Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 18, 1923, Page 7, Image 7

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rrfv.,,T 't)MPANltS IN AMERICA
v i ... a : . l
ishcrtino I: Calif ml Crop lilvc
lUtler I'll... fV.r Till.-. Yoai-'s
I I'ruins lli-ic mid AIm lor
! Pnires T"iits lieM.
thrown tho Studi f;icl iry ai
KUi - la of W. A. liurr & Sous. Most
pi oph. would rtve many .lotlarb,
and it would bo worth It, to a. c
tliis Hl'.u'iO.IWU factory turn out a
Studi baker cur from tlu. raw matt-rial
to the finish, d product. Ho
our s;ust Wednesday afternoon or
eviirns 2:30 and S:uo o'clock.
lie noblest most unselfish
mestment airy man can maw
u one that will absolutely assure the future
coSort and happiness of those dependent on
A IVrfcct Protection Policy in West Coast
fie will not only provide for your family m
any contingency, but also assures you an aoc
atc income for those uncertain years that
He far ahead. .
There are several other provisions m the Per
fect Protection Policy of West Coast Life
that are certain to interest you. Send the
coupon now. You will incur no obligation.
West Coast Life !-.-
. Splendid opportunity open for District Manager
Write : J. W. Stewart, Gasco Bldsr., Fortland
i Kolu-j-t Oil.', matiai. r o.' the (ill
, p ; Hani, this morulai: received
v. oid :...:a California packing rr.ui
rariiM statin.- that thin cur's prune
ci.p in Cn'iieivU is to be only about
: fi lor c.-nt of ycar'.i ptodiu
tiO'i. This i:i evpectod to i-i-sul i in -cid"d
in. pro'. :n lit in r.aik.-t co.i-
jdt'iona here Prune iirm'i rj in Iht ;
il'nipuaa Y'a'.by aiv holdiiit; a bU
i pirc 'ini'i'c nf la t season's crop ov
! iiiR to the fa t that the price was
ex. eodlp'.riy low". At file pi'est i'.t
Itimo t!i-r. Is practically no buying
.:oiii-; on find mv.-era are nnal-i.. tr
idUpo.-e of lioldlurts. If, how-;
rvtT, Calif .rnia's ciop (6 Miort as re-'
ported, it is believed mat the mar-
!;ot w'il he iiniaeuiali ly improved, j
At the pr-sent t i mo indications are j
ithat iher. vili iit- au enormous prune i
crop iu the l'mpiua Valley thin year.
It i:. too early, however, to nial-el
i prrdie-ions iu tliis repaid but tliej
condilion uT the tree-' ut tile prefent
j tinirt leaiU the prowers to lielie.'ej
j that the yield will lie very Roud.
I Wl.ii a linlit crop In California, ,
'inere win tie a read) iii.ukci nir uu i tup ,price paid the western grower,
iyenr'3 preductiim tngctln r ivlih the i js (he statement c( ii. H. W. Water
1 hold-over from last seaste.i. . ! olig, of (;,,vai who is the owner
j o j 'f an apple orchard in tlar.ien Val-
iSROCCOLI GROWERS ATF.NTiON '' Wnlrrous is a hroiher-in-
j , law of W. C. liardiiiR of this city
1 Will fl'ii nil orders for broccoli i letter to the latter m.ys:
seed IU... day .-.ceived. I'er ounce; "So far as the staiementR from
2. Pri:e tier lb on aunlicatiou. Fred l:1,l growers so tni-v nr always UK
Stomach Trouble
1 A White Man's Job
If Douglas county farmer plant 1700 acres of broccoli it will
mean that sam one will have to cultivate a lot of plants.
Who wants to push a vihecl hoj down all tnose miles of rows?
Might be all right for some folks, but not for a whits man if there
Inveitignte it and place your order for one of these time and sweat
savers now. Simpie, practical, efficient.
sunialiiy from the suhterranlan up
heavals alone: 'our iioithrin coast.'
Mr. anM Mrs. O. S. Ilrown of Rose
burs were we. k end visitors in iliis
city. They are looking after tin ir
property and creetinc their frienda
and formers Iieirhliors. We
'them, and hope they may resume
their home In thia city,
j Mr. and Mrs. (leraHl l'i'.-hett or
' Aaleji and their little son, were the j
'quests a: their piirenial home of
Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. Holslclaw last!
! Sutuiay.
! Karly this a. in. we look a r.troll
in the western part of our city. Try-
; iiiK to see w lu-re our Memorial park;
(iiimir (id-. I.O:l for 1-2 I!om of.'"- Wl' w"'' disnppolntetl. We did i
..i,. ,, .... . I not find It. However. It may he one!
.ipplcrt littl l onvieier is rorctil . . . . . , ,
' of our 4th uf Jnlv surprises. Pin onK i
To I ay Oiitnmeous rrlcc. llkv it may ciueie.e from solitude I
' later on. !
How are we progressing a'oiiK the
line of new court houses ami new I
And don't forget to ask us about that year's time fertilizer offer.
You must feed your land if yuu exr.e;t it to feed you.
Choice Hcmr-Grown Soed Corn only 6c lb.
5-ft. Mower, S"8.C0
See Us First; We Can Save You Money
Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange
Roscburg and Oakland
That th'iv
be1 wc.Mi tho
I'v thi- conttint "Ts
Is a jjifjii ilisci-opani'v
I'1 t;i'U and
s hum
West coast Lirt insurance Co.
60S Mirkrt Serrcl, San Frmocuco
QcnttrrtuTi:-Without obligation on my part,
H-nd me' more inormution.
t.j-a. :
The AiiurK'ai! l.t ion li.i.vd au.:; -j.
a iK-i cpiioa and il:iiu'c la.-l l.tiit at
i Lho armory for all Woriii War
trany, their wives, i'ai.iiies am
1 lAYtH-iluarto, v.iiiuii will luim be r'-
Flint Home
H. Canipbt-ll lias eluded a
'or the pinvJi;i.-.''nf ihe C. I.. Mint
oi Sowh Srrp.'h ns sir- v. U, h
iervd one of liie lun.r ii -ir-jperties
in that part of tlu
Ci ! a Ch.sp transpJanter to set your
hnucoli plains . Each plaift is water
ed ;ts a is set. Order early to insure
il Jivery, as tin? demand will he ureat
Ui'1 supply limited on the coast,
one n.v at Wharton I5ros.
lAKlNO. 62s s. Main. !
S- t a i i iur general lunise
tiil i aii.- r. I'liuiie 17tj-J. Ii J9
fit' in.t,
F'- A n;.M ,.ifi-. Ivfiply at
Ifs fiub Jhlhaid l'alaee, cjiu
e ami ( Mreefs.
6 --ro.-ni.fii as st- nourapht-r,
lOltl take (Ii'iicii! position, llx-:
Cid. Aduliesd Mis.i .Suviiioar,
!id T.,!,,-"""re7Yi7w7TaT !
for full is. Iteii'i. mat-
b:,,k' n. W.-sn-in Metal Com-1
li:"Uiiin-"nn. III. !
membered a:; one of lle iinest ho
'ciai events ever iven In Uoseh.'i.
! 'i'ho l'mpin. Vor i eon1'nt iiad :
! extended an invitation tet veia U'.id '.
! their tumilies in ail paita of Huiit;ju '
County and tho response was wua-1
lierlul. When the ttiainii of "ime
! Sweet Home" wire played shortly
'alter 11 o'cloek tiie merriment did
!nol cease hut the tianc rs retired I
the legion room to partake ol' rt
' freshmeuts whicli thu LeRienairn h
1 had provided lor them. An old
. fashioned prize waltz was held with
; silver loving cup as a prize. Many
other featured enlivened the ove-
r.lns. and Okey Tar a art and tie
j I.eattty Chorus gave a souk and
dance which brought fo.tli inueh ai-i-lause.
ine I niptiua i''i" oreln st -a
were all "dolled up ' for tho occasion
and their music put pep into the af
fair. The Lie itm ih plannin;; to stae
mure of theso dances iu the futur
l'rior to the reception the I'd .1
am! the Auxiliary held a hiuiiK as
nueting with a fine at; endatice.
a Chinese puz:'.le to mo. but I lake it
after they deducted p;"i;ini: charges,
commission, oic, v.e hail $1.0:', left
from 122 boxes cf Smi.pnberns, It
would hawe been better to P-t the
apide crop decay upon the ground
hist fi'U and perhaps this war will
prin-ide not hint? mor.- profit a bio.
"I tl spite of sti'h depression in
nriees in thn west, most infer:)! ap-t
pies, either west'1'M or eastern, i
for (0 cents per pou"d and Ielicious
sell for 10 cents ea-h over the fruit i
eomit'Ts, v,-liile 70-Si) primes fell fori
;'0 renin per pound.
"uh a pOKiani r;:i only rut as a
Uvo-rd::e 1 sword. Tin1 fruit prower
cayiot h"rp poinf- t tho prices he
is rer'dvinu and or.iy t!ie rich can piv
such priees hi asked here, and
tho masf'R must quit atti'inptiiiff lo
buy and thus do away with most of
the consumption of fruit."
Panco, dance, dance all the rven-l
ini; Tuesday April 21th to the strains1
of the Seven Serenaders.
( : .
Iir una
L.iiilu-i- tia UiLHU U
Jails? Five years will ho a lone time M -' P-'
Irt n-ntl mill f..flin,.r,nn.. mac t '-, 111 '" " 1"- I M.. ti'l
, ' " ' Huue lir and ln-ini-. U, r, .S., li. n
to ho a Virtue. ' : , ., mv, .ij; Lot . red lii. M.. uuii'
"Hope deferred, maltelh the Heart j . M,. wui.u in. -iu M.. mmu i-i
sick ' ami we im nf nor llllJ l1'1-'- ll' l
siih ami hh aaie or our (ta liliUI i ALt liir liu. rt.a
wonderlul and hourly tncreasiuK re-i.i. .am w m., ioi ihu tiiut: u-um-sources.
And we surely expect our I , "V v'xi .t'"' t,u' 11110 "' T
county bnldini: to equal our fond-j t r.o"iu ii a. rcf!V.-ioo iV'U1-':-t
antieipationa when they are n u 11.. a:., m., iiuiid .i luu nmWr
comnhMed I ou 1 lu' t'li' i (u tu- uvtd ur u-n ueiii
l. l-i 2, i-llov hiiU itU nr. jao M..
O i uvl.ii', ii.o Ai., s--K' .il'.', jf.nn. una
danco, dance- all tho rven-l )ell(. UUu ia m. 4.u m. a.a i bo
llU I Vll 111. Ill .il, vl'U.U
I l.nt M, ;t M-.i. jtilow uiid iv-U
tir, Hv M , vcil.ii'. -iv SI, .-n-1 4. Ji l
low til, a iuU In, itjvt .W.. U
EDGINGS AND TRIMMINGS ; -.iw aim iu nr. ai.
(.'.4 3'4. ,I.1I1V III. MU M il'll.H.
Our bi line of dress trimmlnps Is,
just what you will want to see wh n " "" u
you mane your sprint; uresses, etc. m., et-u.u. buw m
K: i-'.M'io uml rii raou Imitiuiftn t:it..ll 111. iuUU Al.. t-'UUai'. j ,Mj .a:
.j Al., Lul .i, ii a fn. J.uo
va.u. in.. in. 4u i.i.. nui
i tu-iT tin w ii in, iju'i's aim eiuunuu
' eries,
w in, -.fiu .a.. tttuu- nr. j . ,. ... ...... ... -
..iow nr. ;;i.i.n Al; .s - WJ. M. II. I'L Lit, htropiulic Thy
jt lu.w iu. ovi-ii Si; u- j sician. 114 W. Lane St.
Ilr, 1 Al.. while 111'. iOu M. i . , . .
I i flitiVt, Hi', ..ifU m..
piljSH'iait. .to. l t'ltiiilK luiK 1 ei,
tini; ed'es (our best seller) in
colors. Itoublo fold bias In while anil
now style in colored!1
Come to Chit'h and soc
line of edf;es!
mintkks colwkk today
til . in oi.i)i:n timv:h
WASHINGTON, Anvil 18. (A.
IV) The earth Is undergoing no
general chance of climate.
Ies pile repeated assertions
. liw Ai.(
i d nr. 1
lU0 Aa.,
u ituu nr. ft- Al,
OK Al.. i uual , auu
. -. ll ',4, I CU HI,
u "- '4. I u
.a., iiutin in llitf
v iillu 111
i Uur
.in a
IN . .-
Are readv to furnish nil kinds of around the stove in the f;eneral slore
and llm-inat winiera are gradually xrowlnt;
milder, or harder as the case may
be, tho 1'nited Stales Weather Bur
eau declarea there is no evidencn of
a tiroKreKsive chatiKe of cliiaato In
of Poos i .,
rotiKh and dressed lumber
burs. I'ricc right.
;i.i:m.u: xkws
Mr. mid Mrs. The
Hay. and Mrs. A. II. 1. -unison and:
daughter of Grants I'as'! were w eek ,
end f?ii-."--' r of Mr. and Mrs. O. I'. j
Harvey in thin city. Mrs. Tims, j
Harvey and M'-s. Iieiinison are na-l
live:-, of this city. Their paf'tlls Mr.
and Mis. W. K. Dean were ensaKed
in the leadinir iter" in ihls city for
maev y.-ars. an.l many old friends
or the ladies were mud, pleased lo J oo,,r ,., ,,, av,,u;. whn ,,.!.-
llieei lu.'Mi amiin. .,,n ,...n,,lrt...,i l t ....o 1 1 j In ,.11 i 1
The fact that the last two years
have been unusually mild in tnoet
pans (Nf the couniry has provol;i,d
many ass'-riions that wiiileta aro be
coming warmer, iuirenu officials nay,
hut record'-, can lie furnished to the
contrary, i'eriodr. have occurred and
will o, cur acain, when for a few
Ixi arH the weallier has Beeiui'd or will
to lie nollcoably warmer or
l'OK KENT I'lcasant sleeping rooms
i.i P'vate family. 4C1 a. Jackson st. 1
Iil;.'T Safety deposit
iioseburir National Bank.
boxes. !
FOK lU'NT furnished housei;e. pin
n oias. No children. v. Wash st.
A.NTKi i li- r.
i's; of i;o..,.t,ur
:.:.; tiv phnae
ad Kiadai-,
l'J Hides
:. Call at
from lios,--',
Ilex ll'ifj,
u. .Eli Til
yr (i.'ii
sn:i f..i
: v - In
h.:..l f ;
'd :n hei
lavr ti'l
. h..v..
111 of
Jb.'nT i:s . .-, ,
" -e-l .-I ;.,! ,.r
' " r a'.I
i'.'I; I(i:N'T Klectric carpet cleaners, j
( all the Hoover man at AIcKean
Darby and Baldwins.
Fi ;K KF.N'T Modern f urn isIiim! room
flat. Aditlis only. Mrs. C. W. Clark,
lli auty studio, Phtme
K(.U Ki:.f (iii shares. Tcncres 'of river bottom land for broccoli.
.1. I.. CI, ui:h, Canyonville, Ores.
VOli KF.N'T 3 room furnished apart
nieiii. Lights, water and plioue in
clieliil. Si'2.50 tier month. Also
.n loom house with Karane. paved
stru t. $i'2 per month G. W. Young-
a- i'..::. I'liune 4;.
FOtt SALE lised plaver piano rolls,
fine each. Phono 370.
ln SALE H'ayTAlso a Titan "trac-
d Fisher.
MS cone TO
5 il PL
rC'.? i.,T
-1 I'..
lor 10 2H. Phone 2G F-3. Fr
i Oil SALK Hound pups, from wood
tieo doMs. 7.Sil per pair. John
Abeene, .Suiherlin.
li o M K .-! T K A-T r. - inquKhmeiTr for
::i)(. Cood timber. Address Box
Kos. burs ore.
I'll. i-Ai.E- pi2.i iiailey Iiavii!.-on. h ,s
i t ca,s condition. Curtis Calkins Chi
K'.v-ehun:. Oim.
vt sal I Pof. Hi iTui .. i ,"F i n f ,Tm
t !a.-s .".hape me. hanic.illy. lniiaite
i ' :.n T ralisf. r Co.
C Hi SALK -2i, ,,f R,,u( ,KK p
b'i' . All for i.j i. If tah.-n at once.
-l-'i'li!V2jM":":'n- v' " l.'""-l'r.'.
Ft' I: SALK-New' Ford to'unn""c"ar.
Pun t"'i mil, a. sold ai reduction.'
'" v''- I'wkett. r;i. 2 li..x 1,1.-,-A.
1'ui: SALK 2 tons loose "hav, mixed
o:us and vetch. Harrv Brown, Look-
il'J"'"- Phone ;i p-n.
i'"H sAi.K s.niji. comb White
1' -hoTn baby chiiks, ';v IS. Pi.'.e
?:1 p-r l'lO. Phone 17 1 tl. C. W.
Hurt. P.bure.
FAi.M Pull SAl.i;i".ow - r'itT".-.l !
"' seven wiM st o." Suthi 'lia,
I 1 r ( aa-ipooi-.. At:.!i W. II. .Mr-
1 lav. U.,ki,",nd lire,
. -.'.:.!: u-t r:r V ...i '..i"i.:i.i
-le'ti Pr cord tiixi'l. ill so 1.;- ohk
r.rd lai.rel w.!. Al-o K'.t.l luick for
- H v. i.-.,,..-,, vilbur.
y O I! S A L L - On e b ,: 1 1 V: 7Ti.:t".VrlF 1
;:' 'l-f; !!" Oiii'; one butier,
1,l-in'i'"'T'i. " P. (-:'.; ".(. Fti.all or
' I'irJ one ?. tans orchard
f "w; ot-e S l..iMnrn n in h orchard
J'"1'- Address 11. M. care Ntvrs
KCTiew. ,
The Ladies Aid or Olivet church
met at the home of Mrs. Mnud
Vat'shn last Friday. .Much business
I of iniportanre w as enacled. There
The Golden Rule Barber Shop has ; vere thirty ladies in altendance.
put in another chair. Mr. Johnson is .r:i. Carrie Merman, assisted Mrs.
opera! inir it. Quick bervice, Rood work, Vaii);hn iu a. rvi n i- dolicious refresli
and ruurtioiiH treaimetit for all . Try , iiu nls to the L-uesm. Mrs. J. A.
us. 15 and 35 cents, shave and hair Dewey, as secretary of the sociely
cut. CIS Winchester St. " splendid outline of the work
j that is b tap. .'one by our so lety.
Miss Susan Cornell Is In elmrKe of
the P'ad.s tiiat were In ehnrve of
Mrs. Koble, who is quite ill in Port
land. .Visa Murium Jiu-vis Is taken k the
teachers trainiie; .ourso at. our hicll
pehoi 1. Our annual church moi'tini;
lasl Friday c'.r'-w- a lar:-e conereia
lion and was :::'id sal 1st actory lo all
wlio wrro iu'i -i-at. Li e. Joseph A.
MeVeiph ha., nee, iite.l a call as our
pasior lor tin- foniieir and Ii"
baa eoiiHiii'ii' i '1 a wmiderl ill series
of meeiini?:-. in our el'y. That meets
the approval of v'l wiio have at
tended Ihein. I .in'n our cliui'.h peo
ple In a v.eli. one lo Hi v. and .Mrs.
McVeii'h as ! aders in our church.
it. M. Kl.' ily was chosen superin
tendent of IVi el s. S. .-. .il A. G.
Clarke a- F. ei.i.iry. e have a fine
lino tes I, .s for aH c!tis-s. In
which Mrs. CI, .l! : Rove- i.i al the
h ad. 'Die i ." Heat work done by
K ip'. K. K. Itei iii-'in f celled hli'h
fi.M'tneridi'iinn by (!. S. S. Iioard.
F.inb tri:i i:'i are or dii'.v occur during !!: pasl w el', pr.-
matic cotulitlons. as of wet and dry :
,hol nnd cold, little is kown wiih ro
card to definite lav,s of s. uuenre '
of weather conditous over extended:
Tin re will he a dance at Glide, Sat
urday, April 21. Everybody welcome.
o vv s. .N
.u., , In tti 1.1',
f.iil M., ri'Ui.1'
a i. u ijiN r
M., v liiLc in,
I 1'Of Ai., .cuar
111, llUO ,1., V.-M.11',
liinLi.'i- ull lli.v tl'iuid
K'.iN IIUIII ll..lU 11.1- ill., 1
i;llllW 111. ....VII ('I. ill.,
Ullll 1.UU p.1' .VI., Uil' .1,1'
lie ill lue K. 1. 4u k-'., Iv. 4
'. InIV Vl. jl'iIuW plno, ti'ei Al. . red I
M, .,'U yviluw nine.
Al., lid 111, 4o Al. Si-u o.N U. yell
l.nt.', uiu Al., leu llr, u.1 M; .i,', .-!..,. I
uiiuw piiic, 4'M A... i-L'U la', -if Ai; . u ...
.ir..., yellow luiiu, jof At., t ..a lir, u Al.
Ol.', )uiiUIV lUUO, l-J A... l.U 111. 1
lA Ai., .uxiii' pine. -U Al.. VVIOIO 111', to I
Al , ell.' 11'... ellO IllllC, .111 M.. lull j
111, 4a Al., bllR.U' U1II fU l., ttt. Il l
Ai,1. Nl..., t.'ilovv pllie. Ailf Al., led,
iir, ..5 al., aimur tune, 10 At; iV' .Ni,
',, elluvv pine, uillf Ai., leu III, let AL.. pill.:, .11. Ai; .SI',1,,, yelliiVV I
Jilie dba Al, fit'.,1 Al'.1.,, )cllov tune, iiua
.,1. . i' li A II ', veuiiw lime. .....
i.ii 111 .,ii Al., hiiK.ll' I'lUe, JA Al; Nl,1,.
oi'.',., CiUi.V lUlie, J-., AL; U 'TiL'..
.Vetn.W pine, 0J.1 Al.. r.'U 111, 'Jil Al.. PI1U', ill Al, til;1.. M-'J'.. M-lloi,'
lout', Jul. Al., I'eU nr. uif Al., MUMal' Pliiu.
111 ..i, Hulie ol liie iiliilM i- uil U.i-.i: fie- 1
lie III. lo be ilelU iur led, Hi. ill .o.l'U ier
Al., lul' tile yelniiV IHIli' illUl Mlh.ll' P'lie,
Vi.Ulf ii'l' Al., lul' l.e tell ill Uliu k.Ou iei
Hi., .vlulu nr. 1. -If I"! . , 1 i. 10 o ..
1: 1,111 1. yellow llr, luuu Al., 1.11
if ai., cellar I,..., , uif II., Ueiii In, K.
Wlllll! in, -If Al, Lul L', ei..iv
Wby Impair your health
by iiocdleHH work and ex
posure? Our UOl'GH
I It Y saves your health
and money.
I Spring Cleaning
We are equipped to do your
Spring Cleaning In the best pos
sible manner.
Garmrnts that have been
stored away all winter should
be given attention now.
ten) m., lia 111, ..ut Al.. eviliii, -l.n
., Wllllu ill, JU .U, i.ot j, VvimW Hi.
if M.. 1 fit ill', -l'J Al., K.1.U', . .MJ Ai.
'ill; ! Liij lliiilti-l (Mi lie .11 1Mb to Imi
ill iur 1 1' mm li. a 11 $l..-U iti Al., iur liu-
W III, rl."l I'l l' til., till' UlU 1. -I iir.
ptr .vl..
or lilt;
iitiiiiliii'K .liiil Vi lillu III'. 1 .
., r-i'c J ; i-ul 1. p U ill. .
r, liJ a; l.i-L nd in.
, lo.) ai; .--I,1 .Su'm, ii;1
LiliiP uMi Al , .Sr.1 Si. ' Ini
M .
C, E.
For river loam for lawnj and bat
iun or washed sand and Kiuvel, phuiie
10ML A. S. Wallacti Sand and OiaveJ
( ouip.uiy.
M., uli.n- iir,
Ull tllC ft It Ux l
fl.oo iur Al..
1 ' 1 .
Th' ('hivjstian Kndravor stah' con-'
vi ntion for Oivgn!i has be n divid d ;
t 1 i h yi-ar into two Pi" lions. Then
will t e an iM'Sti-rn Ore::im convt-n- j
t!on wliii h will iiii'i't at Tin' Oaih's.
ami tlse W s'i-in (tn'roit eonventiffii i
will HUM f ;it Ashland. Tin' Western
Op'Vm convention at Arhland will
l-.'uin tomorrow, Thuisilay i-vniiii;.
(li:i i:m Kndeavor -p-rts will be
;:rrsi n at ho'li of th'.-" con . t-ni inns
to pive in;iti'iion nnd instiiration
to iiie yoiiiit: niupb- i'tiia"'-d in such
work. It v. as exp rt' d that s. vet al
V(utif p oph' shou'd 1:0 from h r
hut. hard wrk of school and S'tin' of
lii'- yonp : p' Opl a'uMit to c'a(iti::te
ri is pi ntcfj l- t j 1 Iroin iroinir. The
iai) chur li h i appointt'd the
p:istor. IV v. ('. li. Mi't cm, t- n p
r ? ! t till in thi- yivr. Mr. l'i'ton
ril! ! avc Thur-il.-'' inetninir on No.
:srd v.ill terurri on j'-furday so
r- t' b.- in I i p'i': iT on S;nda
The 'i f .-4byi -Ti;.!! eli'irrh v. ill : nd
Mis ; .Vihir. d Lonp to i i " ; (he
S r.iiir foei.'ty and Miss Kd it h Loup
To r--iT'' ' ii 1 1"1 .I't ;ii'ir (! 11:11 1 nu n t
. h'imI p; "L'i ..mi h :s in- ti arraii 'oil
1 1" .'.tiiaif.l rii'V'T;: icri. r.nd v.
Iim'P' d' !"(.'.! 'i-'ti f 1 on '.''t'-iii nre
iron is f p"et".
1 Melody, melody and more
i for the dance at tho armoiy, April
i Tuesday. The Seven Sereiiadeis liom
' O. A. C.
Xlllli; Of b.M.K of 1.0 v l it ui; n 1
Liiu wiiiix fir
i.i, sSVV U Si'.'
I 1 Clllll', -lit .ti
melody iti
1 1 i M ., wiiiiu nr,
( in, t.,i 0 Ai., ttiiiir. loin
1 U Al, Ilium ul lii" liniiH-r
n iu In; nnd lor li -. than
.uil pi; 1
cuar diiil 4-i' l " r Ai.,
H. II .
Al ,
1 I I 1
nr. 1 1 ri ai., s 11 ttu
., in-iiij of tho liiiibur on
lo tiu Kolll lor I. 1 1 1 11
iu pi-r Al., lot- in: nr uml -,U'J i i
I'oi1 1 lie wl.jt' n il.u . i . - j S.. K.
V.. St-... :"., su-li, iN i. ii-u nr. :i . Al., VSiilit; in, .,) Al . A v -
S 't, M'l HI -Ij Al.. HJ Al.,
lie 111 Kt Al , SV 'i I'll III. -i M
i-.ii.ti' itt ai . m ',4 '4. :'iii in. jin
1 1 da r. 1 hi .0 , .i', i n e. t , i 'I 1 ir.
itit.u-, --' Al., iMiiu- Iir. .."i Al., in. in-
(lie UMiIm I' Oil l 1 1 :-. ll.e IM Hi l'"' MilU
at. inaii 11. ..11 ii.T Al.. lor I tic ii
.i.i.O pel Ai,, lot I lie (id. ir .nut I .f
' Al., lor Ini.- Wliit: HI, i'. ;,J S.. U.
V , Si . 1... .W'i SI. '4. '"llow liliiu.
11. m-. .e a 1., iir 1" At .
(letural Land otTlt Wit hint on.
1', M;u Il i. Ilt-'.t. Notliii Id liciclo
.iitvuli Unit MilJ' t t IM rolKlinoilM
'allil lllint.i tlolia ol Un uttS of Join- ; , r Al
! i'Jlii l.m .it.i., JM.i l-'t'luuiiry J.'i. r.U'ji., ,
I'ly .SluI., lliU,' illi'l .It.ioi 1. l.'ZO ( 11 J (ji, Al
.-tut., 1.0. und lH-ii.irtiiii-iitiil PKiilii- j,,,,,,.
iMui.-i nl aupii-itilitr I.i. I'.'l. n i '.. 11,1.1 ,,r lh;in
lit.) Hod J iinu 1 U -1 ( ( t 1.. '-, 1 1 . 1 pui.r mid 91 n r .
Hoi tlmOtr on tiiu lollov-HOZ in ltd wni, , rpiy Cwiinnii-o
l.f .- .!.! 11, I.i..., .tl i 1 lt n. ... 1JU, y,
ill. iit put. in ii j- Hull i.i Ho- I liil'l1 m mud !' ill llOfOlll II K. UlfK'OI.
, to ini! hu.le'M hiiih;l al not I lm n Mlllt Ol-' S I.K Ol-
Iti i;
t to
1 1n'
(" i
., lor Mm to. wti-
11UI, OUUCIUI 1-illd
Don't pay nil n ills a pound for
Coffee In u can when you can get
the name quality for 3,i cents.
Why buy tho run and throw it
Economy Grocery
Phone 63
1 111-
ell Hi
V II lIV lllltl
I t 11
'Il til
. Intel!
Freely Given by a Rcs-byc C;t:ren.
V . H. Vi;-t!,:r Ihi'i-.-u, olfic'. S.
. . h.irv. ( I; ei.fii.-.p ' ;. tn. i:
Frecpi3t en m n. ani Hund eciths f ;,;ltl.:
ili;:h 1 i.'ii.ii' i;"'ir.- .'! :-d; ... .'.1 jiri,
I. .M. li-"'' 1 it T.Ehf ... .
I'-.-nn!',.!,, h'.-t 21 h. ,'.r- . .. .IJ r, ''
-?,-. 1 p.--.,,. ,i f..- t.,.."Mi . 1 rd 1
N..? ei-! ,.'!. It ills nein'h . -.i fro:u
T..t:-1 ?p. f:.-m ' 1. V'.-, :fv,
I.. .Pit-
Wlvn o
from a L.
from t!.e a-
FOll'S i"ivi((J
hd-mU at;l
ing n tiibfii
Uo r tt'i; j (
W. t',i!
' I V..
a:, i I i
e has h jfi.':i .I tott.iri .h
1 h;-f;k i'.rA foat.-d r -ef
- !.( s anJ p;.in-, that j'
1 i i.f j'ii:o'd vah.u to
11 .K.ih ir.-. TJo lolluw
i'v advice; C',i.' a Iri'U a
1 . it i 01 t lit: S"i rt.'lii!
u pun (ire , wti li tti
it ii oiiu-Iitlh til ohm in i ' i-iil. liu
Ifiin; roniinij'iti. allowed, tnitxt
d- fM.tud ;il Hum ol' lii'iin V lo .
r .-i or ii. ii If h.iltt Is not iiiiiitvcii.
iui v i.-f .iit. 1 t u ti I 1,-.- o !) I' 1 1 1 it t in
vsimii ui'iM he K in i.i-d UHuin ten
il a ol tn' 1 i-i i d t 1 1 .in 1 1 1 -
.:i of liir I 11. I'd Mates, u -i. litlno.M'
mi. 'i CHI.. MM itiet e'fl (ml .1 1 ion hi - .
i vl und' r th i.iwj. .0 ti.t- l n.led
11. s nr miy Malt. Tvint'ov r in.-,
. 1 tp- 1 oi.Jy. I lieu .f idi. -.ii ion
it tioti : iti'l linn hs.i, I'M' inion-r on
.. Mut.d.v 1-11.N ill i-
W'aililtiK'ofi 1 1,
Bt 2:30 o'clock every Saturday,
3.'8 N. Jackson. Also farm sales
handled. Sales made daily.
Radabaugh & Patterson
I.K 111'
i I ' t V 1 ill dl
1 :
- 1,
..( i:,
pur. 11.,,
"I o
y.-llnw hi. it n U fir
P 3, i'.
bad fi .
.1 IJiiu.!,
:o l"-d.
: t : 1 in
I. r Al . tut ll.e.ei .I., r an.!
'. .'.-,. 1: 1 1. .
i", 1 Al. ',
I., 1 1. I .1
I' . 1 I. - V
M . 1 1 1 r.
"lioseburv's Kitiest"
The people of Iiou.'Jas County
are Invited to make their head
quartets lief.'.
W. .1. V tvWi: It. Prop.
1 !
iv ) .
.-.rul Thui.
tl r.'i
1 :i. . f:, t ir.til.'lii.
v, iLi.iA.M I;:;i.l, ob
and I :i:
I'i . e
': y
iir. ( ,i
M'.n., 1
. tin
I the n
1 me
I all ii
n kl !:!
1 ( 1.
no d
of t
my 1
l'.Ki' r Mi Ii
id i..
. a a' t-
. I'Yir.
lor my
:'.' lie.'.
' : "
1 "ui't
ti ret
u Co ,
Itrlltilor Uttrk I oinl-tr llrcorih
I "i;u Hii'vi ". T i. . I ., !- .r
. in... Il. tt,'. Iiiiru-r" rnir '-"-I
M. M
t , 11
Al !
Licensed Engineer
North J.'n kaon
Pholie S7
ti Uu. 4 t.'uu
I T.