PACK TWO HOSEBUna NEW8 WEVItW. FRIOAV. NOVEMBER 1? ROSEBURG Issued Dally B. W. BatM L. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per yMr, by mall ; IMIly, an months, by mall K Ially, three months, by mail Dally, single month, by mall Daily, br cajrlia. par month WeeMT NeWI-Revtew, by mall, per year Entered aa secoud cIbjm matter May . Oregon, under the REBUHO, OH LOON, ARMISTICE The first anniversarj' of the great peace of November 11, 1918, produced jubilation in every American heart. ISut when, the second and third recurrences of the date came, many people . were moved with regrets because the recovery from the war was so slow. They had expected to see the world enjoy a new develop ment of ideals. They were disappointed to see not merely the same old sordid habits and purposes, but many new troubles creat ed by war conditions. Ey this time the moaning of the years that have passed can be seen with clearer vision. The .accomplishment of our soldiers looks as big as it ever did, and will never appear less. A matchless display of personal courage, manly spirit, and c ert faculties, was made on the fields of France, and the country will always be proud of it. There ticipation in the war. The crowd that ruled the Teutonic powers had to be thrown down or the world would never have been at peace. Some idealistic hopes have been disappointed. Ilumail nature is just as selfish as it ever was, as any one might have foreseen. But the forces of autocracy have been put down, and will not again try to sway the world. Also a splendid domonstra . turn was given of the power of organization to accomplish com munity ends. The people will not soon forget how money was raised in incredible sums, and how vast forces of social better ment were set to work. A good deal of that spirit is left from the war experience and is working today. It is leading people to unite as never before to promote higher standards of living. After the economic disorganization produced by the war upheaval has ceased to have its eirect, the community will have a permanent increment of better social forces as the reward for its sacrifices. o Speaking of cutting down taxes, in harmony with pre elec tion propaganda, the good people of Oregon will expeet drastic .reforms by the incoming regime. In this connection it would be an inspiring example of unselfish hincerity if the governor elect should start the movement by advocating a return to the official ' salaries enjoyed by the state authorities prior to recent legisla tive liberality, i o When "Nap" Rice gets into the mayor's chair we hope he will shoot those street monuments oir the intersections and replace them with something more pleasing to the eye and less dangerous to traffic. Keep your eye on this year's tax receipts. And keep your eye on the one you get two years hence. 'Then compare the two to determine whether or not you are reaching the "promised land." o Tomorrow is the day we celebrate and let us all do it right. A good, clean, wholesome day day is worth all you can give it and then some. o It will soon be time to megaphone the shop early program. o The general election is almost ancient history. THANKS THE MERCHANTS. The American Legion Armistice Day cninmlllee Wishes In iliank the merchants of llnscburg fur their an nouncement stating that their places F. 3 a s. Tho Economy POWDER It has no ccmal rceard- less of the price you pay. It is used by the majority of American housewives. Its sales arc over enc hundred and fifty per cent greater than the next largest selling brand rf baking powder. Buy it try it - m-e it. A pound can of Calumet contaim full IS ounces. Some baking pow ders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cans. Be $ure yoa get a BEST BT TEST pound tohen you want it. TJtri WGtlLn'S f?niATEST RAKISG POvver NEWS-REVIEW Except Sunday. Wlmberly Bert Q. Bates ..14.00 .. Z OO .. 1.00 .. .60 .. &0 .. too 17, at the poet office at Koaeburg. Act of March 2. 1879. DAY THOUGHTS. is no sense in regretting our par with a whole lot of real fun. The of business will be closed all day Ar mistice IHiy. We invllo Ihem to Join us In making this Armistice Day Hie bluest and best ever. COM MITTKK. Posi'tt Spoil i ' your Don't waste expensive ingre dients don't worry about results don't try to find a leavencr that is as dependable, pure and wholesome as j j i j ; - Mm.., in ; 5 ' for I jjirunc Jfbfclim's BY BERT G. BATES. ' GOOD EVENING' FOLKS Tomorrow's the day And let all patriotic Yanka Rally around the flag And tell how they Won the war. a "Oh, how I hate to get up In the morning" will be the aor.g tomorrow. Say fellera, do ya 'member back in 1918 when we were ecratehin' cooties and within' we had a cake of soap. tffc A 4 She wa a grand old war, wasn't she? Well, anyway, they had plenty of cognac, vin rouge and vin blanc. i When ye ed. atarted to brush up our uniform for the Armistice Day parade this aforesaid unio looked like a piece ot Swiss cheese after it had been through a bonmbardment. 9 No gathering of ex-service men fa complete without the proper liquid re freshments unices it be a convention o"f overseas Y. M. C. A. welfare work era. . . . We suppose all of the war slackers will be out on the main drag to-morrow bowing and scraping when Old Glory goes by. They were hiding and digging In when it went by a few years back. Ooc Stewart, chief k. p. tomorrow, will have a job on his hands keeping the boys in the mess-line. One sniff of the chow they've' prepared will make 'em rarin' to go. Guy Cordon, the be with the bris tled hair-cut, is In charge of the par ade and has aomething up his sleeve besides his elbow. J Vic Pctterson, In charge of the leg ion initiation, also has something up his sleeve and on his hip. Frank Neuncr haa placed the pad lock on his law-books and will collect the jitneys from the boys at the big shoulder-hunchers ball tomorrow night. Johnathan Flurry, com. of the post, has no Sam Browne belt to wear to morrow but will aubstitute with an ordinary web bolt. 4 9 In fact, fellers, tomorrow is going to be a humdinger. Rain or shine, big things are on foot. C'mon in I Slackers will meet at the alaughter house for parade formation. By me way, who got it7 Quine or Cobb? a o a Roseburg girls ahow perfect taste In gowns and hata, ties, ahoea and waist, They know the way to wear a blouse, Sew, bake, sweep, cook and run a house. Roseburg girls possess the art Of winning the mala biped's heart Are sweetest of the sweetly sweet In face and figure, hands and feet. French modistes say skirts will be tinhtcr this spring. Well, then, they will have to build thinner ladies, that's all. Although sympathy eoste nothing there are peopls in Roseburg too; stingy to give it. i I uouoea nairea stenogs are very popular with business men. Wives cannot pick those long blonde haira off their coat sleeves any more. p a AIN'T IT SO? How dear to our hearts is the old sil ver dollar, n"n some Kinaiy tate presents It to view. The liberty dollar, without necktie or collar And all of Its trappings, so old yet so new. The wide spreading eagle the arrows oeiow it The stars and the words with the stranae thinos thev tell. i i ne coin ot our fathers we're glad that we know it For sometime or other, 'twill come in rignt well. The eacjlt spread dollar, . The star spangled dollar. The old fashioned dollar, We all love so well. ft Well felks In'. fnrn. .. 1 and dehts and cut loose for one dayl and really celebrate. HOME BREW. November ale. The poi-t meant i One halt, of course, j Of one per cent. I O S When a man loir? anything else he ; ndvertists (er it. Out wh hit head he steps advertising. I . v Ar.ionq the citv imorovements we ! net- it the hrand new overcoat worn : by Dive Shambroek. The ccat is of; the Ijtnl autumn color and should i attract a g-eat deal of attention on a I 'ciggy mqnt. LAFE PERKINS SEZ: j "A lot of tht fellers who ate slum : in 1518 are now eatm' sirloin steaks." 'NOTICE TO SCHOOL CLERKS AND i ! CITV RECORDERS, i All SI'Ki lAl, TAX must he reported i 1 ! tills nfjice on or before lve. ruber ' List. j FRANK 1. CALKINS. ! ' As.sesSor. 1 It Kan't te Knstlv , Kollect Krv 'Ksuse K' of Kustoniers are Kul iMtin konsiilcrable Kuanitirs.. The Rcxall Store will tell you about It. 1 i VI A A I i eU- tjhhJil h I They are $f$ GOOD! lv TODAY'S MARKET REPORT 'KICKS PAID l AHMKltS FOB 1'KOInVCE nutter, 35 cats a pound. Iiutturfat, 46 cetnts. Eggs, 45 cents per dozen, r-ggs, puliet, crnis per dozen. Hens, hoary. 17 cents a pound. Hens, light, 10 cents a pound. Turkeys, No. 1, live, 28 cents per pound. Turkeys, No. 1, dressed, 33 cents per pound. Springers, under 3 lbs., 20 centa a pound. Slags, 15 cenis a pound. Old roosters, 10 cents a pound. Wheat, $ at mill, sacks re turned. Ilarley, J3 a ton. Veal, dressed. 8 to 12 cents a pound. lings, dressed, 13 cents, 120 to 160 pounds wergnt. Cowa, prime, 4 cents. v Steers, prime, i'A centa. Tomatoea, 30 to 40 cents. Lettuce, 80 cents per dozen. Honey, local production, 20 centa a pound. Cascara bark, 1922, e cents a pound. Oascara bark, 192', 7o RETAIL PRICES ON MILL PRODUCTS. Mill run, $i.o to $1.50 a sack of 80 pounds. Cracked corn, fl a 100 lbs. Rolled barley, $1.50 a sack of 70 pounds. Grey seed oats, per bushel, 76c to 80c. Feed oats, per 100, $1.90. Flour, soft wheat, $t.6R a sack. Flour, hard wheat, $2 00 a sack. EASY TO SET STOMACH RIGHT. If your stomach is out of order or distressed, no-matter from what cause. Ml-O-Na steniarh tablets will itive in stant relief in case of Indication, acute or chronic, or money back Guaranteed by V. F. Chapman. I'KVU ET1QI F.TTK The flac should be raised at sunrise and lowered at sunset. It may he raised at other times, but should ne ver he left out over night, except when It Is under fire of an enemy. On Memorial Iay tfie riajr should ho displayed at half-staff rrom sun rise until noon and at the peak from noon until sunset. When the "Star Spaneled Ilanner" is played or suns, stand and remain s'nndlne. in silence, until it Is fin ished. When the flag is passing on par ade, or In review, if you are walk ing, hnlt; if sitting, rise, stand ut at tention ntnl uncover. The flag should never he worn ns the whole nr a part of a costume. As a It should oe worn over the left breast. In decorating;, the flair shnnl,! I ver lie festuuned or ilrnn.,1 aiu-,. """k ikii If htm so Strlnes nr. Iinri-rmln1 1'ninn should be in left upper corn er. If hung perpendicularly, rnion j should he in right upper corner. me ti.iR should never he below a person sitting. piaccr; 1 lien carried In parade, nr when crossed vim other flaes. the stars ann htrlpcs should always be at tile right. When the flag Is placed over a bier or rask -t, the blue field should lie at the lead. As an aliar eoverins, the Vnlon should bo at the right as you race the altar, ami nothing should he pla ce,! upon th- flag except the Holv 111- M". The ring .should never lie reversed except In case of distress at sea. Cured without Knife, Opera i-oa or Coiif inement THOUSANDS ot rcp-.i-1 11. 1c and roponsiblc Kortiiivest rr'c f-1 tcs ti.v 1 1 my unl.iilinR skill in curir t; .Ik-s. Whysviiut thc r-'iii '.d dbcomfort when mv ru n-surgical ntctlioJ will cure you to stay cured? 1 ii all Joafct a a vm,) fcr la rvfvMl r" f ti I fil I mm PttM. mm Ww tvr r cSroa. h .- Vr nt call W BI7. CHAS. J. DEAN Ka3 Christian Church Sunday eve. Not. 12. Pantomlne, ,"I.ead Kin.lly LiKht," spotlight effect. I Miss jeanel Croft and Mrs. Stau I ton. DON'T PUT IT OFF. Have that Xmaa portrait made now. Jloseburg Studio, Eell Sisters Build ins. The Last Word in fashion Is never paid. There is always some thing new.' And you will find this "something new" in our stock now. jtj. A pleasant look given to "lookers." BRYAN'S Jewelry Silverware Pottery Pictures J North Side Grocery? t. Phone 324. V Telephone For prompt jitney service bonded carrier. Comfortable cars. HUDSON SHINING PARLORS K. J. Fenton R. Ritzman Auction House 32S N. Jackson Sale Every Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Both city, farm and stock sales handled to your satisfaction. Private sales daily. Radabaugh& Patterson ';'tr;Vielv; "SO MEM S" 19 F OI.KS care aliout the man no cares about clothes. liis A man begins to think about bis future chances his wanliohe lirnks its " lu re's vicor and vita in iipcr crHiins. Cleai ing is h.lif t!le cinthes brotlu r. I'atnty Imio- mere V.-hetl best. the ; Ptul battle thy. iJSiU 1 1? MRS. CHARLES 6 STANTON tarhst a nana. II! MvmotO i l a o ii n n t r tin gonuniLmNu; S Pure Lard In 2 lb. and 5 lb. 5 Pails. 4 f. Jewel Shortening in 2 lb., 4 lb. d 9 anil S lb. pails. 5 f Vegetable in 4 lb. pails. E f Crisco in 1 lb., 3 lb. and 6 lb. f, 0 tins. f A See our prices. V wi m?4 " "h Cre4 OIt. R"llenr Studio. ItU 8 Mn a. 5 An Excellent Opportunity The continued demand for new DoqVp p Motor Cars has brought us in a choir . Used Cars. There are some exception" cars in this display and the prices will 1004 you, surPrise A few of this week's offerings: Dodge Brother Winter Touring First class mechanical condition. New battery good tlrea, enamel good. Makes fine ap pearance. Price $675. Chevrolet 1917 model. 275. Dodge Brothers Touring 1917 model. Price $475. J.O. Newland & So Corner Cass and Stephens Sts. Roseburg OrJ PHYSICIAN ADVISES PEOPLE. " f V TVifn c 1 1 fTii r..H .i ! va-i-a wilt. ! stomach trouble which did not yield to any treatment. She took a dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy last Satur day with wonderful results. I have practiced medicine for 20 years and have never seen anything like it be fore. I have recommended Mayr's Wonderful Kemedy to several that I know need this treatment." It re moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or monev refunded. Vnr onto at all druggists. o The klmfly thoughts of Christmas tide are fittinelv emresserf hv tii gift of your portrait, given the utmost in expression at thi atmtin nMa burg studio, Pell Sisters Building. 9 mmMVkmiWmv J We Want to Celebrates Will be Closed all Day Saturday, Nod Uur help want to Celebrate, too H5SH333 1 An Invitation to the Ladies of Roseburg and Vicinity Miss Sarah Hodnett We invite you to meet Miss Hodnett representing the Dennhon Mfg. Co., who will be with us the first three days of next week November 6-7-8 Monday Tuesday rnd Wednesday at THE ROSERIRG BOOK STORE Here one may gain informa tion as to the uses of crepe paper, sealing wax and other ivnmson Materials THEItE IS NO CHARGE FOK INSTRUCTION Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CI.ASS3 IX Bead niouldina from scalinit w"1- ps for parties. Flowers of all seasons fashioned 'f ' , -"nar and vest aeta for atreet wear made from ere? r colors ao many things which are both practical aad Miss Hodnett comes to you with a best of M you in j our Christmas gift problems. U la seldom that those living ou!ide of the l'" "iifrtunlty of this kind, that we urge you (o attend lie" Roseburg Book Storj 1917 mj. . Uon. UT.'l Dodge Brothers Touring 2!i 3 ; s ATTENTION C0MPAW,, All ITIsWTthlM J n are required tobetttW t 9.-30 a. m. KmnSSl W mnih In ... ade. A real dlnnwfln,J 162 Inf. O K J mJ See our viniin i . " "m jiuuoipn luEaFia iiaiui b loggery. Wool and moluir. Bite paid. Call Brw. Phoae K, For those who delight in doing tH for themselves and tor the him I If ul it THE i 0 STUB - i- -. sOICT.i jzu.ianaitsant