tosesima NewmeviEW, friday, December 15, 19??. PAGK FIOHT I Make it a Slipper Xmas! J Nothing more satlufvinB or phasing to give-end something that may be given to any member of the family, lianlcl Green Comfys. of which we are exclusive uR nt.t, are the slippers known for long m iviic DANIEL GREEN COMFYS, male, v. oven felt, and lc Sullf PRETTY SATIN BOUDOIRS, all colors. most charming gift. RED TOP BOOTS FOR KIDDIES, without a pair of Red Tops. Xmas not complete In any family p. : yxi y?isj yj ay?i a y& y& m'w.. New Dress Pumps Whether you winh serviceable KhoeH, good nturdy oxfords, sport shoes or evening slippers of very dressy type we now have a most wonderful assort mint. A practical gift for Xmas. "The Store That Does the Business." 8 5 :'W H $i.85 i WSift I 4 jj- Le s Sofoc? Four G Problems Our store will appeal to any Xmas shopper because of its many gift shops within one big store hundreds of tasty, individual articles at small cost for men, women, boys, girls, Infants. Ths Christmas Gift Storo i s i s For Quality and Richness JCrauses FRENCHY Chocolates J he Height of Good Taste for Christmas Outwardly, this snappy package breathes the very spirit of Christmas. Rich, cheerful, chaste it a gift you will send with fullest conn dence that it will delight the eye and the heart. $1, $2 and $3 the Box Ask for Krause's Chocolates by name 5 $iA PlAXift K Oh, Boy!!! DANCE Saturday Nite Maccabee Hall '. Umpqua Five Thu Christmas Cift Storj 111 on IltlsllleHs S. C. .Miller, of Dlllnrd, motored to town this morning to attend to business matters. i Stunner 111 Sheriff 3. W. Stnrmer, has been confined to his home for the past two dayB with a light utlack of neuritis. N'cimcr In Fujfenr District Attorney George Neuner. left this morning fur KugtMie where he is to attend the District At torneys' convention, lie is on tho program n one of the spenkrs. NEW TOOAY. basement, furnished, and a com plete radio set all connected and ready for use. Lot 100 ft. square. All for $1600. $570 cash. Bal ance $1030 at $20 per mo. at 6 percent. This Is a special price for quick Bale. Chas. Kyes. 121' N. Pine St. FOR RENT Bleeping man. 619 Mill St. room for l'Oll HKNT 3 room bungalow fur nished, I'hone 391-1.. WAXTKD Loan of $21100. farm security. Address Farmer, care News-Uevli'W. FOR SAI.K A special bargain, 6 room house with bath and l-ir'-- PROFITABLE HOTEL For sale at a snap bargain. Ten rooms ntc-i ly furnished: big ilinire, roum.l seats thirty; best location, on highway, near depot, in good live! town. Every convenience, worth! double the price asked: twenty five hundred takes evciy thing, including the building, furniture and full hotel equipment; clear title, this Is your chance Law rence Agency, 125 Ca.ia Stret, Phone 219. TAKE ON A MAN'S JOB And ; make a man's Income. This of fers the opportunity. Two hun dred seventy two acres in tract twenty acres rearing prunes: eight acres bearing pears. All kinds of fine fruit; fifty acres best creek bottom field land; good house; fire place: all other necessary Improvements. One mile from town on good road: full set tools and implements; team: harness; wagon; cow; chickens; new thousand dollar automobile; every thing complete for Blxteen thousand dollars. Will take some Roseburg property in exchange, or email payment in cash, balance out of crops. I-awrence Agency, 123 Ca34 St Phone 219. FOR RENT 3 rooms. Inquire at 230 South Pine Street. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep lng rooms at 24 2 So. Rose St. WANTED Ford coupe, must be in good condition, llox 321, Rose burg. FOR SALE 4 Toiand China pigs, 7 weeks old. Price $5 each. W. E. Russell, Wilbur, Ore. WANTED Hog, weight 150 lbs. dressed. Delivered at 745 So. Pine St. FOR RENT FufVlshed sleeping room with privilege of telephone and bath. 311 E. Oak St. WANTED A woman or a girl to keep house for an elderly ladv. 246 X. Rose St.. Roseburg. Ore. FOR-SALE 2 colts nearly 3 year? old. C. L. Eckman, about 2t4 miles west of Roseburg, on new Looking Glass rond. FOU SALE Choice strawberry plants and sweet clger, delivered. Leave . orders at Public 'Market Saturdays or phone 15 F 21. C. W.Jiradford. USED FORDS ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER NOW 1920 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Touring. 19i6 Ford Touring THREE FORD DI'OS IN EXCCT. LENT CONDITION 1920 Oakland Six 1919 Ford Truck MATHEWS MOTOR EXCHANGE 117 JACKSON LOOK AND READ Just think, a good Fo'd car for $50.00 A Ford bug 7 a. 00 1920 Ford Sedan 290.00 A real buv, 1920 Liberty Six 273.00 Overland Four, 90 223.00 Ford truck, cab, body and new pneumatic tir 250.00 2 1920 Sedans, good buys. C. A. LOCK WOO I) MOTOR CO. FORD FORDSON LINCOLN 2 5 ist FRIDAY AND WW SATURpA Two Big Days at the stock Reducing SHOE SAjj Felt Slippers For Men, Women ana Children On Sale Roseburg Booterii IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET 5 PERKINS BUILDING, CASS STREET A BEAUTIFUL Wrist Watch e FOR HER CHRISTMAS Coma in and sec our beautiful Display of the various styles. Ycu will suicly find one to your liking, both in style and price. Wo also have a large display of Dia monds, and Diamonds make an ideal Christmas Gift. BUBAR BROTHERS JEWELERS Lr- :!iimi'iii?:;nrTTni!'Tiui;iiiii!ai:in)iimir.ii;iiiiiii:'Ji . ....... ..... . . , I IBER.TY TOE ATE O X K 3f ONLY KUWT-CU. SHOWS AND AT 10 AXU l.V U K IAST TIME TODAY "That Woman,, HKRK IS THE SCKKE.VS STATKI.ILOST STAR YOU I.OVK IX A DRAMA THAT WILL FASriXATK YOU. NO FICTION STORY MOKK KXITTINC, COMH AND CI.ORY IN A CIRL WITH SFL'NK ENOI GII TO TFI.L Hl'U IN-LAWS WHKRK TO HKAD IX THIS TS SOMKTHIXO I'NI'SITAI,, VOl'T.I, MKF, IT rJ AISO A SFF.CIAL COMEDY OF MOXTY RANKS Sherman, Clay & Co. Pianos, Players, Duo-Arts Church Organs, Pipe Organs LET I'S PLACE ONE IX YOUR HOME FOR CHRISTMAS STE1XWAY, WERER. A. 15. CHASE, AND LARGE NUMBER OF LOWER TRICED TIANOS. WHAT NICER? WE GUARANTIEE ALL OUR PIANOS TO BE STANDARD MAKES. SOLD ON INSTALLMENT FLAN 3 YEARS TO PAY MOORE MUSIC STORE PHONE 502 321 X. JACKSOX STREET FOR SALE Ranch, Dodge car, ap ples at 80 cents a box, potatoes. Address Mrs. Geo. K. Davis, Star route, Rouseburg. FOR SALE Family Mare: also team, saddle and driving horscri; cow, 40 -acre ranch. Will trade for house or sell on time. All cut prices. C. Merrill, 504 Mill. WANTED To get In touch with lady going to Portland Dec. 23rd and who would take little girl to parents. Address "Girl" care News Review. FOR SALE Kitchen range. s3 good as new, heater, oil stoves, canned fruits and other arti cles too numerous to mention. Au ction every Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Auction and Commis sion House, 328 N'. Jackson St. i" j . ' . ".iim!i-imnj.w WANTED RANCH trosrj. I and wlf. u.,.r- will do n. u.7.79n "res. VrVZl 000 ca.h h JL.1- Prefer. W Rort, 303 orc.llo.tim.lJ. Real Estate Co. cultivation, St tm hr, s w, iwmritnaii. furnishwi. On Wiis. pP, water wtca. ft torn land. ( mltn froo i 6 mile. Iron p. ft SMsi' -'000 ten pwwta tm m er. Bal. aij Alt-till. I care Nevs-Rriv, j m Astoria Prmeville Mars These cities have recently suffered immense lossebjKl No city or individual is immune. YUU Jiai Wouldn't it be a good idea to look over your YOU NEED? We aell Fire Insurance and irive service to ok holders. Insure Now Before the Loss 0cm , G. W. Young & Son 9 116 Cass St. ' J A MRS. M. A. STRALEE , 0 ow THE ORGAN . Ta TODAY Vi-t -f CHARLES RA1 "The Egg Crate JValJop A PAR AMOUNT-ARTCKArir r TTZn HARD Mr.K SFNNETT COMEDY. "LOVE l" " tt MRS. CEOR0E BERRY ON THE ORGAN il j BALCONY jlglg 0 w. I 1.11. I 4 ' THURSDAY-FRIDAY .!.. . ... n 13 PAT PRODUCTION Of WILLIAM DE i""-"' a "Nice People WITH Wallace Reid, BeteJ - CUIFW