- : ROSfB'JRO NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAV. MARCH 16. 19; PAGE 8IX 3 Style - Fit - Service it:: 9 Arthi Combined with our MODERATE PRICES W, 1 LOCAL NEWS t t WVf?tTfftff?Ttfffftffttft rfm TilUT Arthur Mnnr of THbr In !tos b ir:; today loklnjt after liusiiii-ss mailer. I nurrrr tmiJii AftAlinrn o n iV. 'SS5! V ? -.1 ! b S 71 II II I lllflinil m i - linvif All man inllsMn" fir the o'-ove ser vice will Fall from f.in Pr !'ic!- i) nn Hi- transport Tboni.i.-" "" 'lV s- Changes the Footwear Question from a Problem to a Pleasure For OUR For MEN LADIES J lT OXFORDS and SI IOES and V f STRAP OXFORDS ) 9JS EFFECTS Patent Black ' SPECIALS Black or Brown or ARE SURE T !d 1 wo 1 one or Brown TO PLEASE Plain rt lavi. a HUnh nf pt the Ore JVn Aeiif lilniral rot It re ha-t rlini- ; li'in' for the k;i 11, viMtiur;. nrru Yiilb'V lib hier, Camas Valley was in lh' ritv y st nlay and transnrtihy b-i dm -h. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRVIN BRUNN Shoes That Satisfy and Fit Your Feet 4 2 Here f In I 'mm 4 it. i.. m iikti bai.t d i chopping 4 wa . John Hniiluirk In the City John lin -t-iitirirk wai In 'o burp F Ihls iifiirmxin linking if!r t:i Int SM A marrlaire licon-e was Framed to iliiv tn William K. Kin anil Freda, N ii!'i.rr of Oakland. mum w ins w ;.i.mvjl-U reruoz. 1 19 Sherida, St r I.I.I.I.;.M.I.Wsl. t, Utr tt Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Maoklln this morning for F.'ll.-no where (1 ' will enjoy a short il-i' ,il:,t with f:i nils ami ri b. I'l I rotn Vvi-t', If i-li.Tt V.'av. of n- rtle Cm k hotoe there "hti various liu-dncp r fYeek .r. n" dd n' : la f'O'ti hi i ii. I to In dry. nil affair. Ili-iiioiititralfii!; I'ar Clinn Tavlnr. lnral rhevrol. rli'iilir. was In liraln. Oaklaml anJ Sullit-rlin. yi'slcrilay on a ii'mo:i niratlni; trip. He riturnnl brr" lal fvi-nliir. rtflilrii l'rrri ur:li Mr. ami Mr. .1. W. r-rklns r- t'lrrn-rl tmlay from Me nnrilir-rn pnrt lof tin- Kiati- w tioro Hi. y have li t n fur ; ihr past few ilays. I llrrp li lihir.i I!. S. S'li' p.-rl of tlir Oils Kit-valor Ifo., was In Hih tlly y.-slinlav. Mr. ! Pin paril I i hi lt' plaimlim m llio I liml :i I till Ion of tin i.lt.v-i t i-.r In tlio jCraiul lltili-1, wlilili Is now bi lpi ri 4 inofli li-il. Si Alio'it thfrtv or f"- nil Mnvnvlti Iff n'.M nhnnt pW n'r!"' t.:i to ntfnd t'o T r tow. A ?fri,, l.r.r.i hy all. v n i,! r t'l!1? rl' V- t-v nulorin- 't 'IIT!' lo-' crtiv.d of ;(!! rjr vf-s-way to Pa tfum la to ()r'4on ii tho Plat liaskl':all tnurncy. Th M 1 ford tram U in fine condition for this s'ri s of iind is a t':tm vd! (ualil"Id to npr-vnt this iHh- ' i trict. Kos l-iiri: i, of co'irnt'. dis- - I firtiinintt-il (tint ttw iMfil 1i-;il!l (4 mil T?i M'dfnrd hi Ii Frltoo! hall :am, nnd a In? f. root- r:, wi ut tl.roir'h l; t rday aftr:ioo:i on tin li-m. w!nrf the M-!fnnl rcpn s. n Soutln-rn I ENTERTAIN WITH ST. ! ! PATRICK'S PARTY I I Mrs. fieorse Kohlhapen and kIsIit, I Miss Frankle IIowi-ll. enii-rtalned the ; I'ast Matron's flub, of thn Kaalern 1 Siar. this afternoon at their home on i North Jackson street. The entertnin I mi nt was in form of a St. I'atritk'a I party and the home was artistically i ilecorated in green and yellow. The I lable in the renter of the room, was a j mass of beautiful daffodils and narcis sus, in the center of the table stood '"ert Abn.h,mrB i-"" "iiuie tun) I) j. 'be lunthi Tl,t;v!l0U Illtrrnitln... a larpe preen pit; Burround by fcrft-n I at !:!9 t y, J iW nil fern and other fprmff Mooins. I'lanel m. Sundiv 1.. f u ir. , Prsr, a An Altini'lve Wliitlou The Hyan'a Cift Slum ha-i PERKINS BUILDING CASS STREET RAPID SHOE REPAIR SERVICE SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT nnrartive window tifsplav thl 1 I hnoMtlr.iT th n vfry AiihtIcui Lrylon tn.'ti- ht rsliip drive. A number of elev- r rrnhh in are kIiowd and Mf t'e placards make Pit ntin'iil f(r t lit VetiTans to join the orM'izat ion. GIRLS GLEE CLUB COMING APRIL 2 The clrls :lco rlilli of the I'nl-vi-rslty of Ori-Kon, will nppcur at the .tillers theatre on April 1'. The club ronsl-.ts of twent) one hl-lilv trained voices, and the I'rnvr.iiii Is riulle varli-d. Introiliicliie; nirin-rous sttiBls and fcaliins. The clils arc all t an early dao. Mlm.i Ilowanl has been quite 111. Special mention of Virginia, Oak ley. Vein Minter and Kitine Krsklne in tbe prncram tlven last Krldnv jplclit nt llm 1", T. A. was overlooked. These little drl li,r sonir. I 'Daddy What Will Von Take For Me?" Certainly nam; nicely nnd nn I tieat'i'd ii(iotisclt)ii.of the crowd. ' f l-il rV,t.-l... a.n I...I .1.,. traveliiv: over Sonlh-rti OinM.n hv ! i ' ' " ' ,m u" u" mtto but nnd wiil visit nearly all of j the main town nnd r 1 1 i -A port-j rert will ho (riven on Monda" rf- ternnon hy the drls nt the lihrh wehool. where the MudenW will I bav rharre of the tirket Fale for ih pclioolfi of tht' rlty. Arratirenintt i were nnd lodav for the ronnrt hv ! T. It. (tiMenwnter.i who -t nianauinr; I the tour. I DRUCE 8TFPHENS0N ANO ELVA CULVER MARRIED A nnl-'f weiMlp" wa "t'ninl?''d nt f! o'elnck yeMfrdar eveninr, ft thf TtTirr'nnfo of th" tethodlnt rhnri'h Pn'tth wh" ttrure 1'. Stenw-?i"iM 'M" Ftvn IT. ''itlver wnrn lio'fed In ip. Thn rnrcmoriv w:m nirfitrni'd ?' Jti'. .1 n Nt'f'hnni In the prcHnfo r npl'' h' Tii,er,v wMni-Bfiei. path r. nnd lrv SteTthernn pm weM Mn. I). C. ?.renhey of Clentrarv ban bi'i-n vrv 11! at her hour. "The Old Tint"" rMfpton wns hrnmlit fn u Iivt Pnndnv by Ttev. Meininper. Just the grpo) we have hern n-ndinp all these yr-nra. some how n- it hit a d"enr Hnlrf'unl mepninT. nrd !!ev. AleniieTer made It von rlenr and rvit to itf. Vr-. Itolth I rhnlnnan of a com mittee rrnrernttnir tb different dennntluntlonfi. to take charge of the per-nrfrrT of pnctor- for the ("rMi fervifes each Su'dav. The ottn-r mnp.Tnr ff th ontntnitteo nre Mm. Tfn JTnn-ard. Vr. Prne. Mr, Mv witt nwt Ohm-lex 7Te.frwlrr. f'reen 1 . S. vIM bnve a "perlal Knfter rn I era in '-i(ri o)rt n bavin n part, fnn d:ir Vnrrb 1 t li w! h" "Snnc llmol" i!nv ench niemhnr bdn niV j e" f nn-'ihte to b-ini; their ltirth , Hnv monev pq n love offrlnr tn inn-vn iwr. ?nvnr ro--ided in Tt"-. help pnv for the nrW pni)- hook ve lmfp for rt nueittor m v-ir. tr wt. ' -re ntirctnlti"'. ,Tr. C Cmvio rnif"nn i emninved an n Southern Mr Ta'-lflc rnnduetor. TlMV frnpi Tfre T-"tnhe" npd Vti romnnnr Thov carry p fni) B(0rk nt ri''thl( prieei, md thev irl- th pervire. (Adv.) NFVS V'l'f fi'tlTN '' V from l-i n". ..,!(,. oi, t,0, ,. .(!., Plirnrpov -ni1 nvmond r'avp"! the committee in charee. Fee thewi. V. C Tlnter and dinhter Mn f rub, i-dtrtt In Urn'n 1pt ?atiir dav wMb re1rMvr Mr V Inter I r''iverlTi plwlr from his r ren '. I o.r nf nnl'-o"!"". thn re-Mllt of a cut on bl. foot wilb nn rro X. X. ,vii- ,i r rh l-.ltn ,,11,,... -,1,1,, - r .lotlf1" 3 V'vn'l Mimk f. t'nipnen Tltutvt,, nintr4,r 'r,ltor '"rmiM''' r--n1M-.' (n i. '.' Iff r-'tfnrnl tiiul i i b'i i n-Mi-nti" to ho V;i t ip'tl Vort"' n"1 will til-o nv. r the wnrV In the T'"er it rtef. rrplperti V-err,r 1 Co-'T'in. vlwi '"ii tredfpi Itli roMFnn(nn from thx errvlfo p-wl vIM nwvft 1?iv. .tr" tn t.t r.r n r f'l'ur tn take lip pi Ivi'lr bii' liH w. riiMiivrim m't rorvcti. c ., ... t.. , Mr'li 1 I V K.r- r pit ,.!, ,"1. ,,n tn 1,. pr..,.nr rt .f. of (. . M v fo., "Ml M p." I '.'Dpil-'" n'1."'1'!- n iv-i f rtt rip i'. ! "" 'l, to" i- T n'1-n iv" tn ) on"', .... I t I - ,.. , V, 1- VAUn Dance Ijijojnhle A laree rrowd of Flk. tb"ir w'ves nnd w e! harti oMer.dfd the mf irmal dancltif; par( l it nl::bt. Thi j a nre was verv )Pliyrih!". the tini'ic liciiir esperla'iv fine with .he add It ion of .Irrv 1 Io.;an, troinh tu U. Kvcavallon Stalled Kxcavntlon was started today for tbe annex lo tbe flrand lintel. The i hiisenient will b" f-nlarred nnd a m-w heatinr plant Installed. The build In r formerlv used a ba'b.'r i-bop has been torn down nd the nnnc will be mvoral fret wider thrn that Rlrwcture. appointed that the lor-al l pluyinp in this cont t ftr the cames I with Mi-dford show (he IIosrburK a Itnil'Hn- 7mnrovHl bovs to be practi ally equal to the A Murco fln h i k'rif rtvn t" , cbumpioiishlp Irani, bui Med ford Mathews bulld'ne ni'v b'dnT ronimb won the title In one of the nin-t i h r fnr oeenpnnrv hv C, It. Iir,('-, hi il!ant exhibitions of b:isl;"i!mll va rf"rntjv nurcbn d the Hub , f.yer wen in the ho:ittirn lnrt of tbe g .. ; t i i.ni;..-l" i t... .. i i.. i , v rr'T siort niMl pu'' mw i;iie, null iiijw uum'miii k is uai n.- Tiirlors. Th" new fin!-1! 's rr .-!' ; nv th(. Southern On pon boys tn win tmnrovnT the 1m -i of th brleV in the state cantet. buiM'ne. A n'ato r';i fmnt f "I- I 0 li.ntr mlftoil It v- felllld 0 ir 'nnrntrrnf t if r-k .very difficult ,,-,., to nmenre . I I A1U g pl.-te Vlass as the siint.lv In the LINJUlb OUCIAL. lliVill. ;? The Presbyterian Aid Society niet!tjt ; at the I'resbvterian church vester-, ffl SM.VATIOV AltVV VKi:TIr: j ,iny, to enjoy a social ariernoon. Ov- 3 The Salvation Arnv. ?lt N' Jnck-,er 7; mi mhers were present to en- w son street, will meet 'nurdav nt S ov n,P affair. After tho p. -ner.il H r m. nnd Similar lit 11 a. ni. "The business meetltiE had been called by & War of Ilolltit-ss." 1- ct b tbejn,,, president. Miss Frankle Howell. H northwest is bi 1 11 r e-halted ty new bi-ildinjr nt Astor!a. - - .. , , n coninnnv tfipetlnp, p T'-onle's l.erlon "Si 1 p. III. Old Tim. in? s n. ni. Ruble." "Tl.e 11' ri'-lhrk-ht." flood llv.-i- slrifrii a v.-nrni welcome to :!!. pip od ; mid lloll--s Moveil The houses formerly Incntctl on Hie two lots adjolnlnc the corner of I.nne and Prise streets, have been nio'-ed to S Stephens street nnd wl'I be Improved. Work is stirtlni; now ,nw "e erecuon or a sioraee rnraee which will be built where the houses formerly stood. Dinin priwnfnT ic iiauiu uuihuliii u I ni inimrn TnminiiT , in. , oiipf nnd several new members were l:i and rife." , Hinted Into the society, a a or b ation me."- , ,..., wnrt observed. This- Rod 'ilonaied $;n.i to tb" Library and hist year handed In their first Jino 1 Thy nre now collecliiiK tht-ir secon I hnlf of the amount and will band it I In tbe first of Anrll. Ilefreshm nt were served bv the committee. nfte-p j which the fol'owitiK rri.erani was I plven: Sonir, Mrs. Fred sunns; ! son),. Harriet llablernian; Keadln'. Mrs. L. V. PufscII. Scotch son;;. Mrs. fleoipe Chandler. 1,1 A ial I'tV ; W 11 d 'g At llio f.'rnml Hotel Those who nre registered nl the flran.l Hotel todnr ate: it s. Sbop "rd, Portland, v. A. Il.nin, f;ii,t,,; Thes. Ven-h. Portlanil: v.. ft. Per kins. SpritiKn.'bl: V. II. Stronir Portland: A. S. WorV. Pnrtbind: Mrs. Martin I'riifcer, M'ln'.tnn: U. H (lllmnre, Portl.ind; .1. fVw-er. end wife, Ins An-.-les: V j. Henn. Mv. rtte Crook; U. L. Illrhter Canns t anev: v. j. James. Medford: H. I 1 1. noan. seat".': N. .Tonnend. F't cene; n W. yMen. Corvnllls; and C. IT. Pickett. Portlan,!. PI-. l'ofr llnnr-e- The "Piu rnnr" railrt-id brotllrr. ''finds arc spnnorl 1 -tr nnn..-'l t. Patrick's ,1-v ttt a, ,,, n,lr,rv tn nrnr nli'bt. The ersnd enrcb win st;irt nrnmntlv nt nln" n'rtnck nnd d-mc'ni- will cotlllnnn until eitd flcbt. The T'mnnnt IM .-e ercbeo Ti. featitrlne l.-rry !te:'n nn Ihr. '"'elilne tr-m'bniie. -l furtil-h tb" .-..n Tht, .,,, ,..,,1.1, '"'(I Pt one of tbe b"st It' tl,n pi-to "ill ptav tb.-lr f-iino'if "n.,. rpno 'Hue'-," number nmnrr.iw nl :nt. The News-Pevlew radio set has been moved to the front T'.ft rf tile builillnp and tbe p"v lrisiallttlon strtt-t conceits to be irivrn. Two test concerts h.ive tieen i;iv.n very successfully nnd lonfsht. if con ditions nre rlirht lite concert of dr.nce iiiuvlc to be broadcasted by r.rerce Obb-on's dance orcbe.-tra from th" Portlnnd (ireotiian be tween S : 1 Ti and ! P. m. will be put on the ptreet. Tli.'fe has been a cent dec! of Interference lately r ' a result of Improper bi'tii'lliu: of 1 eeivln sets within tbe city. When the bulbs are allowed to oscillate 1 thev set tin a snenlfnE- and houl-! Intr lu olher sets, and In some In- ! statu es it Is t!ini.M H'at tb.-re has ! liic'lclous intent tn Interfere ! ; Some of this ttMi'.rhanrc, l owcfer. j is due to hi.Ap-rlone:'.! nnrrntort. 1 Thi re is a ri'.Miv rrnwinr in, r- j I ct In radio in llos.-bnre at tbe pre-.- j j cut time and a c' -i! many new ere lielnir. Installed. Plans are un ib'twav for the fo-mnbui of a rad.i j j club, which will lleilbM. fs aid In in i eltm'natlon or much of tin- ei: tin j lfolll.de. t NEW TODAY e T7-., -f1nn- oner. -T'ttl i.i I IBER.TY THEATER X vi v vntaT-ci, Mil show vi t ne anm 1 v At tbe Hotel rm-Hiet Amen" those reel-it'Ti'd ,-t Hotel r.nmii.-x tn,l"v nre- f -on Pnrtl,l: p lt, n. M- r I,. M" Ct.n--V. TVir(tn,. s. Pnri'-nd- ri!s K -fc..r title; l-,l Ib-li.". lio-tli.,.1. M'e.t. ri.,rtlTr,l. p i,nrr 'an-': ,T. Morris nt"l wl'" bnd: IT. T. p'-iton. let ,Tr np.r Vr i p villi.' Pirton p, .(.,, p,,,.nr,. K. Pollocl.- Pnrtbi'l'l; P. v Tin nn. Po-il-.n,: v ' F Mr-Mn ",,ril-n,l- !,. ,, Mr ITnn.iI, B,-..l.,. (;,. Itt,,0 l-n.f I ,- V,Pi ,.,,,.,,, M'lll'vre. F'l-ene. At the II.". I 1.,ii..1v 'm"Hw Ihr-n rr-lM.r.l pi t '"I n,,,,..'., . t.,,1.. .: , !"'!'.. P.. v... . o I This Is a Sitideh.ikcr year. LlBRAllETlG this mmm v'"-i . nni ; j 'or'Nm 'ni LAST T1MI A GREAT Ex-Conr-ressnian toi.y snow n. T'-nrt' A meet in ir of the TVnicla- County ruhlie Library boaM. a sieci;il cmn- I miller firm tbe Chamber (f Cnni ! meree and the Mayor of the Ciiy nf H(.rbnrc. was held this afternoon at , " j the Chnniber of (Ynimerco ofTire. f.r I the puip.v.e nf determining on plans , for tbe prrposeil public library buibl i inu nnd th1 aj i t climate co-t of the : trurtiiT'e. The Chmnner of Comineire has undi-i taken the task of raisin ? ' : sufficient fund- for tbe yrrposed ptib- ( lie library Imi'dimr ami is Irvine to . ! complete the projet-t du'ii.e Ibe oar. In older ti di 'eiiiiine the nr.uuint of money neresarv. it Has hern derided 1 10 consider tentative plans nnd deter- , mine tbe nproxiinrite cost of Ihe pro nosed hiMhlinsr. An effort will tlien be mad to are that Slim nf money. ' LAST TEA OF SERIES WILL BE GIVEN FOR SALE r.fi'.-j. FOP P.FN'T 2 linusekeepmK rcoms. filTt Mill st. FOTt PFVT Furnished sleeping room. -ttU So. Jackson. FOP KENT ! room furnished liome close in. i:U Flint st. LOST Safetv deposit box keynutn ber lin. Call H2S-Y. FOP S t.K - T"bv b-isstnet" In pood condition. W?, S. Pine st. FOP PM.K Pantnri bens and roost ers. A"?, S. Tine st. Call Saturday. pop RFN'T Hotel dininc room nart lv eeiiitipt d. Inquire Posebitrt; Hotel. ; FOP PFN'T One 2"room aid. C.-ouml Poor. 327 W. Pouclas st. W. L. 1 Ha-h POP PFXT Sleepinc I of br!b. f2.riO per week. 1 ? root I FOP SAT P Lots cllenn, to settle an estate. Pnth on nnveil and unpaved streets. Phone 31a. FOP PFNT r. rnnm unfurnlsbed bouse, close In. f2"i per mo. Inquire Pitdiferd's News Stand. PON'T forget when In nee.' of anto n-irts. S"o 11s. SnrTs Auto Wrecklntr House. 220 N. Main st. FOP PFNT Furnished "nnartment. fie pi-ice for ehildren. C22 Past P -.-. .1,- . y Phone TO-J. sup. Si'verf plated-cornet, ri ,..,.,,..'r both in rood con-t"..-a;) if taken nt once. 12.1 P "'"c . With Easter but a few weeks away, it j indeed gratifying to be able to present womb fully complete assortments in which tie styles are varied and distinctive. ' STRAPPED PUMPS, TONGUED PUMPS AND OXFORDS IN SPLENDID ARRAY reveal every good new version of Springtime modes, in Grays, Combinations, Blacks d Browns, making the selection of Easter foot wear a pleasure rather than a task. S. L. KIDDER 213 Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon i ! ADULTS rj ! Mr. M. Wheeler on tha Oroan 3 : .. g room. Privilejre ! 3 ek. 21S S. Flint tj an, to settle an ! t TODAY ONLY RETURN ENGAGEMENT MARION DAVIES -ENCHANTMENT" A rncMnDnl ITAM PRDDIJCTION -rk. r-i.i Ak cto.r.rf In '-When Kninhthood Wa l f"? PATHEK STAR COMEDY, "RAIL BIRDS" SATURDAY-SUNDAY DILL HART, "WOLVES OF THE RAIL" spf'-ni. tips wppK-ionn wind- s'neld visors. $(!!-. Wilson Tire i Shop. II. Jnekson street. Hood tires . POP S VT.P - Harlev P-vidson" Mnlor- rveie nnd sidecar. Chnen If taken ! 4 n. nr.r.n tl..n .........1 1 . ... 11 " III ' 'I. Ull-r ootlv. i Ai'dmes "line" care News-Pevlew. j itcs ron inTcniNf! o. a. r. ap.ii Tmc-.-.I While I.crVor-.s. Tl-rre -ocl-s1 nn per ,.t. l in if nitr-ked f"r shipment. F. A. Kruse. r.oseburR. j flrrr. tfrTuv:-ivi-niNr."PT-nT.icpise I t.-'Vo notice tint nnlicies numbered ADULTS BALCONY 15c MRS. GEORGE BERRY ON THE ORGAN Milford Howard Presents His Own Great Show ' Ftr-- : "THE BISHOP of the OZARKS 1 he Parson Who Drives to the Front by Torre of Rii;ht nnd M ilit Also the First Complete Great Round nf 1 1. C. Witwer's "FIGHTING BLOOD" Stories From Collier ' Weekly For Women nnd Children, ns Well ns M.n. These Stories Will Show World-Famous Men in Actual Parts. Mixed With Delightful Comtnlv miss sov.n on ii.r qa iow. nur not ti us one 4) ' -T 'nn l'X. p: T ' ii ... 4 ; nt. t..i. tin . ... Th . ri of ah' T bv the Pont i ,1 IV .V.lii . March IT will r.ppf' Th'!-r ' 'uk. n-l den. M.r M. '. . r. oiT'i'V. P! i-'ds, -'it. 11. -tli (V c r.n,l ll n-n ' -r r r.- .,,t .M , n.l Ik.. . -re l-n T l tbe n.l'tr.1, I .,l,-l .! A - 1 r- . . I- .kn I oil:: Mrs. Pe-ree tosepbln- M. I" t ,,ls tb .!.!. s. I l-a.ev. Ki.e.ir CootMes. Pv- n Hurt. Mrs. I. lev.) Crock, r fre-bne-TiM Th torv of mi-:.- li.'O ef tbe l-.v p .b'ic b c;i I :ll'l"l.'"f I'n WO potli' - k 11 . '1 ; t b.' - .t. ,'l :illi! !! c b :i i l l i w. nv - fol'.uvlpir '"iiM- o. V o '"- 1 ' m- v 11 '. n Hi: 'S. Porctb' Cor. il.tr-. -r. Pi-ice- .To'i-i-- -i. k"a'" .b.r,.;i. Mi'.lr. to.lr... M i ri. . nnv Violin. 1 "' T'l"'-K'J. ''I" rbesti :!. p. r t.-rs. -in.! M;---r.v V".,;l r-ml's 'tj.-.M.-. 1l.-l.-i Sipno't. Tb-'i-n :n:j O ilno n be maintained In th.-Ori. t to allelic a M-t'l cry. !M"l!ne .IT.,J-r. I viii-no't ther-o W'o-k.-pdre I b. on pro -',! carh r - red on - i :f ts of .-. . .1 1 v tb- con kinf fiT thl'lll. Mr W ir n'l Mrt ibe ro C.iti .oIVl- i. b I k b-nd- I hlr ".-C7 In C"-"nl Innlllolt-n nf tne l'KTrn Fvnrpu-rtlTFPS nf rmv-v FH1P IVSPPAvrp' AS. cnnTirvN t.r- m to ihe COM MPPCIXt, ArtSTRACT CO. -e-nt, fr tti.. I'oinninv at nospppir; "If'l'IV. ami that "-, nn'icios 1 no bu n lost or stolen snd the nbnvn Insitrnnen rn-,etne pi'-es po-tl-e tb-t It -ill not be hel l Pnble 'ir ri.,j.n r.r nnv .c. nr .linnrrt t-b'cb fiic'-t occur under tve no"- C'oj V'.'l Wi'l confer n favn- hv r-"r1"'- -nv '"f.loi r,.'-t'vn tn vp'vrn r. pottpp ' arramcnto St Sen Pr-'nc:-cn. Calif. opr"1 ittt P PPM? IV TOWV-Z Vn 1 Tbr. n room nmo f rt -i bte bntlse '-' birn- lot liOviril- f;nn r;v- ' r-,r.l.-n lind m p-ivomort; rt n' Irrn- r!t- VTtor, clee--,k- m.-in tt:, no, " '"oil- r.v.-n cnP-fe; ba'n--n bo"o: fi r--'er some f..r bl, 1,,.,. fnrr,,. ','" iPd chickens: --i ii.'f 2 We foor rnon cnttiee "mcp-.t- f.'nr Mr tots- f rip t and berries- nn.t "nrtrii' r,. rvi 1i;,-,il tl,)f r,, T-en er-o fine nr,lPn nr,I -n r".-r, lw..,n. h.rn- rbVk. rlri'n' r-e.n foil- f, b-.nt, ,ll,,,. n,j, Prim fn-,n Kit -o b.-t t''n I nil o trot 1-1 . n b ' "I- In.- THURSDAY-FRIDAY BIG DOUBLE PROGRAM - j 'ia EytLECOUE M.C0UE PERSONALLY APPEARING IN HIS ONLY, - MOTION PICTURE EXPLAINING SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTO-SUGGESTION A t7 "7.4 l .i x . - v. w r iA "ti t i i r t 1 .1 BYIDA-, COVEDY ALSO AGNES AYRES "Lr-inYnRY" 'A DAUGHIt-K yjr "--. I k ' r. I iv Tprr icrvrv 123 C.i-s Street, Phone 219. 5 O SATURDAY JUAN- J J Q BUCK JONES, IN - BELLS OF SAN lij