Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 26, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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tti I r
December 1921
Car and Truck Sales
December 1922
Car and Truck Sa!e3
Everything Points to the Greatest Spring Demand
for Ford Products in Company's History
1,202,517 Ford Cars and Trucks were delivered
to retail purchasers in the United States alone
during 1922
Actual deliveries for last month greatly ex
ceeded any previous December in the history of
the Ford Motor Company
It was the ninth consecutive month in which
more than 100,000 Ford Cars and Trucks were
retailed keeping the Ford Plants working at
capacity to meet dealers' requirements '
In many parts of the country dealers are already
finding it necessary to specify later delivery
dates on certain types because there are no
reserve stocks to draw from
Commercial user3, business houses and farmers
anticipating their future requirements are plac
ing orders and taking delivery of Fcrd Cars,
Trucks and Fordson Tractors to insure against
Everything points to the biggest shortage of
Ford Products this Spring that has ever existed.
The only way you can be sure of obtaining de
livery of a Ford Car, Truck or Fordson Tractor
is to list your order immediately
We have given you these facts as they actually exist so that if you are planning to purchase a Ford Car, Truck or Tractor for
use this Spring or Summer, you can list your order now and take advantage of ourdealer's first opportunity to make delivery.
Ford Motor Company
Detroit, Michigan
A Small Deposit and Easy Payments if Desired
C A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO., Roseburg, Ore.
J Phone 374 j
Clair K. Allen was a charm-
kten to a one o'clock Bridge
lesteMay afternoon at her home
IMy street. The Allen home
httlljr decorated with China 111-
d weens. Mrs. Walter Glenn
rti honors at bridee and Mrs.
Melvln consolation. DeHeious
proems were served by the host-
itl bv Mrs. V. M. Petterson,
Iter Clenn. Mrs. Lorin Miller
r. Ceo. Johnson. ThA eiieat llat
N Mesdsmes Gen. Johnson,
Pnnr, V. M. Petterson. Henriet-
U. Das. G lbert. Walter Glenn.
Jndd. Fred Kelllnirton, Steve
n. u uevanev, Maurice Allen,
Pollerton. J
mraberlv. J, I. Love. Irvln
Pred Srhwart t r TTnma
M'i. A. P. Rather T. H Skin!
pwh VeMn. B. M. Jennlnr.
"iller, H. H. Hochradel J R
ton and th rt.t.
Apply wet baking soda or ordi
nary ammonia, followed
V VapoRub
Ottt 1 7 Million Jan Utcd Yearly
been highly praised by other offi
cers who have Inspected the prop
erty. A delegation of Hisenui
men will meet the lodee officers In
Eugene and will bring them to Rose
burg by automobile to Inspect the
property. They will remain In this
city over night and will prohahlv
be guests at a banouet to be served
in the evening. Detailed arrange
ments for their entertainment have
not yet been made.
from Papa TiimV.. .1 i
- " -... i.i nu r ii'. i
"T. Thev carrv InmW
K mouldings, windows ' and
f"ma stock, brick, fire brick.
til0, reman 9 i- .
, . . "uiiuhi kid pnn
-T oiaeta. ixul..
OOd mtkA M.t m -
Ut.t. o-t cs,ttv m
r nni """flc and
tZ " B""irf on Febrn.rv
iVT,?.""1 " 'opo..d ....
. ..'eV.;;"""-- Cnrrv
f ,M "- " - h.a
Ant readv to furnish all kinds of
rough and dressed lumber and tim
bers. Price right. Phone 324.
Georee Spaur, a local boy attending
O. A. C. v recently pledged to Ham
'mer and Coffin, a national honorary
Journalistic fraternity which publishes
the Oranen Owl. Georee has been
made manager of the high school ex
change service as a reward for his un
rletMn efforts aiding in the work of
itr!hnHrn. His friends are glad to
br o his selection with four other
O. A. C. students for a position on this
TOiM'catlon which Is nationally copied
bv Literary Digest. Jndge. nd screen
Pnewa. Joe Reet was the first Rose-
bur bov to be insisted Into the so
ciety ad Bert G. Bates was taken in
as an honorary member last fall.
"My meat la to do the will f Him that sent me"
Jesus said that doing the will of God was nourishment. Ho had
Just finished feeding Jilg whole being y teaching a woman the way
of life.
A Christian may feed his life In the same way.
Did you ever have such a meal?
Of course, an unbeliever can't do the will of God, try ss he may.
Yes. there la Just one thing that he can do that is according to tho
will of God. Ho can accept Jesus Christ as his personal saviour.
Anything else done by an unbeliever is an offline to God, hucatise
Christ has done ail the doing which has to do with any man's saiva-
ll0Q- , , a I
God's food Is to do; man's food is take what God has done In
other words, eat the Bread of Life. And If you wil do so, reader, you
will feed yourself and nourish God, too.
BS ...... 1 -(
Read tho Bible for yourself and see what a Book of Life It Is.
John: 4-34. . Copyright, 1921 J. A. R.
Hear two Interesting sermons
hv II. L. Caldwell at the Baptist
church next Sunday. At 11:00
a. m., "The Demonstrations of
theajlnlv Spirit." At 7:30 p. m.,
The Signs of the Spirit."
services on Sundny. All aro Invited
to nttend these services.
public Is cordially invited. The sub
ject of Sunday's lesson Is "Truth."
Buv coal at Pace's ad be comfort
able and sweet-tempered.
or Saturday-
Special Prices on
lUtlicran Mission Divine service
will be conducted at 214 Kast Cass
street on Sunday afternoon, the
rervlce to start at 2 o'clock. All
former Lutherans and all who are
wlihout a church home are cordially
invited to attend. W" nreach
Chri't crucified. R. Trautman,
" a an, vu
Automobile Sponges and
Uiamojs Skins
Thete are very large and sood quality t
adgley - ZIgler Hdw. Co. f
PHONE 25 t
T Oi"rrh of fTir1 In. Pinh
Pohnr 1 hur-lnar n P'"lTt"rnl
vws'ljrn'Inn on th niirno of mfrn-
cIm. So far In
TnrTo wr oMntrrM fhit nitrnri.
ad a ll with ihn rnfr1p
of c,Ml"l. infl or n m f'vwf. th"
o fh towpr of Dahpf. Mth n
Imtie. triTfnn of Qoom. nrtA
wl iviti or rtsirfS on fhotK
'O!''" "'" "Tr w,f.n "
hrn w I" 0 nT'f'-
llon. W irpt Tn nwfrtf to frr.
winthof riot tn!r'', to o.
-nH or fh oMv. ,,ow'"
to own 'ftArpfpr. A '1
inrn of "HlT-ne Tmth" rord
UlTv invito! to Inin nn n mtr
W. F. McGlaaaon, Bible Teacher.
Tho malratlon Anny 811 North
Jncknon tr'ct. On Saturday even
lae at 8 d. m. Fre and l-nf.'v menl .
Ing, brother Tm Morris will speak.
Sunday mornl:ig Holiness meeting
11a. m.. Company meeting 2 p. m.
Young Peoplis Legion 6:15 p. ni
topic "Discoiiragemert." Numbers
21:4, Salvation meeting 8 p. m.,
'irand Hattlf for Souls. S p. m. on
Tnosday January 2sth. llrlgailior
I'ay Mrs. Hav and th.'lr son will
stop In Rovliurg on their wv tn
California, whre they are taking
a new appointment, and will hold
their farewell mecetlng, n th Sal
vation Army Hall at s p. m . there
will Ik. a pubMc meeting on Tues
day and Saturday at 8 p. m. K very
body welcome.
The Presbyterian Church Corner
Lane and Jackson street. L. Quick
minister. 9:45 a. :. Bible school,
high school students have a choice
of a class that Is taking up the stile
credit course, or one tinder Miss
Jean MrKenzle that Is studvlnv
"The Bird's eve View of the Bible "
11:00 a. m. Morr.lne worshin, with
Junior service, an Illustrated ser
mon, "The Trouble is Inside." Tell
the children to stay for this service.
Vnrnlnir sermon tonic. "The Christ
M'Uhln." The choir will sing te
'4th pnlm hv Formn. Mrs. F. I..
Ptrsne will rlnire "O Divine Re
deemer," by Gounod. Come worrMn.
?nn p m.. Junior cmfaor. tone
"The children of China." I nidor
Varjorv Knlrht. :3n n m. ChH
tian endesvnr. tontc. "'hnt are th
Rlphtfni cta'ms of tho church nnon
ns " 730 n. m., Kvenlnfr servpp.
topic, "An Oblec Ton on Prim
er." Both mnfnlne and ewoplng
nrvlces are nren'to"- rr Ihe I' n--Wot
farrrtnlfn tht wl'l her'n np-l
ilthnth morntnr at the Armnn,
Come sd catch te spirit of h" P"-
j vval which Is already working In
our city.
51. K 1mrc!i. South Main nnd
lane. J. B. Needham. pastor. The
church school will meet at 9:45
with A. J. Rand, assistant Superin
tendent In charge: Interesting classes
for nil aces. Preaching 11:00 a. m.
hv the pnstnr, snbiert, "The Old
Paths." At 7:30 p. m., there will
be a very fine prnernm of music,
consisting of Anthems, pnlns, duets
and a number of selections hy a
combined orchestra. Yon can't well
afford to miss this sacred concert.
The Knworth T.eneue mefa at a '10
lender ltln"clie Jjihev. suhlect. "Th"
History and Ocotrrnnhy of Method
Ism." An Interesting siih'ect will
ho presented In an lnterestlnr wnv.
you are Invited to meet with the
voung peonle In their service. The
nastor will hold services at CnM
noola at 3 p. m. The Portland dla
Mct conference will meet with the
Rochnrg church on Fehrunrv Rh
end 9th. There will he shout fifty
detegntes In attendance from out
s'de points. Bishop DuBose will preside.
VtrM. Onrrh of t hrift U'fcnr
12 K. Dourln utrfff, H'T-vlr" arM
hpld Sunrlay morning at II olork
and We'JnpBday pvnini: a N oUrJc.
thin moftlnc Inludni t-'lm'."i( of
hrallnT. F'jnd-r arhnol onTfnpa
"ach 8'inrl.-r r"rn!n ?t In th
bawmpnf Hnn1;.v whon roimn. ,M1
np to tho ac of ?0 yph nr" tn
ritrd o attrd. Th r-'1inK mom
loratM )n tti front of th rhurrh
!a op-n dally from 2 to 4 p. m.. ex
cept Sunday and holiday . Too
r.hritthn Church Tornpr Tlnp nnd;
! "'oodwprrt froofn. r. If. Hilton, r"ln-
) 'tor. Annthf pnt nroprrnm tinn J
hn nrrfroft In thW rhnrrh for Pn-;
i'iIv rninrr. Th IjH'as Onnrtottn
thnt nlwnvf t!pp, ill nln twoj
j pnmhnrf, unfl llttt Mn'n Rmllh a1
; rhnrrnin" H"1 rlrl will ulnir. Tb;
i pi tor win pronpnt a Inro number of.
Mdr w(h th (itpoontlran fliowlne
i h 1nnicnior ltnatlnn a ir a
i ft.-ir.-s. it All tho I mm l" it of all
t ronntrlp hown. Thl will b an
' ration. Mo-nl pon1 8" n'ia1
I o.-Mo,. "Trininr With Rplrl"lil
1 r-rti'lp? b(v. Th orrbptr rtva
; fhfrt tinmhri trrv 5urHv morr'n
1 Vrtiin" nnnlp mtlp Pnh-
'v-hot rr- thrt Mhtfiil rialmii
jnf Our f'bnrrh T'pon V
rr Mpth' rtsiirch. '0-p1 t.
; h f.mrr of fnnmn and TTnrw1 j
e ..,s rf V'm Tnir, V1"'
Ptiftaj nnmptf. nnnr. rAMopoo lt7
ttrrn-'' A. frv,-'a nn fol-j
, TvMnf r.t 11-nO m. d 1:M I
J -r rfivf fnrUn Thnmj nn(n
'at t-td. F"nniT ?p to 4h nn-i
j ,-rf(nf. T?nr. IT p Tvdro will'
I ho wph ti and nrarh Friday and
Saturday erenlnfra at 7:30 also At both
Th Flrt RantiV Church, rornor of
Tpno and T?ohp tropti: it. I, Cn'd
wp'I. mln'Br. Two thnmpi of psoo
rlnl Intrppt h dlwoiifisfd hy th
ntoP on SupHnv morntnir nd Pn.
dnv ovoTilniT. Th mofnln" tbrn nrlll
hA "The rmnntitiop of tho ijolv
Pn'rlt. Tho PVnninK thpmn wM 1)p
"Tho Slrn of Th Solr." Thpr
wH b "norlnl miiulo hoh mnmliT
n1 orpnlfir The piMlr g ror(H1'
inv'tod to thp" cifv'T, At. i:ir
. tn. the rtttr"h P"hot nt: O. P.
Tonhow. Piftwirlnf',n'ipnt. Tbrp In a
-"owlnp lntnrrt In tho arbool. tf von
Ilk to atndv the H'b'o nnd th'nV von
nnpd to. von pr Ipv.tod to o'n nnn
of thnpo ip At 3 n. m. th fnnlort
nnrt. All rhl'dn-n frnrp 7 o 1 pro
Inv'td: MIioi Cnrtrii'ln WlVham
nfnr Kolilhtrf'n nrn In rhirpo.
At .!() n. m. thn Son 'or Voun
pponlo; rirtrfn Plnrlc. prodfnt. A
'oon! mop'n m plannod. Thnre in no
hp tor plno fnr vnnn p-onlp on a
PttnHv pTppinr thpn at pome younR
people's mpfUnr. f'omp.
The dinner and proprnm pi von last
evening by tho local Rotnry club to
ofrrM grnduatea of the public achuols
were much enjoyed by all present.
There was a good attendance of me in
born, but tho number of graduatea
were not n larne an anticipated, but
thoe who did nttend had the ploaauro
of lfntenlntr to Home rood advice fora
lorel ppenkem. President Dexter Rice
nnnkn on "Whv a Roy Phonlcl Continue
T'N Fdnrntlon'; Pr. A. F. Sether on
'Tloan IJvnr.M and Dr. A. C. Peely
toV for bin "Ublect. "Seelne Your
if Fifteen Yenra From Now." Farh
of the anenkera brourht out aome
wboloftome advice to the younr men
nrppnt. eneoiirnilnv thm to eontlnue
their ednrntlon In the hlh aehonl, the
Impo'-tnnce of llvln a cleen life, ken
Inp thntn bodien nnd mind In n btl
thjr, cpdftion oiU trMUroioVAU.teim
of debolnir nature.
Tho ratherfnp' was very InarrorMrff
nd tho vtinrpterp were given to vni
dprotnnd thnt rhlr WtvKl', hon-d-hrt
mtrfp Vfiflirn to tho TTofnrv cltib at any
imn hit H.rvlntT apalstance mUht
bo rpndeon ,
hn. MFlh'nnv. cb'b png pftt"r,
ht n aniinnv nroPTATTl for thn even tot?
whlM atitn1 vprv maorliy in mftk
ln h ocrfxiton ontovabln.
pii irnf o c (won
H T Tt't,nt.H 1ajt nlfrt, f th A
n ptn fcp Klfj
ihrtr'",l nrf pmp fhr pim
h nwo ))rlnr'nf dol'P'O'ip 'tp " "nd
rwt horn I' Th" vti lif p
"(K r"ripf Titif
"""P X'- -nr! ri V
T vf-h "r. Vrt T
, n.i-wew TV,
F'rM MrthoHitt Church. Ponth Vlfi
t W. fl. Gordon. nfor. The
Pundav prhool roppt nt All Ho.
nartmnntp ar r'trPHi'ppt. Inrltwtfnr
a b'"h arbool rlnp. whlh rorpjvnp
reeillt for th.'lr work. At 11 . m.
the por'a rnhtort wl'l ho ,Hrr,n-nra-
ITnHnepp": M t ronpNtppt with
tho law of rrowth? How mn ni rtt
t? Can vnn In It At 7n th
nnlp wi h Tp fhp K.HTfn of Jnnnn
Prflcal Toiv" Hot evntnln
"irhnpnevr ahldpth fn Him a'nne'h
pot"? Th onrMlon box w he
nnop rA nn "Vb"t 11 TloIh-
'p.n" Thn mnnlc of fhn rhirrh !
'n rhpro of Vn. T R. HMnl'pn and
an etpe'lpnt rhof. Tb Junior lprin
moof-i t 2:30 and the Kpworth league
at 6: HO.
TKa fun
P Wo'SpmII
To ti, nd
htion. f" nnd M-
nnd Helen Wetbernll.
v, pohert Iewln
L for Portland
tiiu Moiytn an Ilttlo datifh
lof r Pnrlpnd on the poon taln
""'n- and vlffllng with friends and
Mlldmd Coehr" U motoring ont
to her homo In Tiller to ppend the
week end.
Sail. Doti
UmmirtU af
anMitl 4mgm
itfrt rtom rh
mumUtfmm m
prKM. nd to.
2110 nm
aatl... Man,