TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ?0, 19?1. K08EBURQ NEWS-HCVieW. PAQC BIX SAYS SERMOW WAS - 1920 ford coupe LOCAL NEWS : It's the Wedge Insole that keep them from Running Over it t1: TTce1lent iw.n.lilii.n flT.O In mm extras. Term. Motor In Tov.ii MATHEWS iloTuit X-CHANGE R(.v . p Jenkins motored to 117 . Phi.no 1lL ' ' . j .... - - --- - mwn if may n simi.h u.c nK , on general busiiie.-s. EDMONDS FOOT-FITTERS STYLE SERVICE COMFORT A Style for Every Foot DUDS FOR MEN, Inc. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx HIE ttly Assnrlatril I'rMi.) . SAI.EM. F-b. 20 A clause author ifcinrj tho governor lo call n special election ni it November for a refeien flum nn the Income tax is to be in cluded In the compromise bill pending In the legislature today. Tlio senate late yesterday adopted n memorial asking tho government to transfer Ran Inland at thn mouth of the Columbia back to tlin mate. The sonnte killed tho Htird bill pro hibiting distributors from fixing mo tion picture admission prlceH. MrMnhnn' bills fixing I bo tuition foe nt the mate Institutions of higher education were killed bv tbo house. The next L. F. T. dance will be held Wednesday evening, February. 21. K. of P. Hall. (tly Associated Press.) riOSTON. Feb. 20. The eon fumptlon of wool and stocks, of wool on hand ore near pre-war conditions the National Aaaoclatlon of Wool Manufacturers was told at the an nual meeting today by Secretary Humphries. While the total con sumption of wool Is normal compar ed with litis, the consumption of domestic wool Is distinctly higher. UMPOUA BROCCOLI EXCHANGE MEMBERS: We are now ready for business. Bring your Broccoli to our new warehouse adjoining Roseburg Ice Co., corner Spring and Short streets. ' r - .- . "T.-!fi.H(l".'(STTs;vri FOSTER BUTNER, Manager. Silk and Wool Hose i All shades and sizes, $1.39, $1.69, $1.98 Silk by the Yard for Lingerie The Specialty Shoppe 235 North Jackson DANCE! Wednesday, Feb. 21, at Community Hall, Sutherlin K v Umpqua Five Orchestra S Special Features gj Big Time Don't Miss It Lunch Served Tiikrts $1.10. Tax Included I IBER.TY THE ATE R ONLY FlllT-Cl.AlM SHOWS AND AT 10c AXD Ifle TODAY and TOMORROW "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" A Preferred Picture From the Novel of Bertha M. Clay A Gasnier Production Director of "Kismet" and "Rich Men' Wives" with Kenneth Harlan, Edith Roberts and All Star Rarely is a picture seen with such rich mountings. Artistic color titles of unusual effect. The old popular novel brought up to date in every .way, even lo the radio requiring an important part. The lavish production of the year. 1 It having been my great privilege to hear Dr. Price preach thai master piece of a sermon entitled "The I'ot ter and the Clay, or iirogen Vessels." lust.Sun day evening. 1 shall herewith endeavor to share my good fortune I with those not so privileged. Jeremiah saw In the potter's house the lesson which the children of Israel needed and so he went out to give it to all who would receive It. I believe hat the children of Israel met In their lives the children of Cod today meet in tbelrs. I am glad we have the Word of the Ixird today which comes to us with power. One voice which you should hear above every other in the world is the Word of (iod. It Is the final court of authority. It Is God's own voice coining down the ages with the same force as it hail long ago. It came to Jeremiah, telling him to "arise and go down." and He Is saying the same to you. If you are going to come up you have to go down. I believe we have to die to this old world before we can re-: celve anything from the Ixird. Now! Jeremiah might have begun to argue wilh the Lord and say, "Let the pos ter's bouse come to me." God will never come to you unless you firat come to Him. You must knock at His door before you will get In. Multi tudes have not entered because they would nut go down. The Lord prom ised him If he would go down then he would come up. Ho Jeremiah arose and went down and he saw a vessel which was marred on the wheel. Hut the potter did not throw it aside. No, he took It on the wheel and made it another vessel. I do not believe in the teaching that It you make a wrong step or go astray. He will abandon you. 1 went to the potter's house and 1 saw cold, dirty clay with rocks and other foreign substances. "What bench are you on, clay?" "Well, I am on the mourner's bench." Per haps the clay would say to me, "1 dou't like to be on this bench. I want to take all the grit und other foreign substances out of myself be fore 1 go up to those high places." No. you Just lie there anil let the poller do it. That Is His work. "Just as I am." That is the way we have to come to Jesus, and we will find that the blood of Jesus will wash our sins away. The clay went Into the fountain, where it was cleansed and softened. At the mourner's bench they begin to cry and the old stony heart Is softened and God gives them a "heart of flesh." The j next bench Is a wide and hard one. I You are not going to have an easy time. The Potter took It up and banged It down on this and then on ' that side, and there was a hard bump and the tears began to flow the wutur begins to squeeze out of the j cluy, Everything works together for good to them now. You have to hnve some sorrow, some perplexities. it Is a part of the experience that God gives to people to get them to the places where they ought to get. So, bang, there goes the paddle and it hurts. And next conies the mold ing. You say "I am going all the way wilh you, Lord." The Potter says: "Now I am going to mold you as you are now soft. It is going to be the Sunday School mold. Hut the clay says "Oh, no, I don't want to do that. I want to be an evangelist." The Lord will make of you lust what Ho wunts to make. Some are to he evungellst and etc. And so the mold Is cast on the wheel. Hut grit Is found which hurts the potter's hand. And so after conversion there are many things which have to be taken out of the Christian's life. He stops the molding In order to take out the grit, the temper, dancing, card play ing, moving pictures, smoking, drink ing, etc. "You deucons. what do you think of my reference to tobacco?" Yes, It has to go. You "ladles Aid," what do yon think of my reference tw the moving picture show? Not all the machinery in your life will save unless you cut that out." You say. you are willing to hnve them taken out of your life. Now the potter has finished the vessel and I am congratulating myself that 1 am through. There was Peter. I.ook at hi to. The little maid sulci to him. "You knew Jesus of Naiareth." He said he did lint. Then she sagged hlin on the other side "Yes you do know Him." Why Peter, what made you do that? "But I need some hard ening proteaa." Anu so icier ac knowledged that he needed some thing, as well as the other disciples. There was an oven and a fire and as that oven door was opened 1 saw fire and there was a rushing. mighty wind, and those fires were raging undtT there. The poller knew how hot to muke the fire. Just as hot as it was needed. There is no Doner who hasn't got a fire. Hut now Hie oven door Is opened, and you see beautiful glossy vessels. "And now I am all right'' said Peter no Peter, you be vh refill. You remember how you fell before the Utile servant girl. Now look at Peier on the day on Pentecost. Well, is he going tii run? Ho goes to the fire escapes, and he sees a lot of people, and says "You want to know what Is the mat- jt ter. Are we drunk? No! We have not r. had time this Is only the third hour of the day." Oh. never stop? Go all the way. We have had too much of this wlshy washy kind of Chris tian life until the man on the outside cannot tell the difference. There is uo other way than the Holy Ghost way. Since there Is no other way. then let us go all the way with Hun. The Saviour carried the truss all the way and died there for you. We are in different stages of the potter's house. Some are ready for the wash ing and some the mold. Can we aav, "Not my way. but thy way Lord?" God grant it. There will be a Healing service at J:S o'clock. The building will he open for the High School students, until seven o'clock, when others will be admitted to fill the vacant seats. LAl'KA U iAtTMAN. Correspou lent. ; From Kiddle J I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1'ord.rs ar- rived In .own todav from Piddle to f I attend the meetings at the Armory LOCAL NEWS American fence at Wharton Bros. tonight. From Ouklanil . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Field, prom inent residents of Oakland are spend- ... urs hi ...... ..line, ! jaokson Club Will Meet The Rom-burg Art Embroidery club will meet Wednesday F'-b. 21. nt lb" home of Mis. Hen Palm, at SoS X. St. I mi Looking Gls R. A. Graham, well known resi dent of Looking Glass. Is spending a short time here today, looking af ter various business matters. Members Umpqua Broccoli Ex change, bring your broccoli to our new warehouse next Roseburg Ice Co. corner Spring and Short atreots. Foster Itutner, manager. From Itl.l.Ue R. A. Hersher of Riddle Is In our midst today to enlov a recreation and to attend the Price meeting this evening. Sues for Divorce Mary E. Itryant today brought suit In the circuit court aaginst William 8. Itryant. alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment. Hark From California Mrs. J. C. Householder, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ru dolph Kohler In San Francisco, has returned to her home in this city. o .Motor In Mrs. A. S. Jenkins of Looking Glass motored In from that vicinity today to snend a short time visiting with friends and attending meetings. ROYAL ARCH MASONS ATTENTION! The stated eovor.ition of Laurel Chapter No. 31. will be held tonight Feb. 20th In the Masonic Temple. Work In the Royal Arch degree. Lunch will be served. Hy order of M. O. WALLACE. H. P. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. From Edt'iiliower Mrs. Knte Fewell of Fdenhower Is among the vj-dtors In Ro-o bur" to! day. She will attend the Price meeting tonight. Motor In Mrs. Frank ITawn of South TVcr Creek motored to town today to be smong those In attendance -at the Price meetings. VWtli.g T)r. and Mrs. Ilacei nre In this city today to spend eevral hours virltlng with friends. They motored In from South Deer Creek. From South Dwr Crook Mrs. Walter LeaVe of South Deer Creek returned to her home there this morning after several hours of shopping In this city. From Onklnnd Mrs. George Stearns of Onkland Is In our midst todav on business of various tvnes. She wl'l return to her home In Oakland tonight. BOTTLE ON HIS HIP The town cop todav arrested n man with a smilo on his face and n bottle on his hip. The smile proved to be genuine and the bottle to contain Doswell Mineral water. t NEW TODAY S WANTKD Clean rags. Ford Garage. LOST Brown otter muff. Liberal re ward. Return to this office. WANTKD Good roll top desk if prico Is reasonable. Foster Butner. I. O. Box 1114. FOR SALFi 1st class old growth fir b'ock wood. 816 Winchester at. or Phone 170-T. FOR SALE TeamT" w-t. ahout sncn Also wagon and harness. O. X. Wal lace. Laurelwood Add. FOP RFNT 3 rooin"furnlsl!odT)t. Also 2 room apt. and sincle sleep ing room. Apply room 3, Wainock ApL FOR SALECows. w-orlfTtrarns-drfv- Ing saddle and naek horses, call and see my large list of houses, and farms. I cut prices. C. Merrill SOI Mill at. Motor In Mrs Robert G"es of Fderhower former resident of Itoscbiir-r. motor. ed to town today to snend the day in shopping and visiting. From Cottage Grove II. B. Tier, prominent rcoM.pt rf Cottace Grove, Is In on' mb'st tod.iv r.t Imnnrtant business. IIo will remain hern for several days. WASHINGTON ADVOCATED SAUINC Washington not only advocated i ing. but he practiced it and UL wealthy. Are you saving ," n,,?a you could? An account wTh .J Roseburg National Hank will Eiv0 u greut fncouragemenu "eyoo 7. Iat' rest Paid on Savlnrs Accounts TheRoseburgNationalBaiir I 1 t LOCAL NEWS Judd In Eugene J. M. Judd of this city Is In Eugene, where he Is nttending the convention of the retail merchants of tho state. Arrive Ilei M. L. Brown, well known resident of Camas Valley la spending a few hours in Roseburg today, visiting and transacting business matters. Postmaster at Gardiner Thomas W. Angus has been nom inated for the office of postmaster at Gardiner, according to a news dis patch from Washington, D. C. Attending Convention Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fisher nre spending a few days in Eugene, where they are attending the Oregon Stale Retail Merchants' convention. Motor In J. M. Green, prominent resident of Canvonvllle. moto-e.! to Rsehnr yes terdiv to snend the dnv in this city transacting business matters. Motor Iii Mrs. J. P. Denn of Camas Valley motored to town yesterday to attend the Price nietlngs nnd to visit sev eral hours with friends and relatives. Miller OKanopan. Tavl U. I. Wardrlp, Cll.ncUle. ' A From Sutherlin James W. um . . . among those who ,7fl eieiuay on businMimj From Myrtle Creek- W. C. Valentin, u of-town visitors fcm J t-ii.in.i is in mis fiiToehfJ "... . v,u, uuuia laa erst From Canyonv'ille . Mrs. Cora Biyiri, tduJ ueui ui cH.ivonYiue. uiag.i of-town visitors la this cut J Beyers will motor back to ul ion. iit. Has Been Ill- According to word mttej w . jwgKs, iiiraieriT 01 But been quite 111 with ritam' pjisi iew niomns. l ney r. siding in I'ortlatH. Mr confined to his bed for ic is now able to be up. Me'or to RoFeburq Bess A. Clnnch niolore.l In from Canvonvllle yesterday to snerd qey. oral hours here shonnlni and visitlni? wilh friends and relatives. Form frie Mr P-M-id-on. rer-r,,-,, nnt-o nf ".c nrih Voatorn Drilling and T.enstnw PvTtdlcptp bs moved to his new offices In the Perkins building. j J-ont Melrosf. E. R. Finn Is among the ont of town visitors In Roseburg today fr. Finn will return to his home this I evening after a few hours of busl- ! ness. Hero From P.bl.l'e Mr. nnd Mr. V W. Strickland, nnd Mrs. F. TV TTnrr!ni-ton. were FOR RAT.1? bronre lurkev h n. 2 toms. 3 Toulouse Cinders. Wrl'e for iVi. . VV "VT"" "?V I among h o"t of town rel,'.nts who -ii'ir rnu i, '. ir.-.n,r.is. mill '.arK I i Cornish cockrels. J2 SO each. E. A Kruse. Roseburg, Oreg. VSED CAR BARGAINS Hudson siv $225. Overland fl touring. Cadillac Four. 1!20 Ford Touring. Two-thirds of Clotrne $25. I C. A. I.OCKWOOO MOTOR CO. MM.L'AVD FEMALE clerks, for Postal Mail nnd Government De-. partments. $120-1133 irmnthtv. Ex perience unnecessary. For free list positions now open, write J. Davis , (former civil Servlcf examiner) tnni Fleming Bldg. Washington; D. C. I TO RENT ON FHARES -2U acre's of lo-anherries li acres of strriw berries. family orchard, small vine van! ; 1 acre of enclosed garden land: 15 or 2n acres to nlow or sow Land Is all sub irrigated. Mod- j crn 6 room house, hot Bnd cold water. I will furnish, team, feed nnd tools. A'so a rood woodcutting' proposition 2'j miles nor'heast of Roseburp. J A. Williams. Box 1121.' Phone 3 F2 ; motored to Poehnrg todrwto hon and attend the Pr'ne eynncellstic meetings. They reside In Riddle. Return Homo Mrs. 7. C. Brown nnd daughter. Ruth, peeomnanied bv Mrs. Brown's s'l-.r. Mri C. A. Haeon. nnd rous t "T" eTntosh. returned to their r . in ...j, rt- nfter several dav. ti.-i.. in ,nnt town with friends ad 'l.vive- Mrs. Bacon and lma Voci be the guests of Mrs. I'roA-n for several days in Roseburg. Back From California Jess Hicks and Charles Chowler I havo relurned from Los .Angeles and I other points In California. They ninde i tho trip by automobile. i From IVrtlite Amos 0'. Buker of Perdue Is spend ing a few hours In Roseburg today atlonding to various b:.sines mat ters, und visiting with Iiiends. From Comas Valley Bessie Hrown of Camas Vallev Is among the out of town visitors I in our midst today. Miss Hrown . is spending the visit with friends j and relatives. , I From Canyonvilte Mrs. Jennice DeWald of Canvonvllle is among the out-of-town visitors in Roseburg today. Mrs. DeWald Is spending her time hero in shopping nnd visiting. 25c For a general trejtmotH we recommnd Rexall Laxative Cold Tablet! They are effect! a feverisliness, headacfie. culnr pains. A laxat've to move gently and a stimulati: tion to give tone to the You can use these lis as a preventative oti cold already started. NATHAN FUI THE REXALL Perkins Building Rush Attending Meetings lira. M. C. Pond, of Sutherlin ar rived In this city todav to sprtH th1? day attending the Pri"o meetings. She will return to her homo this evening Visiting Here i Mrs. Sydney Abbott, former! j Miss Helen Guest of this city, ar rived here yesterdny from her hoive in Klamath Falls, and is the boife guest of Mrs. Fred Schwartz of this city. She will remain here: several days after wli!eh sno wG! -return to her home in Klamath Falls. Bov Is Injured Rov Peterson of West Roseburg. was quite seriously Injured Saturday nirbt when h was struck bv a light Ford truik. The vehicle passed over him. the hov's !"g being onite btdly bruised and crushed. His Inluries are verv m'nful but nre not expected to be serious. THE WAV TO GET MONEYIs not j to sit on a stump: Get a move nn von. thats the secret of success. Here is a roial onportunitv: Three 1 b.'ndred acres rf land: One hundred ftftv acres of fine river bottom land ; bordering on stream, part under Irri-' ration, all rnn be: ditches now In. free water, lots of It: two sets of; rood bniblltii s: big dairy hirn: i silo, other imnrovements: Seven-1 teen thousand feet new lumber roes j with place: Five acres veunr bear-1 tng prune: fsmllv orchard: limited out rnnge a.Hoinini': One i thousand d. 'tiers oah balance of fifteen thoT.-'t'nd r-pvable in twentv years. I.AWRKXCE AGENCY, 125 Cass Str.et. Phone 219. EVERY "SANE ly'SIVES VAN--! Wants a f'ne country home; Here .. j a proposition open for a limited time, that rot onlv offers th com- 1 r May Locat Here G. A. Hunt, until recentlv of Port land. Is snondlnc a few davs here w ith a view of locMine in this viclnitv. Mr. Hunt forerv ri,, i Astoia. but moved to Pnrtinnd severnl ninths aco. He Is a r-.rncr.ter bv trade and If prospects of future worV sre found, he will mnkp hi home here, ps he Is trca'ly pieasel with a!; other conditions. At The Crniul Among those registered nt the Grand hotel are: Ralph It. Mnupln, Portland Thomas Veaeh. Portland: ; Frank Williams, Portland; Amos O. 1 Buker, Perdue: J. W. Beasley, I Drain: Mrs. .1. P. Denn. Camcs Vnl ley; Bessie Brown, Camas Valley: M. L. Hrown. Camas Vallev: I.eroy : Meisben. Medford; G. Mo B. Kin-j nlson. Mrdford; A. L. Adamson, Eu- ! g-r.e: T. M. Despot, Eu"one: Georre Meson. Okagognn. Wash.; II. Bowl es, ov -norm. Vflh : Donnld H K. I ESI MRS. M.A.STm4 ON THE ORG'" J MONDAY- TUESDM Carl Uemmle Preiefitl Gladvs BrockwelK Stuart Holma fka nnutUal tO'f 1 woman who P debt in " " fj, found haDOine" '" J most unexpeei" Paid Ba W,TH AN ALL-STAR C'l Campbell C. A FALSE ALA" At the Uiel TV.tic'ns ! Ar-nrr tho--c regi.-ered at tlie TIo- : 'el Do.l-l-ls nrn- p t) llnvv A'nlne- C. H. c.irrv. A'birv; r C. Wl'li-ms'. Los Angles- P. E. N'vren Port-il-nd: Paul F.-klanr. Po-t'and: Free I Fnrm-r F,ir"ni: Clnreece Gobeen. Fngenr- ii. H. IVr. Coare Grove- Mr. and Mr. y, vrlchsnn. s... is'tl"; G. Edltind. Portland: G. S. 1 Karnev, V enlist or. OVabntna: Mr i and Mrs. c. H Puch.-n. Seattle nnd i E. I.aing. Portland. 'wnt7assTtsTsw MRS. GEORGE BERRY ON THE ORGAN At Th Umpqua Anions those rerist.ro,i )( tn -,,tel Hav-s yon heard the news? It In rlnl.'d daily In th Koscbjrg Nvws- Ueview. but provides sufficient Inconie ca-e for the rtre with hired he'n. and the f.il! living expense nf the familv and then some: Besutif.i! r.Oflern home, ftsth. toi!et. electric I'rhts. fire pisce. sb-Tpin- r-r-rch-Beaut ifvt trove, other Itnnrove rnnts' Fl'teen -ir-rs finest benring nr-mes in en.--.tv. borders on r'ver; f:fteen --nietrs driv fmm rur ".--r ' P-Iee rf f-ffn thipr enmn'ete fifteen theurjird. 1'r'f cph Whv snend b"" w,r.ep fnr T 4 'n town" LAWRENCE AGF.ATY, 12.". lass Street, Phone 21. -nttle haw pn! -a-:fe . ' a.'ie. l'or".i.I: Brss A ("1. u b." Crr-m !''e- Mrs ( era Ttev ers. Csr..-o"v!!'e: Vr, 1.-nrl IWp! I Crnvonvi'le- F r. v.-ler.t,- t,-r,i D. Weir, Corvnllis-Vsrl a ne: .1. M Itrrvss Cpnvon. Jones c..nt--,i r..i.. -t- 1- .IVnnrt! -if .... n. Po-t.ir,!; r. eo: Vr, x. Sidnev th FMI,- v c r s-.. Seattle: H m. lirH- I 11 ti Portland; and L. C. Wilson. Salem. ' : Em -h. Cr"eV Brpe vlll M . rorttimV n s-.iih rr Abbott, K'srp V.vtford: II 1! Wt'v.rson. P.. M .1.- ADllI I ne, I TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY THOMAS MEIGHAN "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow' Cast Includes THEODORE ROBERTS. LEATRICE JOY, EVA N0VAK W T- A Gorqeoua Adventure Romance That ' ,,- Stories in One. You'll tee Tommy Fae ng i ,1.1 a Bewitchina South Seas Girl. Society's Heights with a Titled Eng ny r5-" - - jcin You'll See H nglish BeMe.Wcla society Heights with a Titled tni'" ,M the Year' Most Original Lov Story Perfect BULL MONTANA In "A LADIES WN INTERNATIONAL NEWS j Thursday-Friday WALLACE RDD