Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 24, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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pktsn two
aosEBuna wews-ufvifw, satuidav. rEBftUwv. u, 19?5.
Issued OaMy Except 6unday
i;. w. ua'i a,s
bi:ht c. BATES..
.a'reaidoiit anil Manager
uily. p-r yuar, by mall
U luiiutlia. by mull
iiaily. Dir. mouth, trj Mai)
Daily, 'uigle month, by " all
Lull), by carrier, pr ui( i Lit
W entity Nima-JtcHfW, L mall, per year..
. iHI
.. K
.. J0
.. .60
. I Wl
i sifiMfc M66 IN Dili. krr
T& Ar,.vlaii1 Pruaa
.if Hi (i .11 t-tnt-hi-a II
fend U ul, lu. Ml li.w put ..ikI'o.
Uii-i'Hi-:ii li'ireiii ua uio i.a.rveil.
lualvulv iiiitl.l lii liia uae for re.puhleatlon
r.irtl to II or uul oliivrwUa urrtlttc-d In this PMstr.
Al. naiae of repuluuauun or apciu
tint-red a. autoud class mailer Aluy 17, I'M), at Uie pout olllce at Itoaoburf.
Oregon, under the Act of JIarch 2, Ih'ti.
' RObfcHURi, CH2G0N, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 24. 1923.
Independence of character is a trait on which most people
, pride themselves. Most folks want to give the impression thai
they think things out for themselves, and decide on their own
: judgment what they prefer to do. And jet people to a large
i xtent follow taeh other like sheep. If a certain influential set
do certain tilings, the idea spreads to the remotest comers of the
country. Thus within recent years, such fads as short bkirts,
bobbed hair, jnzz music, modern dancing, flopping overshoes,
: have spread over the country. No one can tell who first started
them or how they got their hold. Thus people give up the inde
pendent judgment on which they pride themselves. Many of
these fads that sweep over the country are quite ridiculous, and
when they pass by people realize their absurdity. The styles of
women's dress that were popular and seemed attractive 25 years
ago, will raise a laugh now in any circle; Many styles now in
vogue will no doubt be considered very peculiar in future years,
rn some localities, you can find people who maintain entire inde
pendence of custom. There were women up to a few years ago
who wore hoop skirts just like those of civil war times. Some of
the old timers have taken pride in the fact that they never rode
in an. automobile. They remain entirely outside of the current of
modern life, and seem to get satisfaction from a feeling of iwV.-
mlence. The ordinary person who wholly disregards the fads
of the moment may bo regarded as something of a freak. It
saves bother and avoids comment to follow the crowd to sonio
extent. ,Yt as time poes on, it seems as if people would become
mot independent and individual and would reluse to let .the
crowd do their thinking for them.
, , o
JlA style expert! who addressed the Now England Retail Cloth
iers association a few days ago, declared th.nt.thr American man
is the best dressed man in the world. While you do not always
thiii: ill at i bull game or a political rally, yet the number of men
in this country who do take pains to dress neatly is very large.
There is no special merit in stylish dressing, but the men who take
paim to m.'iko themselves presentable promote their, own. self
I'&iKet and that pf their comnmnty. The art of manufacturing
clothing has made tremendous strides during recent years. It is
n pleasure to go into such clothing stores as you find in Roscburg
imiksee what attractive stuir they have to offer. It makes a fellow
wish he could buy half a dozen suits all at once, since there are
su.uiiiiiy of them that seem specially pleasing.
.'.,u,3'e'll bet those "boys" who have been serving the state at
Salem for the past forty days are glad to be home and on the job
f. Stain . Working for the dear people at starvation wages is not
conducive to a healthy bank account. Three dollars a day for men
-the proper calibre to fitly represent the taxpayers of the state
is nothing less than a rank insult. From a monetary standpoint
the small boy who covets the job of page has a senator or repre
soiftlitivo beat four nays for Sunday.
-Now it has been determined, after weoks of earnest work
on the part of a number of legislators and others, that the con
solidation bills were all a fakj. This is the "blow that kills father."
WOlways thought consolidation was a fine thing if properly put
into execution, but the executioners had the noose all adjusted
to swing it into eternity.
- ii The Sutherlin pirl who.-e clothes were found in a boat near
Saejameiito, Cal., ai d who was given up as lost, has turned up at
Reno, Nevada, in full dress and ready for divorce proceedings,
wJiifli is a happy climax to an alleged murder mystery.
-- o
. Y,T'le man who plunges Into debt generally expects to be pulled
It is dilTirult to be a rounder and still be square,
Dear, Folks:
Farmer 3Iik:.;!I pa; J tc dollais than he owed for shoes and
stvks to his n:''; hbor Albert I.rjnnt, who ttk out his money box
thintving there he ould conceal it, but his wife said "Hertie dear.
tf.c?P's n h it 'rn,; I've been wanting r.ow fur ch.-e on to r. war."
Wt have pigeon-holed
All of the raaa-bernes
Which we were eeinu
To dietribute to the
Roaeburg high
Basket ball team and
Herewith hand thoae
Fellers a wieath of
Clinging, not poison. Ivy.
Goshallmlghty, it was a pip of
game and those sheiks skidded around
like a bunch of young hurricanes.
Its a good thing they won tho be
cause this colyum was going to make
life for 'em hardly wuth livin'.
After the game a love feast was
held at the parish house at which
time the festive salad was massacred
with numerous forks. A young lady
sang a song about "Sweetheart" and
two other damsels whanged the piano.
Ye ed. read a joke out of an almanac
and the Eugene team explained why
.they lost.
"Ain't that hell" said a student to
the Enrjlish teacher In high school
"Hush John," she' muttered, "This Is
Better Speech Week and haven't I
always told you not to say Aint'?"
ti? "3 f
We think Ita a oood thing to refuse
citizenship to any bird who doesn't
love the old U S. during the war as
well as in peace times. Such action
makes citizenship more valuable.
A tensltlonal court case attracts
those who haven't much else to do but
liiien and gaip.
The sprinkle of aqua pura last night
took the curl out of the sheikess' locks
and put a crimp in the activities of
the early morning golfers.
We were walking along a road and
saw a skunk. We kicked the animal
and he was so incensed. So were we.
"Sheriff Starmer has Fine Booze
Car" says a headline in the Reedsport
Courier. Thateo, Sam? Watcha goin'
to be doin' tonight;
3 ,
An optometrist is a man who grins
about everything.
J Sji t .
The hoof-shakers will oil up their
pumps tonight and prepare for a long
sleep on Sunday a. m.
Wojciehowski is Poland's new pre-
mier. We'd hiite to have a name that
sounded like a typographical error.
i" $
The rod and gunners banqueted last
nirjht, roast clay pigeon gracing the
It makes a woman murderous to
hnve a man smile at her while she is
"What is the matter with our eoun
try" some bird asked ye ed. today and
then looked at us as tho he expected
an intelligent answer. .The only thing
thats the matter with the country is
that nine out of every terl pair of
pants wear out at the seat first.
I1 1c
I'm off o' the game of golf for life,
Yes, done with It once for all;
No more shall I swing a driving iron
Nor hunt an elusive ball.
How oft. In appropriate togs arrayed,
Have I sallied forth at dawn
To wallop a pill 'round the dewey
But those eld days are gone!
I'm off o' the game, as I said, for life.
Since a sup held had the gall
To ask me, tamping my kit of clubs,
To fix his parasol 1
I hate to have a woman stand
Oh, I hate it so.
I hate to have a woman stand
Especially on my toe.
Geo. Kohlhagen is thinking of equip
ping his hogs with radio so he won't
have to yell his head off calling them.
Nap Rice, our f-ishion plate mayor,
has ordered a suit of white flannels In
anticipation of the summer season.
How beautiful it will be to see Nap
bsttmg a tennis ball around the north
Roscburg street parkings.
Hevinas folks, can it be, Yes it is
He wns wslkinq down Cass street.
(Br I'nllrd Prm)
DUBLIN'. Peb. ti. Serious war
fare raxed throanh Dublin during the
nlKiit between the republican Irregu
lars and the Free Stature. Tne rebels
launched a general attack on the mlli
lary pouts In all pans of tbe city.
Several civilians were bit by atray
jullets while watchlnc the figbtiDK.
One soldier was seen lying dead. Tbe
rebels took their casualties with them
wben tbey (ell back.
(By United Press)
SAI.EM, Feb. 24. Tbe public serv
ice commlsHlon, In a letter to the gov
ernor today, requests that be Institute
an official lnveatlgatlon into tbe af
fairs of the grain Inspection depart
ment, basing their request upon tbe
charges of inefficiency and extrava-
runce In the department conducted ny
tbe members of tbe legislature In tho
senate during the debate on tho state
market committee bill recently.
Boy Scout Hews
mitT s trxrr
Editor. . H. L V. Untott. K. M
Troop 1
Troop -Troop
J. WimiUr
.O. WbtKT
.... U. Cox
Inaued EverySat urda
It (amp Hulea lrt 3
T. A to nbrdlrat. He
cfarys all jrir riuiptly
and wiiliou; tfrurl''". lie
will nut fto flwffnniliis or
toMtlnK ai ' i'ie rePl
vshen d. iKiiiUd iu the camp
He will not lve camp at
any time without prmiitm.
Ttil enable the camp man
UKenielit to keep iloe ci.vck
on the safety of all t outs at
all t!nua. He will not talk or
t-au any dliurlam'e be
tween Tape mid Reveille.
(. A tM'ttut la I he rf it I. HI
camp dutle are honorable
work. He knows that they
art not u.!xntd to him as a
penally, but aa a part if his
tditatlon In cam pcraft,
tfaihintf him thoroughly the
Tha following Merit Badge i tlellt .iuampmeiit.
0, K Ncout la Thrifty. He
deposits all hi a niuiu-y In the
Scoutmaster Llntott hud
the privilege of explaining
the wout program to a gen
tleman from (ilen'lale where
they are preparing to try
and put acouting In tnil
community. Here Is hoping
they suceeeu.
A largo reinforced conrrete jraraRe
for storage purpoften, will be built at
once at the corner of Lane and Ross
streets. The eara ro 1h to be erected
by John Metz, end has been leased by
George H. Smith of the RoseburR
service station. The buildlnc will be
one atnry in helRhth and will be 100 j sired.
uy ev m size. ioe cuniroci iur
Its conn t ruction has been let to Con
tractor 1.. W. Metzger. The two res.-1
dences which now ocenpy the lot are
to be moved to South Stephens Street
work of placing foundations for the
houses having been started today. It
1h expected that work on the new
bniltlinv will be completed In about
six weeks.
rttmilrements have ll a a
(-hang made In them. Ktg-
nallnK. Entomology. Foun-1
i Icy work, bookkeeping, Ang
ling, forestry, horsemanship,
machinery, plumbing, and
poultry keeping.
The following aront equip
ment haa gone up In pru-e
namely: coat, hat, breeches,
stockings, shirts, shorts, and
haversack. Tho last prkes
are guaranteed' to July 1st.
Also a new supply catalogue
now bing formulated uml
will be laaued In the near
oml:tiji.g .m-:v
, International plan for the
Unatli of servle.
It is recommended that the
adoption of the International
nlan for the length of serv
ice be approved and that we
rii.w tnia pian ny means
of Mars. This plan Is that
for each year's service a six
point star may be worn
above the left breast pocket
of the sc-tut shift. A "five
yar star" representing five
years' service mav he sub
stituted for five of the above.
The adoption of this plan
does not necessarily do away
with the use of the present
service strito. nor the vet
eran pin. but Is Intended to
.supplement same where de-
New Oregon and Gold Dollar n't raw
berry plants. $4.25 per thousand fo.b.
RoHeburK. W. J. Meredith, Looking
Glass, Ore, Phone 23 F-2.
The scouts of Rosel-urg
wlrth to take this opportun
ity of thanking the scout
tiotrier who u rose n tea tne
Rosehurg hk-outs with the
five games namely, pit, rum
my, puzzle peg, rook, anil
geographical cards to be
maced in tho wcoitt rooms.
These are all good games
and have already been put
to tne test ami mu n enjoy
ment derived from these new
Hames already. It is putting
It mildly to say that we the
scouts of Hoseburg greatly
appreciate these games and
the interest this mother has
In scouting. Again Scout
mother kindly accept our
thank for this wunderCul
and generous gift.
tamp bank. He will not
spend more than 10 rents
a uav. v e nope umi n iu
spend less than that amount.
10. A Nront la llrave. He
will live up lo his scout lawa
In spite of the stronist
temptations. Ho Is ready to
save life, limb and property.
11. A Seout 4 C'lrtin. He
doe hot indulge In profane
or unclean language or ac
tions. He believes In fair
play In Kante and contests.
He does not smoke anything
whatsoever. Ho is a gotjd
loner. He comes to the table
with clean bands and face
and with hair combed.
12. A Scout la Reverent.
Camp services of a non-sec-tarlan
character ar held
each Sunday morning at 10
a. m. All scouts attend these
J services.
Ker. t. Uniform visitors are
welcome on ftundays only
but must not expect too
much attention, and must
not 4nterlere with the pro
gram and discipline of tiie
camp, as enetting their own
or anv lher uov,
of scouts will be welcome at
any time. They may spend
one night In camp provided
they bring their own sleep
ing equipment. A charge of
COe per meal or $.150 per day
will be made for all vlaitors,
no matter whether they aie
parents. Fcoutmasters or
other scout officials.
He?. 1. lie Prepared.
1. Have your teeth fixed
before leaving for camp.
2. Have your hair cut
reasonably short. Short hair
catcher less dirt and easier
to wah and dries quickly
after swimming.
3. Uring night shirts or
pajamaa to sleep In and use
them. It Is unhealthy to
sleep In underwear.
4. He sure your stockings
are holeless and undarned,
otherwise much blistering
and discomfort will result.
5. If you are buying new
shoes, seo that they are good
and long and have good
heavy sides He sure and
break them In before coming
to camp; inflamed and blla-
lor ti.'1"
A' L-Anim,D ro
Troopw No. 1
Monday evening waa
yi' iHllK-H f.iw r,.r.
to hold their meeting. A H "Ui
ery few reported and aj all
were enjo ing the vailous
gmes tne atoutmaster ajci
denily on purpose forgot to
i all the meeting to ordt-r
itnd the evening was sut-nt
In Playing gam s. Next niuet.
inff is initiuutm lit Troop 1- going to u l 11 U TT
How many fellowa will future In V,,M ' V
th.-re be out? luii.i. W1" l-lv.
Troop No. 2
Troop 2 held their regular
meeting Tuesday evening
with 1 8 aiiswering the roll.
The buslneas part of tho pro
gram was soon dona away
with anl the balance of the
evening deotei to Haaeball
and I'tng 1'ong.
Troop No. S
Troont 3 hId their regular
meeting Wednesday night
with a fairly good attend
ance After the meeting the
evening was spent In pbiying
Ting long and Haselm H.
.MKlti r B. DGKS
Three merit badge applica
tions were went, eat this
week. Two iu favor of K-.-out
Kail Huff and one fur Hxout
master Limott.
When I think a little hard
I g-t some where. Sometimes
I don't. Well what I was go
ing to say was let's change
iiur.Helves Into Scout masters.
How would you II ke to be
one? You know it Scoutmns
ter has a hard Job, tending
to every one of us guys. J
don't think much t-f a Scout
that makes a s outmast
.too miser;
Fathers 'he.a "aPI'y ib nut d'udg
Well, then, why can't you
help him. Ifnn't make a lot
of noise running around toe
meeting place and throwing
rat, books or paper wads,
smashing chairs, breaking
windows and yelling at the
top of your voice. I would
call that kind of Scout what
tie title of this article is.
So lets act better at meeting
places and help our Scout
masters and create a real
spirit In our troop.
"The Scout; Iteacon News."
I'ntwlst the following
words Into names of fish:
Answering last weeks:
1. Ijaehvr Whale
2. I.odg Gold
3. Kshar Shark
4. Odrws SVord
R. I'tort Trout
the enrf";?
U r-n "CI! . ,
"pillar anH
h tiiinki ih. :i.z
nun brmght tli.
uf ""H til u-V
".v'.r". unrns iw.i...
rai Kin,
" '' i ti?d rest
f fat whim w'.li:
J f'cialii,n sfkli?
P'- hut fi:;al;v ,.T
Kuril wli'""!
purpura. '".
Inir nol,-. at a, fcJ
All Ihn,)' w(,hl,f ,
nam.., wr,.n J I:
oi.ii. next tin,, -nutify
u. ,ttw, I
Howdy sw"h,j ,w
tf, a R. outmasti-r'R 1'rlt i? (or lvtT huhJ
ahlf. Ilia Job Khuttlil dlrapiar and , "
tored feot will result If you
, do not.
6. Tooth brush and pant'
must be usfd at lonMt onto a
day. A snout In clonn.
Clcortt, Wafhlnrta .
nav l.e.-n quite tr;:.-
tic ':on,tIT u .
knaLk of Wuitim
Thouc l5lilr'f if.
F'erry to be ele.te! u-rous-r
to g.t the a,,'
In the mornlns at
tamp will holler j),'"
Wlu-n Junior Ri:t ,
to a Price meetlnr
his no,e ,fral tiitttw.
Hie incttmK aurj . a
the ptople will nj,
Just a r.ild whtl k r
uiitii, eryinK.
Calvin OhsoleW
the o.ul'Keit nil a i
M'outs Why he rtl n
play a name of ii:unt
liie l'liitf-i'onfr tablt
H?y you Kiiyi! Crt
row nut of tliere-tttf! i
up all the creac. Tl
' iKht boys, heap h
l.'t Tier burn wan
bubble! i
Returns to Glsndale
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kurd, prominent
residents of Glendale arrived hero to
day to spend tbe day visiting and
From Elgarose
Henry Johnson, nronilnont resident
of Klfrarose is In the city today tran-
KactlnK business and visiting with
From Brockway
Among the out of town visitors In
Koseburfr today is K. C. Morris of
Mrorkway. Mr. Morris is returning to
his honie In Brockway tonight.
From Oakland
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Chenoweth and
daushter are visitors In Rosehurg to
day. They are spending tho day in
shopping and will return home this
From Winston
S. J. Flush noil of Winston is a visi
tor in Roseburg today. Mr. Itushnell
Is transacting business and visiting
with friends. He will motor home this
w I
F. E. Trice, Irrigation and )
drainage specialist from the Ore-
gon Agricultural College, will l
speak tonight at the City Hull In i
the concluding meeting of the
corn and potato show. Mr. Price
will take up particularly the in-
stallation of the small irrigation
plants, and his message will be
of much interest to farmers.
Mrs. J. H. Borders and son, Leon
ard, left for their home In Riddle.
They will return to this city tomorrow.
the week end as the house guest of
Miss Mary Reams of this City. Miss
Trot will return to Drain Monday to
resume her duties there.
Masons Go to Oakland
John Rnnyan, District Denuty Grand
Master, of the Masonic Lodge, accom
panied by Kred A'hur, Frank Okel-
man, and Kenneth Quine with other
Masons, made an official visit to Dak
land last night attending the Masonic
Visiting Hera . ix)dge in that city. After atlending
Kobert McKay, well known resident! " -hiik nu enjoying re-
of Brockway, is among the out of
town visitors In Roseburg today. Mr.
McKay is spending the day shopping
and visiting with friends and rela
tives. Visiting Here
Miss Mabel Trot who is teaching in
the school at Drain, is In this city for
they motored back to
Cftsr wustc -suieu., bu- wen
' .1. !...
.... i irr um iil jiiDn dt rr. in, m.-nivu
iS'l P'v, It'll . Mai'UlM, 111 et liai!(ro she K"t I'" h:t W-'liile ; Benrt his heavy eyebrows were two
' fjVnd Martli:. said "1 hat jrix's fur n i.t, that's all tiiiTo is to that." i ""nc,na Urk His bosom sweii
- .So her ...milord fcot tho (, ,u. st;irt0ll (1,r to tiwn I lI'VuV.tV' hTe.Ved.'c"!:
imi1 l-o jfiiv the ton to lr. Smith for fixir. up n crown on tooth : crovvd. O'ggimg and mct'erinj.
WJiich hau c:i Ir. Smith .s.ud "Tliafs the bill that Til T0 ,"".7, "a"!
we " JThh-iT i.rody, ll win soiik up Ins ivll. IlrotlnT Urody said ! Ina f-eeia.
Hint's splendid, vow I'll liuv w.ino shirts and ties." When he!
?T.nid lh re xvAMl't ni!V eham-e. thol he. ,., ....,... tli... Johnny Alexander, of who gets'
r nis name in tne paper ooce per via
J Then the hal'Onhi;-l:er took it to his lawyer I'axid St ronil ' W1" with us today lor some reason or
j; wns glad nulo.-d to jret it for lio'd waited for it lonjr. Theni
inn lawyer Fent his daughter to the country for a re.-t, thus tli
Whi to Farmer yitcht ll fund its way l.u k heme to rest. Fanner i Oi
tcholl chuckled softly as he put it in hi.s box and he said ! r-.y,. tysa....&y': iva I iyz-
JT!ifi'A' lnf rnfittirli t.i linv nii'ii.iir Gnnin clu-u-tu n.,.1 .....I. I .V. - , - .
rZ So the siKiulin of n dolLir helps your itcishhors by the j 662fJ-i
EH ro. hen its mitdo a round of pleasure 'twill return to you
ejee more.
An orchard spray proeram for
Oregon has been prepared by A. I..
Lovelt, entomologist, and H. P.
Barss. plant pathologist of the ex
periment station. The program pve
the time and method for control of
pesls and diseases of apples, pear,
peaeh. prune, cherry, plums, and
A special feature of the bulletin
Is a section devoted to the arid and
semi-arid regions east of the Cns
cade mountains. This bulletin. Fx
tension bulletin No. .ISfi, may be ob
lalned free of c at the clerical Kx
ehange. room 1. commerce building
O. A. C. Corvullis.
James H. Woertendyke is a son of
Illinois, having been born at Mon
mouth, November 20, 1869. In 1S94,
wnne pastor of a city church In
Illinois, circumstances pointed out to
him a calling of civic and political re-
lorm. tie at onco began the neces
sary preparations for that work. In
1904, under a conviction of duty and
through the persuasion of friends, he
entered the lecture field. Sinco that
time he haa traveled extensively and
"iS-- '''Jr t
ri!" ''"4-f i
Prices Paid Farmers tor Pf
Butter, 85c lb.
Btitterfnt, 46 cents.
Krcs. ISc Der dozen.
Hens, heavy, 17c lb.; litM.!!
..Jia roosters, toe id.
Veal, rlreesed Re to 12c ft.
Horjs, dressed, 12c, lit H 4
Cows, prime, 4 He
Steers, nrlmfl. fie.
llonev. local production. Wc 1
Cacnra bark, 1922, 6e l; ol
bar, 1921, 7fec
Retail Prices on Mill Preiii
rn.l,rn Mta M A rr 1M i
Miilrnn. S1.S0 to I1.6U acl"M
Cracked corn, J2.15 to KJ I
Rolled barley. $1.80 ajackf "!
Flour, soft wheat, 5l.n l
Flour, hard wheat, LH I
a sack.
"Lots of toller, etpect to do dirt stxj
days a week and then git redeemed i
on Sunday."
rr aSTJ ' I "- I :
- -- .
OAS ' AlO I ih...
lectured In many states of the t'nion.
He I. a m.m ol pleasing address, thor
oughly ui 11 lnf.,rTii..(t i.n.l nlnastor uf
Mav. you heard the news? It Is laiii-uage. llS lectures are llterarv
Tinted dally In the Roseburj News-1 treats. He is a with a message.
witn fine voice, and Is always
wanud to f, II return dutea. in
August, lui'l. he became a member of
iing Squadron and haa con-
tn Hulk With thtit ormnlzatinn.
II.. u-ltl l... k.. i . t
r m avr I .1.111 ii,.-: i ui'.i iu.-B.ia.
U4 AIR All thesn mettings wilt bs In tbe Bap-
'tisl t'hun.h. altemoon at 2:3n and
evening nt 7.31. The people should
.not miss the treat that is In More
ror ta. m.
A nr.w oil lump that girrs an t.. I 0 .
inaiy t-riiant. ...ft. .hit. I'Kht. The ImmlcranM at Kills Island and
.1... .... ... ,- o " na 'f!'enng ihrouch the country. Sun-
,....,, '.',;:'; "V. M ,i oeiiiiK at the Chri.itian church.
" - -tivi i iiiu to ne itj.
ij-rlor to 1. rd,n.,ry ell Unir,. It SCHOOL CELEBRATES HOLIDAY
''I'm witiieut r.l,.r. .rmk, r r 1 "uuu"
i no runipmir up. l, ,ln.p. rlcan. af,.
. ii'irn, p,r r, nt air and
school basket ball team, icrwre.
by a girl Itooter SQiiad
uniformed In their srhocl (";
black and gold, arrived H
after the pame began. The Iyt-,
bovs had never previous!' I
....vl ., H ml fin F
Davs Creek sperulers B3lu
side of the field and tl
contingent on the other. "
answered veil with ye"
..I "rt."il. tt? Pa." l'
girls burst Into song hi ,!1C.
the plnvers whom tne?
... . ., ". . t ... anil IP1
ing mat tney ihuk -
qc ntt rri srhool CQePm.
oihe'r and after a practice P
. . .... - n.irnl trim
oasKei oau wnn r-
. .,.111,1 ard !T' l' 1
girls, a generous cake an"
We are proud of the IU
boys made ami - '
i it t in mnrp nraciii-
will rank high with 'h 7",.;rl
1 1 a t. . .. nt hariRPL ! r
Beats Electric or Gas
Par rmi
ciimm -n kroan ti".Hl r!ll.
Th. Invrntor V. M. Johnson Jl X
fifth St. IVrtlnnd. Ore. la 'f.r, "to
,-r.d a lnrrn cn lrt rtiv. irin-i.
er .vn t . it!-. v i.V. ' ' V1
u,-r Ir 'i o
uiirw.i i.- it.
parti ti:ar Al
to th. fi,
M liir. .t in's birthday was observed
at I'nis re, -k n th following man
nit: in the niTPins. a splendid pro-tra-n
was ruen by the primary
trail.., sv V.ilop.;r.cs' day. Lincoln's.
a-"liini;tiir.s', and Lencfellnws' hirth-
wV.''.ho.'J" h m ,,r romm.-mnrated with dia
uo .' si . I':! '"'w '"t At noon the rfrents.
'piri'n. -J", "'mr- nd .ti" v,:',;nr' '"'1 children trjor-pj a picnic
.i ,xi.,r...ii.- or uiotivy
. TTTdil ref.'"
ifietlHiu mi-. ' t ,
taiiag m'
City, Mo.
ihit t'l
mother passeo - '' Csjirl M
here short time . - ,
mother, anu arm .,.r
She will return h'n".
tnnentl ln i, -Kansas
Tf '
and tro"""
Christian cnun -
" a s i
Karl Purr, of H;r ,
scent for the Stnd- K
11 . Tw
heie this afternoon
i.. ii -tit ,,t tev
the first 1923 ried-l
. . ...i anil
Hosemin :'"- T wadca a.
teitrine ca t
,1 tu Z. '
Ihts ct'y. A r-
r.,d rt
will nrr've here
Match and the w
lo 11 ii'-ur lopil.fp.
I L'y two-thirty the Canjonrllle bigh
-.w yea HIHDia
, (emoarf:,,
be used as