Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 13, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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i At? fno nrtA Quito Konnpon i ft fftcf
uvmpn ! ana luisses . umio aim uuno iivuutvu iv wo
HUiucii r j .01 aK
and Less m this ear-ana Clearance aaie
Fur trimmed suits of the season's best fabrics, in rich
shades of brown, beaver and navy, silk-lined. Reduced to
Every High-Grade Fur-Trimmed Coat that
Remains in Stock is Reduced 1-3 and More
These coats are beautifully made of heavy, lustrous pile
fabrics, silk lined throughout; collars and cuffs of Man
churian wolf or caracul; panel and blouse back styles; in
navy blue only. An opportunity to secure a high grade coat
at a decided price concession.
lLot of Mannish Tailored Coats Reduced to $15
These coats are made of mannish materials, in plain pat
terns and herringbone effects; light and dark colors. Ideal
garments for utility wear and priced earlier in the season
?t one-third to one-half more.
Umbrellas of Individual Design
A beautiful umbrella with an artistic un
usual handle is ever a popular gift for milady
and the selection this year is most inviting
Umbrellas of fine quality taffeta, with ring
or strap handles and ivory tips, that were
$6 to ?12.50.
Reduced for Xmas Selling 25
I II : N
i ' n
Ik h
(Compiled by Douglas Abstract Co,
! Jl3
Beaded Blouses
at 14 Off
Jeautiful beaded and embroid
ted crepe de chine blouses,
Wcrly styled and faultlessly
lade. Those in search of a
Jiristmas remembrance will
bid these blouses delightful
1 'V.
i 3 tMfc'A
mm m$k&3$
'f. 1
The following Instruments were
presented to the county clerk today
for (Ulng and are being placed upon
the rountv records:
51598. Sat MIS- Clifford C. Fair
chiles to Geo. J. Detgec, Chattle.
61599. Sat Chattle Mtg. 1st Bank
Reedsport. to Geo. J. Uligen.
51500. Chattle Mtg. 1st Ilk Reeds
port, to City Reedsport. $1900.00 Cot
trell Press.
61601. Mtg Satisfaction. Henry
Johnson to Falrchllcs & liowe. Chat
tle. 60602. V. D. Dave Roberts to J. S.
Roberts, $1.00 tots 2. 4. 5, 6, 7, NE
NE4 Sec 6. tp 21-10.
50603. W. D. James S. Roberts, to
Dave Roberts, 11.00 Same as 50602.
60C04. Mechanics Uen. E. T. Stlger
vs R. C. E. Horn Ik. $ 97.41.
50605. Assign Mtg. Roberts Motor
Car Co, to r. S. National Bank Port
land. $1360.70 6 chatties.
5060ft. Assignment Mtg. Roberts
Motor Car Co to U. 8. Nat Rk Chattle.
50607. Q. C. Deed. V. F. Harris, et
tlx to Kdwln Weaver. 11.00 Part Lot
0. In Sec 7-30-5. and de as part lot
6 lying- S of dos Una, towlt: Beglnnlnt
at pt on Sec line bet Section 7, 8. N
61 4.9 ft. from sec cor com to soo 7, 8.
17. 18. pt being pipe from which 30
mln. oak bears 8 63 deg. W 38.7 ft,
X 71 dog. 34 mln. W 739.9 ft to pipe
on E ilne of CI 42. from which tree
hears N 74 deg. 55 mln. E 392.8ft,
con 10 ac.
50608. Agreement. Catherine
viym. and Bernard Flynn, E CI 37.
tp 21-5, known as E. T. Estates CI.
xceoting land for highway and 3
c.cres on F. line R. P. con 11 Ac
leaving In all 809 Ac. also Jeg 11 cen
ter Pass Cr on E line CI, then N 6.35
eh. to S side road then N 36 der. E
nlong S same 1.22 ch to center Pass
rk then follow center same SW to
beg. In Sec 36-21-6.
Water will be phut off Frldav
afternoon. Pec. 15th between 2 and
4 o'clock, effecting all houe no-th
of Lane street. Including I.ane St.
nnd west of the R. R. tracks. Also
"11 of west
D. C. L.
& W. CO.
"ll 1 -i..l- . ill r - ." ,
"4 ' ' -r-' ,rr.-.-.-rr-4J- f a I;- ji j
' ''..- I . , , WSSJ
: "at. He
f y " he run
won a :0-j-ard race anions the convlits of the Siin (Jiie-tln, Cal.. Trlson in seve '.
a goat-eland operation per' irmed a few months ai:o and was so full of "pep" thi-.t
nw;v frnm tl.o tur. nii.u.1. V, nn ....,, pi . , r.,t.1P.ii. n-sil.i
cycles wire ntctsaiy to catch him.
cm Elected
h Commandery
, t
ing me past year, was reelected ana r j r Oil,
the other elective officers advanced. ' IV OZCT OlQSll
The new officers of the commandery.
are: V. C. Harding, commander; Na-'
i than Fnllerton, generalissimo: 8. J.
I Shoemaker, captain general; William I
'A. Kepper, senior warden; John Mj
Throne, junior warden; George U. i
llelbig Treasurer; O. P. Coshow, rec
' order. The appointed officers were1
'ames C. Hume, prelate; Miles It.
Grron, standard bearer: A. N". Orctitt,
pword hearer: P. T. llubar, wr.rd.-n,
E. L. Giles, sentinel ami Vm. Hull,
captain of the guards.
1.11a inalnl'.ty tol o :
'I t0 Ms Viqt.pi onA i-i... .l . . 1 .
v .'-I'.'Ji'. ,r ' C- !Iar'l- mg Pad for Christmas. Hudson
.1111- r.!...' ?.inre.
i.i Taxes of State
romiiiander-. Number 14. ,r. E r, s,.,,,
!" lire for th.. nffi ... r
nm....v ........ 1...
r 'f-a-'iiity to cive the
(v . t. "-"'"'u 10 accept
-r. h. r:t nf t,,. r. .
UA ... . . ""'""Ml'
Ladies Will Sponsor
Elks Xmas Party
The usual order of things Is to be
reversed at the Elks Christmas party,
and the ladies will be entirely In
charge of the affair. The date has
been set for. Thursday the twen
ty first, the Christmas spirit will be
the predominating feature. Mrs. Tra
vis Dyslnger has been appointed
chairman of the dance committee, and
will be assisted by Mrs. F. C. Powell
Mrs. J. I.. Crafton, Mrs. Wm. Hiney,
Mrs. J. Denn, Mrs. L. C. Parkhurst.
Mrs. Roy McGee will have charge of
the card games, and will be assisted
by Mrs. W. It. Conloe, and Mrs. H. P.
Ogden. The ladles are planning on
making this one of the most elaborate
dances of the year, and the decora
tions are to be very extensive. A
huge Christmas tree and a real Santa
Chius with gifts for all will help pro
vide entertainment, and punch and
delicious refreshments will be sorved
The ladies are to ask the men to at
tend the dance, and will be required
to pay $1 for thera at the door.
The ITmpqua Five will play for the
dance as usual. ,
Just in from New Vork. Ion
fancy head necklaces In red. )..t,
coral, etc. AH fancy styles, our spe
cial price Sc anil 11.39. Can's..
Dodge Erdthbre
Many women who could well afford more
expensive closed car prefer the sedan for their
personal use.
They find it easy to drive, easy to park, econom
ical to run, and comparable in the beauty and
richness of its appointments with cars much
higher in price.
The upholstery is done in genuine mohair velvet
of a singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The
seats are roomy and luxurious. The hardware
-and minor fittings reflect thoughtfulness and
rare good taste.
Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) screen the
under part of the car and harmonize in a most
effective way with the new grace and smartness
which Dodge Brothers have recently brought to
the lines of the body.
The price is $1655 delivered
Phone "58.
while dissembling a Lugor automatic
pistol that contained a cartridge. The.
weapon slipped from his grasp and)
when bs caught It was discharged, the
kuee eap glaclng oft and penetrating I
the thigh. His condition is not
Ths regular stated communication
of Laurel Lodge, No. 13, A. F. and
A. M., will be held In the Masonic
Temple Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 13. 1922. Work In the E. A. de
gree and the annual election of of
ficers. All members are requested to
be present. By order W. M.,
W. F. HARRIS, Secretary.
Knights of Pythias
Give Entertainment
MEDFORD. Ore., Dec. 12. George
Pnrnum, local garage owner, ahot
himself through the knee Sunday
$14.00 to $18.00
P cr"P b..Tt riL-ht o
3.00 t J7.M
''lS 114 "J" Tpreelated
5 .00 to 16.75
K 50
Complete stove; boils, fries and
$12.00 to $16.00
A necessity In illness.
o- 37.00 to $8.50
adgley-Zi;ler Hdw. Co.
. t none 'itt r4 ,
SALEM, Ore., Dec. 12. After a
canful study of all purposes for
which state taxes are levied. Secre
tary of .tate Sun A. Kozer has ar
rived at the conrlusion that at leant
$I.S!0.000 could be lopped off of the I
tax levy of the state for the coming
hiennltrjji. This would be tremend
ously Important if It continues to be
kept off the levy in succeeding years.
The bi.'.inial savings proposed by
Kwer to bring this total are!
Kliniination of the bounty on wild
animals. $11 n.OnO.
Kllminrtlon of appropriation for
administrative expense r" fish nnd
Rnrne commissions, $30,000.
Kllnilnatlnn of appropriations for
ndmir.!?tra!ion of World war vet
eran's state aid commission, $120,
000. '
Elimination of tax apportionment
for tidminUtratlon of Industrial acci
dent commission, $200,000.
Reduction of anprop-lation for d
vertlsine state seai" attractions and
for toitrist bureau. $"0.o.
Reduction of appropriation for bn
ren'i of mines and Rf-oUtpy, $25,000.
Elimination of state road levy.
,Kur.her reduction In annual levy,
$2. '.o.oo.
Rrdnc'lon In levy for "X-servlcc
ft. en's e l. i. nt:( rial aid. $2" 000.
Tbe Hii;-" of '
Sl-rvire ft cbiV'T1
Armory from 11
F'lilay. Pec. IS
e W. R. C. Will
(l.riur at the
30 to 1 oV'rck.
A'l in'nib.'fs nf
the corps are
uiupUiu pie.
expected to bring a
If You Need a Mediclns
You Should Have the Best
' TTave yon ever stopped to reason
why it is that so many products that
are extensively advertised, sll at once
drop ont of sight and are soon forgot
ten? The reason is plain the article
did not fulfill the promises of the
manufacturer. This applies more par
ticularly to a medicine. A medicinal
preparation that baa real curative
value a'.most sells itself, as like an
endless chain system, the remedy is
recommended by those who have
been benehted, to those who are ia
need of it.
A prominent druggist says, "Take
for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, a preparation I have sold for
many years aad never hesitate to le
commend, for in almost every ct.e
it shows excellent results, a many of
my customers testify. No otbci kid
dey remedy has so large a sale.'1
According to sworn tatrmrntsaml
verified trttiniony of thousands who
have used the preparation, the suc
cess of Dr. Kiimcr's Swamp-Koot is
due to the fact, so many people claim,
that it fulfills almost every wish in
overcoming kidney, liver and blad
der ailments, corrects urinary trou
bles and neutralizes the uric acid
which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
. PwsmtvKoot by Parcel Post. Ad
dress Lr. Kilmer & Co., ttinghamton,
N. Y., and enclose ten cents: also
mention this puiier. Large and me
dium siic bottles for sale at ail drat?
EUOEXE, Dee. U. A stand-by
contract Is under negotiations be
tween the Mountain States Power
company and the Portland Railway.
Light and Power company which may
mean physical connections between
the concerns In serving the Willa
mette valley, according to Fred
Brown, local manager of the Mount
ain States company. Connections will
likely be made at Albany and the Oregon-Electric
line used to transmit the
power. The Oregon-Electric now op
erates on the Portland Railway, Light
and Power company electricity.
Under the contract the Portland
Railway, Light and Power company
would be a purchaser of electricity,
except In emergency, on the Mountain
States or the California-Oregon lines,
whirh are now connected.
The new connections will not I
rrade with the Idea of assisting the
Springfield plant, as previously re
ported, but as a means of selling the
surplus power gained through the
new connections with the Prospect
power plant, aays Mr. Brown. There
are three plants contributing to the
Mountain state, line now the one at
Prospect, the Springfield plant and
the Albany plant. The towns served
ere Cottage Grove, CreswetT. Spring
field, Harrlsburg. HalBey, Tangent.
Drownsvllle, Shedd, Philomath, Jef
ferson, Albany and Corvallls.
The Springfield plant la now being
overhauled and about $1300 will be
snt In repairs. The Prospect plant
It furnishing most of the power while
tie work Is being done.
One of the plensant social events
of the season, was the enter'alnmont
given by the Knights of Pythias, last
evening to the ladles and visiting
Knights of Roseburg. The program
consisted of several musical numbers; I
with reading, nnd monologues put
on by some of the local Knights, af
ter which light refreshments wero
served by the Pythian Sisters, fol-,
lowed by dancing. j
The program was as follows:
Two selections by the Ilcnsnn
School Orchestra, Miss Helen Ilergh,
piano, Frank Long, Saxophone, Stew
art Stephens, cornet, Elton Wlmher
ly and Wm. Knight, clarinets. Els
worth Ott, violin, Ross Bates, drums.
Piano soio, Miss Helen Bergh. Vo
cal solo, Mrs. W. M. Illnny, accom
panied by Mrs. R. I.. F. Llntott. Aes
thetic danco, MIbs Muxlne Illnny.
Lesson of Friendship with sterlnp
tlcan views, by W. II. Bowden. This
was given to show the real theme
of the foundation of the order of
Knights of Pythias, as it was founded
on the true friendship that existed
between Damon and Pythias, the two
well known characters of ancient
Travelogue by E. E. Wlmberly, and
H. C. Hoehne. which consisted of
takeoffs on local happenings and
members of the lodge.
Cohen at the Telephone, H. C.
K. P. Quartette,, L. C. Psrkhurst,
Hugh AmeBberry,' LaVere Sutherlln,
Merrill Throne, consisting of several
popular selections.
Reading by Judge .Tones, One of
the readings was a piece of poetry
composed by Judge Jones.
Dr. Lm A. Writs aeied master of
(Ceremonies, and a very enjoyable
time, was had by all nresent. The
Nothing could be more ap-
predated by a renl woman than
a lot In Laurelwood as it 4
would bo the beglnlng of her
w permanent home, w
Water will be shut off Friday
afternoon, Dec. 15th between 2 and
4 o'clock, effecting all houses north
of Laue street, including l-ane St.
and west of the R. 11. tracks. Also
all of west Roseburg.
I). C. L. & W. CO.
You Bt 111 have time to have them
taken for Christmas and we aUo
have some very beautiful frames.
The Ro?eburg Studio. Phone 402.
Hell Sisters Building.
The High School Parent Teach
ers' circle will mee In the audito
rium Thursday evening. t 7:30.
Matters of business will be dis
cussed. The reports of committees
will be heard. All tencher and
parents who are Interested In the
restoration of the 4 departments lo
the school, and In the social life of
our young folks, piease make It a
point to be present.
rext soe'il evening will be given by.
I Bracelet watches. Some priced 3t
$11.75. Simmons watch chain t.
I Elglh wrist watches for men In
most all slies and grades. A few
t pearl necklaces. Reth Thomas plnrr.t
i clocks. Ingersoll watches. All In
.stork. Call and get my nrlecs be
fore buying iilsewhere. Wilbtr L.
Spaugh. 604 So. Pine St.
Pate Lumber and Fuel Co. A
flrst-elass place to buy building ma
terial, wood and coal. (Adv. )
I the Knights some time in January
Fuhat Burkon Temple, of Medford
will put on a D. O. K. K. ceremonial
I In Medford. Friday Dee. 29. There
. are over 65 members of the Medford
temple In Roseburg. and a larre dele
, gatlon Is evpert-'d to m to Medford
'on the 29th, when there will be
I "some time."
I The new furniture which was man-
i nfaetured expressly for the new K. P.
I hall Is expected to arrive here soon,
land the dedication of the new hall
will take place with apnronrlate cere
monies bv the Grand Lodge officers
of Oreron. N"xt Tuedav evening
there will be work In the 3rd rank.
Vnder new management. This
storn has been taken over by the
undersigned. I't me know ymr
troiiblfs. I don't overcharge. W.
Stoddart. The Singer Store. Phone
! Electric gifts, useful and novel,
I for every need and purse. Hudson
j Electric Store.
I -
The Chamber of Commerce today
received a letter from the Chanman
Lumber Company. Title and Trust
hslldlog. Portland, asking to b put
in touch with anyone who makes a
btslaeaa of retting ont oak posts.
The eotasaay la e'oelrwns of seenrlng
posts and ifiyAns who may desire
to supply tkem raa write to the ad
dress glvsn above.
Ver finest nf ba'her r"ir". fnn
cr fooled designs with bandies ir
back strap Th best nitr-e vlite
VOll Will find. CaT's speel'.! tl 49
Fancy children's purses 3Sc and
IK til. vali.Aa In nn'a t.lll.fnldl
Any of th above will make gool
Christmas gifts.
I". S. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5
A. M.
Precipitation In In. and Hundredths.
lilubest temperature yesterday. . . .35
lyiwest temperature last nlijht 28
Preclpllntlnn, last 24 hours 0
Total prerlp. since first of month. 254
Normal precip. for this month... .592
Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1922
to date 10.19
Aver, preelp. from Sept. 1, 1S77 10 41
Total deficiency from Sept. 1. 1922 .22
Tonight and Thursdav, fair.