ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, FRIDAY, APRIL 6. PACE SEVEN nor THRILLING than a Julet Verne romance ff, X5 . He giv T.. full cretin ror VIOLIN SOLD PROVES PB"I . ' HtftwnT.'nMr.l I VtH tnJUTAULtl Thai man ftoyc can surely play ' Ihn linlitl Thd till'lF I! H i mt the Chrisisaln ihuirh sal entranced last night while he played "The Iioly Ciiy" arranged for the viol a. It W38 conceded 10 be one of tiio most beautiful productions ever of fend ia the church, and piayed by a mister hnn-i, it eorlatnly had wonderful effect. Also the slneing hy the quartette of "Abide With Me." Illustrated wlih beautiful ster optican slides was a very high, class feutui.i of the evening service. The regular number of the orchestra, brought forth (he usual demonstra tion. There will be another great service tonight. The children's I chorus will sin and Rive their yell. I The vnt; ladles will ulng Hearing His Cross. " with "the illuminated j cross effect, and the orchestra will I play. The pastor preached last cve . nine on "T resent luff the Kigbt Kind I of Sacrifice." Sunday will be the last day of the, and . the pinna tire to niahe this a great day. with nil the services. There will be an unusually fine evening program. The orchestra will open the service. Mr. Oli-on and Sir. Atterbury will play a cornet duet, and Mr. fioyce will give another gnat vjtilin num ber. The yotinft ladles quartette will Elng at least two numbers and possibly three. There will be bnp- : tiinal service Sunday evening. Tiie par.tor will speck tonight on Th I Destinies of Men," using a l:'.r';e I chart. On Sunday morning, Toiu j pletor.css In Chritt," and Sunday livening, "The Chain of Salvation," j u: ing a chart. BROCCOLI GROWERS AT'NTION ESCENT Mix Cakes Now for baking hours later! Yon can do this with Crescent because of its two leavening agents Crescent is a powder especially- made to wait for oven heat, and then to provide perfect raise while baking is completed. ' Certain, and so convenient! At all grocers. No Bitter Taste With Crescent Baking Powder Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Washington ' 1 HUGH B. SMITH nilllV lie" llfi Of daring anu ue.o- cumu iiol Bleep e.vti-i wneil ....iLpnf rescues antl Iiair-r.llMi.K eu. i wi nieo iiuuui ju.eeu iwuilua tlnill.n rMu weight, all of whlrh made me f. ini chaser Sonera, parlioi- realize something must be done. E from the Mediterranean to the "I resigned from the Navy but soon Si smi furnishes one of the must found out new environment and du- k unc chapters of the entire ties made no Improvement in my phy- jv sieal condition. he price fiat Huch D. Smith, war- "Finally a friend persuaded -me to officer on the Seneca, paid for his try Tanlac and after taking six or tot uirt in these hazardous en- eight bottles of Tanlac I had gaiii'-d tors was a nervous system so fifteen pound. wa back to my normal lend that he broke down com- v.-cirht, and felt completely recovered. J,. Tanlac wns a life-saver to cne, and I fhat I saw and Trent through." heartily endorse it." Vr Smith, "would leave its mark Mr. Smith is branch manager for tjv man. For two full yiais my the Singer Sewing Machine Co., nt as w ere at hith tendon all the 2'-l Flat bush Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y., j ami res dea at 430 Westervelt Ave., Then I Pt bar'"1 ,0 GoQ-i '0ntry, Statin Inland. waction set in and I broke down Tar.lac is for sale by all pood drug- tfetely. I was terribly nervous gist 3. Over i!5 million bottles sold. Irritable, had no appetite, and Accept no substitute. 1 J-- ":-r?-T Viral Kerr for tinif ied V ar Ministry and Better Air Service Development frill fill all orders for broccoli ' seed the day ncelved. Per ounco I $2. Price per lb ou application. Trod I Schmidt, Lillard, Cro. - lr admiral mark kehr, C. II. M. V. O. "I'-rn.'.l :i'ti:!l X-vs St-rvirr 1 plKIN. April 6. Most peo;ile (torlinue to consider that strategy rcr.ipikaied sianiee. One ha.-i to k repeating to oneself that stra- K common sen.-ie atiii'.ied to iniar- n. and the same fundimemal forern siralecv- of the air, slra cf football, siratesv of the sea. ?-7 of cricket, stratepv of the and the strategy of card play- IS RE GLO COF-TROVERSY LON'DON. April 6. Much specu lation as to the ao of mm has ria rn r.rt a result of the ri'cnt di.-cov-of fossil human sHuils In South AnnTic. Patanonia nnd thtt island of Ji.-rs'.'y. The esliinaUs as to lh .ir.i:i;n;iy of tlr.: luiiiir.n rapp ran all the way from ten thousand to a mt'llon years. Iir. Wolf's roportod di.'covory in rataonhi Oi a foi'il letl human Rkull of thp territiary jieriod, however, may nullify all pre vious calculations ou this subject, and the plublic is now RotMn a 1 1 1 -tifl diary about p. crept ing even sclon tiesta estimates regarding tho date of the orifin of the human race. Ever since the unearthing of tho p;hes of King Tutankamen, who in the view oi aiuliro;)olohust is to Le reclroned only as au "infant" as ihe pge of man goes, startling dis coveries have lteeh made all over iho world which upset all weM-es- aathropoiogkal founda- : JUKGLE DEATH WATCH IS EXACTED IN ZOO I TOI.KDO. April . A Junc'o death watch, overwhelming In its tenderness, yet aw e -Inspiring 111 its suvas e intensity, has terminated af ter four days In tho lion house of Walbrd.rt Park zoo here. 1 The watchers were Sahara, the , beautiful lioness lent to Toledo by1 the fleveland loo, and Kiiic, the! juacle Riant, pride of the Toledo collection. i llet ween Sahara's two powerful forepaws, caressed tenderly at Inter-; als and (i-.iarded by two half-closed eves, dimmed by Kii-f. were twoi chubby, fuizy cubs both lifeless. Sahara would not believe they! were dead or know-Ins it could not ' calm the overw helinlnc urge of mo-i He r love that hud aroused all the j tendrines. yet ull of the sav- ! nsery of her jmiKle nature. (July un occasional whine escaped the lion ess to Indicate her grief. For four days the death watch was maintained after the great stork of the lion world fiew oor the ani'ual hou.e and left the llfe- i It ss bodies of a lion t-on and Uuuii I ter. ! Crouched, ready to Hprins at the fiist sl);n of danger, 6ahara hardly moved a muscle durlim her loap -l ull . Now and then she smoothed the fur on their little bodies with her tonfue, and aaiu she 'caressed tenderly the still faces. Only twice ( FIGURES DON'T LIE! READ 'EM AND WEEP To see what you will lose if you do without a Sprywheel Pprywheel Horse aud compietH Equipment Cost litu iHJ 75.0U Interest, one year 11. SO (.00 liepreeiation 29.00 11.25 Cost of shelter 1 UO 10 00 Feed and care while idle 0 00 bo.00 Vulue at end ot y 1S6 60 . 116 UO lisjir. t3.;5 11S 50 Cost of year's use 70 Co Add the advantages of closer planting, no trampled plants, more work done in the same time, and you must admit that you cannot afford to do without a Sprywheel if you grow broccoli, lettuce, strawberries, or any small crop. Phone 98 for demonstration. jChoice home-grown seed Corn. Yellow Dent and and Minnesota 1 3, 6c lb. See Us First ; We Can Save You Money Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg and Oakland 44 did she leave them when keeper Whether or not the hluh school will Louis Schorer. anxious to put an j be packed tonbiht at the benefit pro- mi in me iieiiri-renoiiiK which, en- araiu anil moving II c uro la a ones j lered the lion house to see if there tion, but those who do attend ! ! COME! 1 Where? Hose school. ' When? J-'ridav nlxlit 7:30. What? Hose 1'. T. A. Why? Splendid program. llox sorial, students' boxes 20c, i adults' boxes' 50c. was an opportunity to remove the two bodies. In both occasions Sahara, In a terrific rage, sprang fiercely against the great Iron bars of her caj;ft In an effort to drive olf the intruder. King. In a freny such as Scherer never has seen- him dlsp'ay since he took him as a cub to rear, tried to got nt his keeper, nothing lit the month and sending forth the terror izing roar of the enraged Jungle master. "It was the old call to protect J the young." Schcrer tiaid. "There i was no use in tryingv to take the Uleless cubs away from Sahara." So the lit; house was locked to all but the keepers. Sahara was per mitted to keep her death watch undisturbed until that mysterious healer of animal heurlachcR stole ".'.lost remarkable o all. we have a: crrtaineil that the:;c eariy human beiiiR believed in a future Hie, an enormous advance in thnaeht. They buried t.ieir dead, and with the tii-ail tve have found both stoue imple ments and the bone-t of animals which bud been bnri' 1 when still covered with flesn. and were doubt-1 , ,, . . ., , ,, . ,, r ,. .i, , . , , . nu etly Into this n other a grief le-s intended to bo eetl ai food In i . . , , i . ... ., . , will receive their money's worth of real high-clasa entertalniuent. In connection with an eight-reel picturo the following program of music and atunta will be iven: Numbers by High School orchestra. IMano solo, Gladys t'arstens. A stunt by the Sophomores, Catas trophes and Callers. Piuno duet, tthel Marks, Inez Calhoun. "A Melerdrnmer," Junior class. Vocal solo, Miss Jean Mackenzie. Duet, selection from coining opet ette, "The Harden of the Shuh," Elvn Wescoit, Harold rtemis. The program will start promptly nt 7:30. case the departed spirits should i.ut fer the pangs of hunger." ' 'hike of Wellington said, as an ex r:i:ple of what Imaeiration should do' i ia reunion to strategy. J Safety And Economy. I Great Britain has got to economixo, : antl yet we have got to be safe. How tabliihed can inis Dest po uone; inn any ousi- ti0ilSi ness prosper tnree oinerem man- p,. A. Srilh Woodward, director tigers, each vvrking on his ow-n plan of )no gPi()gica department of the .w thout co-ordination? et that is . 1)rUiBh MstMlm, makes some Ir.t. r- what we me trym;? to do with our ron,ieiitarie3 on the latest ( fighting services. i dbxoveries inrkulls and bones. In the late war we never beran to "For a moment." he tavs "the nuh- thore is no excuse for neoole ' wln unl" we reduced the number of I K seemed to that we had fcrting io look out for their own 1 "".el'pnt commanuers. and in prepa- itiuipii iur war ii wtii ns uiiriiin 11 h rtinlo conimand is necessary for ofTi cincy and economy. I uin sure that War, or Minister of Defence, which ever title is preferred, is tho most This ia a Studebaker year. SAMPLES PBEIISS WAIT FOR ME! stricken conselousnei with that in- etiuclive knowledge of the hopeless- i st. l'hone 410. ,r.ess of tho stnn:g!e when she per mitted the bodies to be removed by the keeper. - I will call on you soon with a full line of liawlelgh Pure Fond products. Karl llhcados, City. Res. 133 S. Flint to Roy I.. Tultl. 84 1) 457. (1000.00. 5J002. Mtg. M. O. Haaor to Anna Veatcii, 39 M 332. 00.00. ":H03. Sat. Mtg. K. L. Foreman to J. T. Solomon, in Vol. 3 M 333. Satisfied Vol. 37 M page 47. 6:".'04. Navy discharge of I'ran cl.; Nlday. 621)05. W. I. Klla M. Nelson to Dan Rinl'h, S4 I) 4".7. $1.00. 62!I00. Q. 0. Deed. Itiley Morn Inustar, to Citizens Hank, Drain. $10.00. Circuit Court. Complaint V. M. Akeley vs. C. I. Herbage, Motley. Complaint, divorce, Thadd S. Grubb vs, I.eota Grubb. Complaint Mrs. K. A. Money maker vs. Charles Mayfield, action for money. Complaint, Klsle G. Wilson vs. Ceo. W. Potter, action for money. in aa inid. r.-tanding wav. Is any child who cannot be latuht Ian airoplane can leave a foreign Itry a(i utiles mat and arrive a bomb out a Ixir.don factorv In hours, travelling at the rate of P-!m an hnur, and is there anv ho cannot understand that an wnnot conn' to that far.orv 'W fnrejen COUntrv in anvihinr 1h ,aae time, or' that all the Ity l.OKIN IS1MTT t'ORVALLlS, April 6. Governor Pierce smiird with ap:ir ion as he examined the large heads of broccoli and tasted the big Italian prunes ex hibited in the booth of the Uoseimrg Chamber of Commerce din ing the bus iness uhow at O. A. C. The products attracted Iho attention of eve:y paser-by without the need of an arliMii ally decorated booth. Such corn, btoccoli, and prunes they had never seen before. S veral per-1 sons who had visited the old Douglas County fairs, said the vegetables ex-; lnbited were unequalled there. A prune wa.i given everyone pass-' Ing by the booth, and Morris Kew-: land, O. A. C repreeuttttue Ircin ihe! ltosebui i Chamber of Commerce, told ; about the richness of the L'nipqua UOAM SAN RAVEL , . For river lonm for ltiwtej and bar run or v.ashed sand an(J ginvel, phono I.ri7-It A. S. Wallace Band and Gravel Company. o 44Of4t444V t LOCAL NEWS 10c a day buys a Singer. t OFFICIAL FILINGS 1 (Compiled by Doug-l Abstract Co.) B21100. Sal. Mtg. Citizens Stale llank, to Ore. Growers Packing Corp. 39 M pago 332. 37 M page t!)fi. E2901. W. D. Margaret S. Cain This is a Studebaker year. Arunuel, piano tuner.' l'hone 1S9-L. Wo serve the best at Deer Park Inn. Mrs. M. I. Winn. Mrs. Cl:as. G. Stanton, teacher of Piano. Rus. l'hone 75-J. 702 S. Pine. Ob, Boy! that symphonic Jnza as played by the Si" en Berenaders at the armory April 10. Watkin's Phone 177. Products 120 W. Lane found at last the first man who lived on earth. I fear, however, that these con jt-ct -ires are a3 baseless as they a .e till rpKfttir &infn iltn nL-iill single Minister of lioln j,:rB,.y i;j ;1, t0 navo been found mar fl neolithic burial chani- iior it tu iifnhni,iv ,., i. i lev. economical and efficient in both peace, per;ou ttlaa ,. or lh0 Bkulfg f f0,. j and war. , i . .Hii, --..,,i-. , (Vnii;.rtoi If m r.JlT,S!Lb.CJBJ!S..niIT, their ape-like ancestors. And 'sine-! John 11..: l-au-on. (..klat.d con'rie-; c:I:vl,N SKHENADKKS dance at - ...p. ... .... .v. ... . i unec.l.le.l frni.l t n tnn in pnmoa u-lirt t . ---n ' . o.i no n.iiK.r- .... a ... it In t-- - - " ... - - i .um miui 4i mi " rom a country which has furnished ant piece n.' ro;i ti nctiM, on tor. . SI'irtALl.A COKSET3. Mado to Measure. Bell Case, Pnone 3ai-L, going to succeed. Imagine a Uucby in the world cannot get over-1'00'1"1" ,am hoping to win with one I ma elijective? the child the se things, and he ' one. undersiaml w-tm la .... r:ke fanoii.'s first in war time. .i men be apparent to him, with- hrlll-r evi.t ik... ..... Horce can il.stniv f.,MnH,.. the arniv i-tui n..,-.. ...... i, .v.. llli-l'llirr P."! 10 so. That will h.. hi. Factori-t Attacked First ntl,l,' to him that ships v.u.-r ii. c, . in tv;i to his f fc't'.ri,... f H..i v.M F "' :t!i.ut bifi.r,. .. . : r" f rat ir n. v" ! " on :!,. i ri I a c r.-afa Y., (more "mare's nests" In the study of I i:om velt i prehistoric and ancestral man than! fop1, is sn I any other part of the world, It will I iainl prep, i not excite interest among anthro-ito Tori Or lltikan :-on Curry ro:" there for I captain directing the forwards, an- ; other directing the halves and n third in charge of tht backs! And yet and practicing for it in peace. , po ogists until geologist ad- Must Guarantee- Safctv. I"11'".?'5; "1k1,11,'11 j" ,fl,'cl1 "'titters has , Our duty is clear to teach'the ,)co. i sallsiled him. ,-lf Hint th k is true , Pie so that thev will insist on a foM'- definitely asroelated wilh Ihe ; national insurance of safety from at-, rcmali -s of txlinct animals." . lack being kept up. I ,l"'n- 1)r- Woouward asks. ! That a Ministry of War or defense. ''a" "t """1 " earth? "To i should be established, so that money . b strictly accurate." to r. pMe i. "we ?hou!d not be wasted on one arm amV have not yet found him, al'h i t.-li ,,f .., over-econom zed on another, and that i nave soma reason ti. iii.iik we v ..n.l i: v. it a. -in "t'- le command In wartime and single Know- win re to iook. in tno mm that to di- '''ir,r,ion peacetime should instant- borderland of lime vl.i h sepaiates : i .Tr.trimiri'.Wii ,v become the principle of our com- nu n from monkey there roamed, ef fa i r.emv. :ui i br.e-J fighiing services. .tomewhere in Central Asia, a form r. -t I and w ill And. lastly, that the hopeless state ef large-brained ape des.iiu .i to be oni;:ing: "if "1 our air services, both military and th" precursor of m-.n. It Is iinp'is- iv rr.ii knock commercial, should be held up con- ::Me to fix a Hn'e for his app ar !.i -'i -.-riy !.i low I'ert ill y, : f -v '....'s in (Ink l ir.-.- to n ove 'us (.unity 'nnt for ihe r.u.'iiln.r. M. I,:.., a b'.-t con tract lu av and v ii! be loraled ,i .f.i! i.i'M.ths. E. R. TtOISE, TEACHER of violin. Call Moore Music Studio. I MOOUE MUSIC STVDIO. 324 N. ! Jackson St. Phone D02. Is yo'irs a home or Just a place to stay. Gel a real home through our (.Tinted dally In the Roseburg News Kevlevr. PROFE8BIONAL CARDS on. M. H. rrnirosraetis Oiy.rln. Ill W. Lan Ht. Mis. Eva Ferracr : 7 ' Have your ad In the classified when Mr. Thrifty looks for his borne. ' rainless extraction of teeth at room 9, Masonic Temple. Dr. Norbas. Watch for the Woodcraft window s,.t Saturday, April 7tli at Pickens Bros, store. I Have your old maitone fixed up. or ,:r:n conies ul(! spend id it I-' ti;.. h ... I fur me in the is ini-omr.i- .V to ir.n'.Line;.-: ': i;. d t'nrn do r. i .1. - to dr. it t0 you. "I ".-:r. - .,, lrtfc what the .!' 'u' '! 'i'" o::.. -r - . . . t , , el. I ' .... , tir.uailv to the eyes of the people so ance. but we do know tliat when Hint they may insist on the limpire he came into being the and the country being put in a proper Mountain.! had not t reared their tat" of defense from tiie jirril which peak;;." Is imminent until such time lhat our. The . eminent Iliiti.h gtoi'igiU , weaknesses are no longer apparent to ( says r.oth'ng has yet nun ilbcov. r , tho whole world. ; t,i r- r.p-rtl!ig the habits and life of " apes. A party of American NOTICE! ! nttiirn!ii':a Is new p. arching for Te person who took the blcvcle In them In proposing localities in Mou . front of 312 E. lhiuglas St. on Sunday eoliu. he adds. afternoon, please return the same and nvonl trouble. DEVELOPMENT CEVEL.OPVCT INS CI n r.. "'",'!, "PRCVEVENT. WE ARE IMPROV- F.VICE. L"IES EVERY DAY FOR THE BETTERMENT OF car, Kr ' - to k. E APr fl-fT than the ElirrnnmlinsF rnnntrv thmitrti va " 1 flT In R'lv.lIlC O of OUT n. rA- T$,na nlnlulnln - WVY.--UC. A MUSI UIDIUVBIUiUI Hr.' at than ordinarily required. "CMENT S NOTri70 SERVE V0UB EVERY NEED AT A in tlUNtMY TO YOU. D0blas County Light & Water Co M- JENNINGS, Vansjer It was in th" Ncsni'Tthal. n' ar Iluseldorf. fi'-rmany. writes Dr. Woodward. tl..U th" ;-.-t'.ai.s of ll.c tnr!!f-i man of whom an t:in i r. ;i!!y known -a. re di-.overed "'-'d wit!i our kn.ov i irre oi 1 I:- aace:ers." In- -; ys. is aa In- J ti:na'i' ac iuHln' atii-e. Lut it i;i Itu- ! possible to n.;?ign him a d-.ite t;t ; years. Swedi h k'-i'o-'v-':- rc-V.on 1 i- age aa aito-it 1 2. yerr j ".N'eandi it ri .ti,"'n-j. - t!i' British t l'iei l. ";n rie'itiitelv n man. II'' live ! !n eav-. !mi;:i which h" ftilli'd form ' l.u:'t Ihe animals seth as mat'iino.!;, rhino' r... r in iW.r and biM.n. which t! "n n.r.m 1 O'er Europe. V.'e li;.ve :'o.l;G. 1 tool-, flint ar..! 1-o-n n'.d ) ' fotir.d even t!.e bor.e pins I.1',i pii"i;ly t!;e r ariy wr.liie-i fati le '! the rough nkin il.Ieii t- ri.-il for peiti. oats We 1. t- ;. ' 1"' n.l r. "iai:s cf p-iitit '! l ' '" s:.i to si. Lily the dav.i. o vtuliy. v. ... - r '. i-i' "f 0n;o:; i. F.:;ors For lis JJUAUTiri'L VrOJIKN Free tied. estimate, and all work guaran Singer Store. The Seven Sen nailers will pl.iy for a dance at th" Itoseburg Armory, Tuesday April 10. S'evi n knix koiil, musicians with the Si veti Se;enadeis Armory dance Tues. . April 10. COMING SOON Another Large Shipment of Gulbransen Player Pianos We are glad to announce that we will now have Gul branscn player pianos in all models. The demand for these popular player pianos has fur exceeded the sup ply, and we have been un able to get enough to supply out trade, but hope to be able to do so in the future on account of the factory having enlarged and doubling their output. Ott's Music Store iTho rubbing and scrub- g blng ot the washboard R wears linen out quickly 1 we cleanse the articles H BETTEIl without this I costly wear. Try OUR fl HOUGH rKY SEHV1CE, I this week. H Extra Good Coffee Our 4! cent Coffee In bulk Is better than you can got in a tun. Why pay for a can and throw It away? Try a pound and bu con vinced. Economy Grocery PHONE 3 NEW SUITS AUCTION SALS at 2:30 o'clock every Saturday, 328 N. Jackson. Also farm sales handled. Sales made daily. Radabaugh & Patterson S raMC ia (! t i . r". 1 !. .- -. e av.:-. ! r.i c:i ' r ar.d I i .- ! : rr. .:'..; 1 1. a ncr'e ; t . rttll: .. 1 ;t;i.i irr'l. f,";n.- f !;.;. r ,1 . 1'.: ( ' v.! ' I. ry Dr. -t year I be-rjii-d vn c.:i-f:.i-e J r." nr.d Oil- . A t . ! . I'icrcc'i C'-oM-rv a:, a tonic V-M to h,r tor ' ; it r cv t n: it !t -.r-; n . in: '.:. my lei ;v !u 1 rr.f. ; l!-.e c 1 1 to i ',. r.i b( i.-v I,, .i ! I ; :y, ': I't ... Hot;... made rnV-, pbs. salads and other cook. il foods tit Pieki lis' iliotli ers .-.tote, Saturday, April 7. lt:-,y jour Sunday dinner at (be Woodcraft window- sab-, Saturday al Pn ken.-. Uros., store. Mrs. I.ucile rten'z, vocal teacher at Moore Ma.-ic Studio. Home l'hone M6 l, or Moore S'udio, 1.02. Tiiodnv nk id April l"-the Hev n S-ienadeti; from O. A. V. al the aim oiy .'or a big snappy (iann-. I.un't bother about baking when 1 foil el-fl get delleioilM borne made Come in and t;ee our new Spril.g san, . i.e. Any pattern, made up any st le ou wish. UMPQUA HOTEL "llosebiirg s Finest" NEW AND MODERN Tho peoplu of Douglas County are Invin-d to make tbeir hoad qLart -ra lit re. W. J WKVF.rt. Trop. e:lk. dav. at I'lck.-n.; liros. store, Sahir- ENGiiiEERIHG AND SURVEYING If i-1 in Mr iirk I niilrlr llecurd COLE AND SPRINGER i . mi iity .MirvryT !ri.i . Murcjir LICENSED ENGINEERS ttitrt H"ii"-ll'iftiMr-riun ?M V.-'.r . rr 1. .-; ,! 1'.- ( , t - f.n-d , L: i 1-cr:: ,ii t U.l.-,l; is the time- CI. t furniture '.-.d: n.a'tre-es lieeU-, '. M l 4.H. Wim he-iter St. at - I - vrv :S.bH I or .e. .( !r. i'lc-c.'i la- ; v. N. Jai k-'.n. ,' I;:;'." f ne apott'ini.t of m;.M i!. n inn Is. nub a- .n.wel!. wenl , clans, tic. Churchill lldw. Co. OUR AUTC WILL CALL X I PHONE 2.7 I j SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTF.IN f STEWART IS North Jarkon I'fmnp 7