PACE TWO ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1923. t. ! I ' ( ... . ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW issued Daily Except Sunday li. W. IiA'l Lo iriuiii muiJ Mauaaur lEUT U. BATKS ' A Kecrrlarf-Truuurer bUUbCRICTILIN RATES luil), per y.ur, by mini Di.ily, ; luuiitlm, by u.ail twilly, three uiolitlis, hy u,ull luily, single uioutb, by mail itaily, by urrier, p.-r mouth VV'kly Kvws Keview, by mail, per year. . 4 u(J . Z.uu . l ew . .M . .60 2.UV Tli.- w l"re. ; .-x. iii.n(.y mi hi, i i n,. tor r. i.ulill. anon ' ... iiruiiMi k, ii ur urn ii F..T Mriitu riciii.ii in (ma puin-r, .id l n . l i... .,1 urim pi.i.nai l,.riiu. A1 t.hi ul r.(ul,iitluii ol iul intend aa sutuud tutus uiatur .Way 17, la;u,at Ilia punt ollice at Hosi-burg, Oronou, under Uia Ait of alarch 2, 1b7. picim's BY BLRTG. BATES ICfWCl 1 HObtBOhO, OKEGON, WtDNtbOAV, JANUAKY 10, IWi. THE NLW I'KEPAIIEDXESS The conception of the stops which the United States needs to fci!;e in order to prepare for the possibility of war, has been modi fied by the terrific conflict of 1917-18. Uefore the World war, most people thought thut more battle ships and a bigger regular army ivetv flin liriili'it inn Tnf if T '. .!...,,. l 1 .1....1.1.. its regular army and built liO battleships in 101(5, it would have been but little better able to light the German power. Jluny per nors nau an easy going idea that an army could be placed in the field in a short time. The experts knew better and long had urged preparedness, i-iUII it in doubtful if they foresaw all the difficul ties that were encountered in 1917, liaising the great army of 4,000,000 nun was a problem that worked itself out with a fair degree of speed. It was trained more rapidly than one could ex- norfc. V.ut when if mm In tiri.vwlitwr l..,f ...,',t. 41 1 1 - - mat u in wilii me Biupenu- ous equijiment of munitions and supplies that it needed, a problem was encountered that seemed of almost insuperable difficulty. The war department is working on plans for industrial prepared- Enth.t :MI.ATr..:i.wl('lI.i. 1 . v-oo, mi win 11 iiiv 1 ever uecomcs involved 111 another such struggle, it will be readier to act. . The wholo country should approve of And co-operate with the effort. The man-power of the nation can bo promptly assembled, liut getting the material to- t Kuuit-r is a lar uiuerciir, proposition, it requires that a great number of industrial plants shall shift over thejr production to wax, stuff. This causes disorganization and friction, and it can not posaibty work smoothly unless every detail la planned in ad vance. The United States fervently hopes to keep out of war, but the present world outlook, is disturbed, and preparedness is necessary. ' ' ' , j ; , i . . 0 . The head of a girl's boarding school recently Bald that the first lesson that bIiu tried to ininrraa i,n hn n.m:i. . n...i .: . ... pug.. a riU IJIHfc Ui U13- tiphne. She feels that parents have insufficient control over young people and that family government has partly broken down, so that the first busmen of nun a kchool is to teaeii respect for au thority. The young crowd look at this as a stern attitude out of touch with the timet..: Hut while modern young folks are won derfully bright and capable, they frequently have more freedom than they know what to do with. The wisdom of past genera tions said that boys and girls wero to attain their freedom at the ftge of 21, but many get it now when they are half that age. Per haps self assertion for parents is as necessary in theso times as Self reliance for children. GOOD EVENINQ FOLKS Or Jupe Pluviua And hia cravv of L'Ulc devils Art laffing merrily Over their eacapsdes Of the put week. O to flt YAZOO VALLEY CONTENTMENT White man rid by my cabin one day; Mur been r .n ae Nain, i m wnui na aay. "Huccsm yo laffn' n' prankin' er- roun f MYo dnin' nuiM nmrv m fnnt nh nrnim "Yo cloea all tattert," dat whits man "Vet yo' 'lows t' be happy all de day. 'Mebbs yo's get 'ligion dat meks yo' arl "Jes' happy an' foolish an' crazy-lak." "Wei, auh," I 'sponda t' dat ar man, "I meks d bes' ob whut comes t' han.'i "my ctoes is rag, but 1 has good health. "An' that's mo' betUh dan all yo' wealth; "Effen all banks fail, dean' fret me nAn "My worries all alnk wld de settln' sun ; I lives wid da posies an' birds an' trscs. My conscience cla'r and my soul at eaee." 1 INDIANAPOLIS, Iud . Jan. 10. An appeal lo tile w-umi-u ot tbe j Amcilcdfi Ixlno Auxiliary to bat:k IIih cuunrry schools was uiade iu a ic-ni auurfus nere Dy ur. ivate WalkT Barrett, national president of Ih Auxiliary. Dr. fan-it has askd all Auxiliary units to support tb-- rural school, filth llllll t. ..lor.. u-tim.l and to e Unit libraries are founded and mat a larae dictionary, a largo en- fVP i ntiwl 1 1 B vit.ri ,...,n snH o frn.b1 jjlolie ur plaovd in this school. With fifty auxiliary units stand ins; behind a corresponding number of country schools, this movement could become a ureal Inspiration. within a period of five years or so," Dr. Uarrett stated. Whits man hs studied Vt quite awhile, Cib me a seegar an' a frien'ly amlle. "I reckon," he 'lowed, "yo' has a right slant, "I'd lak t' trade plac;s, on'y I can't. "Ooan' fret yo' haid bouten fconde an' stocks, "Yo's sho' eri:y, Fiastus jes' lak a fox I" A Line O' Type or Two. The Chicago Tribune. w w 5f We will cure your dandruff, and stoii the fulling; of your hair at the Il.-auiy Studio. Koseburg National lliir.k Ilullilin-;. o EUICK CAR HAS A WONDERFUL RECORD The history of a Fcveu-passenser Buii k touring car Is well worth, record- iui-. oexnuse 11 ions us own story in a most convincing manner. This car was sold by Uoorire Waterman of Waterman Bros., Fresno, to J. J. Phelan of Fresno, nn t ,v i ii-7 ami since that time haa rolled up 40,726 miles, belni; driven our a u.-vi-spaper routo throUL'h tha nil h.j.i ,.e i-nli. fornlu, aveiaulng over 153 miles daily, the actual distance that mni h ,v. ered In ninhiug (he run. .: I'helHll IB One CJ Iho omul nlVn.L astlc Duick booslera imaKinable and ne haa a perfect rinht to be, judh'ing from the enviable tmviH il.,i n.a aireauy naa made. I'helan nuya the orislnal tires are on the four wheels of the llulck and they are In good shape, and that tha vn.Wnn an,t u average haa been pin noinena, as he - - 1 o.ui urea geiiing i miles to each gal- An enidemlc Of iwinrinui wiihlnn hai Inn fit ITMHiktinA nnH .!,.. 1 1 A i.. struck the village and we are forced the average for three pints of oil. An wi nmw to c o.vmhh viietn. in urine vy i'neian or SCOUroe like hit tha tnwn hocaiiin the evnenun nf nnaMtin. iv.A n..ini. - ..... - - mi, int. uunn. uii the boss will soon have us out in Its, daily run. and he sava tlmi it 1j tranl mnnnlHn . k. II. : . . ... .in I ...I ....... ,. '. . The early part of January is a period which many Lusines-s firms use for making an inventory. For many concerns llu'l are operating oil a margin it may be an anxious time, and lliev dread to total up the figures that shall show whether a year's toil has brought gain or l-w. Inventories sonHkimes reveal startling results. Where concerns have a lot of money locked up in mate rials and merchandise, it is not possible to tell whether it is mak ing; money except through the figures of a carefully taken inven tory A lew cents lost all along the way may mean that a business that had seemed prolital.lo is operating at a loss. Considering the marked advance in commercial activity during the past sis months, it can reasonably l.e hoped that the inventories of Will bo more satisfactory than those taken a year ago. o It is always a pleasure to look forward to tho New Yetr d. ( .on of the Portland Oregonian. I'.ut to consider its real worth to tin. great old state one must givo the edition more than passing intent, in fact .t several days perusing to get full value from such a splend.d and comprehensive publication portraying the s ate resources and its po.s,ibiIitil,H foP ,h()M SC),kj ; h o. table homes or investments of various kinds. The Oxonian is a real asset to the state of Or.-min Ti, , i ... .upenors in ,,,e entire fnued 0 ' go., shot, d take a just pride and much satisfaction, and is L ClSvS "'-ion in a growing state hi. o The crop of both.m.,s has diminished the past few weeks a this vicnity. lUit this notion is only tenK.n.rv. Once a hit! jwer . ,, hard to let go of the easy method of making , 1 e . hood. l,ven jail sertences ,h, not seem to luue the desi.vd ellC for many of these ft Mows s,, aft.r gaining ,hoiP m,llN ' p their old vocation. lVobabiy have to hang Vm as tl.e-ilv inaiit-ntiure for their illieit habits. 1 front mopping the finger prints, etc inirn sur w.naow panesi O After all ' ' There are only three things That are really worth while To be good, To do oooH. And always to smile. it LIST TO THIS Most Honorable Editor of of Prunes: hs c , Z: 1 on miU.c-' '."f..ts have Urn given to Pot,;:- - c . - , delegation , , the state legislature. As a result moi'o Jiosng, ..,, ,ver before will fall to our representatives in the jay vf sl.apmg pr.per Mate l,gisti(m IMld lh,ir KmibM to a considerable degree. J i II.. w .uueh longer w ill it b n.v,ssaiy for this t itv to Put up l",e 1:"ln,;u! in North Ilos.burg? It is it L u, me tnat ,m,o action was being ,,Wn to smth up tiu e "KS and put th.rn i p,-ror ,,,,;. fo,. , 1 ,,U-L tu,s- II litres hori'nfr l'i. li'-1 .. i , " -J "'u..e win go over the too mil -a -all f,,,rs ,lt ,!,e end of the M.ioL ith a In nt h Hood iiuoinpl-liinent, to it, credit. 1 ' tt Ki.m !f iV'nr "I n'- h nM,,hi,, ,!"; " ses v r ,; . H''ture other thau initiating rew liws fcome of the -l..y, h.ue their fating to, o-u opi riiied more economically and gives mum sauaiacuon in every way than any other automobile .hi,h h00 been used in covering this newspaper Hie run from Fresno to Coalinga via Itlvcrdale, Oil Fields and I-nioore Is made wit li a heavy load of news papers which l'tielnn Fays mnke a dead weight of at least half a ton and that a car must be sturdily construct- pi,li.' '"""S in oruer to stand Pickings lbo daily Rrjnd Rr.nect.hi. ai,. . t . 1 rom ' " that Thelan bousht a dovSted reader of your mo. t?!nZZ I1? 1',!Uick hV d.,re. .f adard and .Mh. " " ma. recipo, i nerewitn enclose a few Allliouvh ll.ii tli.l.l, !,. i j specimen, of Shakespearian art, which !n greaier di in e v. . drL? "'h." oaspee) the country Bumokin- L tbe nP-ranee. of : ett., You mean your heart, don't' i .. "'"PBCt- 1 hvttn yoUl- ' ' og "'ls ''"ii greasea the car once In every "Go.h yes," he replied, "I knew t fuurun' ' was some part of my digc.tlvo appar-, ftus. iJIGGS IS COMiNr. m What did Adam say to Eve in pro posing? A eentence the tame, wheth. er spelled backwards or forwards: "Madam, I'm Adam." Re.pectfully yours in a business manner LENA WAYBACK, K. T. Didd Hotel. O Talk about your effusions how's that? We haven't recovered our breath yet. 0 ! SIMPLE ACCOUNTING A tourist In Ariiona heard a shot and in a short time came upon a rough .ooxing citilen busy cutting on the handle of his gun. "Have you killed a man?" h gasped. Nope." 'Then why the notch V asked the relieved Easterner. "I only cuts 'em when I misses," said the bad man. ft "When the eyes are shut, the hear. ing become, more acute." say. a medi I en authority. We have no.iced peo ple trying this enpenment In ANTLERS ON JAN. 16 'Father On Ills Vacation," the new comedy with music, based on the ever-popular comics hy George MiManus. will he the next stellar attraction at the Autlers Tuesday uisht January lGlh. All of the famous characters. In ehidlnii the beloved Jiiriis, XlapKie. hia wife, llinty an, the rest of the Mahi.ney clan will, be ieen ill the flesh. A larne ami cap fthle company l, i been engaged and in a till! ton to Innovations and other Itatures not to be found In the com- noun, , ' """";. a numoer ot junrurpaMliiK n.nelti.-a and original nisi, menu win no provided. All in all it la a Ivpicul Father" produc tion. aVfS.viJa i 4 Mrs. L. L. Uenson, 5.285 INSPECTIONS PER CAR i The faithfulness of performance so universally remarked in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, is due, in no small part, to the thoroughness with which each unit is inspected during the process of manufacture and assembly. A trained staff of 1 100 experts is employed in this work alone, and approximately 5,285 inspections are made on each car. So exacting and rigid ore the standards applied to these inspections that the slightest variation, either in workmanship or material, is sufficient cause for immediate rejection. DodgeBrothers are almosto ver-scrupulous in their constant aim to make each car as sound and perfect as is humanly possible. The price is $1655 delivered J. O. NEWLAND & SON ROSEBURQ, OREGON Phone 458. Alt WMMglrw GLOBETROTTER IfJ RDSEBURG TODAY lllkcr Who s JlukUig Trip Around W.irl.l (ireatly Surprised to Kind .Spring Uliimie In I i.ilKiu Valley. Some YOjna women art nj tt and tome chew gum tn Public 'i LIKE, TEN CENTS WORTH OF hlEAT FOR THE OOO Remember how big you felt v-hen the traffic cop bawled ou out? I i 4 . A lot of men mi0ht make good ex Cfpt for their uncanny s V 1 1 1 In tne art of making encuies. if i Detro t meat dealer h;, tj lcri., Mavte he forgot to v.eiui h s ha-U in the steak. o - ! Whit a"V 0ri-an kros ir. V ;i -' greatest Invs-iter is yet to He v. II -e the n an who invents a way to avo.d wohirg d'thes. -f if it Oil ran worry yourself ta tfeatm than anbody else can do It for you. i J? 4 : t;iV -i .. , W-A.V.irfi(iit Hie Appealing diarra of Health! hi ir...- i it i.. rnr-.I.inl. H ! . . . ., e- .., H 0, I 'tTCi Tf: ( a..-.,. .11- .1 J- .i tiMiic anil nervine. -tnt I'rlUts i.,. ... hilv hrint;ins- Sp "riiiii-ver I have n wi-.iLoncv! or neiwvj 1 h.t.-r nln-ais been - in.. I Ik'Iih ii h the ue ' - I'tC'vlvT .. i . , ,j - v n v. ,.,-nach " '. ij i n i,i,. I ' ii ti.o. t'-, n ). - Vf "ie " Hive Raymond. E. Bell, known to his many buddies as the -human sieve" b-a,,SP of , S3 shr.lIln,,, WOUI1(la i .? ?. roCl'lved ' the laot battle of the Murne, arrived in llosuhtirg lst night oa his second hiking trtn around the world. .Mr. Bull has hiked 6. US miles since leaving KiHkland. Maine. II,. h.ns crossed the continent and now ROea into l anada anil hunk . i... . oast and then i0 Kurope and Aaia. ne ls an expert photoKraphi r and has made his way by the won- derful bir-tiir..a tt-l.l..u ... uc nan mane, having secured over scenic r u'is tne past year, lie haa vis led nil r .1, '. 7 Ar 1 . . " jiwiuis ui in- ,11 , , "J""8 h 8 route- ha9 waled pomis auuas encount ered many daiiKirs. I'poii leaving his home In Rock-."re-iM? a3.Kl""tiully Paralyzed ? f ,he teirlul v.oas re ceded In army servlca and was fleu only a short time to live 1 he! h, although he Is Mill some what rrlnn i'H . . . . ivbuii 01 1 ne wounds. He attracted r.i...,,..i. ' ! attention 00 the streets todav 'l.y'the i .,, . . . v..ivu vun an, pack l.ut he states thai he h.-K h.ul ! ...o.u ,u use u,e snowshoeK quit Irequvntly lately, even falifjr, ii Jtid a sreatly imPris,-d to find spring weather prevailing lu , I Valley in January. BROCCOLI GROWERS ATTENTION V ill t!'ve a 1 1 ,...,. 1 . , . VM .iiiniiiiii 01 oniers fer ln-';ed f,T.h seed, .le- " " latest piice ' u,a- luliard. Ore. MM STItIKE is EXDKI) KT. PAUL, Jan. 10. (A. D.J The Great Northern union shopmen officially ended their strike today. No action was taken by the . Northern Pacific shopmen, A T . In From Oakland P. El.hapin was among the out of town visitors yesterday. UnTIOlLBIKS ELECT Off I Tile anniinl nln.lrhnl,l,.Pa J "ks anu elections of the 02: hanks of the city, were held M u-i. .no changes were made c oui.ers 01 euner the Kosetic. Uounlas National banks, and SUIUO Officials will u.r.o Hnriu 1. . -. I .J. . I.cistzel of the Sutherlln r. ,r.l mlnS '"ar. The two stated !:., I...I.,,. 1 . . .. . line I nninii. . 1. ouuijiu nie Ilrst Sl CHr, lreJ sum in tiie countv. a .i . .t,,'T""- state and SavinES bant, OIllK u .. -i..", ... . '"""V' "l ",L lbe held tnninrr Brothers th. .1,7." SLi "viS . Th8 offlwr. of "the Dol 1 consid.-iuble uttentlon todav 1 uonal Hank are J. H. Hoots. dent! K I.. Pnrrnll vtA.nrp.l O- U 1. o , . ... ' . . r ii. 1 Hum rnsnmr r. TKIAIs AI!K SKT Tb" trlnU I 7T" . rw ... "V .. .-"""luis and j. it. i-Clcmens. n.simnnf W. Booth, assistant cashier Pnrrnlt 11 11 u,n..i..i..n Micclli, George KohlhaKen. E ' '""r or Keedsport. who are ' ,llci'1". tieorge KohlhaKen. E cnaiKi d with possession of inloxi-1 It"n,,Pr8: tt- Roy Ulh nd 1 i'H.IK llllUl.r. have h.... ' . , Booth. Hl,-Bot .Mi.uday and Tuesday, January liti, ! TJle ""icers of the Rosebjr , '"' , lne lwa Justice court 1"01"" ank are A. C. . .'.e UefenilaiitB a,w. .... tirnnifluhi. r. c ii - " i.ifir wiinesses ""H,i o. xi.u.--t-i. ,""!'lu l? ri'ach Roseburg'foriS- L- Srarl,'S. assistant cashi.: -"..ii was originally set araer, vice-president; or uii, w,.,.t Lut ,r rnnHi, ,i Maraters. 1. Abraham. S. C. 1'arks. and J. f. .-nas hive b"", T T. lust of next week. l"e 0 FRENCH SELLS INTEREST deal w-as rum. C. w directors. THIS IS THE MONTH An important. busin. Il..y IU whk h (Ji-unt 1 1 A , To bundle up. To write It '1923." To make up the poultry f keep them well bedded. ft. if'.. . .. .. . . 1.1. fru 1,J nn .ne sxaies win " jSlmw them that dad is still a new ciM.manv I'".":' ,raK''- The I in .I,- "'"-'-I" Ul tliree .'Ynrria I ....... ilia, unu w 111 lne utu:nbili r,,i .. ;frl8.i To think of the romlinz mu lb; V will be able to cive ,ati "f,e,. "'"' ar. Don't forget ' ' in garage and m . "'.el l-ann Life. work. unu au, repair To rOT,,r,h, , in a r.i Vr. and Mre. George jon this f. . worn mat Mm J..n,-i- ntother. airs. Charles o. Ana.'.rt.-. Wash uff..r,.i stroke of ,,raK-ta .. - - . r, J ..." f alll 1 . . " "1.M1S1V . t'o beViVher''"' ( in 1 .. . 1 1' 1 . . 1 I s.e y V. Some mrn are so .ur r.on they w-nt buy a go d f si ,thot worry. V for fear it'll turn te bras - .1 1 tiid i. : t :-.- 11.' ?.! 1 :-.t- A' i-.Cl H.i-.l 1 t r An adverttsemeai n Xewa-Ra. to find n ln u. Rodent Was the Durglar. aent ,T. Y"rk n'",:"" -nt an nr mt call , detp.,lve h,.,,,, ,rt ' "Bin a nlnr. fh. ..... .... 'tu-inera . u 1, 1010 tt.e detective h. coiim'. ,e,.'U0.n. '."' -liar, bu, i s.-fe,i . . ' A ""'wtlve Slur- I S. 0' the cellar. The "e.e,,,,., n,n,,e . ine "Ua. As they turned t".' Eren on ,he roidwl ' hin l..n their search, one of 7k ' hor"p" aml caule fhould have it mov. i r-n It l.. bundle ttal . To remember that mnnnre rs ?' the Ham? as cash and to av to save It. To review last year's most mistakes and to resolve that uV not be duplicated in 1K3. , To flfiiire up the garden seei; Belter pay ten cents fur a I' seeds than take a chance 00 Krown nnna 'I'o nmnn Ilia ri r,a vine. II 2 not tO nnvlMil (hia B BJ.D H arly in them and late P"Ilt suits In bleeding. 10 lake special rare to ei" sims. tven on the roues. 1 "iiii unu came snouiu or so In the fresh air. Farm V DAY OLD CHICK-4 I am fcooklnc rden. fi 'lit' ka. hat. 1.,1 rlkhl froia 1 ir.. In, A c. White Lef-o"-' hv latent method. Ti i 1 ' rur hatciilua; 11 r-r c- A I'l'CKP down to re.d tht Utt a "IUm Canyontlile.