Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 08, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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,hst ytit.nUy 51
i..t niaht
lent and F'1''
Evening N iwt and tha Roseburg Review.
An Independant newspaper published for the best Interests of the people.
Consolidate., .s-.
XXV, NO. 20. OF h
Ln Movement and Rumors
rJ. ..J CI.,.. Indicate.
txpecicu i -;
Fighting in 5Prin8
Jrks mobiuze army
-.1 T...L-.. fa Rvmntp
kce mm iuij - -
Lance -Holy war Against
Great Britain is l nreai
of the Moslems
(Br t'nlted Press.)
bNDON, March 8. Kuseia xoaay
red millions of arms from Sweden,
Lany and Ccho-Slovakia aa the
u movement in wnicn wva..
L... lamed, gained ground in
king near Kieff, according to Hel-
iors ana wopn"wM
niiiion rifles. 1Z5.UUO macmne
ina "U c.riii.i.,.. ' .-r -
red as the red army prepares for
ng drive or revomnvn.
. r. tnltari Pr,H I
kvnns March 8. The old world
to he preparing iot oi6
, (Bv rnlt-rl Prs .j CROPS
Loral Organization Will bo Well
lU'Hv-ntM at Taroina Meet
ing March m, 'M
and 2.
Much of today's time at the Ro
tary luncheon was RTven over to for
mulating; plan's for attending the
tenth annual northwest conference
to be held at Tacoiua March 25, 26
and 27. . Elaborate plans are lieing
perfected for Rotariuns and It Is the
opinion of those close ln touch with
the program that the event is go
ing to be the best ever held ln the
The attendance from Roseburg.
judging from the number who signi
fied their inteution today of attend
ing the conference, will be large.
Those who attended the convention
held at Vancouver, B. C, last year
appreciate the good derived from
being present at these gatherings
and are anxious to take part ln this
year's program.
Greatly reduced rates will be ln
effect from Roseburg to Tacoma and
return, which will amount to ap
proximately $18.75, for railroad
fare, sleeping accommodations being
extra. The railroad company has of
fered Pullnian sleeping accommoda
tions for all who wish to accept this
privilege during the three days' con
ference and cars will be parked for
that purpose. It is optional on the
part of the members whether or not
they wish to take advantage of
sleeping car accommodations as Ta
coma Rotarians axe planning to pro
vide rooms at hotels lor all who de
sire them
(Continued on Page Six.)
Impending Crisis Serious Says
Newspapers in London j when a negro ran amuck here
Mnij Mn Irtl. 1 today. The negro was a paroled
many men . late convict working on the Haston
I ranch. He became enraged when
reprimanded for stealing corn.
W pixm Lil, it-mi., .-Marco a. w i
Mrs. George Haaion, mother of
secretary of State K. N. Huston !
of Tennesee, was probably fatally 1 r f 7, C-..1,
shot and four others wounded "P?" "onl t.ollegS bpeak
to Farmers on Co-operative
Marketing Plans
YaluaM IVoiwrty at Tomer of Cjutu
Mild JMikMtn KtrvriM H ltl To
iluy IliitWIttitf Taken In
Kx change.
French are rushing troops to
following the warnings tnat a
fill warfare had been planned
t France during April.
.w rerort said the Poles
making preparations to call 300,-
ei-rials to tne colors, wun war
Mble on three fronts.
Iboly war against Britain Is threat-
bv the Moslems.
tat Britain Is anxiously watching
uhr and Bavaria where the un-
rau possibly flare Into war.
tavia. Bulgaria. Italy, Llthu-
So"et Russia and Greece are al
ienated in guerilla warfare.
Mohammedans Preparing.
iNTios. March 8. (U. P). ah Murderers Given Positions of
mmeaant ln Constantinople ne-
f'D the un of 23 and 39 years
1 been ordered to present them
's at tie recruiting stations not
than Sunday, according to an
ante Telegraph dispatch.
pat tmeasines8 is caused in Con-
tmople on account of the attempts
i extremists to have CallDh Abdul
Kid declare a ' holy war against
Peace With Turks Remote.
l-Torkev'j rejection of the Lau-
fie peace treaty, which was not un
ited, has been received ralmlv in
roreign and native circles in Con-
'inople. The belief persists that
"in possible to reach a middle
i agreement toward Deace.
Ie Angora government will now
Feed to draft a renlv to the nllies.
nun it win continue counter pro-
!s Within the limtpflflnns eatnh-
r oy the assembly's debates and
uay nignt s resolutions passed by
assembly which riemnnrls strict
Iwence to the principles of the na
N Pact on all matters affecting
?s atisolute independence.
;e Situation nnnnrontlv hia setllerl
" 'or an indefinite period of nego-
ARIS. March 7. (A. PVTh turlt-
representatives here aav that the
m at Angora on the Lausanne
" still indecisive.
"Ir advices show that rerlaln
"na are still open to discussion
Trusties and Allowed
Many Liberties ,
Prisoner Reported to Hav
Smuggled in Moonshine
From Wood Camp
One Nose Broken
Workmen in Dusseldorf Are
Depressed and Beginning to
Doubt the Issue of Fight
More Unemployment
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, March 8. Gloomy pic
tures of the Ruhr situation, with warn
ings of an impending crisis, were
painted today by some of the London
newspaper correspondents.
A Dusseldorf dispatch to the Tele
graph says that unemployment is in
creasing and the political situalion
dangerous, asserting that 25.000 per
sons are Idle in Dusseldorf alone and
that the wages are insufficient. Tuo
workmen are depressed and are begin
ning to doubt the issue of the strug
gle. The French soup kitchens, at first
boycotted, are now popular.
NEW YORK. March 8. (A. P).
Harry V. Dougherty, member of a de
tective agency which specializes on
furnishing labor to industrial con
cerns, has given up hope of helping
France exploit the Ruhr coul mines
vilh. American negroes. !! aaid be
found few negros eager for the Jobs.
ESSEN, March 7. (A. P). The most
serious case of railroad sabotage yet
reported was discovered today south
All Three' Defendants in
Nightriding Case Maintain
Their Innocence
Growers to Assemble at Court
House to Hear Discussion of
Market Problem Which
Now Faces Producers
The marketing meetings held at
Oakland and Voncalla under the aus
pices of the extension sirvice of the
Agricultural College were well at
tended and much interest was
shown in the subjects discussed.
According to the information pre
sented by Mr. It. S. Hesse, 28 per
cent of the people of the United
Slates engaged In gainful pursuits
are engaged In agriculture. This 28
per cent receive only 17 W per cent
i of the uatlonul Income, while 30 per
c tl w vi . d .1 cent engaged ln commerce receive
Say They Were Not Present 5 pr C(nt of , natlona, ,ncom(,;
at Near-Lynching and That
They Had Nothing to
Do With Alleged Acts
(Rv Assorlnt(d Pr-
MEDFORD, March 8. Prominent
citizens, lawyers, bankers, merchants,
two former Medford mayors and a
prospective candidate for governor at
of Essen, where 150 yards of the track ' the primlry t sprg today testified
of the main line between Essen aud ,P ,h. d.... i- ,h. ihrirfinn
Dusseldorf had been torn up during , cem. They elme t0 t ,n.
reputation of the three defendants
Tuesday night
Chancellor Cuno'a speech In the
relcbstag lias bad a decided effect in
stimulating the passive resistance
and 29 per cent of those engaged In
' transportation receive 32 per cent of
tne national income.
According to Mr. liease the Ameri
can farmer excells all other peoples
ln production per man. Vhen It
romes to marketing his products he
I has not been so efficient. Mr. HeBse
pointed out the act thnt farming
i was the only Industry that was char
acterized by individual production
and Individual marketing, and from
its nalure the production of agricul
tural products would necessarily re
main In the hands of the Individual;
that by organizing co-operative as
sociations marketing could oe Dest
by Joint action, lie
A very Important hulne.ia dent
was consummated today. when
lames liutchtngs. proprietor of the
Moilel bakery, purchased the lot and
building where his place of busi
ness is now situated at the comer
of Cass and Jackson streets. The
property was formerly owned bv A.
Sulzman and V. S. Hamilton. The
lot Is 40 by 80 feet In site and is
considered one of the best Invest
ments in the city at the present
time. The building Is quite old and
is not of modern construction but Is
entirely adequate to accommodate
the bakery for several years. There
Is no question but that the corner
will Increase In valuation as modern
buildings have been erected on the
other three corners and It Is only a
matter of time until the property
bought by Mr. Mulchings will be In
demand. In the deal Mr. Salaman
and Mr. Hamilton take in exchange
the building which was owned by Mr.
Ilutchlngs and located on Cass St
and occupied by the Radio cleaners
and Radio barber shop. The deal
Is said to involve a consideration of
Leaves for Cottage Grove
J. w. Stoops left this noon for Cot
tags Grove to visit several days with
friends and relatives In that city, lie
will return to his home In this city
the latter part of the week.
"tor being law-abiding and peaceful
citizens." to the reoutation for "mor
ality and veracity" of J. H. Hale, star accomplished
among the hundreds of thousands of I witness for the state, and corrobora-1 pointed lo the 1'acaflc Wool Grow
workmen in the Ruhr as well as the tion of the alibis which the defendants I ers' association and the Oregon
heads of industry, according to Ger-1 offered relative to their whereabouts I Growers Co-operuttve association aa
man sources here. The French on the j on the night of March 17 last. Form-1 examples of what could be done by
contrary declare tnat the speecn was er Mayor "Pop" Gates testified that i the farmers combining to sell their
dixappointing to the population which Hale's reputation for "morality" was I products together. That Itidlvlduuls
had hoped to find in it a more definite i bad,
declaration that nuht lead to nego
tiations with France.
BERLIN, March 7. (A. P). The
relcbstag today debated Chancellor
Cuno's speech, the discussion reveal
selling their wool received from five
to eight cents per pound less thmi
he association was able to get for
He called
SALEM. March 8. With over 100
convicts running about the county J never.
t nv T'nltiwl I'r... 1
JACKSONVILLE, March 8. Fellow-1 (he nme ei-ade of wool
ing tne claiming of alibis by Dr. Jouett ; tt,.ilon lo the fact that the acre-
oray, Howard Hill and Jesse Hittson,, .. .,. i nreenn was Increas
ed general unanimity in support of t defendants in the nightr.ding trial, nK Vl,ry rapidly, and the same was
the government's statement, while In j yesterday, the defense produced morel ,rue jn California and Washington;
the riechstng corridors the talk chief- witnesses today tending to prove that ,(hut ull!eiw ,le growers orgnnixed
ly concerned itself with Ihe effect or I the three men were not present at the , n , con,muUiti,., to enable them to
the chancellor's speech abroad. near-lynching of Joseph Hale, but ,th.,t dQ r,lve advertising that over-
In the course of the debate. Dr. Brf,y a ' J"" .uT I production was Inevitable and would
Edouard David for the socialists M 1 ..'itaT . dl '"" low Prir a"1 nsv-
the French ought to understand that !".!'' "" at k C uuenl disaster to the producer,
an agreement was always possible . euasmg business at his home. " )n Qf Alihllimli pr,.Bu
wltn r ranee desiring only reparations dent of the 1'aclflc Wool Growers'
MEDFORD. Ore.. Marrh 7. A fea-, association, was present at the Ouk-
lure of testimony for the defense In . iuj meeting and explained Ihe
and peace, but with France wanting
to annex tho Ithlneland and the uuur,
outside the prison walls In various
capacities; with the government pay
ing the state 840 a month tor the
"keep" q,f Warden Smith's house
maid, Alina Wurtzliurger. Chemawa
husband killer; with Clarence John
son, siayer of his aged woman bene
factor ogling women and children as
a front yard trusty at the prison:
with Tommy Lotisso, another notor
ious wife murderer also a trusty,
and with a long list of others, com
plaints are beginning to echo from
various places because of methods
now In vogue at the penitentiary.
Herr Herst, conservative, regretted
thnt Chancellor Cuno had not an
nounced a rupture of diplomatic rela
tions and a policy of reprisals.
; the night riding trial of Dr. Joueti P.I ,.,,i. ,,r h.nriMiir wool through
i Ilrady, J. F. Hittson and Howard Hill, I tho association. Mr. llerriu answered
.aner me suite nan resiea us case, ; vurm gallons asked by members
Employment of a federal prisoner
bv Ihe warden In capacity of house-
that 1h chances are these will ! maid is Bald lo be without precedent
reserved to be taken up at a fur- in state prison annals, but that Is
conference with the allies, this lust what Is happening at the tire-
"g to be called In Ihe near fu-,gon prison. Mrs. Wurtzburg-r
Rt tifiA bJ a - - ! i.m. j i u ...l.o A at rhnmova In-
. ....... jut-fa it? s.u utr; hiiifu nr ihibi'hiiu .-- -
r.bT tho allie. fhool in September, 121. The
The Roselmrg a"d Albany basket
ball game to be played at the high
was that of the three defendants who
declared their innocence and claimed
alibis for themselves. On replies to
questions asked by the defense attor
neys. Hill said that on the evening of
the alleged hrnglng of J. F. H lie, on
the nifht of March 17 he quit work
about S. 30 and wt.s at his hom mull
of the nsroclailon and It developed
that practically every one who was
a tm-mlMT of this asportation was
highly satisfied with the returns re
Cel veil.
Thifre will be a meeting at Ihe
court house In Rowburg at 2 o'clock
7-rOi l.n h.. .nl ,lr,wn tn n In , f rlll iy 11 neriioon U HO one ai
li'lA, , ..nrliln InWar A t 0 n'Mi.flr ! g TBI! Ke ilttli Bt 7:30 p. 111. Of the
he went to Dr. Ilray's residence to i same dn".
get the doctor to come to his house.! In adilltlen to Mr. Ilesse, and Mr
where his little girl wns III. Dr. llrav I ITurd. .Mr. llerrin will bj preo'nt at
was not there but Mrs. Tlray win. He- thee meetings and will be glad to
tween 9:30 and 9:4ri Hill snld he ni't
Dr. Ilray in front of the Rlalio theatre'
school gvmnasium here tomprrow and tne latter at once urove ou in i
night will be the last home game of i the Hill residence. Hill followed In
the season and should be a verv in- his own csr sml picked up Attorney
teresting exhibition of this sport J George Codding, now rhlef deputy In
Both teams have worked out strong! the slate corporation commissioners
defensive systems snd have bad , office at Salem, en ronle. lie sa d. HI. I
uino scnuiii 111 ., . - -. . , during ihe""" i oddinp 'nen drove to nis own
liralnarv prrhano. r j - .. hrutni nno the great deal of experience during tne . . L ,
nee r,...i "",'." " "" "-' :-,... holh mr ranked M"h , nome, men inn went nome. in
meet any
meinl.ers of the nsocla-
Illture h.n,11l. .i. . ""- " " . . i.i. .mnnr iho hest Inmi of the State " " - I
bin-, v V i ue near e.ii. . hammer wnne ne siepi. i'ni""' Tih, .hM !. tering chlroprnllc treatment to tne;
PkiVr ?""'n J1""""''- " arose as to where the trial should i the game ton orrow n ght should , 'Th(.n af.r fhort yM, ,
Angora assembly's deliberation 1 , I , Lnvcrn-nent has no local team went south and the girls k , .,. her retention for two w.eks or a
I . to have been decided that ' ,h'' "r"f' f, "m " here are anxious to get revenge. nn7erf e J,,,, KHiw,mhall. temperature of 1 1 deer...... ailed
fcn.'I,'i',n,.n' ,hp "' i'Jr,v - hlcb Vs. used also by the klan M ' today when th- '"" P')""-
E-C ,ou,d b' NX"1" " Pr"e T n1,'r I monh that '. paid for lirin RrYTIrinl mn " hH. W. L. Craig had testified for lan's thermometer broke,
fisss uiles, there were a t.relim- h 40 nion,n ? a' P ' . Ilrl si nnnTinM Llin .h. ... he ovm-d tht he had Miss I.vons complained to Dr. E
r ii'r' ?u,?: .h: .nmM kep. nmn v .r
Douglas County Boy One of
l ive Convicts Who Saw
Way Out of CeUs
George Holtsclaw, Serving
1 wo Years for Larceny,
Again in Limelight as
Kesult of Jail Break
Annual Election of Officers
cf Fire Department Held
Last Night
Department Considers Plans
for Greater Protection From
Fire to the Property
Within the City
sy ai-cort.
.,mtn nf such oHsoners. I P l
early this year the woman was kept
in the woman's ward, but now she Is :
a handy housemaid for Warden;
Johnson, and It Is tmd r.dood thai
the other dav she sailed forth on a
window shopping expedition In the
Saiem downtown district In company
with a few others.
Tt, ..rr of Clarence Johnson.
now front yard runner and trusty,
t .v.- mnit notorious or sny
enrote which was run over
k lied by Earl PIcV.n. on -he
5ay at Shady Point Tnesd'v.
Ch i wnnd,'rf'l run before Its
xil IZX ,l'"n' Tbe
IV t J fo"r ron,, belonging
ooej Innv -u. .. , , .. .K. ri.,,n Oclolier 2
r-y mornlnr tv i j.u!.n.o .r,. h hd brutally mur-
i'hin a short lim. .nri ..mi! 'r.A the aged Mrs. Freeman
k- a tnt "" animal ae
sri-d j . . . -. th. fact
ever told 1. E. Edmlston, state's wit- r. Defnet, her doctor, thst she felt
i nesa. thai he nan burned ine nnics revi-nrh. Meoirai tnei niurui-iers pre
rohes used on the night of the Hale noi graduated above 114 degrees
kidnapping and hanging, whl'-h are si ht ,r )i-:net attempted to lake the
; lered to have b"en worn by Hale's Kiri', temperature with one wlilrh
tormentors. had be.n equipped with emergency
In testifying for the defen " J- F niarkii:L- above that point.
'Hittson, one of the defendant, and Th an,.nii,t failed when Ihe ex-
former . hlef of police said thnt .in the n(,nrt(nl mercury reached Ihe lop of
ihe lube end blew the end off. Dr.
nkht of the ' hanelng" he was at lion-
lih hl wif - and daughter and W II-
I tnr As-lst'd Pres..)
! DEDHAM. Mass.. Marrh 8 Con
mtinr affidavits are ready for a
,,....rr.w nn the motion for ll.m rintnl Jr. nnl thnt ft ronlrsc
criminal in the nor'hwest. He was new r)s) fr jcida Farro and Baro- h.,w,, n hnn and OITutt had le-n
lomeo Vanzetti. conviried oi tne mur- agreed to that evening, i ne r-nire.
Ar nf navmaster and a guard In was Introduced as evidence. ll:ttsi.n
South Dralntree. In the meanwhile said Offutl left about 11 o'clork.
II. In his tesiimony tor me s..e.i
. ... L...4 ,.ui,t.iH i,iAn,,f nut. y e
Il'lllflllV II 111 p-l'I'-l, ......I...... ... I. . u .
f1" zizol: ;.t.7 u"rF r: ;."v .h. nn.t ..r... .-a h.;o;,nro"n. ...
TiVnta ; i , . ,. I tnr him . - -. tsa MUliitar fT I (1 M V tl N I mm nAttt-ania II ft It as IHO KilCl or H ne II
iKadv p',:. '.T i'1.?T'.r ,n' hit 11 benefactor, had in"-" .. - . ' -nudiatlng their r-mdin. for an siitomoblle. which was Here from Osklan
at a m. 1 ... " ""T1 ft 'witn lorn, ' neni- "ivi.. fur Ihe defenM- and assert- confirmed bv Unison y.ho,ald hi' r-'
"ii-anc. enesri or in. . k a ,a mu from ran w ... ........ t
the cap arl.... .. f- I. .1 v h. was rvlrg tlm
ed the I Portland bv erufhlng her hesd with parro , jaii ynn his 22nd day of a
lawsnn a heavy Instrument. What made Ih. nunlr.r Mrke. Th- defense has affl-
Defnet estimated the glrl'i
ture today at lis diaries.
The girl remains rational, with a
good sppetlt. snd reaenis orders lo
n rnsln In l d. Hhe Is being closely
a'rhed since she d;sapneared last
k and was found later lying
she had gone to cool off.
' fin
A'nt ended his
in they were obtained under prea la t ion. with Hale had always
Ed Hettle of Oakland was a busl-
been ne. visitor In Itoseburg for several
h'Hirs toilay.
James M. Flotrher, Jr., was last
night re-elected fire chief for Rose
burg at the annual election of offi
cers of the Rosehurg fire depart
ment. Mr. Fletcher Is an expert
enctd member of the department,
having served for twelve years aa a
volunteer fireman, fire truck driver
and chief. He has held the position
of fire chief for five years and dur
ing his lime In office the Itoseliurg
department has made an exception
ally good record for low fire loss.
Phil Harth was re-elected to the
position of assistant chief. Glenn H.
Taylor was chosen for Ihe office of
president. Jack Crafton. vice presi
dent; Woodley Stephenson, secre
tary, and Harry llurr, treasurer.
Prior to the business meeting the
fire department enjoyed one or the
finest banquets and social meet In rn
;n Its history. The chicken feed was
prepared and served at the club
rooms by the pala"e of Hwoets. All
the members were called upon for
oasts and speeches and some unique
talks were made.
In the business meeting which fol
lowed various plans for the Improve
ment of the department and Ihe
equipment were discussed. The de
partment Is now composed of young
men, most of whom have had consid
erable experience in fire flghili g and
the personnel Is such that a viv
serious situation can be toped with
In an efficient manner.
The equipment la far helow that
which the city should have and an
effort will be made to bul!d up the
apparatus used lo a point coiiimeii
surate with the value of the prop
erty to be protected. Negotiation.!
are now under way with one of th"
leading fire engine manufacturing
companies which may result in
mnrfern ntimner being Sent to
city without oi. ligation to th city
for the purpose of making a demon
stration. The only ob)e.tlon mad"
10 the purchase of a pumper Is tha
It will not be efficient on the smai'
water mains now In use and a t--t
011 pioliahly lie made to determine
what slxe mains are necessary s
lf Increases are necessary to secu-e
protection some steps to add to th"
afety of properly will probably he
A number of matters prtalnln
to the welfare of the organlzatioi
were considered and a ery sincesi
lul meeting held.
(By United Precs.)
SALEM, March . Ellsworth Kelly, '
Oregon Jones and Dewey Jones, aery j
Ing long penitentiary term for tha
Medford jailbreak, who attempted to
escape with two other convicta front
the penitentiary on Saturday night by
sawing through the roof, have been
confined In the "bull pen" It waa
learned today. The guards caught the
men In the prieon yard. The attempted
escape had been kept a secret until
last night.
George Holtsclaw, of Glendale,
who was sent to tha state peniten
tiary from this city following his
couvicuon on a charge of larceny.
maue an attempt with four other
prisoners to escape from prison last
Saturday, according to word re
ceived from Salenn Tho attempted
break was kept secret and waa only
leurnea or yesterday,
Holtsclaw has always been a bad
actor. While quite young he waa
held in the county Jail (or aeveral
months after he had been appre
hended ln misdemeanors at Ulen
dale. Ho waa found to be suffering
from a disease which required con
siderable treatment and waa. kept
confined. Alter he had been ln Jail
for several weeks, he and his young
companion succeeded in loosening
the bars of their cell so they could
escape with a ropo made from tho
bed clothing. They would slide lo
the ground each evening after dark
and remain out most of the night
having a good time and then return
to jail before daylight. This con
tinued for some time before the offi
cers finally discovered the trick.
Holtsclaw later got into trouble
and went east, obtaining a job In a
sawmill In Kentucky. When he re
turned the officers gave him another
chance to go straight, but he was
soon brought up again on a larceny
charge and was sentenced to two
years. He Is considered a "bad egg."
The attempt to break from prison
is reported from Salem as follows:
While the I. Inns minstrel show
was In progress at the state peniten
tiary Saturday night, five of the
most desperate convicts In the Insti
tution were sawing their way from
their cells, sawing their way through
the roof of the nortn ceil house, and
sturtlug for liberty. Stool pigeons
warned the prison offlcluls just In
the nick of time and the escape was
thwarted when the men were
rounded up In the prison yard as
they were getting ready to go over
the wall.
The men engaged In the attempted
escape Included Ellsworth Kelly.
Oregon and Dewey Jones, brothers,
George Holtsclaw and George Jack
son, everyone of them as hardbolled
as the proverbial picnic egg. and
some of them leading figures In suc
cessful Jallbreaklng In the past.
As near as can r.c d-tcrmlned the
men walled for the first bur.i of th.
orchestra to sound at the minstrel
show, and Ihen ull mounted their
bunks and began sawing on their
cell bars, although it was possible
some of tiie sawing had been done '
previously. The saws were smuggled
In from the prison ahopa.
All of the men were on the fourth
tier, and escaping from their cells
they cut their way through the roof
of the north cell house and made
their way to the yard.
No trouble was reported In round
ing them up. ss the "stools" made
a hurried report to the offlcluls who
were attending the show and tbe
roundup was made so quietly that
even the local talcat cast of the show
went on with their stunts in ignor
ance of what was transpiring in the
outer part of the prison.
Ellsworth Kelly, one of the star
performers In the attempted esrape.
Is serving 20 years from . Jackson
county for aiding in a sensational
Jalli.reak from the prison there.
Kelly was out from the prison on a
one to ten year sentence (or a hold
up In Cow Creek canyon when he
was apprehended and placed In the
Jackson county jail. Ke'ly also Is
a tio'firio.iM auto thief and has been
watrhed lor by every automobile de
tiiclve ag'-nry on the coast. When
he landed In Ihe Jail at Medford,
Oregon Jones making his getaway
'here. They succeeded in escaping,
Oregon Jones making rls getaway
but Iewey Jones stayed on the Job.
For which Oregon Jones got i!i years
and Dewey Jones 20 years, and
(Continued on page six.)
(Continued on pa J)
, friendly.