PACK TWO HOSEBURQ WtWtmVUW, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBTR 3, ,0?2. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW D,ly Except Sunday. B. w. Bates u Wimbariy Bsrt 6. BaU 6UB6CRIPTION RATE.6 Pally, per rear, hy mull 14.00 Ifeily, aix months, by u.all 1.00 fjally, three months, by mail 100 Dally, tingle month, by mall J0 Dally, by carrier, per month .60 WkJy News-Review, br mail, per year 106 utiejeu a bucouu tiiu. mailer aiay 1?, at Uie poet otl.ce ai ituaetiura. i Oregon, under Ihe Act of March i. 1879, ROSEBURQ. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1W2. I - . . . - . -- - -- IMPROVING PUBLIC SKRVICE. BY BERT O. BATES. TODAY'S MARKET hEPORT It is a matter of general belief that the work dune for federal, state, and municipal governments is usually Jess efficient than what is done on private enterprises. The languid ways of many gangs of workmen employed on public jobs are often commented Upon. Yet there are many government functions in which people work hard. People who know the life of the clerks employed at Washington say that they are misrepresented, that they wprk hard for small pay. Postal clerks and carriers generally appear like a busy class of people who are putting in a good day's work. What, then, is the reason why the results secured in public services are commonly considered unsatisfactory? Probably it is because there has not been in the past any adequate system for rewarding initiative and intelligence. If a man 'of exceptional gifts took a job in one of the federal departments, and thought out methods by which that function could be simplified and made less costly, what has been the result in past years? Probably owing to red tape some or all of his suggestions would never get acted upon. Even if they were all adopted, it is doubtf ul if he would get adequate recognition. Somebody's political friend might be advanced ahead of him. Public sentiment has always favored low salaries in govern ment work. A man of sujx-rior efficiency might think out econ omies that would save hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet if you attempted to pay that man half what he could earn in a private business, there would be a howl at once. Naturally men of that type usually prefer to work for private corporations. Probably there always will be more or less politics in adminis tering government positions. Put at least a great deal could be done in federal, state and municipal services by making a special effort to see that men of efficiencyand brain.! got promotions to which they are entitled. ' The cost of living is - an old and threadbare subject, yet it bears heavily upon each home every day. It has been high enough for the past year to cause profound discontent, and now, according to many prophets, it is destined to go higher yet". - The tendency has been slightly upward for a number of months. Nevertheless, it is a good deal belgw the peak of the boom times of 1920. The national industrial conference board finds that Jiving costs, October 15 were 37 per cent above July, 1914, but they were still 23 per cent below July, 1920. Vhih jtherc may be. some little further advance, yet there seems no legitimate reason why the price level should come anywhere near that of 1920. At that time popular extravagance made it easy for producers to raise prices. Goods were not being turned out fast enough to supply the demand. ' Many manufacturers put up their figures with the idea of dis couraging purchases. They had more orders than they could possibly turn out and they were embarrassed and bothered by thejclamor of purchasers to have stuff delivered. To keep business down to the point where they could handle it, some of them raised prices above a point that would have yielded a handsome profit. It was poor policy, and it made the crash worse when it came. Put many other people in their place would have done the same thing. Free spending by the people gave the profiteers a big opportunity to ask any prices tney saw fit. .The business community should be urged to do business on the closest possible margin. Advertising is a great help to low prices, since it enables enterprising dealers to secure a big volume of trade. On that basis a small profit for each article sold makes good earnings on the total business. The people will warmly appreciate the dealers that serve the public interest by doing their best to keep the cost of living down. o Today's dispatches tell of three women being sentenced to death ly a London judge for murder. Here in the United States we make them serve a few years in the penitentiary for their law less acts, while in some cases it is made easy for them to escape from county jails before they are on the road to the state peni tentiary. London papers, commenting on the judge's sentence professed to see a revolutionary movement on the part of jiuli raries to recognize the demand of feminists for equal treatment lor men and women under all circumstances. Ordinarily murderesses are sentenced to life imprisonment. women Governor-elect Walter Pierce has our sympathy. If he can f.prend enough pie on the counter to go around and satisfy the hundreds of office seekers each one of whom is "responsible" for his olectumtlie eastern Oregon sane will have accomplished no small part of his political program. Ju..t now Walter has more friends than a pup has fleas ai.d they are all jumping in different directions. However, we hope the mw governor will not oxer look Douglas county in his appointments. This county helped very materially to swell his majority in the state. o GOOD EVENINO, FOLKS Yesterday we hei'd A local teller Announce in public That he wasn't afraid To tell any man Just what he ihot Of him to his face and He started giving a Local citizen the blazes And Just then the Local citizen Happened to walk up And the teller Kinds Looked sheepish and Started talking About the weather. The ladies are going to sponsor the next Elks dance and they are making arrangements this week to have the orchestra come with their hair done up in ribbons. The local merchanta are decorating their windows this week with many beautiful Xmas gifts which make us wish we could afford 'em. We noticed Mr. Hamm, commander, in-chief of the Rsbg. schools, in a grocery store last night buying some eggs. We predict Hamm and eggs for breakfast. In spite of the rebuking remarks of this colyum directed at the attire of the Roseburg flappera we have per ceived no noticeable reform In the local fashions. It's Just like throwing rice at a Chinaman. They like it. AO Almost any drug sto.-e clerk in the village can give a feller the correct dope, concerning the complexions of the female species of the township. O OH GOSH! ( "Who's going to 1 give this . bride away," said the preacher. 'l could, but I won't" muttered an individual in the of the church. - Ye cd. had a meal in a restaurant today and aa we glanced about watch ing some folks bolt their fcod the thot struck us that a restaurant man could make his place popular by furnishing a suit of coverallr with each meal. ? s After watching a movie for an hour and half the other night and becoming more disgusted with each reel we've Just about decided to quit the colyum ing business and go into the scenario line. . JHE TO"WN ORACLE We enly meet at intervals, the Oracle and I, And then I sit with heai bent low and scarcely make reply While he expounds on men and things, the wherefor and the why. He's a wonderful authority on roses, bulbs and shrubs, And poodles and polygamy and politics and pups. And he knows each motorcycle part, ' from cylinder to hubs. For stable information he is abso lutely "IT"; I also gather he's the source of much of Lardner's wit; He'd be president tomorrow, I believe, if Harding quit. He'd fix the Turko. Grecian mess if only he were there; And Ireland's troubles at his touch would vanish Into air. I'll try to ascertain his name next time he cuts my hair. I A local theater announces "Ten Nights in a Barroom." The first ten rows will be reserved for the boot leggers league of the village, we Imagine. 0 The handkerchief shortage is be coming quite serious on account of the sneeze epidemic and it is expected tht cost sleeves will be resorted to unless some immediate relief to the situation it given. ,. What is nicer than to dig the eld mackinaw out of the wardrobe to com bat the cold and f inH n great big hunk of dried venison in the pocket; All of thorc wishing to make a con I'lUttS JAU FAKMEKH FOB t'BQM -l Butter, 35 cents a pound. Euttcrfat, 4t cenls. L'i-'ks, 45 cent per dozen. Kggs, pullet, 40 cents per dozen. Urns. liW4y, 17 rente a pound. ' i lletm, light, 10 cents a pound. . , Springers, 15 cenls a pound. , Old roosters, JO ctnis a pound. ; Wheat, Jl .20 at mill, sacks i-eturned. Hurley, 3 a tou. Veal, dressed. 8 to 11 cents a pound. Hogs, dressed. Vi cents, 120 to 1G0 pound wer&ni. Cows, prime, 414 cent. Steers, prime, ( 4 cents. Lettuce, J 1.06 per dozen. Honov. local nrnriuctlon. 20 cental a pound. A Cascara bark, 1922, 64 eenti a 2 pound. Cascara bark, 192!. 7 Vie. )J RETAIL PRICES ON MILL J PRODUCTS. , K Mill run. Ad to H S0 a sack ofig 80 pounds. C racked corn, J2.1j a 100 pound. Rolled barley, $1.65 a sack of 70 pounds. Grey seed oata, per bushel, 76c to 80c. Feed oata, per 100. $1.30. Flour, soft wheal, II 65 a sack. Flour, bard wheat, 195 and $2.10 a sack. H Be an Early Bird Wa r Sayings Stamps to Mature January Jf "It Is 10 be hoped that every per son who can do so will exchange War Savings Stamps, due Jun. 1, 1923, for Treasury Ravings certifi cates," said Postmaster C. S. Hein line, today. "Tie large amount of money in vested and the great number of per-! A suns who purchased war savings jjj Mumps showed tint' the people of J this eoihitry could save money when!)! the necessity arose. Now, If the!(J will take the money they saved when R they bought stamps to aid the gov eminent in the prosecution of the war A nnd buy Treasury savings certificates. A they will demonstrate that the thrift Jj ! esnns of the war have not been with- 5 out effect. The holders of war sav- K ings stamps have seen Investments fj of about $20. SO grow to $25 in five yearn, and larger amounts in the same proportion. They can see the sumo A thing repeated If they Invest in 4 Treasury savings certificates. Interest j 2 accumulates at the rate of 4 per cent each year, compounded semi-annually. K These savings certificates are exempt 5! from the normal Federal income tax. r.nd from all State and local taxation tj except estrt aiirf .inheritance taxes) ! nnd may lie held to the amount of P $.".,000. maturity-value, for each fs-j5f sue, by every member of a family. J They are backed by trie credit of the ; J I'nlted States Government, and af-jj ford an easy and sure method of 5 savings." ' ' y Holders of the 191S green stamps1 are asked in present them as soon j m ns possible jn order that the rush at A the last of the monhli may be ellmi- J nnted. The Knsehurg post office hast 5 a supply of the necessary form fori K handling these stamps nnd they ran be pnid about .Inn. 1 In the full value of $5 per stamp. A treasury savings certificate at a maturity value of $100 can he is sued for $S2 and the Interest com nnunds semi-annually nnd run for five. years. RUY Y0UI CHRISTMAS cim MJ our stock is complete; white , and Ufore the last minute .hoJSSS Everything for men, at the Ke-"1 you've seen in years. Superb Gloves Ties Silk Shirts Handkerchiefs Bilk Hosiery Bells Collar Boxes and a host of other things You can select an article now and well fa! it aside for Christmas delivery. Mail order patrons should write now, for this year's Christmas mail promises to be the heaviest on record. Gifts in Abundance at all Prices Patricia Reid Arrested Again Mrs. Tntricia Held, or Darton, who recently occupied the limelight here following her arrest on a warrant is sued from Astoru charging her with forgery, is said to be under arre?t again at San Francisco. It is stated that she is goin- under the name of Patricia liosen,! antz there and Harth1 Toggery 8 jcaJevvs her of cases were disposed of Judge Hamilton states. liiildlc Visitor Mr Al Tompkins, of Hiddle, was in town today, for oeveral hours, looking after holiday shopping matters. Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189.L. For Fuller Brushes Fbone 302-M. Here From Salem Horace and K. V. Marsters, for- Watch the Fern window. You will see something fine for Xmas Give sister an electric curling Iron and comb for Christmas. Hudson Electric Store. When you thinking of Christ mas girts, remember that the Fern mer residents of here, but now lo- has a fine line at hand painted china facing a rharue nf obtaining money under f!se pretences nnd ulso the theft of a $il:.o fur coat. She caused considerable e "Moment in San Fran cisco by de. I. u in to detectives that she had overh- .ird men In Astoria plan the firinj ,f that city. .Mrs. Held trihution for the needy of the village 1 Is also wanted in Portland on charges are requested to leave their canned! or rnrger . siie frequently goes mi 4ruit, flour, spurts, etc., cn ye ed.'s 1 ler th name of Kvolyn Harton which desk and we'll take it home when we! was the name ns..j when she quit work this evening. I li fted in Hosi tmrg. Jt I 1 The Last Farewell Trinners will lh I rated at Salem, arrived in llnse- burg this morning and will spend a short time here attending to bus iness matters. 'kinyr, for political favors.! The shake a hoof at their first shindig this' eve ann me strains or music will bs heard above the cries of agony. We heard of a man today who or dered a bowl of oyjter soup at a hash house and actually found an cyster In it. LAFE PERKINS SE2: "Christmas trees aren't the only things that will he 'it up this year." NOTICE nccer.ats f ;lu. ..( K j Miller iiiim be settled at once. Anv ' person indebted to the estate run settle accounts by calling at the offlre iti rvrr.n I-arce faiiiv 7.c. Ilrawei i ,t: cy packs. C an. with gold 11 rardf. hie vala. Carr's - w hi pack lo papt ; at itiets and other fan 3 colors of paper so correspondence at $1.00. Ihiv at u save. - -0- Very (ew newspaper men uv K They'd rather he on the firing line. o A.scona is going to remit hi and lu r ,:;:,.)) are going to do it "" Masonic buiidins. between the in a heuer and more modern way. It t,k ; more than a .-'.-..lock ''..L.Kn trnswm. ..v . n.i.uui;v n.wii ui .tun inure atiouior war rolis1 round the city will lie well on the way to .1 .solid foundation for a great seaport city. . ' Will Urge Road SriRELt.A CORSETS. Made to Measure. Bell Case. Tlione 391-L. and cut glass. IrnvinxN Are Syndicated The Pacific Legion, official publi cation of the American Legion of I Oregon and Washington, has been conducting a feature page of par-i- ernphs and cartoons by Bert t! S. P. Br&kew GeisBrokk George Cole, Sow! brakeraan sustained and other bruijes ui night when he dropped " tlo n fames. Mr. Cn brakeman on t freisit1 .. ri.lin in tie at"' hose broke stopping 1 did net know inai ''-tj j 1. a.. ntpr at 1i sioppeu m iuc v. -- lie ana neim ,j 01 uie u,.. M cap and dropped it ground, ins t'"1 i, i h..teen the knee 9 H and he sustained me; He was hroueht to taken to -Mercy Hosp.Ul i i.ive dad a readiiie lamn for 1... eiTH Hudson Klortric Store cny lor me pasi u.iee, . L. V. T. Dunce Tonight Tup first I,. F. T. party dance of 1 niihllcatinn. Christmas Hudson Klectric Store. vu.ii.tiim. uuusuii r.ieciric oiore. . inr. j'iib. 1 ne magazine nas now com- 1 leuuuu Pleted arrangements to syndicate the page to all ex-servive men's , . -...nnibl' V- mil.llna.inn l l"e ' . o-ai.rt.1 the season will be held tonight nt ti. I r-n.i.. v. jJIniH toys are at l. K ,.f P I..II . ,: "J!"" "I'..: ' ""- , v,.rlh .lackson St.,"" n "" i""Kiani oi ior the pag was received from: j . their at"i- nances has heen arranged and the .Mexico Ci'v. Mexico. i pn a"a ... ' . iii I mpqua Five will furnish the mn?ie 1 Th bi..m n t it iii prires win mm I . . . O.W.T (, . XS. I . I. . " I.I ' . n inr cAri. I ViMtiv tln.'iiniluip 1 T. '' A new lighting fixture Is a merry I at 7:30 n. m. at the' Riverside schooj - IOr the Whole family. I l ouse for tho nf Iho rhllilren'a i Farm Home. res will men -most conservathe bW Many Hue .inas , Before buying see the line of Hrsehurg merchants deserve much Cheney phonographs. You will like K. th, m,,n Wutiful Xn.avthem. Moore, Music Store. .'"4 X. window, on display this week. The : Jackson street. IT " r snirlt of the sensnn ll'.. I j, ..en 111 IM1c mannir nnd the shop ' r" aided In their selection of gifts. M AltSHKii-.: K-mlill win i land to an. state hiKhw.i.. ("en raiv.'v Admlnlstnttrix. Anyway, it looks like we are going to l.ave some real Christina.-, weather Ih I'uio the 2oth rolls around. Your pay check always seems smaJler f .V.-tivities. 11 it think if the jiloasure you get V orth the price. o lowing Christinas it of gi ing. It's I-ct's make Koseburg safe from all fire hazards, is a good slogan. He it now. CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble SOLD EVERYWHERE- 1 1 leu pr. ! nt but the priih i state h i: liw;i Coos ennii'v . p., r. tided im'lV. Ilav. If His cr. .vi mean lhat t'. mi-"en wilt aivnirit tin re :,, d fill cnmi''. . MarshfieM N'erih of t!'.. KeeiUpevt ;i l'tiitlng In hiuliwny rnti; "oad let We. I mr-'ina T A .-ei latfnri '. Dec. 1 3 ,lo!;n C e tonight fur IVrt- a meeting of the . nmmiislnn. will have n d 1. rge Tarlous ni.ittr; : one Is to Cet l!e i iimmlsslen in KVH iltt for 1 5 7.000 ev- See the Sherman. Clav nianos nt S;t X. Jackson Moore Music Store. & Co. street. road rorth 1:imci At l.lellilale The Ciandale Klks are snonsor "n the e'voninr'-Vr'?," , l'"lo of the program In charge. Miss Marg n vi w- "f "V"'1'-"- SOtli.'aret Clapp will give . report of tlx Society loet. The Missionary Society or the Pr-shyterian church, will meet with Mrs. I.. H. Quick, at the Manse. Thurs day afternoon at 2: oil. A program of unusual Interest has been pre pares, the study of the afternoon bringing the American Highlanders. Mrs. C. A. Chamberlin has the first BuyHisXmasS on Trial I Ford. the people are Is given, it will -'ate hlchway ro; i- pend a sin. c ir :" d this, it Is bell. ,- ihe road. N"rth Bend in.I ti e !! iv Association nd ' tlardiner are a!.--i. i"StliiK the slat.' '--inn to complete the Cues 'iv nd h North of the Hav .rrri! T n .1 n a .1 ..: .strmi ri..!ii;.1n. i- ... T'1'.ts iii iiiuni'ri or itirt many lnral vn.t; i.uinn i. ia fintH work Planning tn ninbo , ; .. ' m tl. trii Tl... i-.,,. ... iie-.ti!.; .iirs. v . il. louiiK ni .... rg J !, '"' ? K'Ve.f ,1W-: scripture le,on: Mrs W. W. Ash rg will fnrnisl, ihe music. craft will sing . solo: Mrs. Helen C. lust arriv.,ti Smick. spreading: Mrs. I,. I.. Bodle. Cl is, , " 'L. '""""tment of Mrs. Jrt?Phine Itettes; Mrs. B. II i. ?'.r;V:i1- rr'lful gift boxes ennsten and.Mm.- A. J. Bellows, will 0 cents to Jin. All be for ihe afternoon. r.nd basket from "ur candles are rure ai.,i i,i : nt readable P, ' The AI.COVEC()XKECTIOXKRT. HQ ESTK S PJ LLS naiiiiiton tl.inie Circuit ludge .t. v. Hamilton, re turn, d this mornin. f... U where he has been h.u.i L.dlr.1 Akl rtr.J-l JAA 1 hl.rllIM"7"''xO I'm. m iu4 m r"ii: vr h.m ue : ir t... hl 3 1 liv - .vs. a ' . ,r thirty a t ,he mon-y reM;' . . .,jA 1.1 ' nut ui r j 31 1 "II. I-L" r.os,h rutted ip, make bu r. J run he"' It will I"-k . irr ver.t coil him to Z-i k- This outfit. a t r iered before L. G. DtfJ Zenith CarUB proM-t. wek.. The A" js a long one and a num- uLDPyWlOCISTSLATOHMUJf '