ROSEBURO NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 13. PAGl SIX fTtv Vtitltd rrm) RAX JO.SK. ( ul.. Fei. 1. Coop erative marketing In not a novelty. Cooperative purchasing la )ut com ing In. Hut a new cooperative pur chasing arrw im ut has Just been consummated urj that l believed to be unique. Hert, milk Inpseclur for Pun Jos. Iiaa loi his left arm. lilily Kriiirboii, an oil haletman, lias lost hia right, licit and hilly mi l In a clothing store the other day. each Intent un buying a pair of gloves and throwing; on glove away. They compared hands and then made the agreement. From now on Hert and Hilly will tmv one pair of gloves, ul a tlin" Hilly will luy the left one and Hert will buy the right one. A. S. FREY A SONS Are ready to furnish all kinds of rouxb and dressed lumber and tim bers. Prices right. Phone 321. WASIIINOTON, Jim. 31. From the tine of the dromedary (n hlbl cal timea to the awlftly flying uutl! piano of today, the hUtory of Ihe letter, aa a written means of com munication between people, wn traced by Assistant Postmaster Gen eral V. Irving Glover In a speech recently to postmasters and postal employees In a postal conference convention nt Wlnston-Sslem, N. ('. "On the post offlro Job." he said, "nothing can take the place of the Individual. While In many a great T Industries tho human equation Lai; , . been reduced to a minimum, no one ;' i haa yet Invented uuy tliln a; to take the place of a mail In the delivery of letters. Today, as a hundred , ' years ago, we are dependent on the "i . nerve and tho sense of loyalty of a human being for the puncluul de livery of our mall regardless of the ' i weather and everything else. "The history of Ihe postal serv- I Ice goes back as far aa the sixth ' century, II. C, and may tin called . the handmaid of civilization and tracing It from the dispatch bearer of the Assyrian and ftomnn times to the airplane service of the present day, the postal business has doubled In the last decade while the num ber of employees 1ms Increased only nine ,or cent. "The use of postage stumps Is low so common and the mulling o! ' letters so general tint It seems a If there never was a time when t h 1r practice was unknown. Hut the stump Itself I comparatively new. while the sending of letters Is older than Holomon. I "The Honk of Esther In the Hllile tells of how King Ahauerus. learn ing from Queen Esther that Hainan had ordered the death of all the v Jews, commanded Mordecui to call together the scribes and 'send let ters to every province of tho king dom forbidding the massacre. This Is the verse thnt describes tho send ing of the messengers. "And he wrote In tho King Aha aueriiB' name, and scaled It with the King's ring; and sent li tters by post on horseback, end riders on mules, camels and young dromedaries. " "The Ilomana, loo, ant their ht , tera by mounted couriers. The I courier carried tho message about twenty miles when he would come to a 'poata' where another messen ger wua stationed with a fresh horse. He, In turn,, would b" re v lleved by still another courier. Thus reluy after relay the letter waa aped i on until nt last It arrived nt lis des- lined 'posla.' meaning station or , alopplng place, and from Hint won! wo obtain tho word 'post' aa found In postoffiro, postcard and many similar words. "In the times of Benjamin Frank lin, ench letter was charged for by the sheet Instead of by weight, and also for the distance It was carried. Ten cenla waa chnrged for one sheet, 20 cents for two sheets; nn.l so on. and for everv fifty mllei an other fee was added. KtlVelopes . i were not used In those days, the M ' ter simply being folded p and aealed. "And now we coire to Ihe stag gering flgurea showing t;ie growth LADIES GLEE CLUB of Willamette University in Concert at High School Auditorium Monday, Feb. 5 8 P. M. 25c Admission 50c Tickets on sale nt Ott's Music Store Don't Let That Cold Turn Into "Flu" Rub on Good Old Mutlerola That cold may turn into "Flu," Crippe or, even w. Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Kub good old Musterole on the con rrsjted parts and ace bo quickly it brings relief. Colds are merely congestion. Muv teroie, made from pure oil of mustard, camphor, mtMhol and other umple ingredients, is a counter-irritant which stimulate circulation and help break up the cold. As effective as the messy old mustard plaster, it does the wurlt without the blister. Jutf rub It on with your finger-tips. You will feel a warm tingle aa it enteri the pores, then a cooling sensation that brings welcome relief. 30c and 05c, in jars and tubes. Better than m miutord plotter of this great business. In every single hour of the 24 there are mailed 1,400.001) letters and In every day of the 3HS of the year. .1.1,600.000 letters slip Into the hot. To carry this great volume of let ters, there waa so'd fourteen billion postage stamps, f,7 million speciul delivery Mumps. Its million news paper wruppeis, C2 million postage due stamps used on short paid mall matter and a billion postal cards printed and sold, and all counted, we used and sold IK billion units during Ihe last fiscal year. And, again, to carry this vast quantity of mnll we operate a very large motor truck service, having In operation today 4,4:n motor vehicles, and then In the carrying of this volume of mail by raliroad it require 21.000 railway mall clerka who cover 215, U00 miles dally." DON'T WASTE MONEY. It la a unique wav W. F. Chapman has of selling Hyomcl, a guaranteed treatment for catarrh. Money back if it falls. RED CROSS TO AID RE. TURNING RHINE SOLDIERS INDIANAPOUS, Ind., Feb. 1. The American lied Cross haa informed American legion national headquar ters that It hna arranged to render service to the men of the Army re 'urnlng from duty on tho Rhine and 'he dependent famlllea who follow 'hem. Special attention will be given 'o the wives and children, who have become dependents of soldiers during 'heir service abroad. fieneral II. T. Mien has advised Ihe War depart ment flint there nre seventy-seven sitih dependents, of whom fifty-seven ire women and twenty children. Any speclnl care needed In the matter of housing and feeding will be nttended to by the Fled Cross and special at tention will be paid to the care and feeding of children. ' WOHAU'SilEALTH RESTORED She Claim! Lyullt E. Pinldiam's mj . p v. . .f lun autnori7ea attempt to out-uo tneir Vegetable Lompouna i;iU It Alter; record of 35 hours, 18 minutes nnd fit- Everything Else Failed ,f"'n "-con,'l ra,!,,!!',h"1l 1,1 , a lli-hl over San Iilego, C alif., last fall. Tho California record as not recog Milwaukee, Wisconsin, " I feel that nlzed, ns efrielal American Aeronauti lought to let you knowahout my case.l : cal Assoelniion representatives were H was ailing and could juareiy ao my nouse i work and washing 1 waa so run-down, just from havingune child I took a lot of I medicine and had Ipound and I feel wonderfully good do everv- thing that comet along, and we all take your meuuine na a unic wnen we oon ( luitt iui I mm f... u-K. :, V . it .... tlieNegt taWo Compound has done for llillltlMIMIIIIII'MI Irt . ;.s x v 5 I... ''. . V. yoi?i T'iT'worW. endut anee record, held by a I r.. , .u, us mil- ft'aukiw. iMeonsov ' Letters like ther tesiify to the vaue of the Vegetable Compound. These y-omen speak from he fullm-ss of their nearis. jney aescrute ns correctly as they can their conditions: First, those symptom, that greeted them m.t con- tjicumutly: and later thedppearance ,'rI?7',l"ncrr,,,:? ?"V, "r. ..,.. ' ""Bunts .s...i.uuu,ut..ia,i, n-uii; VUIICU, lUrXW TUP li;"rrv invn " ' IT V-Qi 1 ov w.F-Me.P. i cam. j 1 I'' QN 0:i" atxaiu owetwwo I '-'-- f i J VOUKCtO I't ? $ A UFE'S J J( J j ; . . ) A2n.r, oo som U' VSW VAftMli " . " - Every Day They're Getting Younger And Younger - These Kid Prodigies ', st. :'r.. i'w . - . s Of. Swinging hEAB pew" feOM THE RindS - ---7 x .v m mmiitw3m fill i ni "X-Jl -hK:--,W 1-;:;- 'CHICAGO "Why, when Johnny Teas only year old he could say this and do that Re-: Biomber hen mothers used to brag about their offspring in this fashion? .Not any mere. Nowadays mother has to bo able to say "v. nun Johnny wua a week old he picked out 'Nearer My God To Thee' with one finger on the piano," in order to cause any kind of a flutter at all. To be precocious nowadays, an infant must be ready for "prep" school at one year "and collcgd 'at three. Witness the extremely early "take-off "- in life managed by Johnny Salvatore, left on ;the doorstep of a Minneapolis athletic director whun 12 days oIJ, at 10 months able to chin himself, ttralk, talk and deliver a Oempscy punch on the jaw to any obnoxious baby-taiking aunties. . ' Going; him one better, Tedity Wright, Jr., also 10 months eld, chins the bar, walks on his hands, trims eight somersaults in succession, swings head down from the rings, swims and floats. And Mias Norma Loeb, a sub-deb of nine weeks, has been sitting alone for a month, walks With assistance; lookV ou .in.Uie .eye like a paying tclierand takes setting-up, exercises I FLYING RECORD OF U. S. IS IN DANGER DAYTON. O.. Keb. 1. America's premier aviators are preparing to smash tho world's endurancv record tor Hying. This month, weather permitting. I T.leuts. John A. Maciteadv and Oakley Kelley, will mount the veteran T-2 in not present to observe and time the 1 flight. 1 Tn lri,, .,,nnlh Wo lh I . ... ,. .. , . . . ,, , olflclal iibservers will be "" 1, u"1' ""''T"',1,.',0, ?" nnnuu"- doctors. Thtn I gavOi"" "L , ' ll "i "ere. them all up and took i Huring the flip lit. the wings of the I.ydia E. 1 inkham'a , T-2. th. same plane In v.hieh the fonn Vege table Com-. er emliivance trial was made, will carry electric lights to dislinenlsh it from nnv oilur plane that niisht be flvlni? nt tileht I M.ielteadv and Kellc will wear el tricallv wanned fit ing tog '. .. ... ... Thev uiil - . aiiernaie at tne suck. , Tlilrty f..ur hours is the recognized French pilot, i . .... I to Inta a ' . i n nnmi vruh to Inst use ionter than St hours" l.ieut. Marliendv hald. Samlwlchf an,t hut coffee, nothing fancv. i shortlv nfier their en.tnr,.ne ft., i,i ov,,r Snn Diego and Kellv the niemontble flight nini t!.n p,sn , ,,iana,M,lls In J7 hours ami minutes. I, , , nnM,ceerfu attempt at a nonstop transcontinental reeortl II J - 1 l ' - - 1 1 . ( ., v. , v : . mm If r-' f which ended with engine trouble. Tho 8,000,0C0 BIBLES PRINTED flight was unprecedented for harrow EVERY YEAR IS REPORT nig experiences In the air. Doth pilots are determined, they CHirAfiO. Jan. 31 More th.-n said, to "take another crack at thatccn.oiio.nni) nibles in nil languages coast to coast thing. llesides his other dislinetions. Mac Ready also Is the holder of the world's altitude record 4i,S00 feet aUaiiii-u(;(),..,, c. liuxron. ( bicago publisher two years ago. vno presented this Interesting estl- orricials at the field said the pro-n,at n, t!i- cenventien here of the jected flight probably will be started Subscription Hook Publishers' Associ- unannounccd, because of the uncer- ntion. laiuiy of weather conditions. I ... , . , o M. nA r, n 1 j "Annroxitmtely R.Oefi.Ofin Tlibles are . i rrinted in this countrv and Canada More Men I nan Women Mrnuiiv." said Mr. n-ixton. "and 35,- 11 A niton WcW ! - "O'l.tno throughout the world. j IiaVC cippenuicil.b -Assuming r.s approximately correct Medical reports show men are more thit the erth contains l.rirtn.nno.OOO subject to nppenilir itls although many i i'iabiiants, i is evident that all the sudden cases occur among women. It MMis ever printed would punrly near can be guarded against by prevent int: Iv hnlf the individuals of the globe intestinal infection. 'Die intestinal v.M a cotiv a-d each of earth's 30n,. nntisepric. Adler i ka, acts on HOTli a,i.. aco rnniilies with more than two uppiT and lower bowel which miht : r-ini. s. There is, hoteever, ro way of cause Infection. It brings out matter snew'.ntr ho-v nnnv rtlMca of the tiv 'ou never thought was in your pyntem . t,ml p-'nteil in histnrv are in existence and which may have been poisoning trv'n- and the distribution of the you for months. Adler-lka Is EX- scriptures, of cnu'-se. bas not been ,,,i,n i.'n.,ri, 1 ii.l.r.: I Tor gas on the stomach, n Terra T. TV... X'i:..i, r. . " nil t 1.1 v, 1 en per Jar. rail;an l'nlierion Tin I!- tall Store. ,, .. , , , , ' Hie r.-deral inrnmjs tax allows the I following exempt Single persmi. -it or married pevs..n not living nUh husband or wife. J1.000: head nf n family, or married person living wi'h bte..:.a,l ..r ife. fJ.SOtl. unless tli l'"'""u' M "f r' ""n. ' otto- orw i, ? - ' '' d.-;.. pdent ur.l. r the a.-.- e,- n... ' ,of -;-:Tt- i. . ' ""l r " " r'rs woo suppous , ' - . ms.ti i, one or more r. .1 iriVe been printed in the world since - ,, i,,,!,,.. invented in the middle of .,. fifteenth cenlurv. According to enifnrm nmnnj- nntifins nrwl Irlhuo nt men. i ' "There are rpo-e exnet statistics re-1 ,. ,. ..... . . nrrn; TOR olS'r'Dll'lon Of I'.lMCSIn t'ie !".-!!r. States. In a nopulatlon o. , ii-.aan.nnn. It is estimated bv rr. J. S. , r.irr.nnue ot tne A'lierlenn Htble rlrtv timt about 8n.oan.nafi people i I'.iMes. This leaves ?-i.0.ift.onfi wj,c not p'seos a eonv of the Rerititn 1 Klrhbride of the American Ilible Kn own ho do P'sefS a eonv of the Rerintnren ti n t.,t.l nr " Ann Aaa r..m. :u i-a' 0,.a have initios "Th-se fienres do not reflect with exaetness the religious situation. The "Hc-m peonle are rc.l- .in,-, Thmtch there are ?.Jl.oo. f ,"il',' ' 1"Mes. I believe there . 5" """vitlnals who at some time : : m t'-. Ir lives have not - s-r.r i,.n or Win btv tant S'Tutt.Tr.'si Your rr 3l that you want the most delicious syrup at the lowest price when yon order Karo. It is a great spread oa bread for children. And there is nothing better on pancakes, hot bis. cuits, and for making gingerbread There In n Knro frt every p:il;ite nnd every meal; 1. CoUtu Syrup Blue Label Karo 2. Cryital White Vanilla Flavor Red Label Karo 3. Square Can Green Label Karo H'iih rure Maple Sugar 4:Imitalinn Maple Flavor Orange Label Karo Silling Ripnntatium JobiuofwLiber - Portland. Urt. 1 sj il VIJ AA vour grocef for redeefelde AV IvllLrf or Coek IWk. or write toCam Product rUfinins Co Dept. A. Argo, Illinois LEGION OPPOSES TEXAS REDS IiRECKENrtmCE, Tex., Feb. 1. Principles of the 1. W. W. and Ihelr alleged efforts to organlzo oil field workers In this section, where they are said to have about 600 members, were condemned In resolutions adopted re cently by the local American Legion post. Charging that the I. W. W.'s "are masquerading under the guise of help ing the working mnn by organization, but their aims and purposes are con trary to all we fought for," the post pledged its assistance to city and county officials in stamping out radl ralism. The real purpose ot the orga PROFESSIONAL CARDS rvr. M. H. hvslelan. Pl.Yt.Kr rhlrner. 114 W I Jin. St. "DEFORE you sign an appli cation for life insurance C.McElhinnytheOrcgonlifCmza If the Rain Comes through your top, stop at Jones' Auto Top Shop Sedan Curtains for Ford Touring Cars Winchester and N. Jackson Street Phone 46S SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTEIN & STEWART 248 North Jackson Phono !7 New Barber Shop 124 CASS STREET We specialize lu nobbing and Curling Hair We do our work Just as you want It c. w. McAllister Auction House 3:8 N. Jackson Sale Every Saturday at 2:30 p.m. tlolh city, farm and stock tales handled to yuor satisfaction. Private sales daily. . Radabaugh & Patterson GroQ nows (V. W 't -jiim, nization was said by the LrJ r set uo In place of ouw Institutions a tyrannous, Koetmneiit sinuiar louultfa m Your collars wlD many trips to Ol'Hfc dry after a trial, to superb work pleawii lengthens the life Hi collars. SEED ARE TESTED SEEDS Good teed is the loo tlon for a good crop 1923 catalog now roll New crop seel All Varietl For Farm and Gtnisi Try our New Sweet Corn New Table P New Table Ban New "Nnrfcin Tomato 1 Large Packet EJ 1 Varieties (pot" 60c c.c Mouse ore i j " . n Mickie VantsM mi