PAGB F10RT nospauno wewsmviiw, tuesoav, December ia. WCRLD'S LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE s. 'J' Ml iti M--.-TV L IT cr organization 371 DEPARTMENT STORES BUYINd FOR OL'R 371 STORES ASSURES LOWEST, PRICES Roseburg, Oregon 4 t 7 r ic i yi is) ea . mMmimmmmmmk! XSStA "V 's'A TBhT ARE ALSO HANDSOnC, ttyVfoT aDS.W3 TOB0T(1TttGIVR AND TBS &ZfP&&ll STKfcTvJo ur Tintl OUR STORE OFFERS MANY PRACTICAL GIFT HINTS! Hare Are Suggestions for Your Christmas Buying! Dolls! A Fascinating Display j A Family of Dolls beuu'illy modeled faces and well proportioned bodies; with liulr and movable eye or painted eyes and hair. Some of In long dresses: manly J dolls In rompers; dainty dolls lu frills and laces I 49c to 4.98- 4W Box Writing Papers Attractive Assortments A box of dalnly linen-finish writing paper is always appre ciated by every women and by the little minses ulso. Uur assortments are uttraclive.. Linen-Finish Box Writing Paper 24 shoots nnd 21 envelopes; plain white and tinted; some ribbon tied, liox 25c to 49c 48 sheets and 48 envelopes, ribbon tied. Box...... 69c Zf sheets and 36 envelopes, ribbon tied and In hinged box. Bex - 69c 21 sheets, 24 correspondence cards and 48 envelopes to match, libbon tied and In hinged box Box 9Ec Other styles of box paper tip to $1.98 Hill Climber Automobllo mm Popular Prices 4c to $2.49 Story Books For Children All the popular tnU'H that eh 1 divn Uit ht-autifully llhisiriii m1 in colorsfairy IhIph; Htorirs of udventuro; unliiml stories; nuiM tvry rhynu'a. Favorite Gifts From Santa Ctaut! 4c to 23c Tree Decorations Artificial Snow ..8c Tinsel Ribbon 8c Tinsel Garlands 19c Icicles . 8c Toy Tea Set Popular Fiction Copyrighted Editions 69c I Crlnsted, real silk hosiery. 189-J. j For cut glass and hand painted china go to the Fern. Hurrah. The ribbon back hose has arrived. Where? Marksbury Co. Here mi lluslnewi K. (J. Lewis, of Portland, la In the city for several days, looking after business matters. E. R. ROISE, TEACHER of violin. Call Moore Music Studio. Quality, service, price all right at Pago Lumber and Fuel To. In from Tiller F. X. Rlppllnger. of Tiller, was In Hoscburg today, for several hours transacting business matters. Give dad a reading lamp for Christmas. Hudson Klectric Store. Here on Business K. L. Settle, well known Oakland resident, was a 'business vlBltor in town today, for several hours. Mrs. Chas. O. Stanton, teacher of Piano. Phoae 75-J. 702 S. Pine. Ynnralln Visitor B. A. Bliven, of Toncalla, came to Ttoseburg last evening, to spend a few days, looking after business mat ters. (live the Invalid an electric heat ing nad for Christmas. Hudson Electric Store. Albany Man Hero Mr. and Mrs. Ellngsworth of Al bany. Is in Rosehurg. to spend n few days transacting business matter. Watch the Fern window. You will see something fine for Xmas gifts. Here From Glendale Mrs. O. G. Sether, of Glendale, was In this city today, looking after holi day shopping matters, and to visit with friends. Cninas Rowlilent In Miss Resale Prown. of Camas Val ley, is in town for a few days, look ing after shopping and business matters. When you are thinking of Christ ma's gifts, remember that the Fern, has a fine line of hand painted china and cut glass. Tn from Round Prairie M. F. Middleburg, of Round Prairie, motored to town this morning, to I pend a few hours, looking after busi ness matters. Here on Huslness F. J. Duffy, of Arnsteln & Simon tailoring company of Portland, spent the day in this city attending to busi ness matters. Mr. Duffy will return to Portland this evening. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the r- , ......riniundent of Douglas County, Oregon, will hold the regular v...,,.uit..n tit annucanis iur Certilicates at H. 3. Uuildiug, Rose- k- follows: t oiuuieacing i Wednesday, December 20. IK-'-', l j o'clock a. m., ana communis Saturday, December 23, IK--, at 4 o'clock p. ui. Wednesday Forenoon. U.S. History, Willing n'euuidnsblp). Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon. Physiology, Heading, Manual Train ing, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Courses of Study tor Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic, Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, r, ..,,. i,, ..v M,. ili, nis in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study fur Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon. drammur I .wil'I ailll V. SlCUOgrUPbV, Amwirun Literature. Physics. Type writing, Methods In Language, Thesis ! It .. ... , .,! if I Friday Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Orthography rsiiHllini-). Physical Geography. Kug- lish Literature. Chemistry. Friday Atternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, liotany. Saturday Afternoon. General History, Dookkeeping. O. C. DROWN, County School Superintendent, Douglas County. 11KAD SPKCTALS Just In from New Tfork, long funpv hnri necklaces ill red. let. coral, etc. All fancy Btyles, our epe cial price 9Sc and $1.39. Curl's. "CLARENCE" "Now you've been in the army, what would you do?" Would you slay at home next Tuesday or would you go to the Antlers theater to see "Clar ence ? Would you miss seeing tnis popular comedy as presented by the Junior Class of the High School? Would you miss an evening's enjoy ment of Booth Tnrkington'8 real American humor? Would you miss this delightful nnd natural comedy which has lured the laughter of the country during the last ten season? Go to see "Clarence" Tuesday night, December the nineteenth, and send your children to the matinee, Tues day afternoon. Time: December 19. Place: Antlers theater. Matinee prices 3a and 15 cents; evening, reserved seats, 75 and 50 cents, gallery 35 cents. HOX FAPKIt Large fancy pack box paper at 75c. Drawer cabinets and other fan cy packs, 2 and 3 colors of paper with gold edge correspondent'e cards, big values at $1.00. Duy at Cart's where you save. M ASON S ATTENTION Buy from Page Lumber and Fuel Company. They carry a full stock at reasonable prices, and they give the service. Adv. rr '..111,.. .IP. a. '-JJ.IL'' . ' 1 .. .' JJL.Mlf!tm!W&!Kl'V'.XJKt.'l'UIJ!! LlJB Painless extraction of teeth at room ' Pruning expert. Prune grapes now. j MOOR ft MliaiC STUDIO, N. 9. Masonic Temple. Dr. Nerbas. Rlhi time. Loula Uurgold, liosebuig. i Jackson St. Phone 6U2. Give sl ter cn electric curling Iron Entertains Lunrheon Club Mrs. L. B. Skinner, of Winston's entertained the One O'clock luncheon club, at her home this afternoon The ladles enjoyed sewing and music, until a late hour. Over Shopnlng Mrs. A. Voeelpohl nnd Miss Marie Vopelpr.hl returned to tbeir hnmi1 In Sntherlln last everinr. a'ler 'pending the day in thU city, look ing after shopping matter. The Riverside W. C. T. U. will give box social Friday. December l-r. at 7:30 p ni. at the Riverside school The regular stated communication of Laurel Lodge, No. 13, A. F. and A. M., wilt be held in the Masonic Templo Wednesday evening, Decem ber 13, 1922. Work in the E. A. de gree and the annual election of of ficers. All members are requested to bo present. By order W. M., W. F. HARRIS, Secretary. Home from Fusteni Trip i , , i ...... ... . .,, . 'Lack I-riun ( iilifornla residents of this city, but for 'the past lr. Melvln returned today from a 1 J,'"' ''!' v'hrlstmas. Hudson novcn months visiting in Tennessee, ' trip to San Francisco, Los Angeles. !,to1"' r turned to Kosehlll'if lartt eveniinr. and other noint In I'.i llfnrtim ulmi-.i: They are enrouie to California where, he has hem spending the past ei;;hl I Every nlrin the Roseburg News- ' mlsp fr the benefit of the Children's! wli: t;ike place. iney expert to locate permanently, nays ulteiuiliig to business inatt'-ri. , ileview Is read bv 20.000 people. You i having for the soulli tomorrow He Is hack in his otllio again follow-, an't beat It for au advertising niedl- 1 " . i.iornlng. I Ing this nhseni-e. I Oregon l ife Man In City J. c. citron, superintendent or NOTICE The accounts of the late D. K. L. Miller must be settled at once. Any person indebted to the estate can settle accounts by calling at the office In the Masonic building, between the hours of 9 nnd 6. MADGE MILLER SCHNEIDER, Administratrix. o IMPHOVKSrENT CLl ll TO MEET The Garden Valley Improvement Club will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Schneider, on Thursday. Dec. 21. A large attend ance is requested and It Is not on.y Hie last meeting ot the year. bit h- annual election of officers Bed Time Stories Longfellow calls it "The Children's Hour"that h,, .. snuggle close and want a "story." . e We have just the stories that will dP,vu ! tions and their developing minds Manv . v illustrated and all make ideal Christmas gifu i The Roseburg Book SW I.KATHKK PI KHIOS Very finest p leather purses, fan cy tooled designs with handles or back straps. The best purse value vou will find. Carr's special tl.4S. Fancy children's purses 35c and 65c. .Big values In men's bill-fold. Any of the above will make good Christmas gifts. PIK SOCIAL AT GLIDE There will be a pie social at the Glide church, .Friday evening, De cember 15, to raise funds to purchase a piano for the Glide school. A large attendance is requested. KAXCV WORK BASKETS Japanese coin and bead decorated covered baskets, 5 sizes, 39c, 59c, 89c, $1.19 and $1.39 at Carr's. ' The Associated Press, the United Press, and the International News services supply the News-Review with letters. NEW TODAY. WANTED 50 to 100 goal-. M. M. Cooper, phone 5F14. FOR SALE Fine fur nig, would make nice Xmas present. Cheap. 2 07 E. 1 st Ave. North. FOR SALE One Bradlev No. S feed cutter. 2nd hand. Phono 500 R. or call at 510 S. Jackson St. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with privilege of bath and telephone. Corner Flint and ' Mosher, phone 150-J after 5 p. m. FOUND Ear ring. Owner may have same by caling at this of fice, identifying property and pnving for advertisement. ti.juwun1. .a J. w jiisiwwwwwawijii-pu on paved o, .J"" ld water, bwZ1 office, lad:.. ;.lii of "ee. paying for i,72''' fying property. gle or doubi,. viC:"1"- Wt l,n. , lers' """ THERE IS-xTcHoicEn; sell mv filtM. .T."" proved propertMt,ta:i, ust off Pacifie blrt Inch under cultinflt five room cotuge; j,, " tern; can irrigate; ml chicken houw; oiler kmi ments: vou &avrn.. . take land for nothing; m, thousand; boll m. Urr Agency, V.SCaim,!ilu AT FINEHOMrixWcifrr Will take good dtr (riKnr , part trade lor tin ht tiW acres of beiriij pnm i jj. las county; best of rtnr tettci land, bordering rinr. ito highway, nr tun; n0ni to galow, bath, toilet, otter issnnt ments; crop till be mrimiM thousand poindi dried hit at year: thUiiUeooimj m fered: DriM iliw ikons. most of fmia fit a H 1 paid oil tnti. um Agency, V.i Cim 3IMI, hn 219. THMCTfiT01MIM'IOIW ! "gents of the Oregon Life Insuranc H AiCo.. with headnunrters at Portland Liberty Theatre b special production J Today and Tomorrow DAILY WEATHER REPORT. for the week, visiting with the cal agent, Chas. McElhlnny. "QUEEN OF MOULIN ROUGE" A STORY that thrilled play-weary Uroadwny for over a year, made into a photoplay tremendous in its pictorial apx'al and dramatic qualities. The MnntiiKuIre! Midnight-to-dawn district of 1'aris! Uoul Mich, lUd Tubu rin, and most glittering, most glam orous, most extravagant, notorious of them all Moulin Kouue! Come and be tlirillcd b:i the story of a yiil's saerifiec in Moulin liov.ue the notorious luit Mill of Paris! A story that ljux proven its power to tluiU! A Lavish riVau tion With An All-Star Cast MARTHA MANSKIKI.I). JOSKril, FRKI) JONKS, JANK .-2 U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Rosehurg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 A. M. arrived here yesterday tn remain Precipitation in In. and Hundredths. Highest temperature yesterday. .. .37 Lowest temperature last night 33 Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total precip. since first of month. 2.54 Normal precip. for this month 6.92 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1922 to date 10.19 Aver, precip. from Sept. 1, 1877 10.24 Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1922.. 05 tfverage precipitation for 44 wet sea- sons Sept. to May, inc.) 51.39 Tonight and Wednesday, fair, con tinued cold. WILLIAM BELL, Observer. W ; Ladle Alii Meets Thursday j, ' The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet Thursday afternoon pj i with Mrs. A. C. Marsters to tie com forts. The ladies are asked to come K as early nfter lunch as possible and A bring needle and thimble. THOMAS mm i 1 fe mm mm 1. QrCVj-J' m - i i - 1 The most reasonably priced dolls and toys are at 0. J. Breler Co., 2 30 North Jackson St., when on shopping go and see their assortment, their prices will meet the expectations of the most conservative buyers. Vnlertrnes ScHou.s Operation Edwin Youn. prominent resident of Oakland, underwent a vevv pr ions operation this morning at the Mercy hnsnttal. with Dr. A. F petti er In charge The patient rt )od the operation nlcelv. and It Is hopd for a speedy recovery. Suslnln stnike D. W. Msynnrd. aged 83 years, a resident of Ve Rosehurg. last night ustatned a s' of apoplexy which has affected his left side. Dr. who was called on the case reported that In spite of the age of the patient A he has a good chance to recover from. Kf the Illness. A At the Grand j Among thoe registered at the 6 Grand Hotel this moro'g were Bessie Rrown. Cnniaa Vail'. ' F. X. Rlnp jj linear. Tiller- F. Harmon. Piddle: A M. F. Toweil. Kitgene: Earl B. Brown. B Klnmath Filll.- 3. a. Gsuthtir. Cnmns ft Vsllev; t R t ingprlv. AstnHa: B. A. BMren. Yoncall,; w. H. Fllng.worth. g Alhsnv; R L. Settle. Osklsnd: J. 8 a Muntiey. ssn IMero: K C. Ij-i. rorland. To Victory Bond Holders Place the proceeds of your maturing Victory bonds In a home Institution by opening a savings account bearing four per ctnt Interest compounded semi annually. All Victory bonds numbered with a preceding let ter of A. B. C. D, E or F are railed for payment and Interest reases IVcember 15, 1922. We will ntcept the bond at faec and the coupon due December 15 now on a new savings account and becin your Interest Dec. 1. First State and Savings Bank Get one of our home savings banks. Gift Suggestions Appeal to Men Practical gifts like wearing apparel meet the approval, of even those most critical We have a pleasing variety of Bath Rote Smoking Jackets, Pajamas, Slippers, So Ties, Etc. You can find a gift for a man at a man's store. DUDS FOR MEN, The Home of Hart Schaffner A Ma ' m' una. ceorob bibky ON THE OHQAN nrl TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Norma Talmadge IN , , J "the Wonderful Thins c FIRST TIME me-r a MADCAP LEARNING FOR THE WONDERFUL VZLff rriiTiiov COMEDY S "HELLO JUDGE" ---jm