Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 09, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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1 S..VUWBS'. mWS'JtMaaaBa
Pfd Man Come from a Monkey,
Tadiwle. Fish. Protoplasm. Or
front God. His; Band Concert.
Hear Hilton Sunday night, Chris-
tian Church.
Ths world by wisdom know not Cod.
i the mors worldly wisdom and education a man gits
a"y ot tid ,ne n,ore 't'r'iinKly be knows not God. And
L iJoin is brinKlnu blm to a position where he understands
r " .rv dav -understands Him ao well that he can decide
" did and did not say In His book what ounht and ought not
,.. .k.t find savs stands, and the darkest hearts in
j . are those whose very light la darkness who see
h i tiny do not see tlod at all for spiritual things i
betnts are spiritually uiscerneu.
1 -1 1 1 1 II I .11 it.. a. .
tnnJv way to snow U(tu is uj iKiirnun an iuai am,
with HI" death for our siua and His resurrection for our
K i ,11.1 nnl rite unit rise niFnfn for nm tin la
r or II Jrauo r- -
. .t.t.rd mo tint worth ithnrks. tint If He iliil nn.l wa
t i then liKit breaks In on our souls and we know God. And
iiim is life eternal, and If we have eternal life there's plenty
...i.,.i... , .,ll,,uliln with IJIm
gainer iruu .
Copyright, 1921 J. A. R.
eludes testimonies of healing; Sunday
school convenes each Sunday morning
at 8:45 la the asemint Sunday school
rooms. All up to the age of 20 years!
are invite J to attend. The reading!
room located in the front of tbel
church is oen daily from 2 to 4 p. m.
eXCnt tin,1ai-a an.,1 hnli.U Tl
except Sundays and holidays.
subject for Sunday is "Spirit."
International Bible Students 9S9 W.
First Str.-et 1:30 a. m.. Topic for
study "Hid Jesus after his resurrec
tion appear as a man? When was
Jesus' new nature begun and when
was it actually completed? Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening.
Christ The "Church of
inues Its studies of God's
jreat Interest and due rev
our studies "On the Pur
acies" we have found that
.1 men to make known His
fcer that will was revealed
d. MK. lBria-zu; mod.
the perfect system com-
13:813; 2 nm. b:io, ii;
that even the Apostles
rform any more miracles.
5:23, and 2 Tim. 4:20. If
still heal, why not neat
Why .leave Trophimus
p. today we have some-
than miracles. See 2 Cor.
confirmed word of God,
'a more excellent way
Miracles were In part.
13, and gave way at the
of inspiration, to keep
lren from being deceived.
Services: Lords Day,
7 p. m.; Wednesday,
Church, corner Pine add
streets; C. H. Hilton,
the big band concert takes
Sunday evening. This
always supported the band
be the band the full even-
They will delight us with
The pastor will preach
hint on the theme, "Did
From a Monkey, a Tad-
h. s Protoplasm, or From
tutu morning service; sub-
Bible, What Is in It." Bible
li Three orchestra num
tit service of the Bible
t. a C. E. at 6:30: sub-
Mtimony Psalm."
Is manifested In all the
First Methodist Church, South Main
at Lane; William Steward Gordon,
pastor. The regular services will be
held on Sunday, but all other church
activities have been postponed on ac
count of the Price meetings. The
morning theme will be "God's Com
mand to the Modern Church," and at
7:30 the text will be "Thou under
standest My Thought Afar Off
Psalms 139:2. This message will be
of special comfort to those suffering
in body or mind. In addition to the
music furnished by the choir, In
charge of Mrs. C. S. Helnlino, Miss
Leone Cannon will play a violin solo
In the evening. The Sunday school
meets at 9:46; J. E. McClintock,
superintendent The Junior league is
at 2:30, with Mrs. W. L. Martin and
Mrs. Emory Cole in charge. The Ep
worth league will meet at 6:30, with
an interesting program for young
people and old people with young
hearts. Those wishing to eat their
lunches In the basement of the church
on Sunday are welcome to do so.
1 Q
Lutheran Services will be held
Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at 214
East Cass street Rev, George E.
Theiss, pastor of Grace Lutheran
church of Eugene, will conduct the
services; subject, "The Test of True
Religion." All Lutherans In and about
Roseburg are urged to be present
Th First Baptist Church, corner of
Lane and Rose Streets, H. L. Cald
well minister, 9:45 a. m., church
school, O. P. Coshow, surt. The school
has been maintaining splendid interest.
If you are not in Sunday school some
where, whether you be child or adult,
you are Invited to enroll with us.
11.00 a. m.. Morning worship. Message
by the pastor. Music by the choir.
ConKreatlonal singing. 3:00 p. m.
Junior 11. V. P. U. Misses Gertrude
Wickhain and Bertha Kohlhagen In
charge. All children from 7 to 15 in
vited. 6:30 p. m. Senior Young Peo
ple's meeting. Clayte Black, presi
dent. Good meetings are the rule.
All young people cordially invited.
7:30 p. in. Evening worship. Message
by the pastor. The public Is cordially
Invited to any or all of the above
First Church of Christ Science, 312 E.
Douglas street. Services held Sunday ,. ,, " . ,
Dr. Price Tells of Happiness and
Satisfaction to Be Found in the
Christian Life Large Crowds
Fill Armory
The preaching of Christ In the
armory is attended by the "old time
power." Yesterday saw the altar
filled to overflowing with earnest
seekers. Mrs. Prico led the morning
heeling service.
The afternoon meeting was opened
by prayer, led by Rev. Gordon. The
text of the afternoon sermon Is found
In St John 21:23, Simon Peter said.
"I go a-fishing." "Many today are
like Impetuous Peter." said Dr. Price.
"Again, Jesus told the disciples to
cast the net on the right side of the
ship, and the result was a miraculous
draught of fishes. There Is a right
and a wrone; way of doing things. Thlr:
Includes the preaching of the Word
of God. Wo want to stay by the 'old
rugged cross." There is still power
n Jesus ChriRt to save men. In the
morning at 11 o'clock, and Wednesday
Fine I evening at 8 o'clock, this meeting In-
.jjy-, li I s- vi f v--
A Handful of
The waif f. . i -.. i. i i ..-t
taller is too lorn tar vil4r t4 IimWi er mrnfort of
w ool children.
Let 4em help themselves freely to Tru-Blu da
UBn heaJthiul, nutritious crackers that satisfy their
""er without spoiling their dinner appetite, so
IwWy and easily do thev dieesr.
Made of the TRUE GrsJutfn flnur. Sweetened with
rvt and pure honey no substitutes.
w . v sy mum rvntsva. siruci mm uraw mum
BlM fttbto ftoU Wfr Tr-Ma BncUlk
mmm arMsM'ft MH1N
Pecial for Saturday J
Sitli $20.60
SJ $ 1 8.00
"-inch B
Half J,
Wr.".n..Japane'e Cups and . 85c
aigley - Zigler Hdw. Co.
miles to a school houso and see people
fall tinder 'the power. You don t
need to sell old clothes and have oys
ter suppers to get money for the
church." The Instance of a church
In San Jose, Cal., where they
had a better wav, was cited. In
stead of contributing 14,000 a year, as
they were won t to do before receiv
ing the Holy Spirit, they raised that
year a budget of $30,000. "The church
without the Holy Spirit Is of no more
use than a locomotive without fire In
It." Dr. Price told of a little boy
whom they called "Red Hare" because
of his red hair. He was a little raga
muffin, but he was converted and
filled with the Holy Spirit His
mother left him In charge of the
house one day. On her return she
was greatly surprised when she did
not see him, but hearing a noise In
the barn she went to see, and found
him there with eight other bovs whom
he was leading to Christ. They all
found him and were filled with the
Holy Spirit .
The sermon of the evening was
based on the exodus of Israel out of
Egypt until they reached the "Prom
ised Land." The children of Israel
were slaves to Pharoah. Men and
women ore slaves to some habit to
day, but there Is deliverance in Jesus.
Rom. 8:1. Dr. Price visited a hospital
ward where he saw about thirty
bahles. Why, oh. why were they
there? The father of one of them was
In the penitentiary and the mother
dead. Rut this Is only one of the sad
stories back of the lives of these un
fortunate children. One day Dr. Price
called on some friends of his. one a
railroad president who was worth his
million, yet he said when Dr. Price
asked him how he was. "I am so un
heppy." "Rut why?" asked Dr. Price.
"Yon have money, position, all you
want." "I am worried to death." he
answered. Then Dr. Price preached
unto him Christ. From the railroad
president's office he went to call on
a family who lived In a cottage. There
peace and happiness reigned. He
asked the father when he came home
from work, so happy to see the
preacher, how be was. "Oh. business
Is good. I am making $2.50 a day
now. Yon must stay to supper." "As
we took our seats at the table, every
head was bowed and they all gave
thanks. Jesus was in the home.
There was a family -altar and Joy and
peace reigned." said Dr. Price. A
young girl wandered six weeks on the
streets of Ran Francisco. One day
she found herself In one of Dr. Price's
healing meetings. She prayed for re
lease of a dreadful disease and of the
dope habit as well. She was not seen
for some weeks after that One day
she returned. Not being recognlied.
she Introduced herself and told ho
she had been to her father's house
snd obtained permission to preach in
the old s'hool house of the neighbor
hood. "How is It?" she was asked.
"Just wonderful." she replied. From
six weeks on the streets of San Fran
cisco to preaching tn. oospei or
Services today at :30 a. m.. J:30
and 7:30 p. m. The last service will
be for divine healing.
THE nation-wide popu
larity of Mazola as the
leading brand of salad
and cooking oil. is due to the
fact that Mazola has demon
strated its superior quality
and great economy in the
household to the house
wife herself.
However, there are still some
housewives in America, who do not
as yet use Mazola. There are also
some who still believe that expen
sive imported olive oil is necessary
to make a delicious salad dressing.
There are others who still believe
that foods cooked in lard are as
easily digested as foods cooked
with Mazola the 100?o pure vege
table oil.
Many housewives continue to use
high priced butter, whereas Mazola
is equally as rich as butter, costs
much less, goes further, and makes
the most delicious cakes, etc., that
you have ever tasted.
It is to these Housewives that this
25c Free Mazola Coupon is
. offered for One Week Only
Fill out the Coupon haniit to your grocer. . . , .
is worth 25c towards the purchase of
one quart can of Mazola. It gets you
this remarkable balad and cook
ing oil at about half price
WE want you to give Mazola a fair trial. This h your opportunity to
prove that Mazola h equal to any oil fcr salad dressing; that Mazola
mayonnaise is smooth, rich and creamy, and will keep longer. And
m 1 . ! Il l .t .1 !
remember, Mazola costs consiaeramy less man expensive iiriporiea ou;
For shortening you will find Mazola is equal to rich, creamy butter,
and you use less. Makes your cakes and biscuits light and tasty. Once you
use Mazola for shortening, you will prefer it to lard and butter.
And for frying you will find Mazola-cooked foods are more digestible.
One reason is that Mazola can hz heated so hot that the food i3 instantly
crusted over. Thi3 keeps in all the rich juices, and makes the focd more
delicious e.nd tastier. Because Mazcla does nt carry odcrs and flavors
from one food to another, you can use it over and over again to the very
last drop. Merely strain it. Always remains sweet and clean.
IF you are not satisfied in every respect with Mazola
at the best oil for salads and cocking, just as we hava
stated in this advertisement, your grocer is requested to ,
refund your money without question.
All grocers are hereby requested to co-operate with us
and their customers in carrying out this guarantee.
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Rosehurs: News-Review
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