Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 20, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    ROEima NIWHttfllW, FIPV. OCTOBER , 19??.
Hard Wheat Flour!
Just a good flour whose quality is best proved in the baking. Milled
in Eoseburg from the best of hard wheat from Montana and Idaho.
We guarantee this flour to give you satisfaction for every baking
purpose. You be the judge. Make bread three times, if you are not sat
isfied your grocer will return your money.
Made Right Sold Right
Bakes Right
Try It-You'll Like It
Per Sack of 49 Pounds
The Douglas County Flour Mill
Roseburg, Oregon
Fullerton P. T. A.
Has Good Meeting
The first meeting of the year of
the Fullerton Farent-Teachers As
sociation was held Friday evening,
October 13, the meeting being com
bined with a reception for the Ful
lerton school teachers. Kleciion of
officers was held, Mrs. Foster Rut
ner being elected president for an
other term. Delegates were also
elected for the state convention of
the Parent -Teachers Asaoeiation
which will be held at Kunene, Oct.
26, 26, 27. The president, Mrs. Hut
oer, will attend, and Mrs. J. K. llun
yan also. The association also laid
plans for a Hallowe'en social for the
children which will be Kiven the
SOth of October. A musical pro
gram, social hour, and dainty re
freshments ended the evening.
Klamath Woman
. Is After Judgeship
fy United Press
Kf.AMATH FALLS. Oct. 10.
Women sometimes have a way of
getting what they go after, nnd Miss
Lottie Fischer wants to be police
Jud;e of Klamath Fulls. She dropped
a smart lookin toiiue Into' (he politi
cal ring last week aud announced
I that her supply of feminine intuition
and spirit of fair piny, cultivated for
(2 years, is at the disposal of those
in trouble wnn tne law.
Miss Fischer at present is clerk of
tho council and performs most o( the
duties in rounectlon with the police
court bench, vacant sinro Judge A. I..
Leavitt s elevation to the circuit
court. Mayor W. II. Wiley has been
Judge pro-torn.
-- .n s
. . 1
Douglas County g
Kiwi-burg, Oregon
ban's Club to
gardens and grounds of our already
attractive Roseburg homes.
tlom la a .k.nM t knln . 1. 1 1
ViVfi rlCiWer DOOtl lrsry Ly thinning out some of the
IJVe i tuM'i" plants which multiply so rapidly and
- to secure at the same time a variety
RoKbcrg Woman's club will for your own garden. Cut flowers.
W of I flower booth at the we" Dulns; an ro8e
irsemsi'" slips, will also be on sale.
liollrrair, aim m-v contributions may be left at the
It sork to make It a success, j Armory on Wednesday, October 25,
I have secured promises that or limbs may be left at the chamber
Jo! the nest prominent gardens : of commerce at any time. The com-
citj will oe representea. ; nuttee asks that you label every
ihrr or not your garden Is, thing carefully and if possiblo state
L .mill the committee asks i color also.
krrrone contribute what they I o
kare. In thu way tne nowerj There will Be a card party at Mao-
will maKs possiuie uu unci- caoeo nan, rnuay, uci. zu, given Dy i
of choice bulbs and plants the L. F. of D. of L. F. and E. Ad-!
should result In improving the V mission 35c. Refreshments served.
Melrose School District No. 25,
Douglas County, Oregon, offer 1800
school warrants for sale.
In "Fascination," Mae Murray's
latest production, presented by Rob
ert Z. Leonard at the Antlers The
atre for the last time tonight, the
famous Metro star turns to Spain
for her background.
In "Fascination" she appears as
the daughter of a Spanish father and
an American mother. The combin
ation of the Latin temperament aud
the Anglo-Saxon gives Miss Murray
a wonderful opportunity to do re
markable acting as Dolores Do Lisa.
She portrays the part of a young
girl, who revolting against the chup
eronage of an aunt, decides to give
herself a holiday. Disguising her
self in a black wig and holiday garb
she attends a bull fight nKuinat the
wishes of her aunt. At the bull
fight she meets Carrlla, a handsome
young toreador, who fascinntes her
immediately. It Is this fascination
that supplies tbo main motive fur
the play.
o 1
Orcutt In Salem
Attorney A. N. Orcutt left this
afternoon for Salem to attend to le
gal matters.
Ijeland Ilrown Homo
Lelaner Brown, son of Siato Jus
tice George M. Brown, was In Rose
burg today. He has been on a hunt
ing trip up the North Umpqua to
Rock Creek. He la now located at
The Dalles where he Is employed
In the district highway engineer's
office. '
Big Drop
He are in receipt of word from the factory announcing the following new prices on
Ford cars and trucks, effective at once:
Chassis-Regular - - $235.00
Chassis-Starter and demountable rims 330.00
Roadster-Regular - - - 269.00
" Starter and demountable rims 364.00
Touring-Regular - . 298.00
Touring-Starter and demountable rims 393.00
Coupe - - - - 530.00
Sedan . 595.00
Truck - - - - - 380.00
Health Lectures
Will Be Given
(rw United Press
PORTLAND. Oct. 20. Persons
ho are interested in the care of their
todies and who cannot afford Indi
vidual medical attention are expected
to take advantage of a series of lec
tures and exhibits at the civic audi
torium here October 26.
The work Is under tho direction
of Dr. George Parrlsh, city h.'tillh of-
licer. and will feature the Oregon
health exposition centering lu the
auditorium, tho slate medical school
and the county of Multnomah hospi
tal here, for tho period of October
(i to November 4. Public clubs and
civic organizations generally are su?t
portiug Health Week, and will aid
KnlKhln of I'yttilna Alpha Lodge. No.
.i, im-tM every luesrtny evening
111 Knlh'ht or l'hvthlan Hull, 130
llulo St. VlHltors alwAyn welcomed.
KtTnot.l'H It IT MAN. O. O.
.1. n. FAItntNOTON. M. V.
R K. WlMUKItl.Y. K. K. S.
All Prices F. O. V. Detroit.
Tl l-ritea are the lowest over ciuoted in Uie history of the Ford Motor Company
ir(5itl, the late imi.mvnmnnt. i., nil mfvli-U niuke the Ford car an exceptional value
for the money. vc invite your inspection of the different models on display at our
C.A.Lockwood Motor Co
Local Ford Dealers.
Dorothy riillllps, the superb em
otional actress with a string of suc
cesses to her credit, demonstrates
her versatility as never before in
Allen Holubar's "Man-Woman-Mnr-
riage," the young producer's latest
super-feature sponsored by First na
tional, which comes to tne Majestic
tonight only.
She Is seen as a lovable young
girl with Ideal ot true affection;
as a drudging housewife; as a so
ciety butterfly: then as a mature
woman of national affairs; as a cave
woman clad In leopard skin ot the
Neolithio age; as a headstrong
young miss ot the age of kniRhl-
hood; as tho Queen of the Amazons
when women ruled and as a Chris
tian slave at the court of the Ro
man Emperor Constantine.
She wears In turn a score of dif
ferent costumes and Is called upon
to enact big emotional partB In each
of the different types she portrays.
Only a finished actress, such as
Miss Phillips, could handle ' this
wide diversity of roles with the
perfect ease with which the star of
"Man-Woman Marriage" encompas
es them.
Imperial Highness
in Royal Tantrum
(International News Service.)
PKKl.VG, Oct. 20. His Imepiar
Highness, limperor of tho World, Los
Angeles, is lu a royal tantrum be
cause Emperor lisuan Tung, retired
ruler of China, doesn't answer his
letters. There may be a falling out
in the king's union, but Just now thu
j Los Angeles potentale is blaming it
'on the China postolice,
I "I, the Imeprlal Commander of the
Royal American .Military forces, re
cently wrote to my beloved friend the
I Emperor of China." wrote the Km
1 peror of tho World of Los Angeles
to "Tho Postmaster of Peking."
"So far I have received no reply
and as wo are very prompt in nil our
correspondence 1 uni convinced that
you have lost or dciatncd the letter.
You arc requested to attend to this
, matter at once und seo that the letter
is delivered."
The signature whs In a flowing
kingly hand of the nhl school. .
The 'lYfclng Postmaster' replied:
"We beg to Inform your highness
that mail addressed to the Kmperur
of China is delivered promptly by
carriers assiicned to the Korludden
City, where he now lives, and we lire
sure that if your leiinr reached tills
office and was properly addressed.
It was delivered. Wo suggest that
you take the mutter up directly with
the Manchu household."
It Is liellcvcd In i'vklng that the
failure to answer w-is an oversight as
tho Emperor of Chit. a Is a busy boy
just now and likely to he soiocvwtst
flustered and a M-niiinied. lie
U getting roadv for hin marring" to
two women. The wedding pr parti
tions are elaborate and the ceremony
was ricently postiie d from Orrober
10 to a day in Ni.nmlier yet to be
U o. o. P"- rHMn ixti. No. K
in iirnj 4nnwa jemprs very
Friday avselng at t in o'clock, cutt
ing bralhren sro lmvs welcome.
. i. nmorcs. ilea Bee.
J. a RAII.EY. Ftn. 800.
4. K. Jk A. nM Jinrrl l,au Nu. 13.
RAftulfer communications 2nd And 4tli
Wednesrlayfl each month at Maeonlc
Irtmpte. ttueeburg. Ore. Visitor wel
evui. W. U THOMAS, W. M.
W. fr. TIAIUUS. Becy.
riiK m:rt riti mofn isn i-
TIO mfte In the Maccabea hall the
let and 3rd Tueeave lo each m th.
M'tll!IIOI4 IIP WOOIX HAH l.ll.ic
Ulrul rto. 4!l. meut on 1st and 3rd
' Kiiday evenings In Moose hall. Visit
ing neighbors Invited to attend.
m M AIWA It HT W 1 1 1TN B V. Clerk.
t C. S KitacRum ctiMvlr n-
Holds, their regular meeting on tne
1st and 3rd TrnirfMtayi In each month.
All soiournng hrotliors and eletorf
are reape.rctllly Invnod to attend.
FHKB JOIlNHoN. S-rtary.
,-vX - Ml
remember the lowest priced
Baking Powder is often the
most expensive that baking
powder economy cannot be
based on purchase price it's
results that count That's why
The Economy BEHJQ P9JHER
is the biggest selling brand in America.
You save when you buy it you save
when you use it
Use the same Baking Powder that
guards the purity of bakings in millions
of homes that retains its unfailing
leavening strength to the very last spoonful.
The sale of Calumet is over 150
greater than that of any other baking
A pound can of Calamet contain full
IS ounces. Soma baking powders come
in 12 ounce instead of IS ounce cans. Be
sure you get a pound when you want it.
several health leagues In making tho
aTfalr a period of uncertainty and sor
row for Mr. Ubiquitous tierin.
t'Altl) OF THANKS,
l'or the many klndueases extended
to us during tho Illness and after thu
death of my beloved husband, lnn
iel 13. liunnell, I desire to express my
heartfelt appreciation. They will
ever lie held In grateful remem
brance. xtna. n. n. iiunnell.
Two clean cut men having experi
ence with house to house work. Hitch
class article, no competition. Good
for $10 to $20 dally, ('omiulsslonn
paid daily. Address V. O. liox 267,
llns-ohurjr. Ore.
Watch for the aluminum salu. Sat- ,
unlay, Oct. 21 at McKean, Darby and
Baldwin's store. See window display.
In from Tiller
Hugh Kilter of Tiller, assistant
district forest ranger, was in ltosi
burg today attending to business matters.
Hero From Portland
Dr. Z. L. Dlmmlck, of Portland
wus In Hosoburg for a few hours ;
yesterday looking nfter business .
matters. Dr. Dlmmlck Is a former
resident of this city.
iv. o. 'C. A1. Meelft each leconrt and
fourth Thursday ot each month In
Muccdbe ball, corner Cass and Fine
streets. VUltlng Knight aiwsy
U r. QOOPMAN, Com.
a W. KAP. R. K.
tMTKll A'tSA. itJiote In Macea
li hall every Wednesday evening
Visiting members nttt-aA'e welcome.
Mll.riliHl) M'fTll.fXH.'H Tress.
KLHIU IltlMPHHUY. tiecr.
hoodmk or vts WOULD camp
No. 126, meet, in Odd Kellow' hall
In Roeeburg every 141 ana 3rd Mon
day eventnirfi. VlelLlng neiatiburi
always welcome.
11. M. Mll.LlOK. Clerk.
I. A I III. I, I IHI'TDIl No. SI, n. A. M
United couvoeal lone on Urtit and
third Tuertlaye. Maaonlc Temple. All
memhrre rvniieMted to attend anil
visiting companion web-ome.
n. A. WILSON. MlKh PrleaL
W. r. HAHBIH. Becretary.
W. II. A. O." T. W Roeeburg ltcvlew
No. 11 holds regular nieeilnse on eeo
ond and fourth Thurvday at S p. m.
telling eltere Invited to attend re
vlewe. Uaccabee Hall, Pin and Caa
It. P. O. I'.lka. Nnwbrs ldae Na. Sa
Hold regular corntnunleatlons a'
th Kike' Tempi on each Tbu-sday
of every month. All membr r
qticHted lo attnnd reKUlarly. and all
vlRltlng brother ar cordially in
vited to attend.
J. K. n.tiRitr, K. U.'.KARA rtoeenurtf tlobkah
Lodtie No. 41. I. O. O. V.. meete In
Odd Fellow Temple every week on
Tuesday evening. Visiting meo'berl
In good standing ar Invited U at
tond. r)KltTRfl!7 IIATKIKLD. N. O.
KTUKI. HAII.KV. Kl. "ecy.
KAI-i.Ks tt'iseoiira Arte n"eie to
Moiiih hnll on Ja kson Kt. on 2nd and
41)1 MttKlar evenlnKS of eheh month
at I e'elo' k. Vleltmg brethren e
aooi standing Vwnvi w..i on.e.
A. J Wl'I.l K. W P. P
W. M. I. A MKRK. W. P
U. K. OixiDMAN. eiretry.
WANTED Applo pickers. Overland
Orchards, Harden Valley.
WANTED Contract cutting fir wood
up to 1000 cords E. T. Doylu, ltosu-burg.
WANTED Lady to demonstrate und
sell nn article lit rlty. Address H.
O. I. care News-Kevlew.
Utilise. llos. J'bisd district pre
ferred. K33 South I'lne.
tot. flfi I.I MMR (
- ft SASH
r wntnt
IWtrf if ullf 1v
itniM, ri-
fantifW Itn-a
m bra owfrtial.
Li. Uirrt Utttm
M- ntanarartiirrr
; Mrirtf 9tr.
.. 11 t mt Avttmm
Cold, silfl inotorn and tjooily va
porized "g;t" liiaVies It urgently
neteasary that your car's ignition
system deliver FAT, HOT
Kl'AKKri which it WILL Jo If
you have us look over the system
on your car.
"A S'i'tu In lime saves Niro"
be'dr have us 'lo the nuik NOW
ai:ti rfce expeni-e, inconveiiieftco
and worry.
IllflH SCiiOOL HOY Would like a
place to woik for board and room.
Atldress "S" care News-Kevlew.
I AM TAKING orders for flesh clean
clams sent by pni cel post. Ken Earl
l'arker nt 933 W. 1st St., or phono
WANTED Man to take agency for
Mac-Dry llaltery for Douglas coun
ty, (iood proposition- Wrilo or
call on Mac-Dry llattery Co., Dlh
and l'earl KIs., Eum'iie, Oregon.
IiKESS MAKINO May Waniock.
ltell llullding.
TO TRADE for 'hay or grain, buzi
sw, six H. I1. encine, inaMiieto typo
on truck, first clasi order. Vtlce
XL'SO. H. J. llaseei, Clendalli', Ore,
FOlt IlKNT Safely deposit boxes.'
Itoseburg National Hank.
FOU KENT---Sleeping riMiin, I2.7J ;
pT week. 613 Mill h't.
FOlt RENT One 7 loom and olio C
room house. I'tinne Ji'i-,1. (
FOU ItENT-'tiaraae near Kosi '
school. ititn.'.iin. l'tmno 2"S L.
1'Oli JiKXT 1'iilir furnished hmioe-.
keeping rooms. 21i S. Kose St.
Pbll" ilKNTTwii In aied ' sin ping !
rooms for tho winter. Close In. j
I'hone 12-Y.
Ktiic KENT- i'ieannit' room.
I'se of telephone and b.i'h. Ki-a.-nn- 1
able. 311 k. ak. !
FOlt KENT - ( out riil h.iti-T priiptliv? ;
Comer Hose und Oak s! reels. In- .
quire 21 1 Wa-lnr ri'in street. I
FOU KENT' -2 lut.e ' .d I,
keeping room-:. Adulu on!v. 217
Chadwlck sr. 3 blocks last I'm-
p'lua hotel. i
lJlHT Child a Jade fa er. J'inder
please leave ';irne at News UeieW j
office, or call 12 J. j
FOI'ND Small b" ' 't roniaiuuig two i
I-Fioto(rraplis. owner i,;.-;i-e call at !
this offlco srtd ib" r-rllm II.
S;l'Ni Iioi nr' n,iii hine kit. Own
er ran have s;lni" bv laliiru at this ,
office, paving for adv., and iuenly- t
fvltlg prt peily.
Lo.T lllsek i h. r w;M, st cor-I
lier of I:ne nnd ''o-l.i r st Oc! . t
13. eontniiiii.i; l-' i ". Liberal re
ward. Notify ibis office.
-. I
FOR sALE Hay. Kdcnoower Orchard
Tracts. Phone 2C F-3.
FOlt SALE Oak block. and pine wood.'
W.A. Jenkins. I'hone 14-F-41.
FOU SALE CHEAT Water power!
' wnslilng machine. I'hone 309.
FOK SALE I'oni lu good condition.'
Leo Friend, Hrockway, Ore. .
Foil SAI.i'i Tent, 10-x" 12! AiiTo
camp stove. 1380 Umpgua Ave.,
FOR SALb-Orey oafs "cheet, vefcU
and grass seed. J. F. Marker & Co.
FoiiTsALE i"s77w "winrpigs. 2 to
bare pigs. J. II. Cunningham, phona
FOlt SALE Koadster in good condl-!
tlon. Cheap. Address T, care News-,
hyacinths are on salu now at Tho
F'Olt'H A I ,E( uif ip'pYiTs5o per box
at J. C. MolTItt, near Kelley Koiner.
Also horse anil cow.
FOU HALE Sbt'opsh i'ro" b uc'k-hiiu C
milch cows, waiion, and block wood.
l'hono 6 F-2t. lloscoe Conn.
GOOD AI'l'LE.S.'riO cents a box7 Hi-6
slKti five miles south o( Itoseburg
ut stone gateway, (leorgo E. Davis.
SKW1NO MACllTTEa" rented and 'fi?
paired. New prices. Used tunchlnes
$'1 up. Hemstitching. Singer store,
Jackson St.
toll SALE -Faun Implements of all
kinds. Horses, eattlo and sheep, at
my ranch, 4 miles south of Dlllard,
Ore. O. L. and ('. L. Willis, Dillard,
Ore Phono 22 I 3.
FtirrSA I.E' "llar'sa I nMa i we 1 1 "ri mil
sler, l'.2'l. Cood tires, ono exira
wImh'I nnd tire. New cvbtiietor,
new batteiv and ntw rear drive.
J. It. Wheeler, liox 21, Winchester,
FOU SALE by owner. l.'.O acres, near
Cottak'e litove, good fmprovernefits.
s'line Sim k and implements: a real
M.tip it taken nt once; will lake
other property or rood auto as pari
piiviuenl. J. J. Wonders, Cottage
Orovo, Ore.
I'DIt HALF lltlT Ford totinnir.
)Viiitpil with Hasb-r shocks, lit rr
steerinit wheel. Was overhaubil
about r,n duvs hko Is niechanlcallv
In giKjd shape. This car rocs at
$I".V W ill ifive terms. Itiipille at
Willard'e liarber Stiop or jdiono
11 after p. ni.
FOR HALE-- r,r. acres at 100 per
arre; located five rnlles i-oitth of
llos. burg, 1-4 mile off Pacific
l'irbwae on graveled rnnd. Ten
strev of priin-s and apples: ptol
I'ttildlnRs, h"tt-e newly finished
itiilde; pioderu iiiiprovements;
spring water pipid to house. Sol
diers 1. otitis loan will handle. Poor
hestth forces th. sacrifice. Sen
owner. Ceo. E. Darls, Star
iloute, Itoaeliurg, Or.