nosui wmn-rvi'W, Saturday; October n, i9?a. Loans m&de by this bank may be paid off any time after five years and' the borrower may enjoy the unusual privilege of taking 33 years to repay his loan in installments. I The loans are made under supervision of the Farm Loan Board' a bureau of the United States Treasury. Do you want money on a non-maturing mortgage at 6 interest for term ot, from 20 to 38: years, under an amortization plan, to refund an existing mortgage; improve the property you now otpni buy more land; purchase equipment or lice stock; -provide buildings for your farm; or for some other agricultural purpose?. Then write direct to us. ' . California ejdint Stock Land Banlc f CAPITAL $700,000.00 ; 4 Corner Montgomery and Clay Streets 4. . SAN FRANCISCO B or DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO., Roseburg, Oregon ? IrWsio'jfarmcrs CSLWal 5PrviSrOn Locaews In from WtnrbnUor Miss Merle Hays, of Winchester wm In town today spending a few hours shopping. oer from Oakland- Miss Kuth Klggs, of Oakland, was In town today for several hours look ing after shopping matters. Wilbur VUltor Mix Lota Darts, of Wilbur, came In town today, to spend a few hours shopping. and visiting with friends. U'Mt lYtrk Visit E. D. Mowery. of West Fork, was a business visitor.: to the city today foi several hours. Here On Business Mrs. T. E. Welch, ot Oakland, arrived here last evening to spend a tew days shopping and lookiug after various business matters. Oakland Visitor Miss Gladys CTrlsten ,of Oakland, was in town, tor several hours to day looking after matters of snop piug and to visit with friends. Wlnbum Pauses Through , Jesse Wluburn, who has been spending the past few days in the northern part of the state passed through . here last evening enroute to his home In Ashland. Charles Hall Passes Through . Charles, Hall who has been spend ing a few days in the southern part of the state passed through on the Shasta this afternoon enroute to his home In, Portland. Here On Bnslness Supt. T. W. Gale of the Coos- Curry Telephone company, was lu Roseburg for several nours rooay. looking after business matters. Mr. Gale left on the Shasta this after noon for the" north. FULLERTON PIK SOCIAL. On Monday evening ot next week the Fullerton Parent Teachers Asso elation will hold Its annual pie social at the school house. An interesting Hallowe'en program will be given by the pupils who will be in masquerade. A prize will be given to the best room and also to the beat sustained char titter. Tie and cider will be sold the benefit ot the play shed. o BROCCOLI GROWERS! ' of Imported The regular annual meeting of the UMPQUA BROCCOLI EXCHANGE will be held at the City Hall, Rose burg, Saturday, November 4th at 10 a. m. Election of officers and other Important matters deinnnd the pres ence of all members. All other grow ers, desiring to unite with an organ isation -whose policy is the establish ment of a cash F. O. B- market for Oregon products, are invited to be present. FOSTER HUTNER. Manager. FLAVO" Hard Wheat Flour For Your Winter Supply An all Hard Wheat Flour, Guaranteed to give you satisfaction for every baking purpose MADE RIGHT SOLD RICHT BAKES RIGHT TRY IT $1.85 Per Sack Look for the RED NAME HAItO ' WHBAT , Douplas County! I KUUUK All Li U Culver's Hardware Store Is Robbed General Building Material CEMENT SHINGLES BRICK LATH PLASTER LIME SEWER PIPE LUMBER ROOFING REENFORCING STEEL L. W. METZGER Contractor and Builder. The Culver Hardware store was en tered last, night presumably by- two men who stole two valuable rifles and a revolver. From all indications the men climbed over the roof of the ware house in the rear and took a piece of half inch pipe and a long board and then went upon the roof of the main building. A ho;e was broken through the skylight and the pipe and board owered through to the floor and evi dently one man climbed down and the. guns were hoisted to the roof with a short piece of rope. One Remington .35 calibre automatic, a .300 Savage and .380 Remington pistol were tak en. Although the work o fthe thieves was quite plain .very . little was left to aid the officers in apprehending the men. ! o CARD OF THANKS, We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends who so kindly assisted in the loss of our be loved son and brother, and also tor the beautiful floral offerings. MR. AND MRS. J. H. ADAMS AND FAMILY. . The ladies of the Auxiliary to Trainmen entertained members of the Portland. Dunaniuir and Vancouver orders here last evening. A lovely 6 o'clock banquet was enjoyed at the Umpqua, after which the guests were taken to the lodge rooms, and a so cial good time enjoyed. There were about fifty in attendance at the ban quet, and the affair, proved to be most enjoyable. FIVE MIKWK LIBERATED IX VILIMTY lUOiJKiPOnT Gardiner Courier: E. P. Drough tery, government game warden ra. leased five baby moose at lake Tah kenitch last week. The moose were brought to Portland from Alaska and wese liberated in the country sur rounding Kroll, which Is a few miles above Keedsport. The moose were brought down by steamer, three fe males and two bull moose. The moose are the first to be lib crated in the state. It is said that the lakes in the district about Kroll are particularly fitted for these ani mals which thrive on the vegetation which grows on the borders ot the lake. Pond lily roots are said to be one of the cblef favorite foods of a moose. . Over a hundred warning signs have been sent out throughout this district offering a $250 reward to any person leading to the arrest and , conviction ot anyone shooting these i animals In the state of Oregon. Mr. i Droughtery intends to plant more moose in this vicinity next year. It these five thrive In this territory. rune Market Shows Redaction S-A1.EM, Oct. 28. Efforts of some pern to bear thd market, which has a advancing steadily for the past Weeks, is the latest development ae prune situation in the Willam- valley. Some feuyera are still 'in? to ihe prices offered through He week, but others have reduced r rTr'f,'s nl' a cent all along the This is evidenced by offers terday tor 60-6os or 6 "4 cents. tave l-en bringing 7 cents, nat the reduction is a purely bear n to tease obstinate growers ; Jelling Ik evidenced by the fact mere i nothing f'ral conation of the market that t '"" auv K-eakriM. I,-, -,.,!, In ,0 "roncer market. iiil I 10 rnaRt ,,Rre tne Califor-1 2',,'' at IM.OOO.OO pounds, or , tyiM.(K .(o pounds short of the. . imjrn were ik. .V!1 tt' figures on .the crop ,;tT" .Northwest have now W wWn " 5-W.00 pounds, ZZ J--f"-.0 pounds, below ear- and today are principally by buyers whd have covered on their . booked orders and aro now purchasing for speculation. The packing plants are still bidding for the choicer lots on a basis of 1 cent for 40-458, with a straight half cent drop straight down through and Including the 60's. The I.on Wahn lot of SO tons, aver aging 57 in size was purchased yes terday bv the KinK's Product com puny "for 7'4 cents the prevalent price sine the first of the wwfc. See the new Oldsmoblle truck The real larm wagon. 40 Cass St. J. V. Casey agent. HOLIDAY STATIONERY. Plate your order now for engraved Christmas announcements. This ,ls a clever way to remember your friends. The News-Review Is showing a beautiful line of engraved goods, bTith In Christmas announcements, calling cards and wedding stationery. Call finH see our lmo of fine engravings. At the Vmpqtut Among the guests registering at the Umpqua hotel last evening were K. D. Mowery, West Fork; D. S. Hol- loway, Portland; V. Mulhall. Port land; W. S. Rockhill, Portland; J. J. Stever. Eugene: Florence llalllday. Portland; Mrs. C. H. Smith, Portland; Mrs. John A. Holmes, Portland; H. II. Davidson, Corvallls; I.yn A. Brown, Corvallls; N. A. Walker, Portland: P, H. Ackerman, Portland; Mrs. T. E. Welch, Oakland; Gladys Christen, Oakland: John B. Palmer, Medford; Miss Loda Davis, Wilbur; C. B. Gray, Eugene: Jesse Wlnbum, Ashland; J.. A. Watson, Portland. Sutherlin Feels Car Shortage SUTHERLIN, Oct. 28. The car shortage Is holding up apple ship ments from Sutherlin valley, and un less relief Is forthcoming soon the situation is liable to result in con siderable loss to growers and ship pers. While Agent M. C. Bond is doing all he can to obtain cars, he finds It practically Impossible to se cure a sufficient number to meet the demand. The Guy Conner company was ob liged to close down Us local packing plant the first of the week owing to its Inability to obtain cars in which to make shipments. This company has only been able to ship two cars. It has two or three carloads ready for shipment, while its floors are full of apples waiting to be graded. The Oregon Growers has two car loads of apples ready for shipment which are feeing held until cars can be provided. The floors of the build ing are full of apples which aro be ing graded as rapidly as possible and packed for shipment. Thus far the Growers association has been unable to make any shipments of apples owing to Its Inability to obtain .cars. The John A. EcK lxx nas onweeu three and four ears ready for ship ment, but like the other plants, are waiting for cars. The company has several carloads of Spltzcnbergs and Newtown apples on Its floors, which are being graded nnd packed as rap idly as possible, but It .may bo sev eral days yet before It win be anie to load its first car. On Tnesdav Airent M. C. Bond suc ceeded in securing two cars for the growers and one for the Guy t on ner company, which somewhat reliev ed the situation at theBe plants. s j We Have Just Received a Shipment Bohemian Art Glassware It consists of a rare assortment of service able pieces, some of them beautifully and artis tically colored. This exquisite glassware will appeal to every woman in the city. Come in and see the line be fore the shipment is depleted. Churchill Hdw. Co. Leave after Visit Mrs. Stella J. Moore and Mrs. G. A. Gillespie of Jerome, Idaho, who have Iteen 'visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Booth and with Mrs. Nutalie lliiuin, left this morn ing by auto for Palo Alto, where they will spend the winter CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY." WANTED WANTED Sewing by Uie Jiofur t home. 747 Hamilton or phone 210-11. LOCAL MANAGER gas company wants modern, furnished house keeping rooms at once. Phono 235. WANTED Whlto oak logs or Umber. Address Nordby Lumber and Box 'Vu 702 Couch Buydlng, Portland, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M t r, n. nwt c?tt leiowsn. Pboe H40. tt Hrv .Tnksnn Rt. DR. (. H. Phyulolao, Pl.YI.RW htroprsotto 114 W, Lans St. TAHKEU TO PACK TRIAfj. 1 SALEM, Ore., Oct. 27. TMshas ment proceedings were filed In the supreme court today against Lon L. Parker, attorney of Portland, accusing him of "wilful deceit and misconduct in his profession.' He lo charged with diverting to hts own uca money obtained from clients or obtained in behalf of clients. He is required to make an appearance in court November 20. The complaint Is filed by the grievance committee of the Mult nomah Bar Association, AUTO TOPS AND UPHOLSTERING , . C. M. JONES Wlaeheater iA N, Jaeksoa Itsa Thane W, NOT ROBBER, BUT-BOOZE PEDDLER, STRANGE PLEA (TnterTinllnal News Pervlce.) i CINCINNATI,' O., Oct. 28. Bernard ! Haberman, 25, Brooklyn, N. Y., made the unique plea when arrnlgned hero recently as one of the principal in a ; pawnshop robbery that he was a boot-, legrer, but not a hold-up man. He j testified on the witness st-md lhat ' he participated in illicit whiskey traf- j flc, but the Jury decided after an I hour's deliberation that the prisoner ; was guilty of robbery. A new trial : was asked. FIRE CHIEF ENDS FIRE BEFORE FORCE AR Eugene Roseburg Freight Co. IIONDKI) CAHIUKUN. is now at the service of the freighters between these two points. Reliable and prompt service guaranteed. Trucks will leave both Roso burg and Eugeno at 7:30 a. m. , daily. Headquarters, Roseburg L. L. Roberts' Barn Phone 144. , WANTED To rent, five or six room furnished house. Geo. P. Jones, 'at office of Coshow and Jones. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished house keeping rooms. Call or telephone Wlllard Service Station. Ask for Mr. Walde. ATTENTION I WANTED H 0 u s e- palming, inside or out. Labour only. First come, first served. 11. Hough, Box 1146, Roseburg, Ore. WANTED A lob of any kind for an honest man. Am an experienceu laundry man, but will do anything. Herrlck 8later, Green River, wyo, WANTED Clerical position by young woman. Good education, although no businoss experience. Willing and eager lo learu. Write K, cure News-Review. FOR RENT FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes, Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Two heated sleeping rooms for the winter. Closa in. Phone 12- V. FOR RENT Building, corner 6ak and Rose. Inquire 211 W. Washington. FOR SALE Oak wood. Shine, 105 Cuss. Valat Shoo FOR SALE Young ewes any amount. it. u. (.ion, sutherlin, Ore. FOR SALE Canary birds. Mib. exander. Riverside Addition. Al- FOR SALE Oak block and pine wood. w. A. Jenkins. Phone 14-F-41. VOK SALIC Good apples, 60c a busfi- el. 5 miles south of town. Geo. B. Davis. FOR SALE Grape Juice, bring your containers, (SO cents a gallon. F. J, Burslk, Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE ClirysanthemumB at rea sonable prices. 114 N. Flint 8L Mrs. G. W. Kezartee. Eugene 757 Olive St. Phone 1174. FOR KENT One sleeping room, $12.50. Apply room 3, Warnock Apartments FOR--RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms. Lights and water furnished. $15 per mo. Call 217 Chadwick St., 3 blocks east Umpqua Hotel. Adults only; LOST AND FOUND fTntrrsnnnal New Service. CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 28.- Westcott quite appropriately has been Inwarded the tin derby as Cincinnati's 'at most resourceful fire marshal. While M passing a laundry Dunuing the other day he discovered a blaze tun the roof, turned in a call for a fire com pany and then dsshed up the stairs to tho roof and beat out the flames with a broom. "Fire's out!" he shouted down to the firemen who had Just arrived be low. "Ix)s: One broom and a dozen shinties." RIVES p p ?;LLen CIean, Attractive FOUND Small locket containing two photographs. Owner please call at thlsof f leo and describe It. FOUNOlioctor's machine kit. Own er can have sume by calling at this office, paying for adv., and identy- i,ltir nrnnurtv i J"'fS LOST Wed.'evo. in or between Ma jestic Theatre and the Lane street rooming house, a brown purse. Loave at this ofTlce. FOUND-Piirso containing money. Owner mny have same by paying for advertisement and identifying property at this oflee. LOST AValeriiian fountain pen between east Douglas street and the high school building. Finder please return to this office. That is what our store is. Everything in grocorlcs right up to the minute. Drop In and see lis and enjoy real service. I ECONOMY GROCERY Phone C3. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUll '"HOOF Needs repairing call flpancaku, phone a.'il-W. iTORNLkSS Toggeiiiic'rg goat for service. Geo. Walker, Winchester. TAKENt'P 6n7ryeafllng"calf. Owif cr pay costs. 1 mile south of town. ' FOR SALE THE HOLLAND BULBS Tulips and hyacinths are on sale now at The Fern. Fblt'HALK-Riby "buggy, nearly new. l'himeG2S It. FOR SALE -Hay. krtehbower Orchard Trai ts Phm 5R-F-3. FOR SALE Two upholstered chairs to match, 1 rocker,' 1 arm chair. Prlce$25 for the two. Phone 370. FOR SALE Pure bred Minorca cockerals, choice breeding. N. L. Conn. Phone 6-F15, Ro8eburg,Ore. FOR SALE Fresh "young heifer, purebred Jersey, gives seven" quarts ot milk daily, N. Bush, near Riv erside store. FOirSALEUood gentle work team, must sell at once. Weight 2500. W. M. Taylor, 827 W. Douglas St, Rooiu 2. FOR SALE Single buggy with bar ness, $18; and two-horse spring wag on, $18. R. E. Mathls. Phone 3-F4,-or Route 1, Roseburg, Ore. - FOR SALE-VTwo O. h C. brood sowa with 9 pigs, all $46. One 2 year old thoroughbred boar, fine condition, O. I. C. Improved type, $25. Und blotn, Dixonvllle. FT)irSALESwtHitldMin any quan tity at tho Renner ranch, Happy valley bridge. Orders left at New, Review office will receive prompt attention. RESTAURANT for , sale or trade. Good business; only eating place in town; halt block oft highway. Good reason for selling. Address D. M. Cuiwell, Yoncnlla, Ore, care Rex Cafe, F0R8XLEJersel bnll,Noble" ot llnnnlehome, 4 yrs. old on May 1st, 1922. Good disposition. Beautiful ' animal. Price $100. B. B. Sutton, Umpqua, Oregon. FO'll TRADE birSELL 440 acres In Klamath county on county road, R. R. through place, 100 acres clear ed, 40 acres In fall rye, adapted to grain and stock. Want small Im proved place. II. L. Mills, Hlldo brand, Oregon. XltEAirsNAP-Buslnoss lot, 60 feel on paved street. Improved with ' good 8 rm. house. At 235 Sheri dan street. Rent of house alone will pay big interest on Investment. Sen this. Act quirk. O. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. FOirSALB-21 Jewel watch. $3"07 Folding kodak, post card size, with rase, tripod and extra lens, $22, Film pack camera. 2x3, $1.50. Leather music fold, like new, $4, Write P. O. Box 343, giving ad dress nsd phone number. $15000 "WAS PAID at auction for lliia great Jersey bull. Noble, of Oak lands. Have a six months' old grand son of his for sale at $50. Regis tered and transferred. Write for further description. Edgewator Kiiim. Mvrlle Creek. Ore. ii ..... J UhT 'ho ,act that Practically all LI of the iwst weeks f-Wt. l. "ist ine eastern re clean of prunes and do- H-v.rT Tv " aone practically rw.H. h"rp r"ni"s In the hands oners noted yesterday Th Clancy v,'-NS II 4Vi II 1 JI.V I - . I I ii f fx .mn. in i t rivi. i it xt .7V'iii' ir .ir i Kids Doesn't Take Much to Please Timmie Bv TFf!f.Y L. CROSBY UA.ft ir