BOSEBURG NEWS B E V I EW, SATUPOAV. PBI 14-.19?1 PAG"? TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Eicept Sunday i;a i i.s. . . f, liATrl: .i'r'd-lH and Manager Set retary-Treauurer bObiCHIfTlON HATES ' . I" r t-r, liy u.a.i ll.iii, mi n.i-iuiis. by tuai. ... J .!. till, by I... liar'y, b;ia;.w i;;i:.iii. by 1...1.I.., by i-.rri.-r. i.-r uo: H.. vv alv N. us !(-vi-w, hy ma.l PR.UN& Br BERT a BATES '.bd I 1 I 'HI 1 1 TP .Tl 1 tub " 1 I r .ay r-v V I. - WRm m 1 HUkKUlUU, UKKUUI, kATIHDAY. .i-ln. 7""" - I ! . t A 1 1 I -. t-Htil iMtrtJ I'rrs r rftiuhll. atlofi t firx Ctellted In 11. l pii-er, ' tbicivu uu bo'iolJ iIu.h b.uL'fr W.y IV, U-u, at Hit p. ml ofiite Hi Kukcburs, UrcoL, uiiti-:r tL Ait of March 2, liVJ. wiiv not llvil:; to a kkal althokitv? at l liic fcuei'.;i ux toile.:t'r arc turning oat hubsuntialiy as wnnkiei it Has COOD EVENING, FOLKS A grcuO of local fellers Have organ. zed n Optim.sts club and Trte president was f;t;!uced in ranks this a. m. VVhen a waitress Soilled a pitcher fuil Of syrup in h s .Hp. i Rev. Caldwell partaking of his morning prune tnii a. m. and the sub ject of hie next address will be. "Von Can't Tell Hox Old a Prune Is by the AT THE CHURCHES. kli I I,.... I. ..I ll.i-ii.1. s U'nli-.t, :i Hast Rek'ular V.I 1. s.-ivic-s art- held Suniia.- morniiiK 1 o'clock and. Weduejitay eveuiiot at K o'clock, this;u.i In. lude t.-.tiinniiii s of healinK- Sunday Fcnon! convenes each Sunday moru i::K at S:.-4i all froui aft' " " .... l Tl... v. a- s ute ij!Vit'ii to ai'uu !'...dini5 room iu ttif li'fil rhup-h liiiildlnt Is opi li (!ai'.v -xct'lt Sinnlav ami lioliiia) (nun 2 lo I p. in. The imlilic Ih ccr.lially invil til lo mi-nd ihe vrvU-- ami visit ih.. fading room. Suli'i''l ' lln' d;.y's l- sun Is: "Ari- i", Uiseaa" Iti-iil?" ktOl T 1EW STAl-lf E.litor. .K. U V. Untott. B. M. juK..fl V. Arundel 1'iuou NVwa KJilor V. I liur.-h Aaitiuo w. fc-uixni Hrpurlrrs i o. t.l-r Jr. li. H . bl.r K. Ohluti G. Cox Of the Trnop 1 Trf..p 3 Elklon . Mrrllus MkUIs Troop 1 ilonitay T 30 P Troop 3 .Tu.-.luv 7 30 .W.'duviiduy 7 :30 a.i.l I'.alil HI Issued Kvery Saturday Hill. AT l:ITIT I IIHUH MXKAV M(l:.Mi iA' U"-- TlV:i-!l"-' :,Il-im..,'i.'d i,1VJiCl'd U meUU' W,t'1,i DUMBELL DORA THINKS . i- l,iL' Au.i lic.aa J.ciii-I.j lo ui.V ;i littie I.'Kd'e H'.Uiilloll to his JUUK- b. V. D. is the title of a radio broad- i,.oi,t ii: ni Iift-U to nui.c'ul ixilniciaus, ri-niarks the Spukuiie casting station. ii;t'o;'.;;tn-l:t: i.-v . .Secretary .Mellon .say.s that a $70,000,000 in-; ' ' ... . The American climate is changing. in -nai eii culif 1 1, oils ul income and jiroliU taxes, as com- j We don't know what weather is now Dare. 1 with tht; .March collections ol' last year, wlieil the higher ladays. I remember when I was a 1 , . , . , , boy, out in Ohio we used to have a income surtax rates ameit, jfiu-s a jiraclical answer to the tadozfn klnd, 4t once, cve 5een jt g0 jiiobkm and "shows tk-arly what course further revision blioultl iet l had to sit on a rail fence and , ,, ., .... , , . .i . .i hoe corn with a dipper. I've seen it take.' 1 lie secretary is jin.til led in pointing cjt that these in-!so dry the itti0 fishes had to stand cm;: id colli ctions coiiju in his iiii.Uk tiou that downward revision ;on their heads in the mud in the mid , , . ., ... .i.i i .i die of the stream to wet their gills. would nave the died ol in rca.sinjr, rather than decreasing, ihe,-ve ten it rain lo hard that there i'et.eral revenue; that dov. nwaid revision had acted as a stimulant i was four feet of water on a slanting , , , . , .. , . .. . ... , roof, and then it was only drizzling. to business. It has hien a common mistake in the limed btates,ve sn so d,y tna, my father lo j;tve c. I'ita.l and labor t nlire credit lor achievement and pro-1"! ,0 wy 20 mile in i;uct!')ii. niey are imi.ortant legs oi the triiiod that supports ;steamoeaf8 could run. eve seen it o ';'" at '" a:" i.i ........ :i i. l..i i ..,.1 1 - . I !-.. I ii it. ,.i-i a ul 1 1. 1 ... 1 I,.... ; ... i iii i-i I i .wl .n- foonv that I was ud on ton of the j . n.ij.i . .i.i , ...k .... v. iiiiiiniit iiiiiii Hi u .IIIUU..IV v- ' , ... ! Only H mor.- w-k until I ir Hill, president or ihe Herkeley , ;,,,, fi u..t that m.-i. I)ivi,iiy Bchm.1. will he at -lie P-; & tttaFi&Z lift church tomorrow morning In- si. ail of tomorrow ev. ninn a pre- iiiiriilnn viii,lv announr. d. lie w ill lie at the T,ie r,.,.ra i, at It r. t uliir 11:IH) O'clnrk nervice. Ir. I Wit, full fur.e. Tin y (1:1 is a fine preach, r .,il ha s ion, i, wn " Zt"' tl' lilool' i t:sm m iHllk.-d us one of the im'i k" 1 ii uii- . lul. of K.isrburK inns leader on the I'aeltic coasi. , i u ,iay v.iini ll.iy 1. He has li-en s-leeied as Hie l'acinc mast n ores, ntative to the Haptlst World Allianre to lie held in Stork- If the weather permits t.m. Sweden, in July. The public I Tr;;;;P. 1 meeUnj wl.Mie Is rornia'.ly invited to hear mill to- : Kl .,.ryn,. tie pres.-nt at T luorvow niorniiiK. It is possible that u-lis. This imeiiinc will lie he may remain ov.r Mr the ev,nl V'w.SS'Tn XSZ '.-vvvU'V. too. jaKiiiK. miett hcr bearum All llonet.urK S out Inter-"-tftl In urganixitiK m Hoy Sfinil iiatte-Ljsiil Tfttiii will k unity r-p'ri iu H utnialt-r ivrry of the ' hii l Ti -I- h outinuiilf r l'eiry In aiiout r.aly to ur tia:iik.f ii xiiiut llHftlall tt-.nn anil would apjirefittte i.umiH nf ihe Mt outu who urn ili lrotiH vt ti Iiik out for flit t ft III. UtM (Jo uu bull funs. i H A M t'KfcNH Troop one hu the norve to t hit m tlte rliutilploiihhlp In ht t:uni- of "fapture tht l-htK" I -o ytni bt?lleVt tt. Wrll if not juitL let them know about it ami a game will be tf-dutfd ami lhi-y will 1 rove jt. Now troop two and thre In tht time to show wluit you ar mt'lt of by thallt-u- KiiiK tht-Mt wtiultl be cbauip- loiin anil ft' i i in in on ineir -ar if possible. Tht-y will Ulit'lly welcome a Kaine with i-itht-l of you. Let4 here from you. tt.u enUTjii-ihe and inanaKrial .skill borrrow cap-lthipied 5en feet out into the foa',h,,sn rvit-'. I the rornor of rini,ii and Har ;.rt v. n::t in V.'t . t I'.ns' bnrK. N!i.-i Khoda linrntMt j'-stor Sur.Uay (hooI ;it :m:oo a. m. rniirhins; wr- :; p. m. i I'rayt r tim'tintc Thuriav i-vi-ninu All ;ir In . I'tMl to ati- nd Afier wliii'li Iht time Will ht' l,,...),,,! ilf-Viiti'il to Kami 8. All who l'Jl-jl ts: Jlil't I'ai i.lld C'UMtlry Jilbor. 'i luM'tauitry IS l'llldlll that WlWil it lraiiies i before I discovered rny mistake. Eut , , a - M , - , ii- the hottest day I ever saw waa July tax .islUiou to ciiill and initiative and drive capi-;th( lf.3-;; at noon on that day thc Uil i.'tlj a loal' attitude it i.s injuring the American public. in-!the.mometer reg.stered 133 m the , , . , .... shade, the river stewed and steamed uudintfthe wage-earners, and is Keeping taxes out ot the treasury. Ukls a tca kcttle and lhe ftsh ftoated li'iUative, cnLeii-rise and capital can .strike, just as readiiy a.s oic, already boiled with creamed . , . .. 1 . ' . -i 4 , nravy on them. I was living on a iabur can .strike, and tney tio .strike against ojipressue and co.uia-; arm then )t wag 80 hot that we hsd catorv tax legislation. As a further incentive to their striking, I ( hano the thermometer in the well , . .. .... . 'and keep farninn it to keep it from; has been carrying on a policy oi issuing, and encouraging j bursting. Along about sunset 1 went states, cities and other municipalities to issue tax-exempt secur-!ut to the bam to see how the stock . - , . .. 1 ;was gcttinq clong. We had twelve ltHb. ihis fxeniplion. in me o iue suvl-i, js nutsifine nog3 just rea,Jy for the market. and tiLick souii" to .striking capital. It' farmers, wage earners and I Weil, when 1 get to the barnyard ail ., . , , ti i' 1 .1 i- 1 " could find of them hogs was twelve other voters would pay more attention u lhe authoritative judg- j buckets of leaf ird. 1 remember the mc:ii of the secrelarv ot treasury, and Uo less ci;e". mg lor irre- "xact dae because on the morning of , , , , : . , . Ithat day our hens all laid hard boiled sponsible politicians who want to run lae treasury ;:i the contiary egfi3. v.ay, we should be iraki. ig nmio rapid progress in clearing away tiie w reckage of the war. Now lna th 'de of or Mt. Nebo j has been properly defaced for the sea- 1 O n wjtfl varioua twenty-twijs, twenty-! I threes and espees, lets call off the. Tim rovivHl n.elincs Rt Huckloa ;iih riMuine to ft clew. There rimsiiltraltU hrinif mime Imiiilar,'! ith rolh r nnd trinnKular. c. .MoMtrc-; HIl.Til.V, Artin Scout mauler, Approveil S. M. lintott. VOI R TIHMIP iiKAoui it n;its .(Si-out Heaeon News.) 'S out if y" your met ting; Mac von mnkinp your nif-t-imK ph' ? a womlerlaml fr tlie new recruit".' t'nn you lake him up to a picture unit (II him iihotit that certain was t rip ,,r hike that will make interest shown there 1 bin batr atand on enii iiit-re durlPi! the punt two woekH while m r. ; , ,,,,, he-nlriuartem. uch us W .lii''nbs of Ro'oUi K. preach-. knot. boanlK. rustic chain ed the full gospel to the people. He ''' is a ttiJMi that Ih loved ny the peo- V(u nmy aljlt li;iVe tropi,ie nl of tiiicklfta nit Iih worked hard to' or a museuin (onsiHtinif of huw the wav of riKhicousneBs A. V. K 1 (ick.4. binltt' eKKf or other tuiMK" to make kooI tlnw Intf if visitorn should nunc Therr are many oilier thinn. mull 1111 model lliJ-n;it tllKfl'H. For Prompt taxi servlro call 9ii. hrhlK m. .r the campH you Serviro Kediins, TROOP NEWS TKXAXTS AND ClIll.DKKX Much indignation i.-; ex) by liou:;c renter.;, that ko many J owner i ol houses are unwilling lo lease their property to families having children. Jt docs seem a hard thinj; when a young married couple, who are working earnestly and bringing up several chil dren to carry on the life of the community, are refused the chance to hire a desirable home, becaj.-c their family includes these little battle and get a group of citizens with scrub brushes and straighten mings up a bit. I if- ji -'- i The flaw" shooters will out at i the trap3 tomorrow a. m. bright and i early with their turf-d.ggors and as sortment of choice gawlf phrases. t- The Muscovites bid Dumbell Dora a fond farewell this ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN by MRS. ELLSBURY ( Address nil conimunf rations to Mrs. KUsbury, tare of. Ne wa ll e view.) reft of 8ime of the Scoutn. i In itonie troops a larne boa id, poMHiblv two feet by five. i 1 alutt-d a dull blue. After thin Is done, they cut the Itt leis of the Scout oath out ami paint them Rohl. Thin make a very attractive and decorative object for your ht-adiiuurtera. AImo have ItavcH mounted on any uia leriiil and take the recruit over and see how rnanv ho liiinWH. Make everything uh i heei f ul and as close to na ture an possible. lon't make vmir meeting place oecm like prison, but brighten It up with things that au.stuin ."cout Hpll'it. Truip Xo. 1. We held our r'Kii!ur nieet Iuk Monday April In th S unt hall, cur (tcoutinuxtur was out of town but In uc cot dance with his witthes we hopped to it and cleaned the place up which It needed very badly. Herew hopitiK the other two troop will have a 1 e.n t and help keep It look ing K"'d from now on. Afier the clean up we held a Kan Karoo Kourt which wax very thrilling several fellows be iiiK tried fur arlous oflcnseH. We closed at our usual time. Our (tcoiitinaster waa back on the job for our meet i tit; of April '.. The weather be In ir K'X'd we )uded ourselves with "di'KH" and bwiiH and jotirney-d to the bill top when- we had u camp fiie and feed. After dolii away with the doirH w plaeil capture the flaw. .Iim Wam ley and Uay Martin bcitiK cliosen captaillH. The uame tills time was more thrhUnK than the lat time we pl.iyed as Jim's team succeeded in capturing the flan. Sorry to say that our scoutmaster was the one who captured It for them and ulso captured Jackson In it the aecond Kame. Ah we had no moon to help iim It waft iiite a Kame unci a iff uui stalker had little difficulty in making his way to the fluff. At the camp fire it was decided to hold cur meetings In the bills when the weather permitled. t'ulvin O. Webber, Jr. Troop o. 3 Troop two held their reg ular meet In a: on April 3rd at headquarters with a very I oor attendance. Only ten r.cotits reporting. The weim-r roust which was scheduled r this eveninv was post poned tint II April to of weather coiidl t Ions. Trie bunch will meet ul tiie same p!a e and .-a toe time with dofcs and maiHlnnallows uud THK UHK ir drivo 1. un n ei u. Scout; ; u with ' u Known an wa, lhfl ,.,r'u''4" I- the time to wat .'J:" wllh one KWtn j..n''i'uii word aloiiK fcNt itWl," i.yi:vr; AHItlVKb Hoout master l.intoti . reived th.i week e Boy Scout cauo,.K l . 1 revised nr.rc UI,K equipment and also jutr, JUI r. umber of i w km "u iU,t cludiiiK ALud.o muu-na,; Ol TOtioiTs. fHy I'avM WUham M..r. ' And d.nir ihnm, aaj u.;,.- tllltlKH, 1 That Iwliis a f.-ll. live: One liken It llvln' In . t, .dh.,,,,,l,,n' ., , Zi To help a fellow live! AnJoaT,kV.'rfu"" An.l wi.odM ami meadow, Lt 1 KlVe tniink. That we run Iht! SeUUlilig. (Hl'-l! nilli til BO In tin. mn,, Iila.-e 011 N.irtli Mil.. t. li-r a niio: t lnn.iii,.pi im.,.!',.,!: and a few trii in. K we . ailed 11 qulta fur tin. week. The troop aHKemlil. d early on uur remilar iiiunt til ,1 week iir.-pared to K our hike Hint lli.K ru..nt. All,.,. w had KHth.-red ,,,. niatl a l.rlKht kiiki;. .H1..11 mm ihauKe uur li.i;tii..n fr tle rua.-t und InM.-ad ..r; u on the N..rtli s;,ie i,iu that we -Rl.oiit faee" and no to Alexander park. Tl.n. n,... with aiimval and We iuiir. iieyed miiuhward. Afu-r He feed we played nain.n and Iiud a Keli.-r.ll nil!.;. lleoi-Ke Webber. th n t Troop .o. 3. The Third troop held their leRiilar meetinir April 4 m headi 1 miners. We ba.i a e0od attendance. The scriiies houk bus arrived, so expect i t.;.ve eac-t rwmU from now on. Come out hoyH and m.ike our nieetliiKs inlircMiiitf on-s. e are filling in fnst now otie new tnellllter this Week ttito one msi Wi'i'K, ihe weatherman must of Mirmised w were roiiik t imie tt wemer roast las-t iut. we uiu not. Wn sure had some time t li if 'week at our meting. 1 he 1 hird I roop met at six thirty Wednesday evejiiiuc hiio niKeu up lite i-iii hy w;tv of K. Ijne St.. for the wein t roast. We started ,,ur fire at 7:ir so you can see we traveled a little wav I... ffrentintf. The troop turn ed out well ami all I. ail a Rood time. Two members have been added lately so our iroep is tllltnir up. still there is pl-n-ty of room for more lovs so hustlu up and come with us. ' l-l l . 'i ' -'-I I....- ,, J;,") ,... ,.- 1 as m. ml -"IT I.', ., ,,: tu I.- A fei:.rk l:"-l"l l..r-. Ja). "-at4(4 . .vona.' -.-'iluilAri; 1 " ' i 1: a Kali., ., j.:. '-' : AS Morriil "Nu. : o::j .mil f.,ni tw BUniiiM a 4 Th. I ,,,!,., in ih. t ..- ."' r-w. .i.i . : : inl lu..k ,: twi: l-';-T-i . '- I'l "f i: ,-:,N I'l - 111 e-.t r lit tf'4l W.f. u . , F- r. ul.. ait IVar Mrs. Kllaimry: My husband ami 1 li:;ye liail Kev.-ral Hi-riotis quar- ! ; reus ov. r a certain nutation, anil 1 i ones, iet tin re is another su!e the story. Families with ch.i-, f ZrA"Z V am I t.reii V ill ol ten occupy a house lor a .short time and make SO many : rzbc-ry a group of unsuspecting i stire he loves me. anil this is the only I U..11.1S r-a,sci s. i Ih ul- we ever . isanroeil on. He ha.s 1 "r r u i.s and si ratches on wall paper, woodwork, etc., that it wouid .e a miiuiictl or two lUlliUIVii dollars to put the house hack Wilt IV ti.c Poscburg debating team talked ! 1 ''" "'" eVrve if. as 1 have heard ; was hii'ore thev tamo in. A man can't be expected to ht a!'-''-' !' to victory iast n.ght -down ' a,1"ui '"'r- kn,,K' lhaX htr ..... . . . i1' Euacne and thev colved the .oh. i repuialioii is nut roinl. 1 was against '' a a niatter ol harily. 11 his receipts are all oati ;i up by j J4e. 0; WhV.h"r the u. should adopt i ,,ir""-' h"r'. !"'d h" 111,1 11 thouah llie damage done by pi -i. lv cont.'olied vouiiysters. there is no ob- !lh policy of ship subudies which has i 1 " liim not to. Am mr.v that ; .... : , . " . ,. ... I worried Prexv Mardinn eonsiderah.v ! sn'" workins for him he retimes tu j.-ii. in iiniiiiK icai c.-i.iie. li pal ems Willi cmliireli Want land- c ,atc. The'ettlemen of .h. ... lisehr!:.- h-r. and says Ih; n. las lo iev. iiieni wiin lavt.r, tiny nmst i-aher te.a-li their cinl-: 1,0,1 last rnjht win be quite dn n tu lake care of their dvu-lliiiy, or liiey must repair ilama;;e tlier.ischiv. C'hiltlren .ill do a certain amount of injury to any r'l..MIXU Horn" IS DKAM.ITIC STOIIY Doula.s Fair!)anks earlier successes and severp.l productions for Clara Kimliall Young and Norma Tal niadt;e. The slory U adopted from William Clillette's Bine play and fouiuli d on Sir Arthur Conan iloyle's smiles. The picture was made in throe dif ferent countries Kncland, Swit zerland and America, the entire com pany boinir transported for the pur pose. Ingenious lighting effects and special Boltings, several of which ! n.-.ilay rvcn'r.t. Apr were designed bv barrvniore himself , rile tne.iire. etiri'. consistent at-1 Hunbanil.' th. Knet-r I ; mm i The l.-idi W. C. T. I Will M M'l? the executive. street monpers The A human drama that is hiKhlv concentrated In its story confines, merely the story of a married cou ple that cant pet alone, i3 best played bv a small inimlier of nhne... leis. This centralizes Die .linnm and! Rive the production t she is .-rti-n i-iiaracier niore conspie-I 1 ' 1 11 1 e m in..oii-iy aim au.-iien.-e. ; 'i'-ih in ui me v.:....;- the lu-sl ff firl ho ..v..r h.l nous unu Clearly llellnei . O . orvanis. .inr ir.:..n--. re ' j And that i: at all. Although ha ; "The FlamiitR Hour," the- fnlver-' See nnr -window before you put very important rWt I kll, lh-.l I ,lw..1i,i1r.,v-rt Iwir ..-I... r, Sal fi ni lllnv ,. -I...! II.- , VOlir old uhiiiln. nl. oflur ih. uln-itll. ne.-l-,in 01 a U-M.i- Utl,. l.,,vl.U l-.l.. I... I I. '..l.i.,.. I I.1V.1 Whleh ..... . .. i .I..!l,,ill,r ll,l.lnn 1Tl.eln illlC Careil filV H1 1 ...... ......i.i ,,, in.inin iiifviii ... n i . i K ..niiii n . . . .rs 1 n x... iiuii.-uu uici.1111. iiiuili .... . . . . doino 1 her lllllllii In his ear II.. nlu-ava li.llu 1 aire tnniehr ...i, f. I hnnn-Ii'SS i-.iila no " Home, vi I in well OI'iHI-.'HL no l:-nu hes. n:i is ken! i-nniri.l ; their otuff on tne main dran thi - m.. .m i. i..,. i i ...1.1 1.1... .1,... lu-tti, nnix- , 1... ...... .. ret the wrnsjs . al cnanre niiu u.- - li.tpir Willi sonic 01 snipe shooters. given a suitable session j f P the bey v. ho alter tiecoratinej the new w lii.? choito i!l'.i.slrat ions in colored i rayon, i.s v. il-i l-'atlier in the wootl.-lied. i.s not point to ollend iu that par ticular v.ay very soon. He is likely also lo issue el li'"s lo his youuirer brolaers and s:.-lers. 11' thei-e v..-is :i 1:1 1 1. mnie family povcrntr.ent. cliililren would be less destructive. I. n iis nmst be h'.u.ii.i lu-i, xptvt tliat titeir property wi.l : 'm)w soii.e :.! oi : i : : . I t.-ar lo mat ti f by whoi.i tKClliued. ' h'.v wo.; hi pr:'.-ii:i a shrewd act. if iht y would make a lit'. it 's -;'"t li :io bad a r.ood record fer takm; ha-'t- occtii-ied in the oast. .1. m much to the disgust of the local 1 1 .M r n in f 'IV e. prep- l i'.' t.icv t,Ti 1 T 3 ! FA rv II1AGE I . ..! I'..:.:,: in o.i r t p.-aceful ilk.f.e on a cold and i !.,!! ...oi'u ') !!:.! il.c r..:!.i.a.i.. a' loihes w ere s., ,i j.ii.l lor,., a:ui "''-! ' ' !,!e t- r. .- all who p.i-e.l n:iK:,t hear. "l!iiv;. ;..- ...i. ,1 i..!f t yit i me". 1'w been j:'re ior -l.l!.-"'l. lii'il't Mill Ili-.-ll- in,-" li. lit mil l.m.r i i .if. ii. v-ar ae.o by .,i;yoe. in ;.'i. ;lla-: I lifted my hat To brush back my hair. As I pass-d vvh?r e che sat I lifted my hat. But she turned me down flat And ave me the air. I just lifted my hat To brush back my hair. i ir Don't refuse to marry a girl because she can't cuok. She may have money enouuh to pay your board t- i I- We believe Auc Lincoln pot his atari spotting uon t that lie mentioned the f.ii.t every t me conversation la-jgcd a i ir i- c.lll.e If a man miss.-s a chance to tjet an a'hi 'Cuc.ition. he finds a let ot consck.- .-cn m making fun of fool colk'32 gi auuatej. Frank Mayo Is the star !h- husliand. while II. len Charles Mi.ll,,,, MeDow. II a the father at-. I Ton. I .S.y fee,, tha, ,t ,. no. right foAim i ' I to u.scnarge a good office girl be- T,, , ... ..... ...,,,, . iayo s 1 use hy nrlncinal ehm-.-ipioi-a imply wnii t stand for it. that 1 i"nil with the dtamatlc Interest m-.' I hih.m ji.-i.ini- i.un .tuiitit 11. nne in ( ii.i'i.v eeiii.-ren on two or the i-ry aurai-ove. t.r..N. Foster Dutner, who is me.mderino An'- Are you sure that you are not li. 1 11 -ivi a " ii .... 1 um in i,nicago ' . . - - - ....... w,n no seen as the wife live W.U.I- ahoui nr.iv tv-r. .h,. .u. . '.hat you think the nr 'i reDiitat on s , ., ... .'" 1 . . 1 ' 1 i. .1 .. ' nnl .4 tk.. un.. I1..I. Ul. ' . u.n.11 -.nere cant pronounce "broccoli - - ?v" '-' "'- but that shouldn't keep 'em from ' PI cr- 'our nuSDana prob- eating it. u,3i--iniijc a yovn oince gin ce- yj. i.u3. juu wu uui i.rc ncr, ana ne is really within h'S rights in this. As long ?s she does her work in the, it is nothing to her employer what si:e does out of business hour, i As for your husband taking her home, he was probahly just being thought ful and appreciative of the fact that , she had worked overtime, and was , .. ' trying to show it. I agree with you M rliV. H.INT" AT MI'.KI-.TY t iai too much of that would probably Speed, comedy, union and drama lie talked about. By being reasonable 1 M merrily Intertwined in a 'me- ... .... me H.,i you can probably show laiiKe ni six last reels of action m.:i in.!, it woum not ne wise to be I'lennseii th seen with her too much. Why not theatre next r-anc a tnend of the nirl vourtlf right, but w? Do . ot ccn:l-mn her hecaui you have irard a few gossms talk about her. u Dnvpino il uluu G0IK6T0EH Ros-hurd'H Rotary club. 100 per -illian Chester and her hns-. slr,;'K- wi'i no to KiiR.-ne on in .-no , . .linn i,, mi tin- iui,i.-i of niciini; in the organization of a lai'Ke cluli. in that city. This is one of the best Rotary eaiherine:. of the i s i.ienie. the influ.-nee of a hus I'and's t.-mp.T and n wile's sttiiiborn "ess on ti:arital felicity, rnmeg from ni.-ir onservniinn In len years of sue state as delegations will hIso cessful wrltliii; a'mtit hiiman nature" : Pr'""nt ,rnm i'ortland. .McMinnvPl oria and other points. A titc h.-nqtiet has heen arratic-eil at the Oahnrne hot-1 and at that lime Crank II. l.nmb, district iioveruor ; "'ill llre.HI't the Kucen'e chlh Willi lS.ll. ,.1,,,,.,.,,. e ml.... f 11, n. '"',r"".5,"f '.''? l'n"'r,' Rese'nu. club has 'announeed his in- I ":. wot 11 .liro H I'D ... ....1 ! f.. ;.. , , ... - CIllliMl 1)1 IIIHKIIIK ino irit HUM H inn; .Miiiiiiiy llUlt-s, la to I way tn live and lb z t ' oi pat riotisai p.2d Ar:v I The fast Of the y Mi- VeWtlMIl. A " ,r 'fi.-'nr.-.'. Mr-. K w....'l " lit. n Oi i .ll.lll'l . ami, - j K1 ''V l'e!:-v s V or-:! k y.r v::.!.r u--i- i- lit I -nl.T o' Vi ! m,- iv rick: M-f rr-.s , ter of M.'f. - Or C.-er-l.-r.a Jct.r ' ' lite :;:i-r:) Mm ( y Whitn. . tai" .'''p,,'.,..' 1 Mi s. il -vrf.-:ii: n l-arciiu wn-a ' :-..:: ..i: M-- V-i' rllii. il f I -rr;-i. ; Mrs. SK!:.rk. " .; ,,.,i,-i ki',1"!;, r..t t)-K:.r.:.i;an. Ir'.-.. - Mr.'. Mar. n. I'l'nt in in a w.-i k s encac-nieni Arriirilnii: to the .iilviinc. i inn rrav.-s ei-iie;n.-nt t TODAY'S MARKET finds him making the trip and is expeei.-d thai the local Kntanain will tak an active part ill tin- pro reports, "... I., wiiieh ..-in k. h.a.i iitnl each ! ' ' ' REPORT .I.., I " i-'l-s.".- i--i, l"i- the t'n h have i. '' :'i i i- ii lii' ii W itli tlu- )-: s 'i. !'i'.s hard ,nurne., t'u-n jnu'. your li;i;v ul peace ai d ti'ieilom v .! , I. i h- ui. 1 urli i t.i ; i n w here he met old 1 1 a i., litest I'.'e ' u i:;i ! 1 1 , :' II NX l .1.1- k...n ' t-M-'a-l;. 1 ,k i p. il' it's tr,:e this is I'i'.s a yood tliinjr ii,.,. i t :i he t !."i- i liis c.M :. . ust t ! ay yoa w a' '. 'i s w ho a"e tiow n and I'.-t Out .Mist a It w . t h.-iev- 'l v lew s t .':.! for W ealtli, he was 1 . Hi :l i .lsi!. :. e li.,,i a ee a tiuur- i;.iv j ii ilc '11 llfuW n ! i row I,, u r i, ame. i -:i i ..lae '. i . r.;. f -V V EASY v 'y da homr-ly qu-Is mae the best t-.ioni ,'phers ' asks one of the maoa- :.iif il.'CS. s no easy one. bro.lcr. bi-c.i-. se they don't waste lock. ,n Ur " '' eveiy f'fiecn nun- u'is. W--C-) the'r buiy they for ac". '"' '' P -v cal a, .tl (.-'-, j :'jj.:.i' ir.jrtccr-lins. M t . A the troth paste va d to the to.-Hh brur.i: -P-nch me. kij, and I'll meet ;l cuts d.- the tuhe." t i- i Ti k a'.-r- t love at f r.-t s ;ht. ijt--f t'.r-n runt in love" Without '.osire at ae! . .!.. .. i. .v '-. Prices Pa a Farmer for Produce. I'-ntti-r. .."..n- lb. lWto n'at, t:i t-.-n's. '. I -'-r p- r ..-,..n. ,( ''' i'11- - !b; li. ht l"c Ih. I.'::.', Cm ! rs. T,r,L v,. V a'.. ilr.iMit v,- ir Hi. ' '' Ir '.'-l. 1-.'. 1-0 tu ISO 11.. '-i;!.t. I i s. prime, C jc. Steers, prime, r.r. Hi :. .. . I.i ..1 pr.i.pii lion, :-)c lh. l aiara hark. I:-.:. 6,c lb; capiat hiir. i:ct, ;iaC. Retail Prices on Mill Preduots. K ' l Hi..';.- ' . p. r lb. .: !.. nil), ilil. rl more ami i . . . ... IU. ire into hu7ar.l..... ............. . . 1 v "' '"" np resMlllsIIlie inr a.... E'v-s ! is ..!..,:, .. """"",- "' , hills rontraittd bv any one oilier th: a' '.- l-'-Vrt . t i t k i ' ', f,,"r."iv-1 u..vM.lf. j. R ItLAYbOCK. a"., i ..ul of a ki.-k. In -Hum Hn I p Humes." the first foam... ...i.i..ii . ' 'n whi.-h .lohnnr Hin.-s was starred audi. nee. throuchout the counirv were , ,avi. 10W, n..h di; ticla a' th- many annisiin; situations i I'li ril.-il th.-m hy this si. -Mar com,.. I "S"r" F,r" '''llni." fiaturinirl 'tne,- of tie- sere..,, u r... cert. , I lo I,., pn. !,...,. ,,!' even niorr I'l' Kliliilini.- situatie.ns that r.w.r-' 'inane tin- ly with some l-.inhlv in.-l- j ndrninatlr inouients (iir-ii .h. .l ,y 1 siieh s;. s,-r,,, P.,v..r , , ; : K.-iiy... K.lmui-,,1 i!,-.., ,,. j;,.r. ,.,,'. ' -I'M. Ktfie shaiiii. n. ,t. ';,, :). v and (;: .s i:,rr,,;, tn vilv ,lf " "X--ll-n' eoti:'.:ntti(( d of r..;, r ;':; iv at;, cam,.. ,ti:,,a. -.; Hi- Hint will in a'l prnhahilitv "" .uer- Hun pi. ,). ,,;,,,.,,, 'f MEETINGS PURNED V:;,:,-ofrrw'''-;, our n..:!e- M'J'i- EXCELLENT Fl i I ii r--p'lp: :i . .,,;,. vs.- -ior. I-i'' -" ,.'.. ne- M-italae. ii:ii'-n-ii M i, rn li nr.. j 1 ;:. 4-if 1 - per 1 .i t - ; I -.-i V We ai n- iHii-iH in us' VJ n rear i t that tAjv cu i: alius broad-ti.-n't concern Crai k- .1 i i 1 1 W I nl. , ,. . i Rolled h.-ir'.-Kiour. r 'f: Viour. har,: a sack. .1. . . to : - " !'' f n a s. if. J1.t:. ... -k at. Il l's nr. 1 J i k of of .nl r lei). !'.,. 0 lb. 10 ni mi n iv en vn:it s 'V'M""'!"! r'.'d-:e-ion ,. 'I' - " rh .I..'.n ' '' i S-:nd.i :.:i.- films ii-.i. , 'I'l..- p:.;, -i,, : I Car',, l till - i far ii ilir.-i ' or A c.-t tocether Cann I'lin-iu tint will .e held ia th- fi-1 pl.-.ce.i. Coiintv Aftnt Conp.-y :e: i;ouiics: Willinr schcil linuse. T,e -day. April lTih: C.arilin Vail-" school house Wednesday. April 1:h: .Old Cui.-s Ya'lev si-heel liei:?--. Thursday. April ll-th. Kach o' th ' in--, tinus will coinri.-nce at s o'i let k in il: e'.niiie. County Kami Cu reau p;. si,.-ni. 11. K. Krusr will '"' pes. in. hi-o tli- c.ii.nty a-'- m i,! 1 v, iM taH- on -ihjer.j of i-e- : r" all ac iclturiF's. A cis-.. t v. e r. . . i,"i:T!i: pie'io.- will he -li'iv n wli-i: will he of Ipt. r-'st loi-viljiil'- Tl-'--mo-tlnys w ill 1-" worth !-'l-' ' v-r tneii'ber of th- family i- il'-'1' ill '"- seiiieil.ln-- ita-T' stine t ' i- i' i-iinc.-ttiine earni - Cur- '11 wo:k and otlu-r ', !1 " jecu. ).! t' " '" 1 ' lilt.