News-Review EATHER TODAY'S CIRCULATION 4150 Vtrterdiy asionsl B" DQU GLAS COUNTY )a RoMburg Review, An Independent newspaper published for tho boot Interest of tho people. Mlld.tlon of Th. .nlna " Com 7 NO. 249, OF ROSEBURG REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1922. VOL. XI, NO. 145, OF THE EVENING NEWS. IKES i riniir 1H5 LtflbUt ECDFilMENDATIOH THAT LEVY" FOR MARKET ROADS BE LESS I Held At Court House Today For the Purpose Of Bering the 1923 County Budget-Uw Violation l Sged-Bounty Law Made Special Order yjl usiiicb. I Bailey, appointed S. D. Evans, C. O. . . . u' r-. . ,, Tvnl V. Emerv aa a E!brZ n l .tun, ttlmbenhlp committee and they im ' , ",.ce bv piece, mediately took the renewals of all p.nvant' niomhera present. t S. D. Evans, John Alexander and C. STRIKER IS XXVICTK1 20. w (Associated Press) LOS ANGELES. Dec. Eight union trainmen leaders w were convicted ot conspiracy to obstruct Interstate commerce for their activities In connec- lion with the strike last Auk- ust against the Santa Fe by a verdict in the federal court here today. In this strike some 20 trains were abandoned in the California-Arizona desert, leaving the passengers stranded. . NOT VOTK ON HILL f Associated Press) WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Futile efforts were made again In the senate today by sup- porters of the shipping bill to bring the vote to a question whether that measure should remain before the senate or be named as a nomi- displaced by the Norrls Agrl- ..a t nun Lu.v made one i tamve.t.ganen." - p -- - . Th -.7." be.l cultural financing measure, .. ,n tins country, me tllK instructed, by vote, 10 again nonii- .... -....n.l.Hl tho r . ..2 larup v Biiti'"1"' (t room being almost com-1 FoIown)j thege appointments the hl.d with taxpayers from all meetlnR took up the report of the Sun fihe county, tireat Interest . dry emB committee. This report in nate S. D: Evans as a airecior. Dr. L and allot the Points ere lv arpied ana sullie Of organumi"" ta the meeting iouu and Ld committees wiiirn are rncaped in ferreting out the kks In county expenditures. . . 1 fmttees nave mn. ed investigations and made mi? inai nit j ua"1 U,.i.i.nt ot the league, has T. . . .ni.nt i. in La ROOU ui I committees Which full is as follows: Wo your Committee on Sundry Items report as follows: We have examined budget covering Court House expenses and recom mended as follows: That Item Janitor salary be reduced $900.00. That Item of $1000 repairs be elim inated. That item of $50 for extra Jani tor be eliminated. We have examined budget cover ing Circuit Court and recommend ACTION IS POSTPOXEI (Associated Press) item of $900 for district attys. sten ...u-i,,!, that thev hav j: .. .v.. ...loatinnn at hand latest tisht during the morn-, on centered around the gen- market road funds. artel road law provides Hut ographor bo elim natea. 1 i sha 1 levy 1 mi I lor market We have examined budget covering U 't This goes into a tuud County Court and recommend that -I hv iw state HiEhwav item Commissioners salary be reduc- J X rov"ef Umt -. 0. lieu, UnK and huh meet the state stationery be reduced to $400.00. e meat receive any ot this recommend that County Court elim- sck For example Douglas inate the item of clerical hire and that Mva 130,000 into the elate one of the stenographers now em- tcner to P (hi monev Ployed by County Clerk be used part '.tiUvvional Mu.Oou must be j time lor nils worn, he la also provide that That telephone and telegraph ex i ran receive more thsa 10 1 penses bo cut to $100.00. That ad : the total fund, and as vertislng expenses be cut to $30.00. In county pavs in about 35 1 We have examined budget as to (of the total ' fund, and aj Justice Court and recommend that pout 25 per cent to be placed! Justice Court fees be cut to $800.00, jlui for further, distribution. I constable to $200. witness fees to ito obtain anv of this sur-!$lrn. printing and stationery to $25. (.umy must make a further I We .have examined budget as to ft year, appropriated l'i health office and recommend that L- brought the county about' printing and stationery be cut to i:a the state which was $15.00. Dureaus of Vital statistics be kv coimtv funds. However, cut to $50.00. half cave a surnlim nf IK . We have examined budget as to it the committee reporting! Agricultural work and recommend ins stated was contrary to ttiat omce or Lounty Agent db booh WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. The House republican leaders decided today to postpone fur- ther consideration of the Green resolution for a constitutional amendment prohibiting the Is- suance of tax exempt securities CLEMENCEAU IN FRANCE rnr trutira rrm) HAVRE. Dec. 20. C.eorges Cle- menceau arrived today on the liner Paris, expressing satlsfac- tlon with his American speaking tour. "After what I said It Is now up to the Americans to de- cide what to do" he said. GOVERNOR CALLS OUT GUARDSMEN Finding Of Two Bodies In River Revives Old Kidnaping Case NIGHT RIDERS ARE BUSY Petty Jealousies Caused Kid naping Of Five Men, Three Of Whom Were Released Two Never Returned (By Associated Press.) New Orleans. Dec. 20. Company O of the National Guard of Monroe has arrived at Merrouge Louisiana and pitched camp, having been call ed out yesterday by the governor. Night Riders Are Busy MONROE. La.. Dec. 20. The stato troops are believed to have been Benti an to Merrougo In connection with the' 4 sentenced WOUK KOIl HAItltOlt Illl.I, "We are organizing to In- crease the appropriations for rivers and huruurs to some $57,000,000 as recommended by the army engineers and be- lleve we will suceed," was the message received this morning by District Attorjiey Neuner from Congressman W. C. Haw- ley. "This will take care of the Oregon projects." Mr. llawley further stated. Douglas County 4 citizens are very anxious over the outoome cf this bill as it carries a large appropriation for the I'mpqiia harbor. It is urged that every possible ef- fort be put forth to aid the Oregon delegation In making this fight on the floor ot the house, IS CONVI(TK! Dave federal Jury today of consplr- acy to violate the narcotics lienor laws. He will he Saturday on this I.IC.HTXEH PORTLAND. Doc. 20.- Llghtner was convicted by CHURCHES OF ROSEBURG PLAN EXCELLENT PROGRAMS FOR CHRISTMAS Union Service To Be Held t High School Auditorium On Sunday Night Union Chorus To Present Cantata, "The Incarnation" Sunday Schools Plan Special Programs report of the finding of the bodies of conviction and a previous one two men. kidnapped last August whcniw of conspiracy to smuggle nar- five men were seized and carried off cotlrs and liquor. by hooded men between Monroe and! 4 Bastrop. Three Men' Released Watt Davenport was released with in an hour, and it was rumored that the masked men bad mistaken bis The sacred memories and tra ditions which surround the Christ mas season are too often forgotten in the rush of the holiday spirit. Filled with thoughts of giving and receiving gifts, preparing fetes, and feasts, indulging In the pleasures and entertainment of the season, we are to prone to forget the sacred ness of the occasslon and lose sight of the motive which prompts the girts and awakens the human sym pathy so Inevldence at this season of the year. At no other time In the year, Is sympathy for fellow humans so keeuly awakened as at Christmas time. Busy persons give of their time and money that those less for tunnte may also enjoy the season. Children whose environment Is provided Dy law, It was t the couny can levy only- meet the surplus and that p? balance forms a viola- lFhed and Fruit Inspector be paid $1500.00. We have examined budget as to County home and recommend that ex- w. There was considerable I pense supplies be cut to $1500.00, over this mutter in uhirh ' and widows Relief to $5,000.00. I'tomey Neuner was called I We have examined budget as to Ju- xT'lain the law. He stateil ; venlle court and recommend that this punty has no w av of know-! expense be cut $600.00. FM money will he appor- We have examined budget as to pin ine surplus and conse-1 terries and recommena mat tnis ex- fa" to levy enough to meet Mat may be fnrthrnmini. nl. the lav slates that onlv match the state funds shall He staled that the rnnnlv K desired can applv the ex pense be cut to $600.00. Item scalp bounty be eliminated. Item Rights-of-Way be eliminated We have examined budget as to County Surveyor recommend Item viewing roads be eliminated. That fi' 's to the market mm! , Dialing, blue nrintlne. renewing gov- the Coming vear. hut t Imt i eminent corners he eliminated. f question as to whether or We have examined budget as to pie will accept the fund.' Rridge fund and recommend that this m Leal of argument it be eliminated entirely. 10 recommend to the court! We have examined budget as to be only one mill Ttrn I Emereencv fnnil nnd recommend that F"- k a voie of 31 to 13. same be eliminated, imber not voting. C. H. BAILEY !0 Charted that tfc V T nTlPtPl ""at mon.-V raiuoH I Q 1? Mil 1 VU s Shall be mr,l in no., nrr A tin KA .1 KAAn maI 1 s. Dond.d indebtedness on. was voted to consider the renort item "i m miui.ias County by item and as It was almost noon L 'T" .Tlving this money! ty the time this business was reached P- ration of roads from the it was decided to continue the session P d fund. Thi . i . , v... , j. ar 11 Was reported. j cattlemen and sheepmen were pres 'm " nu' llc,nse fees ent today to make a fight for the re ,, ru". 'tie latter amount-' lentinn nf the scalp bounty law, the . ,e 'aced in a bond re- j elimination of which was recommend- L i r"'1"'! Dy law, ea dv tho Sundry Items committee, r 1 u"r.n ininii .u . . . :. . .. "u upon vote or tnose present it was " r a. thairman of the decided to make this a special order comtnnire, reported of huslnem at 1 o'clock. er a careful n. When the meeting convened In the 111', d a reihletlon afternoon th atnokman halt nrinanlyixl GOVT PREPARES TO (Br Ttnlted Press.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The department of Justice Is preparing to file suit for the Immediate re covery of three and a half million paid to the Wright Marvin Aircraft corporation on war contracts, the counsel for Attorney General Dougherty declared at the Impeach ment hearing before the house judiciary committee, today. This statement was made to counter Rep resentative Woodruff's charge that he would submit evidence showing that Daugherty delayed the suit against the corporation for over a year after the government case was completed. UlFTELL OF Identity, Two others, Daniels and Andrews, later returned to their homes at Merrouge in a serious condition f 'oin severe beatings. Two Others Disapepared Two others, Richard and Watt Daniels, never showed up and rumors were current today that their bodies, weighted with wagon wheels, had been found in a lake near Merrouge. Petty Jealousies Trouble Petty jealousies among Influential families were believed to have been the origin of the trouble. Dr. B. M. McKern, prominent phy sician, then mayor if Merrouge, had aligned himself with ona faction and served notice on the lawbreakers that he would enforce the law. Ills life was threatened and he left Merrouge and is now taking a course at John Hopkins University, In Baltimore, ARE LOOKING FOR CLEWS A ' I. . I " n 1 1 -H I'm V 4V DENVER, Dec. 20. The police i proverty are cheered by the pres- are still groping blindly on the wientntion of gifts and candies and trnll of the seven daring mintwlfoL People everywhere are filled robbers. The dragnet revealed ,'wlth the holiday spirit which they no clews, despite police opinion never stop to analyze but their mo- that local men staged the robbery. I'"', in e.iieniiniK imppiuesH nnu cheer are prompted by those words of the Great Master, "Do Vnto Others." Principally to the churches Is left the task of keeping before human ity the reason for Christmas, and to the churches this is a task carry ing much pleasure and enjoyment. For many weeks the children and adult members have been working In preparation for the program which the churches are to give. Special music of all kinds, drills NEW YORK. Dec. 20. I'nder the and exercises, all centering around nnorvlalnn nf William J. Burns, head,' the story of tho miraculous birth post graduate of the federal serret service, the leu- OF 11 STATION UMPQUA POST OF THE AMERICAN LEGION HOLDS ELECTION P r'-cn; mi a'lo,, f,,r ,.,,,.w.. ... ... I'liuu i 'i.uiuiii:iii, mm ineii low liur vienu telephone Is 'of opnosition and the budget allow- ir,; -.!!.... y "'",'1 snd tnre for scalp bounly was adopted bv ;" 't .ulrn "n """' tirjnlmous vote, over the commit i it,,. 1 ,or extra1 tee's recommendation of elimination. .id . . . n,'rl ' offlre i Th proposed salary increase for "iiir't-r,. . ' 10 for '"i first deputy in the tax office, from ,1 hr,',.. niwe work.!!" to $1K00 was disapproved. r;,-i( "... i , m ,i,n,i.-r ill .h, I'M rii v.iui. r,r. ''"nation nf house Janitor, was voted as a useless "'i wor expense ann: diss nproven The mnt'er of a stenographer's salary of fine for the district attor ney's office was approved. The enrnmtttee renort recommend. Inir a reduction nf salarv and eTnenses r the commissioners from $3500 tolclared. was tirheld Th LZrniah,1 - K. 1 a (By I'nlted Press.) "WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Imperi al Wizard Evans and other Klan of ficials here today, came to lay the plans, ethics and aspirations berore the federal officials, declared that the Klan effected the defeat of N. Y. Morgan, aspirant for governor of Kan sas and Albert Beveridge, senatorial aspirant from Indiana, in the recent elections in an effort to show Gover nor Allen of Kansas, that the Klan was working In good faith and for law and order. They were repaid, Evans said, bv Allen's vicious attack against the Klan. Regarding Louisiana, Evans said that since the Klan orga nized In Governor Parker's state the crime there has been less than any year since the Civil war. member"of faculty looking for a mate Dr.- Karl B. Stewart was last night elected commander of I'nip qua Post No. 16, American Legion, to succeed John E. Flurry, whose term expires at the end of the pres ent year. The other officers elect ed were: E. O. Post, .First vice-commander: Leon MoCllptock. adjutant: Harrle Booth. Treasurer; Guy Cordon, historian; Rudolph Rltzman, sgt. at arms; EIHb Miller, chaplain; Harley Watsnn. H. O. Pargeter and Frank Hills, execu tive committee. A good attendance was reported and a lively meeting was the result. Umpqua Post Is looking forward to a very prosperous 192.1 anil hopes to accomplish much for the new year. The post will Btart a campaign for membership soon and with the fine new club rooms and equipment It Is expected that the enrollment will be materially increased. ELKS GIVE CHRISTMAS PARTY TOMORROW eral operatives today arrested 22 em ployes of the Brooklyn narai oase on indictments charging theft of over a million dollars worth of goods frcm the base since the war ended. A 23rd man named In these In dictments Is expected to be In custody-soon.. More Indictments and arrests arc expected shortly. BE III FILMS " AGAIN (By Onltfcd rress.) LOS ANGELES. Deo. 20. Will II Hays, movie mentor, who banished' of Christ, are to be presented. In addition to the chnrch pro grams the lodges and organizations of the city aro also observing the season In a special manner. All of tho children of tho cltv are in vited to be the. guests of the Elks lodge at a motion picture show at tho Antlers Theatre on Sunday ar ternoon, when a special Christmas picture will bo shown. t The Masonic Christmas tree will he held at the lodge hnll on Fri day evening. The ITmpqua hotel Is erecting a heautlftil tree In the siiaclnus lobby. The tree will he for the use of the guests and the hotel will distribute cnndlo. fruits and nuts, together with small girts to the children and patrons of the hotel. Similar observance of the occa sion Is planned by other organiza tions and the season Is being well Fatty Arbuckle from fllindom a year ago, today reinstated the fat come dian, declaring It was his belief that the spirit of Christmas and Christ's teachings would serve as a guide, both for Arbuekle's future conduct observed. None, however, are glv- nre Let I's f!n unto Bethlehem Male Quartette, Messrs. Fisher, Olo son, Johnson, McElhlnny. Alto Solo and Chorus 1. . . .Slumber Sweetly Miss Grace Wlckham Quartette Bethlehem Mrs. Llntott, Miss Wlckham, Mr. Keyes and Mr. Johnson Chorus 1 Crown Him In addition to this program in which nil of the churches Join each church has prepared special pro grams for week days and Sunday. The Sunday school of the Baptist Church will give Christmas exer cises at the church on Saturday evening. A tree will be set up and tho auditorium decorated for the occasion. Santa Claua will be there and will tnke part In the program which will consist of songs, exer cises and ChrlBtmas stories, A col lection will he taken for the Nenr East relief fund. Special music will lie given Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with all appropriate sermon by the pastor. The Sunday school at 9:45 Sunday morning will also have special exercises and music as a part of the program. The Methodist Church South Is presenting the cantata, "The Guest of Bethlehem." on Saturday even ing. This is a cantata tellln.r In music the story of the birth of Christ. The children have formed special liiorua for this cumata and In addition will give several table aux and drills which will be very fine. The children and adults par ticipating In this program will ap pear In costume as nearly as possi bly representing tho dress of the people at the time of Christ's birth. Special, Christmas services will also be held during the Sunday school hour and at the morning service on Sunday. The Christian Church acti vities for Christmas are well under way. The Bible school will have its Christmas entertnlnment and treat for the children on Friday night. The entertainment will consist nf recitations nnd songs by tho chil dren, and a fine stereoptlcan lecture on the Life of Christ. Many of the Illble school classes will also havo class parties. One of the main features of this school each year Is the offering nindo to tho Old Min isters Fund. Many of the old min isters have worked themselves out In the service, and the nntional board takes care of these, and the Itoseluirg chnrch each year makes a large offering. In fact It Is said that this congregation mnkes the largest offering to this fund nf any of the Christian churches of tho stnte. The Sunday morning service lug a closer observance than the churches of Roseburg, AH nf tho hlhlp achotila have planned programs, the most nf them! will consist of a special musical arranging for week night entertain- program, and a sermon by the pns menta while a few Sunday programs , lor. using for his subject, "Tho and for the public's attitudo toward-are contemplated. In the even- Morning Star." In addition to Its the comedian. Ing nil of the churches will join In j bennvolnnce for the old ministers Though Arbuckle will return to lhea union service the special feature this church also helps any of the Hollywood lots, no attempt will be0f which will be tho Ch'iistmas poor who especially need help, nnd mad to release his films, if he makes, cantata, given by a cho'us composed are nlways ready to look after the any, for several months, probably not before the Fall of l'J23. BERKELEY. Dec. 20. "Wanted a charming young thing, preferably a freshman with a good line, to lead a sad and lonely prof through the Joy ous path of Jazz." So pleads a young member of the faculty of the University of Califor nia who believes he Is good looking enough to mnke an acceptable part ner, and who believes he could prove an apt pupil In the art of the not al wsvs light but usually fantastic. "It's self-defense against those who would lead the public to believe that a professor Is fossilized at 35," he de- The F'ks dance hall and ladies rooms, have been beautifully dec orated for the Elks Christmas parly tomorrow evening. The committee headed by Mrs. Trevis Dysinger. have been decorating the hall and card rooms for the past three days With the result that they have transformed It into a veritable Christmas fairyland. Evergreens and Christmas colors and bells pre dominate, and a giant Christmas tree Is the principal feature. A delicious luncheon will be served by young ladles, and punch will be d's pensed In the dance hall through out the evening. The committee wishes It to be understood that this Is not a formal ball hut just the usual Informal Elks dance In the form of a Christmas party. The I'mpoua Five will play. report advising that the cost Frank Adamnek. of Brockway, was r iatinpT and printing he cut from I In town today. for several hours, j fin to fion was sustained. I looking after business matters, and j The renort of the committee ellm-l attending to holiday shopping. lasting the clerk from the county! o court wa sustafhed and If was sug- The funeral services of Charles I reateil bst a clerk from the rounty, Anderson, were helil this afternoon -lerV's office be .detailed for the, at 2 o'clock, at the Chapel, with Work. 1 T. ti n.,l.k nfrielatlna- In. The budget allowance for tele- ferment followed at the Masonic (Continue on page six.) 'cemetery. NEGOTIATIONS TO CONTIINUE LAfSANNE. Dec. 20. Ird Cur on announced today that the Near East conference negotiations would GERMAN CONCERN .IS HOT AFTER BUSINESS tltv United Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. There are certain combinations of things In this universe, like ham and eggs for example, l hat are almost as Insepar able as the Siamese- Twins. Hut a new combination has been introduced into California In the way of adver tising from a German company that is "not after business." "You can reproduce " begins the circular from a firm doing business in Berlin, and then goes on to pro claim the merits of a wondrous elixir which, by a simple process, can be transformed Into "real" wines and beers. It carries a "money-back" guar antee. But the wily German, thinking that his circular may have fallen Into Un hands of prohibitionists, has pre pared to phase everybody. Obeying the injunction to read the nihiir side cnngregatlon has reedy. This good record. St. Joseph's Catholic church will hold a Christinas tree for tho chil dren of the parish at the school on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. On Sunday mass will be cele brated at H and 10:3!) a. m.. odd low and of nil of the choirs of the city This cantata "The Incarnation." bv Adam tjelhel, has been directed by Mrs. Fred L. Strang and is to le one of the leading musical events of the season. The high school auditorium has been pro cured for this presentation anil It Is expected that the spacious room ' on Monday, Christinas nay, will ho enmnli lelv filled n this1 mass will lie Celebrated at 7, 8 program will be well worth attend-1 8: 30 a. m. and Solem High Mass Ing. I at 10:30 a. m.. followed by the Mrs. Strang has the assistance of ! benediction of the Most Blessed Mrs. Charles A. Brand, soprano. ! Sacrament and Mrs. A. J. Yoiins:. violinist nf j The Christmas services at the the Helnllne conservatory, and Miss First Methodist Church will begin Clndys Strong, pianist. The pro-1 Saturday evening at 7:30 with a gram for the evening service for Sunday school cantata entitled, which all of the churches will dl- "Christmas Cheer for All." As In mlss their evening meetings will clhated by It will Include nil the be as follows- I departments from the little lisping .UT I. beginners to the adult classes. So't tntrnilnctlnn Piano lights. artistic derorai Ml?s Gladys Strong ins anil cheering songs, anil pronaoiy a io ta Clans, will give a genuine Cbrlst iim r.eiiinir to the program. l Is the wearer of the white ribbon will c'horus Chorus nf Women ..God Will Arlno U.,II.Hu nrwl Air ll'irllfine Heboid The Iiavsito be a "white Christinas" and the Mr .lehnson ca.-h offering will go to the needy Duct-Soprano and Alio children of other lands, while the The SN-ptre 'donations of c'othlnK. groceries. Wlckham and canned fru.ts will ne nisiu- Mlssea Kohlabgen and continue as tho Turks appear con- b(, pl(.a)l(,(, to about the marve l dilatory. NEW PRESIDENT ELECTED BERLIN. Dec. 20 Stanlslaws Wo Joclechowskl wss elected president of Poland succeeding President Naruto wlcz, who was assassinated. ous electric fly trap. "If you don't indulge, you certainly will be Interested In killing flies." AI.F.MM TO KNTEItTAIV On Friday afternoon nf this week o ,,, Alumni who are attending the ALDRIDGE EDWARDS NUPTIALS loregon Agricultural College. will ' With only the necessary witnesses entertain the student body members, present, Rer. C. II-Hilton at 4:30 yes- in the high school auditorium at terdav evening united In marriage Mr.i 2:30. W. K. Aldrldge of Springfield. Ore.,! fine program has been Br and Lula Edwards of Yoncalla. The,rHnKed. and a delightful afternoon ring ceremony was used. Tho young has been planned for all. All alumni people expected to go nn to Ashland nf the R. H. S. are Invited to at- inri then return to HDrlngTloia to t..pd. Following ine program n make their future home. ' llcious refreshments will be served. Air-Soprano s tin- Mountains ! Imted nmong the less fortunate peo- of ii.iH. burg. At ilev n o'clock. From Heavenly Heights .Sunday the pastor win pr.-u. n Mis. Llntott ! Christmas sermon from 'he text Chorus, Male I "What Think lent l nnst u... Clorv or ine i.orn muio win oh hi ni" Chorus 1 S. Helnllne. Ii-ailiant Star The Presbyterian mine w Adam, will have a special program Sun Mrs. Young, 'dav morii'iiir beginning at the usual 4f. a PI. The mini t en "i . .The Solo-Tenor and Offertory Mrs. Brand. . .Th- soprano violin. Address Rev. Caldwell PltT 2. Chorus and Soprani u!. Urate Thru S'arrv Pathways Mrs. Helnllne Duet-Soprano and T nor hour th I'rtmarv Department will rive Cantata "The Christmas Gard there will also be several other .umbers ny tins u.-,.,.i ..... . . .... ii... K.nior department. lollowing this the school will bring I In I ' n Whl'e i ll Mini .lesus i:ri. I'nr The King. iierisuuin 'Mrs.' Llti'tott' and Mr. Fisher !,ay be made for Christ, or pledges Baritone Recitative (Continued on page six.)