Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 15, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    H087BUB0 NtWS-RFVrCW. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1922.
Let a cheery oil heater filled with
Pearl Oil drive the chill from the
bathroom. Its comfortable warmth
will delight the kiddies and safe
guard their health. You can easily
carry the heater from room to room
wherever you want its friendly
Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined
by our special process which
makes it clean burning no smoke
no odor no waste.
Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere.
Insist on it by name Pearl Oil.
tKtaOStNE) '
li i it i ij-t -i i i ifmf i
Tlltli M A K V.A
I'lreiiomoiiul Itocords t'lnlniod !
Auto Owner Interested
Coast tires manufactured nf
Oakland, Calif., are now represent
ed here, at 324 W. Cass St., by Mr.
Carl V. Oilman. Local aulomoldlo
owners are much interested in view
or the vnrlotiH phenomenal testH
uindo this year by cars equipped
with ther.o tires, and the nianuer in
which the tests were made. One
which stands out as singular vl
dence of tlie possibility of succesa
ful tire manufacturing here oil the
1 ,n. tl,u( l,v tr Itn.l
Hodell, who on July 14 left Heno.
Nevada in a Hurant four, and In a
15,(100 mile Journey over practical-!
ly the whole stale of Nevada, mid
portions or lituli, returned wun an
four tires intact and the trends
worn onlv hulf through. Quoting
Mr. Hodell:
"There never was such a lest
(tlven a set of tins. Feature f
the gruelling test Included a Jump
over a 14-foot eiibankment at Kly
where there was no bridge, in
which my liurant car, trnvelluK
05 miles an hour. landed side
ways nnd Bkldded !ti feet withntit
damage to tire or tube. Six duvs
scorching through Death Valley;
breaking a trull over the Funeral
linnse at Majestic (the first and
only car that ever traveled the
range) in addition to nunarcus oi
miles over hot sands, knife edged
locks and lava beds through the
whole., trip the four Const Cords re
mained sound, and at tho Ilulsh
of the 15,01)0 miles over those
abdomlnahlo rouds, the treads were
worn only half through."
Mr. Ohman has photographs of
the various tests and will gladly
show them to those interested W ith
n complete stock of nil slr.e tires
and tubes Mr. Ohman stands ready
to bock up his confidence iu this
western product. He says he has
.....a.. llvln.r In tin. west for
the past twenty years, and ia a
firm believer in patronizing Home
indutry. May the best posafMe suc
cess accompany his efforts.
flPCUt- The Way to be Great
They h4 disputed among themselves who should be greatest. He
taith unto them, if any desire o be first, the same snail be last
of all nd servant of all."
That's different, isn't it? Most people's Idea of greatness Is to
bave everybody else serving the great one.
And almost everybody who is looking for advancement Is at it
tooth and nail for nimaelf, while lied as much as says self -forgetfuliica
ia greatness.
No, He aays better than that, for it is the self-forgctfulness which
is the result ut the fullest service of others that is tru' greatness.
Hut you say Jt isn't natural. Of course, It Isn't. It's supernatural.
Tut the fact Is that most of the greatness of God which we cm under
stand is an exemplification of God's prescription.
Did Jesus Christ sink Himself into nothingness, almost, in serving
us? And then He died for our sinB. "Wherefore Hod hath highly
exalted Him and given Him a nauio that is liovo every name." Yes,
that's the road to greatness, and the first step is taken when a man
believes what God says about Jesus Christ."
Oh, you men and women who eagerly read newspapers, why don't
you devote some time each day to God's (treat newspaper the Uible?
Mark: 9; 34-35. Copyright, 1021 J. A. R.
.,.wnMe",,0,IlTSt a'ureh Vcatcdcial music. Baptismal 'service. A
at Corner of and Harvard cordial invitation to all to attend
avonues In West Hoseburg. Miss
Khoda Burnett, pastor, residence
1347 Harvard. Sunday school at
10:00 a. m. Preaching service at
11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday eve, 7:30. An
Interesting Christmas program is
being prepari'd bji tho children of
any or all of the above services.
Get this Message Early!
For months we have been making our
plans to supply your Xmas
Th e IR&XG&l Store
The day of small thinks. Head
Si court Kings. Chapter Kivo. liov
well Mineral .waters may not (or
they may I cure li prosy but tV.v
are invaluable in Ttheumati.'Uii. Kid
ney, and Stomach troubles.
Give dad a reading lump for
Chtii'tmas. Hudson Klectlic Store.
Psisesi!;le Science
Use atomt
Where baking is done sci
entifically where ingredi
ents stand or fall under
exacting tests, you find
Calumet Baking Powder
used more often than any
other brand.
the choice of over hun
dreds of brands the perfect
leavener pure uniform.
Keep this in mind when you
buy baking powder, because it
is of vital importance to suc
cessful dependable bilking.
i tie purcuase price ot rxikun: r
powder does not determine it(i
the story.
That's why the sale of
Calumet is 2 times na
much as that of any otner
baking powder.
A pound can of Calumet con
taint full IS ounce. Some
baking powders come in 12
ounce instead of 1 tf ounce
cans. Be tare you get a pound
when you want it.
I 43' M "-1
2kf ey
The Knlvation Army, 311 Jackson
.Meetings Saturday, 8 p. m., Sunday
Holiness Meeting. 11a. m., Com
pany Meeting, j:"o p. m., Young
People's Legion, 6:1 J p. in.. Topic,
the Sunday school at the evening of IJaUa ln History, Sen 2-18. Sal
the program an offering will be VH""n -"ting. S p. m. Subject
received for the Near East Relief, j Tne Funeral of the Dammed."
Suffering there at this winter sea-P:'tinf5s Tuesday and Thursday,
son is beyond description. Anv- 8 P- m- "Come Thou With L's and
one wishing to contribute to this We wi" do Tnee Goon " Captain
Near East Relief may hand it toland -Mra- Bi-igga officers in charge.
the pastor at any time or bring I
your offering to our Christmas en-! International ltiblo StudentH O:!!)
tertaiumcnt. V First st. 10:30 Sunday Morning.
I Subject of Study, the three ways.
First Church of Christ Scientist, I "Tne "roadway" "Th X.-.rrow
837 S. Jackson erreet. Services are I wny" "The Highway." Why is the
held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock 1 ''oadway so named and when ami
and Wednesday evening ut S o'clock.. llow wa3 ,he only brought
This meoUng includes tesUmonies 10 I'Eht? It is inevitable that you
A kAnii. r. . ililllnt tnke nno nf u'ni', lr vnn
wi uotuuiii. ouuuay swiooi con-. , ..-.- .. ......
venos each Sunday morning at 0:45; nre loklng for guidance as to the J
all op to the age of 21 years are 1-1 -ht direction seek it thru God's
Invited to atjnd. The reading room1""' wora- Au anJ ,olrnm8 10
m the rear of the church building "- u """ oiuuius
is open dally, except holidays and
The subject of Sunday's iwmion will
be "is the World, Including Man,
Evolved by Atomic Force?"
Give mother a Royal cleaner fori
Christmas. Hudson Electric Store.
Christian Church
Corner Pine and Woodward streeU.
C. H. Hilton, minister.
Reguar service will be held Sun
day morning and evening. Morning
subject. The Kingdom of (iod.
Evening subject. If One Roso from
The iDead Would We Believe. Do
we Need A New Revelation Or a I
New Message. Y. P. S. C. E
(Br t'nltiMl Prows.
American public library system is
the greatest educational iiutitii-
tion in the world, according to
6:30 "The Glorious Gains of fi- H-nry Fiercmie. proiessor of hi:
dellty." Bible school at : ! . Won- torv of (!hnf University, P, l':inni.
dcrful Interest. Orchr.dra Increasing wll ,s tourini! the Fnited Ptntei
in power with each Sunday as thev i studying the American educational
practice together. i)o not nils "J'"1''1"- has Jst completed a
this. On Sunday evening the pas- f""dy of Stanford rnivcr.ity.
tor will show a fine set of views I f P''ding several weeks t'.u re.
on the wonderful liook, ffhe fil
grim'g Progress. These Willi be
well worth seeing. The choir Is
also arranging a special musical
program for Sunday, which will be
one of the best.
Presbyterian Church
Lane nnd Jackson streets. L. Bow
ring. Quick, minister.
9:45 a. m. Uible School, . Come
nnd help us make this school a suc
cess, it. 00 a. iu. Morning Wor
ship. A Junior Service, topic "Good
MedMcine." Seifuon topic, "Adop
tion," this is another of the "Fund
amentals" which are attracting so
much Interest today. 3.00 p. m.
Junior Endeavor leader Catherine
Crocker, topic, Missions. Stereop
tican pictures of the I'hlllippin1
Islands wlH lie given nnd parents
of the members of the society are
Invited to be present. G:30 p. in.
Senior Endcwvor. i Stereoptira i
views of the Mission work lu tb 1
Philippine Islands ns well as of nr
tlve life and scenery will be given.
All young people are Invited. 7:30
p ni. Evening service. Topic Totil
It is impossible for me to rive
you my impn s.-lo::s of your educa
tional system now." he said. "I
have seen so many wonderful tliirrs
that I would hardly know where to
bejrin. With your wonderful sys
tem of puj.lic libraries it in no won
der that the rate of illiteracy in
America is low.
You will be sold the choicest Xmas Candies at low margin. prices, aaj
surely you can't afford to buy elsewhere.
A Few of Our Specials:
For a Remembrance Fancy Package ChocoU
Wc have the FAMOUS LIGGETT CHOCOLATES, in ', 1, 2 and 4 pound
, packages, from 50c to $5.00
n:i:iYi wants to t oi.
A new lighting fixture N a merrvl (nv Assnninto,! prc.-i,.
Christmas fur tho wholo family. Dl'DLlN, Dec. l.j. The Irish in
Hudson Klcctiie Store. i come tax is raising several
; i esting problems.
Marine i ripic rower sprayer. 200 j viih t1H p
Mai. j'.niMJsi use new. r or isal
KCT ! income tax as an asset. Unless these I to do people ta JLt
I AAi:s r arrears are paid the deficit of the tiled In lre'7 4
j Irish governmcjit will be consider- Kngland, ana tl!JLI
i ably Increased. i ,n tl
But there is now great hesitation 1 10 J " -fc ' jj jJ
cheap if taken
soon. Lloyd Cole,
forth that
. em mere is now great m'wim hiXe m
r-! about paying. Peoole say it is hard "''' PtT! ,to tu
ilems. During the fight . enough to pay one years income t.a ln one '"ow lt L, iaa'
English, the order went ' without adding arrears which tin V ""J t0 miiniit sl
no Irishman should pay!WPre Invited not to pay. and have ' tt l nJ
income tax to the liritlsh. It was : PJ " ' ' "B Z'".'
I l7 PI V ' inereiorc. aim naneicr that the pre-Truce Uicoin ''' ,
iv ... iiii. u UUIBIUUU- I trtv Kn..t.l 11. li t lO L.t-.l." . ...
come tax. '
liar in the
nAlt V WC4TUFD dcoadt
TT Wn-.tinP ..rr:- g. W tlin the TreatV Will ..V . ..n
Hoseburg, On ,sn, 24 hours ending 5 ' Lovormini w . I "i ,hp "ri"8h amed certain burd
A- Bovernment all the Irish arrears of i c, for whlch tnPse arrear3 ,.,,re .
Krrrmuat.en in in. and Hundredths
'Mistaken." Como and worship
with us. you will find the servicer,
practical and insjiirlng.
ature yestcnicy. . 40
iture iaat ni'-'lil ... m
I'.vr ;iit..;:i i. i.,t 24 Imnrs (i.:
Total preeip. much filst of lm ntli ;.:,7
Normal preeip. tor this month 5.!2
cip. from Sept. 1, V.:2.
0 .22
m Pept. l. is;:. .10-3
. from Si ,d. 1.
Lntion f, r !! v et
to M y, Inc.) . .
Tonihi ;m,l Saturtlnv generallv fair
WII.I.IAM T.KLL. Observer.
to dale
Aver. preci;i.
Total d' firi, i:
Avtra:-e p;-t" i
s;ins ( :
tax should be wiped out. Uut the . jrelinl
n t-off. and if the arrears are not t.-m lor i-
n 't? I
Tho CicTumy BRhlNG POKIBUt
North Side Grocery
I paid additional taxation will have;
to be Imposed to meet those hurd-' kiIJC
:tifl Ann..ilo ,ro nirlf rn t lie I I I im M J
ground of natriotism and duty t' v Anoiy eta
:tbe new government, but it seems
evident that a large part of the ar-'
i tears are now uucollectable.
I'ii-Nt MetliodiM 'lir"l.. South
Main street at l ane; W. S. Gordon,
pastor. The pulpit w ill he occupied
both morning and evening by visit
ing ministers. representing :h"
board of Kdueatloii. It is likely PROFESSIONAL CARDS
...... ... .x........... ..... ... v.. v.... M
er, will he the speakers. Itoth eri j Plivstctan.
stnng. forceful. preachers, wiih I
their heaiMuarters In Chicago. Tbe!
music will be in charge of Mn I J-Jl'.rOKL ;.OU 5i.Cn flM Ppllli
C. S. HcinHne. The Sunday school C3fon lup life in?'jl"anec
win meei at :u aim tne r.iori!i, r jipt h r "krPft, fjf
League at :rt. Mrs. f.ordon will W.lflLUIlln.? flCg0UtUC
have charge of the .luiilnr League
at .".:i'0. The Christinas prog'aml
Is well under way. I
I'l Vt.Cn Oitroprmctlr
l'.l W. lAno 8t.
The future of the Irish lncom
i tax is also attracting lattention
'There ia n nnnBidernhle class of weli
Vhe Economy BfHtiRG PQWBZR
- '
l'itl ItaptUt t'hurcli. corner of
l.ane and Koae; H. I,. Caldwell, niin
ter. S:4.". a. m. Church School, O
P t'r.ihow. Supt.. Classes for all
spes and grades. A good place to
barn something of the Itible. It 0'i
a. ni Worship. Message by the
pastor. Special music by the choir
A cordial invitation to all. :t:0ii p
m Junior II. Y. P. C. Ker all chil
driii between the nges of sev.-n and
fifteen. Mh.'cs l'bn and Knrl.tht
in charge. A fine place for ill.
children for an hour on Snmlav
aiti-rnoon. i:30 p. m.- Young P,o
pl ' Meeting. Andy Caraway. Pn s
Ident. A live meeting for live ytviuc
people. 7:S0 p. m Evening ' W.r-
"Kos.'hnrs'i Klnest."
Th peeple of Dotiglrs county
are Invited to nuke, thalr hjad
guarter, her.
Just Arrived Some of Our Belated
Toy and Doll Shipments
which we have priced extremely low to move them in a short time. D"
Tail to visit our toy department, as by so dointc )0J w'11 save Dl0n
TOYS 15c to $1.50
th 25c to $8.2a
moving eyes uv" v
lllfill R. KOBERTSCN i fO.
M.mb. r n. .n Iit.;lu;lc ef Arr it:m
1 ii-M.tT, At'lilTui;..
rutUn.l o:,-. .n.t Wlnmi!:.. M.nn.
A-I.lrr-isi; yf,. pd,),iin ertrt'.n.l t.r
C. j. B