed safely, replcn-j Ished his ml tank anil was off again1 for WashiniMon. lie arrived there a ii'iy late, hul went en immediately to' New Yuri; Intending to make up lime lo- retuiiiiti" to Washington the same af'ern.ion. I. lent, l.uriilell started from Vv York Jim before Iw'iehi and a: s rung wind almost immediately hlew l'MM eff bis course, lie finally found himself nn tie edge of Chesapeake llav fiihting an outgoing wind, lie, was foreed to land, b'lt it was tm dark to ee the erinind. He finally decided lo co it Mind and landed in n Held, hut Lady l.i'ek had her head turn.'d the other Wiiv and he hit the orlv tiie tn the field. His plan crish. d r'l.ii wss demolished, but ihe a iat r Hh a sILIil cut over the eye. j "Ilaptists In Europe." A large attend. ttnee of the members Is desired. Iminty refreshments will be served. Ifimu. Freni ('atll'eniln Xr. and Mrs. Fred Jones returned last evrnleg from a ten il iys' visit to points In California. On their way j Curt inn. II ilnwn while pas'ip anoth'-r K. C. cisco; Frank A. Terrv, Edmund Croft, Fandon; II. J. llalvordson, N. Y.; If. Abraham. Los Angeles; Mrs. I'afnnrd, R. J. Loss, Los Angeles; Sam A. Mother. F.en F. Hunt, J. F. Kertchem, Mr. anil Mrs. Hobt. Wil son. I'hil Ashford. C. II. White, p. C. Paoghertv, 0. It. l!ol Orelder. W. A. Tippy. M. WANTED A man to wash windows. Inquire at Unipqua Hotel at once. I LOST Lady's leather gauntlet glove.j Finder return to News-Heview of. ice. i FOR SALE 5 horse power electric! motor. $100. II. C. luuvson, 62o 2nd Ave. j FOR SALE Old growth fir block wood. Phone 170-Y, or c:yl at 816 Winchester sL - FOR SALE C wheel scrapers, G-3'4 j ft. fresnos, nnd two plows. J. Elmer Nelson, Olendale. I FOR SALE 6 room house on paved I street. Close In. Terms. 733 S. Pine st. Phone 459-J. FOR SALE Water power washing machine with wringer, price 929 Winchester st. WANTED Centle work horse mare, about 1300 pounds. II. Klinger, Luxonville, Ore. mm INTERWOVEN SOCKS FOR J Wear Longer and Look Rtf. t, . 4 Lisli e, Silk and Lisle Silt c-n Ribbed Stitch. PlaSnd 4n i or. uockoa 40c to $2.00 TRY OUR 75c SILK DUDS FOR MEN, k The Home of Hart Schaffner A ...',.. I C. A. Itertell, W. A. Ward, flert.'f.. I. 3 r. inecoun.yC0llrt age Drain ,f'"ii or, i-ne.s Roseburg. their ma'dilne left, the highway, i H. Nichols, Portland: Ir. nnd Mrs. striking loose dirt, and turned com-! Ceo. Elsler, Denver; Mrs. C. II. pletely over. No Injury was done I ver, Dlxoeville; K. L. Christie to either the passenger or the carjY.; Mrs. )'.. C. Cross, Mrs. P. j Ilyrd, Sal.-m. OM- X. w. LIBERTY THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY Iti'glste'eil nt Crand Hotel Fred Assam, an wife. Glide" E J. llavncs. C. A. Sandusky, i:r. and Mrs. F. L. I'.agtey, M. E. Davis, F. W. llavter. 11. M llnyter. Mr. lied Mrs. E. Ensign, W. L. Yovng, Portla-id: Thus, rcavel: E. Jolm-oi. 1 1. S. Ireland, Olnll i : M. II. Mauld ing, Cltv. C. A. Peterson, A. '1. 1'eid. Corvnllls: C. L. Uowell: W. 10. IWiicbt, It. MeCulloc'i. II. C. Hardy. ! McM'i.nvlllo; J. t. Baker, Spokane; C E. Clinrrtler. Ra'em: A. W. linker, jcreswcll; R. S. !!lassiugame, I Iu lard. sDln, ,., .0 ii,D.t uiiu laiiiitj.. ui i hit: i-e i oiain .l Grove: Dr. A. O. Walker ami fien.'rmil -,. lly. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. M. s.j ' Middleburg, Round Prairie: Mrs. F. Wlllmr IlivUru u ivai Knoven, springdale. Wa-h.; C. ' jn(.b qi. , A. F.-ichtliiger. Seattle: J. w. II,- to J (.. ,.." rr ' - - - - - - - . FOR" RENT 2 furnished sleeping '"TT..TT.TTwwt4t....., l room. Priv. of bath. 2 blocks from . M round house. 218 S. Flint st. L. R. Meredith. , . fMPORTEIM'eTcheron stallion listing 9(1918 will be nt I'mpqua each Thuts- dav and Wilbur each Friday. E. D. ' ' Mills,Oaklaml, Ore. , Y'OFNG-JerseybuH. hobbled, strayed from home. Kindly advise where- , nbouts if seen an 1 oblige Fred Park- er Sr., Canyonville. tre. f Choicest Candies and Ice Cream You'll like the delicious wfc.j.. !, K.1Wi:u iur your neta a. a p,,l , III I'l-ellt '. Pi. spent til .f...r l,e M ill lY-ii Son llliiu hern :,',id illy la 1! Iilll-g Wilbur ! looking 1 I lower Slolen A riifber ef per'-ons are r.'por'li;, I'll' theft ef flowers from tliei,- til The el k is believed to ee , eelie li,- i l i 1-1 ri'M. I :l' l.tsi'S le 'b'wer I., ils have be, n inalieioush , : 1 ilv4 The Greatest Play OBIN HOOD' j AT LIBERTY THEATER !onday, Tuc?djy and Wednesday, April 23, 21, 25 Afternoons and Evenincs O Watch for Schedule "k',V'VV-"-'-"'V -'-'-'-''-'V"t.'.'.". .'.'.'."V'..-V'. Most Versatile Most Beautiful Most Famous of all American Artitt't Models in "Heedless Moths" The Picture That Millions will Remember MILLIONS Cf Arricrt citii tift r,l tt,e lifi- itery of t,.u tlflll Al l'lli:V Mt'NSON. Mllheni knew hT tliru hr u t 1 I in work, tir-r bint'. hir clevrii'M, tier VMrwIlltty. NOW yni, mftT hr In ft Ihrohhinf wtftrv ef yinmf m r I I . l ' m.vlrl'ft trigs-! for fftnis ftn.l for tune. It'rf a story you'U nrr forL Thft p I r t u r llh th runcli. 11 ig. Clftftn, Klnft, VVhoU-ftonifw lon't nitss iilAf HRKIit.KSS MOsTHS" If Tnu w n, I n v. on of th fttifftt rholo drftniftft la Hotel Douglas Guests J. II. llagenblast, Portland, O. A. ICopelanil. Portland; A. E. Everton. I Portland. William S. Denver, Port llnnd; Fred W. Twohy, Aloha, Ore; R. II. Maupln, Portland; Carl G. Grid, 'i'ortland: Hay D. Wright, city; Ernest !c. Wolf- a ud wife. Portland: 1). liruce Hainar, Portland; H. L. IMirk lew, Portland; A. J. Iloaoh, Portia, id: John Strain and wife. Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. P.. Day Green, ! ehce, Wnsh.: M'ss Itea Green, Wen- j atehee, Wash: G. Eillun,!. Portland: i Will A. Jeter. Marshfield; A. I..) CbamberM. Yakima, Wash.: F. L. I Poole. Ashland, Ore.; C. E. Prown : and wife, Elleiishurg. Wash.: T. E. O'Connor. Portland; L. A. X'idleigli and wife. Myrtle Point. Ore.; Gilbert Sehelfer and wife. Myrtle Point, Ore.; j Walter Anderson. Tillamook, Ore.; 11. E. Veateh. Portland; F. T. bv'ir-'.. l",i'-eiie; Mc Gregor", Portland: .1. Asbby, Portland: E. Lii'ng. I'ort'avd: II. P. Mor:e, Port- ' 'anil; .1. W. Tynan, Portland. NEW TODAY 1 FOR KENT- room modern house al 111 S. Pine. Phone 2IB-U. 'OR RENT Sleeping room with bath and telephone. Call 2lSI J. A IIPSINESS OPPOUTPXITY'-'Snirp htrgain in goir.L', paying, groeeiy and supply stati'in. llest location In town. Wonderful opportunity. Stork freh and new fixtures, t heap 1 rent. 't'liM is a snap b-irgpin tor ' sorie l,e wire. Price fj.'e'n. See j I nwrem " Agency, 12j Cass St. j Phone 219. i TRACTS OF LAi'TiS"Eastei-n"iuar-. ter ef Mont A:to Ranch -t a bar : gain if taken at once, choice river I bottom land, a rich base ptiini-e j oil. has heeii -under ellltiva.iiei. i bordering on North 1'i'iiHiua hi-h-; wnv and riier. at $75 per ac. Second bottom land er bench, ready to be Plowed, at J'". an :. ll.u le; -' hrull lend. JS to '"i per acre. Jl rer. s con, bin,, prune ami vatp'tt , o-chard. loo-e river b 'Mom soil, bor dering on ho.-hw ay and river, a: f:'" i 1 ' . r acre i'.,r ,. ,-., enquire of .1. 11. ' is l)v....-n n. See Hart- - i 1 if ordered Also 12 and T Our ntnrA I a Viapminn j tf icnucivuuE ior many Racqjasi " lov.ic you io meet friends here at our Sadifauru Cozy Lunch Room. The Palace of Sweets RELIABLE TAILOR We make Ladies' Suits Men's Suits Phone 149 J. H. BERNIER Kohlhsoen Eldg. (Next Dow lipqa FOR SALE Ford 1 1 nek, cbeap. Fiist class condition. Also Studebaker truck. 1st class condition. See Hart ley, at ditching's Garage, SLAB WOOD ?3 per cord for delivery by May 31. Al Itl-ineh old growth fii. S3.75 and $1 tier. Powell's Furniture Store. Phone B38. I HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT ; Will cut l.'OOO cords of wood. Near X Dillaril. Good soil and good water, j Yours for J.'.flO. Address "Home-: MtfmmHMMMf siead" care News-Review. , ' FOR RALE Two ton truck- valued at fl.'Otl. To trade for Roseburg prop erty or will accept car as fiist pay ment. Address S. II. care News Review. FORSALK Whit e enamel" bedTwt 111 springs and mattress; while enamel .dressing table, 3 mirrors and stool to match. All nearly new. Cheap Address V. M. care News-Review. I LOST OR-STOLEN Several-"riioiit lis ago. Mo'her of pearl penholder with po'd mounting, valued as Keep sake. Reward for return to this office and no questions asked. OWNER LEAVING CIT Y WillTari'l L. goi 1 live room house on east ri le ef p. ne Street, close in, cement '!:., vivid street, will include - io s'''ift and linoleum. Price ?- .Vi? ,i'".0 down, balance monthly imvi:ii:i;s. W. A. POG'ARD REAL ESTATE CO. 13 CASS ST. PHONE 3o3. SNAP F A U c. A 1 N ;?Y X C IT Y 1 1 0 M E S 4 room cottage celled and papered. City w;uer and electric lights, toilet lied, extra fine garden lots, .".ii 1 y K'u. Nt a' paeiiie:;t. Price il-'it. Half ccsh. 4 i'ocui cetiiice. In -ood condition, well locate. I. Lot i ;eo by lo a. Fine r. r.nd f.-iiit. chicken hnise. flL'i.a. Some terms. 3. fi loom leim-alow practicall;- new. P.. . lee,, l,n. Hi; ilt in features. Weed b:;-ei:nnl. lot lui' by PHI. Fine g:i:ihn. city water, electric lights, hopse alone cos J:11.','!. ou can have a li s ,! for $lt;nfi. Some terms. rooni cottage, good us new. I ost Jlsoo. painted. 4 big lots. 1'ivi. eie.e'ien house, big garden all I'lf-led. Price t1TK H ".If cash. Pig 7 room house, fully furnished. 2 eeves fine giiibn land, barn vara,..' big liruli chickens, tools : I iniph-ui.'prs House a'-?re would l i.s, ?'.l, el. Fve-y,l'.ing gi C3 for Knl S; I". roei" WtO(rtii ClemiitM Also Aesop's Fah'es Town Topics and Trsvetaiighs r.'T77: Free Trip Through Studebaker Factory TWO SHOWS TONIGHT ":-!) A Nil 0 P. M. I x ' .1 : "j : . A . -v s a ' ADULTS m I BALCONY lMM S R ifiia NsTWT wftwawiriry IW, t 25c N ON THE ORGAN t 4 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY I V,fh.- fry rf '(S','' . '' iff WMAT'S iJ K' WITH THE WOMEN? I MY SMUKtv w.uj!1 There was death and -Shoe Bsr" ...cii; ya iu, w j . ,(KIir blame? The blaino. story of a f ery m behind him. TOM MIX'S latest and best P LEE KIDS' COMEDV-"DOUBLE,TR0L5 . LE NTERNA1N0NALJEW5 THURSDAY FRIDAY -QUINCY ADAMS SAYj, Q