Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 12, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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.K. and Tuesday rain.
idition of Ths Evening New and f vj Review
An Independent Newspaper, Published for the Beit Interests of tha People
m fi THE club used
I German. Killed by the
L. i A fi rYittiroalr
rencn w
in Buer
ch Are Adding Severe
sstrictions to District and
ie Situation Is Urowmg
Worse Every Hour
Inty four hours of terrific tension
, Ruhr following the discovery
x::.l kJ kaan
two Frenen onic...
Wjinittd near Buer, broke today
I.. i.t seven and possibly ten
L... ur killed.
Wr is held in a atate of aeige.
L Germans were shot when they
Lpted to escape following their
a suapected of murdering Lieu
,t CoKin and M. Jolly, French
I- -. . ,.
ugly crowd stormed the police
,n immediately after and the
ch troooe fired Into them, killing
men. Berlin reported that seven
n wre killed In Buer for vio-
the French curfew law.'
e French and Germans clashed at
rund. A French officer was killed
teveral on both sides were
! French are adding severe re
oti te the occupied area where
tuition is hourly growing worse,
understood that the German gov
lit it feeling out" the French
Itlgiana looking toward the end
tit the occupation by resuming
ktnti on the reparations.
VkUSGHAUSEN. March 12.
rraii are dead as the result
vrtlh the Frenrh troops In
fcii parti ot Recklinghausen. One
Lh soldlfT and three Germans
moatM in a riot at Dortmund.
:p of iie has been declared In
fciire Rscklinehauaen district.
dirtarbances followed an In-
i it Boer. In which a Frenrh
cnt and a French director rf
frier railroad station were killed.
faced martial law and a fine of
"'(KM marks. Additional troops
hn aent to Buer.
t'SSEI.S, March 12. Cheering
ri peeted Premier Polncare and
any when thev arrived today for
frnmro-RVIglan conference regard-
a Ruhr. The conference began
i' regarded as one of the most Im-
3t since the loint occupation be-
rrenm generals directing the
IMtlon work were attending.
f BT T'nlted PmhI a
. VANCOUVEH. Wo. March 12.
Constable J. Holland of Battle-
ground today found the club with Nipht rider Jurv Onlv Out 40 ,'r,d ,,,r "
which little Anna Nosko was T"Bn Tlaer Jurv Jnlv uul w 4 Evelyn I.yo
e probably beaten to death. It
was discovered near the scene of
the murder. The lnvesligatora
were sent here upon the receipt
of the report Edward Whitfield,
held for the crime, continues to
protest bis Innocence.
Minutes When Men Are
' Committee of Representative
taxpayers ror Rebuilding
of Court House
music ci.rirs phx;ram
A very Interest Ins program has
been arranKed for tomorrow (Tues
day) evening's meeting of the Mus
ic club and every member should he
present to enjoy It. The various num-1
bera will be rendered ry Mrs. Harold
Nichols and Viss Katherine Merrill,
readers, Mrs. L. H. Moore and Miss
Dorothy Cordon, pianists, Mrs. Win.
Hlney and Mrs. Frank (irubhs, solo
ists, Mr. ttoise, violinist and Miss
Maxinc Moore, flute soluist.
Bt t'nlt-4 Press)
ESCAN ABA. Mich., March 12.
The high fever of lit plus tvg-
three weeks by Miss
,yuns was declared
hoax by lr. Harry Defiiel, the at-
tending physician, following an
Investigation by lr. Morris Fl.'h-
i bein of the American Medical I
1 Association and I r. F. II Woody- I .
! att of the Pretlerian hospital. !
' ! in her mouth. I forcing the temp-
i eralure upward. .
Doth of the investigating thy- . , . . n n ,,
siciaus were from Chicago. This i Inspection ot Present Building
case, which attracted world-wide ! R-,,-l n I r j..
mention from the medical world V i e ealS d Conditions
proves to be a mere dud. The
physicians describe the girl as .
one of the most clever tricksters i
Demonstration Given When
Prominent Citizens Are
Released Next Case
Begins Tomorrow
mi rupr tdm
L H..nL
William Z. Foster First "Red'
to Be Tried on Raid
MEDFORD. March 12. The Jury In
the first of the Jackson county night-;
riding cases, of which Jnuetl P. Bray.,
I minister and chiropractor, Jesse F.
! Hittson, auto dealer and former Med
ford police chief, and Howard A. Hill,
orchardist, charged with riot, were do-1
I fendants returned a verdict of not .
guilty at five o'clock Saturday after-
i noon, after 40 minutes deliberation.
The trial has been progress for two ;
j weeks, and attracted wide attentiun.
j As the words thnt made the well
known and prominent citizens free,
fell from the lips of the court, a wild j
I shriek of a woman In a rear seat, rang :
through the courtroom, quickly fol-1
! lowed by handclapplng. The Dench :
I rapped for order, with the admonish-1
i men! : "Order must be preserved.
The defendants shook
they ever met. They give no rea-
son why she did It.
May Remodel Until New
Court House Is Built
The twelve representative Doucjas
county citiztns appointed from the
liosetitirg chamber of commerce, the
Cyclone Wrecks Small
Town of Pinson
ftlV Asnrlated tra
T.OS ANOKl.KS, Mank 12.
4 The final divnrre decree tif Uu- e '
doiph Valentino, moiioti picture Twenty Persons Killed When
actor, was enured here today. . ... .
The interlocutory decrees in the
suit against Jean Aker were en- I
tered March Sth last year. About I
three months later he was mar
ried to Winifred Hudnut, dancer
4 nt Mexicali. Their marriace ) '
brought on an Investigation and 50 DWELLINGS RUINED
w H nun ut-iiaieu illegal:. ait'ii- w
tlno announces he will re-tuairy
Miss Hudnut shortly.
Will Im for OklahiHiiN
Kenneth Cllnger. a local boxer,
and aon of W. O. Cllnger. proprietor
of the Grand Hotel, will leave tomor
row night acenmpnnted by his moth
er, Mrs. W. O. dinger, for Poncal,
Oklahoma. Mrs. Cllnger will visit
there several days with relatives
and return to this clly after her vls-
Ulrange, Farm llureau and Taxpayers' " h,lt K,m"'tn ''" renialr there In
I .. . - " . . ' .l.,l'lilt.tlu .'''.rn I.a will l-on.ill'l
Will Be Appointed Either to State
Highway Commission or to
Fair Board, Governor
Pierce Says
Defense Has Affidavits That
Allege Detective Agency
Plot Bailin Charges
Said to Be Startling
SALEM. March 11. A. C. Mnrsters.
hands with Rosebtirg banker. Is being considered
I the jury, and were congratulated by along with a number of other prom
' their friends and families upon the inent southern Oregon men for the
outcome of the case. The court thank- office of state highway commissioner
i ed the Jurors for their faithful and to succeed Robert A. HiMith of Kugene.
; conscientious service, and excused This was announced by (iovernor
! some Jurors to whom home tasks have Pierce today.
! been calling. i "lhava been acquainted with Mr.
The court arnonnceri that the next Manners for many years. Governor
of the so-called nightriding cases, that Pleree said, "and I consider him a
of the Slate against J. Alexander Nor- business man of unusual ability. 1
ris. and his son-in-law., Thomas E. ( nave had his usn jv In mind for some
Goodie, in which Henry (Hank) John- time, and It 1. aTinost certain Hint
son of Jacksonville Is the chief wit- n" 'm favored with one of two
ness for the state, would be called appointments In the gift of the exei-u-
i,vt Tiieminv niornlne at nine o'clock. "v department. The offices to V. hch
The court its instructions, defined
the legal points Involved, and Inst met
ed the Jury, in the forms of verdicts,
to be returned. The law on alibis, the
defense of the defendants, and im
i reier are state nighway commis
sioner and member of the s'ate lair
Mr. Marsters formerlv served as n
member of the fair board hut retired
! n-nrhmnnt one of the main conten- rroln ",e Position at the expiration of
Hons in the case were also discussed 0 tP t,v? '"r? ! was mc
Identification was an- ' viaiiiiers m mcuiorn.
u was saio touav that Mr. Mariters
and the court after reading verhatim nR'l1 ho,'n consulted by his friends mid
the wlninnv of one witness, said the wl" accept eitii. r of the offices for
Jury could use It. In the consideration n' '"" ls considered by the gov
of the identification. or"or- ,
Assistant Attorney General I.llje
qvist left Saturdav night for Portland,
(Tlv T'nlted Press )
The fit of the' "Red" trials grow-i other of the high points in the trial
ing out of the spectacular raid on an
alleged Communist convention at
Uridgman, Mich., last August, is sched
uled to get under way here today. !
William Z. Foster, Chicago labor:
leader, was selected by the state as
p'DOX. March 10. Although of-
00 verv definite evidence to
f 'Tt their statements, some of the
a correspondents in the Ruhr
that there Is a tendency to-
Peace and that both sides
welcome a settlement ending
'n of the nast few weeks.
o the workers and the indus-
ia on the German side are tired
StrtlCzie. the mrrpHlmndpnlfl
the former seeing no hbpe of
nr. Whil at lh. eD.nA llm. thnlr
nnra are augmented dally. The
inailsts. with the exception of
'o or the most influential, are
Increasingly the pinch of lost
oq are fearing for the future.
' French, on their nnrt. nre ren-
td as suffering scarcely less.
hare not rnttr.fl what lhatf ttftlll
''e Ruhr to obtain, and French
'"en are being seriously affected
'curtailment of the coal supply.
Conditions Cannot Endure.
SI-aosll.,n I- .u Ji . l
V lll" mntiuii n-
u will he Impossible for the
J- conditions to continue much
JTin ,n the customs harriers
" the Rhlnoland. It Is asserted
i othr trade Interests besides
of 0r,-t Ilrltaln are romplaln
"r the French restrictions. Hol
, 'n4 t'enmark. according to the
rafh s diplomatic correspondent.
made -presentations to France
T!'? h'"e l"rge trade In Ruhr
", " virtually stopped, also ls
10 be only awaiting, some move
,.''! Ilrltaln.
h:njtn. Ihe correspondent
-t" """"testing Itself in the
n. although along Independent
rr,de Pe It Llkety.
i-t.i .7 ,llrKPts that the con
( ''"'"''""' are likelv to start
." '"' rnnT,"r"tl"ns with Great
t t'" to making com-
t.'i . T,,"n ln hehalf of Inter
"'trade. It is understood that
ri roTrnment has made no
: , ."""fll,ln I" France, but the
"of.h'r" ,h,t Parl"
;....'h of British feelings.
r Ahr Godley. com
1 the British forces In the
, ' , feturns to his post to
'Xi' 'ht the question of
km, h" Kr'nrh railway rights In
1 aSlv K b" bwn settle
t-t -cat I " ""'"a' confirmation
the first of the 21 alleged delegates to " and will return Monday, for the Nor-
the convention to face a Jury, roster n" "' ,.,. , ,,, i '
was arrested in Chicago, where he , ' arguZ ', , a S
went shortly before the raid occurred. ; Assista.i. A. torney General I.lljrq
He was later extradicted to Michigan 'or wo hours gave t he j r "hennr
when It was decided to prosecute the '- '"lri.TJZ?
men under the Michigan an.i-synd, , JXt'-from stalt XZl
At.orneys.for both sides predicted ' bRt '
League, met Saturday nfternooii with
I'isirict 'Attorney George Neuner Jr..
spokesman for the county court, re
. garding the proosed plans for a new
; court house. Following a lour of In
' spection through the present court
i lii.use and the Jail, the committee
J n;:nid as one that it was impractical
to consider rebuilding the structures
and decided the only action for the
best interests of the county was to
i consider the construction of a new
building, either salvaging the old one
or letting It Btund to be used for other
The rhalrman of the committee
meeting, R. A. Hersher, called for
oi'lulons of tho various members and
all spore in favor of a new building,
but stressed the necessity of raising
the funds before the construction was
A motion was made and carried re
questing the chairman to appoint two
committees, one on the Jail and Ihe
oilier on the court house to secure
figures and Information as to the ex
pense of remodeling the buildings lo
make it suitable for use for four or
five years, while funds are being
raided to start the new building. The
committee to secure figures on the
jril consists of John rtusenbiapk. A. C.
Marslers and I. K. Kruger. The court
house riMutnlttee Is composed of J. H.
Rooth, Harry Pargeter and R. R.
The two committees will report
back on April 7th, at which time the
conniiitlee will take final action on
the recommendations they expect to
make to the county court.
The count v Jail was thoroughly In
spected by the committee and all the
members condemned the present con
dition of the building. The dim lighted
definitely w'-ere be will receive
training and boxing lessons.
before a Jury was selected
Judge Charles E. White declared he
would block further attempts to delay
the trial, as he had already granted
two postponements.
Federal officials learned early last
summer, through secret agents in
Russia and Germany, that the Ameri
can branch of the Communist party,
was planning a gigantic convention.
Secret agents here worked for
mon'hs In an effort to gather Informa
tion regarding the convention. Much
of the credit for discovery of the
meeting place was given to Francis
Ashworth, federal operative, who Join
ed the Communist party and was ap
pointed a delegate to the convention.
He notified his superiors that the
convention was to be held at wring-
man. August 2
the date five Federal operatives ar
rived here to look the ground over.
The Communists had selected a se
cluded summer resort tucked awsy In
the sand dunes a half mile from Rridg
man. The little colony was composed
handful of buildings and
hn "n-nuM vnll and rant" he said he
! would let the jurv deride when he was
throuch. "who had done the yelling
and ranting, when I am throuch."
State's counsel blamed the "mis
guided notions they were reforming
their fellowmen." as a basis of the
crime aliened, and accented the de
fense chllenee, "to tell whv the
slate of Oregon had sent the assistant
attornev general down Into Jackson
Countv." He said, "in effect, It was to
uphold "the rtrht of trial by Jury," as
Invoked In 191."."
The trial Inri'ely
Three. Cars IHtrhci r.ear Wi'liur niiil
. .Mr. mid Mrs. Illerssen of Van
couver. II. ynlte liailly in.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Iler.-s.ti, Jr. ol
Vancouver, it. ('., were hurt todai
in an auto wreck which occulted a
short distance north of Wilimr. The
accident occurred on the straight
way stretch jut beyond the bridge,
a irurk. the liupiiiolille lielongina.
revolved arcind 1 and Mrs. lilerssen und a
the efforts of the state to Introduce car goin on uie jiawnjcai anil over
evidence Involving the Ku Klux Kl-u.'tho grade. The accident was caused
the defence attacking the redihllltv hy the slippery pavement In passing,
and veradtv of J. F. Hale, the chief all three maiiiliiej meeting la tin
iines for the state. One of the same place, and skidding when a!
. . i.. Kf, lurors said after the verdict had Wn tempting to avoid a collision. Tie
n lew un." " - . L, . . 41 . . . -.-.J...! .. .......
nrOlirni 1" ll'm Me mm. nupmuuiir ' v.. i .- k.u..
worn bv Hale en the nicht or the al
Wed "haniring" was given little value.
The defense contended the shirt was
too small for a man of Hale's sire.
The verdict wss received with com-
nosure hv the tnree neienunnis. oui
of a handful or Dunoinirs ami a . a- ,!nilve were den,
me -. - -- k - ...
errtrsMve, sn-1 inr warmm iii mi.-'i
......inlallnn rrrp
ing evf. --mo to pvon of T)r. Hv n1
tural ftranhithpater rrpfnotl by
towprint? dunB on all aid-s from pry-
turned over, pinning tin1
wumau uiidt-rn at h.
OthT autnists on the rcmi Jm
mpdfalfly Kav asRlKtunco hjkI Jiftp
pd to extricutc tln iii liom lh'ir pow
Uion. -Mrn. ItltTwupn wan v-ry bull;
cut about tho tiu-p and h aI. a d 'f
pajh ovt th riKlit iyc (au-tnn i
prof lint 1ofs ot 11oo1 anil t
tadlr brtikcn ri. It i not h
FPderal onicerm in nioins. . ,,.. : .1.. - M nitnv.n' r
Thp F?dpral oppratiTPf. howovpr. Howarn in in n n . wik Moved thai th-re U any frarinr
. .. 1 I. ki.lln. nlaAI .n T'l'l " ' "" . 1 T, .. I I
lirv. with h iit 'r
thp Bktiil. St.
plrkpd up by
x.n InniK'oiaii 1.'
U. ltvlan-1. lorn'
.find watched (he proc-pam. m- - . . rrwm . MftA.r.,
Inhfalninir thp ro-opprjition of ShPnfT nnnT " . 1 ' 1 . V . mnm. Standard Oil manaKiT niid a", ru-h
"r""?" "Z nn.r nfflrpm thin- hP had
in some uiiiMe'--' : . ..
of the convention were advised of the oo an wees.
Federal men ana
I '
hrenrp of the
panics broke out ininni the delegates,
which included hulf a domn women.
Ixical automobiles were command
eered and a general exodus started.
Men and women were parked Into, the
machines and driven to near by rail
road stations where they took trains
fnr V.r V nr V
I The Federal and state authorities
bpa'to "ave" j'o7Z The Roseburg Rod and Gun club.
j preparing io hl a fw days ago received turn
I HSlMSse. document, snd lit- carload, of Chin, pheasant, the
er rwe" found buried In sunken Oregon .'at- gm. farm, tislav
barrel n7 discovered In hiding started out four large truck, to , ,.-
I n".rXl In the various building.. Four tribute these bird, all over Ismglas
places "I 'ne m" . ,inlv Everyone 1. urged to ne S.I
!.".!-Tbi::" ,!;:i:hU;re0 Federal in- IZ in of these bird, and
sector. -canned everv document. they will be rewarded in a few
spertors scann-o mnntbs bv a large ahundanrr of the
The Rod and lun tltib
teailfa itlv refused to ed to .Mercy iio pitai nere n.
Juries were examined and ti'ai
Dr. Pettier.
Mr. luVrssi-n was brought m tin
hospital also, and Is suffering fiui.i
a badly dislocated or hrnken shnnl
der. The machine In which they w. ri
riding was badly wrecked
They were on there w ay honi aft
er spending the wirier in California
Mr. hlcrs-en is manager of the nla
Hardwood Flour Company of Van
couver, 11. C.
One Story to Bs Added and
Extension Will Be Built
on West End
People Were Sleeping When
Storm Broke and Many
Were Killed in Bed
Many Injured
Iflv United Pres.)
Twenty Three persona were killed,
cores Injured and huge property dam.
age caused during the night when a
gale swept the entire region from the
Rockies to tha Appalachians,
Pinson Tennessee was virtually
wipea out. the wind and hail killing
twenty and Injuring two score.
i nrct lives were lost at Richmond
Wlree were crippled, train service
demoralised and thousands of dollars
property damage done throughout thi
central aection following the storm.
An eignty mile gale, snow, sleet and
rain caused wide devaetatlon.
Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and
Michigan were the hardest hit.
Heavy enow fills were predicted to
night over the Atlantic atatee.
Hotel to Be Made Modern in
Every Particular Elevator
Will Be Installed and
Sample Rooms Added
The addition of another story sn1
the construction of a four story ad
dition on the west end of the (Irn-id
Hotel, will be started tomorrow, the
Improvements being sufficient to
double the capacity of the hotel .ind
make It one of the most modern nn I
up to date In Ihe stale. The omiro
snd poorly ventilated cells were de-t front Is being; changed, and Ihe ex
clnrrd a menace to Inmates of thelterlor will be stucco finish, on the
Jail. I same plans as the Kohlhagen hulld-
Mr. A. C. Marsters presented a loel- Ing. making a very beautiful stnic
"1 plan for the remodeling of thejture.
lull until sueh as a new building run I The present annex on the west end
be erected. It was his plan to use lhe nf , building will be lorn down and
llimiilirs ill uie imiiuiiiK n nil- jnu. ne nPV structure will h.
placing cells In the center. This ar-
i-aneenicnt would Insure plenlv of
Unlit and good ventilation, two things
which are needed badly at present.
The Inspection of the various offices
in Ihe coillihcuse revealed some de
nlorable conditions. Many valu-ible
record are stored In places which
mnkes them unsecure from fire har
ards. The office rooms are sinnll and
inconvenient. In ihe county treasur
er's office the small vault lias a wood
en floor The AKHI'MHIir has only a
small space In which to slack records, a ngni rniirr
eoalinir I liinmands of dollars. The Jury I an elevator will
room will not arronuwlatn both men
and women Jurors. The court house
committee will have a contractor
present, figures on Ihe approximate
cost of remodeling it to fit Ihe Immed
iate needs. It is estimated that th
.ntire remodeling will not exceed
"The Jul! Is the worst nell nolo 1
was ever In." said one of the commit
eemen follow ing Ihe Inspection trip.
"No matter what crime a man Is ac
"UHd of he Is entltl-d to hutnsne j
treatment and I sm In fnvir of fixing!
the Jail first of all." I
Mr. J. H lionth In sneaking before
he rnmiiWttee ssked that no quick
rjTtVm , b,. mVormaHon and ' " ' '""-".":.,!
ficures on a new building.
four! .n
feet In width and four stories hleh
The barber shop now occupying the
annex will be moved temporarily anil
t ie barbers eniploved there will
work at the Itadlo bariier shon
until the Improvement la completed.
Another story will be added to the
present buldlng. twenly-s'x room
with bath being added. There win
also be two large llcbt samnle room
for the tine of salesmen who delrrt
to display their wares. There wilt
In Ihe center and
also be Installed
The additions will provide aiinpoitt
mately forty more rooms, tuaklti"
a total of one trindrcd rooms which
will be Rialllll.le n the future
A colllllleto new heating SV-eli
will also be Installed and alteration
wll be made to the plumbing, so
thst the hotel will be made modern
and Complete In every detail.
The bsseinent will be enlarged
and extended and storage rooms and
men'a lavatory will be constructed
The first f'oor will b remodeled
to some extent. The front will In
changed to conform to that of Ihe
other porllon of the building. Tin
I am not favorablv Impre-scd with
'; snv'hing wnh Hie old building"
aid Mr. Marners. "My opinion as In
h b'-st "ollltlon to the problem would
he lo build a new court hoit"e nn the
corner lo hinl-e the rletk, the herlff rest room f"t
ind the treasurer, and leave the old i There will
Mr . C. H. T'eareh left his mom
Ing for her home In AHianv affer
remaining here several days with her
fWter. Mrs W. C. Mrurk who bar
been quite 111.
a:.-..i. - Sitv. months or
Among th- ppersw.s an alleced "me fowls
prociir-a these birds and evervon"
sl.fiild show tb-'ir appreciation of
;hrs bv using .ill prei aiitlors n the
bate used special efforts and pains to jnest rvstiun of 'he pbessuLU.
hack. An elevator shaft will lie hiilM
from the ground to the top of the
building, and will be of de fire
slsling tvpe. In the niiithwc-t eor-
ner of the hiildiliP on the flrit floor
will be built a large and romfortabl'
he po chntlge on ihe
'oift house here and use it. ine-ai-conn or iniiii imors inner nine
htilliling could be put to good une, I the construction of the eb va'or sli irt
,n mire, for nubile gath"tlnvs. et and the addition of a row of rno nn
cetera. I don't think It would be ad-, on the west end.
vis-able to build at the present time .4 jno fUrih flour will be of entire
building material, and labor Is at the;r PW construction, the walls belnr
h ak. We would levy a small sum. ; f concrete and tile. It will conform
sv half a mill for the next few vears j (n ttH aenersl p an to that of the
in.t hen we are readv to build we:nth,.r fr. (,, Wi rreaily add to
will have the necessary funds." ' the amount of available room.
It wss ihat a lew of one Th(i ttlunm (or ,h improvement
hsif mill for five year, would raise ; wr lUtwn ,,v , ... Xhoinas of I'ort
...ffirl. nt fund", placed wlh 'he O ; ))n(1 whf (h. .,,,. n ,he
md C land rrant money fn i K ,,, hlM,nK, y,r Thomas w
snount Ing lo 7ft.f-- In five years, lo- n u,J.,inrT ,rtv ,. vr
b..".l s rew modern building. ronlniil n Pge Jt
Virst of .11 the committee will In-
vestii-ate the advisability of making
tepinorarv Imiirovcrni-nls no the old t bers represented pearly every clas. of
kniMim which are nrartlrally linpera- Isuiiilas rouniv citizenship, thev were
progressive enoiit-n to see tne ne-
(Itv United Press)
JACKSON, Tenn.. March 15. Twen
ty persons were killed and nearly two
score Injured when a wind and hall
storm struck IMnson, nenr here, dur
ing the night. The rescue workers
who rushed to the stricken village,
when word of the disaster was broad
casted were bringing the dead and In
jured here today. The town waa Bleep
ing quietly when the slnrm broke and
wrecked houses and business struc
tures. Many were killed while asleep.
Iln In and hall followed the wind.
Three Were Killed.
ItlCHMOMi, Ky., March 12. (A. D.
Three persons were killed and two
fatally Injured and a number seriously
hurt by a cyclone which swpt a small
section nf the Madison-Fayette Coun
ty border last night.
Victims Were Negroes.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 12. (IT.
P). A million dollar snow blanket
covered the southwest today. The
rain and snow of yesterday increased
the winter wheat and other crops
value nearly a million dollars Ihe ex
perts declared.
The storm however pnrnlyzed wlro
communication and Interfered with
railroad traffic. Tho storm was gen
eral throughout tho Mississippi val
ley, with an KO mlle gale doing consid
erable damage further north In Ihe
(Jreat I.aki's country.
Storm's Toll Heavy.
CHirAfll), March 12. (A. P).
Death, injiirv and damage, was donn
bv the fiirloun March storm, last
night and tedav In many sections be
tween the Itoekles and the Appalach
ians. In addition to the dead at Kin
son Tennessee and Itlchmnnd Ken
tucky, one bov was killed and flvo
others burr when a school wa. un
roofed at Portsmouth Kentucky. Two
are dead directly fnvrn the storm In
"'hlrngo. A man fell dead from ex
haustion In the storm at Milwaukee.
Two were injured In a wreck at
lMilaskl Tennessee due lo the storm.
tiv. a
Th mfln Pafnnlav waa ft har-' r.naity fnr btHT fariiit)a in nanaiuiif j w.t in iron, im-ir nomp im-re yea-
f flV AHH'irlntfll f'rtnajsO
KKWItKlKl. Or.. March 12. Tto
nn'n hi'ld up th rmnk nt St. Paul Orn
von lodfty nnl within nn hour two
"iiHiH'ctri wpip fnpt'ir,! Imth by Mup
hIihII Itnv Amy, who fuuml $7'M) nn
t li in. .Minh Ili'Hlrirp Murphy, iik'I 22
varH. t flier, whh in churK' of ih
Uitnk toflny ilurlmr tlx ahuencfl of
iifhlfr Hmtih. Ht fnther wr In ;he
Imiixk wlh hr wh-n two robtH-rn in
tfr.'d. Tho hHndii ordonn! thfm to
throw up thli hinlt. Tht tfihT
wnmcd tli- tianlltfi that 1h afi
i hai ffr w ll h lTi rictty. They then,
to 'I, tho Mtt TimtifV Hnl iloit-ti'd.
inr'hnll Amv mmtd with n rtvr
'aimiji th pa'r hr? by leaping tn
from of thlr au't inobilw from behind
tflrphoun polp. One funprt ar-r-"tHl
h-rf Rave ih nam of Ilnbort
Iltirn4. I(t nu Id h wan parnlrd by
!(nnr hiKt Novt-nihi-r, after Ervin
four yn-nr of a fifteen year aentenre
from a Multnomah highway rtjbberjr
rftnvlnion. The other nin kv (),
r -",e of Kdkiir U Smith of Oregon
The unuiil wpt-klr ihlpment of a
- r- K',rd ut-.a "erf tmlnad'd to
day hjr the C. A. Lor k wood people,
.ti.ti a fi-w more on the wattlnr lint
rorr'',"ndltlKly pleaded to v their
J. A Peey atid wife of rilendnln
mmiious one and although the mem- the county gotcriiment.
(Continued on t age cis-;