Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 06, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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    life, m, I
(Ovntinued fmni Y-sterd;?v )
I I Mt. - '.,n ! - W- r - .
ai;oi;i r s. s. ii:MiKiiflf).v.
April L. - "In tfio t,t p-Mhn).,y
i H-rnr -n f.i i.m v.ih urn: I ;.m.i.
i nr." ; C,. pram M '.-ui . "Wrat
i-mijM t. ni'in' stupid ituui ' h;.nr llor
Vdti n i!n;ihn Hniiw u' jiilt.-ioti 1
the !:':;.!! tr-;t ' ;.s n if
y.'Mc r; or ;he .-ir ki-r; of the Lu-ii.inia
n t r the vanii' hd iti N.-w
York papTs, vl :-n it -V'-n'cd a tn
iVi j!;.i::iliin ll.':t th- :-i,:l.mi: was
Uii..n: i.'i: ?- ; or IN 'Spi.rliis V' r
mti!'' m'-t-s.,ce h'Ti in a roil" lluil a
I.J fuiiUl (!. f.i.Ii.-r: r tli.- Te),-;m-J.ipar
nif--ii i.f Xinim. riiinn, off
eruu: .' w .Mi x:i Toys and ali
I 1 11 i h while w- ip Fill! n uMal and
tr.-injr to k-'p o'it of :ir?
"In the i i.iK'iriic (I'M ill" Cerrnan
i "1 i mill i' was f inula m "Mt ally unsound
pi nee, fo far ;is lk no nr. at the time,
i;if r .- v :i d p' ti'l nt upon ovi-r-w
helming ietoiy on l;,i:d and a td.f-rt
war. Siirnntnd-d l y r n m U-s, k i.
liotnin liloci sole wii" a f-rlainty. The
i !fi ii nry of the m.h'ii.irine hs a v cap-:
on atainst cotMM'P'e had y l be ie-1
tfJiiiiind, and, wiMi (.nat Hrilain'sj
lit i Into tit r MniL.':;' almost n r.-r-!
lahiiy, a Ion;; war was inevitable," In
ha id.
Secret Radio Possible.
petailim? the viut Importance of!
radio in war, Captain McNarnee Bind
that It was possible this cli i T Hource'
of Informalioii wojild bo entirely lost!
to combatants in the next meat war.)
"Secret radio is well within possibill-1
tics." ho asserted, pointing out that j
experiment nre now In imr curried
on in an effort to perfect instruments
which would transmit and recive
nifssa'-R which could not bo picked '
Up by other than d-sii:nated Motions
Kmpliasizinic the. importance of be-1
Jiitf ab!" to Intercept eneniv radio nies-j
fates from ship to ship, Captain Mc-J
Nameo ronfmued:
'A Cennan officer, referring to the
luililo of the Docirer Hank, Ktated that
"everylhiim would have unno accord
ing to fxpeclatiotix, if, as we now
know, if the Ilritish had not conlinu
ously caught (Jeriuan wireless nies
fnyon and almost cnlirely deciphered
the in.
German Co-es Found
?I)i:!'FMK"i:. April 0.
Ac Fred J. Ke;ith-rsiont and Jos-
( !i M. Jones, fun:. ut liiis
h. ciiftn or I'oik c."rny. were
insranl'y kill d w lnie av
(Miriai-'. jiL'.-i lfJ y:trs. a fi(n
of John mrint'. an Itid pend-
t not' liTin r. wa? ptanaoiy id-
Z i
Lilly iniur. l Mil i i minim: vlt-n
u il rif .uul! rri I'arKii:
cNriiic train drnrk I he ."mall in uhiiti tli.. thri-H
in. ii w-re riding lis 111' i:ki-
rtiini v.u.s i-r.i- u x Hi trark 4
nt Si;i-I -uti. 'i li::f mil' iinr'h
nf lii-ri-. 11 if with
Hi., nam ii-- a i-.i'irl ili-'anci-
r.wav. stall 1 m Hi'- railway
Ira'-ii al ii llliaWi' to Mull. Ill'
kwImU- ni'ivinir naia litru'; i hi-
car. ii niDl Vliitu- ll ami mrm-tl
Inir tin- i. i:.a : in wild cm-
Securities Lacked Signature!
Dank Officials $30,000 Nego
tiable Cond9 Taken in
Dig Robbery
frtv Asffeclntpd Preftw.)
ST. TOMS. April 6. KeglHtwri
bomlH of the St. I,ouln Federal Land
hank, amounting to a total of $2.1 :if,
:. whh a part of the. loot taken by
the five handftH who held up the
I iiln d States mail truck In thin city
la.'-it AJoiiday in the center of the
liens district, according to Infonna-
tion ohtiiiiied today by St. Iouia Pont
IJiispatch. The bonds had been
i printed in Washington, and wen be
'iim forwarded to thin city. They
lacked tin signatures of the vlco-
president and secretary of th bank,
.but tin postofficH officials do not
think (hat the robbers would hesi
'late to forK those NiKnatures and
later will attempt to dispose of the
securities. A quarter of a million
dollars in other bonds, over eighty
k,u"J t n,i ..r .. i. o.t. . . i i.i
"This offieer accounted for the" , .K..u..m
Tlri.ish knowledge of the Cerman code! ,l'i!r' f PUn.l-r retired
bv the discovery made thn war ; wh;' th n-fiinterfd mail was rob
that Kussian divers bad picked up inn,
(lei rnan codebook tlifown overboaid ' .
from the stranded cruiser Mi'Kuviiurff. hat Heartily Without Fear
In VJlt, but the Ccrman codes repeat- XV. V. Chapman guarantees Ml-O-Na
cilly vere broken durfn the war. Stomach Tablets to promptly relieve
tooien by agents and fif hed up out of .after dinner distress and indigestion
sunken Hiibmarine:'. or money back.
"in the case of the linger Hank (liei o
Hriti.'-U Admiralty were atlo to send
a (liMpalch to Jellicoe, Iteatly and the
liebi cruiser forces, as follows:
'Tour tlcriiian battle cruisers, six
llilht cruisers, 22 destrcyers will pul
III neii uii remm; mi i rruiiiiiiu ei -
Iuk expedition uuainst the ovncr
Haulc, return probably tomorrow eve
nlnir,' et cetera. Idreclions for a con-centi-ntion
iu:ninfit tho (ierman floct
J iu mediately followed.
"Frequently detailed orders to ier-
tnnn suhmarines w-cn known by the
JiritiMi Admiralty
RliTirtnni irrunn
RAH Arab
1KS MOINKS. April 5. The
Ifl'.M poHHrnl Rltnatlnn will lie dls-
lx'fnri' Hip Hiilitiin-: cussi'ii In ilwnll tit the liallnnnl con-
rinert h-ft port. How this wax done vintlon of tho I.i'iimii' of Women
must ri inain, in miino of the niont In-1 voli tii here April 9 to 14. nrrordiiiK
tcreitlni; ciih!i. a fiorret. Auetild in tn the preliminary program Just un
iiiijiihiiii!; neuti-al poitu were n treat nonnrod.
h'lp, but the lainifirations of espion-1 The convention promises to throw
aire reached Into the hltrhi'st ntiar- liKlit upon the nttltude of women
tern. Hail (Jormnny b'eli vietorious toward National leKi.i'atlon. polities
there ml tht have been some Inter si-1 and wor.d p aee pi ohlemn. The mili
ln housi eli anln;:s in llerlin. hut. after Jerts to bo d'setm cd lnclud!: prac-tli-
overthrow of a (lovernnu-nt. tlntl polities In 1921. Amerira's re
tniilors have n way of u ltltn trans- .pnnslldllty for world peaee nnil how
lornied Into patriots." to meet It. tho new program of ef-
Rceal Soy Work. I flrleney In government, legislative
Ciplain M.Nntnee, explain.'d llHVnrlilevenieiits and ohJeellveB. anil
Work ileleateil to the Inielllgeiue . ,-lnr,..irv ,, ,hp w,nnl, vot(T
Hen lee during roinhal ns follows: T,. ,M.ntlll.,m r con.
Tor romliHi inronniuion pree.ditr: ,. w, ,. .i.-M,,,.,! , a ,,.,.,.
nnd during n una a.hon the eo.n-,,,,,, f lh r(lll(., s,.n8 nf ,hp
mand. r 'tw iner w, i he largely at the ,, . ,r, ,,, , ,, ,.
metey of Ins iMlellieenee S. ivi.e. II- .. , ,.,,,,,. T!.ril w, ,. ,.
may l,no,v , gen. ,l way the -.. , .,. ,.,.,.,. ..,. 9
nn s stjeimib in the theatre of wan.,., 4 , , ... 1
nnd his p.., slide intentions. h, he 1 ' h f' or'n"Z ,,f, ,ho TOU?vn;,
w ill on the .ve or anion f,nd the situ i V" I' "I" ,K "'.V p'1"''; "" "rl
it ion he.omin,. more confused! , ' , ,r"",,,""-, M";
l.v confliding Inf.h.nation- r. poits of " 1 ,"'k,; 1,1 l,." ch"lp- " '
rnemv rorc. s sl, l,i. ,l l,v nil. rait, l.v t v; tit ln will receive reports of of
nuxiliarles. hv muiials. false reporis 1 recommendations from the
broadcasted l.v the eneniv. some .r connive round! an. I listen to the
which pin port to com., from his own i "'..tress l the president,
plilo On A in II 11 the nominating nnd
'Txport radio men mar know the credential! committees will report,
wave lonnths. the tun.', the Idiosvn P'nd In the owning of that day the
crasles and the touch of the enemy's fivt of the sublets on national nnd
operators. This sounds Impossible. ! Internn'lonal altiilrswlll come hefnre
yet it is the verv thing thai Htltirh! 'he l-'ague In the rorm or u mass
operators did In the war. II was use-! meeting at w hich "America's respon
less for the liermans to change call ' s'hilitv lor world peace and how to
numbers or i xi liiin. c them betwe. n ' meet it" will l.e the main tuple under
chilis ns long as the opejal.ns to- dls.-us'.ion.
l. th" sn,,,,. ' Tlie ren.f.l el..'tlon nf natlonsl
The San Francisco Savings
and Loan Society
Live linger
Metropolitan has
distributed 272,
000,000 booklets
'nnd pamphlets deal
ing with health and
longer life.
Metropolitan nurs
es have made more
than 16,000,000
free visits to its In
dustrial (i.e.,weekly
premium) Policy
holders. Metropolitan ex
tends free periodic
medical examina
tions to holders of
Ordinary (i. c.,
other than indus
, trial) policies.
working with Na
tional, State and
Local Health Agen
cies, is waging a war
on Tuberculosis
and other prevent
able diseases.
Life expectancy
among Metropoli
tan Industrial Poli
cyholders has been
extended S i years
since 1911.
Twenty million people mutually own the
biggest life insurance company in the
world. It is The Metropolitan. .
One person in every six in the United
States and Canada is a holder of a Metro
politan policy one of the safest forms of
investment known to man.
Metropolitan policyholders live longer than
other people because The Metropolitan
takes care of its policyholders.
At the same time The Metropolitan is
working in cooperation with private, public,
civic, state and national organizations to
improve the health and living conditions
of every man, woman and child in this
Country and Canada.
Life Insurance Company
Incorporated by the State of New York. A Mutual Company.
HALEY FISKE, President FREDERICK 1L ECKER, Vice-President
Business Statement, December 31, 1922
Assets $1,259,850,325.23
More than those of any other Insurance Company in the WotM
Increase in Assets during 1922
Mure than that of any other Insurance Company in the WorLJ
Liabilities , 1,198,366,913.98
Income in 1922 '
Mure thim that of any other Imturance Company in rne World
Gain in Income 1922
. - More than tiut of any other Insurance Company in the YVorM
Total Insurance placed and paid for in 1922 . .
i More than ever placed in one year by any Company in the WorM
Gain in Insurance in Force in 1922
More tluin that of any other Company in the W'orH
Number of Policies in Force December 31, 1922 . . .
Mure tiiun that c any other Company in the World
Number of Policy Claims paid in 1922
Aeerusing one claim paid for every 24 Stvondj of each tnmine$ day nf 8 hours
Pavmenu to I'olu-hol Jcrs ut'cragccl StfO I a minute of each business day of S hours
Dividends payable to policyholders in 1923 .....
Insurance Outstanding
ORDINARY (Insurance for the larger amounts, prem
iums payable annually, semi-annually, quarterly or
More than that of any otiur Company in the World
INDUSTRIAL (Premiums payable weekly)
More than that of any other Company in the World
Year Income for the Year At. at End of Year c i . t i .v Numberofl'olicle. in Outstanding In.ur- Year
SurpluiwEndoflear Force .1 End of Yrar ance at End of Year
1882 $ 1,354,267.69 $ 2,002,464.13 $ 379,907.13 341,632 $ 43,245,752 1882
1892 13,307,S11.45 16,506,282.22 3,674,516.49 2,719,860 310,767,876 1892
1902 43,336,283.61 89,168,790.55 10,351,338.02 6,976,651 1,219,166,427 1902
1912 106,736,073.52 :97,913,442.71 34,842,971.65 12,837,042 2,604,966,102 1912
1922 3 40,668,30 1.30 1 .259.S50.325.23 61,483,411.25 27.384,445 7,807.556,957 1922
J;' ': J
'';. -i
; i
Live Better-
Trie Metropofa
Agent is a fctuJo
the families he rit
its and helps ia
in caseofsiissi
17,000 Askew
the homes rflj
000,000 Policyfri,
them ofitak
of sanitaw,fei
air and scsbt,
Among theisal
booklets disx
those tellinghco
buy food, hoiB
care for fooJ,l
to cook food,bc
to proudcWf
some, noun
food for the bt
only as it
offiriTfl will I;kt place on April 1:1.
and tho sessions will close with an
executive cuuncil meet ins on April
(The San Frjncisco Bjnk)
Ass. is oer f .S I.IkV.OOO.PO
Depnning April ist., lyi, interest v'.W 1c
credited on deposits
nii w !! c.irn interest (.iitcrlv niMr Scn'.i .uiniu'Iyaslir r.-tvre
This weeks war cry contains a
sketch of the life story of J. K. Ininan.
a well known resident of the Sol
diers' Homo at ftoseburc, who was
converted In the Salvation In January,
1922. And now holds a comtniHiot,
as Knvoy. lHn't fail to read It.
! Arm In Hurt
i A. J. Geddes, foreman at the local
cannery, received a painfully bruised
arm yesterday while woikintt a Unit
was catuht by a belt and drauot) in
he machinery at the plant. The arm
to a pulley and was very badlv bruised
tlthoueh no honea were broken.
Fred Neely Here
Kred Neely and w ife of Tilter spent
the afternoon In Kosebur shoppinp
and UHikinpc nftcr business niatteis.
(Hv Assorjatpi! rrt i )
Sl'OKANK.. Wash.. April dis
cover) was made recently of an oe;
siuht of the townships tn the r w elec
tion laws, as n result of 1im!i tl:r
firt tir township officials nui-i ;.r e
until l!'2r and the five huntlr-d p.r
soii8 nominated a few week a :.t can
not bi ballnted on in May.
The discovery was mad bv T'. J,
V';l. a deputy prosecutor. is
t'al cdviser for the townshitw. Itt-sti-ad
of holding the May election at
Ari;n. is;, 19:3
floorer Kohlhacpn to.lav rcnri-.l a
permit t.i erect 11 "rale hotine Just we.t
of the I'nion Oil roniiny' ilnt. He
1 will .ut in corral ami ih'ils n.ce
: ary for the welKhing of cattle in-p-aiatory
to ablpmcnL
Stomach Trouble
Hi- township polling placrs. they will
he In the ai-honl houses, since only
schools will m liH-t officers. Irrisution
ilistricts will also vote at the school
Th freak of the lawmaker result
'il at the recent ressions when he
townships obtainiMl the passnee of a
! which provided for township elec-li.-ns
in .'amiary of the odd numhered
yean. Th. v ntpposed the old law
would not In- chanted and an
el.-cti..i would he held nils tear un
der th- old law. The old lav. ho.y-
i.t. was amended, and this has
caused the truth!.'.
As It Is only fitting and proper
at this t!m of year we are enjoyluB
April fhowers.
A. H. Church was catled to Ne
hrasl; Inst week hy the death '
his mot'e.ei-.
Mrs. S. V Oouthler and Iwo
younrost yhildren left last week 'or
I'etro'la. Calif., where .Mrs. C.oi'h
ier will spend several weeks visi'i'ie
friends and relatives. Mr. Gotithi r
mother from near Myrt'e Point w-h
keep house for him during the .i -senre
of his wife.
The canyon road Is now open an 1
much travel seems to be co 'i'
throiteh already. The road Is re-
Notice is herehv riven that ritvi ported to be in a fairly e" """
riiorovement of the city of:ill"pn-
!:.-. 1. tin.-. Orcein Series "K" Nos. 91 A most enjoyahle meetlnK of "'
o I?. inc . w ill heroine due, ami will N Ichhorhood club was held at Mr
h.' paid on the l."ih day of April 1M23, I'arrotfs last Thursdav. After tV
and interest thereon will cease after business nieetlnu, selections we-,
said date i Riven from I.ont-rellow's poenf "
Knr'her and addltlnnal notice Is ' remainder of the afternoon wi
henhy riven that Bonds Nos. 42 to'Petit in sewine and social conv.r-
' ' 'il Series "K ' were on the 1 satlon. A delicious lunch
t'h day of April. 1!:2 railed for pav-ted lv the hostess. The club .'
tn.-nt on 'he day of April V22. : next meet at Mrs. Frank Smit '
I inten. st thereon ceased after that April 2fi. 1
" W. F. THOMAS. Kred Portej nnd family Ml F in "!
City Treasurer. 'y for their borne In Canada af'. r I
Mr. and Mm
&MMen, brt
,.inv for yoo.
rccntly; JX"!
Mr. and ,nd ,u
The pi "L rr
were rftojfig
radio fn 110
the yrop-'