BOSEBURO WEWamVltW, SATl'RPV, DECEMBER 30, 19?2, i ' ' PAGE TWO ROSEBURGnWSTREVlEW Oslly Gsceot S-iflty. j ' to. w. bate ITWinsily o. 6UoaCr(l7'TlON KATES I 'ally, per year, by mall ?? Iwlly, ii uiiiitlia, by mall Iially, tl.r.-e month, ty uir. 1 l-rJ Dully, ruiglu month, by mail " Iaily, by tarrler, per month V iVw-kly News Hollow, b midl. per year I w UjleleU u Jkia; ,.ia"ler ila 1.,, ul Uie post olllcd ol itJWiDUJ rf, Orfcon. un-jer the Act of March I. 1 7. RO&TaUftC.. OHEGON, &ATUHDAY, DECEMBER laJ, V--- political n:o.Misi:s ake the bunk BY BERT G. BATES L . J Tlio name of Jud;re John S. Coke, of Coos county, 1ms been recommended to the btnate for appointment to the office of United States district attorney for Oregon, which means in fact, that Mr. Coke is to be .selected to fill this cry important office. It has l.cen known for some tiaie that Mr. Coke was a very likely candidate for the federal plum, and his appointment is no surprise to tho-e who have been in touch with political affairs in Oregon for the past several months. Judge Coke is a man of excellent standing and lias made a HOWDY FELLERS We feci like bawling Our eyes out because Tn s a. m. e picked up Our fr.end't Sun ai d noticed A little cquib where the Fomier postmaster razzed this Paper for v,,shipg our Twenty thousand readers A merry Xmas and all we've Got to say is: It's a dern siuht cheaper To wisn 'em a Merry Xmas than to buy Each of 'em a necktie. State Press Comment OKMiO.V.S SCIKKII, LAW j Tiie public school Is the tlory of J our couniiy! 1 It i i lie very I'.'ubodiii.i lit of de mocracy! It diaWS IlllO a llnlll. cin-ll-OUi body and upon ubtsolultly h i 1.1I Olios all lines, sects aid I.alloliall-i tit s, Hi.- Jew and lii-Mii-, CV.tholic , and 1'iolt mailt, U hue, ; .iliali, -V'S-u and Japanese. ltl till! CUI'llcUlllIll 0. the pilllUC ."ci.Dol there is uu hint of crn d or j duuma. I How can any sane persO'l contend that this wnl create .stiifu or hatred? ! On the contrary. It will draw these Utile lolks. these future citizens of our country, closer toi., ther. i.'iey will have a more intimate limit r s'andin;; and will be iar better friends. Dr. KINGS PILLS jbr constipation Regulate the bowels m 11 rrzi i h l Bi MO It. Iirinus strilo in Ore" m has Nineteen twenty three is going to be; i,,., n ;,ruunht to a near ri.-is thru I very efficient and popular circuit judge. lie has a faculty of paining friends and is weil known throughout the southern part of the state. i Hut as United SUitea district attorney, compared to District ! Attorney George Xeuncr, who long ago was slated for the federal j tiDii'oinlmenl, Mr. Coke is in no way a contender. Mr. Neuner has more real ability and is more aptly fit to fill this important office than jmy man that has so far been mentioned in connection with the federal appointment. Another thing in Mr. Neunor's favor is the fact that he is as straight "shooter" in politics as he is in his every day professional life. He is, and always has been, as .sincere and truthful in politics as an honest man would enter into an honest business transaction with his fellow men. If Senators Stanfield and Mc Nary had been half as sincere in their statements and promises as their loyal supporters throughout this section of the state there would have been no iiuestioii upon whose shoulders the appoint ment would fall. ' lint the. two senators listened to the pleadings of wily politi cians and their minds become perverted reversed over night, and a hurried appointment was the result. Something had to be done I at once. They had double-crossed Mr. tenner. Absolutely denied and refuted previous promises they had made and now go on record as peers in the senatorial arena as a couple of fine ex ample of misrepresentation two political acrobats the equal of which this stato has never before produced, probably never will again, thank God. District Attorney George Neuner was given a rotten deal. However, the treatment accorded him at the hands of Oregon's two senators places him on a higher plane than ever before, now that the true character of both these representatives has been made known. With the facts at hand no credit would rebound to any good citizen to accept favors from the two senators who have displayed such wilful disregard for truth and veracity. No wonder the republican party has fallen into disrepute in this state. The worthy are shunted aside for others of less ability to keep parly ties intact, but in reality means the weakening of the entire structure and has honeycombed the republican party in the past, as it is (loin; today, with men wholly incompetent to carry out the duties assigned them. Just so long as the republicans of this state put more energy into building up 11 slate machine composed almost wholly of in competents and oi'l'iie-gr.ibbiiig politicians of little worth it will be held in disrepute by the great majority of thinking people. As above stated Mr. Coke is a good and sincere official, but as a state prosecutor George Neuner can throw rings all around the Coos county judge. (j It is a difficult mailer to draw the golden mean between con servatism and radicalism. Many people begin to hurrah for every new idea suggested for political and economic reform. The theoretical arguments for such innovation look plausible to them, and they never think of possible objections. They agilate violently for such ideas, and condemn politicians and parties if their pro posals are not promptly accepted. Other people go to the op posite, extreme. They regard the world as a prcttv comfortable place as it is, ard view new ideas with hostility, l'.oth attitudes are wrong. The country is full of evils thai need reform, l'eo- humdinner If all the forecasts 01 same are any ways near true. If we remember it right, the forecasts read just about the same for 1922. jeais of p. imperil! at the o-iieiite o i. ul. lie st'liool. What Is of r'M,-'loiM haired ami tr:'e In this world is tine i-oh ly to ti. ' Met lliat it Is? en. euianed 1)' the r;,it:y. J.'.h. as rare hatred U !'' the rtllintf elas.'es oi is ri'liinous hti'iie and 1: I J ( s.-lbie f iiei-liie Illi quid ly educating ituin I i,chi)ols.. In a IP," manner is raco hatred cn Ins luxurious davenport and munch- made pos-ihic, by the mii inilerstand- lnns mat aiise uy iikiihoioiiiih A READERS' EDITION Prune Pickin's Is planning a "Read ers' Ed.ticfl" of this colyum and we in vite ell readers of this great Viplift de partment to send in their favorite gag for the publication. If you can make up a short pome or squio out of your IIFIIO, go ID 11, U-CUU3C V for one day and ye ed. will lean back religious sehools the American i neouraped i-:urope, so i t red made .li tis apart in .separate York to direct the progress of the t-pi rimt-nt in that city. Tho Kvenini; Observer does not l:now enough about the plan as yei lo tay that it is the proper thins lor I. a Uiande, but if it proves piaetieal theie would Fie a dei-ided uuvanUKP in its application lu re. '"it would mean lhat the present school buildings would be suft'lcb ut for years to come, that tho equip ment and teaching force need not be im-rensed, und one of the very best features would be that pupil? could do their school work in a half day and work the other half. W.VSTIXU .MOXEY That In 10 months the consolida tion of boards and commissions in he Slate of Washington resulted in (IroppliiK 2S4 employes und sav ing appropriations of more than $1, TOO.OOi) Is a statement la a news paper in that State. It Is natural that a simplified sys- Army Leather Goods McCLELLAN SADDLES BELTS vvi skulls CARTRIDGE. RIFLE SCAERARns c . " w oule BAGS These are genuine goods and r i wn -1- re u at attractive prices to close out the lot ft"4 3 our window. Churchill Hardware Cn uiiucsier store t-aramcls. The best way to end the old year is to go to church tomorrow. Johnny Alexander, who admits Glide as his home, in the village today to set bis mustache trimmed. barriers of paralo lamuiaKes. Kveiy citizen, regardless f race or creed, should watch' closely the subtle attacks beitis made upon Ore gon's newly enacted compulsory ed ucation law. Coos Bay -News. AMKIIICA -M IXHOl'i: scstein. The method by ministrntive government is conduct- i i d in Oregon never was a plan. It i is a patchwork system lhat has been added to und rarely if ever sub- I traded from for Fenerations. I'mler such a process of construction, what ! i lsi could it be but a topheavy, 1 bungb-somo system? Systems so contrived cannot be ! effective. There is too much lost -motion. There is too little direct ! ai:d Bimplied action. There are too j many bureaus and departments that ; are too far removed troni and too i which ad- S3 '-SHSSSSVra. MATERNITY HOMl 902 N. Jackson St. Phone 490 Mrs. D. Cornwell As v.e passed down the main drag this a. m. we sneezed a ccupla times and Undertaker Ritter stopped ard looked at us out of the corner of hisj l .... U;.. .,PrtAI pln nnll CJT-; IMU WC IM.illia tUIMWU f . gulped and walked on, A philosopher is a bird who rieddlss bunk which he doesn't really believe himself. Ann rlcan "Isolation" has become a term to denote tne lack of inter i t of the I nited States ill affairs, of Kurope. The tinn, however, is mis leading for at no time since the war has America been isolalid from Ku rope. It is true that we have not taken pari in the League oi Na tions have not intended their eco nomic conferences and hie. e not al lowed them to cancel their war The usual Sat. eva shindia will bel debts. Tne I nited Suites, liowev.-r. held at the armory toninht for the cur-l has taken an active inter. nose of oivir.a the lecal sheik3 an op-l rehabilitation of Kurope. portunity to oil their dancing pumps and hair. Quits a few of the loc-.l business men are nursing core finners as the result of loo much hammering last night at the Eoy Scout headquarters. OUR 1D23 FORECAST We preoict that the vets of the wopld war won't get a national benus next year. Littlu drops of water Little grains of sand That's the weaiher nowadays It pours to beat the band. little under tne surveillance of those who are din ctly responsible to the people for government and its costs. I That sort of thing means a con . slantly increasing overhead. It means fiiat fees and revenues of all kinds are too much absorbed by the growing cost of operation. The ten dency under the Oregon arrange ment is for the unsupervised depart ments lo run wild, to have little re gard for simplicity and economy of administration and to waste a lot I of public money. No private enterprise would run its business as business is run at I Salem by th- state of Oregon. No i private busin. ss could stand up un i der the cost bills. Nor is It here j meant that one idinlnistration is inure wastcfjl than another. hat i is meant is lhat the system is costly I b( cam e it is unorganized, uncoorui- j baled and unbalanced. j Governor-elect 1'i. rce says he will ' urge the legislature in his message lo consolidate the hoards and com- I missions, reducing the mass to a labor Instead of hiring their ' . , ' . . diplomatic corps lo try to In It I j p,om)S(.u , the -people in the tie Sam Into lving a ; philanthropic J Th(J ,'ctiim retllrn3 much ui'iiinst his will. . i .,,. ,,. nnI,i ,h,.n.i,i r n sr. in t ie l'rc sident Harding called a, disarmament con ference at which mine results were obtained than could have resulted I lioiu several Kurop. an diplomatic ' sessions. The l'nit d Stales ihmild not car.- j eel her war debts. I'-y making the j Kuropcati nations realize that they, have a debt which must be paid and can lie paid only through hard work, Kiev may settle down to a nine noa- Patients privileged to have their own docta lT4 Used Ford Car Bargaii 1 Bu Good Roadster Roadster with Starter 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1919 Touring 1D20 Sedan, good 1920 Sedan, good Z13) 3 Ford Trucks Cheap Best of a Buy in Ci4t C. A. Locftwood Motor Co. FCRD F0RD50.N IBS XJ 01' a na m 425.90 Hiy Ketch, who wears a star con cealed bcnen'.h hi3 coat lapel, reports nothing unusual on his beat today which is nothing unusual. The a policy of keeping out of affairs j mat cone, i n Kurope alone, w nerc these affairs toui'n the I'niU d .Slates, no .such aloofness call be not ed. Tho Ameiican people realize Fortland Journal. Ml that to take part in every Kuropean (uanel would be disastrous, after casting a single glance over the his- lf , rrt. Avr ,..., nmeherl fr. t-Jr.l. lorv of liUI'Ol.-.- Of I II! PUSt lllllKII'eU t-- i of the law we've not a hunch that - years. Am. ricalld havt .'.- town com rnd Rill Whiorle and 1 t be value of peafi III. Jiu'iie Cawae Jorcs w.ll consuire to ! "isolation." t. rants p'rice us behind the bars for a few weeks. That's the trouble with pub lishing a colyum like this you have to pick on In-? offices and when they get a chance to pick they dig deep. learned refore their 'isolation." (iianls Pass Courier, l'l lll.IC SCHOOI, lX'ONOMY Don't bring me ponies It's bioccoli seed that I w; Jcver see Harry Pearee hair cut in a barber shop? :nt. geltirg a (Coos liay Times) Murshtiehl in common with North l'-end, Co.iuille, 11. union and many oiii.-r Oregon towns is facing the problem of providing new buildings j inr m bonis. Additional room Is not me'. :v o.-sll .". Die l. ill occoiiiiiig ao selutely e--"iilial if the children of the i it v are io be given an ediica- Friends and fellow'countrymen we' ""' A'.v. suestions and ideas . , , .m . .' ..... that will aid in the solution of this r,,t. ;;,,. m i. 3 I problem without a too groat .... . . ... ! eri-itse will lloulltl BOX CANDY AT COST our holiday boxes and baskets ni sale for a lew days at cost, diic purchase entitles you to a in our guessing contist. Another lot of those big sweet juicy oranges, just in, 7r,o per doz. THE ALCOVE CONITXTIONKRY AT THE CHURCHES. I After the first touch of chilblains i we're alv.ys glad we're not a centi h" Ul-e J'.COlilc' lllll.-t C" X 1 1 1 : 1 i ! 1 1 Slle'iresliotls Willi a niipi'i ill :i:ui (ipi'ii mum. I'.ut l)el'oi'i l'tishin tu tin1 sui'.piii't 'f t'wry ik w idea, it is wi'll to luv tin y liave wurki-U in ju'ai tici', ami lmw they lit ia Willi orJiiiary human nature. o- As a .s.iriih' i.f . hut irtuun.-hir.o bixuo c;.n ;u't oiiiji'iish, v i ill your jiltontion to thr C.s ciHinty trie'nlv whi ro a man, t0 , .'ar.i of aRi anil lilit'il wilii tito .stiii'l'. vhokcil his uifo t, tlcath, tlu'ii filling up Willi mi'i'o l' tlu1 pi;. un, lo..'. In vil h' . : .1 : hni to ih-.uh n lu'ijrhhor, ami wcu.d lU'uliably hai j'mv ca v-itli hi slaiihli'r injC ul' liuiuan lil'o lrul il mt '"'I'n t" f lh'" I'ai t '.hat he was invr-jMiwi'i-cil i'.nd tit'.! by MipcToT .sU'tiij'th. Thviv is no ether i'. ilsi' ii.r the horrible? rrn'ii1 oilu f than l:.c" o . r i: i'r..!:'.i in o in :noon hhine w hisht y. Tl-.c -icd cop pa'd i y : .iGrr.t vis.t ye urn a cur s.nct crjay nd as a re",alt our accelerator foot is r.ct so active. -W'hi'. -lit 1 nil might 'enemy as p conlii will pi .iv. the stale i Well folks, shop early, year till Xmas. It's cnly a Attorney s Hr.iml, of Mar.-hfit W, a ('has. A. of this city, has been ku;p lUHLCssor (o Ciivuit .1 udo ('oho. appointe.l i, IH'V. This Wotihl CvM'taillly bo t'NcvlltT.t l'c'.o: jnoss of a nii;h:y 'mo yotiiis lawir. Ho w tlio iuilioial bonth i '' ti-.o Mialhorn part ro' toil jlii'tl for this imp; the appointment. i. .ant t't i n't liii of t!.o hopii ir of Hon. tho probablo r.'.l !.s t-ic-t i.ttor i".i uf tin- v. -: lh- M l o a i ri' l',0 ii'.il W t il I ",) n.::." v:l P It will ;d yt-d I, soon 1 i 1 K'tb I i mo for m.;hii-,' y ' in. tko them short o uir Now ' .: r i'i . -.'hi'. M'.iipi !.r tho) The n'i tj c i r j lo t;?e a rrup and f.jh d-ncc ene cf tne..e tiavr, it Is ri.-'.o. rd ,-nrl the r'ress c.lnt o.vr.vs rc tliii St tl- .t thc-e wl-o l ave bjrro-Acd tnr.r nit re return 'cm in time for the fir. old occas.ori. 1 : : .-. .-. - I A frller Vsho I ved j ; In lb s hlirg for lOc;!l onla foriy ycr.IT aprf i Ntpr oo; outr,.dr cf ' 1 i r coy I ni .s tcok A -.p to tl,e r. c bpp j T,h" eM-rr d."y aed ; l-"' rcluri'o.l or to -'rl l:-i -1-c i t h:$ t- .p ; he I .isn't talked about AnviV.-n-j c'o s.ece ! And w'-e q'.id to se i Thr cid d.ifff- rj-t a K-.k n.t cf I V and ! j W.- m sh e had tao ri.nijli j I To scrd a few n.crc of Tiy c'd hr-ss tlawn For a lhr.ll. : "It's a great l:'e -i ou ri.-'i't v.f-.t I cn";' to be an am j ..uu : soil holds need. I First Church of Christ Scientist, ;.1:!7 S. .lack. on street. Services are j held Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, j and Wednesday evening, at S o'clock. . This meeting includes testimonies jef healing. Sunday school convenes ; each Sunday morning at 9: all up tu the age of :!i years are invited to attend. Tho reading room, in the ,-'tr ,,f flw .Imr.-l, 1,M.1I I.. ........ will doubtless be welcomed i .... nf ,,',. tr,n hool beard and taxpayers alike. ,H, ..nil.iHt1;m Sti,,n,.,. tolliiwing from the l.u (ramie; I" the , Th Flrct;.) rk.,..u , Lane and Rose streets; 11. L. ( ald v.eil, minister. !i-4."i a. m... iliurch s. l.ool; o. I Coshow, supennti ndeia. ! i-'inish th" o'd yar'ly a t-uod ex).-n-I' of the last day of the year, firing the children to Sunday school and help to teach them the Word of !Cod. It o'clock, morning worship; message by the pastor appropriate to ;the season; good music; come and i worship wii'.i us. :i p. m.. Junior !!. Y. 1'. IT. All thildr. n between th,. ages of T and 1.-, will find this a good place to I.e. Parents uiav heln be : .helping the children to c,t mn-in.i , i;:::o p. in.. Senior 11. y. ); - I Caraway, president. All of the young people are cordially invited. 7::iU P. tn.. evening worship. Message bv Ihe pastor. Nothing eMra special will : .occur, but ou will find fi yon come i , ,!"'t '! ! go .:. 1 s. rviee' v;l cive I 1,11 :l ""ed start for the New Year I 'ill-- music will add to the worshipful- I .: ; :!;. s, rv;,,. A i.miiiti iavita- ' noa io ir.c pantie. union to the interest ing. feverish, and leeded economy. stated that. ads over all d-'-edticaiiou whicii to a lari'e i-Meiit ia the past has been saacifieil to a point that no one should mention cutniig down lippio t-rial ions that leges. I. a Iran .! i;..l .'1 I. s ;n Mliir: ! REAL O'J TIME mil ! I In OtHFoawUWiiveH ! New Year! si'- JW I i li'-3. ijwl tDit eiain'l tins occsiiui Cume ml ai ' I . Lund lime m'.h u. "Muflwump." In a Hixitoii Transcrlofs "Notes and 1-aclli Queries" Is a ile!ioitln of the word guess IugViUllll" that oerbnnii never ir... In. to print during tlio political period when It was used. The contributor says: "I suppose what jour corre spondent wants to know Is why "Mug wump" was npplie.1 to the Independ ents 1 i the lUiiliKsCIcvelanil campaign. It was because the name (originally the head of an Indian tent-group next under tho sacheui. und pronounced with equal accent on both syllables. like l.arn-iloor') had come In ( 'mined lent nl lenwt iihxiii Mmu' nr ' . ' :a ...... vnt a fiir install etiecttve controller of any business. It j J '"e., uxiUatJ UU was as famlllnr In my lioyhoo-l as s; .r." ' LEON E. C. CLKS A., H ATn:TI0V IBM u:Mim: A a installation of olto !' Cr.d. lii.'J at k . m. , i"- I n... 1. 1 j in irraurr. iUii - . . L . .k ... Idl Ljl I eastern pomi 10 w ".-., --- ,I.B tl.u nrjf-sl icm im I US. oifs i now. i 'o you want it joo in the mill? t'.n noil .lim W;iller 1 he's ti e mugwump of tho concern.' So ', the Sun used It jecringly nf the Imle pendents as 'self-constitued bosses' of tho Itepiibllean party, dictating who should be nominated." PROfESSlOnAL WW ii P1.1LSR-1! l)iu .'i. i'hybicun. ill . afl'i M-hi ! d schools or col i.l district is rh:h' lii.rtl lo hoop, Uslla'.y. Wo f:i: l. this io .-.bout tho Veal' period. Just iv:. t cnoun fnv a'.!- ; ed i i.p.o. the pa.-l few uu ' J'iiti a gravis din in finest weallier V"in;r !i to make sleddin;: fa o- a- h:a ,.ms have d'.i il'.l.S. f.T ti.o New 1 . ,.p against i., ; p. v buildings. The c::v i-- o n i r r o v. i i : e ir thing it ha-. ,;i ii:.iji'.-: Ire '.- m hoots. This Ldfi! a 1: now n t; i;;h. tie conies 0 e us ..Sf.ii ff bow caa I. a Crillld- tak i a re of move stn.b ats without ln , , ,',nu her l uil.l.aas and wiiboiit ; ol.l'.ng a lo lie!'. epense to the;.. ;i wo.) 1 r, . . .1 y h:oe a load o ...ii- t'lat is el io small propor 1 io' s. " A l. v ef V. ! t l as come of i a.i y. li..i. w - - ; i io .. ;. i i- 'ii. ial v, h nice. - i r 'a : .- to puolic s i'.(...!s. Iiiso ad of aviag s- liool p. no - and i .piipm- 1-t iii'io a eooir,y poiai e. of the da. ll.e cl.oi.l bo. u .1 ti o city roiu'civi i! h. l.'o a tb; t by beglllliil'i: fi" .ei.eol da V ' I-', . r t" o s. ' i of pupi! ' . en d i; ... il... ..,', huildii.g a; l .. . .1 .- i -;i:;n-!.. . i and lb. s.i-'i" : . a -- ro: r roh anlai-e i'l 1 111 l,!; O ' I : I .1 s . l is ;. Wot iv ii a I' ' .,! - V I be has !!.- . : li.'i- l a i ! io 1 1 . 1 1 In parent s or lo . ri; ;o .-on . ; hn-g t at w ill aid htm i l e.a K ii g a b. v ia : "How v. 11 Ii wo.ks can best "po , -.vl,.u..l by t:ie I..: lhat .New Ye: , iv i; at'. -:' j. t : u .' lo copv IN' pl.o: ; :. I 1- 1 . . '.; - .i l.-c i salary to lb" .,r. i' o .1 y v. . .. i qic n V. 1 1 . ' : ; a. f. .r ! w o ; i , moai :-. to N. They Were Honeymooners. She had said something that dls tro? sed liim and, seeing the look on bis fan', she exclaimed: "Oh, my darling, I'm n f rnhl I have hurt ynu." "No. dearest." he replied, gravely, "the hurt I feel is due to the fact t tint I know It hurts you to feel that you have hurt me." "Ah, no!" she said. 'To not let that hurt you for nn instant. My hurt is because I know it hurts you to feel I that I have hurt myself hurting yon." i "No, no. my precious! My hurt is i because you are hurt over feeling that j 1 inn hurt because you feel that you have hurt tne mid are therefore hurt : yourself and " l'-ut let us leave them, dear reader. They will get over it in lilac. Huston livening Transcript. HOTEL UJIPQO ...-.i- mi MOliBl' Th. n'eople'of Do.I , invited w A ' New Yt'ar r.':h ount to llaiOl lin ear tb. ti' to keep you aA.isc. - - o Old Flour Makes Bert Bread. l'lonr (nrcordtns tn scientists) Im proves with ago, the obl.-r tl mr prcv ilu. an; n larger and t.n.-r loaf. Kresldy inilicl flours do n.'t the best of hb-h T?;. y are capable. A great advance was ii .i,'.. 1M jfe milling art by the Ir'ro.bu'tbn of a method fori treating flour in the mill whereby such freshly milled flour nt wire tool; on j tho projvrti. of n properly aged Hour, : so that tie Hour eenld then go to the' eoti;gi,. r In condition to render nt once I lis highest hiking value. Th! state' of affairs is l-r-.u.-ht about In Hour by j tr.-at ni It with chloric,, and the gen-1 oral r,-v.i!t is known in ".nanirto-- i His Greatest Achievement. j At a dinner in honor of rros'd.T.t Underwood of the Krie, nn exceeding- l.v modest and retiring man, speeches ctilogb.'.ng him came thick and fast, j Winn they had ended Mr. Underwood,, after thanking everyone present f r the complimentary cx)rislons, re-; plied: "lint, gentlemen, fiat for w'n.-b yui have given me credit N i..-t ail. Y'ou forgot to mention that last w.n-i ter, when I was In control cf th" har bor, no Ice formed and traflic was tin- Impede.!, the first time In many years' that such n condition bus prevailed"! Wall Street Journal. i ,a;tv d,,' (!!iCHESTF S PILLS "; ..Vo,? v..-w. ........ i .-- ,,,V,V,l..,r".V,!'.V-'. A ! ,,"';r-11 ,,!i-''-l"e eiToet. together 5 '.i';'',i" j."'r.'"".a ,'"""'(( 1 V'l!l '""J" Improved bilkini qualities. eV ' " i'i"" i - V '''' ri,U'hig matter of ft'iir Is ) I ' , JVi'i-JViT'ti k 4 n. whl-h Is :,'.. what gins or- r"" H'.'lr c..'. t. Chlorine ex;.!,., SCLDEi KlCulSISiUVnKLK ,'"r",in' " '''' h "'"' '.r. Bohemian Pearl Culture. The sel. ntitii- ci liiirc of pcarl-henr-!ng oysters has be -n earned :i t-T number of years In the Oiava riwr. in Souibc-rn Ib.beini.i Tli" ". sf -s opened once III ciht years. The lal examination of the ovsteri. whl. h too place this year, re-nlied in the of five white pearls lhat may he rl;o. us proclaim. Sj le Taluable ones and SjO colored yeaxla. . m TE CAUSE'S" I'd rec-jrn-C-. ra'C ir.t5-',irl 'astigmatic si cart w - o-s t is to U1 j;f;c;cr-cy"; :;gitB lical ! i-..,rfrrifr.I of IS Ci.' The su: oui first a n n in it mi