AOe FOUR V onnn 11 Bete By Test The Economy BAKING . POWDER is the biggest selling brand in America. You save when you buy it you save when you use it. Use the same Baking Powder that guards the purity of bakings in millions of homes that retains its unfailing leavening strength to the very last spoonful. The sale of Calumet is over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 ounces. Some baking powders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER BREATHE IN HEALTH. That coukIi or cold In Ui6 head can bo ended easily by Hyomel. No stom ach dosing. Ilrrntlin It throimn tho none and uiouih. Money back It It fulls. W. l' Chapman. NOTICE TO MV CUSTOMERS. I will he. out ot town for about 10 days. Wilbur L. Spaush, 004 S 1'lue St. . o How many keys In your collection now? Kveryone In tho county In col lectin?; them. Tho more tlie keya the bettor Iho chance. The Itexull Bloro will ti ll you about It. Li L C Hill JJ j SI.. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY." WANTED 1 DRESSMAKING. 628 S. Main. WANTKI) Mesjenger. Western Union. WANTKI Iire.sHiimklng aud plain Hewing. na:i Hue Ht. WANTEI Woman or girl to do light limine work, fall KI7 Cobb St. WANTKD-Small second hand cook stove. I'Iumhi SV l'll. J. F. ltiotli. WANTED Fir pilch grapo roots. Uio. Suilierlin, Ore. and Oregon SchuinaciHir, WAN'i'lOK A few feeder hogs, 60 lbs. to Kill lbs. State price. J. K. Leon ard. Oliilla. Ore. WANTKI) TO HKNT 7 or K room modern house. AddrcHs J. A. II. care News-lteviw. WANTKI) TO KKXT I'ondition. 335 N. 237 It. I'iano in giHHl lioau. l'hoiio WANTKU- Ciirl or woman Tor llt:ht housework. Family of three, rhone i:iti. After fi:3 plion.' M.i Y. WANTKIi- NuiHiiig by practical iiurae. Maternity cases n specially. Mrs. Etta Fcsaler, Wilbur, Ore., Ht. FOR RENT KOU KKNT Sleeping room, bath. 401 S. Main Street. Foil llli.N T Hnu:iekeepiiig rooms. 1204 Winchester St. FOIl ritKN'T - Four" "room funiTslied npartiiieiit. loo 2 Military. ' i'Oil II FN T--4r(iim"iiu nlwhed "boSsoT Inquire 12ti N. Kane St. KOK itKN'T Safety " deposit ""boxes. Hosehiirg Natlonai Bank. S'Oll KHNT Nicely till lllsheil aioci lug rooms, close in. Inquire 126 N. Kane. FOIl KKNT -Nicely furnished aiuu f-1 ment. I'lioue SO.'-L. 707 West J Mosher. j J'bll' 1! KNT - Koom for automobile, j Corner l.nne and I'ine Sts. t ail 124 W. Douglas St. i'Dlf IJLNT"-3 furnished bolls, keep ing rooms. 16 Winchester St. FOIl SAI-H li'21 Ford usian In- pri vate paily. Call evonlnjis, M2 S. Stephens St. MISCELLANEOUS WK Aro in the market for fall clip wool ami mohair. J. F. Duiker & Co. KXVflAXGK--liouy work horse. 1350 pounds, will trmli for a tnllrh cow. A. V.. Ilnllidny. Ldenbnwer. Ki)ltTRAl'K Twenty "acres" about five or Fix miles east or Tillamook, j will trade for Itoseburg property. I rhone 4Sti.T. ; Wi;.L KSr'HAXtii: 7."." v.on'i of elee- ' . trie brake shares for either late Ixidge. Hupp cr Stuilelmker lleht ' FlT. Must be In pood shape. Ad-j dress 11. 8. cart? News -Review. WIaaa i Bale remember the lowest priced Baking Powder is often the most expensive that baking powder economy cannot be based on purchase price it's results that count. That's why Self conBciousne, lack of potae, poor English, aro AFFLICTIONS that can be overcome 1n the Business Girls claHsuH of llertha Elizabeth Hodge. Call or phone Holnllne Conservatory rcftarding the. new classes beginning In the endeavor to develop a busi ness a merchant la really hunting the goore that lays the golden egg. No such goose was ever raised without abundant food, and the merchant who wants his business to "lay golden owns' must give It regular meals of good wholesome advertising. Learn to read and writer-classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST One green earring, silver mounting. Finder please leave at News-Iievlew. LOST In business district, lady's black puiso containing money and drivers license. Finder return to this office or phono 252-Y. LOST Oil STOLEN One black geld ing, weight ten to eleven hundred, rather chunkey bulls. MS reward for information leading to the con viction of tho party who tied oil can to his tall or present location of horse. $100 reward to the party who wrote me that unsigned letter In re gard to the disappearance of my horse. Address William Steuer, Duck Fork, Ore. FOR SALE FOIl SALE 3 fresh cows, rhone 2:i F2'). K. V. Olllvatit. FOR SALK for rent. -Furniture. 4 room house 1047 Wit First St. TI1K HOLLAND HUI.U3 Tulips and hyacinths are on sale now at The Fern. FOIl SAI.K-4 burner Detroit Jewel range In excellent condition, l'hono 4S3-K. FOIl SAI.K-l'olandChlna pigs, 2 months old. 11. L. Irving, Wilbur, Ore. FO ItSALK Seasoned fir cord wood, and fir block wood. Uoycr Bros. Tniine 14 F14. 4 KOOM HOUSE, l-aice'lot. 1'aved street. 1400. Kasy Terms. 0. W. Young & Son. l'hone 417. FOIl SALK--An American bet ball bowling alley. liic;-.; iv i - ,f;;c (0 J. W. Horner, Suilierlin, Ore. FOIl SALK I'alr of fn hounds' about 2 years old. well bred ,ind cood run ners. II. O. I.elihnuiin, Oakland, Ore. FOIt SAI.K-Stuinpai.-e. goixl llmher, good ground, til, ),., f,m (se. burg on county load. N. L. t'onn. lioseburg, Ore. .I!) Foil SALK- loo thornushhrej . A. t'. liarred i; ck i -hit Kens. Oood young milk con. Fresh soon, llox 127, Kt. i. EOll SALE Cheap if taken at once. 4.HO0 Kxtvlsior stravtherrv plants at $2 per 1000. t'sll 4 4 -1 '-4 . W. real, Edenbower, R. Y. D. No. 2. l'OK SALE 314 nri.s of land sltuat el on iw navigable iier. 10 miles from a thriving mid manufacturing tovn on tho ctw-i. In a dairy dis trict. 60 acres riwr loam. 25 acres iiinler cultivation, family orchard, two springs, an $nnn high school within two hundred snls of house, elcht million ft. of merthmtable timber on the hills, one million of lhi Is red cedar. If interested snd inenn business call or w rite to Tim ber Merchant, c',o News lit view. Want Business Men to Help the Teachers 1IOSTOX, Mass., Dec. 4 (United Press). A two-day conference of high school teachers of business sub jects will open here the night of Friday, Dec. 8, under the direction of the United States Itureau of Educa tion. The purpose of the conference Is to correlate standardiced business ex perience with the teaching of hlJh school business subjects, a purpose unique in the history of education In the United States, the Bureau de clares. The opening program of discus sion is on the topic "Organization and Conduct of Ilusinesr. How the United States government and pri vate business have been organized in ration, state and city to promote and serve business." Fayson Smith state commissioner of education, will pre side. 8neakers will Include Ctforgn R Nutter, former president of the I!os- ten Chamber of Conimcrc, and il 11am Mather Lewis, chief of the ed- ucalieu service o( the United States Chamber of Commerce. A speaker from the Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce at Washington Is also expected to attend. Saturday's topics to be considered In morning and afternoon session.?, are "Production nnd Marketing," and) "OJflce Monagement Person nel .nd Appliances." Jeremiah E. Burke, superintendent of the boston public schools will preside at the morning session and Glen Levin Swiggett. of the Bureau of Educa tion, at the afternoon session. Local business men will address the gath erings. The conference In one of a series of regional conferences of tachers of business subjects and . business men which tho bureau of education has scheduled for various parts of the country. The first of the con ferences took place in Philadelphia. Pa., on November 3 4. Arrange ments for similar conferences In oth er cities are now being made by the bureau, Its representative announces. The plan ot the bureau which is beine followed out in tho present conference Is to schedule the confer ences and then to Invite business men to demonstrate to the teachers how their organisations can render them service In the teaching of bus iness subjects. Representative of various phases of modern organized lmslness are Invited to describe and visualize to tho teachers the funda mental operations and practices or business and the methods of solving hnslness problems. Teachers are thus enabled to keep their courses of In struction In business subjects strict ly up to date abreast or an inc latest Improvements of modern busi- nona Tirncttce. In erranglng the Boston confer ence, the United States Bureau of Ed- 4 EjODGB DTOKOTOBY. Knlshta of rrthliw Alpha LodKe. No. 47, meets every Tuesday ovunlnR In Knights of Phytlilas Hull, W Ilos St. Visiters alu-nys welcomsd. JlUDOl.l'H IttTZMAN. C. C. J. H. FAUniNf'.TON. M. F. E V.. W1MHK1U.Y. K. It. B. U O. O. P.. rfcltrtMitan f,Oda No. S Msels In Odd Fallows Temple every Friday avanlng r f :0 o'clock. Visit ing OreUirsn sre always welcome. A. J. tlEtlOFS, Reo. Sec. ,1. B BAILKY. Fin. Bsc. I'HK KCi:HITt ntKIT ASSOCIA TION meets In ttie Mar-cabee hull the iff ml Ird TiiArtv In eerh me th. . r. A A. n. i.aorrf tnnf Pi. 1. Regular communications 2nd and 4th w.jn.jilwTi each month at Maeonic Temple, Roseburg. Or. Vleltors wel Owiea. W. U THOMAS, W. M. W. IK TIAflRlB. Seer. NKH.IIIIOIt OP WOODCIt AKT I.lblO rtn-le No. 41). meets on 1st and era Monday evenlnus In K. of P. hall. Visiting netKhliors Invited to attend. ITkI.I.K I'UBieillAVr, l. N. HArtOATiBT WHITNKT. Clerk. n. K . ttMenara: t n ntrr H n Holfle their roBDlar meelins; on me let and Srd Thursdays In euen tnontn. All sojourning brothers and eiatera are reepeetfully Invited to a'tend. MHS. Kl.IZAHKTH KtlNTAN, V. M. i'HKK JOHNSON. Sectary. K. . T. M. Meets eacn second and fourth Thursday of earn inontn in Maccabee hall, corner Caes and Pine treete. Vlaltlutf Knights alwa welbotue. U C GOODMAN. Com. U W. KAI'P. 11. K. UKITKII AllTISANS Meets In Macea- hee hall every TreUnesasy evsnmn. Visiting meninera always welooma. 1UC1IAHO ntTHt'll. M. A. allt.PKKD M'O'I.IXICH Treas. H1.H1K HUMI'UltnY. Henv. hoodkkx or TnR wolil.ii Camp No. it, meets in Odd f ellows' nan In floaehtirs; every let and Srd Mon day evenings. Visiting neighbors always welcome. KltKOKlHCK, C. C. M. It. MIiXk'K. Clerk. UIHI.U I Htl'IIIH aje. .11, It. A. M. btated convoealions on nrst ano third Tueedays. taonlo Temple, All memters requested to attend and Visiting coie.phtileiis welcome. B. A WI1.SON, IllKh TTIeat. W. F. HAKHIN. Peiretarv. B. I. t. Klka. HnaeBwra- l.edae .Nu, SJM Hold regular roiumunu-attone a' the Elks' Temrla on each Thiedey or evry month. All members re fliiaitN ia att.nA reaularlv. and all Visiting brothers ara cordially 1e- I vttea to attena. ap. J. . FI.vRRT, T. It. r-' J. Q. DAT. Jr.. wer HKDKKAIIS Itoseburs Heoekan Lodae No. 41. I. O. O. F meeta In Odd Fellows Tempi every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting metpbers In good standing are invited t. at lead. 'iH-"vi OFBTRt'Dn HATFIELD, N. U. :VA 1.KNOX. 8ecT. HTHKI, HAIl.KV. Kin. ec H. A. O. T. W. Itoeehura llevtew No. II holds reenlar meeting on sec ond and fourth Tnursilny at 7 In p. m. Visiting slaters Invited to attend re views, alaccabee Hall, Pin and Case streets. JKSSIR R A PP. rel tlK.l.t.K STKI'Ul'VfOV. Cent k ,. i.e.,. Mneeuiita Aerte IPeets In Wool, hall on Jackson St. on 2nd ana 4th llondar avenlties of ea--n montn at o'clock. Vtnltlng brethrea l good ataadlrtg alwavs welcome. A. J Wl l.IT. W. P. P W. &f. l.A MKHR. W. P. is. . oooDalA-N. 8acietar7 CO. D. ATTENTION. Regular drill every Monday a briii w.,inA..inv itrinir December w at 7:30 at the Armory. . LYLhi -M Altai r-nn, -w Cora. Officer. ncatlon was supported by the United States Bureau of Foreign ami iJoiues tlc Commerce, the Massachusetts Suite Chamber of Commerce, O Boston Chamber of Commerce, til Massachusetts State Board of Edu cation and the Boston School Com mlttee. NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS: tl'o mw. t V .-i! on Westinc- hnitun Ttntlrtrloa nnd for tlie next 30 davs will offer substantial discounts IVe hare In stork a size for every cai THE ROSEIilRG GAKAuK. Plot of Gold Diggers Unique Avery Hopwood's most successful comedy, "The Cold Diggers," which had a run of two years at the Ly ceum theater. New York, followed by a season's run at Powers' Theatre, Chicago, will be presented, under tho direction of David Belasco, at tne Antlers Theatre, on Thursday, Dec. 7. . The rnd worth of this lovous dramatic ofleriiiK of Mr. Hop- wood's and Mr. Belasco's are well known to all dramatic playgoers who keen abreast of the news of the the atre, nnd the cccision of the first performance of the nlay In this city will undoubtedly be one of the high j points In the local dramatic season. The ulot of "The Cold Dickers" concerns the exploits of a group of typical New Y'ork chorus gi.'ls dur ing the houre then they are not in the view of tho public, but are, in stead en Biased in advancing their own Interests In the matters of money r.nd sentiment. Mr. Hopwood leveals this intricate and sprightly tort of existence in a most sKi;i,iu and humorous fashion and though the picture presented is laughable It is nonetheless true to life.. The leadinir role of Jerry Lamar is ployed by Gertrude Vanderbilt. who is well known to playgoers or this city, and who made a distin guished success In the pnrt during the lone: rune of the play In Chiengo The unusually laree company Is made up of players ot the first rank and the entire production is In acordnnce with the high standard maintained in all of Mr. Belasco's originations. The cast includes Charles Hanmnd David Olassford, Thos. M. Koynolds, Day 'Man vii, Harry Alexander. Rich ard W. Haines. Hurry D. Shook, Wal ter Hagr.rty, 1-orraine, Vinni- fred Harry. Cora Williams, Daisy liudd, Urraute Ilollsnde, Edna Ben nett, Katherine Walsh, Margurite Austin, Lucile Adams, Sally Berg man and others. Llam Mcllowes is said to be the moving spirit In tho republican revolt against the Irish Free 8tato. His ad ventures and escapades during the last few years have been sensational. SAMUEL UNTERMYER j AM V 'v VS I a)--i si t 'A : ' Sa-vtuel U-itermyer, Pie r,roint-;:'t New York l.-,wyer who helpsj srraili the builrjers' combine there. I LIAM MELLOWES i I 'ft .A. A r mSx0- V':: 1 1 i J ! IMU ... v x Vv J i i.A IS,:'.. tV, J -v 1 n i f ft...,. - .. V 1 it GEOKCK ARLIxX;Vv3 'Tlii MAN WHO PLAYED GOD THE BEAUTIFUL UAH" STAlI.4 KATH Kill X K M ACIK. A LD "The Beautiful Liar," an Asso ciated First National attraction star ring Katherine MacDonald, which is coming to the Majestic theater to night for an engagement of two days, is considered an ideal vehicle for the "American Beauty." It has a plot which moves with lightning rapidity, an abundance of humorous situa tions, romance that will make old hearts young and young hearts stronger, and a genuine human in terest that should appeal to all thea tergoers. .Supporting Miss MacDonald Is a cast headed tiy such celebrated play ers es Charles Meredith, Joneph J. Howling, Wilfred Lucas, Kate Lester and Charles Wildisli. The picture was directed by Wallace Worsley. o "THE GRAY DAWN" IS ACIiVK rilOTOPLAY Motion picture "fans" wlio seek exhilaration in the screen entertain ment will not be disappointed at the Liberty theater tonight and Wednes day, where Benjamin B. Hampton's all-star production, suggested by Stewart Edward White's novel, "The Cray Dawn," is being shown. Aclion is the vibrant keynote ov' this story of romantic Pan Francisco in the early days of "il. A notable reading success, "The Gray Dawn" will be equally popular as a cinematic entertainmen. For sustained Interest and thrills, it Is several laps ahead of anything the screen has shown in many months. It has the famous Hampton realism and at the same , time breathes the wholesome spirit of the. White novel a rare combination that was seen to advantage In "Tho Westerners." NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate nf Dr. K. L. Miller, deceased, are here by requested to call nt the office in the Masonic Temple building and set tle same within the next sixtv davs. MADGE SCHNEIDER. I "'..'- ."'-;; '! ' ' '' , On a Calbransen! Why?. 1. The one I'layer-l'Iano that can be plajed easily. 2. With the Instruction Hulls, 'eu can play correctly. 3. The woikmauship Is of the besL 4. Ti n Year Guarantee. 5. 1'riee. S'OVeO, U::,M, fCl'O, .and 700.0. 6. Our service department v,iil save you iiIR,,y dollars. 7. Our terms me sure to suit you. lv. yo-t know of any fJnlbranson owner who is not satisfi,? To see nnd hear the Culbranscn is to want one. Records f,,:- All Mathiiua. Ho!!. for All Mayers. Ott's Music Store RfwrlHirft. Ore. j GOOD Fori1 1UUKINGCAR J. F. BARKER S CO Automobiles and lmpkmenk I Key Kontost nt Fullerton's store. Double Keys vltH Rcxall Friday and Saturday. o Don't try to get rid of your family through the classified columns. We don't approve of holping irresponsible parents get rid of their responsibili ties. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Rosebarg, Oregon, 24 hours ending B A. M. Precipitation In In. and Hundredths. Highest temperature yesterday ,..,48 Lowest temperature last night ....42 Precipitation ,last 24 hours 11 Total precip, since first of month .61 Normal precip. ror this month . . .6.92 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1922 to date 8.26 Average precip. from Sept. 1, 1S77 9.00 Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1922 .74 Average precipitation for 44 wet sea Bons, (Sept. to May. inc.) ....31.39 Tonight and Wednesday raia or snow. WILLIAM BELL, Observer. xiiciii 'i iniLer.Uciitral inna Office, U asiiinisLuii, jj. c, iuv. 1. inol ict; is ht.rt:uy g;eu laat BUbJeci to ilio cuiiuitluns anil iimitaiiona ul 1J10 Act oi Juutj 3. iSifl iSy fciat.. 218i, ana tiio in aii uctlons Uio btiuruiut ot Uia lu-lei-sur of tSepteniiier i.i, Ui7 (49 i. jj. iii), itie tijiiijcr uii liie Xuttuwius lauds Vtiit btj BOiU iJeuttiliLur I3t inzt, at io o cIuck. t. 111., al public aucuuu at the li niied biais land office at itoieburij, oivgun, to the irugliest. binder at nui iesa than the appraiaed value as ehonn by tJii nut ice, sale to be subject to the approval of tliu (secretary ot the liueriui-. The purchase price, with an adtliluiial sum of one -fifth of viie per cent, iiiereol, being cumin lesions al luTred, in url be deposited at time of aale, money to be returned if sale is not appro ed, oilier wine patent Mil issue for the uriiocr wnich must be reniuvud within ten yuars. lJids will bo locelvid from citizens of the Lnlted atate, as oilraioiiS of such citlena and coipom tions oi'taiiizud under the laws of tlie Lmltt'd btutes or any Ktute, Territory ur Dititrict tliuroof only. L'pon appli cation of a 4iuuilflt-d purchaser, the lliubLr on any legal subdivision will be otTered separately before being in cluded in any office ol a larger unit. T. ;il S- It. IA W.. K-C. III. L.f,t 14. lUtl i-ir 2Jf M., Lot 13. Ked i-'lr ?i Al., none of lite Fir on these lota to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. T. 2tt 8., It. II1 , Sec. 3, 1S'1S4 NK'j, Hed Fir 406 M., 1 lute Fir 20 M., White Cedar 3:10 M , lied Ctdar U M., KW'K MO'a lied Fir! i.jU M., White Fir 60 M.. White Cedar. U M., .SK'i NKVi i(;d Fir 616 M., White Fir 3U Al., White Cedar 4(0 Al.; Mi -4 nW'i. Hod Fir 470 M. White Cedar ltiu il.; ited Cedar 15 M.;' tfW KWli, ! Ked i ip ia') Al.. into iedar 10 M.. Ked Cedar JO M.; KW'i SW'V Hvd Fir 7ui Al., Will to Fir 140 Al., White Cedar ! fi;t5 Al., Sl-Jii SW'4, Hed Fir 910 Al., j White Fir 10 ii., Tvhlte Odur 485 Al., I Htd Cedar 15 Al.; NH fa'K'4 Ked Fir i I2i5 Al., White Fir 25 Al., White Cedar 1 Al.; SW14 KKU Hed Fir K20 Al., ! White Fir 25 M.. Whito Ced;ir 35 Al.; SHU4 SlO'i Red l lr ll!30 Al., White Ce dar .175 Al., Hed Cedar 2u M.; none of the timbers on these tracts to be sold for Usa than fl.&o pr Al. for the Hed Fir: $.50 per AT., for the White Fir: $1.00 per At. for the W hite Cedar and $1.50 per Al. for the Red Cedar. T. H S H. 2 W, Sp. .15; NW4 NWH Rod Fir 10511 Al., yellow fir oo Al.. Red Ce dar 5 1) AT., Hemlock 50 AI none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than M,75 per Al., for the Fir nnd $I.'0 per AJ.. for th Cedar and llemlork. f. 15 S.. It. 3 W., fccf. 35, NW4 SW'i Hod 1 Mr ?020 Af.. Cedar 5 Al., SW'4 SV", Hed Fir 205 M.. none of the timber on these trnrts tn ho edd for h .s Cum $1.75 per M.. for the Vt ani $1,110 p..p M for tho-Cednr. T. 21 S.. iX. ? W.. Sec. 27. Lot 11, Red Fir 480 AT., 27(t f.. Hemlock lM Al.; Lot 14, Hed Kir 1400 Af., Ortnr 310 M., Hem lock 1.10 Al.. none of the timber on tho. Ir.u t to be sold for less than $1.50 per M.. for the Fir; $1.00 per Af . fr he Cedar and $.50 per Af., for the Hem lock. Acting Commissioner, General Iand Offirp sii;vKn r.Kft. n. wickham. P ROFE SS I ON ALCA R D 3 DR ti. ir. FlsTi.rm nnropractlc I'hyslclan. 114 W. Lane 6-t. Don't Discard ihc clothes as worn out until 5JU have us IIIY CLEAN tli-'.n. I'.i mpmbcr we will wrap your Xmav packaf;08 to be mailed free of charge, lt us help you. .- OUR AUTO WILL CALL. PHONE 277. A home made hcJ . Lewis' horn, ml ,1 be had at the fos :' h:, X ,." to. Pi;-J b.ifhu, Norm Side, "REFOBEtm.1... C.kElttniiytijij HOTEL UJ are nvltfti i. . Quarter3ht " JLJ2n-Hi 15 DCGH L MBBSSIEJ Member Amtricu !l"4 ACCOl'STAMl tfmt ixroxciiiiitiH Pirtlnii.0re.lllwl Bargains i Business Properties We are oan - 4 business propera sln.,t, st ar-w i;iilier ono 01 ti r" , ou la more U)0ney invested can make. At the property B V , value every Jf- town has the Dnpm I it, that KowbBI 1 the onlr WTp ia grown ei. j turn ot u.--n largao. nf RICE & KK ., 1 The Holiday ,1 . IV I is m tne m hr,t of ovfrr tf .) atx v