Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 23, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    nrmmn NEB-REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ?3, 1922-
rAfTE 00 TIT
WAIT! pek
TI!K 1923
' Xu'o'u
other (-Arts
R A D I Q PA.K -1
-i;r: store
ellows Store
Gardner 5-Passenger Touring
NEW MODEL WILL in: here early in January.
And then THE GAIiliNER carries a positive one-year guarantee. I
in fully equipped and lini.-hod Id the slightest detail .including ami
xkiil Cold Tiros. This t-ar in 1 J i peer of any machine of equal prices
on the market, and In buying It ymi will have an auto you will be
Iinmd to tdinw to your critical frli nds. Tlie Gardner is the last word
in nuiniunhilcs.
Main and Washington Kin.
Roseburg, Oregon
Friday and Saturday Speci
Highway Commission Prepared lo Tender Resignations Voters
in Many Places Desire fnvcftijjntion of Huge
Expen iiture Charges.
Linens for Thanksgiving
Wonderful collection of all linen f', c!olh and napkin to
match, values to .'10.00.
at 1-3 Less
Il.-auiiful new natlerns. A wonderful buy at
DOc. Made of Rood
Wool-Cot Bats
II was remarked In Portland that
neither of the senators were seen
ahout their old haunts In the North
western hank building after their ar
rival in On-con. It was from these
old haunts that they were a-ked to
keep out of the fight, and whieh they
ignored. It is now said that S- naior
Statifiehl stuck hy his tjns ar.d h it
without railing upon the power that
directed his election In an efort to
mollify the men who hail been of-
It was not two days after the elec- j
Hon until Informal gatherings began i
in me liearen or a suname canuiuaio
I to urge against .McXary, w ho comes
up lor re-election In 1024. It is
hardly probable that any such man
had been hi h cted when tlie senator
opened negotiations for the very sup
port that he had Ignored when he
decided It was his duty to support
Olcott. What has been the outcome
of all these Informal Catherines Is
not known, but it remains an almost
certainty that .MoNary will have
strong opposition In the forthoo.ning
campaign. There has not been even
a whisper as to the Identity of this
man, however, and it is always pos
sible tnat the senator may be able
to convince the men who put him
across four years ago that he did not
pet Into the Oregon campaign will
ingly. At any rate It can he said that
he did not take any too active part.
ana that His ppeecnos were not 01 ; r,
the red-hot order. If llc.Vary loses ! y.
the support of the element that tried
to keep him out of the campaign he
may have a real fight on his hands,
for he is not in such decided high
favor with tlie supporters of Olcott.
I'lerco Said to lie Finn.
Governor-elect fierce Is said to
i"i'- i'i ihiiuiiii iiiui an neaus or j
siaie institutions snoiini tenner their
resignations, following the example
of the state highway commission. VWH K&
Strong pressure was brought to boarl .V
on i'lerco in favor of letting thing
i 4
1 5j
j d
i 9
-A MrCy
Back or front
fasteners. Sold regu.
grade Jean.
20c ladies white
lawn handkerchiefs, lie.
coiners, narrow hems.
Neat embroidered
ffk. kin nmx .U. ft .
int. u.s mH r.i, itxvv m size. MaiK t i
wool. ' 01 M
Women's Worsted Hea
Just received fine Drown Heather Hose worth n.,
for Friday and Saturday 5
Sweaters tor Babu
ueauuiui coiors ana styles, pure wool, priced tc kJ
All Fall Suits Now lz OIF Regular Price.
Visit Our Remnant Counters RaJ
rOItTI.ANI), Ore., Nov. 22.- It hns j
heon nnnoiinied In seml-orflclal form
hat all three niemuers or the tate
highway romnilsslon will tender their
resignallons. t , , take effect January!
1, or as soon ns the then (lovernor'
Pierce call or will accept them. j
Within a few days afler the result
of the voting was known the mem
bers of the hoard decided that under
all the circumstances It was up to
them to null. The result Is that they
wrote out their resignations without
delay, and .Mr. l'leice Is at liberty
to appoint new men the day he goes
Into otrice. Tills means that the
threatened investigation of the de
partment, which has been the talk I
of the Htate since the election, will
hnvo little If any effect. Mr. 1'leicv
will be able to put Into force hlsj
reforms without the delay incident:
to getting tlie old commissioners out !
of office.
Interest In this matter Will be
kicnest lii those counties that have
niiciipmleted highway programs, and
there will be a ruh lo get contracts
let before the MM n now In nrrice g,,
out. Just what attitude th com '
mtsHlon-rs will take is a question, but
rumor has It that they are disposed
to let all I he pending contracts und so '
far ns possible go out of office Willi!
n clean shite. Ill most cases tlie ad
tlon to be taken has long been agreed
upon, but there Is an important unit j
ter pending In I'oVt county, there bo-,
lug about II mlbs or pavement to I
lav til COlliplele (;, , s ,1,. hlgh-
Wav. This has been due to I'nluJ
teilnty hsvlng a county court Hint:
cntagonied the commission. t th.c
recent election those favoring acting
In hnrnionv with the commission pre-,
vaib il. winning hv n big majei lt It -
Is believed that It Will be pos-lble,
to haxe the contracts let for Ibis pav
lug before the present highway rnm
llibsion goes out or offb e. j
Humors Specify In Some t'ns.v. !
co niauv rumors wer" chi'iilale.l '
during and following the election,
concerning the hUhwav ciimiuls sion
1 !l r; It woutd be useless to attempt tn(
Verffv them all, and their narration
would prove tiresome, but it remains'
0 fact that tlie claims of cxtiavn 1
gance of this department h:nl lii'ieb
to do w ith the outcome of the t lee i
tlon, --fT was cl;iil i. .1 for ins'siiee !
Hint all employes of the department
are overpaid, and that in nearly all
enses the contractors were paid more
ror the completion of their work than
their contract price called for.
Plorh s floated nbont to the effect
Hint contractors, finding that thev
wi re going to lose money, uppealei
to members of the board and were
allowed huge extras; that roads built
through sections requiring littlo grad
InK cost much more than the con
tract price, and flint. In ract, the com
mission spent money wlih a reckless
hand. Kven before the votes were
polled it was said that Mr. Pierce
stood pledged to an Investigation of
the charges, nnd that If he found
them well founded would proceed to
remove the highway commissioners
ai'il put In new men.
The-e rumors of charges have
gone to the point where there are
many voters who would like to know
the truth. The mere resignation or
the commissioners In office wilt not
nlighli n those who would like to
know. If Mr. Pierce and his support
ers really b"!ieve In the charges
made It would seem that they oiignt
to delve to tlie bottom nud report
their findings. All tlie records will
be at their disposal. Somehow there
Is a general belief upon the part of
the people that lite so called bltu
llthlc trust bus been having things
Its own way in Oregon nud that It
Is getting too much of the business
at n price that yields a fat profit.
Taxpayers all over the state reallv
want to know the facts, and IT thev
do not get them from Mr. Pierce they
will soon be uuestlonlug the good
faith of the new governor, who. dur
ing th" latler davs of bis campaign,
cave most of his time to denouncing
the niethmU of the highway com
mission. ltotb ieniilom Are in llnd,
llotb Putted States senators from
On goii are really on the anxious
sent. In the face or the adviie of
Heir strongest supporters that they
remain out of the recent state cam
paign, they .1 to the appeal
of the republican organization and
cauipaia.lled for Olcott It Is true tin y
did not want to com.-. Their presi n.-e
was olllv secured afler repeated ap
peals, both men liming made other
at rang, eielits to spi ml that part of
I be i-rlll I' 1-esstonsl fi' ' ss
stand for at least a few months, and
the Oregonian wrote several real
editorials asking that the governor
elect be reasonable. The reply came
back that Mr. Pierce wants complete
control. It was upon receipt or thla
news that the highway commission
ers decided to resign, and several
other high api'idnlees will also offer
to get out of the way. This includes
Mr. Kleiner, superintendent of the
insane asylum, who was made a sec
ondary isaue in the campaign.
That four of the principal officers
have decided to step aside will
doubtless set the example that will
make It possible for Pierce to have
his own wav. This means that there
will be such a house-cleaning in Ore
gon as has not been seen in years,
and that the new governor will be
able to assume the full responsibility
that he seenis to want.
The go-betweens that approached
In the Interest or keeping officials In
office are said to have found the I.a
f'rande man in very bad humor. In
fact almost as angry ns h was when
first asked to sign up In favor of the
school bill, which is another story
that may get n telling In Hie futur.
liercn s said to have said bluntlr
that he proposed to use all the pnwo
vested in n governor to "get" the
various officials, and that nothing
would please him so much ns to have
them tender their resignations.
Plenty or Applicants.
Incident)- II Is said that Pierre has
all the way from n dozen to fiftv ap
plicants for everv place that It' will
be possible for him to fill during the
four years, and that already he is
geiting a touch of that disappoint
ment In human nature felt by every
man elected to i,rfjc carrying with
It desirable patronage. The governor-to-be
Is genuinely worried about the
possibility of satisfying all the ele
ments that contributed to bis elec
tion. This is particularly true In
view of the fact that the democratic
organization Is demanding rrom their
candidate practically eyery place at
his disposal and then has not enough
to go around. The Democrats have
been out In Oregon for many years
and do not s. em disposed to recog
nize the l;epuhlican groups thai
Kreil 1,. Clifford, as snokesman for
the Ku Kltu Klan. Insists that his
organization must be decidedly recog
nized, and Is citing an alleg-d pre-'
election agreement by which he was)
lo have a say in the appointments
made. Although somewhat dlscred-
ii- d by the outcome or the obs-thin ,
:u Portland. Mr. (Ilirnrd Insists thai'
it vas the Klan that put Pierce over -in
the outlying sections or tlie state, j
He gees into parliculars hv citing1
the counties where the KlaTl was.
FOR SALE Small house on paved St.
two blocks from court house. Lot
4nxl00 rt. Trice $000. $250 cash,
balance $10 per mo. Inquire Chas.
Kyes, 123 N. I'ino St.
(FOR RENT Sleeping room, bath. 401
S. Main Street.
Cnr Is Ontnniiei;
The fine new Hub k sedan recent- I
ly purchased by Clarence Maker, local ;
Huick salesman, was quite badly i
damaged last night when it was 1
driven into a band of cattle. The j
car was rounding a turn and the
lights were not showing on the road .
ahead, so that tlie driver dl-,1 not see ;
the entile unii he was upon them. '
The car struck two rows, injuring
the animals considerably and doing a I
great deal of damage to the machine
FOR KENT Modern seven room bun
galow; three blocks from Elks
Theatre; all nowiy decorated, clean
and ready to move in; three bed
rooms; built in kitchen; living room,
dining room, den, bath, full size ce
ment basement; stationary wash
tubs; wood lift, etc. Would like
permanent renter. Lawrence Agen
cy, 125 Cass Street. Phone 219.
At the IK)iijlas
Mrs. W. A. Hean and daughter
Corvallls; n. Stltts, Portland; C. L
Wonk, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. J. K
Morse, Eugene: Mrs. Edward Ed-j
munds, f'atn.n Valley; Mrs. O. A.
I. urns, city; C. R Clark, Cashmere,;
Wash.; .1. J. pirder. Cashmere; Alan i
Andrews. Colfax, Wash.; K. L. Hook.'
Colfax, Wash : V. T. MrCroikev, 1
Colfax; Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Hill, j
Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Churchill. Tacotn.i; A. H. linker. Ta
conia: J. lb Snodgrass. .Spokane; I
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law, Spokane; .!
O. Madden, Portland. I
Many aches and pains come from
sick kidneys. Solvax quickly relieves
all such troubles. Sold and guaran
teed by W. 1'. Chapman.
Melrose Man Has j
Fine Potato Record
A good bearing pruno orchard. I
have eight, forty acre tracts, twen
ty acres of each forty is excellent
prune land ready to plant; twenty
acres of each forty is fine timber;
borders on highway; beautiful val
ley; good school and dally mall
service. I will sell these fine forty
acre tracts on the following terms:
Five hundred dollars cash and the
balance of twenty five hundred dol
lars in ten years at five per cent.
Full Information, Lawrence Agency,
125 Cass street. Phone 219.
EASY MONEY IN IT Will sell my
modern ten room hotel fully fur
nished: everything: clem and new;
big dining room fully equipped;
kitchen: everything In running or
der; filled full every day; doing a
fine tourist business; on Pacific
highway: near depot. I am going
to sacrifice this business to go east
at once. Will take half It's value;
twenty five hundred dollars; this
includes the lot, buildings, nnd all
furnishings; complete in every way.
Ftiil Information, see Lawrence
Agency, 125 Cass SI root. Phone 219.
A GOOD sound team, weighing about
2400, and harness -will be auctioned
off Saturday, Nov. 25, between 3 and
4 p. m. at the Deer Creek Sales
Stables. - '
FOR SALE Four 34 by 4 Goodrich"
tires, $14. Nearly new. Only run
300 miles. Also tubes and rims, $1.50
nnd $2. Cull Auction House, 328
Jncltson St.
FOR SALE CHEAP One good trail
er, capacity 1000 lbs; one l'a horse
Stover gas engine; one Beeman gar
den tractor; 8000 Gold Dollar straw
berry plants, $2. CO per M. E. A.
Hubbard, Dillard, Ore.
equipped with col
extra tools. U
nines, uu U 51
TALK over your J
an experienced 3
. oraer tor fancy j
home made audi
well. 314 8. StJ
iii-i. ,
-. uona for setetali
. oi the montis.
would like to do
handle collectlonJ
salary. SUte tj
Address "EeliiM
A profit of $200 from three
quarters of an acre or land planted
in potafoes is the record mad" hv
.1. F. Conn of Melrose. Mr. Conn to-
day brought In 2!i pounds or Late
Minnesota potatoes, grown in one
; hill. Tl cse potatoes were taken
from a single hill and placed on ,is
i t'hiy nt the 1 awronee real estate of
fl'o. Mr, Conn planti d three
quarters ef an acre of land to the
, same variety of potatoes and filled
J'l0 sacks when the tubers wa re dug.
the crop brought $300 cadi.
"fiwi:'i--s-"r v
made a fine
a, r: ..
1 f oia 1
The Mt S.-iisal ion;il Actrvss on the S revu.
The Polish Dancer"
The pivntest international motion iiioturo ot Un ;i'. in
the romantic riranm lliat has fascinated Europe's royalty
4 ' nnd Peasant rv.
strong and w hi re r
si-ow ing.
These statements are disputed hv
the lenders of the Oregon IV deration
of Patrboic sorbths. who contend
that Pierce lost mure votes in Port
land through the support of the Klan
than be gained in all other sections
or the state. This feature of tbo fight
n - n trie lc 1. is of the so called
testant mmeiceiit. Iii fact, has
-i o w.ii a mat if promises to
get lino tne courts. Citfo:'! i
- ' ' -a-: ils ,,f tl,,
irt print i d in the v,.
ing the bits dais of the
nun proi-iis. s lo c -t a foe Pi
"! V ..!er Con. y !-, :,.ie'
i' i- ilr. a.Iv evident that the
leaders have the ear of the ,.,-,
'"! If H is i l.-iceiit Is to secure
lecognitlun at Hie hands ef iho state
administration It will I kelv be
through utf'ord. The most Influen
tial s ipport. rs ,,f pierce In Portland
are s.ii, to he opposed to this out
come, but up to this w riling have
: o! ;,eiua; b to i onv nice lien e that
he Is C'.ausltK the weakest wing
in t'-e Trot- sunt tuov- inent.
Hall for lllghwii ( ontiiiisbitier.
Th. re is a p ristent rumor that
-eonis to be verified, that Charles
:i.un ilur
cn tn pa i ." a
FOR S I.r Loose hny at barn. C. T.
llrown. Phone 3-F24.
MALE hound pups for sale, $3 each.
Kmll Hall, sutherlin. Ore.
FOR KENT One large, clean" front
hoin . keep ng room, fila Mill St.
FTiOOM IliM"SE. Large lotf Paved
s'reit. Jlnifl. Easy Terms. ;. w.
n. Phone 417.
ewing machine motor.
White Standard or lo
hlnes. $10. ."0. Singer
tie 512 J.
Nice sleeping room with
nces. Heard if desired,
ferred. 522 1st Ave. N.
:s r
V Hall of Mar-hfi id has
K i p. it: -n en the
g from lb-
FOR i;
; nil co: n-:
i Woma" i
: Phone To
ihoe--in 1
1 OU me.;-
mill," car
CtlTT A'il:
cottag.-. n
of to- n
I fiwrenre
! Phone 2r
Hall was ,1
: UepuMicr
'margin in
fer t 'i ern
drawing w
ORTII,nE-lfi foal
foot rapacity saw-mi'!. If
i business address "Saw-
News Review.
1'OR RENT - Four room
rely furnished; good part
twenty dollars per month.
Agency. 125 Cass Street.
ered co'epuls.i
g Also a seii;l comply: "Ol'Ii GANG"
$ and the Patho Ttilor Kcviow.
b tl .111.
l-e took i:l the CIO".'.,
rvent. but. en tb ' oth.
kni' n that l-e s so -.'-i
of the 1 eo-.-v.-'i !.i.-!iw i
be iiidnc d bv his fi :. -in
f i ct ion to take t he pt.o e
II will W ivnielloie ,!
. .l cemmis
a'f.'ude that
c:i. Mr Hall
I anpoe;'
r hand, tt U
nglv i-i fmor
i :i at he m.n
s in l tie coast Mr.
feated by Olcott for the
nomination by a narrow
later consented to run
ns r-n Independent, wi-v
en Pierce d-iared for
elucatlon. A'lhe-igh bi
withdrawal was to an extent In favor
never nt nnv time said
'Ing to indicate that h-
l.vtlon of the l.silr.itole
tld seem, therefore to be
llllll Will BCCe-t if h Is
ace on the higw.u- com
be opinion U g. ni-ral In.
. le lh.1t the t--n ler ha
of Pi.
or did a-sir.-d
man It v
A toss up
of. Hd .1
Own a Gulbransen!
ine one fia; er-Iiano
can no piaved easily.
2. W'.'h the lnsirection Uolk,
you cm play correctly.
K: The workmanship is of the
4. T n Year Guarantee..
a. Price. $?.fei no, $4'.io '"W
and tTeii.'iO.
C. Our service depar'iuent will
sae you many dollars.
7. Our terms are sure to suit
!" von know (.f any nuUirmson
own. r wh is not saisfi,d,,
To see and h. ar the Oulhransen
Is to want one.
Records for All Mvhiues.
r.or.s for All PI.;. r,
Ott's Music Store
Roseburg. Or
Buy your winter suit and overco&tl
The winter season is on. : '
There will be lots of dress, up pec
' from now on. . : , k-: ; , ;. .
Come in and pick out the clothes yo
We guarantee them. ;,
The Home of Hart Schaffner&!
Colleen Mo
"The Skv Pilot"
"While Satan Sle